December 30, 2020

"A pack of young bicyclists attacked a BMW in broad daylight in Manhattan, terrorizing the man and woman inside in a terrifying ambush caught on video."

"Several assailants surrounded the luxury ride at Fifth Avenue and 21st Street around 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, with some pounding the vehicle with their fists and feet, and another smashing a bike down on top of it...  One attacker got a running start, vaulted up on the hood of the BMW and jumped on top of the windshield, causing it to partly cave in... The same group similarly attacked a cab a short time later...."


Lurker21 said...

That guy's hand must really hurt now.

Anonymous said...

Ah, DeBlasio's New York. *Sniff* They'll miss him when he's gone!

iowan2 said...

I'm going to put the video on my phone, and computer to archive the event.

Then when I have to flatten a handfull of these cowards, the self defense aspect will be clear.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

De Blasio's real name?

Warren Wilhelm.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I can see why Wilhelm changed it for hivemind consumption.

Wilhelm sounds like a loyalist to The Führer.

Paul said...

Try that stuff in Texas... we have 'Stand Your Ground' law just for this kind of shit. And lots of people pack.

mockturtle said...

One reason I usually travel armed. And, yes, fearing for my life, I wouldn't hesitate to use my revolver.

Michael K said...

Of course, this is life in the Woke and BLM themed NYC.

Notice what those teens all had in common ?

gregory said...

From the story:

“This was an animalistic attack in broad daylight,“ said one Manhattan cop, noting that the vehicle’s occupants, a man and woman in their 50s, were scared for their lives. “It shows how far the city has deteriorated and the politicians better get their heads out of the sand and start to deal with these problems before there is nothing left.”

We have lived in safe, civil society for a long time now. Many generations...maybe without historical precedent. And so we've forgotten how thin the line is between civilization and savagery. We will be reminded of this.

I live in Seattle. My city council is pushing for a change that would effectively legalize crimes like this, so long as the defendant can demonstrate poverty as a factor. "He has a BMW and I have a bike" will be a winning defense.

hawkeyedjb said...

That BMW can probably go from zero-to-six-dead-bodies in 3 seconds flat.

Ann Althouse said...

Would the driver be demonized if he drove forward?

Earnest Prole said...

BLM v BMW: Distinctions not cost effective.

Ann Althouse said...

Who took the video? Wouldn't you get out of there is you weren't in league with the attackers? I note that we never get to see their faces.

Not Sure said...

These fine young men seem to have an incomplete understanding of the concept of reparations. They're supposed to steal the car, not destroy it.

pacwest said...

Were they Nazis?

Roughcoat said...

mockturtle @11:29 AM:

Ditto. As mentioned in a previous thread, I recently purchased a gun for the express purpose of dealing with blitz attacks against me while in my car. Incidences of such attacks are increasing on the South Side of Chicago, where I work. Actually they're increasing throughout the city, even in the good neighborhoods; even on the Magnificent Mile. I think of my weapon as an "anti-carjacking defense system."

Lyle said...

Yes, if you drove forward the political left would vilify you for trying to kill peaceful protesters.

Robt C said...

"Who took the video?" Per Instapundit/Insanity wrap:

"The video and others like it were all reposted by Dr. Daniel J. Winarick, a city resident.

Winarick tweeted, “Driver was driving home after donating to AIDs charity. Driver is my dear friend.”

Judging by his timeline, Winarick is a fairly typical New York progressive in good standing.

The victim bills himself as “NYC_Kid” on Twitter. His sparse timeline consists mostly of Trump Derangement Syndrome material and links to Biden-Harris puff pieces."

Captain BillieBob said...

Would the driver be demonized if he drove forward?

He'd be charged with attempted murder and his life and reputation would be destroyed.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Michael K said...

Notice what those teens all had in common ?


mockturtle said...

Running over them might only injure them and would lead to ridiculous lawsuits. Better to shoot them dead.

Roughcoat said...

Michael K said: "Notice what those teens all had in common?"

Yeah. They are black youths. The body language identifies them as such. I know this from attending an integrated high school in an inner city neighborhood.

NCMoss said...

Dr Mike said: Notice what those teens all had in common ?

New bikes for Christmas?

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

A bit of the old ultraviolence.

Relatedly, Mary Steenburgen was married to Roddy McDowell for many years. I had no idea!

Temujin said...

Civilization is a choice, folks.
Stand up for it, or it slips away. In New York, they've actually gone from a law and order big city, to one that has a planned out and executed removal of civilization. And Portland, Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Baltimore, Washington DC, New Orleans, Detroit, Chicago, and on and on and on.

Tell me again how Trump is the problem.

Roughcoat said...

And from growing up in a racially mixed area with a significant inner city thug component.

hombre said...

BLM. BMW, not so much.

Michael K said...

Blogger Ignorance is Bliss said...
Michael K said...

Notice what those teens all had in common ?


Of course. What else could I have meant ? Wouldn't happen in Arizona except the deepest blue part of Tucson.

hombre said...

Lurker21: “That guy's hand must really hurt now.”

Naw! He’s been conditioning his fist by sucker punching elderly Jews passing him on the sidewalks.

Nonapod said...

Would the driver be demonized if he drove forward?

In certain circles, most assuredly. Doubtless the driver would be demonized by some and praised by others.

“This was an animalistic attack in broad daylight,“ said one Manhattan cop

"animalistic" seems like a dangerous descriptorfor a group of young black miscreants. That cop could wind up losing his job.

Jupiter said...

In Fahrenheit 451, it was the pedestrians who were in danger from the drivers. But Bradbury accurately depicted the basic social phenomenon.

Jupiter said...

It's known as "chimping out".

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Can’t wait to read the NYT version of events.

Wince said...

A pack of young bicyclists attacked a BMW in broad daylight in Manhattan, terrorizing the man and woman inside in a terrifying ambush caught on video.

"They travelled in a pack... like the animals they were."

stevew said...

Are they still saying that on or after Jan 20, 2021 all the violence that President Donald Trump incited and caused, such as this incident, will end?

William said...

32 comments, but no one made a peep about the absolute best sentence in the article:

"Both incidents are being probed."

Yeah, probed, but not too deeply. It might hurt.

Professor Althouse –– If you don't have a "probe" tag, it's clearly time to add one.

YoungHegelian said...

I imagine we're going to be seeing a new permutation of "Death Wish" coming to cable any time now.

Gonna be tough to top Charles Bronson as lead, though. Not too many modern male actors have that combo of physical toughness, malevolence, but yet can still be seen as the "good guy".

BUMBLE BEE said...

Their Bikes? You assume much.

stevew said...

Will we soon see a real life version of "Falling Down"?

BUMBLE BEE said...

Don't mind the maggots...

Jupiter said...

Really, after what we saw all Summer, that's pretty tame stuff. Hardly worth recording.

Big Mike said...

It’s New York City. Bernard Goetz shows what happens to people who fight back. If they tried that out here down I-81 south of Winchester, some of those thugs would be dealing with a 9mm headache. Just so the driver is aware that once the remaining thugs turn and run, it is illegal to shoot them in the back.

MartyH said...

When does Bernie Goetz make his appearance?

n.n said...

Antifa? Some, Select Black Lives Matter?

holdfast said...

Hey Young Hegelian - Bruce Willis already remade that movie a few years ago. It was ok - nothing special.

Jennifer Garner improbably did a better version in “Peppermint”.

There’s a movie coming out soon called “Nobody” - same genre, and looks good.

holdfast said...

The thing about urban revenge fantasy movies is that they are CHEAP to make - you could probably get it done with decent stunts and acting for well under $25mm. You don’t need $250mm like for a comic book-derived summer tentpole superhero movie - so you don’t need Disney or China money (same thing, really).

holdfast said...

Driver needs to realize he has a 5,000 lb deadly weapon at his disposal, and USE IT.

Bruce Hayden said...

“ Ditto. As mentioned in a previous thread, I recently purchased a gun for the express purpose of dealing with blitz attacks against me while in my car. Incidences of such attacks are increasing on the South Side of Chicago, where I work. Actually they're increasing throughout the city, even in the good neighborhoods; even on the Magnificent Mile. I think of my weapon as an "anti-carjacking defense system."”

I would suggest shoulder carry, if you can. Let’s you easily draw from a seated position. I used to mostly carry on my belt at the 3-4 o’clock position. Hard to get to sitting down. Even worse is small-of-back or appendix carry. I have long had a handgun in the middle console. This is faster, and you take it with you when you get out. Started carrying that way for the long drive down from MT (seeing where the election theft was going) and just kept it up down here in (not Tucson) AZ. Nice thing in AZ is that you don’t need a concealed carry permit (though I do have them for CO, AZ, and MT).

Tina Trent said...

You missed the video of the man walking up to a random woman and cutting her throat this week, two different men sucker punching total strangers this week, the three different men throwing people onto subway tracks since the middle of the month. Then there was the man who pulled a woman into an abandoned woman and raped her at gunpoint this week with street video of him walking away...the demographics in all cases black on white. And that’s just random stuff they reported in one city in one week. None of it deemed hate. But they are making a very big deal about a guy who used the “N” word and got beaten half to death for it in a bodega. Not because he was beaten half to death but because he used the “N” word. The Mayor held a press conference denouncing that guy, but none of these other people.

We’re here now. The lynching era is being recreated before our eyes. Some people can do something to some other people with impunity.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

I don't know if anyone has mentioned it yet, but a group of bicyclists is not a pack, it's a peloton.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

In Soviet Democratic America - where lies rule - if you are attacked you deserve it and you should relinquish your belongings and left Antifa beat you down.

It's a great "Idea".

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Driver needs to realize he has a 5,000 lb deadly weapon at his disposal, and USE IT.

Larry Niven: "The Deadlier Weapon"

404 Page Not Found said...

The whole country would look like this if the Democrats had their way.

Get your heads out of your asses people.

chuck said...

The cultural attractions of big cities become more compelling by the day.

Darrell said...

Exuberant youths.

Francisco D said...

Michael K said... Wouldn't happen in Arizona except the deepest blue part of Tucson.

I live in the Rancho Vistoso area which is extremely popular with bicyclists. They ride in the middle of the street and only move when they hear a car behind them. Some don't move until you honk your horn. What might happen here is that motorists would get out of their cars and beat the crap out of the arrogant bicyclists - especially those who started wearing masks back in March.

Glad I don't live in Chicago any more.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left rolled out the red carpet for the angry and deranged to do what they want.

Blame Trump.

404 Page Not Found said...

Hey Churchy LaFemme

Driver needs to realize he has a 5,000 lb deadly weapon at his disposal, and USE IT.

In NYC, they would prosecute the driver for assault with a deadly weapon and attempted murder if he did that. Just as in the UK, if you shoot a burglar trying to kill you, the lefty retards will prosecute YOU.

Wake up folks. The left wants to turn the clock back to savagery, and many "woke" liberal white people are voting for that.

PM said...

Wilding is back.

Bruce Hayden said...

Something else nice about a decent shoulder rig is that you balance the handgun with a couple of magazines on the other side. The result is that you can almost forget that you are carrying the handgun. That wasn’t the case when I carried on my belt. Moreover, it is easier to carry a larger, easier to shoot, handgun. I typically carry a full sized Glock 17 in the shoulder rig, but it will also take my smaller G19 and (.22 LR) G44. My even larger 10 mm G20 would probably be as comfortable, but it has a light and laser, so would be a problem. It’s my bear gun in MT, which I carry openly. When I carried on my hip, I typically carried an even smaller 9 mm - easier to carry, but harder to shoot well.

tcrosse said...

At least it wasn't an Audi, right?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Maxine Waters(D) actually ASKED Americans to do this.

No media outlet will remind us of the truth.

Butkus51 said...

get used to it

Rusty said...

Roughcoat said...
mockturtle @11:29 AM:

"Ditto. As mentioned in a previous thread, I recently purchased a gun for the express purpose of dealing with blitz attacks against me while in my car. Incidences of such attacks are increasing on the South Side of Chicago, where I work. Actually they're increasing throughout the city, even in the good neighborhoods; even on the Magnificent Mile. I think of my weapon as an "anti-carjacking defense system.""
Back when I used to work on S. Levitt St. and before it became a felony. A city cop told me," Keep a loaded gun under your seat. Things can go bad out here really fast.". We'd come out from work and there would be bullet holes in cars. Some of the truck drivers making deliveries open carried.
Today I keep a big revolver handy. One that can shoot through the door. Get it straight. I don't want to hurt anybody. But by the same token I'm not going to let myself be hurt either.

Bruce Hayden said...

“I don't know if anyone has mentioned it yet, but a group of bicyclists is not a pack, it's a peloton.”

They are a pack if they act like a pack, as this one did.

Funny story about Breckenridge, CO, almost 50 years ago. A bunch of people moved there for the lifestyle. Fairly rustic, but outdoorsy. That required a dog, if you lived in a house out of town. A bigger dog - Husky, German Shepard sized. Everyone of course left their dogs out during the day, when they went to work. You get a half dozen or more together, and they become a pack. Then they started taking the mini dogs that the tourists brought with them. Ha! Ha! But then, they tried to take a small child. That obviously crossed the line. And they have had a county wide leash law ever since. You get enough dogs together, and they revert to to their Wolf heritage - but without the typical wolf’s fear of humans. Turns out that male chimp bands can also be quite violent and aggressive, going so far as to stalk, murder, and eat, males from neighboring bands that they catch alone. It should surprise no one that juvenile packs of human males do the same.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

A peloton refers to legitimate racers in a BICYCLE RACE. Not a pack of Maxine Water's brownshirts.

Hannio said...

That's one of the new BMWs with the ridiculously large grille. That's probably why they attacked it. I feel the same way.

Humperdink said...

First you disarm the populace. Then you defund/demoralize the police. Followed by no bail for street thugs. And the result is ......... chaos in what was formerly a civilized society.

The left loves it when their plan comes together.

PM said...

To quote P.J. O'Rourke (w/o regard to race) that is "Monkeys at a salad bar."

Humperdink said...

BTW Someone asked on earlier thread where do we go from here on race relations? I have reached the conclusion the race problem will never be solved. Never. It will only get worse.

Humperdink said...

Our local rural sheriff was asked why we have no break-ins in our county. He laughed and said everyone is armed.

Skippy Tisdale said...

Why the hell didn't he floor it? I know I would. The video supports it would be an act of self defense.

Michael K said...

Today I keep a big revolver handy. One that can shoot through the door. Get it straight. I don't want to hurt anybody. But by the same token I'm not going to let myself be hurt either.

Some drivers (white) in South Africa have cars with a shotgun shell mounted in the driver's side door. Makes carjacking less fun.

A white BMW driver in Chicago a year or so ago was carjacked but the carjacker ended up dead as the driver had a CCW and was armed. That must have been before BLM took over Chicago.

As far as race relations is concerned, after Obama, having every TV commercial be blacks or inter racial couples is not going to help. It is a little amusing to see all the upper class blacks in TV commercials while "systemic racism" is the theme of the day.

exhelodrvr1 said...

The occupants of the car were white, weren't they? Serves them right!!

rhhardin said...

I always assume packs of males on bicycles are queer, but it may not apply in the ghetto.

Real men bicycle alone (a female interest couldn't keep up).

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Ya wanna know how racist I am?

I didn't need to watch the video to know what the pigmentation of the criminals would be.

Of course, I had the dispositive hint that the article made no mention of race whatever.

Biff said...

Skippy Tisdale said..."Why the hell didn't he floor it? I know I would. The video supports it would be an act of self defense."

It looks like there was a reasonable amount of traffic at the time. If he floored it, it's likely that he wouldn't have gotten far before getting blocked by other vehicles. At that point, he likely would be surrounded by a larger, angrier mob with fewer escape options.

With regard to firearms, I'd certainly prefer to have one handy as an option, but also keep in mind that there is a significant chance that some of the "bicyclists" are carrying, too. If you pull a gun in that circumstance, you really do need to be certain that your life, and not just your property, is in danger. Once you pull the gun, you probably will be in a life-or-death situation, and the outcome will be an open question.

mockturtle said...

There is a difference between inner city blacks and other blacks. If you don't think this is the case then you don't know very many black people. That said, IMO, the PTB would like nothing better than to provoke a race war and civil disorder, in general, which would make necessary some kind of martial law. I've seen this coming for years.

Robert Cook said...

"First you disarm the populace."

The American populace can in no way be considered to have been disarmed. The reality is quite to the contrary.

Michael said...

There is zero chance a white person in a BMW in NY has a carry permit much less a weapon.

Tomcc said...

It appears to be a mostly peaceful pack. Thank you, 2020, for giving us that new connotation.

gspencer said...

The 13% was well-represented in the bike pack.

Dude1394 said...

There needs to be a lot more kinetic responses to these democrat fascists.

Clyde said...

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...
A bit of the old ultraviolence.

Relatedly, Mary Steenburgen was married to Roddy McDowell for many years. I had no idea!

Malcolm McDowell. Roddy was in Planet of the Apes.

Dude1394 said...

I guess Blm/Antifa want to ramp up the violence to make sure Biden gets installed.

Clyde said...

And yes, the "youths" looked exactly as I thought they would before watching on the video.

Bob Boyd said...

Is there any reason these kids shouldn't do this? I can't think of one.

Dude1394 said...

NYPost eh? I’m sure Twitter/Facebook/Google and the rest of the democrat propaganda outlets will smother this story until after the installation of Biden.

Charlie said...

Where's Snake Plissken when you really need him?

Jupiter said...

"The American populace can in no way be considered to have been disarmed. The reality is quite to the contrary."

He was referring to NYC, Cookie. What are you packing?

FullMoon said...

The only thing that has changed is that cellphones record these incidents.

Remember daily Drudge "knockout game" stories? Game still alive, stories not.

Tina Trent at 12:57 and Roughcoat in the real world.

People trying to escape the mob have already been charged.

William said...

The chicken or the egg. Why should any woman clutch their purse when a young black man walks by? There's no reason except racism to suppose that black adolescents sometimes engage in impulsive acts of violence. .....I used to ride the subway at off hours. There were youths that used to walk through the subway cars looking, no doubt, for a more comfortable subway car. They radiated menace and purposefully so. Most of my fellow passengers were black workers going, like me, taking a cheap ride to a crappy job. There was palpable air of tension when these kids passed through. When a cop got on the train, everyone breathed a small sigh of relief. The cop didn't look like an occupying force, rather the opposite. Those youths did......But the way it works, if a cop gets into some kind confrontation and the confrontation ends, as they say, tragically for a young man so full of promise, you know which side they'll be on.....They say the German industrialists thought that they could subvert the raw energy and hostility for their own goals. No such luck. The Nazis, however, were able to use the energy and hatred of the Brownshirts to take power so maybe the left knows what they're doing.

Dave Begley said...


The "Mad Max" movie reportedly took place in 2021.

Skippy Tisdale said...

There is a difference between inner city blacks and other blacks. If you don't think this is the case then you don't know very many black people.

No truer words...

I retired from a corporate job in downtown Minneapolis in July. I worked with lots of black folks -- Lawyers, Accountants, Financial Analysts, Corporate Officers, folks in Marketing, Communications, etc. and not once did I fear for my safety. The ride home on the number 5 bus however? Completely different story. There are black thugs just dying to fuck with a white guy in a suit. Rarely a day went by when someone didn't try. Fortunately for me, I spent several years doing street-based outreach with homeless youth , so I learned how to carry myself.

Quick tip: Never, ever make eye-contact; don't say a word. That's all they need to start it up.

Skippy Tisdale said...

He was referring to NYC, Cookie. What are you packing?

A reptilian brain?

todd galle said...

I agree with Bruce, 9mm pistol in the central compartment, two extra 16 round mags, and a 50 round box of FMJ in the glove box (I am licensed to carry). This feral stuff doesn't happen in central PA, for good reason. As expressed above, everybody's armed, or enough of the population to cause concern for the perpetrators. Plus most of our area prosecutors aren't a-holes, I doubt any would have brought charges if the BMW driver hit the gas. Just bought 2 200 round sealed tins of .303 British, on chargers - in bandoliers. One for home, one for the cabin in the mountains. As George McD. Frasier once said, the 303 SMLE will still be firing 10 rounds rapid until Gabriel sounds (or is it trumpets?). A bit salty, but it is on charger clips, which can go for $3 a pop. So, a 200 round can has 40 charger clips. Easily covers shipping and a portion of the purchase price on resale.

Big Mike said...

With regard to firearms, I'd certainly prefer to have one handy as an option, but also keep in mind that there is a significant chance that some of the "bicyclists" are carrying, too.

If they had ‘em, they’d probably already be brandishing them. Not a certainty, of course.

If you pull a gun in that circumstance, you really do need to be certain that your life, and not just your property, is in danger.

As a practical matter, one cannot pull a gun unless one is prepared to apply lethal force. And legally one cannot apply lethal force except to protect yourself or another person from death or — under Virginia law — grave bodily injury. (Your state may vary.) Property damage is why one buys insurance. A potential rise in insurance rates (because insurance companies get pissy if one actually puts in a claim) is less problematic than spending time and lawyers’ fees in court defending against a charge of manslaughter or second degree murder.

Once you pull the gun, you probably will be in a life-or-death situation, and the outcome will be an open question.

One shouldn’t get out a gun unless one is already in a life or death situation. Make trips to the gun range and practice so that the outcome is absolutely not an open question. There are various drills that can help prepare one to fight for one’s life, and I recommend that

Big Mike said...

... and I recommend that you pay an NRA-certified instructor.

todd galle said...

Big Mike - my wife (without my pressing her at all) signed up for one of our gun club's all female pistol courses after I bought her a Walther 9mm for our anniversary. Yes, we're very romantic. She really enjoyed it (both the pistol and the class), and I think the all girl format was calming. No burly dudes being overbearing and such. Her taking the class and familiarity with the pistol let me retire the collectible .38 revolver to the basement safe, being replaced by the Walther in her bedside table drawer.

tcrosse said...

Well, you can't put plywood over the windshield.

Big Mike said...

Yes, we're very romantic.

Every man should love his wife so much!

todd galle said...

Well, it's been over 30 years, and there's only so much lingerie and such to buy. Bought her 25 oz of silver for our 25th, and her reply was 'what the hell am I going to do with that', so I went practical for the 31st. I plan on getting a crucible and melting some of that silver for reloading into Lone Ranger rounds, and also if the zombies and werewolves do show up given 2020 and all, we'll be ready.

FullMoon said...

It can't happen here
It can't happen here
I'm telling you, my dear
That it can't happen here
Because I been checkin' it out, baby
I checked it out a couple a times

But I'm telling you
It can't happen here
Oh darling, it's important that you believe me
(Bop bop bop bop)
That it can't happen here

FullMoon said...


The Mothers of Invention – Trouble Every Day
4-5 minutes

Well I'm about to get upset
From watchin' my TV
Checkin' out the news
Until my eyeballs fail to see
I mean to say that every day
Is just another rotten mess
And when it's gonna change, my friend
Is anybody's guess

So I'm watchin' and I'm waitin'
Hopin' for the best
Even think I'll go to prayin'
Every time I hear 'em sayin'
That there's no way to delay that trouble comin' every day
No way to delay that trouble comin' every day

Wednesday I watched the riot
I seen the cops out on the street
Watched 'em throwin' rocks and stuff
And chokin' in the heat
Listened to reports
About the whisky passin' 'round
Seen the smoke and fire
And the market burnin' down
Watched while everybody on his street would take a turn
To stomp n' smash n' bash n' crash n' slash n' bust n' burn

And I'm watchin' and I'm waitin'
Hopin' for the best
Even think I'll go to prayin'
Every time I hear 'em sayin'
That there's no way to delay that trouble comin' every day
No way to delay that trouble comin' every day

Well, you can cool it, you can heat it
Cause, baby, I don't need it
Take your TV tube and eat it
'N all that phony stuff on sports
'N all the unconfirmed reports
You know I watched that rotten box
Until my head begin to hurt
From checkin' out the way
The newsman say they get the dirt
Before the guys on channel so-and-so
And further they assert
That any show they'll interrupt
To bring you news if it comes up
They say that if the place blows up
They will be the first to tell
Because the boys they got downtown
Are workin' hard and doin' swell
And if anybody gets the news before it hits the street
They say that no one blabs it faster
Their coverage can't be beat
And if another woman driver
Gets machine-gunned from her seat
They'll send some joker with a Brownie
And you'll see it all complete

So I'm watchin' and I'm waitin'
Hopin' for the best
Even think I'll go to prayin'
Every time I hear 'em sayin'
That there's no way to delay
That trouble comin' every day
No way to delay
That trouble comin' every day

Hey, you know something people?
I'm not black but there's a whole lots a times I wish I could say I'm not white

Well, I seen the fires burnin'
And the local people turnin'
On the merchants and the shops
Who used to sell their brooms and mops
And every other household item
Watched a mob just turn and bite 'em
And they say it served 'em right
Because a few of them are white
And it's the same across the nation
Black and white discrimination
Yellin' "You can't understand me!"
'N all that other jazz they hand me
In the papers and TV
And all that mass stupidity
That seems to grow more every day
Each time you hear some nitwit say
He wants to go and do you in
Cause the color of your skin
Just don't appeal to him
(No matter if it's black or white)
Because he's out for blood tonight

You know we got to sit around at home
And watch this thing begin
But I bet there won't be many
Live to see it really end
Cause a fire in the street
Ain't like a fire in the heart
And in the eyes of all these people
Don't you know that this could start
On any street in any town
In any state if any clown
Decides that now's the time to fight
For some ideal he thinks is right
And if a million more agree
There ain't no Great Society
As it applies to you and me
Our country isn't free
And the law refuses to see
If all that you can ever be
Is just a lousy janitor
Unless your uncle owns a store
You know that five in every four
Just won't amount to nothin' more
Gonna watch the rats go across the floor
And make up songs about being poor

Big Mike said...

@todd, since silver is much less dense than lead you will need to adjust your reloading charts accordingly.

Joe Smith said...

I would run the cocksuckers over and take my chances.

From the video it looks like these morons were out to do bodily harm and it is reasonable that the inhabitants or the vehicle feared for their lives.

Michael K said...

This feral stuff doesn't happen in central PA, for good reason. As expressed above, everybody's armed, or enough of the population to cause concern for the perpetrators.<

The only carjacking I have heard of in Arizona was the looney left Tucson Mayor who was car jacked in front of his house. Of course, it was in the "Historic District" where all the far left faculty live. The BLM signs didn't help but that may have been before the incident.

On the other hand, a DPS officer was being attacked on I 10 west of PHX a couple years ago. A passerby stopped his car and asked the officer if he needed help. YES ! he said, so the guy went back to his car, got his gun and shot the attacker. The Governor held a thank you ceremony. Not Chicago or NY.

Michael K said...

Blogger Robert Cook said...
"First you disarm the populace."

The American populace can in no way be considered to have been disarmed. The reality is quite to the contrary.

Nice way to miss the point. It will NOT happen.

Michael K said...

Blogger mockturtle said...
There is a difference between inner city blacks and other blacks. If you don't think this is the case then you don't know very many black people.

I got ridiculed by Ritmo for pointing this out. The way things are going, the middle class blacks are in worse trouble than ever. Of course, they are the ones most affected by crime but the time is now to start to make sure the white population knows they are not part of BLM or defund the police.

FullMoon said...

"Dramatic footage captured a driver in Los Angeles making his way through a group of Black Lives Matter protesters who took control of the street, only to be attacked by the raging mob.

The driver did not appear to hit any protesters and was fortunate to escape the raging mob, but he was later taken into custody by the Los Angeles Police Department."

Left wing spin from Salon on people escaping:

Protesters around the country have been targeted by vehicles in scenes reminiscent of the deadly Charlottesville attack which killed Heather Heyer. Protesters in New York had to escape drivers, as well as police vehicles amid demonstrations. A truck driver was arrested for driving into protesters in Minneapolis. There were similar attacks in Boston, Denver, Los Angeles, San Jose, Tallahassee, and Tulsa. A man arrested for driving his truck into a crowd of protesters in Virginia was identified by a prosecutor as the head of the state's Ku Klux Klan.

FullMoon said...


While visualizing, recite, or chant the name of the Demon repeatedly either in your mind or aloud (or in comments).

RobinGoodfellow said...

“ Blogger Annie C. said...
I don't know if anyone has mentioned it yet, but a group of bicyclists is not a pack, it's a peloton.”

And a group of prostitutes is called a flourish of strumpets.

BUMBLE BEE said...

ANSWER: High Capacity Magazines.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Liberals see these episodes as one-offs. Liberals are useless except for discussing what "Vonnegut might say" about such episodes.

Joe Smith said...

"And a group of prostitutes is called a flourish of strumpets."

I thought it was 'Paul Ryans.'

Or the alternate spelling, 'Mitch McConnells.'

Churchy LaFemme: said...


Bunkypotatohead said...

Start spreading the news
I'm leaving today...

todd galle said...

Big Mike,
Excellent point. I'll have to talk to my chemistry inclined son to help figure that out. I usually load light, at the starting loads. My eyes aren't worth a whit at 300 meters anymore, even with optics. As Bumble Bee said: High cap mags. I try to have at least 7 or 8 for each weapon. Although with the M-1, 303, 03-A3, and M-1 Carbine, one can easily use bandoliers with chargers. They are easier to distribute as well, and will fit in a standard GI .30 cal metal ammo box. Add in a couple of the silica desiccant packs that you get with shoes and such, should be good for 20+ years.

Narr said...

OK, I'm summoned. What's up?

I think I'll go back to the Vonnegut thread, which I have skipped so far.

Those yoots are the leaders of tomorrow

chuck said...

This brings to mind Bernhard Goetz and the NY Subway shooting. Eventually people will defend themselves, especially if there is no law enforcement.

Curious George said...

"Ann Althouse said...
Would the driver be demonized if he drove forward?"

Not by me. I would be okay if he then backed up a few times.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Pro Tip... Power equipment manufacturers, (commercial lawn mowers and tractors), use ginormous dessicants to keep the new fuel tanks dry until sold at retail. Ask around, in season, they're looked upon as nuisance items to get rid of. Some badass zip ties are used to palletize implements too.

Matt said...

Our greatest strength!

Dude1394 said...

“Quick tip: Never, ever make eye-contact; don't say a word. That's all they need to start it up.”

You say you learned how to handle yourself. Like a victim and you are okay with that.

Big Mike said...

Some drivers (white) in South Africa have cars with a shotgun shell mounted in the driver's side door. Makes carjacking less fun.

I had read that some South Africans have a unique anti-carjacking device mounted on their expensive cars — a sharp, powerful, spring loaded blade that can be released at a touch of a button. It’s guaranteed to chop all the way through the legs of someone standing alongside the car door.

bleh said...

The roving teen bicycle gangs are a menace in NYC these days. You see them going up and down the avenues, even downtown, where they hog the entire road going way below the speed limit and popping wheelies. Basically acting like assholes. Almost all are black or Puerto Rican teen boys, so the political will isn't there to do anything about it with de Blasio as mayor.

It's just one of little examples you see of the city's recent deterioration. The more it's just tolerated, the more you'll see of it (and worse). These teen jackals feel emboldened and will just do more to push the envelope. Idiots like de Blasio don't appreciate the delicate peace that requires constant vigilance from the city government, especially the police.

It was better when Giuliani (and to a lesser extent Bloomberg) aggressively policed the city including "quality of life" offenses. Now it's becoming normal to see aggressive homeless people bathing in fountains and throwing (and shattering) liquor bottles in broad daylight and so on.

Before you know it the decline will intensify and it will be the bad old days again.

bleh said...

"I would run the cocksuckers over and take my chances."

Much easier to say than to do. Have you read A Bonfire of the Vanities? And in this case you'd be caught on camera. In the eyes of many NYC jurors (especially the white liberal ones), the visual of you running over young black teens would create the irrebuttable presumption that you're a totally vicious, racist murderer who probably voted for Trump twice.

Anonymous said...

Would the driver be demonized if he drove forward?
Whaaa? What would be your hesitation? Why would you sit there being attacked?

Moving on, I want to talk about handguns now. I wanted to tell you something.

A handgun is not a magic wand. People do not immediately freeze and do what they're told if you point a handgun at them, like in the movies. If you pull a gun, you shoot. Period.

If you pull a handgun on someone, I'm thinking about how to take it away from you. I will advance on you. My brain hasn't gotten to that point where you might shoot me. My brain is directing me to deal with the threat. It's not academic.

If the threat is immediate, draw and shoot. Never draw to warn. By then it's too late.

bleh said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
daskol said...

Would the driver be demonized if he drove forward?

Outside Staten Island and some other outer-borough neighborhoods, yeah. But video like this getting around will eventually change that. These kids saw and sized up the occupants quick. There was a famous bikers vs. car attack a few years back. Guy in a fancy SUV mixed up with a bunch of bikers in town for this shitty bikers (motorized) convention. These guys are mostly just hot rods who do wheelies, but in a pack they're prone to low-grade terrorizing, taking their street bikes and ATVs down the opposite sides of divided highways. If you don't get out the way quick, you get a thumping from the rest of the pack riding by. One guy didn't yield enough road, and they surrounded and started banging on his car. He drove off, running one of them over, and then they tracked him down when he hit traffic. It was all caught on video, beginning to end, and it ended with them smashing in his windows, dragging him out of the car and beating him in front of his family. He wasn't charged and a lot of them were, but things could definitely have gone the other way for him. Seeing the video belied the reporting, which was done in a way that inflamed sentiments against the driver.

daskol said...

Rich Asian in the Range Rover Paralyzes Hispanic Biker in NYC for Convention

Jack Klompus said...

"The roving teen bicycle gangs are a menace in NYC these days. You see them going up and down the avenues, even downtown, where they hog the entire road going way below the speed limit and popping wheelies. Basically acting like assholes. Almost all are black or Puerto Rican teen boys, so the political will isn't there to do anything about it with de Blasio as mayor."

You've described the situation in Philadelphia with Mayor Wokey McWoke Kenney to a tee. Add to the mix unlicensed motorcycles and ATVs and you've got a good picture of Northeast Philadelphia, a once pleasant, safe, working and middle class part of the city that has become much more "vibrant" in the past fifteen years.

daskol said...

That looked like one of the new BMW 7 series full-sized SUV. If we're drawing an analogy to guns here, that guy had but didn't pull a Charles Bronson styles 357 in that encounter. That's a lot of self-control.

I'm Not Sure said...

"Seeing the video belied the reporting, which was done in a way that inflamed sentiments against the driver."

Journos gotta maintain The Narrative, yaknow.

donald said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Skippy Tisdale said...

You say you learned how to handle yourself. Like a victim and you are okay with that

The only way to win is not to play.

Or I guess I could shoot everyone on the bus who poses a potential threat.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

The proper response to this is to run over everyone attacking you

Readering said...

Nobody died, nobody got physically injured. Hope the video hangs the punks.

mockturtle said...

I may have posted this before but once when I was riding on a bus in downtown Seattle a punk started beating up on the driver. I was wondering if anyone would intervene when the driver stopped the bus, opened the door and kicked the guy down the steps onto the pavement, shut the door and drove on. It was a beautiful moment. We all applauded.

JMR said...

And people are surprised by the phenomenon of white flight. Thank God I'm in Nebraska!

Mary Beth said...

Another article has a video interview of the driver (36-year-old male) who was in the car with his mother (71-years-old). In the video, they say he asked to be referred to by his first name only because he is afraid of retaliation. Of course, the accompanying article had his full name.

In the video, he says, "I’ve lived here my entire life as a New Yorker, for 36 years. I feel like I’m entitled to answers from the city as to what allowed this to happen and what they’re going to do to make sure it doesn’t happen to anybody else again."

Two minutes with Google and I could see his social media, voter registration info, his address, and other biographical details. I think I have an answer for "what allowed this to happen". (Not saying they deserved it, just that he reflect on what he's done to enable it.)

Ralph L said...

They were just upset that the BMW had a stick, so they couldn't steal it.

ken in tx said...

I read that some of the bikers latched on to the BMW for a free ride. The driver slammed on the brakes causing one of the bikers to spill. That's when the attack started. The lesson I take from this is to never go there. I try to stay out of bear country too, but at least there I am allowed to be armed.

Owen said...

BMW now offers the SUV models with pepper spray dispensers. Discreetly mounted above and below the windshield, in each mirror, and under the grille. These produce a blinding choking miasma in a cloud about 25’ deep. When activated, they also turn on the car’s auto-drive feature so it navigates among the now-helplessly-weeping felons without ruffling a single hair in their Afros, and carries its occupants serenely to safety.

mockturtle said...

Per Owen: without ruffling a single strand in their dreads FIFY

Owen said...

Mockturtle: to be corrected by you is a great honor. Many humble thanks, yo.

David in Cal said...

Used the search engine at the New York Times and found nothing at all about this incident.

n.n said...

(Not saying they deserved it, just that he reflect on what he's done to enable it.)

But I'm progressive? Unqualified, monotonic change.

Robt C said...

The Post interviewed the BMW driver:

JML said...

I'd like to see Laslo make a revenge movie: The Pony Tail's Pistol.

Right Man said...

Dr Liberal Frankenstein is attacked by his creation. I'm rooting for the monster.

Oso Negro said...

Blogger Skippy Tisdale said...
Quick tip: Never, ever make eye-contact; don't say a word. That's all they need to start it up.

I prefer to stand up straight, look them straight in the eye, grab my nuts and spit. Works like a champ.

Lurker21 said...

I had read that some South Africans have a unique anti-carjacking device mounted on their expensive cars — a sharp, powerful, spring loaded blade that can be released at a touch of a button. It’s guaranteed to chop all the way through the legs of someone standing alongside the car door.

James Bond's Aston Martin had one coming out of the rear wheel hub to shred Tilly Masterson's tire.

Kirk Parker said...


Try canonized. Seriously, we are way overdue for some serious pushback against the Thug's Veto represented by Occupy, Antifa, etc.

Unknown said...

I plan on getting a crucible and melting some of that silver for reloading

Silver bullets are tricky. Read the tale of a werewolf novel writer figuring it out. I have no idea how reliable that is, but it is step-by-step and should help with ideas.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


Nobody died, nobody got physically injured.

So that's all right then. Perhaps we should repeat it with every other white resident of Manhattan. You'll need a lot of black biker gangs, but all those white guys and their 70+-year-old mothers have it coming, anyway.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Readering babbled
Nobody died, nobody got physically injured.

Where do you live, Readering? I need to go to your place, trash your car, and destroy all your possessions.

I'm sure insurance will cover everything, right?

Oh, and "no one died"? So giving you some broken bones, that would be ok?

You are right that no one died. Which is a pity.

The world would be a much better place if every single one of those attackers had been killed during the attack.

But, don't worry, within the next year or two the "no one died" will be rare.

Readering said...


I'm Not Sure said...

"The world would be a much better place if every single one of those attackers had been killed during the attack."

They'll likely find some other way to get themselves killed.

Readering said...

That's sort of what NY Assistant DA's would say when a defendant got off.

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