"... they inject politics into the pulpit. They appear to be completely unaware that the 'politics' of the Black church tradition are rooted in the words of Jesus, who called for every Christian to be a champion of the poor.
Warnock’s preaching has also been branded as 'anti-American.' But he is following Jesus — and in the footsteps of the best-known articulator of the Black church tradition, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., who believed poverty, racism and militarism were the triple evils that threatened America’s democratic ideals. Both Jesus and King said that people of faith must serve God with all our heart, mind and soul — and that placing service to a government above the embodiment of love is an act of idolatry. Far from being new or extremist, this belief has been preached from pulpits and hush harbors since Black people began worshiping in this country without the infringement of White overseers.... As senior pastor of Atlanta’s Ebenezer Baptist Church — where King and his father were both pastors — Warnock has devoted himself to the social-justice demands of his Christian faith.
He has said that, as a senator, his priorities will reflect the moral imperatives central to Black theology."
"hush harbor" was a place where American slaves congregated in secret to practice religion:
Christianity was the prominent religion of the African Slaves after being transported to the Americas.... The hush harbors served as the location where slaves could combine their African religious traditions with Christianity.... The songs created by slaves were known to contain a double meaning, revealing the ideas of religious salvation and freedom from slavery. The meetings would also include practices such as dance. African shouts and rhythms were also included.
Slaves would suffer punishments had they been caught in a hush harbor meeting.....
"...conservative pundits claim."
Probably get better results with the whole poverty reduction thing if black church leaders could somehow teach people to stop making babies out of wedlock, for a start.
I mean, the behavioral rules are there for your own protection, remember?
Pretty sure the command "Love thy Neighbor" applies only to Thyself, and not to force thine-other-neighbor to love him as well, at gunpoint.
Personal charity, not socialism forced by the government, is what Christ preached.
And he's Pro Choice. How does that work?
Friend sent me a picture of this dude with the caption: "Preaches 9 of 10 commandments."
From "Raphael Warnock is the man to bring the gospel back into public life" by the Rev. Otis Moss III senior pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago (WaPo).
So Raphael Warnock is a Christianist religious zealot who will destroy the boundary between Church and State?
I guess that means all principled leftists will vote against him, right?
Personal charity, not socialism forced by the government, is what Christ preached.
Exactly, exhelodrv. A point always overlooked by liberals. As a matter of fact, Conservatives are more generous with their own money than are Liberals. Libs are only generous with other people's money.
Of course, what the WaPoo knows about Christianity can be printed on the back of a postage stamp.
Warnock is a clone of Rev Wright. Given the changers since 2008 in the Democrats, Wright would be conducting the inauguration.
Trinity United Church of Christ
That was Barry O'Bama's church, wasn't it?
of, America's Chickens, are Comin' Home to Roost fame?
NOT exactly a CHRISTIAN church
When is this "special election?"
Special is right.
Raffensberger is shitting bricks right now.
The left use a template.
w/i: Jesus is a communist and or a socialist, & religion is OK when leftists use it for political purposes.
Only people on religious right are bad bad bad.
If Warnock's hate speech is in the traditions of the Black church-- whatever the hell "Black church" means-- then the traditions of the Black church are thinly veiled Marxism, and therefore entirely incompatible with the meritocratic traditions of the United States of America.
Wright a pastor emeritus of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago then states:
[The United States] government lied about their belief that all men were created equal. The truth is they believed that all white men were created equal. The truth is they did not even believe that white women were created equal
The government still thinks a woman has no rights over her own body, and between Uncle Clarence who sexually harassed Anita Hill, and a closeted Klan court
He continued:
The government lied about Pearl Harbor too. They knew the Japanese were going to attack.
They lied about the Tuskegee experiment. They purposely infected African American men with syphilis.
Georgia Runoff: Warnock Called Jeremiah Wright's 'God Damn America' Sermon 'Very Fine'
It's interesting nowhere does he identify a mischaracterization, instead he offers a justification. Offering a justification is an admission the claim is correct, he is merely disputing whether the claim is important.
So Raphael Warnock is a Christianist religious zealot who will destroy the boundary between Church and State?
I guess that means all principled leftists will vote against him, right?
I'm sure both of them will.
If you want to know what Christ asks of you, look at the Parable of the Good Samaritan.
The Good Samaritan asks the innkeeper to look after the injured man he brought in. But he PAYS the innkeeper for this.
Because the requirement is ON YOU. Not on anyone else. Not on government. Not on society. ON YOU.
Your taxes aren't charity. Bullying other people to "help" is not charity. You, personally, spending your own time, effort, and money is charity, and is what Christ called people to do.
Anything other than that is a thug pushing his or her politics
Chickens coming home... to roost!
Just keep ‘em away from Tank Abrams, she’d bbq the SOBs...
What was the name of that white boy marxist priest in Chicago? Rev Phlegm, I think...
"Wright a pastor emeritus of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago then states:
[The United States] government lied about their belief that all men were created equal. The truth is they believed that all white men were created equal."
What an ignorant and racist pile of garbage he is. He considers the Irish, and Southern Europeans, to be "white". The WASPs certainly didn't all thought he 1800s. Only a bigoted, pin headed racist would push the idea that "all whites are the same", or even the belief that you can reasonably and meaningfully divide people into "white" & "non-white"
People are individuals, and that is how we all should be treated
What would Jesus say about election fraud?
That might be a good topic for a sermon.
Has the IRS ever gone after a black church for overt politicking, in violation of the Johnson Amendment? I’m sure it has happened before, but it sure seems like it’s okay for black church pastors to endorse candidates and engage in any sort of political advocacy from the pulpit, without fear of consequences.
Another Reverend Wright. Pro Choice??? That doesn't seem very Christian to me....killing babies. Sheesh....Democrats Reverends are a joke....Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, this guy and Reverend Wright?? Glad I don't belong to the Church of Progressivism.
Huh, not finding much except that the apostles should preach to the poor.
Boy, try that in your nonprofit homeless shelter and you could lose your grant money!
They appear to be completely unaware that the 'politics' of the Black church tradition are rooted in the words of Jesus
Let's all agree it would be best if Warnock served Jesus and his opponent served Caesar.
That is what I would say if I inherited Jeremiah Wright's pulpit. But what Warnock is saying isn't what someone who inherited MLK's pulpit ought to be saying.
Yes, there is a role in American life for the prophetic and for prophetic scourging of society's complacencies, but that place isn't necessarily in the US Senate.
After all the concern about the religious right's role in politics, shouldn't we also be hesitant to bring the religious left into Congress?
A "hush harbor" was a place where American slaves congregated in secret to practice religion
I doubt it because the term doesn't show up in ngram before 1960, when someone dreamed it up.
What would Jesus think of an anti-Semite?
Maybe it's best not to throw this Christ-like figure into the Gehenna of the US Senate.
the moral imperatives central to Black theology."
"Black theology seeks to liberate non-white people from" blah blah blah.
So these guys are white-exclusion racists. Big surprise.
What would Jesus say about election fraud?
“The vote harvest was plentiful but the poll watchers were few.” ?
What do you mean mischaracterized? Jesus was a communist. We get it. We get it perfectly. You and he are crystal clear. I only wish everyone will understand as well.
Warnock has devoted himself to the social-justice demands of his Christian faith. He has said that, as a senator, his priorities will reflect the moral imperatives central to Black theology."
And right there, at the end, is the Secret Teaching, the lie of omission that means to mislead the casual, especially the casual white liberal reader of what's going on here.
This is the Wikipedia on Black Theology. Now, whatever Black Theology may be, it is not any of the mainstream Protestant theologies that have been historically preached in most black churches in the US. It was also most explicitly rejected, mostly by being pointedly ignored, by the likes of the Rev. Martin Luther King, who wrote his dissertation on the very mainline (and very white) Reinhold_Niebuhr.
This is the problem with these guys getting interviewed by a mainline media reporter for an audience basically bereft on any knowledge of the vagaries of modern theology. Guys like Warnock lie through their teeth, and they never get pressed on it. Questions like "uhhhm, not what exactly does this "black theology" mean? I thought the Gospel was supposed to be the same for everybody...".
So I guess the dogma living loudly within someone is now ok.
Phleger, is the one, he's the most radical since julian bond, who never went very far in georgia state politics, but was the darling of shows like snl,
That’s it, narciso, not Phlegm. He’s a real piece o’work...
John Brown thought himself a good Christian too.
Well that is just god damn awkward.
WaPoo providing top cover for its Democrat senate candidate. The WaPoo has never met a Democrat candidate it couldn't call a friend.
Social justice anywhere is injustice everywhere. That said, diversity (i.e. color judgment), not limited to racism, and exclusion are, unfortunately, a progressive condition under the Pro-Choice quasi-religion ("ethics") of the Progressive Church/Synagogue/Mosque/Chamber/Clinic etc.
Both Jesus and King said that people of faith must serve God with all our heart, mind and soul — and that placing service to a government above the embodiment of love is an act of idolatry.
What a twisted wreck of an argument. They're conflating two separate bible passages to give Warnock cover for his anti-military service screed.
Jesus said:
"Ye cannot serve God and mammon." (Matthew 6:24).
"Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's" (Mark 12:17)
Mammon is money, not working for the government much less military service in particular.
Rendering unto Caesar is giving the government what it wants, hopefully in exchange for the government leaving you alone to worship God as you see fit.
Thus, the only ideas I can ply from Rev. Moss's argument is:
1.) The Bible opposes student loan forgiveness programs specifically for government employees.
2.) The government should not discriminate against churches in terms of lockdowns.
Justice for the other guy, not your own guy, is in line with Jesus.
If you get that backwards, as most do, your soul is not saved.
Just so I can keep my scorecard straight: the Democrats love Jesus in this case and the Republicans hate Jesus in this particular case.
"Warnock has devoted himself to the social-justice demands of his Christian faith. He has said that, as a senator, his priorities will reflect the moral imperatives central to Black theology"
So, actually, his views have not been mischaracterized.
Democrats show how much they love Christ every 4 years at their conventions, Howard.
Which, sad to say, is not at all.
"It was also most explicitly rejected, mostly by being pointedly ignored, by the likes of the Rev. Martin Luther King, who wrote his dissertation . . ."
Correct, but depends on what the meaning of "wrote" is.
Bull. Effing. Shit.
"...conservative pundits claim."
Republicans pounce!
...conservative pundits claim.
In other words, people actually who know something about Protestant theology as it has been & is preached in the US would beg to differ.
So this "hush harbor" thing. Does it involve child abuse? https://news.yahoo.com/police-reports-detail-warnock-obstruction-161038719.html
What would Jesus say about Clinton's private Server for international pay-to-play cash?
Or Biden family international grift?
That google ngram viewer is an interesting gadget. “Safe harbor” is there from the beginning of the graph and peaks, as in really peaks, in 1941.
Curiosity compelled me to look up “boatswain” and “bosun”, pronounced the same way with the same meaning. Bosun was uncommon but present in the 1800s. Since 1900 or so business has been picking up, while boatswain is on a downward trend.
"I doubt it because the term doesn't show up in ngram before 1960, when someone dreamed it up."
So, what about this; "Slaves would suffer punishments had they been caught in a hush harbor meeting.....". Gosh, the lying liars who lie at the WaPo seemed so sure about that. I could practically hear the whips cracking on those black bodies. What about you, Althouse? Couldn't you hear those whips? I gather that white women are especially sensitive to that sort of thing.
Damn automiscorrect miscorrected bosun to business. Must not be in my phone’s dictionary.
Nichevo said...
What do you mean mischaracterized? Jesus was a communist. We get it. We get it perfectly. You and he are crystal clear. I only wish everyone will understand as well.
No Communist would tell the Parable of the Good Samaritan.
So, obviously, Jesus wasn't a Communist
Strange comments here. Why does the Reverend Jeremiah Wright come into the picture in discussing Raphael Warnock? Why belittle a black candidate because he is black? Methinks the Trumpists are displaying their MAGA fears as the domination by white men shrinks.
For as long as America has been a country, the straight white American man has been king of the hill. America freed the slaves after first imposing slavery for economic benefit. Now societal changes are occurring as minority populations grow. Perhaps the time has come to abandon the White Man's Burden and understand that we are not gracious gods giving to the poor and forlorn in order to sooth our troubled conscience.
And while we are at it, we should condemn - perhaps even indict - dishonest white politicians like Donald Trump, Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue who have used their offices for personal monetary gain.
"And he's Pro Choice. How does that work?"
Yeah, all that killing babies stuff is totally in the Gospel.
I am a big believer in taking the tax-exempt status away from any church that preaches politics.
You want to sway the vote? Pay your goddamn fair share.
btw szechuan swallwell was an assistant da, before he went on to the norridge (dublin city council) and congress,
Why does the Reverend Jeremiah Wright come into the picture in discussing Raphael Warnock?
Because Revs Wright, Warnock, & Moss are all followers of Black Theology. Rev. Moss is the present pastor of what was Rev. Wright's church!
This is what I mean when I talk about liberals who have absolutely no theological clue.
Another “What Would Jesus Do” politician.
Get rid of the charitable deduction and tax these Non-Profits at the corporate tax rate.
Why does the Reverend Jeremiah Wright come into the picture in discussing Raphael Warnock?
Two black radicals who use Christian preaching as a cover for their anti-White, anti-American racist ideology: Whatever might they have in common?
Methinks the Trumpists are displaying their MAGA fears as the domination by white men shrinks.
I would not have believed it if you had told me but gadfly is even stupider than Inga. I know it's hard to believe but the evidence is in front of us.
Blogger Howard said...
Just so I can keep my scorecard straight: the Democrats love Jesus in this case and the Republicans hate Jesus in this particular case.
No, just substitute BLM for "Jesus" and you will have it about right.
Why do these inspirational Black leaders with their tremendous insights of wisdom and charity only seem to arise in societies where they're oppressed by whites? Where is Mugabe's MLK or, for that matter, Mugabe's Mugabe. What super power do whites have they bring out all that is noble and good in oppressed Black people whereas their own native despots produce just corpses as opposed to martyrs.....There was recently a protest against police brutality in Nigeria. The police responded harshly. They killed a few dozen protesters and wounded a few dozen more. The BBC reported on it for a day. There were some protests in London by the Nigerian emigres there, but the protests never gained much traction....There's something like a half million enslaved people in Mauretania. Sadly, they are not enslaved by Black people so their suffering has no resonance or importance. Pity.
gadfly said...
Why belittle a black candidate because he is black?
You can see why left wingers like black candidates. LWs pretend any criticism is due to the candidate being black which in turn supports the LW belief everyone who opposes them is racist. They need black candidates to maintain the fantasy.
Howard said...
Just so I can keep my scorecard straight: the Democrats love Jesus in this case and the Republicans hate Jesus in this particular case.
Actually, no they don’t love Jesus, much less worship him. No regular Democrats and certainly not people like Warnock not Wrigh. Black Liberation Theology uses Jesus as a cover story for a simple catechism: “White people are evil; kill all white people.” An atheist shouldn’t be explaining this to you.
If you aren’t black, Howard, you should be worried.
gadfly said...
Strange comments here. Why does the Reverend Jeremiah Wright come into the picture in discussing Raphael Warnock? Why belittle a black candidate because he is black? Methinks the Trumpists are displaying their MAGA fears as the domination by white men shrinks.
You are a truly stupid person.
Big Mike: that sounds like a cry for help. Perhaps you should seek therapy
What a horrific mischaracterization of the gospel. This is just sick. They seriously want to claim that Jesus taught using force to take taxes from others as the basis of charity?!
This is just plain nuts. This isn't Christianity. This is left-wing politics masquerading as religion.
UCC - their religion is liberalism and has been since I went through confirmation there in 1967, if not far earlier. Whatever they think is a good thing, they think that Jesus must like it, because he likes good things. They then go looking for things he said that are third-cousins to those ideas and call that proof of their correctness. Same playbook, year after year.
Funny how the “separation of church and state” and “you can’t legislate morality” disappears the moment the “theology” conveniently agrees with left-wing politics.
A "hush harbor" was a place where American slaves congregated in secret to practice religion:
My grandfather preached to a meeting of blacks in Texas. They hid him in the bottom of a wagon and smuggled him in. That would have been in the 1890's.
@Howard (7:36), there's a reason why I call you a fool.
I'll just throw this out here. The new testament doesn't say anything about abortion. However, the old testament says that if you injure a pregnant woman so that she loses the child, you owe the father money.
The Church of Warnock: "Thou SHALT covet thy neighbor's goods!"
"A "hush harbor" was a place where American slaves congregated in secret to practice religion:"
Wait. What? Slaves had the free time to wander around on their own? Next thing you know they'll want to be fed.
"Why belittle a black candidate because he is black? Methinks the Trumpists are displaying their MAGA fears as the domination by white men shrinks."
You are an absolute moron beyond repair. You are seriously one of the stupidest creatures wasting oxygen on this planet.
"Hush harbor" struck me as something phony, but apparently it isn't. Other variants were "brush harbor," "brush arbor," and "bush arbor," in other words it was originally clearing in the woods or an improvised structure where prayer services could be held. I would have gone with one of the other variants, but I wasn't around in antebellum times.
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