December 4, 2020

"This might have been a holy-shit speech, but it came in the 'yeah, whatever' phase of Trump’s lame-duck Presidency...."

"The temptation is to look away, to move on, to cringe and avert your gaze. That is exactly what the Republicans in the Senate, who have stood by Trump through impeachment and other ignominies, have done this week, pivoting so seamlessly into bashing the new Biden Administration that they never even stopped to acknowledge its existence.... Do Republicans think they have a free pass to pretend that the past four years never happened? Do they think they can simply return to the partisan status quo ante, complaining about nasty tweets and potential conflicts of interest, without anyone bringing up the current President? I don’t think this was what Biden meant when he said, during the campaign, that his Presidency would mark a return to normal."


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Rusty said...

steve uhr said...
"I took an oath to protect and defend the constitution and would fight and die to protect the republic from scum like you. But it won’t happen because you with your assault rifles strapped around your flab in public are all talk."
You might want to read the document some time. You'd be amazed at the rights scum like me have and the constitution guarantees. Sort of protects me from overzealous functionaries like you.

jim said...

Before this is over Trump will overtly call for insurrection. At that point Pence, if he took his oath seriously, would get to work on 25th amendment removal. But he won't.

Luckily the military won't have it, and even spineless McConnell and Barr might stand up.

Rusty said...

just remember steve, The violent antifa tactics that worked for you can also work against you.
You made this. Every thing that proceeds from here is on you.

steve uhr said...

Rusty. I’m not affiliated with antifa. I don’t support antifa. In fact I oppose antifa. What did I say that made you think otherwise. The fact that I oppose violence from the right? Your reasoning skills are fucked

stan said...

Democrats are gaslighting.

Their behavior the last four years has been an outrage worse than anything ever seen before in our nation. Trump's objecting to blatant, overwhelming election fraud isn't the slightest bit crazy.

Democrats have become pure evil.

Rusty said...

Blogger steve uhr said...
"Rusty. I’m not affiliated with antifa. I don’t support antifa. In fact I oppose antifa. What did I say that made you think otherwise."
You support the left. You support antifa. You claim you took and oath to protect and defend the constitution, but your posts here show that you are quite selective when it comes to defending the rule of law. But what do I know, I'm scum.

Qwinn said...

For the entire election season - my wife checked about once a month for months - if you went to, you were immediately redirected to the Biden Harris page.

The Biden Harris page could have stopped that redirect if they wanted.

They never did.

Coast-bound said...

While I understand the deep beliefs that animate the comments on this thread, it does seem peculiar that, in a blog by a law professor, so many are unable to consider the essentially unanimous decisions by state and federal courts, including many Republicans and those appointed by the President, as valid. Do we really think that these 40+ courts have deliberately refused to consider the claims made to them by those challenging the election or the evidence, such as it is? Is it possible that so many courts in numerous states are rejecting the President’s claims because they are corrupt, incompetent and/or trying to change the outcome?

The current situation in Georgia is especially bizarre. The Republican governor and Secretary of State, both Trump supporters endorsed by the President, have declared the various claims of impropriety as unsupported and have firmly defended the outcome declared by the state election authorities. Yet, both the President and the two Republican senatorial candidates reject that conclusion as well as the court rulings affirming it.

Likewise, Attorney General Barr has stated that the DOJ has no evidence showing any fraud or misconduct sufficient to call into question the outcome in any state, as has the FBI.

Yet, many here, and elsewhere, maintain that the election results were invalid to a degree that those results should be set aside and either the President declared the victor or a fresh election held even if neither state or federal law would permit such extraordinary relief. Some essentially ask that the election be federalized.

This has become a destabilizing process in which calls for extra-judicial action, such as martial law, or direct action by unelected and unaccountable citizens are growing louder, even as the courts (and state officials responsible for elections) firmly reject the claims that the election results were false or fraudulent. It seems that no judicial or administrative process, however conducted, will satisfy those who believe that the “election was stolen” such that, in their minds, any and all actions of whatever type towards overturning the certified outcomes is warranted.

Say what you want about how many Democrats were unwilling to accept that Trump won but, in my view, they fought for their views within the available legal and legislative regime and did not call for martial law, sedition or other unconstitutional or illegal actions. And even if you disagree with that, do you think that this justifies such actions now in order to retain Trump? If you do, just admit that the ends justify the means and that you, like the opponents that you claim will stop at nothing, don’t believe that this is a country of laws and not men. You are then the same as those you disagree with. Sadly, this congruence is not the same as unity. We will collectively reap what we sow, wrecking the nation because, in our minds, it is the other side’s fault.

Or we can let those responsible for elections, and courts receiving challenges to those results, do their job, even if we disagree with their conclusions.

Qwinn said...


The judges are operating under the absurd, internally contradictory premise: "It doesn't matter if the election was stolen! The people have spoken!"

Seriously, read their declarations. That's what they're basically saying. Which is insane.

And the vast bulk of them have refused to even consider the evidence. They're prejudging it and throwing it right out.

And we have seen affidavits galore, a mountain of statistical impossibilities and video evidence of ballot stuffing.

No, don't expect us to have any confidence in these results. Particularly not in the context of the FBI refusing to prosecute any Democrat for any of their massive crimes for the last 4 years.

The system is corrupt to the core. Give me another reason the FBI covered up, or actively hid, Hillary's email server and Hunter Biden's laptop, while sending 15 agents because someone mistook a pull cord in a garage for a noose.

The Tangerine Tornado said...

Do democrats think they have a free pass to pretend that the past four years never happened?

Anonymous said...

Gospace. I know these young men. As an NCO, I babysat them. They exceeded me, which they were supposed to do. Young officers are full of piss and vinegar. They become leaders of men.

They know not to cross the Rubicon, but if it comes to that, all hell breaks loose.

PS. I don't wear a fucking mask. Ladies, please forgive my French.

Rusty said...

Where'd steve go?

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