This is the sort of thing that I want to hang onto. When Trump is finished in office, under indictment, facing foreclosure on his half-billion personal debt, and in divorce court versus Melania — when some will feel sorry for Trump — I want to remember a speech like this.
Chuck: "Fraudulent or not, if Trump loses, it's a win for me." -- I missed that one. I have to add it to the list of Chuck! reveals. Chuck said... "I am afraid you are mistaking me for someone who has an interest in fair treatment of Donald Trump. I'm not your guy. I am interested in smearing him, hurting him and prejudicing people against him." 3/4/16, 4:46 PM
Ann Althouse said... Chuck, you're doing clutter. You're causing me (and I presume others) to just have to scroll to get past your long and repetitive stuff. You need to change what you are doing or you will become one of the small group of people I call bad faith commenters, whose posts I delete without reading whenever I see them. I'm quite serious. You need to cut way back and keep it short. Stop repeating yourself. Everyone is bored and you are not cute. And don't argue with me in the comments. Stop doing clutter. 8/3/17, 2:16 PM
Never forget that in addition to LLR-lefty Chuck's admission that he was here to smear and lie about Trump as well as Chuck's many racist attacks against Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas and Senate candidate John James, amongst other black conservatives, LLR-lefty Chuck also proclaimed his other key reason for posting at Althouse is to drive a wedge between Althouse and her readers.
All things that no doubt contributed to LLR-lefty Chuck being banned from Althouse blog.
And dont even get me started on LLR-lefty Chuck's frequent and bizarre personal communications to Althouse that reached such a state that Althouse eventually was forced to comment on them.
Who can ever forget LLR-lefty Chuck's psychotic break with reality when LLR-lefty Chuck went Full Captain Queeg/April Ryan Mode over Sarah Sanders Pecan Pie, which also led to some strangely violent imagery offered up by Chuck against Sarah Sanders.
Truly one for the ages.
One of several times Chuckles demanded intense Special Prosecutor level investigations into the Trump Communication Team....over a pecan pie.
I think these are things the Althouse commentariat should "hang onto" for important context when evaluating whatever Chuck's far left/democratical narratives happen to be.
The left hates Trump for bringing prosperity to all Americans in the form of jobs and wage increases, mostly to those under the 1%. He’s started ME peace, stopped endless wars, renegotiated treaties to be fair to the US.... yet the left hates this. Why? They seem to hate all Americans, not just republicans.
Oh, and the world knows this election is a sham. Some foreign leaders won’t mind this of course... Others will.
By the way, did anyone ever come up with pictures of Biden marching with Mandela as Biden claimed he did.
I imagine those would be very valuable photos right about now as the Harris/Biden ticket goes thru the motions of appearing to want some sort of unity.
Not to worry, when the photos do not emerge, I suspect the "Putin stole the photos!" narrative is already teed up for launch.
"I think these are things the Althouse commentariat should "hang onto" for important context when evaluating whatever Chuck's far left/democratical narratives happen to be."
In order to evaluate them, I'd need to read them first. No thanks.
Very respectfully, Althouse; because we all understand your fascination with the effective uses and sometimes embarrassing misuses of language, and because you are famously fascinated with Donald Trump’s communications stylings...
You could have fun blogging this; for weeks, Trump repeatedly made the embarrassing and barely- conceivable error of calling experimental military hypersonic missiles “hydrosonic” missiles. There are no “hydrosonic missiles,” and Hydrosonic is a brand name for an electric toothbrush.
No one could figure out why Trump kept making the malapropism. Why none of his aides corrected him. He did it so many times, his critics in the press, who did real-time fact checking and went over transcripts, lost count of the “hydrosonic missiles” gaffes.
But tonight was the fabulous culmination. Having no doubt been informed of his past mistakes, in this speech Trump now claimed that we do in fact have both hydrosonic AND hypersonic missiles. “You know what ‘hydrosonic’ is, right?”, Trump asked. “It’s water.” Uhhh.
I'm Not Sure: "In order to evaluate them, I'd need to read them first. No thanks."
Utilizing Cliff Notes-like abbreviated summariesis more than sufficient for such a task as there is zero nuance or depth to the far left/democratical pap Chuck offers up.
The "good news" for Chuck? He still has his fellow lefties gadfly, readering and Inga strongly in his corner.
Any chance Biden has of being viewed as a one-term success in office requires one or both of the Republicans to win these Senate seats.
Unquestionably, Biden lost any ability he once had to lead a centrist path for his party against the hard left.
Biden needs to feign frustration that he cannot deliver on his party's demands, in order to bring his party's left closer to him rather than at his throat.
If I had to guess I would say LLR-lefty Chuck is probably about 4 gin and tonics into his 12 gin and tonic regime which always yields some of LLR-lefty Chuck's greatest psychotic "hits", and usually over weekends at night, for obvious reasons.
One recalls Chuck's repeated attacks against Barron Trump and Chuck's smears against Melania claiming she was an escort/prostitute.
So, I think we can all expect some fireworks out of Old "reliable" Chuck.
Blogger Chuck said... “You’re all victims, every one of you.” President Donald J. Trump, tonight. ---- Yeah..that perfectly comports with concerns over election fraud. Try again.
What a pathetic and embarrassing display from an American president. What a way to squander his final days as president, he could’ve ended it with dignity, oh well.
What did Don say? What's the next target to clear a path to victory? Are you kicking down more cash in response? Did he make you feel hopeful or more angered?
I hope secret service is monitoring Joe's shower exits..for his safety..and because he likes to give a show to the female agents. If he grabs for the tail of the media reported cat, he will likely break more than a foot.
Chuck is a familiar figure with similar characters at Ricochet. What is different over there is that one can "like" a comment. No likes for the Trump haters anymore. I watched that happen over 4 years.
Thanks to all who followed my urging and donated to Trump's election litigation fund. He has spent a couple of million dollars on lawyers already after raiding a couple of hundred million dollars. I'd hate to think the Trump family was being forced to spend any of their own money when they have rubes to do it for them.
Blogger readering said... How does one tell Trump is a mendacious looney?
Readering is trying very hard to "bring us all together." Your efforts are given the value they merit. The person who voted for the dementia patient has little to say.
Trump claims at the rally that he's been working harder since the election than any other time in his life. Remember children, a life of crime is not easier.
The question, Howard, is what did Joe and the Ho say today ? Words of wisdom to you seekers of wisdom. I am resigned to misrule for four years. I suspect you lefties have some surprises coming.
If we had another 4 years of a crooked, narcissistic sociopath we might not have a country. A record 81 million voters recognized as much when Trump got slaughtered (Trump's description of that margin of defeat).
Blogger Qwinn said... I remember when the press called Trump a mendacity looney for saying a vaccine would be ready before year end. ...
What they said was that vaccinations would be widely available in the second or third quarter of 2021. “They” were right. A vaccine means almost nothing. Vaccinations mean everything.
readering: "Drago, I'll accept post hoc when it comes to rubes being fleeced by the Trump family."
As if anything actually required your "acceptance".
Whats next for you? "Accepting" the gravity that keeps you planted on Earth?
I do enjoy seeing your continued conspiracy beliefs in russian collusion and the vast Trump criminal network. If only there had been an investigation of some sort in the last 4 years.....
Pandemics don’t discriminate right? Yet not one big pol has died yet- even though our Senators, Congress critters, governors average about 65 years old, not a one has been killed by the pandemic. And not one big movie or media or sports bigwig or player. So who are these people who have been dying?
His commenting directly to Althouse, as if they are having a conversation across a table (well, not across a table; she's sitting at one and he's come into her house uninvited and begins a monologue standing next to it, begging to be noticed) is SO creepy.
By the way, in case anyone missed it, the newest lunatic lefty/LLR-lefty narrative is that Trump never really was investigated at all over the last 5 years!
Such is the power of suggestion when applied to the self-described "reality-based" community.
"Pandemics don’t discriminate right? Yet not one big pol has died yet- even though our Senators, Congress critters, governors average about 65 years old, not a one has been killed by the pandemic."
Not only that- these are the same people who are most likely to ignore lockdown/masking rules because.. well everybody knows why.
haha, what? you mean calling Kamala by her Pussy Hat Label?
that's not misogyny, it's honesty. She's the kind of gal Pussy hats were all about, the pussys that loved to be grabbed for power that Trump was amazed about, in a private conversation, supposedly so sacred haha. Seems like the #MeToo gals never knew that a good 57% of all women around them would give it up for a bit of a man's power, if they thought no one else would know.
His commenting directly to Althouse, as if they are having a conversation across a table (well, not across a table; she's sitting at one and he's come into her house uninvited and begins a monologue standing next to it, begging to be noticed) is SO creepy.
Imagine his emails to her.
No wonder Meade taught her to shoot. Chuck wouldn't be the first deranged asshole to show up where a woman he's obsessed with goes for her daily runs and insist that she LISTEN! TO! WHAT! HE! HAS! TO! SAY!
Blogger Churchy LaFemme: "Inside Drago, it's too dark to mention any names."
I'd say there is too little available O2 "inside" to mention any names....and far too little ambient light to effectively use sign language to convey a name.
One's only hope might be to massage the heart in such a way as to convey a pulsed morse code.
But that's just me. I'm a bit MaGyver-ish that way.....
His commenting directly to Althouse, as if they are having a conversation across a table (well, not across a table; she's sitting at one and he's come into her house uninvited and begins a monologue standing next to it, begging to be noticed) is SO creepy.
I address comments directly to Althouse on the subject of each blog post. More often than not, when I am speaking to an Althouse opinion, or editorial choice, I agree with her and say so. On the subject of her law blogging, I am almost always in agreement with Althouse and have said so repeatedly.
I think it’s clear to most readers here; the really dysfunctional and unhelpful pattern on these comments pages is when a) Althouse creates a Trump-related blog post; b) some of us criticize Trump in the context of that post, and c) Althouse’s Trumpfans attack we critics personally.
I would have thought that ‘banning criticism of Trump’ would be a form of censorship that Althouse would not wish to lend her name to. But banning personal attacks by some commenters on other commenters would be an effective policy, and one that Althouse would post as policy, and enforce.
Notice how Drago does not follow events closely enough to comment on AA posts? But he follows commenters slavishly. As a lowly commenter, I say, thanks Drago.
Republican senators should ask all of China Joe the potted plant's nominees how the nominee's confirmation will benefit all Americans, not just the 1%. If they can't give an answer without hemming and hawing and filibustering the question, then it's a reject the nominee.
In some way one does feel sorry for LLR-lefty Chuck and his non-stop efforts to rehabilitate his now thoroughly exposed faux-conservative Moby act.
I mean, try and look at it from LLR-lefty Chuck's psychotic position: he spent years cultivating a fake online persona which he then attempted to use to sow disruption against republicans/conservatives in service to his adored democraticals.
But then his lack of discipline and complete inability to control his rage issues, and exacerbated by alcohol on more than one occasion, led him to throw all of that away in a heartbeat just when it was needed by his beloved democraticals the most.
That happened in early 2016 and there was never going to be any coming back from that for Chuckles.
His palpable frustration at not being able to fool anyone on any side as to what he is really all about is what is most amusing.
Not even his lefty allies here any longer waste any effort whatsoever trying to buttress Chuck's faux persona lies.
"To the conspiracy-curious Republican whose curiosity is validated by Trump’s allegations of fraud, I’ve suggested that the place to look for fire amid the smoke is in claims that the president’s lawyers are actually willing to advance in court, as opposed to in news conferences, semiofficial hearings and on Twitter. Those lawyers — especially now that it’s mostly just the Rudy Giuliani show — have every incentive to blow a fraud case wide open. If their legal claims don’t actually allege fraud or they fall apart under scrutiny, then so should your assumption that the president’s blustering must have some real-world correlative."
That's just it. There's been no scrutiny. At all. Cases are dismissed out of hand for bullshit technical reasons. Before the election? No standing! After the election? Too late! Nevada didn't permit evidence in court until last week, FFS.
You assholes aren't fooling anyone. A judge who refuses to even consider Trump's claims in any serious way doesn't reassure us that there was no fraud - it makes us MUCH more certain that there was, and the judges are in on it (especially given how many of them illegally changed election rules to enable it).
Just remember which side you were on when the nation and the world saw unprecedented evidence of voter fraud. Never has so much of it been documented by so many and rebutted by so little in what was once the beacon of democracy. There was substantial fraud supported by suppression of speech by one side and one side only across the spectrum of our current primary sources of information. That is an ugly thing that you supported and continue to defend, and it will continue to embarrass and diminish this nation, and you will be part of that which will be despised in the history of free people. You are now one of those people with the unexplainable and indefensible human defects that facilitated fascism and tyranny in the modern world . That will be your legacy. I would hate to be you. There is nothing you can do now to redeem yourself. This is who you chose to be, and remember how proud you were of it. The rest of us will.
I support free and honest elections and all the investigation, election law, and transparency it takes to assure that. What could be more important to an American who values democracy, fairness, and it's protection by the law? Orange man bad is a pretty lame excuse for throwing away the unique gifts we have inherited that were once the envy of freedom loving people of world. Only the tyrants envy our system now.
Blogger Qwinn said... No, Chuck, thats not what they said. You're lying again. But you know that.
"Fraudulent or not, if Trump loses, it's a win for me."
You countenance massive voter fraud easily enough. No one is surprised that you lie too.
There wasn’t any fraud. I am laughing at your obsession with “fraud.”
As for the timing on vaccinations, Dr. Fauci and Dr. Redfield have been saying the same things for weeks, the press has reported accurately what they have been saying, and it hasn’t changed.
Everyone should keep in mind that the Bush legal team in 2000, in the Bush vs Gore democratical-attempted theft of a presidential election multiple proceedings, lost every court case right up until.....the last one.
And if memory serves, that last one seems rather large in historical terms...
Note: I apologize to readering for referencing historical facts as readering has previously and repeatedly shown a marked degree of ignorance of history...and often in some very amusing ways.
If you ask nicely, perhaps he/she/xe will regale you with tales of Stalin's humanitarianism in invading Poland from the East in 1939.
Part of Justice Brian Hagedorn’s concurrence from the SC filings the other day. It’s good to see a Republican Judge show such courage, it gives one hope that the country can put the last four years behind us. Today, we had a US president demanding that an entire election be nullified on the basis of conspiracy theory and spite. What a legacy Trump has made for himself. Shameful and pathetic.
“Some of these legal issues may, under other circumstances, be subject to further judicial consideration. But the real stunner here is the sought-after remedy,” Hagedorn wrote. “We are invited to invalidate the entire presidential election in Wisconsin by declaring it ‘null’ -- yes, the whole thing.”
“We should, we are told, enjoin the Wisconsin Elections Commission from certifying the election so that Wisconsin’s presidential electors can be chosen by the legislature instead, and then compel the Governor to certify those electors.
Something far more fundamental than the winner of Wisconsin’s electoral votes is implicated in this case. At stake, in some measure, is faith in our system of free and fair elections, a feature central to the enduring strength of our constitutional republic. Once the door is opened to judicial invalidation of presidential election results, it will be awfully hard to close that door again. This is a dangerous path we are being asked to tread.”
Inga The Russian Collusion Truther Dead-Ender: "Today, we had a US president demanding that an entire election be nullified on the basis of conspiracy theory and spite. What a legacy Trump has made for himself. Shameful and pathetic."
As I've been pointing out repeatedly, that entire insane judge quote by Inga about the "extraordinary relief" boils down to: "It doesn't matter if the election was stolen! The people have spoken!"
Which is insane if you look at it for longer than 2 seconds.
And you're still lying, Chuck. The story has changed completely. I'll prove it shortly.
What a relief to hear Trump talking instead of having to listen to burble and garbage "And so then the Man Who Would Be President stepped out of the shower and tried to grab the dog's tail and the rug on the floor was slippery unlike the rugs on the floors in other houses where elderly people live and so The Man Who Would Be President had wet feet on slippery rug on a slippery floor and then he Man Who Would Be President fell but he fell over sideways keeping his ankle stiff so the middle of foot got cracks in it but he didn't injure his hip or arm unlike all other elderly people who fall, because his foot broke the fall and the rug has committed suicide so that's all over. And on the wrong channels there's upchuck propaganda, such as "There's been no evidence in court so the court won't admit the evidence" and sitting there comparing that attitude with "Russia, Russia" and watching England distribute our vaccines developed under Warp Speed before we do while Americans die because "process." And, speaking of process, what a great election process and how great to watch people pretend that they think something other happened in the election process in the big cities than happened. I was cheering, too, and shouting, "We love you Trump."
It's gonna be pretty funny, Biden having a virtual inauguration while Trump has a rally in DC with who knows how many thousands of supporters. Wonder how the MSM will cover that.
" At stake, in some measure, is faith in our system of free and fair elections, a feature central to the enduring strength of our constitutional republic. Once the door is opened to judicial invalidation of presidential election results, it will be awfully hard to close that door again. This is a dangerous path we are being asked to tread.”
Can you be more backward than that, and a judge yet? It sounds like something a communist apparatchik would say. I would agree if the evidence was scant, but it's not.
Imagine him saying that about any other form of theft or fraud. We can't look at the evidence, because we might find out a crime took place, and that's a dangerous path.
Yes, yes it is, for those who commit crimes or benefit from them. Too bad.
This is not the first time this has gone to the courts, and that option is absolutely necessary for both sides. Who else do we go to when substantial evidence of crime exists? Is this just a contest of who cheats the most? I can understand why Dem's would prefer that system. It's the same reason that they don't worry about cheating in the first place. They know it's a game their people are willing to play, and the Republicans won't compete at.
Notice how those comfortable with this possible fraud don't argue the evidence at all. They just find opinions by others that they like and post them. Everybody has Google. That's not the same as having a mind, and a conscience. And yes, I have seen the evidence, and I know I have considered more of it than some of these judges who simply don't want to rock the boat, even if it's got a hole on the low side.
Fact check: Coronavirus vaccine could come this year, Trump says. Experts say he needs a 'miracle' to be right.
“There’s a lot of things that could go wrong,” one expert said.
“I think we’re going to have a vaccine by the end of the year,” he told reporters later in the day.
But experts say that the development, testing and production of a vaccine for the public is still at least 12 to 18 months off, and that anything less would be a medical miracle.
“I think it’s possible you could see a vaccine in people’s arms next year — by the middle or end of next year. But this is unprecedented, so it’s hard to predict,” said Dr. Paul Offit, a professor at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and the director of the Vaccine Education Center at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.
Development: Done. Testing: Done. Production: Well under way.
Doesn't say a fucking thing about delivery, does it Chuck, you lying weasel?
Trump has done EXACTLY what they "fact checked" as not being realistically possible not in 18 months, not in 12 months, but in seven months.
He is *five months under* their "fact check" minimum fucking estimate of 12 months.
And you LIE about it. That you don't give him a fucking nickel worth of credit for an amazing accomplishment like that is a sin. And I say that as an agnostic lapsed Catholic.
That's all you people can do.
No credit can be given. Not an ounce, not a micron of respect can be shown. Not a scintilla of evidence out of mountains of the stuff, of any and every kind, presented can be acknowledged to have the slightest merit or validity.
You know why we feel we're being driven to extremes?
Because you people have become fucking animals.
Our attitude in this is a pure reflection of how utterly extreme you people have become. You've eschewed anything remotely aligned with the moral precepts of Western Civilization.
I can see no moral principle you people actually display any real belief in that would dissuade you from trying to steal the election. Your credibility is zero.
We need a national divorce. I foresee a rapid rise in the number of mental institutions being raised on whatever accursed scrap of land you people will ruin utterly without us around.
(God, you're a piece of shit, Chuck. But you have lots of company in the bowl.)
What if far more Americans show up to protest the election than celebrate the inauguration? That seems like it would say something to real people with real souls. Even gingers would have to notice that, although those with a fence stuck up their ass might not take anything from it as they savor the feeling of sitting above the deplorables.
"There’s a lot of things that could go wrong,” one expert said."
I think that's the first thing they teach you to say in expert school. Experts are not people who get things done. Their primary function is telling you that you can't or shouldn't do things that need done, and people seem surprised that a builder and doer like Trump didn't always take their advice. I wonder if any experts told the Dems they shouldn't cheat.
Evidence is something that is admitted in a court proceeding. Admittedly it takes competent counsel to get evidence admitted. Trump campaign failed to line up competent counsel. The other side, no problem. Where is the Federalist Society when you need it, eh?
No, rendering. That a judge refuses to admit evidence says *nothing* about the evidence or the counsel presenting it. It proves nothing except that the judge has made a decision that is not based on evidence at all, but instead for political reasons (the only other kind there is) which emphatically means that he or she is a disaster of a judge that needs to be immediately impeached for gross negligence and dereliction of their duties and oaths. And then imprisoned for illegally changing election law for obviously, manifestly partisan motives. Actually, let's impeach them AND imprison them for BOTH things.
The one in the 11th circuit brashler refused to mandate paper backups, along with his colleague lagoa (maybe theres a reason she was passed up in favor of barrett) actually the dem appointee jordan saw the pitfalls.
Yeah..Readering..fucking clueless outside your own experiences. I worked in network media pools and there were issues with cars simply being in lot of Trump rallies.
No credit can be given. Not an ounce, not a micron of respect can be shown. Not a scintilla of evidence out of mountains of the stuff, of any and every kind, presented can be acknowledged to have the slightest merit or validity.
So tiresome. It's even more tiresome to have to skip past Chuck, Inga, Readering, Howard, D.D. Driver and the rest every time I come here. This blog seriously needs an ignore function.
Bringing forward an example of Readering's recent wholly embarrassing conspiracy theorizing to here:
I also believe the Mueller investigation was insufficient.
Here's a summary of the Mueller investigation (compiled from thesesources):
Team: 19 lawyers were employed (all rabid political enemies of Trump), assisted by “about 40 FBI agents, intelligence analysts, forensic accountants and other professional staff”
Investigation timeframe: 22 months (675 days) Cost: some $34 million Report length: 448 pages (with redactions) Redactions: 865* Requests to foreign governments for evidence: 13 Pen registers: 50 monitoring orders authorized Comm. records: more than 230 orders obtained Interviews: approx. 500 witnesses interviewed Search warrants: close to 500 executed Subpoenas: more than 2,800 issued
Results: [quoting the first source]
Indictments: Mueller ultimately indicted, convicted or got guilty pleas from 34 people and three companies. [None were related to “Russian collusion” — Mueller's original commission.]
Facebook: The St.Petersburg-based Internet Research Agency, which is financed by Yevgeny Prigozhin, purchased 3,500 Facebook ads. The expenditure cost the the group $100,000, according to the [Mueller] report.
Twitter: On Twitter, the Russian IRA was responsible for 3,814 accounts. Ahead of the election, these accounts were responsible for posting about 175,993 tweets. About 84 percent of those tweets were election related. Twitter said it contacted about 1.4 million people who it believed were in contact with the IRA-controlled accounts.
Such was the totality of the Russian interference in the 2016 election, as determined by Mueller's extensive and nearly 2-year-long investigation.
Please inform us, Readering, just how much more Mueller's team should have done, how much longer they should have taken — and how much more they should have spent (> $1 billion, say?) — to satisfy your request for a good and complete investigation. How many more search warrants than 500 (!), for instance, should have been executed?
____ *“Four types of information … were redacted: matters that could affect ongoing investigations (405), sensitive intelligence (87), infringements on personal privacy (66) and grand jury material (307).”
If your brief is so pathetic your allegations are laughed out of court, your claimed evidence must be shit.
What's pathetic is that the same judges that enabled the fraud by illegally changing the rules under which the election would operate are the ones "laughing it out of court".
They should be considered defendants. If they rule in Trump's favor, they are directly implicating themselves in the crime. That they didn't recuse themselves, that they were even allowed to adjudicate a crime in which they directly participated, is itself a crime.
But yeah. "The claimed evidence must be shit." No other possible explanation for why they aren't ruling that they themselves violated the law.
Chuck has moved on to other threads, where he continues his lies, utterly unencumbered by the ironclad evidence in this thread that he is a mendacious, lying piece of human excrement.
Over/under on how many hours/days till the next time Chuck claims that anyone who calls him a liar is slandering him and that we cannot possibly provide a link to any thread proving any such thing?
Democrats think if they hate President-Elect Donald J. Trump enough, they are allowed to steal this election. That's what they thought in 2016 when they used the FBI/CIA Police State to overthrow him.
But now, in the throes of their malignant untreated Trump Derangement Syndrome psychosis, this time they claim the right to overthrow American voters directly.
There is no use in saying "the Biden administration". You may as well speak of the Jeff Davis administration. They both carry the same moral weight and would meet the same fate.
But, in fairness, Jeff Davis actually won his election.
Frederick Douglass, confronting the power-mad Democrats of his day, said "There is no negro problem. The problem is whether the American people have loyalty enough, honor enough, patriotism enough, to live up to their own Constitution."
Similarly, we do not have an election fraud problem. We have a Deep State/Uni-Party/ Democrat- problem of honoring the Constitution; the American people already did the right thing by re-electing the President in a landslide.
A man who would know, Frederick Douglass:
"The Constitutional framers were peace men; but they preferred revolution to peaceful submission to bondage. They were quiet men; but they did not shrink from agitating against oppression. They showed forbearance; but that they knew its limits. They believed in order; but not in the order of tyranny. With them, nothing was "settled" that was not right. With them, justice, liberty and humanity were "final;" not slavery and oppression.
Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both.
A slave is someone who sits down, and waits for someone to free them."
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This is the sort of thing that I want to hang onto. When Trump is finished in office, under indictment, facing foreclosure on his half-billion personal debt, and in divorce court versus Melania — when some will feel sorry for Trump — I want to remember a speech like this.
Would you please just go away, Chuck?
Dream on Chuck.
In case anyone missed it:
Chuck: "Fraudulent or not, if Trump loses, it's a win for me."
i guess, IF you've declared, that...
THE ONLY REASON you are here, is to Lie and about President Trump...
You gotta do, what you gotta do...
Chuck: "Fraudulent or not, if Trump loses, it's a win for me."
I missed that one. I have to add it to the list of Chuck! reveals.
Chuck said...
"I am afraid you are mistaking me for someone who has an interest in fair treatment of Donald Trump. I'm not your guy. I am interested in smearing him, hurting him and prejudicing people against him."
3/4/16, 4:46 PM
Ann Althouse said...
Chuck, you're doing clutter. You're causing me (and I presume others) to just have to scroll to get past your long and repetitive stuff. You need to change what you are doing or you will become one of the small group of people I call bad faith commenters, whose posts I delete without reading whenever I see them. I'm quite serious. You need to cut way back and keep it short. Stop repeating yourself. Everyone is bored and you are not cute. And don't argue with me in the comments. Stop doing clutter.
8/3/17, 2:16 PM
"What the fucking fuck", Chuck!?
In case anyone missed it:
Chuck: "Fraudulent or not, if Trump loses, it's a win for me."
He's not alone. I haven't noticed democrats anywhere expressing concern over the need to ensure the legitimacy of voting in the election.
Be nice if actual law applied to the Biden family.
Never forget that in addition to LLR-lefty Chuck's admission that he was here to smear and lie about Trump as well as Chuck's many racist attacks against Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas and Senate candidate John James, amongst other black conservatives, LLR-lefty Chuck also proclaimed his other key reason for posting at Althouse is to drive a wedge between Althouse and her readers.
All things that no doubt contributed to LLR-lefty Chuck being banned from Althouse blog.
And dont even get me started on LLR-lefty Chuck's frequent and bizarre personal communications to Althouse that reached such a state that Althouse eventually was forced to comment on them.
Who can ever forget LLR-lefty Chuck's psychotic break with reality when LLR-lefty Chuck went Full Captain Queeg/April Ryan Mode over Sarah Sanders Pecan Pie, which also led to some strangely violent imagery offered up by Chuck against Sarah Sanders.
Truly one for the ages.
One of several times Chuckles demanded intense Special Prosecutor level investigations into the Trump Communication Team....over a pecan pie.
I think these are things the Althouse commentariat should "hang onto" for important context when evaluating whatever Chuck's far left/democratical narratives happen to be.
Chuck has illusions of relevance.
The left hates Trump for bringing prosperity to all Americans in the form of jobs and wage increases, mostly to those under the 1%. He’s started ME peace, stopped endless wars, renegotiated treaties to be fair to the US.... yet the left hates this. Why? They seem to hate all Americans, not just republicans.
Oh, and the world knows this election is a sham. Some foreign leaders won’t mind this of course... Others will.
"One of several times Chuckles demanded intense Special Prosecutor level investigations into the Trump Communication Team....over a pecan pie."
Obsession over the trivial is one of the main warning signs that you got a real loony on your hands.
By the way, did anyone ever come up with pictures of Biden marching with Mandela as Biden claimed he did.
I imagine those would be very valuable photos right about now as the Harris/Biden ticket goes thru the motions of appearing to want some sort of unity.
Not to worry, when the photos do not emerge, I suspect the "Putin stole the photos!" narrative is already teed up for launch.
"I think these are things the Althouse commentariat should "hang onto" for important context when evaluating whatever Chuck's far left/democratical narratives happen to be."
In order to evaluate them, I'd need to read them first. No thanks.
Very respectfully, Althouse; because we all understand your fascination with the effective uses and sometimes embarrassing misuses of language, and because you are famously fascinated with Donald Trump’s communications stylings...
You could have fun blogging this; for weeks, Trump repeatedly made the embarrassing and barely- conceivable error of calling experimental military hypersonic missiles “hydrosonic” missiles. There are no “hydrosonic missiles,” and Hydrosonic is a brand name for an electric toothbrush.
No one could figure out why Trump kept making the malapropism. Why none of his aides corrected him. He did it so many times, his critics in the press, who did real-time fact checking and went over transcripts, lost count of the “hydrosonic missiles” gaffes.
But tonight was the fabulous culmination. Having no doubt been informed of his past mistakes, in this speech Trump now claimed that we do in fact have both hydrosonic AND hypersonic missiles. “You know what ‘hydrosonic’ is, right?”, Trump asked. “It’s water.” Uhhh.
George Conway had fun with it:
You could have that kind of fun, Althouse.
I'm Not Sure: "In order to evaluate them, I'd need to read them first. No thanks."
Utilizing Cliff Notes-like abbreviated summariesis more than sufficient for such a task as there is zero nuance or depth to the far left/democratical pap Chuck offers up.
The "good news" for Chuck? He still has his fellow lefties gadfly, readering and Inga strongly in his corner.
So Chuck has that going for him.
Which is nice.
Any chance Biden has of being viewed as a one-term success in office requires one or both of the Republicans to win these Senate seats.
Unquestionably, Biden lost any ability he once had to lead a centrist path for his party against the hard left.
Biden needs to feign frustration that he cannot deliver on his party's demands, in order to bring his party's left closer to him rather than at his throat.
“You’re all victims, every one of you.”
President Donald J. Trump, tonight.
If I had to guess I would say LLR-lefty Chuck is probably about 4 gin and tonics into his 12 gin and tonic regime which always yields some of LLR-lefty Chuck's greatest psychotic "hits", and usually over weekends at night, for obvious reasons.
One recalls Chuck's repeated attacks against Barron Trump and Chuck's smears against Melania claiming she was an escort/prostitute.
So, I think we can all expect some fireworks out of Old "reliable" Chuck.
Lets see what the night brings....
"The "good news" for Chuck? He still has his fellow lefties gadfly, readering and Inga strongly in his corner."
I generally skip over them, too. So I've got that going for me. Which is nice.
Blogger Chuck said...
“You’re all victims, every one of you.”
President Donald J. Trump, tonight.
Yeah..that perfectly comports with concerns over election fraud.
Try again.
Chuck: Still cunty after all these years.
Has Chuck! weighed in on Biden's bizarre plan to contract a disease should he clash with Kamala?
What a pathetic and embarrassing display from an American president. What a way to squander his final days as president, he could’ve ended it with dignity, oh well.
What did Don say? What's the next target to clear a path to victory? Are you kicking down more cash in response? Did he make you feel hopeful or more angered?
Joemantia, Howie! Joementia!!!
Semper Fud.
I hope secret service is monitoring Joe's shower exits..for his safety..and because he likes to give a show to the female agents. If he grabs for the tail of the media reported cat, he will likely break more than a foot.
How does one tell Trump is a mendacious looney? He says things today like this, "We're rounding the corner on the pandemic."
I get the jist, Walter, thanks.
A Chuck thread!
Just like, the old days.
Chuck is a familiar figure with similar characters at Ricochet. What is different over there is that one can "like" a comment. No likes for the Trump haters anymore. I watched that happen over 4 years.
Thanks to all who followed my urging and donated to Trump's election litigation fund. He has spent a couple of million dollars on lawyers already after raiding a couple of hundred million dollars. I'd hate to think the Trump family was being forced to spend any of their own money when they have rubes to do it for them.
Chuck comes to comment on Trump. Chuck's loyal followers come to comment on Chuck. That's star power, Chuck!
Blogger readering said...
How does one tell Trump is a mendacious looney?
Readering is trying very hard to "bring us all together." Your efforts are given the value they merit. The person who voted for the dementia patient has little to say.
I remember when the press called Trump a mendacity looney for saying a vaccine would be ready before year end.
"That would take a miracle", they said. Literally. That's what they said.
And today, every one of them claims he did a bad job responding to COVID.
Despite enabling, by their own metrics, not one but 2 different amazingly effective miracle vaccines, with at least 2 more due out any day now.
We know who the mendacious looneys are.
Trump claims at the rally that he's been working harder since the election than any other time in his life. Remember children, a life of crime is not easier.
Blogger Howard said...
What did Don say?
The question, Howard, is what did Joe and the Ho say today ? Words of wisdom to you seekers of wisdom. I am resigned to misrule for four years. I suspect you lefties have some surprises coming.
As long as I keep getting recognition from Michael K I can feel I am in a league just below Chuck's for loyal followers here.
“Without an honest electoral system, we don’t have a country.” @realDonaldTrump
More misogyny from Michael K! I am sure AA appreciates the caveman comments from the eighty-something commenter.
readering: "Thanks to all who followed my urging and donated to Trump's election litigation fund."
We'll just add this post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy to all your others.
Its getting rather crowded in there.
It struck me that Trump wore black. I haven't seen that since he became President.
That's it. That's the comment.
Fuck Chuck and everyone that mentions his name outside Drago.
If we had another 4 years of a crooked, narcissistic sociopath we might not have a country. A record 81 million voters recognized as much when Trump got slaughtered (Trump's description of that margin of defeat).
Drago, I'll accept post hoc when it comes to rubes being fleeced by the Trump family.
..and primary drop-out Kammy.
To the future!!!
Blogger Qwinn said...
I remember when the press called Trump a mendacity looney for saying a vaccine would be ready before year end.
What they said was that vaccinations would be widely available in the second or third quarter of 2021. “They” were right. A vaccine means almost nothing. Vaccinations mean everything.
readering: "Drago, I'll accept post hoc when it comes to rubes being fleeced by the Trump family."
As if anything actually required your "acceptance".
Whats next for you? "Accepting" the gravity that keeps you planted on Earth?
I do enjoy seeing your continued conspiracy beliefs in russian collusion and the vast Trump criminal network. If only there had been an investigation of some sort in the last 4 years.....
Multiple vax announcements right after election was just another coincidence...
Doc Mike: I'm not interested in what Biden and President in waiting Harris have to say. Please stay on topic.
Pandemics don’t discriminate right? Yet not one big pol has died yet- even though our Senators, Congress critters, governors average about 65 years old, not a one has been killed by the pandemic. And not one big movie or media or sports bigwig or player. So who are these people who have been dying?
Why is Chuck still here?
His commenting directly to Althouse, as if they are having a conversation across a table (well, not across a table; she's sitting at one and he's come into her house uninvited and begins a monologue standing next to it, begging to be noticed) is SO creepy.
Did Browndog just tell himself to go fuck himself?
By the way, in case anyone missed it, the newest lunatic lefty/LLR-lefty narrative is that Trump never really was investigated at all over the last 5 years!
Such is the power of suggestion when applied to the self-described "reality-based" community.
Another example of "truth" over facts no doubt.
Howard said...Doc Mike: I'm not interested in what Biden and President in waiting Harris have to say.
Yeah..WAY off topic ;)
Good to see Drago pivoting to the coming Trump family investigations (federal pardons or not).
"Pandemics don’t discriminate right? Yet not one big pol has died yet- even though our Senators, Congress critters, governors average about 65 years old, not a one has been killed by the pandemic."
Not only that- these are the same people who are most likely to ignore lockdown/masking rules because.. well everybody knows why.
readering said: " more misogyny from Michael K!
haha, what? you mean calling Kamala by her Pussy Hat Label?
that's not misogyny, it's honesty. She's the kind of gal Pussy hats were all about, the pussys that loved to be grabbed for power that Trump was amazed about, in a private conversation, supposedly so sacred haha. Seems like the #MeToo gals never knew that a good 57% of all women around them would give it up for a bit of a man's power, if they thought no one else would know.
Joe and the Ho is exquisitely correct.
FTR: the chance that Gov. Kemp wins re-election in Georgia is beneath zero.
No, Chuck, thats not what they said. You're lying again. But you know that.
"Fraudulent or not, if Trump loses, it's a win for me."
You countenance massive voter fraud easily enough. No one is surprised that you lie too.
The media is saying "No big deal, this is just a joke."
Everybody knows Joe is a joke. Even democrats, they just don't generally say it out loud.
Democrats ( and communists ) are literally willing to destroy this country to gain power. They are enemies of the country.
Misogyny spreading like virus.
Yes indeed
His commenting directly to Althouse, as if they are having a conversation across a table (well, not across a table; she's sitting at one and he's come into her house uninvited and begins a monologue standing next to it, begging to be noticed) is SO creepy.
Imagine his emails to her.
No wonder Meade taught her to shoot. Chuck wouldn't be the first deranged asshole to show up where a woman he's obsessed with goes for her daily runs and insist that she LISTEN! TO! WHAT! HE! HAS! TO! SAY!
If Collins could not win a primary against an incumbent non-entity like Loeffler, I don't see him beating incumbent Kemp in two years.
Of course if that non-entity wins her runoff it will really piss off GA loser Trump.
readering: "Misogyny spreading like virus."
Certainly amongst democraticals and their candidates.
The Party of the Clintons and Slow Joe has effectively ended the #MeToo movement.
And no, I do not care if my criticizing the Clintons and Slow Joe drives LLR-lefty Chuck deeper into his bottle.
Thats a problem for Chuck's many therapists to deal with.
Fuck Chuck and everyone that mentions his name outside Drago.
Inside Drago, it's too dark to mention any names.
Blogger Churchy LaFemme: "Inside Drago, it's too dark to mention any names."
I'd say there is too little available O2 "inside" to mention any names....and far too little ambient light to effectively use sign language to convey a name.
One's only hope might be to massage the heart in such a way as to convey a pulsed morse code.
But that's just me. I'm a bit MaGyver-ish that way.....
Blogger Marcus said...
Why is Chuck still here?
His commenting directly to Althouse, as if they are having a conversation across a table (well, not across a table; she's sitting at one and he's come into her house uninvited and begins a monologue standing next to it, begging to be noticed) is SO creepy.
I address comments directly to Althouse on the subject of each blog post. More often than not, when I am speaking to an Althouse opinion, or editorial choice, I agree with her and say so. On the subject of her law blogging, I am almost always in agreement with Althouse and have said so repeatedly.
I think it’s clear to most readers here; the really dysfunctional and unhelpful pattern on these comments pages is when a) Althouse creates a Trump-related blog post; b) some of us criticize Trump in the context of that post, and c) Althouse’s Trumpfans attack we critics personally.
I would have thought that ‘banning criticism of Trump’ would be a form of censorship that Althouse would not wish to lend her name to. But banning personal attacks by some commenters on other commenters would be an effective policy, and one that Althouse would post as policy, and enforce.
Notice how Drago does not follow events closely enough to comment on AA posts? But he follows commenters slavishly. As a lowly commenter, I say, thanks Drago.
Republican senators should ask all of China Joe the potted plant's nominees how the nominee's confirmation will benefit all Americans, not just the 1%. If they can't give an answer without hemming and hawing and filibustering the question, then it's a reject the nominee.
In some way one does feel sorry for LLR-lefty Chuck and his non-stop efforts to rehabilitate his now thoroughly exposed faux-conservative Moby act.
I mean, try and look at it from LLR-lefty Chuck's psychotic position: he spent years cultivating a fake online persona which he then attempted to use to sow disruption against republicans/conservatives in service to his adored democraticals.
But then his lack of discipline and complete inability to control his rage issues, and exacerbated by alcohol on more than one occasion, led him to throw all of that away in a heartbeat just when it was needed by his beloved democraticals the most.
That happened in early 2016 and there was never going to be any coming back from that for Chuckles.
His palpable frustration at not being able to fool anyone on any side as to what he is really all about is what is most amusing.
Not even his lefty allies here any longer waste any effort whatsoever trying to buttress Chuck's faux persona lies.
Talk about a loser.
Thats gotta be rough on the old boy, eh?
Ross Douthat in the Grey Lady:
"To the conspiracy-curious Republican whose curiosity is validated by Trump’s allegations of fraud, I’ve suggested that the place to look for fire amid the smoke is in claims that the president’s lawyers are actually willing to advance in court, as opposed to in news conferences, semiofficial hearings and on Twitter. Those lawyers — especially now that it’s mostly just the Rudy Giuliani show — have every incentive to blow a fraud case wide open. If their legal claims don’t actually allege fraud or they fall apart under scrutiny, then so should your assumption that the president’s blustering must have some real-world correlative."
LLR-lefty Chuck: "I think it’s clear to most readers here; the really dysfunctional and unhelpful pattern on these comments pages is when...."
..... posters who are banned for good reason continue to post anyway.
Banned commenter who creepily rhetorically stalks the blog hostess: "I address comments directly to Althouse on the subject of each blog post."
Douhat: "or they fall apart under scrutiny".
That's just it. There's been no scrutiny. At all. Cases are dismissed out of hand for bullshit technical reasons. Before the election? No standing! After the election? Too late! Nevada didn't permit evidence in court until last week, FFS.
You assholes aren't fooling anyone. A judge who refuses to even consider Trump's claims in any serious way doesn't reassure us that there was no fraud - it makes us MUCH more certain that there was, and the judges are in on it (especially given how many of them illegally changed election rules to enable it).
Just remember which side you were on when the nation and the world saw unprecedented evidence of voter fraud. Never has so much of it been documented by so many and rebutted by so little in what was once the beacon of democracy. There was substantial fraud supported by suppression of speech by one side and one side only across the spectrum of our current primary sources of information. That is an ugly thing that you supported and continue to defend, and it will continue to embarrass and diminish this nation, and you will be part of that which will be despised in the history of free people. You are now one of those people with the unexplainable and indefensible human defects that facilitated fascism and tyranny in the modern world . That will be your legacy. I would hate to be you. There is nothing you can do now to redeem yourself. This is who you chose to be, and remember how proud you were of it. The rest of us will.
I support free and honest elections and all the investigation, election law, and transparency it takes to assure that. What could be more important to an American who values democracy, fairness, and it's protection by the law? Orange man bad is a pretty lame excuse for throwing away the unique gifts we have inherited that were once the envy of freedom loving people of world. Only the tyrants envy our system now.
“You’re all victims, every one of you.”
The Trumpers and the Proggies have this in common now, too!
readering: "Notice how Drago does not follow events closely...."
What has been most "impressive" about readering over the last 5 years is how diligent he/she/xe has been "following events"......that never happened.
Russia collusion
Kavanaugh as a rape gang leader for decades
(This list could be extended for another hundred lines)
Just remember which side you were on when the nation and the world saw unprecedented evidence of voter fraud
Everywhere--except the inside of a courtroom that is.
Well said, bagoh20.
Blogger Qwinn said...
No, Chuck, thats not what they said. You're lying again. But you know that.
"Fraudulent or not, if Trump loses, it's a win for me."
You countenance massive voter fraud easily enough. No one is surprised that you lie too.
There wasn’t any fraud. I am laughing at your obsession with “fraud.”
As for the timing on vaccinations, Dr. Fauci and Dr. Redfield have been saying the same things for weeks, the press has reported accurately what they have been saying, and it hasn’t changed.
Everyone should keep in mind that the Bush legal team in 2000, in the Bush vs Gore democratical-attempted theft of a presidential election multiple proceedings, lost every court case right up until.....the last one.
And if memory serves, that last one seems rather large in historical terms...
Note: I apologize to readering for referencing historical facts as readering has previously and repeatedly shown a marked degree of ignorance of history...and often in some very amusing ways.
If you ask nicely, perhaps he/she/xe will regale you with tales of Stalin's humanitarianism in invading Poland from the East in 1939.
Chuck just thinks he's being a suave provocateur. They're a dime a dozen. Just burps up crap.
Part of Justice Brian Hagedorn’s concurrence from the SC filings the other day. It’s good to see a Republican Judge show such courage, it gives one hope that the country can put the last four years behind us. Today, we had a US president demanding that an entire election be nullified on the basis of conspiracy theory and spite. What a legacy Trump has made for himself. Shameful and pathetic.
“Some of these legal issues may, under other circumstances, be subject to further judicial consideration. But the real stunner here is the sought-after remedy,” Hagedorn wrote. “We are invited to invalidate the entire presidential election in Wisconsin by declaring it ‘null’ -- yes, the whole thing.”
“We should, we are told, enjoin the Wisconsin Elections Commission from certifying the election so that Wisconsin’s presidential electors can be chosen by the legislature instead, and then compel the Governor to certify those electors.
Something far more fundamental than the winner of Wisconsin’s electoral votes is implicated in this case. At stake, in some measure, is faith in our system of free and fair elections, a feature central to the enduring strength of our constitutional republic. Once the door is opened to judicial invalidation of presidential election results, it will be awfully hard to close that door again. This is a dangerous path we are being asked to tread.”
Inga The Russian Collusion Truther Dead-Ender: "Today, we had a US president demanding that an entire election be nullified on the basis of conspiracy theory and spite. What a legacy Trump has made for himself. Shameful and pathetic."
Inga wrote that.
Just now.
As if the last 4 years had never happened at all.
Drago, the Trump dead ender. I feel worst for you.
"Everywhere--except the inside of a courtroom that is."
Isn't that the way it always prevails? You can't let evidence get to court, then you might have to explain things.
As I've been pointing out repeatedly, that entire insane judge quote by Inga about the "extraordinary relief" boils down to: "It doesn't matter if the election was stolen! The people have spoken!"
Which is insane if you look at it for longer than 2 seconds.
And you're still lying, Chuck. The story has changed completely. I'll prove it shortly.
Replying to first comment Chuck the anti American, was a great day in America, dynamic Donald and Magnificent Melania. Go pull a dogs tail
What a relief to hear Trump talking instead of having to listen to burble and garbage "And so then the Man Who Would Be President stepped out of the shower and tried to grab the dog's tail and the rug on the floor was slippery unlike the rugs on the floors in other houses where elderly people live and so The Man Who Would Be President had wet feet on slippery rug on a slippery floor and then he Man Who Would Be President fell but he fell over sideways keeping his ankle stiff so the middle of foot got cracks in it but he didn't injure his hip or arm unlike all other elderly people who fall, because his foot broke the fall and the rug has committed suicide so that's all over. And on the wrong channels there's upchuck propaganda, such as "There's been no evidence in court so the court won't admit the evidence" and sitting there comparing that attitude with "Russia, Russia" and watching England distribute our vaccines developed under Warp Speed before we do while Americans die because "process." And, speaking of process, what a great election process and how great to watch people pretend that they think something other happened in the election process in the big cities than happened. I was cheering, too, and shouting, "We love you Trump."
"This list could be extended for another hundred lines"
But Drago repeats the same two lies each time.
Plus start of WW2, of course!
It's gonna be pretty funny, Biden having a virtual inauguration while Trump has a rally in DC with who knows how many thousands of supporters. Wonder how the MSM will cover that.
" At stake, in some measure, is faith in our system of free and fair elections, a feature central to the enduring strength of our constitutional republic. Once the door is opened to judicial invalidation of presidential election results, it will be awfully hard to close that door again. This is a dangerous path we are being asked to tread.”
Can you be more backward than that, and a judge yet? It sounds like something a communist apparatchik would say. I would agree if the evidence was scant, but it's not.
Imagine him saying that about any other form of theft or fraud. We can't look at the evidence, because we might find out a crime took place, and that's a dangerous path.
Yes, yes it is, for those who commit crimes or benefit from them. Too bad.
This is not the first time this has gone to the courts, and that option is absolutely necessary for both sides. Who else do we go to when substantial evidence of crime exists? Is this just a contest of who cheats the most? I can understand why Dem's would prefer that system. It's the same reason that they don't worry about cheating in the first place. They know it's a game their people are willing to play, and the Republicans won't compete at.
Notice how those comfortable with this possible fraud don't argue the evidence at all. They just find opinions by others that they like and post them. Everybody has Google. That's not the same as having a mind, and a conscience. And yes, I have seen the evidence, and I know I have considered more of it than some of these judges who simply don't want to rock the boat, even if it's got a hole on the low side.
"Wonder how the MSM will cover that."
Let me guess...
Greatest Virtual Inauguration Ever!!! Nothing else happened today.
What do I win?
Here's what a CBS News fact check from May 15 had to say about a vaccine this year.
Fact check: Coronavirus vaccine could come this year, Trump says. Experts say he needs a 'miracle' to be right.
“There’s a lot of things that could go wrong,” one expert said.
“I think we’re going to have a vaccine by the end of the year,” he told reporters later in the day.
But experts say that the development, testing and production of a vaccine for the public is still at least 12 to 18 months off, and that anything less would be a medical miracle.
“I think it’s possible you could see a vaccine in people’s arms next year — by the middle or end of next year. But this is unprecedented, so it’s hard to predict,” said Dr. Paul Offit, a professor at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and the director of the Vaccine Education Center at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.
Development: Done.
Testing: Done.
Production: Well under way.
Doesn't say a fucking thing about delivery, does it Chuck, you lying weasel?
Trump has done EXACTLY what they "fact checked" as not being realistically possible not in 18 months, not in 12 months, but in seven months.
He is *five months under* their "fact check" minimum fucking estimate of 12 months.
And you LIE about it. That you don't give him a fucking nickel worth of credit for an amazing accomplishment like that is a sin. And I say that as an agnostic lapsed Catholic.
That's all you people can do.
No credit can be given. Not an ounce, not a micron of respect can be shown. Not a scintilla of evidence out of mountains of the stuff, of any and every kind, presented can be acknowledged to have the slightest merit or validity.
You know why we feel we're being driven to extremes?
Because you people have become fucking animals.
Our attitude in this is a pure reflection of how utterly extreme you people have become. You've eschewed anything remotely aligned with the moral precepts of Western Civilization.
I can see no moral principle you people actually display any real belief in that would dissuade you from trying to steal the election. Your credibility is zero.
We need a national divorce. I foresee a rapid rise in the number of mental institutions being raised on whatever accursed scrap of land you people will ruin utterly without us around.
(God, you're a piece of shit, Chuck. But you have lots of company in the bowl.)
What if far more Americans show up to protest the election than celebrate the inauguration? That seems like it would say something to real people with real souls. Even gingers would have to notice that, although those with a fence stuck up their ass might not take anything from it as they savor the feeling of sitting above the deplorables.
"There’s a lot of things that could go wrong,” one expert said."
I think that's the first thing they teach you to say in expert school. Experts are not people who get things done. Their primary function is telling you that you can't or shouldn't do things that need done, and people seem surprised that a builder and doer like Trump didn't always take their advice. I wonder if any experts told the Dems they shouldn't cheat.
"I wonder if any experts told the Dems they shouldn't cheat."
Since it works, I'd guess probably not.
Bagoh, my previous post wasn't a hypothetical, it's reality.
Evidence is something that is admitted in a court proceeding. Admittedly it takes competent counsel to get evidence admitted. Trump campaign failed to line up competent counsel. The other side, no problem. Where is the Federalist Society when you need it, eh?
Yes, readering. It has NOTHING to do with the judges.
No, rendering. That a judge refuses to admit evidence says *nothing* about the evidence or the counsel presenting it. It proves nothing except that the judge has made a decision that is not based on evidence at all, but instead for political reasons (the only other kind there is) which emphatically means that he or she is a disaster of a judge that needs to be immediately impeached for gross negligence and dereliction of their duties and oaths. And then imprisoned for illegally changing election law for obviously, manifestly partisan motives. Actually, let's impeach them AND imprison them for BOTH things.
Soften the blow by contributing $45 to Trump fund and receiving a We're saying merry Christmas again tree ornament with a picture of dear leader.
Collector's item.
So lame, readering.
For your unfailing efforts, I have a Biden for Senate sticker reserved for you.
I'm not joking!
The one in the 11th circuit brashler refused to mandate paper backups, along with his colleague lagoa (maybe theres a reason she was passed up in favor of barrett) actually the dem appointee jordan saw the pitfalls.
I would put one of those Biden for Senate stickers on my car but don't want it vandalized by your colleagues, Readering.
Biden for Senate seems like a good idea, he can take Kameltoe's seat when she is inaugurated.
It was Joementia's idea.
Perdue and Loeffler seemed completely unable to harmonize with the rally.
I still have my Clinton 2016 sticker. No problems. But in general stickers in socal out of fashion. Saw none for Trump or Biden in 2020.
Readering drives a 2004 Dodge Stratus with a Clinton bumper sticker on it. Nice.
Yeah..Readering..fucking clueless outside your own experiences. I worked in network media pools and there were issues with cars simply being in lot of Trump rallies.
But don't linger at those State St. Madison hotspots for Hawaiian shirt clad frat boyz igniting biracial liars.
Walter seems nice.
readering: "But Drago repeats the same two lies each time."
readering now lying about his/her/xer previous lies is very on brand for December 2020 democraticals.
I am!
Unlike Drago, then.
Trump reminding me of the guy in the maybe-the-horse-will-talk story.
Readering is either a chick or a child.
You care to know?
D.D. Driver said...
Just remember which side you were on when the nation and the world saw unprecedented evidence of voter fraud
Everywhere--except the inside of a courtroom that is.
A judge in Nevada just called signed witness affidavits hearsay and threw out the case before the witnesses could testify in court.
You do not have a leg to stand on.
First shots fired in Olympia.
You all earned this.
Thread winner! Quinn at 10:56 pm on the vaccine miracle and more!
No credit can be given. Not an ounce, not a micron of respect can be shown. Not a scintilla of evidence out of mountains of the stuff, of any and every kind, presented can be acknowledged to have the slightest merit or validity.
So tiresome. It's even more tiresome to have to skip past Chuck, Inga, Readering, Howard, D.D. Driver and the rest every time I come here. This blog seriously needs an ignore function.
Two way street.
"readering said...
How does one tell Trump is a mendacious looney? He says things today like this, "We're rounding the corner on the pandemic.""
It is a colloquialism for going around the corner.
"Isn't that the way it always prevails? You can't let evidence get to court, then you might have to explain things."
If your brief is so pathetic your allegations are laughed out of court, your claimed evidence must be shit.
"Evidence is something that is admitted in a court proceeding."
Like the Steele Dossier. Oh, that one only made it to a FISA court hearing......
"Evidence is something that is admitted in a court proceeding."
Like the Steele Dossier. Oh, that one only made it to a FISA court hearing......
Bringing forward an example of Readering's recent wholly embarrassing conspiracy theorizing to here:
I also believe the Mueller investigation was insufficient.
Here's a summary of the Mueller investigation (compiled from these sources):
Team: 19 lawyers were employed (all rabid political enemies of Trump), assisted by “about 40 FBI agents, intelligence analysts, forensic accountants and other professional staff”
Investigation timeframe: 22 months (675 days)
Cost: some $34 million
Report length: 448 pages (with redactions)
Redactions: 865*
Requests to foreign governments for evidence: 13
Pen registers: 50 monitoring orders authorized
Comm. records: more than 230 orders obtained
Interviews: approx. 500 witnesses interviewed
Search warrants: close to 500 executed
Subpoenas: more than 2,800 issued
Results: [quoting the first source]
Indictments: Mueller ultimately indicted, convicted or got guilty pleas from 34 people and three companies. [None were related to “Russian collusion” — Mueller's original commission.]
Facebook: The St.Petersburg-based Internet Research Agency, which is financed by Yevgeny Prigozhin, purchased 3,500 Facebook ads. The expenditure cost the the group $100,000, according to the [Mueller] report.
Twitter: On Twitter, the Russian IRA was responsible for 3,814 accounts. Ahead of the election, these accounts were responsible for posting about 175,993 tweets. About 84 percent of those tweets were election related. Twitter said it contacted about 1.4 million people who it believed were in contact with the IRA-controlled accounts.
Such was the totality of the Russian interference in the 2016 election, as determined by Mueller's extensive and nearly 2-year-long investigation.
Please inform us, Readering, just how much more Mueller's team should have done, how much longer they should have taken — and how much more they should have spent (> $1 billion, say?) — to satisfy your request for a good and complete investigation. How many more search warrants than 500 (!), for instance, should have been executed?
*“Four types of information … were redacted: matters that could affect ongoing investigations (405), sensitive intelligence (87), infringements on personal privacy (66) and grand jury material (307).”
readering said...
Remember children, a life of crime is not easier.
Name the crime, Readering
John Henry
If your brief is so pathetic your allegations are laughed out of court, your claimed evidence must be shit.
What's pathetic is that the same judges that enabled the fraud by illegally changing the rules under which the election would operate are the ones "laughing it out of court".
They should be considered defendants. If they rule in Trump's favor, they are directly implicating themselves in the crime. That they didn't recuse themselves, that they were even allowed to adjudicate a crime in which they directly participated, is itself a crime.
But yeah. "The claimed evidence must be shit." No other possible explanation for why they aren't ruling that they themselves violated the law.
Qwinn said...
12/5/20, 10:56 PM
Reading this made my morning. My day.
Fantastic piece of writing. Nice work.
"I generally skip over them, too. So I've got that going for me. Which is nice."
I just wish they'd go someplace else to jerk each other off.
The circle jerk is the bemoaning election steal in face of litigation results EVERYWHERE.
But in general stickers in socal out of fashion.
Out: political stickers in SoCal
In: homeless peopleoids, living on Feces Street, rats
Thanos, Browndog and others.
Chuck has moved on to other threads, where he continues his lies, utterly unencumbered by the ironclad evidence in this thread that he is a mendacious, lying piece of human excrement.
Over/under on how many hours/days till the next time Chuck claims that anyone who calls him a liar is slandering him and that we cannot possibly provide a link to any thread proving any such thing?
Er, thanks. Wow, autocorrected to "Thanos". That's pretty funny.
Democrats think if they hate President-Elect Donald J. Trump enough, they are allowed to steal this election. That's what they thought in 2016 when they used the FBI/CIA Police State to overthrow him.
But now, in the throes of their malignant untreated Trump Derangement Syndrome psychosis, this time they claim the right to overthrow American voters directly.
There is no use in saying "the Biden administration". You may as well speak of the Jeff Davis administration. They both carry the same moral weight and would meet the same fate.
But, in fairness, Jeff Davis actually won his election.
Frederick Douglass, confronting the power-mad Democrats of his day, said "There is no negro problem. The problem is whether the American people have loyalty enough, honor enough, patriotism enough, to live up to their own Constitution."
Similarly, we do not have an election fraud problem. We have a Deep State/Uni-Party/ Democrat- problem of honoring the Constitution; the American people already did the right thing by re-electing the President in a landslide.
A man who would know, Frederick Douglass:
"The Constitutional framers were peace men; but they preferred revolution to peaceful submission to bondage. They were quiet men; but they did not shrink from agitating against oppression. They showed forbearance; but that they knew its limits. They believed in order; but not in the order of tyranny. With them, nothing was "settled" that was not right. With them, justice, liberty and humanity were "final;" not slavery and oppression.
Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both.
A slave is someone who sits down, and waits for someone to free them."
readering: "The circle jerk is the bemoaning election steal in face of litigation results EVERYWHERE."
Filed Under: Things democraticals also said for weeks and weeks until December 12, 2000.
Never thought I'd suggest bringing back moderation, but this thread convinced me.
What a bunch of leftwing shitheads.
Drago keeps poor files.
In agreement with Jim at, even if it's because of looney Trumpists.
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