... you can talk about whatever you want, including the same old topics you've been clinging to. You don't have to snap out of it. I'm not doing toxic positivity. I am giving you a place under the moon where you can be as boring as you like.
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
1 – 200 of 210 Newer› Newest»The gibbous mirrored eye of an insect.
Are you saying that we can talk about COVID and accusations of election shenanigans all we want?! Wheeeee!
How do you know if you actually voted in this election?
There's this election battle happening right now with the potential for dramatic constitutional consequences and the MSM is covering none of it- denying it a platform as CNN would say. Perhaps boring to some but I find it newsworthy and fascinating that the Democrat party that's been a habitual conspiracy accuser may succeed in getting away with one of their own...
Just found our neighbor, eight house down (4 miles away), has Covid. He’s quarantining in the woods hunting deer. Hopefully won’t run into a deer with Chronic Wasting Disease. That may not end well.
So, have the media called the Biden Cabinet "The Dream Team" yet?
Certainly meritorious... https://twitter.com/i/status/1332759699071119361 Quite a role model for society! I stand in awwwwww!
Saw a Moon Halo the other night. I had never seen such a thing in 60 years. But apparently it's a thing.
Night said...How do you know if you actually voted in this election?
Easy. If you live in a battle ground state, then you voted. Especially if you didn't.
How do you know if you actually voted in this election?
I can check with our Secretary of State's web page and see that the ballot envelope was logged in. But no I don't actually know for sure that it was ever run through the scanner.
"Saw a Moon Halo the other night. I had never seen such a thing in 60 years. But apparently it's a thing."
It is the Magic Biden Effect once again.
If you lived in a battleground state, you voted twice, even if you don't remember it, just like Joe Biden.
I heard on npr that the NHRA had approved a cooties vaccine.
you can be as boring as you like.
Be careful, I can be pretty boring. For example, I could talk about graphics card shortages. Or I could talk about if Grand Admiral Thrawn will appear in the Mandalorian or not.
Be careful, I can be pretty boring. For example, I could talk about graphics card shortages...
I was going to recite the problems I'm having with multiple bluetooth drivers and hardware on my wife's desktop computer but figured rhhardin would come along with shortwave talk to top all that...
you can be as boring as you like.
"Hi, Prof. Althouse, I'm calling from Masshole Mutual. We'd like to talk to you about your insurance needs. Have you thought about your insurance needs recently, Prof. Althouse. I mean, thought seriously. Now that you're retired maybe you and your husband should give it some thought. Our needs often change as we pass through life's milestones, and retirement is one of those milestones.
We here at Masshole Mutual have a large portfolio of products to fit all of your needs. Can we schedule an hour of your time to have that discussion, Prof Althouse? And, by the way, maybe you can mention us to all those Old White Fascists in your forum, because I'm sure they would benefit by having their needs reviewed, too."
So, I live in Montana, a state that Doesn't Matter. But boy, did the GOP here kick ass! Thanks to long Trumptails.
But the Dems still run local government, like, everywhere.
That's gotta change.
I heard on npr that the NHRA had approved a cooties vaccine.
I got my niece a Cootie several years ago. Whereas the one I had in the '60s was cheap plastic, all of the parts fit. This one was cheap made-in-china plastic, and none of the parts would fit without forcing. Very frustrating for a tyke. I see now from the amazon graphics that they have remade it again to give each cootie its own personality.
A tweet.
Paul Bedard
Nevada 'fraud:' 1,500 ‘dead’ voters, 42,248 voted ‘multiple times,’ RV camps as 'homes.'
** This person is clueless. There are a significant number of people living in RV's as permanent homes. It's a large trend in the country. They are not voting twice.
** The post office location as an APT or a UNIT address is also a bad take. The Post Office started offering a street addresses to match PO Boxes. People who are homeless can use this address to get insurance etc. The APT or UNIT designation isn't a fraud, it's the only way the postal database can reconcile a mailable address across GIS systems.
About 10 percent of the country is being creative with housing situations due to impossible rents versus static incomes. That shouldn't disqualify them from voting. Get a state voterID system if that is an issue.
You want boring- I can talk all day about the pros and cons of generic cereals.
rehajm said...
Be careful, I can be pretty boring. For example, I could talk about graphics card shortages...
I was going to recite the problems I'm having with multiple bluetooth drivers
** I'd like to talk about the lack of standards with power cords for various devices. I have a box of black cubes with cords attached to them and no clue as to what they do.
I can talk all day about the pros and cons of generic cereals.
Apparently Product 19 had "fans" that were upset that Kellogs cancelled it. I think Total is still being made though.
I will never be boring because I read the NYT. I have many lovely opinions to share. And much information to mull over about this sad, sorry world of racist righting maniacs.
At least Kellogg's still makes All-Bran for the colonically inclined.
And lest we forget, Kaboom!
Yeah, I recall that "bran" was all the rage back in the 80s for whatever reason. I love the old SNL parady "Colon Blow", although I expect most kids today wouldn't get it.
For some reason, my mother wouldn't buy Kellog's or Post Raisin Bran. It was always "Skinner's" Raisin Bran. We felt hard used..
Masshole Mutual.
I can talk all day about the pros and cons of generic cereals.
WHY is it, that the Generic Cereal Corporation (GCC) can't make an acceptable version of Cocoa Puffs?
REAL Cocoa Puffs will abrade your inner cheeks if you don't let them sit in the milk long enough
Also, When you DO let them sit in the milk long enough, you get a delicious chocolaty milk!
the cheap imitation Cocoa Puffs made by the GCC barely have ANY Choco sugars on them, let alone enough Choco sugar to cut your mouth
THIS Is an OUTRAGE!!! I am Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs; but, am NOT made of money
Churchy LaFemme: said...
For some reason, my mother wouldn't buy Kellog's or Post Raisin Bran. It was always "Skinner's" Raisin Bran. We felt hard used..
those had what? 1.25 scoops of raisins ? Sometimes i think mom's HATE THEIR CHILDREN
I'd like to talk about the lack of standards with power cords for various devices. I have a box of black cubes with cords attached to them and no clue as to what they do.
Hear, hear! And why not make cords of different colors? You know, so we could actually tell one charger from another.
I heard a local right-wing radio host yesterday call Jeffrey Toobin, he of the getting caught polishing the toy soldier during a New Yorker staffer Zoom session fame, "Jeffrey Toob-out". Even though I was driving up I-270 at 75mph, I still had to laugh.
Sometimes, 12 year old boy brands of humor are still the best.
Release Hunter's hard drive contents...minus the porn...to multiple internet sites.
Ninja Nerf Darts are fun.
To be honest I would recommend a straw instead of a nerf gun though.
I think my " key is sticking...
Cereal will kill you. But it sure tastes good.
Reading the label on Lysol disinfect wipes .... made in, where else, China.
Most people laugh at so-called potty humor, no matter how old they are, and I am no exception.
I've seen quite a few moon halos in my time. They usually precede an atmospheric precipitation event, usually snow. Around here anyway.
I was awakened at 3am this morning by some nagging details of a business transaction I am working on. My subconscious mind decided that the deal was not going to produce the revenue expected and would not cover costs. Tossing and turning for an hour didn't help resolve the issues raised, and was disturbing to mrs. stevew. So I got up, fired up my computer, and played with the deal model. My subconscious turned out to be engaged in some mischief, the deal is a good one.
It caused activity but still is boring, and caused negative emotions.
Young H - keep em coming.
“So, I live in Montana, a state that Doesn't Matter. But boy, did the GOP here kick ass! Thanks to long Trumptails.”
“But the Dems still run local government, like, everywhere.”
So, my vote kinda counted, and kinda didn’t. We won, but my vote wasn’t really needed.
I did somewhat feel bad for Steve Bullock. Chuckle Scheamer convinced him to give up being governor for a Senate seat. And got him plenty of money. That worked two years ago with Jon Tester. Not this time. It was actually interesting - in the average commercial, Bullock would run two ads, followed by two for his opponent, Steve Daines. Then maybe an add or so for governor, and maybe the Congress seat (that race was over when they tied the Dem candidate to Pelosi as another SF Democrat (woman)).
Noticed something in the Republican county we officially reside in. Republican candidate’s almost always show their party affiliation on their signs and other campaign material. It maybe just a little elephant in the corner. But it is usually there somewhere. Democrats do just the opposite - hide it.
Most of the rural portions of the state seem solidly Republican. It’s the big cities and esp (IMHO) Missoula that are the problem.
Steven, funny how that happens. I’ve learned that a fair number of times the thought that comes right as (almost before) I wake up is a good one. I’ve learned to pay attention to those. But the ones in the middle of the night are usually FUD. I’ve learned to kind of pay attention to the accompanying feeling. If the FUD is pretty dark and extreme, I am learning to push it out and ignore it. As my wife says, you *know* where those are coming from and it isn’t God.
And I’ve found she is usually right.
Jeffrey Toobin's problems came about when he was told that the New Yorker Zoom call would be a "simulation of the election" and he just misheard.
Okay, now I've really go to go rake leaves before the county comes to vacuum them up.
The moon, it’s plain, is mainly on the wane.
On December 21st Saturn and Jupiter will line up to recreate the Star of Bethlehem, not seen in nearly 800 years. Seems like a good omen.
Just as I predicted yesterday.
The Wisconsin Supreme Court on Thursday rejected the Trump campaign’s lawsuit that aimed to invalidate more than 200,000 votes cast in two of the state’s Democratic bastions, closing off yet another legal avenue by which the outgoing president has tried to overturn the results of the general election.
“Unlike their claims of electoral malfeasance elsewhere, the Trump campaign and its Republican allies in the state have not argued the presidential election in Wisconsin was marred by fraud.
“I’ve yet to see a credible claim of fraudulent activity during this election,” Dean Knudson, a Republican member of the Wisconsin Elections Commission, said during the body’s meeting on Tuesday. “The Trump campaign has not made any claims of fraud in this election. These are disputes in matters of law.””
I was just doing the dishes this morning, stewing and fuming over all the bullshit going on (an unhealthy practice and one I'm trying to stop), when I remembered this little clip from The Simpsons. Ahead of their time, as they often were back in the early days!!
At the Publix checkout magazine rack the big interest right now is the magnificent Kate becoming Queen of England instead of Charles' whore. Got to admit that is more interesting than the media stories about China Joe being our President as he walks around in a probation tracking Boot.
The Gibbous was one of the (not very) menaces in Chester's "Mystery Of The Lost Moon".
Wow! A forum for the discussion of high fiber cereals. My doctor has me eating Kellogg All-Bran Buds. Impressive stuff. You can’t eat this stuff and hold down a full time job!
Noticed something in the Republican county we officially reside in. Republican candidate’s almost always show their party affiliation on their signs and other campaign material. It maybe just a little elephant in the corner. But it is usually there somewhere. Democrats do just the opposite - hide it.
There was a guy running for Corporation Commission, or some such, in AZ. He had signs and lots of Facebook adds but no party listed. I wrote him off as another Democrat, then, about a month before the election, he started adding GOP to all the ads and even the signs. I guess he had finally dropped Martha McSally's campaign manager.
Poor Martha. I know her slightly and could not believe how bad her 2018 campaign was. She knows issues and is a nice person but a lousy candidate.
Inga: "These are disputes in matters of law.””
OH! Well, if that's all it's about then (like Democrats changing election law via unconstitutional means in order to make fraud unprovable), then it's all okay.
All-Bran Buds...if you want to make All-Bran sound even worse, add "Buds" to it.
Toxic positivity reminds me of the character played by Alec Baldwin in an episode of "Friends".
"Just found our neighbor, eight house down (4 miles away), has Covid. He’s quarantining in the woods hunting deer."
It rather sounds as if what your neighbor has is "positive covid test", not Covid. There is a lot of that going around. If you adjust a test so the rate of false positives is equal to the rate of false negatives, and then you give it to a whole bunch of people who are mostly negative, most of the positives will be false positives. And the more tests you give, the more positives you will get, whether anyone is sick or not.
From today’s hearing at the State Capitol. Not sure why Twitter has labeled this “disputed.” It is video from the surveillance camera at State Farm Arena where Fulton County election workers scanned ballots late into the night after falsely announcing they were shutting down
Still not boring...
"On December 21st Saturn and Jupiter will line up to recreate the Star of Bethlehem..."
Liberals are so religious.
Kill babies by the millions, but 'Look, pretty star!'
Linked is Mark Braynard of Voter Integrity Project's testimony
to the State of Michigan, that he was not allowed to actually give.
It was all based on early absentee ballot data, which was the only data they had to examine,
as it was the only voter list that the State of Michigan released in time to do an analysis
like this.
Voter Integrity Project found many irregularities but the most significant, in terms of the
sheer number of votes that were demonstrably altered, was these two:
Michigan unreturned absentee ballot analysis
139,190 unreturned early absentee ballots, this was the starting point and came from the Michigan government
59,511 of these 139,190 were identified by matching phone number (42.8%)
1,050 of these 59,511 were randomly reached by calling the phone number
796 of the 1,050 people contacted requested an absentee ballot (75.8%)
254 of the 1,050 people contacted did not request an absentee ballot (24.2%)
** this is illegal and indicates a fraudulent election **
241 of the 796 people contacted who requested an absentee ballot and sent it in
did not have their vote counted (23.0%)
** 23.0% seems a pretty high rate of error **
499 of the 796 people contacted who requested an absentee ballot did not send it in
[75.8% of 139,190 would mean that 105,506 people out of the 139,190 people
marked by Michigan as having not returned their absentee ballots actually did.
23.0% of 105,506 would give 24,266 people in this unreturned absentee ballots
category who voted but did not have their votes counted.]
Michigan early absentee ballot analysis (this is all absentee ballots, not just unreturned)
3,386,573 early absentee ballots, this was the starting point and came from the Michigan government
1,843,109 of these 3,386,573 were identified by matching phone number (42.8%)
926 of the 1,843,109 were randomly reached by calling the phone number
809 of the 926 requested an absentee ballot (87.4%)
177 of the 926 did not request an absentee ballot (12.6%)
** this is illegal and the percent is mean the election was fraudulent **
[12.6% of 3,386,573 is 426,708 illegal absentee ballots. All by itself
this in addition to being illegal is more than enough to change the result of the election.]
Churchy LaFemme: said... [hush][hide comment]
I heard on npr that the NHRA had approved a cooties vaccine.
Burning rubber tire smoke prevents covid and is appetite suppressant for losing weight
I got my niece a Cootie several years ago. Whereas the one I had in the '60s was cheap plastic, all of the parts fit.
Check Mr. Potato head, they regulated away all the dangerous fun.
Churchy LaFemme: said...
For some reason, my mother wouldn't buy Kellog's or Post Raisin Bran. It was always "Skinner's" Raisin Bran. We felt hard used..
Instant Powdered milk also, right?
Two top Republican senators who have been trying to pry this information out of the government for years, Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Chairman Ron Johnson and Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, said the exposure on Wednesday is a victory for transparency as they continue to root out misconduct surrounding the bureau's inquiry into ties between the Trump 2016 campaign and Russia.
The Senate, which ceded the power to the administrative agencies, now must "pry" information from the agencies.
The government is fucked.
Burn it all to the ground.
"Instant Powdered milk also, right?"
I would have loved to have instant powdered milk for my bowl of cereal that was manufactured by the Cement Company of Mexico. I considered it a good day when we got water for the cereal.
You want to talk about constipation????
At least our gibbous is waning at present.
The GOP didn't elect Trump in 2016. In fact, the Party did as much as they could to defeat him. If we should get another 'Trump', I hope he or she runs as an Independent. It's high time we severed ties with the career politicians and professional party hacks.
I can certainly see how a law professor would find it boring that the Left is denying that hundreds of notarized affidavits from eyewitnesses to incredibly serious crimes qualify as evidence.
That the entire concept, the validity, of affidavits as part of our legal system isn't just under attack, it's being dismantled completely before our eyes.
Yes, I can see how that would bore a law professor.
Oh. No, actually, I really can't.
And we now have actual security camera footage of 4 election workers in Georgia, after having lied to poll watchers and told them to go home because counting was done, go immediately back in, pull suitcases full of ballots from underneath a table that was concealed by a tablecloth, and start feeding them through the scanners.
Actual ballot stuffing on film. And the entire establishment is still yelling "No evidence."
So boring! Cause, you know, we're just working out our grief over losing, it's not like we've got anything substantive to say.
They should give the vaccine to the highest risk group, older nursing home residents. Then the death rate would fall. Then we could unlock everyone else. They should not give it to those at-risk because they are caring for the at-risk because those would not be caring for the at-risk if the at-risk were not at-risk because the older residents of nursing homes had the vaccine. Same for visitors to nursing homes - the visitors would not be causing a risk if the at-risk residents had the vaccine. The central group driving the deadliness of covid is older residents of nursing homes. Vaccinate them.
you can talk about whatever you want, including the same old topics you've been clinging to.
I am beginning to feel bitter about all this clinging...
Night pretends the dead should have voted.
And the thousands who voted in California and Nevada are no biggie.
Night can now safely be ignored.
It's easier to eat up the bullshit when you can't smell it..
I am still perplexed about Barr's motivations, but here is a woman with very compelling evidence of fraud, which she reported to the FBI. They did not call her back. Presumably, they calculated the amount of fraud she had witnessed, decided it was not enough to sway the election, and went back to more important stuff. People who bribed their kids' way into the Ivy League, for example.
More documented election fraud insufficient to sway the election.
Inga: they filled in the wrong court. These are planned failures because they have nothing, but this helps them gin up the victim card to keep the useless eaters salivating.
That is astonishing, Qwinn.
I'm trying to track down more information about it.
It's an excerpt from the OAN network, which can be found on cable. I don't have cable.
But OAN, or the One America News network is one of the groups bidding to replace Fox, since Fox seems to be moving leftward as Rupert Murdoch's children take over.
The video you're talking about was republished on Trump's Twitter feed, security cameras catching mysterious boxes of votes being counted long after the official vote counting had been stopped and without witnesses.
It looks huge.
Poor Martha. I know her slightly and could not believe how bad her 2018 campaign was. She knows issues and is a nice person but a lousy candidate.
Put a flight suit on a women, plop her on a ballot and you can accomplish the unprecedented.
...like losing one State both of their Senate seats in a two year span.
Oh God,
Instant powdered milk (mated with generic shredded wheat) was a regular breakfast during the 1980 downturn and my father lost his job. Not surprisingly, I do not currently eat cereal for breakfast, but a tangerine or pineapple chunks. As for boring, I can do about an hour and a half on Isaac Newton and the Great Recoinage of English Silver in 1696, and the creation of the Bank of England. I can also show before and after specimens from my coin collection, clearly showing the obvious clipping of shillings from James I/VI, Charles I, and Charles II coins, and unclipped William III and Mary II and Anne's unclipped shillings. I'm a freaking hoot at parties, and you can find me in the corner near a bookshelf.
Qwinn said...
And we now have actual security camera footage of 4 election workers in Georgia, after having lied to poll watchers and told them to go home because counting was done, go immediately back in, pull suitcases full of ballots from underneath a table that was concealed by a tablecloth, and start feeding them through the scanners.
Actual ballot stuffing on film. And the entire establishment is still yelling "No evidence."
So boring! Cause, you know, we're just working out our grief over losing, it's not like we've got anything substantive to say.
We know Inga is a complete piece of shit.
Howard as well is just a terrible person.
But how much better are the cowards that refuse to even deal with this?
You would have to drone on for a very long time before I found The Mandalorian boring. Shall we discuss the merits (or absurdities) of the name Grogu?
wildswan said, "They should give the vaccine to the highest risk group, older nursing home residents. Then the death rate would fall. Then we could unlock everyone else."
Well yes, I agree. By the end of the month we are probably going to have at least one vaccine available. It should be given to everyone over the age of 70 that wants it and that should be the end of the story. Because that is something like 98% of the people that are actually at risk of dying from Covid-19.
Of course it not will really be the end of the story. But we could wish we lived in a more rational and honest world.
Howard said...
Inga: they filled in the wrong court. These are planned failures because they have nothing, but this helps them gin up the victim card to keep the useless eaters salivating.
Typically dishonest. But you are just a dishonest person.
They filed straight with the SC because the democrats are trying to run out the clock and avoid any real investigation.
3 of the judges agreed that the Court should take up the case immediately.
The 3 democrats were democrats and everyone knows who you people are and what you are trying to do.
One of the conservatives on the court said they had to start at the District court level.
So they go to the district court. It will eventually end up back at the WSC and the case will be decided for the Trump team because the laws that were broken are pretty clear.
Here is a clicky link to the video of democrats pulling ballots out of suitcases and feeding them into the voting machines in Georgia after they "stopped counting ballots."
I thought Trump was a conman in 2016 and that's one of the reasons why I didn't vote for him back then. He earned my vote this year because the conman happened to actually be doing a surprisingly good job* until the manufactured Chinese flu hit us. And even then he did the right things by shutting down the airports, and letting states make decisions locally, and fast tracking a vaccine, all of which he will get no credit.
But here's the thing: He had four years to declassify data that would prove the extent of the corruption in the CIA & FBI in the 2016 election. But he never did more than issue tweets. And he knew the Dems were going to use mail-in ballots to cheat--they brazenly told us all how it would play out-- and he knew about the shady history of the Dominion software, and he did nothing to stop any of it. Again, he just issued tweets, and continues to just issue tweets. He's ostensibly the most powerful man in the world, but as they say in NYC, he's all talk and no action. The conman is conning us.
I don't think he expected to win in 2016, and my guess is that he either didn't want to be reelected- I wouldn't blame him really, given all the shit he and his family have had to put up with-- or the Dems found some real dirt on him and made him an offer: you let us cheat and we let you walk.
My dad told me years ago there is only one party, and I've lived long enough to understand what he meant. There's no point getting emotionally invested in the actions of any of these slimy characters. Politics is the WWE in suits.
*Those who are in the thrall of the MSM narrative aren't aware of it, but those of us who can think for ourselves saw it.
We had the off brand cereals growing up, because they cost less. The instant powdered milk was ever present. My lovely mother claimed it was required because my youngest two siblings (out of six of us) were allergic to whole milk. I doubt that little lie kept her out of heaven.
We didn't have extras or any extravagances but we always had a roof over our head, food available, and a little something special on our birthdays and at Christmas.
This is from an interview of Douglas Murray by Dave Rubin.
I would describe Douglas Murray as a libertarian intellectual
from the UK. I think he's very good -- a really smart guy
who is honest and not afraid to talk about controversial
This is about his experience witnessing Antifa about a month
ago. Some people probably think that Antifa isn't doing
anything now. But it has never stopped. It's just that the
news media has rarely if ever covered Antifa. And if they
do they usually lie about what is going on and who is doing it.
The things that shocked many of us earlier this year are still
going on.
Here's part of the interview My Nights Spent w/ Antifa & Exposing Their Strategy (Pt.2)| Rubin Report.
I took a little time to transcribe a few things he said. The first
two paragraphs are observations about Antifa in Portland, Oregon,
the third about Antifa in Washington, DC, and the fourth is
a judgement on the general state of America.
"...The antifa activists have a very clear policy, which is that
they want to provoke the police or indeed any law enforcement
into something they can pretend is an act of violence that they
can catch on camera and use as an explanation for the allegedly
fascist nature of the American state."
"It was very interesting to see these activists up close. I
thought they were all reprehensible people. I thought they
were clearly mentally in a very unstable place."
"I thought that furthermore on election night in Washington, DC when
I saw Antifa gathering in the doorways just outside of the
north lawn of the White House, the world's press were pointing
their cameras at the White House and beside them underneath
some of the doorways I saw what was clearly Antifa gathering
because they were changing into clothes so that they couldn't
be recognized by CCTV cameras. Uhmm, went over to film this
because it was clear this was what was going on and they became
very violent, very fast. And they are thugs; they're are a
paramilitary group. They have no place in a democracy."
"It's to America's shame that they have been allowed to do what
they have been doing."
These are planned failures because they have nothing, but this helps them gin up the victim card to keep the useless eaters salivating.
Howard, I have already conceded that the election theft is almost certainly successful. You and I know about the vote fraud.
Inga is a moron and gadfly is no better, These videos of ballot mishandling are not easy to lie about.
Don't try.
Night Owl said:
I don't think he expected to win in 2016, and my guess is that he either didn't want to be reelected- I wouldn't blame him really, given all the shit he and his family have had to put up with-- or the Dems found some real dirt on him and made him an offer: you let us cheat and we let you walk.
Oh for fuck's sake!
The Dems spent MORE THAN FOUR YEARS trying to get "some real dirt" on him, spending millions to do so---and they came up DRY.
Didn't wanted to be re-elected? --then why the multiple rallies attracting tens of thousand all over the country in the days leading up to the election?
DERP to the NTH!!!
Achilles, Twitter is now blocking that video.
what we've been waning them to gibbous:
Waldron's testimony
Waldron's team started hacking into Dominion systems in Aug 2020.
his team has been working with another group that has been working on these machines for 2 years @ from 06:30 - 07:40.
skip to to 12.05 - 13.28.
Cybersecurity Expert: 35,000 Fraud Votes Embedded for Democrat Candidates in Arizona
Michael K said...
Achilles, Twitter is now blocking that video.
I still see it everywhere.
Gonna be interesting what Fox News does with it. Gonna be interesting what the libs come up with to insult everyone's intelligence. Doctored! Out of context! The video is from something else! This is totally normal!
The Epoch Times probably has the best spreadsheet to depict what's going on in each of the six states in which the presidential election results have been contested. Also provides:
Georgia State GOP Senators Stress Need for Ballot Signature Audit
1 Million Absentee Ballots Requested in Georgia Runoffs
Trump Files Election Lawsuit in Wisconsin
Pennsylvania State Lawmakers Call on Governor to Convene Special Session on Election Fraud Allegations
Election Legal Challenge ‘Elevates’ Democracy, Says Sen. Kennedy
Almost All of Record Turnout of Committed Evangelicals Backed Trump: Survey
Duplicate Ballots Were Altered: Arizona Lawsuit
Pennsylvania Supreme Court Turns Down Effort to Challenge Election
Powell Files Suit for Arizona GOP Electors
However, clicking on any of these yields the demand to provide your email address before you can read them.
If you don't like being (probably) spammed, just cut and paste the url into Outline.com.
For example:
...becomes: https://outline.com/DprkAR
IMO, the best analysis of this stuff comes from @shipwreckedcrew.
His latest on RedState:
Update: Penn. Supreme Court Denies Request to Stay Its Order Dismissing Lawsuit Challenging Mail-In Balloting
By Shipwreckedcrew | Dec 03, 2020 2:45 PM ET
"...As I said yesterday, there is no reason for Justice Alito or the Court to grant this Application if they do not intend to enter the litigation brawl that is currently being waged in several courts right now. But if the Court does grant the Application, and enjoins Pennsylvania from naming electors, the chances are very high that the Court intends to take up all the challenges over the next couple of weeks."
Wisconsin Supreme Court Says Trump Election Contest Lawsuit Must Start in Lower Courts
By Shipwreckedcrew | Dec 03, 2020 5:02 PM ET
"...The calendar is obviously working against there being a remedy available to the campaign in Wisconsin prior to the meeting of the Electoral College. This point needs to be driven home in as part of a need for all states to reconsider the “mail-in” ballot schemes they have adopted. There simply is not enough time in the aftermath of a Presidential election, between the day of the election and the meeting of the Electoral College, to properly investigate and challenge millions of “mail-in” ballots — and that very fact only incentivizes the even further expansion of the use of such a process."
Oh mah lord...hilarious. Was she drunk, even Rudy was trying to shut her up.
Trump campaign’s star witness in Michigan was deemed ‘not credible.’ Then, her loud testimony went viral.
A young postal service subcontractor was just on Dobbs reporting that he and others had been told to 'back date' ballots and suspicious 'missing ballots' numbering about 100K that were 'found' in WI. If someone else watched the interview, could you please clarify the 'missing ballots' issue?
Glory glory hallelujah
It’s a cafe right? Anyone else appalled by UPS right now? We get daily (clinic) medicine deliveries, expensive car level costs, and very time and temperature sensitive. They need to go to fridge immediately on delivery. Normal times delivery is 10:30 am Tuesday’s shipment arrived at 3:30 pm in the usual brown truck,
Wednesday’s delivery arrived at 4:45 pm in a Penske truck, after we helped the driver search thru his boxes. Today’s shipment is AWOL! A Lexus SUV dropped some boxes at 5:30 pm but didn’t have the critical packages. Hair tearing time! FedEx is delivering more or less on time.
Any insight?
Sorry Mass Mu, I get all my insurance through the portal.
Since I have been gone since my offensively-worded post re WWII sacrifices and memories first thing this (my) morning, and have not read posts or comments since that time, and because the podcast topics don't include those, and I haven't seen Joe Smith, I'll just drop in here.
It just gets old to type out the same noun all the time; I know lots of words -- Teuton, Jerry, Fritz, Nazi, Hun, Boche, Squarehead, etc -- for the ethnonational group that most affected my very own personal lived experience, because I sprang from them.
My Opa and Oma's house was a center of Germandom around here. Oma was one of the oldest of the "aunts." She was Tante Lina; there was Tante Eva, Tante Ella, Tante Marta, Tanta Paula. They were the generation that were born here to Germans or came just before WWI or in the Twenties; Ella's husband Jack (they were both from the Rhineland and he had been transferred here in the mid 20s with a cotton textiles firm) had been a 17 year old conscript of the Kaiser's in 1918, assigned to guard the Dutch border, so no hero-- but once when the Treaty of Versailles came up around the table, he went ramrod straight to his full 5'4" or so and announced that "ze Cherman Army vas neffer deveeted on ze baddleveelt!"
Now that's what I call a real Kraut: naturalized as soon as he could, went to work for a local cotton brokerage (where my father also worked), pillar of the Presbyterian church, swam a mile every day at the Y until he was a widowed 90-something.
My own father and other veteran (WWII) relatives, as well as the several German WWII veterans in those circles all rolled their eyes at old Jack when he would start that stuff.
That's just part of the rich and varied, nuanced, relationship I have with my heritage and with my language.
I'll not change that, but in deference to tender ears I will limit the use of Jap, Nip, Slope, Gook, etc henceforth.
Stiffnecked Kraut
Isn't amazing how Democrats take the word of an anonymous second-hand whistleblower to start an impeachment investigation and indictment but dismiss hundreds of signed affidavits. "Nothing to see here, move along."
Thanks Narr...
I am not a PC person by any means, but those days are gone.
However, I would not dare to correct anyone who was actually shot at by an actual German or Japanese or Korean (as my uncle was at Inchon) soldier.
The Japanese today are nothing like the Japanese of yesteryear...trust me on that one.
Joe, few people(s) are what their grandparents were.
Sometimes that's progress
If Biden won because White people abruptly shifted to the Democratic Party, why didn't this happen in New York City? Here is the pro-Trump swing by borough from 2016 to 2020:
Bronx +11.8
Queens +8.6
Brooklyn +7.6
Manhattan +3.0
Staten Island -0.2
Biden took Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona, Michigan and Nevada because suburban Whites revolted against Trump. But in NYC, Whites barely budged. And no one is alleging that fraud occurred in NYC...
“It just gets old to type out the same noun all the time; I know lots of words -- Teuton, Jerry, Fritz, Nazi, Hun, Boche, Squarehead, etc -- for the ethnonational group that most affected my very own personal lived experience, because I sprang from them.”
Don’t feel too badly about commenters here calling you offensive names regarding your German heritage. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had references to my heritage in the most vulgar of terms thrown at me, here in these threads, even though my ancestors hadn’t been in Germany since 1720. My parents were naturalized 6 years after my family came here, which was a soon as law allowed. As a 9 year old I too was naturalized along with my parents. My brother served in the Navy during the Vietnam era. My daughter has served in the Navy since 2002. My sisters grandsons serve, one in the Navy, one in the Air Force. My ethnic German, Yugoslavian born immigrant parents came to this country as refugees and our US military has had 4 of their children and grandchildren that have served. My family is every bit as American than anyone who was born here.
I don’t know what transpired here on these threads to have hurt your feelings, but don’t let it get under your skin because the ones who use your ethnicity and heritage to attack you are usually idiots.
I'll try to explain more clearly, than the first time I tried, what Mark Braynard of
the Voter Integrity Project said about the early absentee ballots in Michigan
because this is important.
This is only about early absentee ballots because this is the only data that the
State of Michigan released early enough that the Voter Integrity Project had time
to contact people that Michigan said had voted.
a) 12.6%, or a statistical 427,000 people, received early absentee ballots from the
State of Michigan that they had not requested. This is illegal. In Michigan, as
in many other states, only people who have requested early absentee ballots are
legally able to receive them.
How did this happen? There were 427,000 forms filled out for these people. Someone
filled them out. Who did it?
This is vote fraud on a massive scale and by any reasonable standard it should invalidate
the Michigan election.
b) 23.0%, or a statistical 24,000 people, of the people that the State of Michigan
report as requesting an early absentee ballot, but who, according to the State of
Michigan, did not return it, report that they actually did send in their absentee ballot.
Having almost one-quarter of the people who requested early absentee ballots not
have their votes counted is an amazingly high error percentage. It is either an
indication of vote fraud or this is due to an almost unimaginable level of incomptence
on the part of the State of Michigan.
And if Michigan is that incomptent should any faith be placed in their supposed result
for the election anyway?
c) Mark Braynard didn't give the percentage but what he said implied that a high
percentage of the early absentee ballot requests do not have the voter's birthdate
This is a good example of vote fraud designed into the system before the first vote is
even cast. Early absentee ballot requests with crucial missing information should
never have been granted.
Politicians do things like this when they want to make vote fraud easy and when
they expect to benefit from the vote fraud.
Now there are more problems than this that the Voter Integrity Project found with
the early absentee ballots, but these are, it seems to me, the three most important.
Here is Mark Braynard's Voter Integrity Project Michigan testimony
I think you are wrong on the postal addresses on a couple of counts
1) all the stories I've seen are about private mail box (PMB) services like FedEx, UPS, mailboxes etc and the like. I've seen none at all about us postal service facilities.
2) the uspo forbids the use of apt, suite and similar in individual addresses. (I looked it up Tuesday night and can provide a link) uspo regulations require that the address be identified as a PMB.
3) as for providing street addresses, that sounds fishy. If the uspo gave me a street address where I don't live, that would be fraud.
4) the post office does allow me to receive FedEx and UPS deliveries to my box. To do this I use my po's street address and my box number. But nothing other than the number. No "box" or the like.
5) I assume this only applies to people with po boxes. And those aren't cheap. I just paid $360 to renew my medium box for a year. I think the smallest box is $150 or so.
6) pmbs are required by law to charge the same or more than usps for competitive services. It's hard for me to imagine many homeless people paying for mailboxes.
John Henry
here's some sad footage, the Arecibo radio telescope's final moments
I might have thought that this would be an interesting story for Althouse to blog; significant national implications, coming out of a story with some down-home Wisconsin roots:
US Senator Ron Johnson calls President Trump an asshole...
By Mark Becker, former Brown County (WI) supervisor and former chairman of the Brown County Republican Committee.
"Senator Johnson said that he knew and accepted the fact that Joe Biden had won. I asked why he wouldn’t say so at a moment when Trump was taking a sledgehammer to the very foundation of our democracy. Senator Johnson replied that the institutions of our democracy are strong enough to withstand what is going on. This response shocked me, since it suggested that the truth was ultimately unimportant and that Sen. Johnson viewed what the president was doing as someone else’s problem...
"We spoke of organizations such as the Lincoln Project and Republican Voters Against Trump. Johnson said that he loathed these organizations because 'they are money-grubbing pieces of shit.' He said that these organizations and the media refused to accept all the good things Trump has done, 'even though he [Trump] is an asshole, he was right on so many things.' He talked about his displeasure for the 'political establishment.' He said that he 'honestly doesn’t even much care for Mitch McConnell,' because of his entrenchment within said establishment.
"... in his mind Trump was right on so many things. I asked him that if it truly is about right versus wrong, why doesn’t he call out what Trump does wrong?
"His answer: In essence, that it would be political suicide.
"To his credit, Senator Johnson was incredibly cordial. We had a respectful discussion, even though we passionately disagree. He did not come off at all like the person you see on TV. He was not the aloof, abrasive persona he puts on when he’s on Fox. Also to his credit, he even criticized Wisconsin Republicans for not working enough with the Evers administration regarding the COVID-19 crisis that has been ripping through America’s Dairyland. (Which is another thing I wish he’d say publicly.)"
I’ve been coming to this blog now for well over 10 years. And I can’t figure out how a blogger who seems to be center-right, maybe a bit libertarian gains such a decidedly right wing commentariat (with a few lefty trolls sprinkled in). Is it that the more moderate (and no I’m not speaking of LLR’s) right of center readers have left or just don’t comment.
Comments are of two kinds:
-the amen choir -or-
- the ad hominem back and forth
"I don’t know what transpired here on these threads to have hurt your feelings, but don’t let it get under your skin because the ones who use your ethnicity and heritage to attack you are usually idiots."
I don't think I'm an idiot, but if I was I probably wouldn't know it : )
I'm not picking on Narr.
It's just that, a few months back, a commentator (not Narr) was going on a bit about 'Japs' and not in the historical context.
As I said, I've lived in Japan and have very good Japanese friends.
It seems that in 2020 people of good will could easily avoid this kind of language.
Nothing sinister...just good manners.
It seems that in 2020 people of good will could easily avoid this kind of language.
It is so rare that I have not heard the term in use (not reading) since soon after WWII.
It is still not unusual in Britain. A golf commentator got in trouble a year or two ago for using it casually. He did not realize it is unacceptable.
And I can’t figure out how a blogger who seems to be center-right, maybe a bit libertarian gains such a decidedly right wing commentariat
Do you suppose your own politics have shifted? Most people I see commenting (aside from the trolls) only want to be left alone.
mandrewa said...
This is from an interview of Douglas Murray by Dave Rubin.
I would describe Douglas Murray as a libertarian intellectual
from the UK. I think he's very good -- a really smart guy
who is honest and not afraid to talk about controversial
Murray did Bret Weinsten's podcast right before the election.
Portland is a Third World City (Douglas Murray & Bret Weinstein)
Most left, Phil.
I notice quite a lot of the middle of the road folks have been mostly silent since the spring. I don't think the endless conspiracy theories are that interesting and the stupid hack and forth ain't fun to ignore either.
I also think the calls to revolution and armed revolt make many walk away, but I am sure the same dozen on the right will be here shortly with the usual personal insults.
Narr doesn't feel picked on, Joe, and Inga. I appreciate Inga's kind intention (and applaud her family's patriotism) but I am the last person to feel offended by words alone.
For my ma's side, I'll answer to cracker, redneck, peckerwood, what have you.
Speaking of unacceptable, some Brit rugby (?) guy got sacked for referring to 'colored' players, and tried to tell the pols it was an Americanism he'd picked up working in the States.
WWII-head, not of uniformly good will
Phil 314 said, "I’ve been coming to this blog now for well over 10 years. And I can’t figure out how a blogger who seems to be center-right, maybe a bit libertarian gains such a decidedly right wing commentariat (with a few lefty trolls sprinkled in). Is it that the more moderate (and no I’m not speaking of LLR’s) right of center readers have left or just don’t comment."
Well I've been on the internet since before it began and you would be surprised "Philippians 3:14" because this is the normal pattern. I have seen the same thing on many different free speech platforms. Or at least something rather similar.
Now I should emphasize I have never hung around places where I'm going to be censored if I voice my opinion. And of course those are exactly the places where most people on the left hang out. Because even if I wanted to fight with these people, I couldn't, because quite quickly you are either expelled or made invisible so no one can read what you say anyway.
And that is the left for you. That's what left-wing 'tolerance' boils down to. It's the same at the universities of course.
And I should also mention I don't like places that are only right-wing. Even though I am right wing, I can't stand it all the time. That's why I'm here instead of say for instance, Instapundit. I agree with a lot of what Glenn Reynolds says. But that makes it boring.
I disagree with many things that Ann Althouse says. But that's a good part of what makes it interesting. And there are things she says that I agree with. The mix makes it even more interesting.
And I have a suspicion that quite a few people on this forum have similar motivations.
Now as for moderates, I have two hypotheses about their relative silence. One, I think political opinions are connected to other aspects of personality than just the opinions. So there are some consistent differences between the right and the left that include how they reason or express themselves or what they are interested in.
So maybe relative silence is just part of being a moderate. Or alternately maybe it's in the nature of a moderate that they tend not to be interested in this stuff as much.
And I can’t figure out how a blogger who seems to be center-right, maybe a bit libertarian gains such a decidedly right wing commentariat
Well, for one thing, there aren't a lot of other choices on the Right, especially for conversations of this quality (ain't that a scary thought!). Lots of places, both Left & Right, have poor quality comment sections.
As for additional Lefty commenters here, it's not like we can keep them out, is it? I think it's best understood that, today, being on the Left is best understood as either a religious or a lifestyle choice. Look around you. Do most Lefty venues, such as late night talk shows, ever bring on even establishment Righties, unless they're useful idiots, such as Never-Trumpers? I mean, the fact that Bill Maher will occasionally have on a conservative is so rare that he makes it part of his brand! Most Lefties today are not going to come somewhere to be fundamentally challenged for the same reason that most religious believers are not going to associate with the heathen.
Now, are there Lefties who aren't like that? Sure, for example, most of the members of the Intellectual Dark Web are classical Lefties. So, here's a question -- why is it that a group that's full of BernieBros has a following that's mostly right-wing? When you answer that question, you answer the question of what goes on here chez Althouse.
mandrewa@832 puts it pretty well. Prof sticks close to the stated policy and exclusions, and I look at the feuding as easy enough to skip (or mine for clever phrases or ideas to steal).
I did Insty and Reason for a long time, but they got stale--in part because I don't want AP, ATT. Or even, say, 20/6.5.
This is an eclectic bunch, and as a person of fairly wide interests (history and librarianship are both good fields for generalists) I enjoy the diversity and interplay. That the commentariat tends right to libertarian as I do is not that important except insofar as they have no politicized incentive to misinterpret or misrepresent what I present--as we all know would be inevitable on most other sites.
Rapped knuckles for rudeness, maybe
To me the scariest part of all this?
They are successfully dismantling the concept of a notarized affidavit as admissible evidence.
Hundreds of notarized affidavits = "no evidence"
Have you witnessed malfeasance, even violence, against yourself or others by the state? Go ahead, sign an affidavit. It no longer means anything in a court of law. They're telling us that every. Single. Day.
Night Owl said...
"I thought Trump was a conman in 2016 and that's one of the reasons why I didn't vote for him back then. He earned my vote this year because the conman happened to actually be doing a surprisingly good job* until the manufactured Chinese flu hit us. And even then he did the right things by shutting down the airports, and letting states make decisions locally, and fast tracking a vaccine, all of which he will get no credit."
Well, you've certainly established your bona fides there, Owl old buddy. Any lies you want to peddle now, we'll slurp 'em right down. They trained you well.
I’ve been coming to this blog now for well over 10 years. And I can’t figure out how a blogger who seems to be center-right, maybe a bit libertarian gains such a decidedly right wing commentariat (with a few lefty trolls sprinkled in).
My theory is that a lot came from Instapundit, who often would promote Althouse posts back when his own blog did not have comments, so instead of things getting discussed there, they would be here, and people just stuck.
I can't believe people are picking on those poor Fulton County workers. Those people are real go-getters- toiling away in the middle of the night after everybody else called it a day, counting those ballots that had just accidentally hidden themselves under a table that just happened to have a floor length tablecloth. I bet they did all that work and no one, literally no one, even knows their names so that we can thank them for the hard work.
Shame on you guys.
Blogger Phil 314 said...
"I’ve been coming to this blog now for well over 10 years.
Comments are of two kinds:
-the amen choir -or-
- the ad hominem back and forth"
This is false. Many regular commenters fall into neither category. Examples: Bruce Hayden, John Henry, Mike Sylwester, Dust Bunny Queen, YoungHegelian, Yancey Ward, J. Farmer (only does forth--sorry for the ad hominem), Tim in Vermont (non-Covid Tim--sorry for the ad hominem) etc. etc.
Of course, we could use serious lefties around here. But we get trolls and second-raters. Cook hangs around, but even he informed us not long ago that he had never read Marx. As others have noted, the left prefers its cultish enclaves and does not bother to engage, here or elsewhere. And why should they?
Even after having lost some good contributors over the years, the Althouse comment section is still better than any other. Amen.
The commentariat is the way it is because Althouse practices almost no censorship. Such practices are prized by exactly the sorts of people who comment here, and it is why there are so few progressives commenting here. I can't think of a single lefty blogger who doesn't censor religiously based solely on viewpoint. There are increasingly fewer blogs on the right that don't do the same thing.
All I post is ad hominem? Who am I an amen choir for?
By the way, Jupiter? You had an awesome response to someone the other day. The Golden Gate Bridge bit. That was hilarious and beautifully written. Respect.
Right, Yancey. Progressives would be whining for censorship on a daily basis due to 'hateful' or 'inappropriate' speech. Who needs 'em?
Night said...How do you know if you actually voted in this election?
Don't vote...like..um..someone..you know the thing!
However, someone may have voted in your name.
It's icky!
Is Meade alive?
Came for the neutrality. Stay for the cruelty.
And Mead. But with Mead, I prefer the garden pics to the dog pics.
At least in AZ you can check the status of your vote online using an ID chosen at registration [either voter ID number or driver's license #].
The first time I posted on this blog someone called me a 'stupid shit-head'. ;-D
Yancy hit the nail on the head. I will also add that there are no fact checks or deletions for posting links to news sources that aren't approved by the editor here. Never mind other blogs, try that on Twatter or Fakebook.
Its a very lively blog, there have been occasional slithy toves i wont name, but there are some very interesting folk with a variety of experiences and perspectives.
Speaking of Twitter and Facebook
Aren’t those new “dispute” tags silly?
On a video of the duly elected President of the United States speaking from the Oval Office disputing parts of the election, Twitter put a tag that said the AP had already called the election.
Well OK then. Why don’t we just get rid of the presidency and even the constitution in it’s entirety, and just have Associated Press tell us what to do every day and run the country?
2,056 felons illegally voted
66,248 under 18 voted
2,423 weren’t registered at all
1,043 used a PO Box
4,926 voted past the reg. date
10,315 died before the election
395 voted in two states
15,700 moved out of state
40,279 changed county and didn’t re-register to vote
Cook never read Marx? Hah. Whadda ya know. Tracks.
I can't find one of my favorite bits by Marx in a search engine now. It was in something like "Letters to East German Socialist Party" or something like that.
Everyone thinks Marx divided everyone into the proletariat and bourgeois. They're certainly what he mostly talked about. But in the quote I'm trying to find, he asserts that there's a much larger group than both of those put together. The peasant class. Whom he deemed "fit neither to rule nor to be ruled!" Exclamation point his.
What do you do with a large population that is fit neither to rule nor to be ruled?
Lenin, Stalin, Castro, Che, Pol Pot, Mao, Chavez, so many others, all applied the same answer.
They've applied the same "solution" to that problem everywhere they've achieved power.
But maybe America will be the first place where they don't create mass graves.
Oh yeah, I forgot. The nursing homes. Too late.
Scrolling through TV tonight looking for football and stumbled on Nutty Professor II with Eddie Murphy. Shared with my wife (born in 1968) that the original Nutty Professor starred Jerry Lewis and was based on Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. I described the plot of the Jerry Lewis movie as I remembered it and she accused me of making it up as that could not possibly be a real movie. So we will need to find something else to watch. Some things don’t age well.
Nutty professor is a real movie all right. He owned that den of iniquity, the purple pit. You could tell it was a place where shady things happened because of the flute jazz music.
I’ve been coming to this blog now for well over 10 years. And I can’t figure out how a blogger who seems to be center-right, maybe a bit libertarian gains such a decidedly right wing commentariat (with a few lefty trolls sprinkled in).
My theory is that a lot came from Instapundit, who often would promote Althouse posts back when his own blog did not have comments, so instead of things getting discussed there, they would be here, and people just stuck.
????? Am I the only one here who gets paid to comment? Weird.
Nutty professor is a real movie all right. He owned that den of iniquity, the purple pit. You could tell it was a place where shady things happened because of the flute jazz music.
Based on Buddy Love autobiography
66,000 underage voted in Georgia? My rough calculation is about 250k 16-17 year olds in th state. You want us to believe that one in four voted? Use your head.
Georgia: Briefcases full of Blues.
Definitely icky.
Its like baby driver but serious.
"66,000 underage voted in Georgia? My rough calculation is about 250k 16-17 year olds in th state. You want us to believe that one in four voted? Use your head. "
No, of course not. 25% of teens didn't actually cast ballots.
I know you're having a really hard time with the concept of "voter fraud", but you don't start analyzing the possibility with the ironclad, inviolable assumption that every name on a ballot is the person who actually cast that ballot.
Because if you do, you're never going to find voter fraud, are you? Your starting premise is that every vote was cast by the person named on the ballot, and if there's evidence that they didn't, well, that's just implausible.
It's an amazing concept, that of recording the processing of votes at even the most rudimentary levels of scrutiny.
Heres the thing, walter one liberal judge said there should be paper backups in georgia, two conservatives including lagoa on the eleventh circuit said no, the obama appointee jordan said there should be.
the original Nutty Professor starred Jerry Lewis
Free on Pluto, or with Prime.
Well..there are "wacko bird" folks who imagine prominent "RINOS" are on the take in that respect. I mean..can you even imagine that?
It's an A+ system.
I get hate mail alot when I post here, but please, if you think you hate me, try and think something else , because hate is not cool.
but you know I am right.
Think of all the losers in this world you have known - the beta male teenagers who did not make the baseball team and who pretended to be too cool to go to the cool kid parties, where everyone knew they were not cool ..... and the old people in the old folks' homes who sarcastically said, after their kids visited them "well they were proud of themselves, visiting the old lady" - because they felt unloved..... think think think of all the losers in the world. Think of the fat girls who were not really fat but because of the trends of the day, were thought of as too fat, and who were rejected by the guys who should have been their husbands. Think of the guys who were a little too skinny, and who, try as hard as they could, lost the loves of their lives to rich kids who were, at most, 20 pounds heavier. Think of this world the way you would think of it if everyone in the world were someone you cared about ......
Tell me again I am boring. Tell me I have not seen, deeper into any storm that you have ever been brave enough to venture into, tell me, that in those moments, I did not see what YOU WOULD HAVE LOVED TO SEE AND THAT YOU ACTUALLY SAW BECAUSE GOD LOVES YOU AS MUCH AS GOD LOVES ME
the night was dark, the storm almost drowned me and my burro, and I knew that we could go on for miles and miles without finding a place to rest, without finding a friend
or maybe I am not boring.
God is a very sophisticated Individual, and, as arrogant as I am, there are things I will immediately tell you that God can do and that I cannot do. (I am not arrogant at all, that was just an attempt at humor).
If you think I am not boring, and you have read this far, please remember this:
I have never, in my entire life, tried and failed to make someone feel as if they are the most important person in the world to God, no matter what their problems are ----- I have never tried to do that, and failed.
Thanks for reading.
Trust me. Or don't, tell me you hate the fact that I say things like this.
I am easily amused.
God likes you. Don't ever forget that. Be who God wants you to be.
Think of this world the way you would think about it if everyone in this world were someone you cared about.
Or , if you prefer, just think of me as just some boring person.
I am used to it, and I am easily amused. But I meant what I said - remember that.
FullMoon said...
I’ve been coming to this blog now for well over 10 years. And I can’t figure out how a blogger who seems to be center-right, maybe a bit libertarian gains such a decidedly right wing commentariat (with a few lefty trolls sprinkled in).
But it isn't a policy issue at all. Right? The last five years haven't been about conservatism; and it certainly isn't about partisanship.
It's Trumpism. Whatever your politics are; whatever your policy preferences are; Althouse doesn't force much of anything on anybody. But what marks her uniquely is her personal fascination with, and her refusal to criticize, Trump.
So she attracts the Trumpists. And anyone (no matter how conservative, or how Republican) who criticizes Trump will find themselves in trouble with the Althousians, and eventually with Althouse. Because they, and she, are only loosely allied from any policy or political perspective. It's all a matter of supporting or criticizing Trump. The Trumpists like to claim that they have some sort of policy platform, even though (stunningly) the RNC didn't really much even bother with a platform in this last election.
Althouse enjoys jabbing the Trump-haters. What more could the TrumpCult want from her?
Many Dems/Liberals were once very concerned about electronic voting problems when it suited them.
Tell us the Biden policies you are looking forward to...especially if the Dems take the Senate.
walter said...
Tell us the Biden policies you are looking forward to...especially if the Dems take the Senate.
No more crazy, malevolent, lying, shit-stupid Tweets.
I think that covers it.
i.e. you got nothing.
Enjoy your bounty.
Conserving Conservatism.
That was six weeks walter, the frontline special was even less, the hbo documentary with hursti was six months ago.
One of the last link on the other thread, is how petee daszak who funded the wuhan lav is now going to investigate itm
10,315 died before the election
Georgia average deaths ~48K/yr in the state. "You want us to believe that one in four voted? Use your head."
Here’s the tell on why and how the Dominion voting software was rigged. The software converted vote totals into floating point numbers, instead of integers. There is absolutely no conceivable reason for doing this. Tech nerds, take note. Although I’ve never coded voting software, it looks like an incredibly simply process to me. Store the totals for Candidate A as a whole number (integer) in var_A. Store the totals for Candidate B as a whole number (integer) in var_B. Anything else is just silly.
LMAO, That was awesome, ICTA.
Last night I had recommended mcphee's essay "mini hydro" and provided a link to the New Yorker. Not having a subscription and wanting to reread it, I was Ducking around looking for it. Not with any success.
I did find an interesting article on small hydro, defined as less than 10mw here
For those interested. It's more about commercial than personal scale but probably interesting to those interested.
John Henry
Chuck says:
And anyone (no matter how conservative, or how Republican) who criticizes Trump will find themselves in trouble with the Althousians, and eventually with Althouse.
Safe space - Wikipedia
[Search domain en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Safe-space] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Safe-space
The term safe space refers to places created for individuals who feel marginalized to come together to communicate regarding their experiences with marginalization, most commonly located on university campuses in the western world, but also at workplaces and online comment sections.
Listening to Chuck, you'd think the rest of us just keep one post after another worshiping our Lord and Savior Trump. Blessed be his name. We talk about literally nothing except how awesome Trump is.
Actually, that almost never happens. What we spend 98% of our time talking about is the latest gobsmackingly vile lie or infinitely corrupt crime the Left has most recently committed in their BMNA mission to destroy Trump
The other 2% of the time we might state that we think he's been an excellent president. Every once in a long while someone will post his long list of accomplishments that everyone Chuck admires repeatedly promised but never actually fought for. And then Chuck lies about those accomplishments.
But no one here is obsessed with Trump as a person... except the lefties, with Chuck leading the way by a stalkerish insanely creepy mile.
thanks, @Quinn. U rock!
Illegitimi non carborundum
No more crazy, malevolent, lying, shit-stupid Tweets.
I think that covers it.
On a more serious note, Joe Biden predicts 250,000 more deaths by end of year, and wants everybody masked up for 100 days in 2021, to stop the virus.
And Clinton, Obama, and Bush say they will publicly take Trump vaccine. No way would they substitute a flu shot , 'cause that would be dishonest
Because I almost never say amen to anything, and since my name is not U. Peepul or Yu. Guyz, and I can't even begin to make sense of most of the pigeonholes that are so dear to so many (even here, alas), I'm just happy to have the Prof's wall to scrawl on.
Almost always, I really don't care enough about other people's opinions on most topics (or the topics themselves) to bother arguing. As broad, as liberal-minded, as I am, I try to give the most charitable interpretation to comments made by others, and am usually OK with understanding where a commenter "is coming from" rather than pouncing on particulars, though I do like to find patterns, and I do have my pet topical rabbit holes.
Bonus word for the night: pococuranteism. (Did Prof use it once?)
Shouting Thomas said...
Here’s the tell on why and how the Dominion voting software was rigged. The software converted vote totals into floating point numbers, instead of integers. There is absolutely no conceivable reason for doing this. Tech nerds, take note. Although I’ve never coded voting software, it looks like an incredibly simply process to me. Store the totals for Candidate A as a whole number (integer) in var_A. Store the totals for Candidate B as a whole number (integer) in var_B. Anything else is just silly.
It would be trivial to make a vote counting program that counted votes. With Integers.
It would take 15 lines of code depending on language to create a completely un-erasable clear audit log and store it in non-volatile memory that you could use 10 years later to completely rebuild an entire election vote by vote. Absolutely trivial.
Another 15 lines to build a O(1) lookup SQL database that held all the votes, keys, and encryption codes for each ballot. Once again not hard at all.
It would be slightly more complicated to build an encryption system with a secure 3rd party Auth company so that a user could match their personal encryption key with their receipt ballot to look up how the State counted their vote. Using the trusted 3rd party standard most encryption services use now the ballots would be blind to the State. But this is nothing a beginning software developer didn't do in 3rd year CS classes.
This could all easily be open source and completely secure.
Dominion does one thing with elections. It cheats.
Chuck said...
FullMoon said...
I’ve been coming to this blog now for well over 10 years. And I can’t figure out how a blogger who seems to be center-right, maybe a bit libertarian gains such a decidedly right wing commentariat (with a few lefty trolls sprinkled in).
** It's a lack of critical thinking by the progressives who emote more than they think. They can't rise above their viseral reaction to Trump.
Althouse does words, logic, fabric analysis. She's upstream of current culture.
I think better after I read Althouse and I see a lot of things differently. Like a college class for free.
Dominion is more a vote adjusting system vs tabulation
I watched Dr. Shiva’s analysis of voting in Detroit. I suggest you do, too.
As Scott Adams has said repeatedly, the vote fraud wasn’t widespread or wholesale. It was expertly targeted, so that it didn’t produce huge and easily noticeable numbers in any particular jurisdiction.
The algorithms of Dominion software were designed to be manipulated on a district by district level.
Trump, in my opinion, didn’t just win. He won the electoral college by a landslide.
looks like Kemp will call for a sig audit.
...but does he still plan on a shitshow redux for senate race?
Looks like, i dont buy the whole scytl story but the forensics that andrea widburg published are impressive.
"66,000 underage voted in Georgia? My rough calculation is about 250k 16-17 year olds in th state. You want us to believe that one in four voted? Use your head."
This right here is why you get so little respect, Steve.
Question for the board- how many of you didn't immediately understand that it wasn't a claim that 66,000 underage people voting on their own, either in person or by absentee? Seriously- I got the meaning instantly. This wasn't especially difficult either since the data point said nothing about it being 16-17 year olds- most likely it is ballots sent to and sent back from registered voters with birthdates that literally range from November 4th 2002 to October 31st 2020.
You would have been on good ground, Steve, to question where the data point came from, not ridicule it without examination. But, I guess that is the world we are building- every data point about vote fraud is just unexamined by 1/2 of the population who bury their heads in "The claim about vote fraud has been disputed."
About the only thing that can get you banned here is being a douchebag, as Chuck has found out on occasion.
And the fact they continue to insist there is no facility in frankfurt, when it takes 5 seconds to prove otherwise
Sure why not
will Scott Adams weigh in, for S's n G's??
Biden on if he disagrees with Kamala:
"I'll develop some disease and say I have to resign."
Is he saying the quiet part out loud again because no filter?
Probably ay dios mio
Edison Analysis - BIDEN takes 98% of a 23,487 vote batch at 12:18AM -
This analysis corresponds with the Georgia "98% FOR BIDEN" sworn affidavitsRed exclamation mark symbol
Remember the "pristine sheets, no creases, bubble selection perfectly made". Watch below
per @kanekoa
Yes, that was just a bizarre answer, and, yes, Tapper's failure to redirect just shows how far down his throat Biden's dick is.
man, that's livin' !
The Doomsday Maps Of The World And The Billionaire Escape Plans
and what are the Deplorable Whos in Whoville gonna do
...when The Fauch steals Christmas?
mandrewa: I'd say Douglas Murray is a national treasure, but he is not of this nation. An international treasure, more like.
stephen cooper: TL;DR.
wildswan said...
They should give the vaccine to the highest risk group, older nursing home residents. Then the death rate would fall.
Should they? Would it?
One thing I've read about the covid vaccines. They have serious side effects for some people. Serious wasn't defined in any of the articles I read- just that there were serious side effects. Were they in:
1: Older people
2: Younger people
3. Middle aged people
4. Randomly distributed through age groups?
Did the seriousness of the side effects depend on age? I work for a healthcare facility. So, I'm going to have to get the vaccine when they tell me to- or quit. I'm 65, and you know what? I'm not the least bit worried about getting the dreaded covid. There is now undisputed evidence the dreaded coiv was in the U.S. last Nov-Dec. They tested blood donor blood samples. So when my wife had all the symptoms back in February, including the loss of taste and smell, that's probably what she had. I didn't get it. We quite literally sleep together. And when my youngest was sent home on spring break that turned into rest of the year break- he developed all the symptoms right after getting home. I didn't get it then. Then- another son with all the symptoms, including a blood O2 level that dropped like a rock whenever he stood. He spent a night in the hospital. That was when we had a bunch of tests that were known for false negatives- and he tested negative twice. As he left the hospital the doctors told him they didn't care what the two tests said- he had the dreaded covid. But Dictator Cuomo (they called him governor) with his vast knowledge of medical matters, greater than any doctor or nurse, forbade giving the test a third time after 2 negatives. I didn't get it.
For a supercontagious easy to get disease, it sure seems hard to get. But then, we knew that from the Diamond Princess where <20% in an ideal environment for virus spread got it.
It also appears that some of us have preexisting T-cell immunity to the dreaded covid from previous bouts with similar corona viruses. About 20% of colds are coronaviruses. In the United States. From what I've read, they are more common in Asia. Why might that matter? Well, the Navy saw fit to have me spend time in Korea, Hong Kong, Japan, and on Guam- full of Japanese tourists. Multiple times. So odds are I've had more than my fair share of coronavirus colds.
But back to the original point before I sidetracked myself. The vaccines appear to have serious side effects. Will they be worse in the vulnerable part of the population? Bad enough to be worse than (or the same as) actually getting the dreaded covid? Well, we're about to perform the experiment. What we should have done is allowed the dreaded covid to spread through the population naturally, telling the elderly and invalids to take necessary precautions. That's the standard way of dealing with widespread diseases. Instead, we've frighted all the easily frightened ninnies. I still see on Facebook every day posts- usually from females- about how teenagers are dying left and right of the dreaded covid. Meanwhile I continue to post graphs like this to show their fear is unfounded. But alas, in doing this, it seems this particular Dilbert cartoon is right on the money- it isn't possible.
I'm with you Openidname, Stephen seems like a decent guy and I'm sure he has his points to make, but I rarely read him.
Which somehow brings me to the first rule of trolling. Don't make it long. I inadvertently read readering and Howard, because their posts are usually one to three sentences and by the time I scan down the page with my eyes, it's done. I sometimes accidentally read Inga because some of her posts are the same. I haven't read anything that Chuck has posted for years.
is Gretched WHitmer a dominatrix?
...would that explain some of her um, 'overbearing authoritarianism'?
When does the shooting start?
Wiat, what? What kind of question is that? One that's being asked on other blogs- and discussed openly. I don't know what kind of friends you have, but some of mine have been discussing their target list for when the shooting starts, but they're not sure yet when that's going to happen. But they're sure it will.
For several (I've asked) they will start shooting if Democrats carry out their promise to arrest and prosecute Trump and his family. They've already taken step one of turning us into a banana republic- massive vote fraud. I suspect that they are arrogant enough to proceed to step 2, arresting and prosecuting losing candidates who dared to oppose them. Seems they live in a bubble where everyone agrees with each other. We'll soon see.
Seems more and more small businesses, particularly restaurants, are openly defying state Tyrants. Will violence break out at one of those? Seems some people are flocking to a few chosen ones practically daring authorities to use violence so they can meet it with their own. Remember- ultimately the power of the state depends on it's monopoly on the use of force. In the United States, a well armed populace has allowed them that privilege. What happens when a well armed populace withdraws their consent? For the most part I see sheriff's departments backing down and not aiding the state in enforcing shut down orders. (NYC sheriff's department being an exception. But then- it's NYC....) Will the State Police, who aren't elected, do the same? Will sheriff's tell the SP to stay out of their counties? In some states- they can.
100 days of masking? Is Biden that ignorant of how people feel about that? Stupid question- of course he is. Is he going to send the Army into South Dakota to seize Kristi Noem when tells him to go to Hell?
Tilder - maybe you could read half tonight and half tomorrow night.
Good luck with the ADHD !
Kristi Noem's grandma died of Covid without family in a nursing home. And yet our brave unfeeling Governor continues to downplay the virus, refuse a mask mandate, and ignore the terrible price her state is paying.
I wonder why she didn't call her "friend" in the White House for an emergency dose of Regeneron for her grandmother? Perhaps she thinks people don't die from the virus.
Or she may have ridden to Sturgis on her Harley Hog instead of worrying about granny.
Kristi Noem’s mother was 98. She tested negative for the virus.
98 year olds tend to die of something called old age.
“ Here’s the tell on why and how the Dominion voting software was rigged. The software converted vote totals into floating point numbers, instead of integers. There is absolutely no conceivable reason for doing this. Tech nerds, take note. Although I’ve never coded voting software, it looks like an incredibly simply process to me. Store the totals for Candidate A as a whole number (integer) in var_A. Store the totals for Candidate B as a whole number (integer) in var_B. Anything else is just silly.”
As noted by others, there would have been no legitimate reason to tally votes with floating point numbers, if that indeed happens. Logically, votes are integers, so should be counted as such. But also, due to the way that floating point arithmetic works on digital computers, you cannot guarantee consistent results, and, therefore, reproducibility and provability. Partially, it is because part of floating point variables are utilized for the exponent reducing the number of bits for the mantissa. But probably more important to the variability of the results, is that mantissa bits can easily be lost if the two numbers being added or subtracted are not properly normalized first, and that depends on vagaries of the hardware, the compiler used, and the underlying code. And it is the accuracy of the mantissa that is critical in counting votes.
Which brought a thought to me, on the subject of integer versus floating point arithmetic on binary computers. Floating point numbers are essentially optimized for multiplication and division. If I remember right, floating point multiplication involves adding exponents, and multiplying mantissas, with overflow incrementing the exponent correspondingly. Addition and subtraction though require alignment of the decimal, which means right shifting the smaller number until the exponents are equal. Right end off shifting of the mantissa, with the end off shifted bits potentially being votes. This is never done, of course, with integer arithmetic - if you run out of bits, you should get an overflow interrupt (unless you are running on something like a CDC 6400, which didn’t want to slow up for that, but was using 60 bit arithmetic, so it was rarely an issue). An overflow interrupt typically says that you screwed up somehow - integer addition and subtraction is assumed to be accurate, absent overflow and underflow. This isn’t the case with floating point, where multiplication and division are assumed to be mostly accurate, but addition and subtraction are not. In short, integer arithmetic is designed to guarantee correct results for addition and subtraction. Floating point is designed to optimize multiplication and division, and loss of precision bits is expected for addition and subtraction (has to be the case because of irrational numbers).
For the geeks here, I got my head into this when working as a patent attorney for a company that manufactured computer processors. Many, if not most, of the older generation here likely used them at some point. I had one inventor who was scary bright. He was a theoretical physics PhD, who had gotten bored teaching university physics, and had gotten into software. Some of the patents I did for him involved rewriting standard math functions (e,g. Trig functions like sine, cosine, etc) to increase accuracy on our hardware. They are typically calculated utilizing series expansions, which involve alternating multiplications and additions. His patented innovation was how he was able to shuffle terms in order to be adding numbers with roughly equivalent magnitudes (or exponents), thereby minimizing the mantissa bits lost through decimal point alignment. He also had a unique ability to vectorize calculations. The great thing for me was that I was quickly able to teach him to do much of my work for me, which is part of why I had the top production numbers in the office.
Amplifying my above post - we apparently had a House seat decided by a margin of 8 votes. It is very easy to imagine that the mantissa bits shifted off through decimal point/exponent alignment required for floating point addition/subtraction had a magnitude that large. If you are using floating point hardware to do your arithmetic, you cannot guarantee accuracy of your results, just provide theoretical probabilities.
Whoops. Blogger acting up again. Had to submit that last comment four times.
“ 100 days of masking? Is Biden that ignorant of how people feel about that? Stupid question- of course he is. Is he going to send the Army into South Dakota to seize Kristi Noem when [she] tells him to go to Hell?”
The absurdity is that wearing masks and other facial coverings, the way we do, has not, and can not be shown to have reduced the spread of COVID-19. It is based, almost entirely, on theories based on analogizing the effects of properly using and routinely disposing of surgical masks and the like with somewhat similar viruses. Physicians seeing patients routinely remask and reglove for each patient. That may mean every 10-15 minutes. That is not what is going on with the public. Many of the face coverings, the bandanas, neck gators, and handmade masks provide little, if any, protection from the virus, while being worn all day, or even for several days. Is that better, or worse, than nothing? If you are COVID-19 positive, wearing the mask all day, or even for a couple days, just let’s it accumulate on the mask.
Biden, during the campaign, claimed that he would have done better fighting the pandemic. When pressed he claimed that he would have listened to the experts more, and done what they told him to do. Which is, of course, ludicrous. It was the bureaucratic experts that screwed everything up in the first place, centralizing testing, thereby greatly reducing availability, while not replacing PPE, ventilators, etc, after the last several pandemics we faced - under the Obama/BIDEN Administration. Moreover, without Operation Warp Speed, cutting FDA paperwork, we would probably still be a year away from a vaccine.
What I don’t think that Biden understands (not hard, since he doesn’t understand much anymore) is that the masking and shutdown requirements were always more politically than scientifically justified. We did just fine in the past dealing with comparable pandemics without this extreme reaction. What was obvious at the time, and has become ever more so since, is that the main purpose was always to panic the populace into allowing mail-in voting, which was the only way that the Democrats saw to beat Trump.
What if the President gave what he believed to have been the most important speech of his life, and the press refused to cover it, or even acknowledge it, because they didn’t believe what they thought (correctly) he was going to say? Or, more likely, knew it to be accurate, but didn’t want their audiences to hear it? And, yes, YouTube is throttling the hit count too.
Yes, that is what a coup looks like. The election was stolen. Many, if not most, Trump supporters know it. So does the MSM, etc. They are just part of the coup, and their job is to hide that it is happening.
As they say, the signal is getting through. Trying to suppress it didn’t work for the British in Boston, in 1775. It isn’t working now. Someone yesterday was talking about spontaneous group meetings at the AZ capital every Saturday, where a large group of Trump supporters show up wave flags and wear Trump gear, etc, chant “Top the Steal”, and discuss the week’s events. And pretty much everyone there knows all of the twists and turns that week. The signal is getting through. On the flip side, as evidenced by the leftists here, but much worse across the country, the other side is rock stupid ignorant of what has gone on over the last month or so, or, like some of the leftists here, are reveling in stealing the election.
Bruce Hayden... Well, there you go again... confusing the issue by using facts!
Joe Biden is asked about his disagreements with Kamala Harris on certain issues:
"Like I told Barack, if I reach something where there's a fundamental disagreement we have based on a moral principle, I'll develop some disease and say I have to resign."
They're trying to steal it for this?
Nice work Bruce! Now... on to Ruby Freeman!
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