December 30, 2020

At the Overnight Cafe...

 ... you can write about whatever you want.


Michael K said...

Too many trolls.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Gabriel's Oboe Ennio Marricone

how about a little missionary-- we can make beautiful music together

YoungHegelian said...

The FBI seems to be taking pains to paint the Nashville bomber as some waaaaay out-of-it whackjob. They make this claim, and a claim about the bomber's supposed 5G conspiracy theories without ever giving any proof or references to e.g. the bomber's social media, book collection, diaries, etc.

I have to admit I'm suspicious of claims of that level of whack-jobbery because my experience with such people is that they're seldom discreet about making such claims in public, and no one has come forward and said "Oh, and he talked about lizard people, too...".

I have to admit that I simply do not trust the FBI anymore. Before I believe anything, I want there to be some much more concrete reporting than "FBI sez..." parroted by the media.

le Douanier said...

I’m a Ginger guy.

Sure it was odd that Tina Louise claimed that she was told she’d be the star of the island that wasn’t named for her.

But, Less Crane stuck w/ her for a bit. And, he talked good. He must know stuff. IMHO.

le Douanier said...

Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender,
Be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly, and listen to others -
Even the dull and ignorant, they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons - they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter,
For always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career -
However humble, it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs,
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is.
Many persons strive for high ideals,
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself.
Especially do not feign affection, neither be cynical about love.
For in the face of all aridity and disenchantment,
It is as perenial as the grass.
Take kindly the council of the years,
Gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune,
But do not distress yourself with imaginings -
Many fears are borne of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe.
No less than the trees and the stars, you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
No doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore, be at peace with God, whatever you conceive him to be.
And whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life,
Keep peace with your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be careful. Strive to be happy.

narciso said...

They are at police squad level of competence from thr examples i noted laye in the last thread.

Lawrence Person said...

Austin Mayor Adler To Bar Owners: I Decree No New Year’s Eve For You! Governor Abbott: In a Pig’s Eye You Do!

Readering said...

ICTA: my favorite, most played movie instrumental music.

Narr said...

You are a fluke of the universe, you have no right to be here.
Deteriorata. Deteriorata.

Go placidly amid the the nose and waste,
And remember what comfort there may be in owning a piece thereof.

[etc etc]

YH, a thorough-going distrust of all official announcements is the only way to proceed. Expect to hear little, and that mostly lies, about any and all unusual incidents.

My favorite double-zz word is-- spizzyrinctum.

You thought I was going to say pizza, admit it

Narr said...

Noise, not nose.

Stupid computer

mockturtle said...

Looks like a Brexit deal has been reached. Finally.

cf said...

Day 20 of High Watch prayer song & marching in spirit in a personal #40DayTrumpParade
grateful for the great successes of our duly-elected change agent President Trump & his courageous Administration.
G-dspeed, America ॐ

narciso said...

I dont remember that aspect in thr longest day or saving private ryan.

DavidUW said...

Modest proposal:
Rather than arguing over who’s an essential worker,
We just vaccinate by age, first come first served, maybe with special deliveries to the nursing homes.

We manage to get something like 150m adults the flu shot in a couple months every year.

Seriously after they open it up to non health care workers and non elderly, are they going to check if I work at the grocery store? Or if I’m diabetic? The slowdown by using that criteria is “worse” than vaccinating an “undeserving” person like me.

Big Mike said...

I have to admit that I simply do not trust the FBI anymore. Before I believe anything, I want there to be some much more concrete reporting than "FBI sez..." parroted by the media.

You either? Except I stopped after Richard Jewell and Steven Hatfill.

Gospace said...

So a headline today said it was never-Trump ticket splitters who elected Biden. Oh, really?

Arizona- from the official Arizona website
Biden 1,672,143
Trump 1,661.686
Jorgensen 51,465
Total 3,385,294
10,457 votes more for Biden than Trump. So Jorgensen's libertarian voters elected Biden. Well, maybe. That's speculation.

So how'd the senate vote do?
Democrat 1,716,467
Republican 1,637,761
Total 3,354,128, a fall off of 31,166 from the total presidential vote.

Trump received more votes than the Republican senate candidate, Biden received fewer votes than the Democrat candidate. Seems like the ticket splitting went the other way, and there was less enthusiasm for Biden than for the senate. That seems odd....

For the marijuana initiative? 3,632,250 total votes. More than for either POTUS or Senate. Shows what was on AZ voter's minds. 1,956,440 yes votes, dwarfing any candidate on the ballot.

Looks like in AZ, anyway, ticket splitting went the other way- towards Trump.

narciso said...

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Gabriel's Oboe Ennio Marricone

This one is always fun too

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...


Glad to hear it. It touches that ineffable aspect of our being,
doesnt it?
what many call the soul.

"dont eff with the ineffable"

NCMoss said...

There's something calming about Essential Craftsman and Matt's Off Road Recovery; highly recommended.

wild chicken said...

"Jorgensen's libertarian voters elected Biden. Well, maybe."

That's the whole point of bankrolling the Libertarian Party. To elect Democrats.

Ya need to fund a Green Party candidate, but be discreet.

le Douanier said...

Churchy has good stuff for Mock. She is a G,B&U fan. Which is cool.


Readering said...

CLF, seeing that visually vocalized made me laugh.

narciso said...

Rory said...

Among those surviving Dawn Wells: Betty Lynn (94), Barbara Eden (89), Barbara Feldon (87), Julie Newmar (87), Tina Louise (86), Pat Priest (84), Tuesday Weld (77).

Readering said...

Sounds like Donald and Melania had a fight. Many of 500 club party guests are gonna be pissed. WH staff too.

Readering said...

Roy, I put TW at top of that list.

Readering said...

Rory. Damn autocorrect.

Howard said...

Julie Christy is still hot at 80

William said...

Whatever qualities that cause a woman to have extravagant sex appeal are apparently also markers for longevity. Sophia Loren and Bridget Bardot are still marching on. The trick is not to overdose or commit suicide.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

If being stranded on an uncharted desert isle isn't enough to keep Mary Ann from getting Covid, what hope is there for the rest of us?

narciso said...

Well that more than 40years ago (they returnedfor the reunion in 1978)

Howard said...

I almost forgotten Catwoman.

Howard said...

Sophia Loren says the key to staying young is to avoid making old people sounds.

PM said...

Hey, Governors, a moneymaker: Vaccine Scratchers

FullMoon said...

“We’re In” – Witness Testifies Dominion Voting Equipment, and Internal Data, Hacked Live During Georgia Senate Hearing

Wince said...

With Hillaria Baldwin in the news, I was wondering why we haven't heard more of this song.

But who remembers Three Dog Night, right?

Never been to Spain
Well I never been to Spain
But I kinda like the music
Say the ladies are insane there
And they sure know how to use it
They don't abuse it
Never gonna lose it
I can't refuse it

Rory said...

"Sophia Loren and Bridget Bardot are still marching on"

Gina Lollobrigida 93, Angie Dickinson 89, Ursula Andress 84, Raquel Welch 80

Rory said...

The Metropolitan Opera now is in its 42nd week of free streaming an opera a day. It's Pavarotti week, and they have Rigoletto tonight.

wildswan said...

94% of the deaths in Minnesota are in elderly people with underlying conditions, so if they vaccinated all the elderly with two or more underlying conditions in Minnesota, the number of deaths from Covid would drop by 94%. If Covid was only causing 6% the number of deaths it is now causing it would not be an overwhelming danger. Another interesting statistic is that the two conditions most frequently associated with death from Covid are flu/pneumonia. In other words, 68,004 deaths listed Covid deaths caused by Covid + flu + pneumonia. So, flu deaths have not dropped but they are being counted as covid deaths. Covid + flu + pneumonia are a threefer that overwhelms older people, who would have trouble anyhow with flu and pneumonia. In a regular year about 68,000 to 69,000 people die of flu/pneumonia.

Anyhow what all this says is that if we gave the Covid vaccine to older people then covid would not be an overwhelming problem. Whether we would then see the same number of deaths anyway but from flu is an open question. It all shows that the one treatment that is useless in locking people down.

Rory said...

To follow on tbe Loren-Bardot group, it seems like they were fortunate to get famous just before rockers took over the entertainment world.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
narciso said...


Anonymous said...

Gospace: So a headline today said it was never-Trump ticket splitters who elected Biden. ... Oh, really? Trump received more votes than the Republican senate candidate, Biden received fewer votes than the Democrat candidate. Seems like the ticket splitting went the other way, and there was less enthusiasm for Biden than for the senate. That seems odd.... Looks like in AZ, anyway, ticket splitting went the other way- towards Trump.

The Democratic Senate candidate was Mark Kelly. He is the husband of former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, who was shot and recovered but still left disabled, at one of her events where six others were killed.

So I imagine he benefited from some goodwill in that respect.

That there were 31,166 fewer votes for senate than presidential candidates, I would guess reflects part of the cheat, ballots with just Joe Biden bubbled in.

Hey Skipper said...

The panic narrative is getting increasingly hard to sustain. After peaking Dec. 10, Idaho’s daily COVID-19 case average has decreased nearly 50%

And considering face-diaper usage hasn't changed since late October ...

Daniel said...

Diego Maradona is the greatest of all time:

Rt41Rebel said...

I had the occasion to sample some "Delta-8" CBD edibles this week and I can report that they stoned the bejesus out of me. One of the kids visiting us bought them OTC at a local vape shop. Apparently, it's only Delta-9 THC that is listed explicitly as a schedule one drug, and that the recent Farm Bill provides an apparent loophole which allows Delta-8 products derived from hemp production to be legal. In any event, I thought I would impart my newfound experience and scant research to my fellow posters here should they have any interests in these products, which are currently widely available in edible, vapeable, and smokeable forms online and in vape and smoke shops.

Narr said...


Cool. Thanks for the tip.

Thank god for essential businesses

Readering said...

Daniel great video. RIP, but for my generation, still Pele.

Rt41Rebel said...

Narr, check composition before purchase, or ask a clerk. Some CBD companies are marketing products as Delta 8 without actually containing it. The product I used was made by Treetop Hemp Co. I've since placed an order for more.

J. Farmer said...

Reflecting on today’s earlier comments, I was overly dismissive of concerns regarding the issue in the workplace, and I apologize to those making the point on that issue. I totally concede it’s a real and legitimate issue. I still believe a subset of the responses were overwrought and self-pitying. But the’”diversity” craze in academia and employment is not among them.

A source of my frustration on this topic is that, like the race issue, it really has very little to do with actual day-to-day lives of gay and trans people. It’s mostly white college-educated women pushing this. They have moved the furthest left of any demographic group on social issues. They have gained a dominant position in academia and are increasingly influential in employment. College-educated white men have moved the second furthest. The traditional left, or material left, is very critical of this movement. The cultural left is in many ways a rejection of the traditional left. That is why the ideology fits so seamlessly within the broader framework of neoliberalism. That is also why the cultural right has been losing for so long. They have been supportive of neoliberalism under the guise of “free trade” and “free markets.”

Neoliberalism has produced an elite that is white, college-educated, secular, and culturally egalitarian. They are not “the left” in any kind of Cold War/20th century sense. They dominate university administrations, financial institutions, law firms, tech companies, and the healthcare industry. Essentially, racial and sexual minorities are spectators to a cultural divide between white people. The cultural left is wealthy and powerful. The cultural right is poor and weak. If the right’s only answer to governance is low taxes, deregulation, and small government, the cultural right will lose.

Kathryn51 said...

Howard said...
Sophia Loren says the key to staying young is to avoid making old people sounds.

I recently realized that I was sighing and perhaps making small groans (especially when getting in or out of bed) and I thought - f**k, I sound like my parents. Very depressing, but. . . .at least I realized it, so perhaps, like the Great Sophia, I can work to avoid it.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

It’s not self-pitying to object to religious indoctrination being a condition of white collar employment.

Mark said...

Been binge-watching Call the Midwife from series one.

It's interesting how the groundwork was already laid for some things that came to development in later seasons, including Sister Bernadette's (Sheleigh's) interest in Dr. Turner with some small glances and looks here and there, and Cynthia's breakdown.

Mark said...

Entire ministries and programs and businesses -- all providing invaluable service to people of all sorts -- have been compelled to shut down because of the New Order.

By the way, it was the 450th anniversary of Thomas Becket's martyrdom by government agents a couple of days ago.

Joe Smith said...

Mary Ann, Ginger.

Ginger, Mary Ann.

We're civilized human beings.

Can we all just agree that a Mary Ann - Joe Smith - Ginger sandwich is the appropriate answer?

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Mary Ann, Ginger.

Ginger, Mary Ann.

Well, at least you're not getting into anything controversial like

Betty, Veronica..

Joe Smith said...

"Well, at least you're not getting into anything controversial like

Betty, Veronica.."

What's the equivalent for ladies (or gay gentlemen)?

Paul Newman v. Tom Selleck?

Cary Grant v. James Dean?

Or is it (I think) mandatory that the two men have a connection...same TV show or same movie?

The Captain or Gilligan is a non-starter. Freebie or the Bean?

Who then?

narciso said...

Readering said...

New Order is a great band.

narciso said...

Comparr and contrast

narciso said...


narciso said...


Readering said...

Becket slain 850 years ago, over excommunications he issued against associates of King Henry II. 450 years ago the Pope excommunicated Queen Elizabeth I.

Joe Smith said...

"Comparr and contrast"

That site is an abomination.

The person that invented the internet 'slide show' should be drawn and quartered and then stabbed and shot.

narciso said...

The plantagenets had the worse press, wherreas tudors had many apologists

Rt41Rebel said...

"The person that invented the internet 'slide show' should be drawn and quartered and then stabbed and shot."

I concur, it's an abomination and a more serious issue than Section 230. People forget that.

Ken B said...

Ginger. Veronica.

Mark said...

Becket slain 850 years ago

That's what I said . . . if we reckon numbers by the way of the New Order.

450, 850 -- all the same.

It's only white privilege that says they are 400 years apart. So check it.

Drago said...

readering: "450 years ago the Pope excommunicated Queen Elizabeth I."

Protestants were not generally predisposed to worry concerning excommunication from the Roman Catholic Faith.

And that faux excommunication issued to provide support for the rebellion in the North turned out to be quite ineffectual.

gadfly said...

@Readering said...
450 years ago the Pope excommunicated Queen Elizabeth I.

Pope Pius V issued this papal bull in 1570 and Pope Sixtus V renewed the bull in support of the Spanish Armada in 1588 for the regicide of Mary, Queen of Scots. Is this like "Royal Elegy?"

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Hey, I resent that. Oh, I thought you said overweight cafe. Never mind.

Bruce Hayden said...

“The cultural left is wealthy and powerful. The cultural right is poor and weak. If the right’s only answer to governance is low taxes, deregulation, and small government, the cultural right will lose.”

Throw in God, country, and American exceptionalism, and maybe we have a chance. The cultural left seems to have no real moral base, except for internationalism, and taking bribes from billionaires around the world. They try different things out, like environmentalism, AGCC/AGCW/AGCC, but the smart ones ultimately realize that it is all a hoax.

I see fractures in their edifice. This election, in particular, showed some movement in the upper middle class towards the Democrats, but likely a bigger movement by the working class, including substantial minorities, towards the Republicans. The Dems may have pulled out the election, but only through their very near complete control over institutions, including the MSM and the courts, to cover that they picked up Senate seats, and very possibly, the Presidency, through massive, coordinated, cheating, esp egregious, because the polling that should have shown this movement towards the Republicans, was hidden by increasingly biased polls, biased in order to swing the election.

The inherent weakness of the Dem position here is that they control both ends of the economic strata in this country. Used to be Republicans on top with Democrats mostly economically lower down. Now their base is sharply bifurcated, with a rich ruling elite, and their mass of voters on the bottom, with the Republicans in between. It is hard to move from one part of the Dem party to the other without crossing territory controlled by the Republicans. Thus, for example, while immigrants typically start as Democrats, by the second generation, they are now moving towards being Republicans. That means that enticing illegal immigrants to come here to augment the Dem ranks ultimately backfires, as their kids, who can legally vote, vote Republican, in order to shut down future immigration, putting pressure on their wages.

But back to my point, the big problem with the cultural left is that, having mostly forsaken religion, is increasingly soulless. Pretty much every survey shows conservatives happier than progressives. And one of the corollaries is that they are having more kids. The happiest kids I see these days are in decent sized Anabaptist (e,g. Mennonite, Amish, some Lutheran sects) families around us in NW MT. If you forsake religion, what is the purpose of life? Why sacrifice to have kids? Or even to get and stay married?

Bruce Hayden said...

“ Pope Pius V issued this papal bull in 1570 and Pope Sixtus V renewed the bull in support of the Spanish Armada in 1588 for the regicide of Mary, Queen of Scots. Is this like "Royal Elegy?"”

She was only beheaded because she kept getting caught up in Roman Catholic plots to overthrow her liege, Queen Elizabeth I. Armed rebellion usually was more than sufficient basis for execution, and having royal blood doesn’t really change that. These popes wouldn’t have blinked at the beheading, if Elizabeth had not been Protestant. It was that a Protestant ruler had one her major rivals, who happened to be RC, executed, that was the problem.

But, of course, being a Protestant means that you really don’t give a rat’s ass what the Bishop of Rome thinks.

rhhardin said...

Forecast for Jan 1 is freezing rain and thunderstorms, but locust-free.

Ann Althouse said...

"To follow on tbe Loren-Bardot group, it seems like they were fortunate to get famous just before rockers took over the entertainment world."

"On 6 July 1964 [the Beatles] returned to Britain for the Royal Premiere of their first film, A Hard Day’s Night, at the London Pavilion, Leicester Square.... Lennon’s wife Cynthia was ‘determined to look gorgeous'.... Cynthia asked John if she should wear her hair up or down. ‘Let’s have a change – give us a bit of Brigitte and wear it up this time,’ said John, who at that time measured all women against Brigitte Bardot."

Brown, Craig. Ninety-Nine Glimpses of Princess Margaret (pp. 217-218). Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Kindle Edition.

Ann Althouse said...

"The Metropolitan Opera now is in its 42nd week of free streaming an opera a day. It's Pavarotti week, and they have Rigoletto tonight."

Thanks for the heads-up. There's no opera that would be more fun to watch than Rigoletto with Pavarotti.

Rory said...

"for the regicide of Mary, Queen of Scots"

Sir Thomas Sackville was sent to tell Mary that she would be killed. A cousin of Elizabeth, he was also dispatched around 1570 to France to see if a marriage to French king's brother could be arranged. He was also a very rare thing: a court poet for whom we have proof he could write. In his youth, he and a writing partner wrote Gorboduc, the earliest known English play in blank verse.

stevew said...

I choose both, Ginger AND Mary Ann, because I say I can have more than one favorite, for any reason whatsoever.

stevew said...

The local paper, The Portland Press Herald (ME), has this headline: "'Gilligan's Island' Star Dawn Wells dies with Covid-19". With not From. I wonder if that is on purpose or a slip of some sort.

mockturtle said...

"'Gilligan's Island' Star Dawn Wells dies with Covid-19". With not From. I wonder if that is on purpose or a slip of some sort.

Steve, I think we all know what's going on here. Someone died 'with COVID' from a gunshot wound! And another fell off a ladder and died 'with COVID'.

iowan2 said...

94% of the deaths in Minnesota are in elderly people with underlying conditions, so if they vaccinated all the elderly with two or more underlying conditions in Minnesota, the number of deaths from Covid would drop by 94%

Anyhow what all this says is that if we gave the Covid vaccine to older people then covid would not be an overwhelming problem

These has been known facts on the ground since January. These are the facts that prove the lie of the "experts" like Fauci, etal.
We never had to lock down anything. Take the measures required to protect the elderly. Nursing homes and long care facilities. I railed against what was happening back in march with the death rate in Nursing homes. A commenter here explained it was impossible to protect them. That's a lie. Iowa has Hog facilities that produce Specific Pathogen Free stock. That is accomplished by staff(100% even if they never get close enough to smell a pig,) shower in and out, and follow other protocals.

Instead we had people like Cuomo sending contagious patients into those facilities. No pig farmer would be so stupid.

Fauci is lying about what is required to achieve "herd" immunity. Keeps moving the goal posts. That controversy is misdirection. The facts have always shown the goal should have always been saving the most lives. Fauci, and bureaucratic tyrants always concentrated on cases. That's the number that gave them the power to convince the populous to voluntarily forfeit their constitutional rights.

Iman said...

Blogger Readering said...
New Order is a great band

Yeah... right before purchasing some rope and visiting the rickety stool boutique.

PM said...

When I was young, Mary Ann.
Older, Ginger.
Always, Bardot in the red dress in "La Parisienne"

Doug said...

Ginger/Mary Ann threesome.

Doug said...

Did you quit the podcasts? Or just quit blogging about them?

Linc said...

I think we need to face the fact that the new instances of Covid may be Covid-20. Like the flu and the common cold, coronaviruses mutate, and the new mutation may simply be a parallel development. The vaccine for Covid-19 may, like the flu vaccines each year, be not be effective for Covid-20.

The implications for Covid-20 are enormous. Can the U.S. sustain an indefinite lockdown? I doubt it.

Which may get us to the real lockdown issue, which is that lockdowns have never previously applied to the healthy population. Rather, the sick have been quarantined plus those directly in contact with them until shown to not be ill.

This grand scientific experiment of locking down the entire population is just that: an experiment. An experiment that I suspect honest afterthought will show to have been a monumental failure both in controlling the illness (perhaps now mutated) and in keeping the economy healthy.

readering said...

John Lennon missed out. In 1964 BB was in her musician phase, with Brazilian musician Bob Zagury.

readering said...

For this schoolboy it was BB in a pink dress in Viva Maria.

I'm Not Sure said...

"An experiment that I suspect honest afterthought will show to have been a monumental failure both in controlling the illness (perhaps now mutated) and in keeping the economy healthy."

Control is certainly of interest to Our Leaders, just not of the illness. And as far as keeping the economy healthy, Our Leaders are still cashing their paychecks, so there's that.

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