December 14, 2020

It's a momentous day.

The Electoral College is voting AND the first shots of the newly approved COVID19 vaccines are going in.


Joe Smith said...

Are they all doctors at the Electoral College?

If not, why not?

Achilles said...

This week is going to be momentous. It will fill the bubble people with joy and happiness. And they will continue to condescend to the discontented people and refuse utterly to address their concerns.

But it wont change the course we are on. Just normal boundaries. The path is set.

Just like republicans condescend to BLM and the very real issues that the Black Community has.

We are all making the same mistake right now.

Kay said...

I was totally convinced the Donald would win in 2020 and lose in 2016. Never count on me for political predictions.

narciso said...

So a fake election result, a hastily cobbled together vaccine

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Thank goodness Dr. Jill Biden saved us with her vaccine.
Thank goodness our corrupt press and some vote fraud handed us the wonderful and amazing Biden family.

Greg Hlatky said...

Kudos to the President-Elect for his discovery, testing and approval of a vaccine. Now we can forget all about COVID.

Michael K said...

Vote fraud triumphant!

Howard said...

Libtards responsible for both.

Iman said...

Time for Slow Joe Biden’s Apology Chain?

Qwinn said...

"Vote fraud triumphant!"

Not yet. It ain't over until January 20th. Trump is still Commander in Chief until then.

mccullough said...

“Anthony S. Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said at a White House news conference on Feb. 26: “So although this is the fastest we have ever gone from a sequence of a virus to a trial, it still would not be applicable to the epidemic unless we really wait about a year to a year and a half.”


Achilles said...

So there has been a forensic audit of the voting machines in Antrim county, MI. Key points:

-The voting machines generated a 68.05% error rate.

-The ballots marked as errors are sent offsite for adjudication.

-The Adjudication files were wiped on November 4th.

-Updated "totals" were posted on November 5th.

-This was all attributed to human error.

I am sure that there is no reason to do a forensic audit on any other voting machines anywhere else in the country.

Mike Sylwester said...

I am not a political scientist, but it does not seem to be an optimal political system when the US President is selected by the few people who "count" ballots in just four cities -- Atlanta, Detroit, Milwaukee and Philadelphia.

Curious George said...

Let's fast forward a bit. Biden's swearing in. $20 he fucks it up. Or soils himself. Or both.

steve uhr said...

You think that if you keep asserting it was a fake and illegitimate election, over and over and over, without credible evidence of significant fraud or other misconduct, that over time your big lie will be accepted as the truth by most. Unfortunately for you, the opposite is the case, and Trump and his hard-core supporters will properly go down in history as trying to steal the 2020 presidential election and almost doing irreparable damage to the Constitution and the Republic. If you act on your threats of violence, history will look even less fondly of you.

I hope many of you are alive to see that day and explain to your children what you did to try destroy the United States of America.

Achilles said...

Curious George said...

Let's fast forward a bit. Biden's swearing in. $20 he fucks it up. Or soils himself. Or both.

There is one last card to be played.

The DNI report on foreign interference in the election looms.

This will be far more momentous than anything the electoral college does this week. I think the bubble people are going to be in for a surprise.

But maybe Ratcliffe will punt too. But if that were so I would expect Trump to be acting differently.

Achilles said...

steve uhr said...

I hope many of you are alive to see that day and explain to your children what you did to try destroy the United States of America.

Feeling is mutual steve.

You kicked republican poll observers out of polling stations.

We will never be countrymen again until one of us is defeated.

Matt Sablan said...

"This will be far more momentous than anything the electoral college does this week. I think the bubble people are going to be in for a surprise."

-- This is exactly like the people still holding on to the walls closing in on Trump.

Qwinn said...

You think that if you keep asserting it was a fair and legitimate election, over and over and over, after having willfully destroyed every possible voter integrity and audit measure that could yield sufficient evidence of significant fraud or other misconduct to "change the outcome" (and still despite that, plenty of credible evidence sufficient to overturn the election exists anyway), that over time your big lie will be accepted as the truth by most. Unfortunately for you, the opposite is the case, and Biden and his hard-core supporters will properly go down in history as trying to steal the 2020 presidential election and almost doing irreparable damage to the Constitution and the Republic. If you act on your threats of violence, history will look even less fondly of you.

I hope many of you are alive to see that day and explain to your children what you did to try destroy the United States of America.

Qwinn said...

Why were 68% of votes in Antrim County, Michigan sent for offsite adjudication, steve? Why were the logs of those adjudications deleted on November 4th?

What in the holy fuck makes you think you get to enjoy ANY benefit of the doubt after something like that? And that's just one piece of an avalanche of evidence. It would suffice all by itself.

Qwinn said...

Doctrine of spoilation. We don't need to prove the vote was illegitimate. You destroyed the evidence and audit logs all over the country, you need to prove that it was legitimate. No more bullshit.

Nonapod said...

Definition of momentous
: having great or lasting importance : CONSEQUENTIAL, SIGNIFICANT
a momentous decision

I can't argue with that. Although it seems like the term is generally used in reference to something that is believed to be positive. And while I don't think you'd get much argument with the notion that the distribution of the Covid-19 vaccine is certainly positive, the electoral college voting in Biden might not be viewed in such a cheery way.

Achilles said...

Matt Sablan said...

-- This is exactly like the people still holding on to the walls closing in on Trump.

A definite possibility. I think Trump would have been more conciliatory in that situation rather than calling the seating of electors illegal.

Even if you are right it does not change the course we are on. It just delays things a little bit.

The wheels are in motion. Millions of people feel disenfranchised no matter what happens.

We are just quibbling about details at this point.

Mark said...

Thank you President Trump.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Democrats hid how they were conducting the election in Atlanta, Philadelphia, Madison and Detroit. Why would they need to do that if they weren't cheating. They shutdown for the night at 10:30, then posted ballot dumps of ~150,000 in the early morning hours of the next day. But they weren't counting ballots by their own admission. So, how did they count and not count ballots at the same time? Schrodinger ballots for a Schrodinger President-elect.

Matt Sablan said...

Again, I'm not really a Trump guy, so his opinion on seating of electors isn't a big point one way or the other for me. I'm more of the opinion that all legal methods have been exhausted; we've proven multiple things... but never made the final proof. Is it worth utter chaos, and potentially violence, without that final proof being able to be proven?

I think that we need to instead focus on what we can: How to improve election security/competence. We need to beat into the ground the fact that, despite Georgia insisting they did everything right, still found multiple sets of uncounted ballots. We're stuck fighting defensively, but from there, we have plenty of points we can prove, that's where the fight should be, not on something we might not be able to prove, and only leads to even more chaos.

Mark said...

I was totally convinced the Donald would win in 2020 and lose in 2016.

I have ZERO trust or confidence in the American people as a whole. So I thought he would lose both times.

This country is bent on national suicide.

Nobody ever promised that our republic (or the world) would last forever. It had to end sometime. Too bad for us that it happened during our time.

Temujin said...

Yes, this is some synchronistic timing. The vaccines came to fruition in amazing time because of Trump. No one and nothing can take this away. Trump's way of doing things, taking action, forcing action, making things happen, knowing how to get businesses to the table, and having the finances of government behind him to make this happen, cutting through unnecessary red tape to speed things up, allowed this to happen. Nothing less. To not acknowledge it- which our media will not- is to not acknowledge the nose on your face.

And at the same time, the Electoral College is now a good thing for Democrats. They can turn in their pussy hats for free Dr. Jill posters at any local pharmacy to celebrate this day.

I, on the other hand, will not celebrate an obviously fraudulent operation.

Qwinn said...

"but never made the final proof. Is it worth utter chaos, and potentially violence, without that final proof being able to be proven?"

If the bulk of the evidence and audit logs of the election were systematically destroyed by the party claiming victory? After illegally dismantling all voter security measures? Absolutely fucking yes.

wendybar said...

I hope many of you are alive to see that day and explain to your children what you did to try destroy the United States of America.

12/14/20, 11:40 AM

My kids and grandchildren will hear the truth. That the Brown shirts of the left...Antifa and BLM burned down cities enough to scare the Supreme Court that if they overturned the FRAUD that is the Biden Administration, that there would be more Brown shirt riots. YOU and YOURS destroyed the USA...I hope you are happy!!!

bagoh20 said...

"I was totally convinced the Donald would win in 2020 and lose in 2016."

The difference was that the Dems and all their li'l helpers didn't expect Trump to win in 2016, so they didn't need to go full banana republic. They learned their lesson about polls too.

Achilles said...

Matt Sablan said...

Again, I'm not really a Trump guy, so his opinion on seating of electors isn't a big point one way or the other for me. I'm more of the opinion that all legal methods have been exhausted; we've proven multiple things... but never made the final proof. Is it worth utter chaos, and potentially violence, without that final proof being able to be proven?

We have proven that the election was non-transparent by force and by deed.

Audit logs are being deleted. Poll observers were attacked.

At that point nothing else matters.

The people who lost an election under these circumstances will never accept it. It will end in violence.

it is inevitable if you apportion political power in a manner like this.

Achilles said...

In addition to making the election non-transparent you need to add in the censorship of corporate oligarchs of challenges to a non-transparent contest.

The Nazi Party in Germany couldn't be doing any better to inspire rebellion than the people trying to install Biden.

JRoberts said...

"It's a momentous day"

Today's also the first day of early voting in Georgia for the 1/5/2021 run off election.

I'll be glad when the carpet bombing of the horrible campaign ads end.

Qwinn said...

"The Nazi Party in Germany couldn't be doing any better to inspire rebellion than the people trying to install Biden."

Stalin is in hell cursing his media apparatchiks for being so pathetically amateurish compared to ours.

Achilles said...

Should I even throw in the targeting of churches and small businesses by democrat politicians under the guise of COVID restrictions?

It will be sooner rather than later.

Joe Smith said...

"I think that we need to instead focus on what we can: How to improve election security/competence."

The results are favorable to Democrats.

They don't want to improve security or competence.

Why would they?

Matt Sablan said...

I mean, that's part of the Republicans job going forward is to make them care. You've got things like this coming out: "Eventually they found the missing thumb drive in an unsecured and unlocked desk drawer along with multiple other random thumb drives." We should be able to use this sort of incompetence to tighten up election activities.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Qwinn said...

They don't want to improve security or competence.

Why would they?

Exactly. That's why accepting these 2020 election results in hopes that the process will be fixed for next time isn't just a fool's errand, it would be complete suicide for the Republic. I don't know when was the last time we had an honest election in this country (I suspect it's been decades), but it's certain we'd never have another if this one is allowed to stand.

No justice, no peace.

Drago said...

steve uhr: "You think that if you keep asserting it was a fake and illegitimate election, over and over and over, without credible evidence of significant fraud or other misconduct, that over time your big lie will be accepted as the truth by most."

Morgan Freeman Narrator Voice: Steve neglected to mention that to this very day 2/3rds of democraticals passionately believe Putin changed vote totals in 2016 and installed Trump as President and a majority of democraticals believe the hoax dossier was verified and proven true, Brett Kavanaugh led a rape gang for 2 decades and Trump is personally and wholly responsible for all deaths globally due to Covid.

Interesting question: which of those democratical "big lies" does Li'l Stevie Uhr still believe? (Because he has over time expressed support for each of them)

Here's an easy one for Li'l Stevie to show us how its done:

Carter Page: russian spy or no?

Drago said...

Matt Sablan: "We should be able to use this sort of incompetence to tighten up election activities."


Seriously. That's adorable.

Joe Smith said...

"I mean, that's part of the Republicans job going forward is to make them care."

Think of it this way. The dems are mommy and daddy. They are running the show: the new, the schools, the courts, Hollywood, social media, etc.

Sane people are the kids.

Mommy and daddy don't give a damn if the kids want Cap'n Crunch for every meal.

The little brats will do what they're told and eat their fucking spinach...

Other than a shooting war (which I am not endorsing) there is no way to make them care.

Marcus Bressler said...

LMFAO. So the Lib Steve actually has the gall to accuse the Right of using "The Big Lie"? The dishonest and projecting Left has ramped up The Big Lie usage that would make the Nazis green with envy.


Inga said...

“The report is signed by Russell Ramsland of Allied Security Operations Group.

Ramsland, a cybersecurity analyst and former Republican congressional candidate, mistook voting jurisdictions in Minnesota for Michigan towns in one recent flawed analysis of voter turnout in the Nov. 3 election. In another, filed in support of a federal lawsuit filed in Michigan, he made wildly inaccurate claims about voter turnout in various Michigan municipalities claiming that Detroit, where turnout was 51%, had turnout of 139%, and that North Muskegon, which had turnout of 78%, had voter turnout of 782%.

Michigan Elections Director Jonathan Brater said in a weekend court filing the report "makes a series of unsupported conclusions, ascribes motives of fraud and obfuscation to processes that are easily explained as routine election procedures or error corrections, and suggests without explanation that elements of election software not used in Michigan are somehow responsible for tabulation or reporting errors that are either nonexistent or easily explained."”

Matt Sablan said...

"Seriously. That's adorable."

-- Eh, is it a long shot? Probably. But I feel like it's a better idea than whatever crazy violent solution -- that is ALSO a long shot -- that is being whispered and hinted at here.

mandrewa said...

"Election officials with no chain of custody, with no audit track or with any record whatsoever, can essentially decide where the votes go."

Quote from Tim Pool: Judge Orders Release Of Dominion Voting Machine Report Saying Machines INTENTIONALLY FLIPPING VOTES

Achilles said...

Matt Sablan said...

I mean, that's part of the Republicans job going forward is to make them care. You've got things like this coming out: "Eventually they found the missing thumb drive in an unsecured and unlocked desk drawer along with multiple other random thumb drives." We should be able to use this sort of incompetence to tighten up election activities.

There is no world where democrats allow a transparent secure election.

I think everyone deep down in their hearts knows why this is the case.

If you want your freedom you will have to fight for it.


Qwinn said...

Inga republishes a critique of the only legitimate mistakes their side has managed to find in all of the evidence that's been offered here.

What she just posted is something we've known about for *three weeks*, and is one of hundreds of analysis showing completely implausible results, but hey, it's all the genuine "debunking" they've got.

Every other "debunking" they've claimed has been a series of unbelievable lies. Especially her "Lead Story" debunking of the Georgia videos, which was one lie after another after another.

Birkel said...

1. Were the observers told lies about the counting of votes stopping across multiple states at roughly the same time?
2. Did the vote counting stop after those times?
3. With no oversight, were extraordinary pro-Biden vote totals uploaded in all the places where the lying about not counting more votes happened?

Imagine that.

Birkel said...

Matt Sablan:
Can you point to the incompetence?
I believe I can point to a plan nearly perfectly executed.

Democraticals stole the election fair and square.

Qwinn said...

(And I will add, my understanding is that the Russell Ramsland brief she's whining about contained all the correct data, and that the mistake was that a single extraneous draft page was included in the report.)

(Which shouldn't really discredit anyone to the extent they're attempting to, but really, it IS all they have, so I can understand their obsessing over it.)

Achilles said...

Matt Sablan said...

"Seriously. That's adorable."

-- Eh, is it a long shot? Probably. But I feel like it's a better idea than whatever crazy violent solution -- that is ALSO a long shot -- that is being whispered and hinted at here.

It isn't being hinted at.

It is inevitable.

You have been coddled in this country. You need to get outside that bubble and see what happens everywhere else in the world. Krystalnacht lasted one night in Germany. It lasted 6 months here in the US.

If this week passes and Biden glides toward installation whoever we choose next will make Trump look like Romney. Counties and States are already declaring they are not accepting the election.

Qwinn said...

Yeah, if anything I've said has been misconstrued as "whispering and hinting", allow me to correct that.

Civil war is inevitable if there is an attempt to install Biden on January 20.

Tens of thousands of people at the multiple DC rallies on Saturday (which I attended) made that very very very clear.

Matt Sablan said...

"Can you point to the incompetence?"

-- So, that's the problem, right? I can't prove the intention of things like not putting the super important thumb drive that tallies the votes in a drawer instead of the locked vault. There's lots of things that are clearly malicious: Deleting data, etc. But some things, are probably just incompetence (for example, losing the couple of vote thumb drives in Georgia? That was probably just incompetence, even if we agree the vote was stolen... why hide those thumb drives and NOT destroy them if you wanted them out of the way, for example? Or "Stickygate" in New York.)

I am convinced that there were a lot of bad actors, and it is a shame that, as usual, government bad actors are not going to get punished. But, the stuff we can prove, and can hammer with, we should. And I definitely think hammering on that and forcing through reforms and changes is a way better, long-term solution, than, what, "insurrection?" "Krystalnacht." Yeah. Put me on the side of, "No, let's not have our bid after exhausting legal options be mass murder."

Birkel said...

Matt Sablan,
You stand where the people who have witnessed overthrow of their former government have all stood.
They all made the arguments you are making.
How did those people fare when they were stripped of the means of self defense?

And you think the conservatives are the ones making threats?

Sarah Hoyt's epithet "sweet summer child" applies to you.

Joe Smith said...

For those (like AA) not paying attention, there are credible fraud allegations that could affect certifications:

I know, libs don't care, but it is interesting.

Matt Sablan said...

"And you think the conservatives are the ones making threats?"

-- In this particular thread... we've had several who openly clarified they weren't hinting or whispering at violence. I'm not so naive as to think that we can shame the government into acting better, but stopping a corrupt government with unrestrained violence -- and guys, you REALLY shouldn't liken the political violence you want to carry out to Krystalnacht. You know *a pogrom.* -- is not a moral alternative I think either side should be promoting. There's a time for violence, surely, but I'm not convinced that it should be used before exhausting our other means.

As long as non-violent solutions and paths are available, they should be pursued. Because once people start shooting (or, I guess, the shooting becomes official, and not this street skirmishing between Antifa and various anti-Antifa forces), stopping them from shooting becomes surprisingly hard. Yes, I know conservatives are confident the military and police will back them. Maybe they're even right; I think if a bunch of armed people essentially state, the Supreme Court made their decision, now let's see them enforce it... it may not be as unanimous as hoped.

Achilles said...

Matt Sablan said...

and guys, you REALLY shouldn't liken the political violence you want to carry out to Krystalnacht.

We are not interested in perpetuating Krystalnacht. You are just being stupid.

I mentioned Krystalnacht lasted for 1 night.

It was in reference to the BLM riots that lasted for 6 months. I was trying to tell you that the democrats have already played out that part of the Nazi playbook multiplied by a thousand.

The people that are taking away your freedom are just going to ignore stupid people like you until you wake up and even then they probably wont have to do much to subdue you.

Drago said...

Qwinn: "Inga republishes a critique of the only legitimate mistakes their side has managed to find in all of the evidence that's been offered here.

What she just posted is something we've known about for *three weeks*, and is one of hundreds of analysis showing completely implausible results, but hey, it's all the genuine "debunking" they've got."

Inga has a long history of linking to things that she doesnt understand and are usually not very timely.

My favorite "late" Inga link occurred in 2019 when Inga was still defending the hoaxed up dossier and claims that Carter Page was a nefarious russian spy and she "proved" it all by linking to an article from....2017!

Amusing as always.

Drago said...

Matt Sablan"..and guys, you REALLY shouldn't liken the political violence you want to carry out to Krystalnacht."


That was your interpretation of a commenter addressing the 6 months of antifa/BLM violence as a 6 month Krystalnacht?

Achilles said...

How many churches do they have to close down before you get it Matt?

How many small businesses do they have to put out of business?

How many poll observers do they have to kick out?

How many audit tables do they have to delete?

How many windows do they have to break?

Achilles said...

How many republican congressmen do they have to shoot?

Michael K said...

As long as non-violent solutions and paths are available, they should be pursued.

Agreed, and then? Have you noticed the hysteria on the left against LEGAL efforts to prove fraud?

I am not going out looking for trouble. For one thing I am old. But, we are armed to the teeth.

Birkel said...

Matt Sablan,
I think Krystalnacht was being compared to the activities of BLM/Pro-fa.

You should learn to read more gooder.

Drago said...

Achilles: "How many republican congressmen do they have to shoot?"

According to the democraticals: Hodgkinson, antifa, voter fraud and the vaccine are all myths.

Birkel said...

Not true, Drago.
They are but mere ideas.

Leland said...

The cruelly neutral troll.

Birkel said...

Pro-Fa shoots one and stabs two in DC over the weekend.
Matt Sablan says it is conservatives advocating violence.

You are a sweet summer child.

Inga said...

“Again - I fought hard for President Trump. Nobody wanted him to win more than me. I think he's done an incredible job. But I love our republic, too. I can't fathom risking our norms, traditions and institutions to pass a resolution retroactively changing the electors for Trump, simply because some think there may have been enough widespread fraud to give him the win. That's unprecedented for good reason. And that’s why there is not enough support in the House to cast a new slate of electors. I fear we'd lose our country forever. This truly would bring mutually assured destruction for every future election in regards to the Electoral College. And I can't stand for that. I won’t.

“I know this isn’t the outcome some want. It isn’t what I want, either. But we have a republic if we can keep it. And I intend to.”
Speaker of the (MI)House Lee Chatfield (R

Drago said...

Also according to democraticals, any accusations that they did not immediately accept the results of the 2016 election is also a myth.

Also according to democraticals, there never were any investigations or concerns about Biden family activities with China or Ukraine or Burisma....except for the ones where there were investigations and concerns... which had already been thoroughly vetted and everyone knew about...and found to be nothingburgers...except those investigations never really happened because there was never any need for them because OrangeManBad.

I hope this helps.

Jim at said...

I hope many of you are alive to see that day and explain to your children what you did to try destroy the United States of America.

You and your leftist thugs have been screaming for the last four years, - while rioting in the streets for the last six months - and you're waving your finger at us?

Go fuck yourself, Steve.

Inga said...

“Wisconsin's 10 presidential electors cast their votes for President-elect Joe Biden on Tuesday, hours after the state Supreme Court denied President Donald Trump's request to overturn the election result by tossing out more than 220,000 votes in heavily Democratic Dane and Milwaukee counties.

"The challenges raised by the Campaign in this case ... come long after the last play or even the last game; the Campaign is challenging the rulebook adopted before the season began," Hagedorn said. "Striking these votes now — after the election, and in only two of Wisconsin's 72 counties when the disputed practices were followed by hundreds of thousands of absentee voters statewide — would be an extraordinary step for this court to take. We will not do so."”

Drago said...

Inga, once banned, has returned to her true form with mass cut and pastes of others words because "Inga".

Matt Sablan said...

"I think Krystalnacht was being compared to the activities of BLM/Pro-fa."

-- The confusion probably is that the line "whoever we choose next will make Trump look like Romney," is an ominous coming of someone more extreme than Trump. And considering that Achilles just had been *promoting* violence, you can see that I might have assumed he was... promoting violence. If what he means is that his running of the streets with blood will be justified and glorious, whereas Antifa's doing the same is wrong... well, I only agree with one of those two statements.

"Pro-Fa shoots one and stabs two in DC over the weekend.
Matt Sablan says it is conservatives advocating violence."

-- I think I've been pretty clear in being against Antifa's violence; I'm also pretty sure I was one of the people here who said that Rittenhouse's shootings looked like clear self-defense. So, I'm not sure it is consistent or helpful to assume just because I would rather not immediately jump to full scale insurrection that means anything beyond the barest fact there.

Here, I'm addressing the fact that I don't think conservatives should be advocating violence. Yes, I get that Antifa will go out of their way to knock over people in wheelchairs. That should be stopped; if local governments are failing, then those local governments should be changed. One can be against unnecessary violence from both sides. If Antifa uses force, it's legal to stop them. If they attack you, you can use legal means to stop them.

Birkel said...

Royal ass Inga steps forward to assert Democraticals stole the election fair and square.
We have finally found a point of agreement.

Matt Sablan said...

"Inga, once banned, has returned to her true form with mass cut and pastes of others words because "Inga"."

-- The best way to make a troll leave is to just ignore them. I think there's a Chrome extension that can auto-hide posts from specific users too, which if I ever felt like using Chrome extensions, I'd probably use.

Drago said...

To Inga's credit, she is getting better at posting the thoughts of others within 12 months of those other's words being published for the first time.

This is a big improvement for Inga and deserves recognition.

Drago said...

Matt: "And considering that Achilles just had been *promoting* violence, you can see that I might have assumed he was... promoting violence."


You screwed up.

Just own it and move on.

Dave Begley said...

WI S. Ct vote 4-3 against Trump.

Dissent notes that the majority are a bunch of cowards who hide behind the cloak of laches. Laches!

The two female Dem Justices who went off on Trump's attorney at the beginning of the oral argument are political hacks and very dishonest. A real disgrace to Wisconsin.

daskol said...

A momentous milestone early in the Era of Psephologic Improbability. I hope the jokes are better than the last era, because it sounds like the temperature is going to be hotter.

Birkel said...

Matt Sablan:
We are saying violence is regrettably inevitable.
That you believe this is said as approving what is coming is stupid.

Seriously, you're being stupid.

The goal of the Leftist Collectivists will continue to be to provoke an "overreaction" as defined by their media allies.
They will pass more ridiculous rules until entire cities and counties say "no".
That is already happening in Washington state, for example.

I expect the gun grabbers will induce some martyrs before they fully commit to state sanctioned political violence.
The sheriffs who have to go home at night will not be motivated to help their own destruction.

Inga said...

“This Court has allowed plaintiff the chance to make his case and he has lost on the merits. In his reply brief, plaintiff asks that the Rule of Law be followed. It has been.”

US District Judge Brett Ludwig, Trump appointee.

Birkel said...

The answer to more and better Leftist Fraud is more and better fraud from the conservative team.

Todd said...

Greg Hlatky said...

Kudos to the President-Elect for his discovery, testing and approval of a vaccine. Now we can forget all about COVID.

12/14/20, 11:14 AM

Dr. Jill developed it earlier this year and sat on it until Joe was a shoe-in...

daskol said...

Well, Birkel, since we're rewriting the book on American Psephology, a result of having to toss the old one out after super-Joe's historically improbably victory, maybe how well do you fraud? is what matters in this new era. There is no context anymore, no history to repeat or to defy. It's a whole new game, our elections.

Matt Sablan said...

"The answer to more and better Leftist Fraud is more and better fraud from the conservative team."

-- I kind of feel that's a more likely solution; Trump was basically a response to treating people like Romney/McCain (relatively moderate, at best, compromise candidates) as "the New Hitler," so Republicans decided, "well, let's just get someone who'll punch back, flaws and all," that there are probably a lot of low- and mid-level Republican officials reading things like the Antrim forensics report and looking at Stickygate and remembering how Coleman lost in the legal fight not the ballot counting, and they're thinking, "Well. These are the rules now."

It's disappointing, but I can't begrudge Republicans deciding to use weapons that the other side has decided are legal.

sterlingblue said...

Indeed, it is a momentous day. The day we found out our voting software was hacked by China!

Birkel said...

Matt Sablan,
You ignored too much for me to pretend you are reading what I bothered to type.

Michael K said...

An interesting analysis of how the fraud was actually accomplished.

Heartless Aztec said...

2025 - "Did you receive the Covid19 vaccine in 2020? If so, you might be awarded compensation. Call Dewey, Cheatem and Howe Attorneys at Law to secure you fair share."

steve uhr said...

Michael K - If you cannot see that your article is written by a unapologetic racist, I have overestimated you. The "whites" were responsible for the Dominion side of the fraud; clearly the blacks weren't up the task. And on ...

Birkel said...

steve uhr demonstrates why it would be politically palatable to run fraud through racial minority partners.

Shim is a racist, by definition.
And shim must accuse others of shim's offense.

walter said...

Praise be to the power of a urinal stopping the count (yet not) across multiple states.

cf said...

I don't really care. Do you?

walter said...

Gates wants us indefinitely confined.
Pretty cool.

Birkel said...

Gates must believe his security team is invulnerable.

Clyde said...

This is how liberty dies... With thunderous applause.

Clyde said...

Birkel said...
Gates must believe his security team is invulnerable.

Nobody is invulnerable, depending on what level of collateral damage is deemed acceptable.

Todd said...

Matt Sablan said... [hush]​[hide comment]
"Inga, once banned, has returned to her true form with mass cut and pastes of others words because "Inga"."

-- The best way to make a troll leave is to just ignore them. I think there's a Chrome extension that can auto-hide posts from specific users too, which if I ever felt like using Chrome extensions, I'd probably use.

12/14/20, 1:49 PM

Yes, it is called "KF" or "KillFile" and it allows you to block individual comments or commentators.

You can sometimes tell which posters use it as it adds the following options after the initial comment poster's name: [hush]​[hide comment]

Sometimes one forgets to clear that out.

It is most helpful to making the threads more readable and less of a chore skipping those that are the celery of the blog (take more energy to read than you get out of their words).

cf said...

We never got even ONE DAY where Trump supporters could bask in the wonderful success of this Presidency.

So last week, when it was clear we really may be seeing the end of President @realDonaldTrump, my own path was also clear, as I tweeted when I began, Dec. 11:

"Today! 40 days to inauguration.
So I begin my 40 days of joyful Parade, a daily walk w Powerful Goodness, singing thanksgiving for our incredible change-agent President @realdonaldTrump. So grateful for the Great successes of his 1stTerm, praying for a second.
G-dspeed, America."

This is day 4, and putting my attention there has been a fine surprise.

For instance, I must report that all my sarcastic, righteous anger at my fellow americans has fallen away. Wow. Instead, somehow, I am chatting it up to my Ultra-Dem lady friends, encouraging them, too, to join me in 40 days of prayer for America and the World. Weird, since I realize they would be lifting up to Most High those notions I disdain. [the Lord does work in mysterious ways, hmm? ]

By day 10, i aim to be courageous enough to wear a sandwich board sign on my back declaring my effort, but in SE PDX, even my girlfriends agree I may be Hit-and-Run by a smart lady teacher in her Prius if I do so -- so we'll see how that works out.

G*dspeed, America.

Doug said...

To both of which I say: whoop-de-frickin'-doo.

Qwinn said...

Phillip Kline

MI Attorney General is threatening legislators w criminal investigation and possible prosecution if they disagree with her, and the MI Governor and other officials are shutting down the peoples’ house and preventing them from gathering today to perform their constitutional duty.

12:34 PM · Dec 14, 2020·Twitter Web App

Time to bring in the military, Mr. President.

Michael K said...

Blogger steve uhr said...
Michael K - If you cannot see that your article is written by a unapologetic racist, I have overestimated you. The "whites" were responsible for the Dominion side of the fraud; clearly the blacks weren't up the task. And on ...

Gee, steve, I thought we were all racists so what does one more matter?

I read the whole thing, which I'm sure you did not. He is a bit on the black thing but it is a fact that the fraud was committed by black poll workers. You seem to imply that Dominion did it but I think it was a mass effort by loonies like you.

By the way, did you read the results of the Dominion audit after the second judge allowed it to be disclosed ? 600 Biden ballots from 6 registered voters ? Good work !

Inga said...

“(CNN)Michigan Republican Rep. Paul Mitchell told CNN that his disgust and disappointment with President Donald Trump's efforts to overturn the results of the election have led him to request that the clerk of the House change his party affiliation to "independent."”

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

The Seven Dwarfs of Biden names

Dopey-----Humper (Dopey as double entendre)

Achilles said...

Inga said...

“(CNN)Michigan Republican Rep. Paul Mitchell told CNN that his disgust and disappointment with President Donald Trump's efforts to overturn the results of the election have led him to request that the clerk of the House change his party affiliation to "independent."”


We prefer it if they voluntarily out themselves.

Qwinn said...

“(CNN)Michigan Republican Rep. Paul Mitchell told CNN that his disgust and disappointment with President Donald Trump's efforts to overturn the results of the election have led him to request that the clerk of the House change his party affiliation to "independent."”

More traitors self-identify. Excellent.

Birkel said...

Representative Mitchell must think shim will be allowed to sleep in the main house when shim is shipped to the gulags.

Inga said...

“LANSING, Mich. (AP) — A Republican lawmaker was disciplined Monday for not denouncing potential violence at the Michigan Capitol before Democratic presidential electors met to vote for Joe Biden, who defeated President Donald Trump in the swing state.

State Rep. Gary Eisen, of St. Clair Township, told WPHM-AM that he planned to help with an unspecified “Hail Mary” GOP plan to challenge the election, conceding that the “uncharted” action likely would not change the result. Asked if he could guarantee people's safety, he said “no.”

House Speaker Lee Chatfield and Speaker-elect Jason Wentworth, both Republicans, removed Eisen from committees in the closing days of the two-year session. In a statement, they said threats or suggestions of violence in politics are never acceptable, including “when the public officials open the door to violent behavior and refuse to condemn it. We must do better.”

The Capitol was closed to the public due to coronavirus restrictions because neither the House nor Senate were in session, though some Republicans, including Eisen, were critical of the closure on the day of the Electoral College meeting. Legislative offices in the Statehouse and nearby buildings also were closed due to “credible threats of violence,” a Senate spokeswoman said.”

Birkel said...

"...denouncing potential violence..."

I condemn Royal ass Inga for not condemning future events.
This is a fun game.

Drago said...

Inga would very much like for republicans to be arrested for pre-crimes.

Interestingly, since Inga has for years blamed western Christians for islamic mass murder attacks across the globe, this sets up nicely for Inga as Christians anywhere in the west could be pre-arrested for yet to be islamic terrorist attacks against, ironically, western Christians.

That would be a win-win in Inga's book.

Trivia Question of The Day: Which attempted Mass Murderer has Inga refused to admit even existed, excluding every single islamic terrorist ever?

Hint: his name rhymes with "James Hodgkinson"

Qwinn said...

“Revealed: Bill Barr directly intervened to keep the Hunter Biden probe secret before the election by warning against issuing subpoenas and asking prosecutors if their staff could be trusted
- Barr sought to uphold existing DOJ policy against interfering in an election
- Cautioned against any moves that could go public such as a subpoena
- Came despite Trump and GOP lawmakers demanding Hunter probe
- Hunter Biden revealed last week his taxes were under investigation
- Democrats have accused Barr of acting like Trump's 'personal lawyer'
- Trump raged on Twitter that Barr 'will do nothing’”


Remember shit like this every time leftists tell us that we're wrong because people who are supposed to be on our side aren't.

This is the result of an openly declared, and completely unresisted, long march through the institutions.

Michael K said...

Inga and her links/long walls of text that she doesn't understand.

Good work, Inga. It beats emptying bad pans.

Inga said...

“Free, fair elections are the lifeblood of our democracy. Charges of unfairness are serious. But calling an election unfair does not make it so. Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here.”

Judge Stephanos Bibas, nominated to the court by Donald Trump

Inga said...

“We agree with the district court that Wood lacks standing to sue because he fails to allege a particularized injury. And because Georgia has already certified its election results and its slate of presidential electors, Wood’s requests for emergency relief are moot to the extent they concern the 2020 election. The Constitution makes clear that federal courts are courts of limited jurisdiction . . . we may not entertain post-election contests about garden-variety issues of vote counting and misconduct that may properly be filed in state courts.”

William Pryor, was on list for potential Supreme Court nominee and Barbara Lagoa, a Trump appointee who was also on Trump’s SCOTUS list.

Birkel said...

Democraticals cheated fair and square.
That their cheating has not been proven due to their efforts to conceal what they did, surprises nobody.

Clyde said...

I saw some nice whiskey glasses on Facebook. They were engraved with "FUCK BIDEN and Fuck You For Voting For Him." Thinking about getting some.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

one thing is a lot like the other.

RichAndSceptical said...

Ironic, isn't it?

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