Trump didn't retweet that. He responded to a tweet that had that image as part of it.President Trump just retweeted this. Whatever this is.
— David Gura (@davidgura) December 8, 2020
Let's keep our Twitter terminology straight. It's weird either way, and Gura, an NPR journalist, ought to maintain strict accuracy. He made it seem as though Trump had just passed along a post and the post was nothing but that image of Amy Coney Barrett with light streaming out of her eyes.They got caught because we were leading by so much more than they ever thought possible. Late night ballot “dumps” went crazy!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 8, 2020
As for the President, he's so far from acting in the manner we call "presidential" that I see little value in pointing out and bemoaning the various examples of things that are below the dignity of the office. He came into office dancing to "My Way"...
... and he's going out his way too. He's not going to stop and become more dignified as the defeat becomes more incontrovertible than it already is.
For what is a man, what has he got?/If not himself, then he has naught/To say the things he truly feels/And not the words of one who kneels....
It's absurd, but the presidential dance is almost over....
By the way, that image of Amy Coney Barrett reminds me of Gort from "The Day the Earth Stood Still":
1 – 200 of 338 Newer› Newest»Her Royal Sauroness
80% of Republicans and 30% of Democrats believe that the election was stolen. And Biden is a wholly owned subsidiary of the CCP. And you think things are going back to being boring.
I know Texas is doing their part, but it looks like Biden will be installed. I shall treat that installation accordingly.
It's absurd, but the democracy dance is almost over....
Soon, we'll reach the final step of fraud... The BRAGGING about the fraud
Gura, an NPR journalist, ought to maintain strict accuracy.
Why should the media change their behavior now?
Being honest wouldn't suit the purpose of throwing out another example of un-presidential Orange Man Bad.
The 1960's loss of dignity was but a precursor to the coming decade.
As for the President, he's so far from acting in the manner we call "presidential" that I see little value in pointing out and bemoaning the various examples of things that are below the dignity of the office.
... he’s so far from acting in the manner that affluent white female liberals call “presidential” ...
Fixed it for you. You have yours, and to Hell with anyone else.
Gura, an NPR journalist, ought to maintain strict accuracy.
That's the biggest laugh I'll have all day!
Those numbers are bullshit, Ron.
You know it, I know it, Ann knows it.
Claiming an inaccurate poll is correct and the election is not is beyond delusional.
Meanwhile, the coroner just announced the kraken is dead.
Incontrovertible that he lost???
Over 1000 notarized affidavits from witnesses to fraud. Signed under penalty of perjury.
Lost all but 1 bellwether country out of 19, when no one has ever been elected without winning at least 17.
Video of GA poll workers running the same batch of ballots through the scanner 3 times.
Actual sequestered Dominion hardware that repeatedy switches 13% of votes from Trump to Biden.
I actually cannot think of any proof of election fraud that we don't already have.
"Incontrovertible" = "It doesn't matter if the election was stolen, the people have spoken!"
Acting presidential is a rhetorical device aimed at preventing questions.
Qwinn, just because you believe it does not mean it is true.
See also: Santa Claus.
If you cannot convince a court of law or Ann, perhaps you case isn't what you believe it to be.
The election was stolen. That fact is obvious. The believe that there won't be consequences to that is what is delusional.
We'll see what happens with Texas vs. Pennsylvania, et. al., tomorrow. If the Supreme Court refuses to hear the case, then it's probably over. If they take the case, well, then it ain't over 'til it's over.
You're wrong, Althouse. That is not a reply, that is a retweet.
Try it yourself, log on to twitter dot com, pick a tweet, hit the retweet button, see what the screen looks like.
You should revise the post, and probably apologize to the NPR person.
I was just reading this morning how all these legal "experts" said the Texas lawsuit was clever, but a charade-gimmick, and the Supreme Court would never hear the case in a million years.
"Experts" is just the latest term liberals have destroyed the meaning of.
Sure, presidents don't change. Bush I never got the common touch. Bush II never grew up. In different ways, Clinton and Obama didn't either. Presidents disappoint, but they don't grow in office. Biden won't either. Possible exceptions: Lincoln, Truman.
"The believe that there won't be consequences to that is what is delusional."
No court has taken these claims seriously. None. Shouldn't that give you pause to wonder if you are incredibly gullible and have been fed manipulated 'facts'?
Consequences for what? Disproven claims?
"It's weird either way, and Gura, an NPR journalist, ought to maintain strict accuracy."
Yeah. In what universe?
Gura never saw the laser eye meme before? Is this another bubble thing?
After the installation of Biden is safely accomplished, one of the major MSM outlets - - the NY Times or the Washington Post - - will, to rub salt in the wound and also to pretend that they are still unbiased journalistic outlets instead of DNC propaganda megaphones, will publish a study of the 2020 election and conclude that fraud did in fact occur, but that - - ha ha! - - it is, of course, too late to do anything about it now...
Further prediction: Biden will resume the practice of presidents attending the White House Correspondents' Supper, and it will be a great hit with the woke crowd, as every joke will be at President Trump's expense and they'll openly gloat of how they screwed him out of a second term.
Clyde said...
We'll see what happens with Texas vs. Pennsylvania, et. al., tomorrow. If the Supreme Court refuses to hear the case, then it's probably over. If they take the case, well, then it ain't over 'til it's over.
The Supreme Court took the case yesterday afternoon. 7 other States joined the Texas petition.
an NPR journalist, ought to maintain strict accuracy
Even Gura laughed at that one.
Are we allowed to talk about the other States and their Attorneys General joining Texas the the SCOTUS lawsuit?
Are we allowed to talk about the corruption, power grab, and law changes the corrupt Wisconsin Democrats members of the Executive and Judicial Branches of Wisconsin that reside in Madison, while completely IGNORING the laws written by the legislature?
I read the 92 page suit last night? Did the professor? we have to talk about what is and isn't Presidential?
A visit from Gort wouldn't surprise me all that much about now.
Klattu Barada Nikto! Would you say it, or would you let him do his will?
What if Trump WAS our Klattu? You could make a case for him being an extraterrestrial. It would explain a lot.
What's next? Stay tuned following these important announcements...
Please remember to say “Kaatu Barada Nikto.”
Mark, I cannot stop you from pissing on my leg and telling me it is raining, metaphorically that is. But, I can detect urine when I smell it.
and Gura, an NPR journalist, ought to maintain strict accuracy.
Hahahaha! As if...
Trump fought the Swamp, but the Swamp won.
Althouse: " the defeat becomes more incontrovertible than it already is."
in·con·tro·vert·i·ble - not able to be denied or disputed.
There has to be some liberal Madisonian self-preservation in this statement. There is no way the Professor believes Biden wasn't declared president-elect via fraud. Especially living in Madison, WI, one of the epicenters. The denial is perplexing.
Other than trying to preserve Madison's #1 place to retire for $$$ reasons and survival in the community, it makes absolutely no sense. I think Althouse's denial of the obvious gives us good insight into the corruption of liberal judges that are refusing to look behind the curtain and also participated in the fraud as outlined in the Texas SCOTUS lawsuit.
My new blog article:
How long did the imaginary burst waterpipe delay the ballot-counting?
In light of the life changing corruption, by all means lets debate the difference between and reply and a retweet. Talk about Chicken shit.
Blogger Mark said...
"The believe that there won't be consequences to that is what is delusional."
"No court has taken these claims seriously. None. Shouldn't that give you pause to wonder if you are incredibly gullible and have been fed manipulated 'facts'?
Consequences for what? Disproven claims?"
Nothing has been,"disproven".
The courts simply refused to hear it. Until they do nothing has been proven or disproven. So far the preponderance of evidence is making the case for vote fraud.
Wishcasting will not make it otherwise. Please try and be accurate.
Again, I am - as usual, missing the point of this post. It started with a usual lie from Trump but Trumplings expect that, I guess:
They got caught because we were leading by so much more than they ever thought possible. Late night ballot “dumps” went crazy!
Somehow he forgot that the networks had not declared him the winner at any time in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona or Nevada.
If Major Patriot attached the gross pic of Barrett, I wouldn't know because I rarely read tweets. But why criticize Gura's small mistake and publish Trump lies without punishing comment?
And then why glorify Trump for dancing to Sinatra's "My Way" when we know he ripped off his donors for millions upon millions of dollars during the inaugural? But Althouse is correct, Trump is going out the same way, ripping off donors for bogus legal funds that are ending up in his personal bank account. The stealing part is what Trumplings do not get.
No court has taken these claims seriously. None. Shouldn't that give you pause to wonder if you are incredibly gullible and have been fed manipulated 'facts'?
Yet another massive staggering lie.
This is HUGE! Pennsylvania Judge Patricia A. McCullough ruled that the Pennsylvania preliminary ELECTION CERTIFICATION injunction was PROPERLY ISSUED and should be upheld. McCullough added this, “Additionally, petitioners appear to have established a likelihood to succeed.”
Note that this is ONE PA judge ruling in Trump's favor affirming ANOTHER PA judge ruling in Trump's favor.
And then the PA Supreme Court said "What, you took three weeks to file? Too late! Haha!"
There are plenty of other examples of judges ruling in Trump's favor across several states.
So when you believe "no court has taken these claims seriously", are you incredibly gullible and been fed manipulated facts? Or are you dishing the lies out yourself? we have to talk about what is and isn't Presidential?
Is it Festivus yet? I have grievances to air...
Qwinn, keep telling yourself that one partisan judge who was overruled is MASSIVE.
I bet your wife was underwhelmed when she realized how much you exaggerate.
in·con·tro·vert·i·ble - not able to be denied or disputed.
I see plenty of intelligent, informed, ethical people in the comments disputing Biden's "election". As a matter of fact, 1/2 the country disputes the claim. But, they don't live in Madison, WI or participate in a corrupt University culture. They also don't think plywood is an artistic canvas.
In the Clintonian fashion I guess it matters what the word "won" is.
If Biden takes the oath of office you can say he "won". But...if you go by who got the most votes, Trump won, and that is obvious. Biden's "victory" margin wasn't true votes. This isn't and NFL game where the outcome of a bad call sends the Rams to the Superbowl. This is the lives of 400 Million Americans.
Qwinn, keep telling yourself that one partisan judge who was overruled is MASSIVE.
I'll repeat:
Note that this is ONE PA judge ruling in Trump's favor affirming ANOTHER PA judge ruling in Trump's favor.
And now whether or not a judge is partisan matters? Like the PA Supreme Court that overruled these 2 pro-Trump verdicts being 5 Democrats to 2 Republicans? And when they themselves illegally modified election laws, so that their ruling in Trump's favor would actually incriminate themselves?
Great Scott Adam’s Video on the fraud - only 90 seconds:
You don't need evidence if bullies chase down the witnesses
Good evening, “Mark” a/k/a Wang. How’s life in GMT +8?
You're right the election was a total fraud based entirely on speculation by nutters screaming on a marginally famous blog on a clunky Google arm of the internet universe. Some of these nutters deploy all caps and bold type so it must be true. I've seen several citations of statistical analysis that are incontrovertible proving that Trump actually won. The psychological evidence is overwhelming.
The important thing is that there are still options available to Trump to claim well not just to claim but to achieve total victory over Biden and another 4 years at the helm.
The only problem is he doesn't have enough money to wage this war... this is a war to prevent civil War... it's the most important War in the history of the world. Please send money max out your credit cards mortgage your home Rob your children's college fund and retirement accounts this this this this is the most important battle and it can only be won by sending more money to Donald Trump legal defense fund hotel and casino.
Yeah, clues, Mao planted me here in 2011 just waiting for this moment.
And I have a Kraken in Brooklyn to sell you, Ron, and Qwinn.
The evolution of the "incontrovertible" argument:
1) No court has taken these claims seriously. None.
Show that in fact two judges in PA believed the Trump team had "established a likelihood too succeed.
2) Qwinn, keep telling yourself that one partisan judge who was overruled is MASSIVE.
Reiterate - not one PA judge. Two PA judges, one affirming the other. (And there are plenty of others in several states I could easily dig up.)
3) You're right the election was a total fraud based entirely on speculation by nutters screaming on a marginally famous blog on a clunky Google arm of the internet universe.
Nothing matters except for judges, unless they rule in Trump's favor, at which point their verdicts are "based entirely on speculation by nutters screaming".
Seriously, assholes. Don't ask for mercy. There will be none.
President Donald Trump tribute.
Weep motherfuckers.
Well, you know the old legal principle in constitutional law: "Klaatu Barada Nikto."
"Don't ask for mercy. There will be none."
I will remember this when we are asked to be kind to let the Trump dead enders after their attempt to destroy the country.
Notice - Mark has abandoned his "incontrovertible" argument entirely now. I was hoping to hear him step it up and claim two judges don't matter either. So I could post a third, fourth and fifth.
Qwinn, I never used the word, incontrovertible, Althouse did.
Saying that I said it doesn't make it true, it just emphasizes your reading struggles and how you make things up.
Take up that claim with her, as she is the one who stated that.
Pathetic bullshit, Qwinn. I have seen children lose at sports with more dignity than you have handled Trumps loss.
You're mistaken. What has been definitively, conclusively proven to be pathetic bullshit is this claim:
No court has taken these claims seriously. None. Shouldn't that give you pause to wonder if you are incredibly gullible and have been fed manipulated 'facts'?
You're a liar, Mark.
Tell me what I have posted here that I "made up". I conclusively proved that *you* are making things up. You have done no such thing in response.
In response to being demonstrated conclusively as a liar, rather than admit that you were wrong, you namecall.
That is what is known as pathetic bullshit.
Trump won the recent Presidential election. The SCOTUS case pending is not a voting fraud case which is about crimes committed by ten million voters. It is a case of vote counting fraud which is about crimes committed by 7 State government’s personnel. And the President has proof of that fraud.
Disproven claims?
You're a liar, Mark. Those claims were not "disproven" in any way. They were ignored by the courts, media and Dems (I repeat myself 3 times).
You can post snarky remarks all day, but what your side did was destroy America's belief in the integrity of the US election system. And if you think the end justifies the means, then have the stones to admit that.
But don't think for a minute that the next 4 years are going to be quiet and uneventful. Because your side is going to get the same treatment and respect as you gave ours the last 4 years.
Qwinn with the "I know you are but what am I?" defense.
Enjoy continuing to lose in court and in the court of public opinion.
Trust me, we won't forget this month+ long tantrum being thrown, nor your claims of no mercy.
Well the Supreme Court just sent a one sentence laser reply to the mad king’s law suit—denied. The con is done and out.
keep telling yourself that one partisan judge who was overruled is MASSIVE.
Right, the one judge that overruled was "partisan"; the others who didn't are just beacons on American justice. Pull the other one; this one's sore.
Irony isn't your strong suit, is it?
Well, it's like I always say: "Klaatu barada nikto!"
Well the Supreme Court just sent a one sentence laser reply to the mad king’s law suit—denied. The con is done and out.
Look up the term "injunctive relief". That's all the USSC was voting on.
Example three of courts "taking these claims seriously":
Arizona Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Election Challenge After Investigation of 100-Ballot Sample Finds 3% of the Ballots Were Deemed Fraudulent in Favor of Biden
Georgia County cannot reproduce recount results on voting machines.
Have fun with this Ann.
Everyone is going to see that letter.
Apparently it’s preferable to have your president who doesn’t know where he’s at stumbling through reading a teleprompter and still butchering his nominees name and getting the cabinet position altogether wrong. “Health and Education”
So yeah, things are going to get worse before they get better. But I’m not optimistic. What those who are afflicted with the Trump derangement virus don’t quite yet understand is that the virus doesn’t ever completely leave your body.
Just to get you on the record, Mark:
When you said: No court has taken these claims seriously. None.
Was that statement true or false?
"NPR journalist, ought to maintain strict accuracy"
NPR journalist maintain strict accuracy"
Pure definition of an oxymoron.
roesch/voltaire said...
Well the Supreme Court just sent a one sentence laser reply to the mad king’s law suit—denied. The con is done and out.
This is just embarrassing. Althouse needs a better patch of libs. I get the lying ones, I get the stupid ones.
Why both?
NPR is just part of the cover up. They're part of the DNC media conglomerate.
The Democrats stole the presidential election in the swing states. We know this because they hid their steal by throwing Republican observers out of the polling places and counting centers. They kept the observers far away from the election workers and papered over the observing windows so the observers could not detect any election cheating. They told all observers that the counting was done for the night at 10:30 then kept on working after everyone had left. And amazingly enough, during this time when they weren’t counting, Joe Biden got 100,000s of votes at multiple counting centers. That’s a neat trick, Santa must of come early for Joe. Everything else is just the details of the steal. The election workers cheated and need to face significant prison time.
“ When you said: No court has taken these claims seriously. None.”
“Was that statement true or false?”
I would say to Mark that no final final court has determined the claims on the merits, just dismissed on technicalities. Often highly questionable technicalities.
You can have fun with a letter saying that a county cannot reproduce it's vote tally results as well Mark.
I would actually say that Mark has done us a great favor, beyond just proving the utter lack of honesty on his side.
He also said this:
Qwinn, keep telling yourself that one partisan judge who was overruled is MASSIVE.
Think of all the doors Mark has opened up with that one statement.
Blogger Mark said...
"Don't ask for mercy. There will be none."
I will remember this when we are asked to be kind to let the Trump dead enders after their attempt to destroy the country.
Yes, please remember it, lefty Mark. The election was stolen and you and gadfly and R/V know it deep down. The "knowledge of the crime" is obvious in those videos of poll watchers being expelled, cardboard being put up to hide the fraud. Why else would the local officials hide what they were doing ?
There is no interest on the left in trying to prove the election was honest. It is all about hiding the proof it wasn't.
‘As for the President, he's so far from acting in the manner we call "presidential" that I see little value in pointing out and bemoaning the various examples of things that are below the dignity of the office.’
Trump has been “presidential” in the arena of getting things done and exposing the swamp. What we have recently called “presidential” really means “polite.” That definition has given us a sex addict/rapist, a soft spoken eunuch and a Machiavellian goblin.
Well Dr Mike it's obvious to me that there is no interest on the Trump team and trying to prove the election was dishonest it's all about the fundraising.
One would think with a war chest of 200 million dollars that Trump could assemble the finest investigatory technological and legal team to conduct a full court press to prove his case period. Instead he sends amateurs with fucked up documents that are Dead on arrival. When the judges reject the unsatisfactory submissions, it allows the baby Trump to cry foul.
The sole purpose is to emphatically claim the victimhood that you people wallow in along with your hero and savior Donald J Trump.
Betchya if they waterboarded enough election officials we’d have plenty of evidence.
npr the folks that wouldn't cover the hunter laptop, lol, who licked the sandinistas in the 80s,
Ron: e“The election was stolen. That fact is obvious. [To] believe that there won't be consequences to that is what is delusional.”
What consequences? 48% of the population are stupid or insane. 48% are smarter, sane and ineffectual and 4% are our swamp dwelling rulers. So what “consequences” other than Joe the Grifter and his minions running the country into the ground?
Biden--Commander in Thief.
John Bragg said...
You're wrong, Althouse. That is not a reply, that is a retweet.
Try it yourself, log on to twitter dot com, pick a tweet, hit the retweet button, see what the screen looks like.
You should revise the post, and probably apologize to the NPR person.
John Bragg; I appreciate the point that you are making, but I think that while you are fundamentally correct (and Trump did "retweet" the Coney-Barrett picture), Althouse is technically correct. When someone formally Retweets another post, it is without their own (the Retweeter's) commentary. And as such, it bears the small gray header, "______ Retweeted" and with the twin spiraling arrow symbol. Because of Trump's own, approving comment added to his Tweet, his was not technically a Retweet. It was an approving response to the original Tweet.
I do think that this is an odd distinction to make when Trump was so clearly approving of the original Tweet. Trump didn't merely Retweet it; he somewhat specifically added his own approving imprimatur to the original.
And THAT also makes a difference in Trump's case, because on previous occasions when Trump HAS merely Retweeted something dubious or controversial, he has later claimed that he was just putting things out for people to see, and essentially make up their own minds. He wasn't necessarily endorsing anything. In this case, Trump is quite obviously endorsing the message, whatever the hell it is, that features Justice Amy Coney Lasereyes.
I bet all Chuck's comments can be deleted. There are two of you and one of him, after all.
Brush up on your Mandarin Ann. Joe will be a real president.
Maybe Red China Joe will take us back to “Presidential.” How do you say, “We’re toast,” in Chinese?
"Nothing has been "disproven".
The courts simply refused to hear it."
It would appear some folks think "disproven" and "sticking your fingers in your ears while saying lalalalalalala I'm not listening" are the same thing.
Mark has helpfully conceded that judges can indeed be complete partisan hacks rendering decisions with total disregard for the evidence.
Which renders the ONLY defense the lefties here have offered - "But the judges!" - entirely moot.
I am not sure: thanks for that. Your comment got me to thinking about the incompetence of the Trump prosecution of election fraud. I've said many times that it seems intentional to me that is part of a grand plan to create a hysteria of victimology in order for Trump to raise money and have a successful continuation of his TV career.
I think maybe even more likely it is the case that Trump is simply unable to hire people of high quality to pursue these fraud cases because no one wants to be associated with these shenanigans therefore the only attorneys and investigators he is able to muster are incompetent bottom feeders and political hacks. Emergent behavior rather than designed conspiracy is much more likely.
"a grand plan to create a hysteria of victimology in order for Trump to raise money and have a successful continuation of his TV career."
Right, because Trump didn't have that *before* becoming President. Or a big enough fan base that he wouldn't have had that regardless.
But we're the conspiracy theorists.
The sole purpose is to emphatically claim the victimhood that you people wallow in along with your hero and savior Donald J Trump.
Another "you people" comment by Howard. Let the healing begin. If lefties could control their (your) sense of entitlement and sneering superiority, we might even get along. But they won't and we don't. We are back to Carter II with all the success that implies.
“I think Althouse's denial of the obvious gives us good insight into the corruption of liberal judges that are refusing to look behind the curtain and also participated in the fraud as outlined in the Texas SCOTUS lawsuit.”
WI SC Justice Brian Hagedorn cannot be called a liberal judge, even by a Trump cultist, without astonishment.
“Hagedorn is what he has always been: a conservative. A former assistant attorney general under Republican Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen who went on to serve as chief legal counsel Republican Gov. Scott Walker, he helped to draft Walker’s loathsome 2011 “budget repair bill” and was later appointed by Walker to a Wisconsin Court of Appeals judgeship. He’s been active with the right-wing Federalist Society and he’s got a record of taking socially conservative positions with which this newspaper strongly disagrees.”
I think maybe even more likely it is the case that Trump is simply unable to hire people of high quality to pursue these fraud cases because ....
The lawyers are being doxxed and harassed by your lunatic friends and allies.
Quinn. I’m still waiting for you to provide the evidence you promised supporting your claim that all 900 absentee military ballots in Fulton County were for Biden. When do you think you will have it? After all I assume one reason you comment interminably here is because you want to persuade those who have an open mind. Even if you don’t think I fit in that category, surely some readers of this blog do.
“If lefties could control their (your) sense of entitlement and sneering superiority, we might even get along.”
If Michael K could remember all his sense of entitlement and sneering superiority he engages in daily, he might not make such an idiotic comment.
Gura demonstrates that not only can the left not meme, the left doesn't even understand or recognize memes.
Starting today, YouTube is removing content that claims widespread election fraud or fraud that changed the results of the election.
Look up doxx. They are not.
There's no grand plan. There is a feral desire to stay in power abetted by politicians terrified of the kind of constituents who comment here.
"As for the President, he's so far from acting in the manner we call "presidential" that I see little value in pointing out and bemoaning the various examples of things that are below the dignity of the office."
Below the dignity of the office? That ship has sailed.
Two easy examples: Kennedy being hopped up on pain killers and fucking anyone in a skirt, age be damned. Clinton getting his cock sucked while working, and spraying DNA all over that sacred place...
Such dignity, such gravitas...
If you hold political office, you have no dignity.
"Quinn. I’m still waiting for you to provide the evidence you promised supporting your claim that all 900 absentee military ballots in Fulton County were for Biden. When do you think you will have it? After all I assume one reason you comment interminably here is because you want to persuade those who have an open mind. Even if you don’t think I fit in that category, surely some readers of this blog do"
And I'm still waiting for you to affirm that 100% of military votes going to Biden anywhere isn't the bare minimum evidence required to prove voter fraud. When you set reasonable goal posts, I shall provide.
But you know that.
I have been thinking about this for a long time - I hope it is on topic enough to survive moderation:
The catchphrase I have been using with friends and family is “Imagine Obama.”
In other words, imagine it’s the 2012 election (plus COVID) and the only thing keeping Obama from a second term is dodgy non-in-person ballot practices in a small number of R-controlled, predominantly white cities.
First off, the D’s would never have let things get this far under pandemic conditions - they would have unashamedly promulgated nationwide emergency orders to facilitate absentee voting and make any R travel to vote protest or contest in court near-impossible.
But if it did get that far, the Rs would immediately have bent over backwards to check and recheck anything the D’s asked.
But the D’s wouldn’t ask. Instead, they would do any and all of the following courses of action:
- invoke the Insurrection Act, Voting Rights Act, and Guaranty Clause to take over the offending states, prosecute all officials involved in the dodgy counts, and direct the states to send Obama electors.
- obtain universal injunctions from shopped district judges miles away from the offending states and sympathetic to the type of argument Texas is now using: cheating in your state deprives my state of living under a properly-elected President.
- on the off chance that SCOTUS rules against them, declare that the ruling violates the political question doctrine, that the POTUS as a coequal branch cannot acquiesce in obviously unconstitutional conduct by the offending states, and anyway how many divisions does the Court have?
- on the equally remote chance that Romney gets sworn in, all cabinet officials refuse to resign on Jan 20. When directed by the new POTUS to resign, they claim he is not the real POTUS. This pleads to interesting court cases, especially if SCOTUS hasn’t ruled on the merits yet.
- if the D’s have the Senate (I don’t remember if they did in 2013, but assume arguendo), they refuse to consider any of the new POTUS’s appointments. Simultaneously, universal injunctions are obtained to block all actions by the acting secretaries, if by some chance they are not D but towers or fellow-travelers.
The R’s could use all the tools in this toolbox right now if they had the intestinal fortitude or the knowledge. So far they don’t seem to.
Quinn in court
Judge - mr. Quinn. I understand you have incontrovertible evidence of voter fraud in Georgia. Would you please provide that information to the court?
Quinn - I would love to Your Honor, but I’m concerned you won’t think the evidence is good enough. Hence, I decline your request.
Judge. Huh?
You ain't a judge, steve. You're just a partisan hack with a long history of moving goalposts. I demanded you set goalposts in stone. The goalposts you chose to set would deem that 99% of military votes going to Biden in Fulton County GA did not prove voter fraud. Fuck that. I ain't a monkey dancing to your tune. My request is entirely reasonable. If you're not willing to admit that voter fraud would be in evidence at a much smaller percentage than 100%, then I don't owe you anything. And your claim that I should post it anyway just for other people's review is laughable. Not one person who is arguing there was no fraud here has displayed the slightest hint of being open to reviewing the evidence with their own eyes, instead deferring all review to judges they know to be partisan hacks. Not one.
DJT says that he caught the swamp. Is that a euphemism?
If you catch all of the swamp do you have the clap and crabs and so on?
Ann, all of this looks a lot different if in fact the election was stolen, as there are mountains of indications that it was (which may or may not constitute "evidence" in court, but which should concern any fair-minded person). It makes no sense that someone wins Iowa and Ohio by 8 points and loses Michigan and Wisconsin. Or that one party gains several house seats and wins nearly all toss-up Senate races but loses the Presidency. Or that vote counting "stops" in the middle of the night and restarts with different totals, but only in Dem-run big cities in key states. Or that mail-in ballots somehow have never been folded. Or that there are unprecedented numbers of ballots voted only for President and not for any other offices. Or that mail-in envelopes and chain-of-custody documents can somehow not be found. Etc., etc., etc.
And "official" denials (with caprophagous grins, perhaps) from the people who let it happen in the first place do not constitute refutation.
Ok. I’ll continue playing your game. If 850 of the 900 were for Biden, I would conclude that you have convincing evidence of fraud. Of course it could be rebutted by other evidence, such as a poll of all 900.
Let’s not forget. This discussion began on your unqualified representation that 900 of 900 voted for Biden.
Gilbar knows the score. Most of the American people will go along to get along, and nothing will change. We'll get more of the same censorship, hate, racism, bullying and fraud next time.
Just admit you don’t have the evidence and we can move on to your next dumb claim.
The only thing undignified about the Trump Presidency is how it was treated by media and the opposition. He had no sexual scandals and violated nobody's legal rights as many in the past often did, but there was 10 times as much scandal manufactured out of nothing. Few past Presidents could have stood up to the scrutiny and abuse Trump took. If you fell for that narrative you just got played, plain and simple, and the people who played now know you are a sucker for that crap. They thought so before. That's why they did it, but now they know you are an easy mark.
“Not one person who is arguing there was no fraud here has displayed the slightest hint of being open to reviewing the evidence with their own eyes, instead deferring all review to judges they know to be partisan hacks. Not one.”
Again the fallback position that Trump cultists have when one case after another crashes and burns is to blame the judges as being “partisan hacks”. There were judges that were appointed by Trump himself and well known long time conservative Justices/Judges that shot down claims of massive voter fraud and rejected petitions to allow Republican legislatures to replace the electors with Trump loyalists. They know it would disenfranchise millions of people’s legal votes. Now every single one of them is part of some deep state conspiracy? This is truly pathetic.
Inga said... WI SC Justice Brian Hagedorn cannot be called a liberal judge, even by a Trump cultist, without astonishment.
Hagedorn is a coward and a RINO. He is Wisconsin's John Roberts. His recent siding with liberal justices have nothing to do with merits. They are cop-out, run out the clock prodedural objections.
Hagedorn also sided with ignoring the Wisconsin law that requires purging the voter rolls for accuracy. The conservative women on the WI Supreme Court have more balls than he does.
1. Unpresidential is mild: cynical, dishonest, destructive and fundamentally hostile to democratic values is more like it.
2. Basically, the litigation campaign is somewhere between zero and 1 for 50. An abysmal record.
3. These results are common in the courts of every state and in both state and federal courts.
4. These results are coming from both Democratic and Republican judges. The two sharpest denunciations of the litigation campaign, in the Third Circuit and the Wisconsin Supreme Court, are from conservative Republicans.
5. The rejections have sometimes been on the basis that the claims lack legal merit. But there are a growing number of cases, including at least one case in every state, where the court has heard the best evidence that the challengers can present, and in every state, the trier of fact has concluded that that evidence is unpersuasive, that it does not show fraud or illegality, and that it could not possibly provide a legal basis for overturning the election results.
6. This comes on top of a recount in Wisconsin, three recounts in Georgia, and the uniform testimony of election officials, at both the federal and state level, and of every political persuasion, including Trump's attorney general and his department of homeland security, that this was a secure election and that there was no fraud or illegality that would change the result.
7. The remaining cases will fare no better. The new Supreme Court filing will go nowhere. The notion that the Supreme Court will declare that Texas has the right to dictate how Pennsylvania votes is laughable.
8. The conservative commentators on this site have shown no understanding of the governing law or how the legal system works. A few days ago, people were saying that the appeal in the Pennsylvania mail ballot case was a slam dunk. Not one justice voted to take the case.
Similarly, there have been a lot of comments about the hundreds (now claimed to be thousands) of affidavits. But many of those suits in which those affidavits were initially presented were voluntarily withdrawn. For example, the Michigan case challenging exclusion from watching the count, where hundreds of affidavits were presented, was withdrawn because there was undisputed evidence that there had been hundreds of Republican watchers in the building. To my knowledge, when presented to a court, none of those affidavits has held up in court as evidence of fraud or illegality, let alone of fraud sufficient to overcome Biden's margin of victory.
9. The actual bottom line is this: in 50 lawsuits, no one challenging the election results has proved fraud of any kind, in any state, and no one has suggested any plausible basis for setting aside the election returns. This despite the fact that Trump had $170 million to fund investigations and litigation, and that there was a $1 million reward for evidence of fraud.
10. Now you folks are all believers in the rule of law, right? That's why you favor the appointment of people like Amy Comey Barrett, right? Or Brian Hagedorn, of the Wisconsin Supreme Court, or Stephanos Bibas, of the Third Circuit Court of Appeals. And you favor Trump supporting Republicans, like Kemp of Georgia, or Ducey of Arizona. These are your people, folks, and they are telling you that your conspiracy theories are BS. Why don't you trust them?
11. Finally, what do you think of people showing up with guns outside of elected officials houses because those officials refuse to buy this crap? I am guessing a bunch of you are going to defend it.
In Althouse's little parallel universe Biden and his flat EEG goes down as "presidential."
Has ANY honest person in Madison or Milwaukee raised their voice in objection to election laws in Wisconsin being illegally changed by our executive branch and judges? I haven’t heard one. It is all about cowardly self-preservation. I declare my opinion is incontrovertible.
No evidence?
A Running Compendium of Fraud Charges in Election 2020
Not even a little?
" the defeat becomes more incontrovertible than it already is."
It's dejabu OJ.
I'm sure there are people who believe OJ didn't do it, just like there are people who believe Biden got 81 billion votes.
"as the defeat becomes more incontrovertible than it already is." I take that statement to mean the election fraud was so pervasive, combined with the real threat of organized riots and looting thanks to the well funded BLM movement and Act Blue operatives, we must meekly surrender to the coup and installation of Biden. Althouse isn't denying that massive fraud took place. She's decided she's willing to accept it without protest. After all, Trump wasn't presidential.
If Trump isn't presidential what do you call a man who was elected through massive voter fraud? How is Biden presidential in the line of Washington and Lincoln who were famous for their integrity? Biden is a known plagiarist and cheat. How do we maintain our national pride with that?
We won't be returning to traditional presidential dignity with Biden, we'll be entering a new era of mass control and deception. His own people will have the least respect because they know what they did to get him in office.
Fuck you, Howard.
Chuck has been permanently banned. It should mean something. So has Inga, BTW.
... but never forget his great comic timing at rallies.
If you believe opinion polls, two-thirds of Democrats believe Russia hacked voting machines in 2016 to steal the election from Hillary Clinton. If you believe opinion polls, two-thirds of Republicans believe Venezuela and China hacked voting machines in 2020 to steal the election from Donald Trump. The good news is that still leaves one-third of America who doesn’t believe this bullshit. I think we can build from that.
Another Fun Fraud Fact: All 900 Military Ballots in Fulton County, Georgia Went to Sleepy Joe Biden — NOT A CHANCE IN HELL!
Now, I know what you'll say. Just because it was alleged by a lawyer doesn't prove it's true.
Except for the last several weeks, you guys have asserted a thousand times, "None of these fraud allegations actually make it into lawsuits presented before a court because they're not true and the lawyer would be risking everything to do so."
Well, that statement was put before a court.
Going to try to have it both ways now, aren't you?
So if that claim was false, why wouldn't the GA court want to hear the case and review that claim, if for no other reason than to shut the allegation down and send some lawyers to jail?
"As for the President, he's so far from acting in the manner we call "presidential" that I see little value in pointing out and bemoaning the various examples of things that are below the dignity of the office."
That's ridiculous! Unless I'm mistaken, the "Official Conduct of US Presidents" book hasn't been written yet.
That might be a good project for you in your twilight years. So we're all on the same page.
As for me, I prefer my President's to act in my interest, not engage in meaningless political speak.
Althouse said...
As for the President, he's so far from acting in the manner we call "presidential" that I see little value in pointing out and bemoaning the various examples of things that are below the dignity of the office.
"Pfff... What a gyp."
Our politicians in general lack decorum.
Stephen said...
6. This comes on top of a recount in Wisconsin, three recounts in Georgia, and the uniform testimony of election officials, at both the federal and state level, and of every political persuasion, including Trump's attorney general and his department of homeland security, that this was a secure election and .
12/9/20, 10:48 AM
At least they have come off of "there was zero fraud" claim. Baby steps are still steps I guess.
Prole 11:24 - that's not really accurate.
In 2016 - even the collective left and the collective left's media admitted that the Russians didn't hack any machines. The left did accuse, at great length, for years, how the Russians "influenced" the election thru fake ads that were allowed to run on Facebook. etc...
(that nobody saw)
[ALSO -SEE WHY THE Tech industry was pressured by the left to swing in the opposite direction and hide any negative information about any democrat THIS time around]
***Note: NYT article about how Russian Money flowed to the Clinton Foundation. We will never see a negative word about a democrat party offical ever again in any mainstream news source.
Jump to 2020 election - all sorts of shenanigans went on - and there is evidence and eye witness testimony. Mathematical improbability up the ying yang. All being ignored by the MSM. Yeah - Trump voters - both R and D - we understand the coordination between MSM, tech, and on-the-ground vote fraud probably gave Biden the win.
That the courts cannot solve the fraud doesn't mean that their wasn't fraud.
Stephen said...
6. This comes on top of a recount in Wisconsin, three recounts in Georgia, and the uniform testimony of election officials, at both the federal and state level, and of every political persuasion, including Trump's attorney general and his department of homeland security, that this was a secure election and that there was no fraud or illegality that would change the result.
12/9/20, 10:48 AM
At least they have come off of "there was zero fraud" claim. Baby steps are still steps I guess.
I have yet to meet someone who thought the Russians hacked to voting machines in 2016.
Not evidence. Evidence would be, eg, an affidavit based on personal knowledge. You are simply repeating BS from some kooky lawyer. Presumably if your claim is true there would be supporting voting records.
Yet you are still 100% sure the claim is true. Why is that? Why are you incapable of recognizing that there is even a small possibility that you are wrong? Why are you incapable of recognizing that maybe the courts got it right. Certainly if they ruled in your favor that would settle the matter for you.
You’re not interested in evidence or truth. Gee, I wonder where that comes from?
I was ready to be convinced but you couldn’t provide the Evidence.
You let me down Quinn
"Zero fraud" reminds me of my favorite song from HMS Pinafore.
"You let me down Quinn" What script is that from?
"You are simply repeating BS from some kooky lawyer."
Anticipated this answer. Addressed this directly in my original post. Pointed out that this has been contradicted by your repeated claims that lawyers don't put stuff in front of judges if they're afraid it's false. Asked why the court would refuse to review it if it represented perjury.
Totally non-responsive to those points. Attempting to have it both ways. Exactly as expected.
Gura works for MSNBC. He previously worked for NPR.
It's right there in his Twitter profile.
@steve uhr,
Yet you are still 100% sure the claim is true. Why is that? Why are you incapable of recognizing that there is even a small possibility that you are wrong? Why are you incapable of recognizing that maybe the courts got it right. Certainly if they ruled in your favor that would settle the matter for you.
Yes, we could be wrong. Then prove it. Have an open & above board investigation after the inauguration. Name a special prosecutor or a commission with Trump & Biden's people & even some foreign observers.
Yet, nobody's talking about that, are they, Steve? We're asked to "Come Together" and to believe that Philadelphia, Atlanta, Milwaukee, & Detroit politics are always clean and above board. Sure, why not. I also bet that whorehouses are full of virgins, too. Ask yourself --- what concession is being made to the concerns of Trump's voters that acts as an incentive for them to get in line? Are there any?
The Democrats think if they bluster through this it's going to go away. Pretend that all is normal & above board and reality will follow (more Post-Modern "Set the Discourse" thinking).
It isn't.
Make that "worked For MSNBC." He's currently unemployed.
Ah, think of all the unread books about the election to be written.
Gura the liar.
Prole 11:24 - that's not really accurate.
The Economist/YouGov Poll: Two-thirds of Democrats believe it is "definitely true" or "probably true" that "Russia tampered with vote tallies in order to get Donald Trump elected."
The Wall Street Journal: About Half of Americans Think Russia Interfered With Election Through Hacking, Poll Finds.
You’re not interested in evidence or truth. Gee, I wonder where that comes from?
Says the man whose party refuses to allow investigation. How about 100 affidavits from witnesses ?
Ann's contempt for Trump will come out more and more as Biden settles into the White House basement.
Blogger Stephen said...
11. Finally, what do you think of people showing up with guns outside of elected officials houses because those officials refuse to buy this crap? I am guessing a bunch of you are going to defend it.
Not until they start shooting
"Ann's contempt for Trump will come out more and more as Biden settles into the White House basement."
And since she didn't vote for Biden, her (eventual) glowing reviews of his administration can come from a position of neutrality...
Blogger Stephen said...
11. Finally, what do you think of people showing up with guns outside of elected officials houses because those officials refuse to buy this crap? I am guessing a bunch of you are going to defend it.
If you're referring to the Michigan Soros whore SOS Benson, there were no guns. Get this-she lied.
Michigan State Police: no guns. All video: no guns.
Further, so what if there were?
Keep fucking around, and guns are coming. It's inevitable.
No, AA will go straight to sympathy, as the scales fall from her eyes on his longtime mental state.
None of this matters anymore.
Democrats violently kicked republican poll observers out of counting stations.
It is on video. Nobody denies it.
The election at that point is default invalid.
My wife is noticing a lot of recent shootings in the area she works. Crime is spiking and she is thinking about quitting.
The COVID lockdowns are obviously politically targeted and the rage over this is going viral.
This is all going to crash home much faster than people think. It is obvious people here have no idea what a low trust society looks like.
Now you will learn all about it.
Yeah, its much better that Biden, he might get into office through Fraud, and supression of the Biden Hunter story by Big Tech and the MSM, should be elected. So what if he's senile? SO what if the american people didn't vote for him? So what if he'll issue exec orders and pass legistlation that he never discussed during the campaign?
Hey, he'll be BORING and won't be criticized by the NYT/WaPo. And we can all just listen to bob Dylan and go for walks.
If you don't care that a president will be elected through FRAUD and you have Zero desire to find out who won the legal votes, then I'm not going to care about your political opinions. That goes for EVERYONE who thinks that.
Althouse said... I see little value in pointing out and bemoaning the various examples of things that are below the dignity of the office.
But now accepting the office through massive voter fraud perpetuated in your interests is now Presidential behavior, along with grifting foreign aid money...selling out Americans to Communist China for your own personal wealth etc...
Must be a Madison, WI thing.
Dignity of the office. Bullshit here's dignity .
How's that for healing?
I am curious who the Democrats think is going to lead them through this crisis.
It obviously isn't Joe Biden.
Kamala Harris has proven to be absolutely incapable of motivating people.
Is it the media? Is it big tech? Is it AOC?
Who are your leaders?
Do you realize that when this comes down to confrontation the Trump supporters are organized, motivated, and have leadership while the democrats just don't?
Nobody is going to fight for Joe Biden. They just wont. You are coming to an inevitable crisis and you have a naked emperor figurehead.
Day by day we walk deeper into fascism. Youtube is banning anyone that alleges fraud in this election.
"As for the President, he's so far from acting in the manner we call "presidential" that I see little value in pointing out and bemoaning the various examples of things that are below the dignity of the office. He came into office dancing to "My Way"..."
Cruel neutrality and civility bullshit required an example after stating the lack of value.
Michael K: Says the man whose party refuses to allow investigation. How about 100 affidavits from witnesses ?
Try a thousand.
Because..THIS IS ICKY!
Is Meade alive?
By the way, did anyone notice this from steve uhr?
Not evidence. Evidence would be, eg, an affidavit based on personal knowledge.
We have a thousand affidavits based on personal knowledge.
Apparently they only count as evidence if we *lack* one in any particular instance. When we have them, they are utterly void.
The burden of proof is on the person challenging the election, not on the officials conducting it, for obvious reasons.
Nobody is saying that any community's politics are always clean and above board. What we are saying is that you can't throw out elections on the basis of what "everyone knows" is fraud when in fact there is no competent proof of fraud.
The most recent proven instance of vote fraud affecting the outcome that invalidated a federal election was in a conservative Republican area of North Carolina. Not Philly, Detroit, Milwaukee, Atlanta. The North Carolina case shows that it is perfectly possible to detect and prove fraud affecting the outcome. And it highlights the glaring absence of such proof here, in an election that was closely monitored at every level of government, and when Trump had an army of lawyers and a boatload of lawyers to prove it after the fact.
Excuse me, I meant army of lawyers and boatload of money.
"The burden of proof is on the person challenging the election, not on the officials conducting it, for obvious reasons."
Bullshit. Doctrine of spoilation. Those election officials have been destroying evidence right and left, in every state. That's not contested - there's dozens of newspaper articles about that destruction.
When they did that, the burden of proof fell on them. Period.
Have you actually read any of the decisions considering the evidence you describe and finding it inadmissible hearsay, or incredible, or insufficient to show fraud or illegality?
There are a bunch. I recommend the Arizona and Nevada lawsuits.
And have you studied the evidence in, for example, the Pa. and Michigan lawsuits, where the undisputed evidence ended up showing that tons of Republican observers were present for the count in both Detroit and Philly?
"in an election that was closely monitored at every level of government"
All I know is that when you typed that, you didn't have anything remotely like a straight face.
The burden of proof is on the person challenging the election, not on the officials conducting it, for obvious reasons.
So, you're saying that the losing candidate, his Party, and the citizenry can't request an audit of an election? Doesn't it seem to you that if a proper audit can't be done, then the burden of proof then falls on the election officials to prove that the election was legit?
Not a recount, but an audit. Has anyone in the contested states gone through a full audit? Hell, last I heard, the Dominion machines couldn't even be audited the software was so incompetently designed.
Look, as a tactical matter it's perfectly fine to allege a Kraken-level electoral conspiracy as payback for Hillary Clinton's Russian hacking excuse for losing the 2016 election, but the danger is that some fool may actually believe it -- for example, Althouse's dopey commenters.
for example, Althouse's dopey commenters.
Then, what do Trump's 79 million voters do? Just get in line? How about, if we spent two years investigating stupid made up claims of Russian interference, we spend two years and millions of dollars investigating claims of Democratic malfeasance?
You up for that, Prole? Or, do you want everyone to just shut up & go away because you just know your side is too righteous & just to do something like this, and what gall to suggest otherwise! I mean, it's like spying on opposition reporters or siccing the IRS on opposition political opponents? I mean, that just isn't done in a free country!
Oh, wait.....
Althouse, if the case is "incontrovertible", why did Alito ask the states Texas is suing to respond? Why did other states join the suit?
Shouldn't Alito have just blown Texas off, the way you have?
Hard to understand why a former Con Law prof would take your position. Would you care to defend it?
Stephen said...
The burden of proof is on the person challenging the election, not on the officials conducting it, for obvious reasons.
This is absolutely wrong.
Republican poll observers were violently removed from counting stations on video.
At that point the burden of proof is on Democrats who violently kicked them out.
Earnest Prole said...
Look, as a tactical matter it's perfectly fine to allege a Kraken-level electoral conspiracy as payback for Hillary Clinton's Russian hacking excuse for losing the 2016 election, but the danger is that some fool may actually believe it -- for example, Althouse's dopey commenters.
You haven't posted a single intelligent thing on this subject.
You are a moron. Nobody cares about people who aren't serious.
If the left felt like they were cheated in 2016, perhaps the true payback is their actual cheating in key precincts. Anyone paying attention to the suppressed information understands it looks bad.
I'm up for the Joe Biden impeachment.
He is actually a crook. So - it should be easy.
Stephen said...
Excuse me, I meant army of lawyers and boatload of money.
If a judge is willing to label hundreds of witness statements filed under penalty of perjury hearsay there is no number of lawyers or amount of money you can spend on them that would make any difference.
Especially when democrats are attacking and threatening sanctions against lawyers that work for him.
At that point Trump would be better served spending that money on a militia style organization.
"Look, as a tactical matter it's perfectly fine to allege a Kraken-level electoral conspiracy as payback for Hillary Clinton's Russian hacking excuse for losing the 2016 election, but the danger is that some fool may actually believe it -- for example, Althouse's dopey commenters."
Once again, zero to contribute, unless we count insults. Not a bit of analysis about what is wrong with the evidence that various parties that are presenting that this election is fraudulent.
Earnest Prole said...
Look, as a tactical matter it's perfectly fine to allege a Kraken-level electoral conspiracy as payback for Hillary Clinton's Russian hacking excuse for losing the 2016 election, but the danger is that some fool may actually believe it -- for example, Althouse's dopey commenters.
I'll tell you *my* definition of a "dopey commenter": it's someone who does not understand the difference between a case alleging "electoral conspiracy", and one asserting wholesale violation of Constitutional rights and usurpation of plenary state legislative powers, which is what the Texas case is all about.
This is truly pathetic.
No. What's pathetic is running around with a 'blue wave' avatar after your party got your asses kicked up and down the ballot across the nation. And the only race you won, you had to cheat to win it.
That is truly pathetic.
Stephen said...
The burden of proof is on the person challenging the election, not on the officials conducting it, for obvious reasons.
Utter bullshit.
Is this a court of law, subject to the criminal code?
OK, so here we are. At an election.
It's incumbent of those running an election, of any kind, to satisfy any and all reasonable suspicions of malfeasance.
It's called election integrity.
Ever hear of it?
Don't you have to wonder who he owes all that money to, to go to these lengths to scam money from fools?
Maybe they're people who aren't impressed by "bankruptcy".
“No. What's pathetic is running around with a 'blue wave' avatar after your party got your asses kicked up and down the ballot across the nation. And the only race you won, you had to cheat to win it.”
Pathetic arm chair big mouth warrior at it again. Cant face defeat without wallowing in the muddy puddles of conspiracy theory. Adult men and women who still follow their cult leader until their dying breath. Just like the loyal Germans in the bomb shelters who were absolutely sure that Germany could still win the war, even as allied bombs rained upon their heads in the last days before Hitler committed suicide.
Inga: Cant face defeat without wallowing in the muddy puddles of conspiracy theory.
Yes, that Inga. Who has been wallowing in muddy puddles of conspiracy theories for four years.
“Who has been wallowing in muddy puddles of conspiracy theories for four years.”
Trumpists, one after another after another...
Hey Qwinn, I heard George Soros was arrested on charges of voter tampering and that liberals heads would explode when they heard it.
"Trumpists, one after another after another..."
We are legion.
And we will not let you destroy this government.
You will be stopped. By any means necessary. And I have yet to hear from a single Trump voter who believes this election was stolen (97% of them, last count) who thinks this isn't the hill to die on.
Well, there's a couple who pretend to have voted for Trump, like mccullough, but we know they're completely full of shit.
Blogger wholelottasplainin' said...
Althouse, if the case is "incontrovertible"...Hard to understand why a former Con Law prof would take your position. Would you care to defend it?
That would be beneath the dignity of the office.
Stephen said...
And have you studied the evidence in, for example, the Pa. and Michigan lawsuits, where the undisputed evidence ended up showing that tons of Republican observers were present for the count in both Detroit and Philly?
12/9/20, 1:23 PM
Do you understand what the word "observe" means? Not what a bunch of lawyers and judges argue it means but what actual people think it means?
It means standing over the shoulder of the person(s) validating, opening, and counting the votes. Not 20 or 30 or 60 feet away, not in another room, not 1 person per 12 validaters.
We have seen actual video of Republican observers being kicked out in mass from precincts. Video of election workers putting cardboard up to block the view so observers could not see what was going on. Video of boxes of ballads being pulled out from under tables after observers were sent home.
It is NOT on anyone to show actual fraud as these places all demonstrated through their actions that they were up to no good. A level playing field does not hide actions, does not obscure viewing, does not eject monitors.
Everything may be on the up and up but the folks in charge do not act like it was on the up and up. It is OUR election, they just run it. It is on them to prove it was all good. If you act like there was fraud, then there was. All we should have to do (and it was done in spades) is show that those in charge acted like there was fraud.
All they are doing now is trying to cover to all up and tell us to shut us and sit down.
Although this was an obviously fraudulent election, the MAGA insurgency is over. I think mail in ballots should be tied to biometrics like fingerprints or retinal scans so this never happens again.
"Just like the loyal Germans in the bomb shelters who were absolutely sure that Germany could still win the war, even as allied bombs rained upon their heads in the last days before Hitler committed suicide."
Inga of course compares people alleging or believing in election fraud to supporters of Hitler. Meanwhile she votes for a party that wants to ban from the public forums -- Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube -- people that disagree with her political religion, or even to fire them from their jobs!
Never does it cross her mind, apparently, that there is actually something reminiscent in all of this of the Nazis. She truly has no shame.
We can get angry about this, and I do. I'm not better than the rest of you. But it would better if we could just laugh at Inga and the many others like her.
Melania has been such a refreshing change from our most recent FLOTUSs - she appears to be as gracious as she is beautiful. I will miss her.
I voted for Trump.
I’m just not deluded.
A lot more people voted for Trump in 2020. But even more people voted for Biden.
Trump has more fervent detractors than supporters. That’s not hard to understand.
mccullough: Even if that is true, and I doubt it, that puts you in the 3% of Trump voters who don't believe this election was stolen.
Good luck with your fellow non-deluded compatriots. I'll be with the rest of humanity.
Trump won more house districts which the Dem House candidate also won than Biden won House Districts which the GOP candidate also won.
Enjoy your delusions. Dems enjoyed their Russia Collusion delusions.
You have much in common with them.
Mandrewa, perhaps you should put more energy into rejecting conspiracy theories and less into imagining what you think others mean. My example of the German people is one of a people thoroughly defeated who clinged to fantasies, even while reality bonked them over their heads.
You bought the Russian Collusion conspiracy hook, line, and sinker.
You are among The Deluded.
@Jim at
I usually skip over Inga and Chuck (and a few others) comments.
None of them are very smart, and none of them have anything of substance or wit to add to the discussion.
There are some lefties here that I do read because they aren't stupid and they can be entertaining.
There was a huge investigation that brought forth many instances of collusion and obstruction. Mueller was loathe to prosecute a sitting President. It’s that simple. The conspiracy theories were that there was no “there there”, there was more than enough.
I notice none of the doubters are taking me up on my commission/special investigator recommendation.
C'mon, you dog face pony soldiers! It'll be a cinch, and wrapped up in no time flat with a clean bill of health! Right? Right??
But, you know why the Powers-That-Will-Be aren't going for this olive branch of reconciliation --- they know what happened in those precincts. It's just like no state, even Red states, wants to have a public investigation & cleansing of their voting lists. They know what GIGO shitheaps those lists are, and they don't want to give anyone ammunition for a court battle come the next election.
"You have much in common with them. "
The four years of the Russian Collusion hoax never produced a single notarized affidavit alleging a crime.
We have over a thousand.
And then the statistical anomalies, the videos, the observers kicked out.
Not that much in common.
If this election had taken place in any other country, the State Department would have declared it fraudulent, like they did the Ukranian election.
Illegal Use of Absentee Ballots: According to the respected NGO “Committee of Voters of Ukraine” (CVU), massive electoral fraud was committed through the illegal use of absentee voter certificates. For example, people were caught in Dnipropetrovsk and Sumy oblasts with their pockets stuffed with blank absentee ballots that they were using to vote at multiple polling stations.
Opposition Observers Ejected: Observers from Our Ukraine and other opposition groups were expelled from most polling stations in eastern Ukraine on Election Day. For example, in Territorial Election Commission (TEC) district number 42 in Donetsk oblast, Our Ukraine observers were kicked out of all but a few polling stations.
North Korean-Style Turnout in the East: Turnout in the pro-Yanukovych eastern oblasts was unnaturally high. In several electoral districts, turnout for the run-off round increased by 30 to 40 percent over the first round. In Luhansk oblast, the reported turnout rate hit nearly 96 percent — a number that, to quote the OSCE, even Stalinist North Korea would envy. A similar turnout rate was reported in Donetsk oblast, where 98 percent of the votes went to hometown candidate Prime Minister Yanukovych.
Mobile Ballot Box Fraud: In the second round of the election, the number of voters who supposedly cast ballots at home using mobile ballot boxes was double that of the first round. Much of this voting occurred without observers being present and was massively fraudulent. In Mykolayiv oblast, for example, nearly 35 percent of the oblast’s voters purportedly cast their ballots “at home.”
Computer Data Allegedly Altered To Favor Yanukovych: There were credible reports showing that that Yanukovych supporters gained illegal access to the Central Election Commission’s computer system and illegally altered vote tabulation data being transmitted by TECs to the CEC.
Reports of Opposition Fraud: Yanykovych’s supporters allege that Yushchenko’s supporters stuffed ballot boxes in western Ukraine. But the reports and evidence of pro-Yanukovych fraud greatly outweighed those indicated for Yushchenko.
The only difference between this election and the Ukranian one is that instead of pockets full of ballots, you guys had suitcases full of them.
You are dissembling.
It was all bullshit from the get-go.
You are among The Deluded.
I can same the same for you.
How is it that Trump was able to increase is vote total 18% since last election?
Trump got a higher percentage of the vote this time vs 2016.
How was that possible?
Althouse told you to leave.
Only a deluded person would stay.
Sending a lot of soldiers to war.
Selling out to China.
Not presidential:
Bringing troops home from war zones.
Fighting China with aggressive pro-American trade policies.
That's what I see.
How about, if we spent two years investigating stupid made up claims of Russian interference, we spend two years and millions of dollars investigating claims of Democratic malfeasance?
You misunderstand: I'm all in, for no other reason than as payback for the Russian Collusion hoax. Game theory demands it.
But you have to be honest (with yourself at least) about the game you're playing.
“Althouse told you to leave.”
McCullough, Althouse didn’t tell me to leave. Althouse and I have had our tiffs, but we seem to be able to get past them. Althouse has not deleted any of my comments and has on occasion actually interacted with me in neutral way since our tiff. So I suggest you get beyond the notion that you have more right to comment here than I do.
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