December 3, 2020

"By appointing Durham as a Special Counsel, Barr contradicted news reports before the election that Durham was frustrated and found nothing of significance...."

"Under the Justice Department regulations, Barr had to find (and Durham apparently agreed) that there is need for additional criminal investigation and '[t]hat investigation or prosecution of that person or matter by a United States Attorney's Office or litigating Division of the Department of Justice would present a conflict of interest for the Department or other extraordinary circumstances.' He must also find the appointment in the public interest.... Presumably, the conflict is not in the current administration since it would have required an earlier appointment. The conflict would seem to be found in the upcoming Biden administration...The list of the names of people falling within that mandate is a who’s who of Washington from Hillary Clinton to James Comey to . . . yes . . . Joe Biden.... From a political perspective, the move is so elegantly lethal that it would make Machiavelli green with envy.... Durham['s] replacement or the termination of his investigation would be viewed as an obstructive act. Indeed, when Trump even suggested such a course of action, he was accused of obstruction by a host of Democratic politicians and legal experts.... Moreover, with the Mueller report, virtually every Democratic leader demanded that the report be released with no or few redactions. The Trump administration waived most executive privileges and released most of the report.... The Durham appointment will now force Democrats to answer why they do not support the same public release of the report so that voters can 'draw our own conclusions.'"


Anonymous said...

Come for the Presidential election, stay for the new season of "Game of Thrones."

Todd said...

Petard meat hoist...

Todd said...


Achilles said...

They are doing it to keep Trump from declassifying everything and releasing the information to the public.

Mattman26 said...

Hope I'm wrong, but my gut tells me Biden will be able to fire Durham with no kickback whatsoever, because, y'know, there's nothing to this and everyone knows that.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left will fire Durham.

Qwinn said...

That Biden is keeping Wray on as FBI Director is all you need to know to explain why no Democrat crimes have been prosecuted. Payoff for burying Hunter's laptop throughout the impeachment and the entire election.

5M - Eckstine said...

A naïve post by a smarter man than I. Fails to address the corruption in the power. Fails to address the self preservation instinct in that power. That power will be used as a veil.

A special counsel moving from an Obama to a Trump administration would have some traction.
An special counsel moving from a Trump to a Biden administration will function as a paper weight.

Could have the same issue but vastly different outcomes.

cubanbob said...

Too bad the investigation can't go back to fast and furious with stops at Benghazi and Hillary's emails and what did Obama know and when did he know it. If this were so, other than Sanders and the new Neocoms there would be few Democrats who could escape taint and serve under Biden.

Achilles said...

BidenFamilyTaxPayerFundedCrackPipe said...

The left will fire Durham.

They wont have to.

After they are sure Trump can't declassify and release the details of the Crossfire Hurricane Operation Durham will announce there was some shady stuff and issue another meaningless indictment and proclaim the matter settled.

The key to this is keeping Trump from releasing information he has been trying to declassify for years.

Mike Sylwester said...

In his letter appointing Durham to be a Special Counsel in October, Barr wrote that he was doing so in order to assure Durham and his team that they would be able to complete their investigation, no matter whether Trump or Biden won the election.

In regard to the possibility that Biden would win, I speculate that Barr was worried particularly that Trump might declassify many relevant documents before January 20. Further, Barr was worried that, if Trump indeed did so, then some members of Durham's team might resign and create a stink about the declassification. Further, Barr might have been informed that members of Durham's team already had threated to do so.

By appointing Durham to be a Special Counsel, Barr effectively prevents Trump from declassifying relevant documents if Trump loses the election.

Of course, Barr's appointment of Durham also effectively prevents Biden from closing down Durham's investigation.

In regard to the possibility that Trump would win, Barr might have been worried likewise that Trump might declassify many documents, because a re-elected Trump might feel unrestrained.

henge2243 said...

I think that Mr. Barr is leaving behind a shrapnel bomb loaded with sandpaper dildos for all the Democrats that called his actions malicious and motivated by fealty to the President while he served as AG. Mr. Barr is no hero but he is certainly much smarter than the members of congress for whom this trap has been set.

mccullough said...

Good. Let Biden deal with it.

Mike Sylwester said...

In his October letter appointing Durham to be a Special Counsel, Barr wrote that he originally had expected Durham to finish his investigation during the summer of 2020, but that the COVID epidemic has slowed Durham's investigation.

There is no good reason to doubt that explanation. Barr indeed does expect Durham to finish the investigation, but latter than originally expected.

There is a rule that a Special Counsel is not supposed to be a government official when appointed. Durham is a government official, in violation of that rule. However, Barr can simply declare that Durham is merely the Acting Special Counsel until a suitable non-government person is appointed.

Barr expects Durham to complete the investigation before anyone can effectively object that the appointment violates that rule.

Jeff Brokaw said...

Right. Sure. How many times do we fall for the “but we’ll get them THIS time for sure!” routine?

I’m out. There is never going to be any federal prosecution of any Democrat for anything other than jaywalking. Ever.

Joe Smith said...

Some believe that the appointment was not done properly, and if legally challenged, would collapse.

Some, like Sundance at CTH, think Barr did this on purpose...


Qwinn said...

"Of course, Barr's appointment of Durham also effectively prevents Biden from closing down Durham's investigation."

Right. Because the media would call him out on it.

Or maybe the FBI would.

Oh! Or judges!


Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Hilarious that Turley still believes Democrats have to play by the same set of rules as Republicans. MSM and social media will censor and twist facts as needed to prop up their favored demented husk of a President and his corrupt party.

mikee said...

The problem for the Dems is that there are handwritten notes by Brennan already in the public domain of a White House meeting wherein Biden, et al., executed the farcical Mueller investigation knowing full well it was a fraud from the start. That one document is more evidence of wrongdoing than the entire 3 year Mueller probe found.

zipity said...

That's so cute. Some folks actually think the Democrats will be held to the same standard Trump was.

That's some industrial strength naivete there that is.

DavidUW said...

Obama actually, illegally (and clearly illegally against the actual letter of the law) fired not one but two inspector generals.

No one made much of a deal.

Biden will fire Durham and no one will raise an objection. Republican nor democrat.

Birkel said...

Turkey is wrong.
Democraticals won't give a moment's thought to their previous lies.
They knew they were lies at the time and will make no pretense about their pursuit of power.

That said, Barr is trying to prevent Trump from declassifying a whole trove of incriminating documents.
Trump should ignore Barr, demand the documents be delivered to his trusted advisors, take the documents unto himself, and release them without fear or favor.

These are Deep State arguments.
There is no subset of Deep State arguments that do not support the Deep State's strategic goals.
Fuck them.
Burn it down because it is worthless or worse.

Yancey Ward said...

Biden will have Durham fired the first week, and everyone knows it. It will be done on a Saturday night and will be called the Saturday Night Nothingburger by the press. Indeed, Biden will be praised by the media his courage and tenacity for not allowing his brilliant new administration from being bogged done in a political witchhunt.

rehajm said...

Biden will fire Durham and no one will raise an objection

Yah. That's the play. It's working...

Yancey Ward said...

When questioned about the firing by the vigilant press, Biden will be asked how his cat felt about it.

Mike Sylwester said...

Some published rumors indicate that Durham has narrowed his investigation's focus to wrong-doers who participated in the FBI's Crossfire Hurricane investigation.

If so, then Durham has not found much or any wrong-doing within the CIA. In particular, I presume that the CIA was not involved in the framing of George Papadopoulos, Carter Page or Michael Flynn.

Such framing was done by FBI officials and agents. In some instances, the FBI officials and agents did so while working for Robert "The FBI Whitewasher" Mueller.

The Biden Administration will feel threatened by Durham's report only if Durham proves that the Obama White House was involved in the FBI shenanigans. It's likely that the Obama White House had managed to arrange an impenetrable wall of plausible deniability in this history.

Howard said...

Let it all hang out. If it feels good, do it. That's going to leave a mark.

Gusty Winds said...

It almost as if Barr knew Trump was going to "lose"....

tim maguire said...

I have the same answer to this as to damn near everything else: I'll reserve judgment until it plays out. Too much sound and fury too often signifying nothing.

"The Durham appointment will now force Democrats to answer..."

I suppose Turley must maintain some faith in the system to bulwark his position as an honest Democrat, but I have none. The Democrats will never be forced to answer for anything. The media has shown their willingness to be an unquestioning impervious wall of protection. They are willing to destroy themselves to help Democrats.

boatbuilder said...

How quaint. "Without evidence," Turley seems to think that the Democrats will be held to their own Calvinball "rules."

I got a bridge to sell...

Mary Beth said...

It's less Machiavellian, and more, simply what goes around, comes around.

At least that's what I hope, that there will be repercussions for those who have cheated, lied, and manipulated information in order to influence our government. I don't really have any faith it will happen. I'm beginning to understand anarchists better.

Iman said...

I’d be pleased - surprised, as well - if this Durham investigation actually held wrongdoers accountable. But I think the fix is in and that it will be ALWAYS be in from this point forward.

TreeJoe said...

I've enjoyed Barr, but Durham has been one of the biggest red herrings of the right I can reasonably remember.

Gusty Winds said...

Barr tells Wolf Blitzer, in detail, the risk of fraud with a major increase in mail in voting. He even says the risk is in the chain of custody of the ballot. Then when the fraud hits, and turns America upside down, Barr tell the AP without any investigative effort, that they can’t find any fraud “that would change the outcome”. Bullshit. Lou Dobbs is right. Barr is compromised.

No wonder JFK picked RFK as his Attorney General. Although that didn’t end up working out for either of them. Deep State is wicked.

Qwinn said...

What I think the leftists don't grasp is that conservatives were already sick and tired of all the crap *before* the election.

Never mind the COVID crap... even just their standard operating procedures, where 4 years of hoaxes, lies, fake FISA warrants, Hillary's server, so many crimes got no attention at all. One whitewash after another.

We were already pretty close to the breaking point with that shit. If we had any remaining trust in the system, it was barely hanging by a thread.

Then came COVID. Then came Facebook and Twitter censorship. Then came the MSM, even Fox News, becoming far more shameless partisan hacks than even Pravda would have ever dared. Then came finding out that even Hunter's laptop wasn't enough to get the FBI to move, or the media to criticize or question a Democrat.

Then more lockdowns. Lockdowns of churches but riots are fine. Lockdowns of Thanksgiving but those issuing those edicts (NOT laws) do whatever they want.

We were already close to the breaking point in terms of being willing to accept that the social compact wasn't completely rigged. We were already pretty close to certain that we'd been relegated to not just second but third class citizenship (even illegals being favored over conservatives).

And now this election theft?

We were close to the line, and in the last 3 months, you didn't just slightly push us over that line, you eradicated the line. The line isn't even in the rearview mirror anymore. Just read the comments on this post. It's not just that the high trust society is gone. It's not even a low trust society, not even a no trust society. You've turned this into a DIStrust society.

All those who are comfortably smugly asserting that when Biden gets crowned dictator, that those of us who've had enough will just go back to sleep.

I think you are very wrong. What you are unleashing is going to be nuclear. Epic. The sleeping giant is awake, and he is fucking *pissed*.

Todd said...

Achilles said...

The key to this is keeping Trump from releasing information he has been trying to declassify for years.

12/3/20, 11:29 AM

I was under the impression that POTUS is the final authority on what is or is not classified and he can declassify whatever the hell he wants, any time he wants. Is that not the case?

Marshall Rose said...

Prepare now for your low trust society. We have turned a corner and can no longer go back to days where rule of law prevailed over rule of men.

The deep state protects all members of the uniparty and will co-opt or destroy anyone that tries to reform the entrenched corruption.

Nothing will come of the Durham investigation, those that perpetrated the gross malignancy of the deep state resistance will be further emboldened as there have been no repercusions.

DavidUW said...


The media have not "destroyed themselves"

Media people and all their programs, "news" shows etc are all engineered now to do one thing:

Audition for a role in the (democrat) administration.

that's it. nothing more. They don't want or need ratings honestly. They don't want or need audience approval. The goal is to do their shtick on TV for a year or 4 until they can burrow their way into the DC crowd as deputy assistant to the deputy assistant to the vice chairman of the committee to fuck everything up.

After they suck on the taxpayer teat for a few years, they either become a permanent member of the bureaucracy or they go off to some parasitical "non profit" to continue their shtick.

That's what "journalists" are doing. Simply telling their potential bosses what they want to hear as part of a longish job interview process.

Kai Akker said...

---From a political perspective, the move is so elegantly lethal that it would make Machiavelli green with envy....

LOL. There's already a question of whether he fits the prosecutor statute.

What would have been lethal would have been bringing charges against the perps when the evidence was bouncing around under Freud's nose. But he must have been working on some other theories of the case and just got too busy. Dream on, Turley!

Nonapod said...

I guess it's cool that there are still a few people who seem to have some hope that actual justice could ever be done here, but my current expectations can be measured in infinitesimals. As we've seen time and again, even if some incontrovertible evidence of high level malfeasance is uncovered it's highly unlikely that anything will come of it. In modern times high level democrat politicians aren't accountable to the law unless the evidence is so vast, damning, and overwhelming that it can't be ignored.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Mike Sylwester said...
By appointing Durham to be a Special Counsel, Barr effectively prevents Trump from declassifying relevant documents if Trump loses the election.

No, it doesn't.

If Biden's fraud lets him win the Election in the House on 1/5/20, Trump will still ahve two weeks to declassify and release whatever he wants.

They can object. They can argue. They can whine. But he's President of the US, his power to declassify and release is plenary (see President Jimmy Carter and Stealth technology).

Trump is not an NPC

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Qwinn said...

Leftists are complacent because their enemies, conservatives, are a law-abiding lot by nature. We respect the law. It's really important to us.

And when you eliminate equality under the law as thoroughly and as shamelessly and as openly as has been done... there is no law for us to respect anymore.

The dudes will no longer abide.

papper said...

Turley is delusional. No will ask the Democrats about their inconsistencies. The media is completely in the bag for the Democrats. Same for the giant internet platforms. They will all say Mueller's investigation was legitimate, Durham's is not. That is why Durham's investigation should be shut down and no obstruction. Move along, nothing to see folks.

Joe Smith said...

For certain Milasha, I would also be frequently advantageous to date East Europa whores.

Please message personal to me by my name of:

Mike Sylwester said...

Both CIA Director John Brennan and FBI Director James Comey believed that Russian Intelligence was meddling in the USA's 2016 election. Both Brennan and Comey accepted CrowdStrike's finding that the Democratic National Committee's computers had been hacked by Russian Intelligence.

However, Brennan and Comey differed in their main human informants.

Brennan's CIA had recruited a spy, Oleg Smolenkov, who worked for an official in Vladimir Putin's Presidential Administration. Smolenkov told the CIA that Putin's Presidential Administration was meddling in the US election in order to spoil Americans' faith in their Democracy. Smolenkov did not tell the CIA anything significant about Trump.

Comey's FBI had invested heavily in the credibility of Christopher Steele, who was writing a Dossier for the Democratic Party. Steele wrote that Russian Intelligence (and later Putin's Presidential Administration) was controlling and promoting Donald Trump.

I speculate that the CIA soon figured out that Steele was a fabricator. I explained my speculation in a blog article titled The CIA's Concerns About Steele's Dossier.

According to published reports, Brennan informed President Obama about Smolenkov's reports to the CIA.

It's likely that Comey likewise informed President Obama about Steele's Dossier.

There was no compelling reason for President Obama to give Comey any directions about the FBI's further collection of Steele's Dossier reports. In that regard, Obama and everyone else in the White House could remain completely passive.

As far as I know about this history, Obama's White House became involved only in sabotaging the career of Michael Flynn in the final four weeks before Trump was inaugurated. I think that practically all of those actions already are publicly known. Durham might not have much information to add about that.

Qwinn said...

"Durham might not have much information to add about that."

Oh, I can think of some information I'd like him to add. Why has no one gone to jail for it?

Qwinn said...

Other than Flynn, I mean.

Francisco D said...

By appointing Durham to be a Special Counsel, Barr effectively prevents Trump from declassifying relevant documents if Trump loses the election. Of course, Barr's appointment of Durham also effectively prevents Biden from closing down Durham's investigation.

Wrong on two counts:

1. The media will complain about Durham's gross abuse of power and then lionize Biden as a hero for firing him.

2. Trump cannot be prevented from declassified documents. The bureaucracy can stall the release until Biden takes over, but they cannot prevent Trump from declassifying.

Lord Clanfiddle said...

It's hilarious that Turley think Democrats are bothered about hypocrisy. The worst thing (among many bad things) about the successful coup is that it's quite clear that NONE of the crooks and traitors will be brought to book. I find that incredibly frustrating--but not surprising.

Lance said...

The Durham appointment will now force Democrats to answer why they do not support the same public release of the report so that voters can 'draw our own conclusions.'

This is not true. The major media outlets will not ask Democrats to answer any disadvantageous questions at all. Biden can replace Durham or even fire him, there will be a couple days' outrage on Fox News and it'll be over.

Earnest Prole said...

Wait, I was reliably promised Bill Barr was a shill for the Deep State.

mtrobertslaw said...

Durham my well have resigned from government service before he was appointed as Special Counsel. If he did, there is no violation of the regulation referred to above.

Mike Sylwester said...

Greg the Class Traitor at 12:45 PM
If Biden's fraud lets him win the Election in the House on 1/5/20, Trump will still ahve two weeks to declassify and release whatever he wants.

They can object. They can argue. They can whine. But he's President of the US, his power to declassify and release is plenary ...

I don't disagree with anything you wrote there.

That is why I wrote that "Barr effectively prevents Trump from declassifying relevant documents".

In principle, Trump indeed may declassify anything. However, he would have to deal with many political and bureaucratic impediments. Barr's appointment of Durham as Special Counsel adds another impediment that might be a practically unsurmountable one for Trump.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

I’ve seen nothing to indicate that Durham wants to rat out his fellow civil servants. The US built the first atomic bomb in less time than Durham has been chewing on this. I think he’s dragging this out hoping that Biden fires him. What a perfect solution. He can tell the rubes “sorry, I tried but Creepy Joe put the kabash on my plans while simultaneously winking to his deep state friends to insure he keeps his spot at the cool kids table. It’s all theater.

Dave Begley said...

For the good of the country, Biden (if installed as POTUS) will fire Durham. Unity. Put this behind us.

Fake News: We agree!

Unknown said...

It'd be nice if Trump in response revisited his promise to release everything related to the JFK assassination.

Leland said...

Wait, I was reliably promised Bill Barr was a shill for the Deep State

Have you received any information to change that viewpoint conclusively? After all, before your pithy response, many have already explained how the move is likely to restrict Trump's ability to declassify documents that POTUS has ordered declassified long ago. The reason the order hasn't been carried out is because of the investigation. After Trump leaves office, Biden can rescind the order. Dunham could end up like every other Special Counsel in my lifetime that prosecutes someone for obstruction during the investigation (maybe even Trump if he releases the declassified documents) while not finding the elephant sitting in the room that lead to the investigation.

Mike Sylwester said...

Francisco D at 1:29 PM
Wrong on two counts: 1. The media will complain about Durham's gross abuse of power and then lionize Biden as a hero for firing him. ....

What would be Durham's "gross abuse of power"?

According to published reports, Durham has narrowed his focus to the FBI.

In other words, he essentially is giving the CIA a pass. Durham has investigated the CIA. In particular, he questioned Brennan for eight hours. Brennan said on an hour-long interview on Book TV that he has no complaint about that questioning or about the investigation of the CIA.

Brennan has said that he objects to the public release of his notes of his briefing of Obama about Russian Intelligence's knowledge of Hillary Clinton's plan to blame Donald Trump for collaborating with Russia. However, those notes were not released to the public by Durham.

Brennan was not joyful that Durham has investigated the CIA's assessments about alleged Russian meddling in the US election. However, Brennan accepts the investigation as proper in principle.

Durham has narrowed his focus to DOJ/FBI, because that is where practically all the wrong-doing took place. In particular, DOJ/FBI officials framed several innocent people -- George Papadopoulos, Carter Page and Michael Flynn -- in order to concoct nutty accusations against Donald Trump. (Durham found that the CIA was not involved in those shenanigans.)

For sure, nobody in President Obama's White House was telling the FBI Counterintelligence Division to frame Papadopoulos or Page. The FBI did not need White House guidance or orders to do that. The FBI did that on its own initiative.

For sure, the Obama White House did get involved in sabotaging Flynn's career in the Trump Administration. Most of that already is known to the public, because of the trial of Flynn. That information was not released to the public by Durham.

When Durham finishes his investigation, he might publicly add some new information about the Flynn matter, but probably not much.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Mike Sylwester said...
I don't disagree with anything you wrote there.
That is why I wrote that "Barr effectively prevents Trump from declassifying relevant documents".

Don't preemptively surrender, mike

If Trump leaves office w/o those documents declassified and released, by all means attack. I will, too.

But, until then, don't grant the Democrats victory they haven't yet achieved

Mike Sylwester said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Marcus Bressler said...

Is there a link that doesn't go to USA Today, a shit rag of a paper, that requires a subscription or your ad blocker off? TIA

Achilles said...

Earnest Prole said...

Wait, I was reliably promised Bill Barr was a shill for the Deep State.

Do you have anything intelligent to add or are you just going to be an idiot?

Achilles said...

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Don't preemptively surrender, mike

If Trump leaves office w/o those documents declassified and released, by all means attack. I will, too.

But, until then, don't grant the Democrats victory they haven't yet achieved

The easiest way to spot a liar is to measure their actions vs. their words.

Durham and Barr have done absolutely nothing.

Big talk out of Barr. Durham is "investigating" so much stuff.

And nothing.

If it is an elaborate trick I will applaud them. But the only thing this action of making Durham a special counsel does is extend the investigation until after Biden takes over.

Mike Sylwester said...

Greg the Class Traitor at 2:15 PM
Don't preemptively surrender, mike. If Trump leaves office w/o those documents declassified and released, by all means attack

Durham will inform the public well about the wrong-doing. Plenty of information will be declassified and revealed.

It will not matter that absolutely every bit of information will not be declassified right now.

I expect that Durham will inform the public that FBI Counterintelligence fell for Christopher Steele's fabrications and became convinced that Donald Trump really might be controlled by Russian Intelligence. Therefore, FBI Counterintelligence fell justified in framing Papadopoulos and Page in order to remove Trump from his elected office.

Robert "The FBI Whitewasher" Mueller's team pushed this nutty conspiracy theory as much as it could. Essentially, Mueller's team was just a part of the FBI.

Durham will portray Trump as an innocent victim of some DOJ/FBI kooks, because he indeed was an innocent victim.

That's my speculation about what is going to happen. Time will tell.

CarolynnS said...

Oh sure. And there's a bridge for sale in Brooklyn. . .

Mike Sylwester said...

Essentially, Mueller's team was just a part of the FBI.

Mueller's team essentially was created by James Comey, who says he leaked documents to that the team would be created. Then former FBI Director Mueller was assigned to lead the team, which was staffed largely with FBI personnel.

Furthermore, Mueller's team pushed a nutty conspiracy theory that had been concocted by the FBI's Counterintelligence Division -- a theory that President Trump was an agent of Russian Intelligence.

Fortunately, William Barr eventually became the US Attorney General and shut it all down and appointed John Durham to investigate and explain it all.

Jupiter said...

"Presumably, the conflict is not in the current administration since it would have required an earlier appointment."

Seems kind of far-fetched. The information that points to a conflict within the current administration could have been uncovered recently.

Readering said...

The first Whitewater counsel was replaced for some regulation issue. Different status. I suppose Durham could be terminated for some regulation issue, but would think the work of his crew would continue. Don't see Biden getting involved, and GOP Senate would extract some promise from AG nominee not to scuttle Durham. Does not bother me if he is left to complete the job, notwithstanding scuzzy origins of appointment.

Gusty Winds said...

The video Giuliani showed at the Georgia Legislative Voter Fraud hearing today is unbelievable. All caught on surveillance video. Room is cleared of all poll watchers at 10:35pm. Everyone told to go home. Four people stay behind. After everyone else leaves, they pull out four suitcases filled with ballots from underneath a table and start processing them through the machines with no on else present. They did now know they were on camera.

Tomorrow Nevada….

Cassandra said...

"By appointing Durham as a Special Counsel, Barr contradicted news reports before the election that Durham was frustrated and found nothing of significance...."

How dare Barr (who presumably has first-hand knowledge) *contradict* news reports based on the usual anonymous/untrustworthy sources, coupled with wild speculation and wishful thinking?

Michael K said...

Blogger Yancey Ward said...
Biden will have Durham fired the first week, and everyone knows it. It will be done on a Saturday night and will be called the Saturday Night Nothingburger by the press. Indeed, Biden will be praised by the media his courage and tenacity for not allowing his brilliant new administration from being bogged done in a political witchhunt.

Bingo! I would add that it will have accomplished its purpose by then. Blocking Trump's attempt to declassify documents proving the fix.

Yancey Ward said...

Sure, the Senate will extract a promise from the incoming AG.😂

gadfly said...

Bill Barr could come to regret his neat effort to place a ticking time bomb inside the Joe Biden DOJ, because John Durham has evidence in hand that Bill Barr’s DOJ tampered with documents.

With the new designation as Special Counsel, there appears to little to stop Durham from finishing his work including the writing of a report debunking the Papadopoulos conspiracies directed at declaring Professor Joseph Mifsud as an intelligence agent trying to entrap Trump; confirming that CIA’s analytic work was not improper and otherwise noting that discovery of FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith’s alteration of an email used as evidence in a FISA application under Crossfire Hurricane was the only crime that occurred.

Thus Durham walks the straight and narrow and Billy Barr could really have used a Trump pardon to get past the deliberate doctoring by the DOJ and Sidney Porter of Pete Strzok and Andy McCabe documents presented as evidence in the attempted withdrawal of charges against Michael Flynn. The unaltered documents are already in John Durham's possession.

Earnest Prole said...

Do you have anything intelligent to add or are you just going to be an idiot?

Sorry, I have a hard time keeping up with the latest Orange Popular Front line here. For example, it was only a couple of days ago I was reliably promised Lin Wood was an ally, and now it turns out he’s a Democratic Party operative.

Francisco D said...

Mike Sylwester said... What would be Durham's "gross abuse of power"?

Something similar to the Trump impeachment charge, like investigating our heroic Deep Staters who are just trying to make the world a better place.

Qwinn said...

"For example, it was only a couple of days ago I was reliably promised Lin Wood was an ally, and now it turns out he’s a Democratic Party operative."

Actually, I questioned whether Lin Wood really was an ally several times on this very board over the last week.

readering said...

Yancey Ward, you expect Dems to win both GA runoffs? I saw a poll report but I am very dubious about Perdue losing. Loeffler a different story. Poll report suggested she has a problem with women voters.

Yancey Ward said...

Readering, the Democrats will win both runoffs easily. The Democrats will just repeat the exact same method next month that they did in the previous month. The Georgia GOP won't lift a finger to stop it either. Without Trump on the ballot, I don't think either GOP candidate gets to even 45% of the vote.

Rick said...

The Durham appointment will now force Democrats to answer why they do not support the same public release of the report so that voters can 'draw our own conclusions.'"

This is false since the media will never ask the question. Why do people persist in believing the media is anything other than the PR Department for the left wing?

Yancey Ward said...

And if, by any chance, it looks like either Democrat is going to lose their race, there will be another backed up toilet in Fulton County that requires an evacuation of all the poll watchers.

Iman said...

I has potato Milasha.

Earnest Prole said...

Actually, I questioned whether Lin Wood really was an ally several times on this very board over the last week.

Which begs the question: Why would Democrats bother to depress the Republican vote in Georgia via Lin Wood when they can simply change Republican votes to Democratic votes in the Dominion machines via China and Venezuela?

Matt Sablan said...

"Of course, Barr's appointment of Durham also effectively prevents Biden from closing down Durham's investigation."

-- Do people really believe anything might constrain a Democrat's presidency after Obama?

Qwinn said...


Yes, and after that toilet "main water break", we actually have film of them stuffing ballots after telling everyone counting was over and kicking everyone out.

Four workers went back in, pulled suitcases of ballots out from under a table that was covered in a long tablecloth to hide them, and started running them through the scanner.

No evidence!!

Qwinn said...

Another psyop meme I'm sick of hearing is "There may have been fraud, but it wasn't enough to overturn the election".

Why would anyone risk jail to commit voter fraud if it *wasn't* going to be enough to overturn the election?

Joe Smith said...

"Why would anyone risk jail to commit voter fraud if it *wasn't* going to be enough to overturn the election?"

Ha Ha Ha...haven't had a good laugh in ages.

Democrats doing dirty tricks in furtherance of the great new age of socialism don't go to jail...ever.

Achilles said...

Earnest Prole said...

Do you have anything intelligent to add or are you just going to be an idiot?

Sorry, I have a hard time keeping up with the latest Orange Popular Front line here. For example, it was only a couple of days ago I was reliably promised Lin Wood was an ally, and now it turns out he’s a Democratic Party operative.

I know a complex world full of con artists and self interested grifters is tough for below average people to understand.

Earnest Prole said...

I know a complex world full of con artists and self interested grifters is tough for below average people to understand.

Evil shrew-bitch Hillary Clinton called us Irredeemable Deplorables.

I'm Not Sure said...

"Why would anyone risk jail to commit voter fraud..."

If you're a democrat, is there really any risk? How often does somebody end up in jail for this, anyway?

bagoh20 said...

"Why would anyone risk jail to commit voter fraud..."

Yea, like it's never happened. We have video of people bragging about planning and doing it, and having no fear of consequences. Do people really just get their info from the MSM? That's the only way you could even ask such a question.

Here's one: Why would hundreds of ordinary Americans sign affidavits and testify to witnessing voter fraud knowing full well that the left, including the media, will deride them, dox them, threaten them, try to get them fired, and generally make their lives suck, possibly ending in assaults or worse to them and their families.

Answer: character, patriotism, decency, justice.

I'm Not Sure said...

"Answer: character, patriotism, decency, justice."

Say any of those words to a progressive and watch them hiss in shock and crawl back into the sewer.

5M - Eckstine said...

I expect the Proud Boys to line up with ANTIFA and start taking down judges together. China will fund it.

bagoh20 said...

Why would anyone risk divorce and economic ruin to cheat on their spouse?
Why would anyone risk jail to steal, assault, or murder?
Why would anyone risk having sex with an intern in the Oval Office?
Why would anyone rub one out during a Zoom call with their collogues?

1) They didn't think they would get caught.
2) They didn't think anything would happen if they did.
3) It was worth the risk.
4) They are stupid.
The over-riding reason for all those is that they are not honest or trustworthy people.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

This will not come back to haunt them. They don't care. They will go to the next level of lying, they will blame it on Trump and the Republicans, and their people will believe them. They do not have the normal shame that you and I do. The have outrun scandal after scandal for years by obstructing investigations and refusing to give up information. If a reasonable person points out "Wait, this is exactly the same situation you complained about on the opposite side during the Trump administration and before that under the Bush administration." They will simply deny it. They will protest that this is completely different, because beavers can't climb trees or whatever.

We should stop trying to apply normal rules of human interaction to these people. They lie, and their voters nod emphatically that it is true.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Hi Gadfly. What are you smoking?

@Yancy: I expect the Democrats to try to pull the same tricks. If the GOP lets them, then they deserve to lose.

But I don't think the GOP guy will allow Fulton to clear people out. He seems rather pissed about Nov 3, and not willing to be screwed again.

gadfly said...

@Greg The Class Traitor said...
Hi Gadfly. What are you smoking?

So Greg doesn't know about Billy Barr's illegal activities entered into because his boss insists. I guess you are free to choose your own poison.

The Gipper Lives said...

Usually the little fish are given sweetheart deals to sing. Clinesmith was given a sweetheart deal to clam up. As was James Wolfe not to rat out Burr and Warner.

Barr named Durham a Special Counsel not to protect an investigation from Biden but to protect the cover-up from President-Elect Trump.

Barr says that the DOJ and FBI that has been trying to overthrow President Trump for 5 years hasn't found any voter fraud. Our Top Men. TOP.

DEEBEE said...

Who will view this as lethal, the crowd that was oblivious of Hunter Biden laptop. Sorta including the muted ness of this blog

Qwinn said...

People totally missed my point by obsessing over the "risk jail" part. I don't disagree that these people appear to have total immunity.

But even with total immunity, so what? There's still no bloody point in stuffing ballots in Georgia and those other states unless you intend for it to overturn the election. Why even bother otherwise? To lose by a smaller amount? Who cares?

When voter fraud is discovered, it should automatically be assumed that the intent was to commit enough fraud to change the outcome. Defaulting to the position that they might commit lots of fraud but only enough to lose less badly is fucking insane.

Qwinn said...

(Or commit fraud to win an election you were already winning by a larger amount, which is what they're actually arguing. Fucking insane.)

Lee Moore said...

Turley ignores Democratic Party Political Theory 101, currently being played out with the arguments about investigating election shenanigans.

"It is better to scupper an investigation and be thought a crook, than allow it to proceeed and remove all doubt."

Durham will be scuppered.

Douglas B. Levene said...

The notion that Mr. Barr made Durham a special counsel to prevent the declassification and release of information is laughable. The president has the unilateral power to declassify anything he wants and he has the power to order his subordinates - Mr. Barr, Mr. Wray or any other official - to release that information. President Trump has not done either of those things. You might want to ask him why he hasn't.

I doubt that Biden will be bold enough to fire Durham as special counsel (he will fire him as US Attorney for Connecticut, as he will all the other Trump-appointed US Attorneys). That would be the smart thing to do, incur a little pain up front to get rid of continuous and nagging pain for months, but he won't do it.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

gadfly said...
@Greg The Class Traitor said...
Hi Gadfly. What are you smoking?

So Greg doesn't know about Billy Barr's illegal activities entered into because his boss insists. I guess you are free to choose your own poison.

So, LSD?

Paul Doty said...

Lawyers are the only people dull enough to imagine that Durham being a Special Counsel presents Any impediment to Biden. These. People. Do. Not. Care. And. Have. Zero. Scruples.

Josephbleau said...

Trump should forsake any legal implications and just declassify everything to get it on the record, including O'Bama's involvement. Otherwise it will be buried. Beiden is not orange you know. Better to have contemporaneous documentation of the coup than a chance at prosecution of Comey and Strozak with probability near zero.

This is where Trump will need strength, he needs to get a reliable paid for legal group to drive the declassification through in 30 days. This should be his only priority. And set traps to prevent the deep ones from hiding things from him, even though Beiden would never indict them for perjury.

I say O'Bama because on the last cover of People mag he looks like an old white guy, does he not? The only color you can't be is orange, orange people are not a protected class.

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