November 24, 2020

"You call a gigantic press conference like that, one that lasts an hour, and you announce massive bombshells, then you better have some bombshells."

"There better be something at that press conference other than what we got.... They promised blockbuster stuff, and then nothing happened. And that’s just not good. I mean, if you’re gonna promise blockbuster stuff like that, then there has — now, I understand — look, I’m the one that’s been telling everybody, this stuff doesn’t happen at warp speed, light speed the way cases are made for presentation in court, but if you’re gonna do a press conference like that with the promise of blockbusters, then there has to be something more than what that press conference delivered. Now Sidney Powell is supposedly out, jumped the shark, got out over the skis.... I got a note from a very learned friend who was so let down by that press conference. He said, 'Man, Rush, after that press conference, I was expecting the evidence. I was expecting something to blow this thing to smithereens. I mean, you don’t go out and do a press conference like that with all of those promised bombshells and then zip, zero, nada? So I was expecting there to be some kind of computer expert or hacker who was then going to provide evidence and an example of what they were talking about that was blockbuster, but there was nothing.' And he said 'my real problem with this is it’s making Trump look like he doesn’t know what he’s doing. It’s making Trump look like he’s floundering away out there.'"


tim maguire said...

Rush is exactly right. The press conference was on Friday (it was Friday, right? It seems so long ago already), then we have the weekend of nothing, so we’re expecting something Monday and all we get on Monday is infighting about who is or is not on the legal team. And then Trump agrees to cooperate with the transition but then insists it doesn’t mean anything. But it does—it means we can all feel the air going out of the tire.

MayBee said...

I have tuned almost all of it out.

Instead I am surprising myself with how much I disdain ALL ov Biden's cabinet secretary picks. All the old policies back, just like that. It really feels like something good is just being ruined.

Phil 314 said...

this is about the time that Don Meredith would start singing.

rehajm said...

The world should start getting used to floundering.

On the plus side- floundering is the new normal! A safe harbor of comfort in self inflicted misery.

You'll wish you fought harder

rwnutjob said...

I've been of the opinion that the Trump team were just protecting the witnesses. With all the intimidation & threats like those against people's children like with the administrator of the GSA, who could blame them?

Jess said...

The evidence won't be presented out of a court. The press conference was to see the reaction, see who attempts to disappear, and it worked. Dominion looks very suspicious since the announcement, and if they are determined to be incompetent, or culpable, the entire election may be tossed for inaccuracy.

peacelovewoodstock said...

I recall Adam Schiff at press conferences announcing that he had seen clear evidence of Trump "collusion" with Russians, and the media took it up and ran with it for three years without ever seeing any evidence ... evidence which of course did not exist.

Let's hope that Trump doesn't fold in the face of Democrat and RINO perfidy.

"Oh, they're just too wicked and depraved, and there's so many of them, let's just give in" ... said nobody at the Alamo, Bataan, Khe Sanh, etc., etc.

Mark said...

Now that he has been exposed as naked, will people on this blog finally admit the emperor has no clothes?

Rusty said...

Just in case I sold my positions in my stock portfolio.

Mark said...

" if they are determined to be incompetent, or culpable, the entire election may be tossed for inaccuracy"

Yeah, they're going to invalidate the entire election up and down the ticket based on the claims that got Sydney Powell disavowed by the Trump Campaign on Sunday.

I have heard of people playing '4d chess', but this sounds like '1d checkers'.

Rusty said...

Mark said...
"Now that he has been exposed as naked, will people on this blog finally admit the emperor has no clothes?"
Mark is asserting there was no vote fraud. Go with that Mark.

Darkisland said...

If Sidney Powell was never "on" the Trump legal team, how can she be off of it?

She apparently never got paid a nickle of retainer, fees or expenses by the campaign.

Can one be on someone's legal team if they never received even a token payment?

John Henry

wendybar said...

Where IS all that proof Adam Schiff claimed for 4 years that HE had??? Where is the media asking him??? That right there is why I don't care..and feel like they had more proof than the Democrats EVER had....So sick of the deceit and lies and the activists in the media campaigning for the Biden team.

wendybar said...

If they gave out information on the witnesses they would have been doxed by now by the activist Democrat Media...and Antifa and BLM would be descending on their homes...This is the new Democrat way.

Darkisland said...

Does anyone claim that there was no election fraud?

What I always see is no "widespread" voter fraud. That is from Democrat spokes people, Biden spokespeople CNN, NYT and other sources.

So like the woman who accepted an offer for $1,000 for sex but got offended at a $10 offer. "What kind of woman do you think I am?" We know she is a whore, just trying to determine if she is a cheap or expensive one.

So what does "widespread" mean and how important is it?

John Henry

Ralph L said...

It doesn't have to be widespread if it's a big one.

Mr. Forward said...

"So what does "widespread" mean and how important is it?"
I wouldn't know but I bet it's more than ten dollars.

stevew said...

Once again, wise musings from Rush Limbaugh. Too bad his show is on during the day when I'm working.

stevew said...

"this is about the time that Don Meredith would start singing."

And Red Auerbach will have lighted his cigar.

JAORE said...

"We know she is a whore... So what does "widespread" mean and how important is it?"

In that context it is vitally important.

Mark said...

Rusty, putting words in my mouth does not mean I said them.

Nice try at the usual bullshit here.

Must really suck to have Trump end up being a laughingstock, after all your idolization of him.

Inga said...

“Yeah, they're going to invalidate the entire election up and down the ticket based on the claims that got Sydney Powell disavowed by the Trump Campaign on Sunday.”

Sometimes you just have to shake your head and laugh.

Temujin said...

Just for the record. Sidney Powell was doing hard work for years before this election. She is not stopping. She does not stop. She's not stupid and she's used to working these things until the truth comes out.

Biden may be in office for months. But Ms. Powell does not stop. And one day, she'll show up in court and a receptive judge will allow the information she has to be presented.

And I'll have my popcorn ready.

Inga said...

The bombshell is that there never were any bombshells.

Jaq said...

Or do we merely have good reason to think the election was fair enough and not so infected with fraud that we must accept that Biden has won?

(!) Claims that “we know” the election was “fair enough” are disputed

Jaq said...

It looks like thousands of “voter addresses” in GA, not “mailing addresses” but voter addresses where PO boxes or UPS Store type addresses doctored to look like home addresses. Which is illegal, BTW.

Lurker21 said...

The whore story doesn't work as well nowadays. The guy does not come off looking good.

Jaq said...

So Inga, they called a ton of Republican voters in Wisconsin and 20% of those voters who claimed that they had requested an absentee ballot and had returned it were never counted as having voted, somehow their ballots were lost.

Is that a bombshell? What if I told you the number was 50% in Arizona? Would that be a bombshell? Probably not because the New York Times will refuse to report it.

Jaq said...

Is it a bombshell that rejection of mail in ballots due to a signature mismatch has dropped from 3.5% to nearly zero. This fact alone cost Trump the election. Of course in Wisconsin there are suddenly 180K voters “exempt” from signature and Voter ID requirements this election.

Free and fair.

Error and Fraud at Issue as Absentee Voting Rises - New York Times

Mid-Life Lawyer said...

I never believed anything would come out of it although I am certain there was wholesale fraud. The Democratic controlled inner cities are lost forever without some type of massive revolution of some sort. I'm not going to start it. Let me know if someone else wants to and I may join if I have been given a terminal diagnosis or something. I've pretty much got it made regardless of whether the country peaked in 1967 and is on the long slide downhill right now.

Jaq said...

Sydney Powell has seriously fucked up Trump’s case running with this conspiracy bullshit. Stick to evidence and facts on the ground. Of course the low information Instapundit crowd eat that shit up. Glenn never should have shared his blog with the likes of Driscoll and Hoyt.

Jaq said...

Reynolds should never have allowed comments. It has ruined his blog. Maybe he is making enough money from it that it’s worth it to him, IDK.

Amadeus 48 said...

Will there even be a press conference on the Durham “investigation”? Has Russiagate been “investigated” into oblivion?

Tina Trent said...

I will not forgive them for calling me a nazi and a racist.

I will continue to be a good neighbor, a good citizen, and most of all a taxpayer whose family busts our asses at thankless jobs so leftists can live high on the hog, irresponsibly doing nothing to support their own offspring, subsidize their own utopian social programs, fund their own publically funded fat retirements, balance their own state budgets, or even pay their own bills.

I will coexist with that stupid bumper sticker on your equally gas-guzzling car as you berate me for global warming even though you travel more on vacations a year than I do to work, as you demean my religion despite the bumper sticker.

Which hates you.

Rusty said...

Mark said...
"Rusty, putting words in my mouth does not mean I said them.

Nice try at the usual bullshit here.

Must really suck to have Trump end up being a laughingstock, after all your idolization of him."
Just trying to ascertain what you meant. It would be helpful if you were more precise in you're use of language. I haven't idolized anyone since the death of my parents. Trump did what he said he was going to do. He followed the constitution. What's not to like about that?

Darkisland said...

Blogger tim in vermont said...

So Inga, they called a ton of Republican voters in Wisconsin and 20% of those voters who claimed that they had requested an absentee ballot and had returned it were never counted as having voted, somehow their ballots

Actually more than a "ton" Tim. At 175# average weight, a ton of people would only be about 12 people.

I don't know if it is the same one you have in mind but I read an article the other day about an organization that had hired a 100 person phone bank with the goal of calling every person in multiple states for whom there was a mail in ballot. If they did not send one, they dispatched an attorney to get a sworn affidavit.

Their goal was to call a million (or maybe millions) of voters and they had already called some fairly huge number. And gotten a lot of affidavits.

john Henry

Clyde said...

Lurker21 said...
The whore story doesn't work as well nowadays. The guy does not come off looking good.

If Biden actually is inaugurated on January 20th, then #MeToo is over and done with, and Democrats in power will be back to their sniffing, groping ways.

narciso said...

Very legit

Earnest Prole said...

Wait, Rush Limbaugh joined the Resistance?

Biff said...

Here in Connecticut, even Democrats joke about how no statewide election is over until all the votes from the cemeteries in Bridgeport and Waterbury are counted.

Fandor said...

IMAGINE this...November 22, 1963...there is an assassination ATTEMPT on President John F. Kennedy. Somehow, through luck, or the quick defensive actions of a secret service agent, say Clint Hill, the president is wounded but not mortally. He is treated at Parkland for a body wound...the HEAD SHOT MISSED. Kennedy's thinking is coherent and clear. He returns to Washington immediately because HE KNOWS there has been a failed coup, in so far as it didn't murder him in Dealey Plaza. Back in the White House, for the time being safe, who do you think the first person JFK would call to get to the bottom of the plot? That's right, you guessed it. The Kennedy family pit bull, Attorney General RFK. While the trail was hot there would be a lot of people under suspicion and investigated. Justice pursued in the moment, not six months later with a commission to whitewash a "dead" president who was the victim of a dastardly plot.
That's what we have here. On November 4th & 5th, 2020, there was a virtual assassination attempt on President Donald J. Trump.
He was wounded, but not fatally. Still, he may succumb to his wounds. If he does, not only will his presidency be dead, it will BE ERASED from history, Aka, WIKI, GOOGLE, et al. But the bigger tragedy will be that the REPUBLIC WILL SURELY DIE.
The conspirators in this coup are LEGION, foreign and domestic.
The president has no real help within our government. Most, if not all are in the tank for THE BIG RESET. There is a remnant that supports the CONSTITUTION, in each of the three branches, who are doing what they can to preserve the Republic.
Trump has had to retain private attorneys to make his case in court that the election was stolen.
Hopefully,with God's help, they will.
Certainly, 73 million Americans are praying that comes to be.
NOW, while the trail is hot, and the conspirators are attempting to cover their trails, is the time to hunt them down and exposed the GREATEST ROBBERY in United States history.
I don't want a commission telling me years from now Trump won the election even though we handed it off to "president-elect" Joe Biden.
We want the facts NOW!
Dark days are ahead no matter what the outcome.
Let's fight now, as bad as it will be, rather than later, when it will only be far worse.
No Justice, No Peace.

wild chicken said...

"He is treated at Parkland for a body wound...the HEAD SHOT MISSED. Kennedy's thinking is coherent"


Earnest Prole said...

Rush is going to feel really stupid once the Kraken is released and can find a pharmacy willing to fill a sizable steroid prescription.

jim said...

"It’s making Trump look like he’s floundering away out there."

What's new?

Howard said...

I always knew Rush was a mole from the Deep State.

D.D. Driver said...

Can one be on someone's legal team if they never received even a token payment?


narciso said...

Not so much

Chuck said...

I'm thinking that Michael Flynn might want to look around for a new lawyer.

Although maybe this kind of craziness is just the right thing to win Flynn his pardon from Trump, which seems to be the essential defense strategy after pleading guilty twice.

hombre said...

The problem is the enormity of the evidence and the enormity of the task. Here’s an example: Trump’s lawyers proved that the outside envelopes of over 10,000 Pennsylvania ballots did not comply with state law. The reportedly partisan Pennsylvania Supreme Court held that “shall” in the law actually meant “may,” otherwise “thousands” would not have their votes counted. So, ballot proven illegal, perhaps fraudulent, counted anyway.

Those of us who don’t rely on the leftmediaswine have read of hundreds, if not thousands, of “irregularities.” Overturning the election was always improbable. The goal of Republicans and their lawyers should have been and still should be to prove to the American people that Democrats, including their judges, are corrupt and Biden is an illegitimate President. Empty boasts don’t contribute to that effort.

Chuck said...
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Chuck said...

tim in vermont said...
So Inga, they called a ton of Republican voters in Wisconsin and 20% of those voters who claimed that they had requested an absentee ballot and had returned it were never counted as having voted, somehow their ballots were lost.

Is that a bombshell? What if I told you the number was 50% in Arizona? Would that be a bombshell? Probably not because the New York Times will refuse to rep

This is the future. Trumpists claiming all kinds of moonbat theories that Trump was robbed, and if only some better lawyers and better experts had been able to make these claims in court...

Losers. Trump's a loser. All of his fans are stuck with the losing. So much losing. I'll never get tired of all of that losing.

rcocean said...

This is why conservatives always lose. Rush and all the other right wing outlets should have a laser like focus on getting recounts in the swing states that were stolen by Biden using fraud. Rush should be talking about that. Instead, he's blathering about whether Powell got too enthusiastic in a press conference. WHo cares!

Its always this bizarre obsession on the Right with behavior vs. Winning. The left and the D's don't care how people on their side act. they only care about winning. The right is always chanting "its not whether you win or lose, its how you play the game". Nixon patted himself on the back for 40 years, because he didn't contest the 1960 election. Dole and McCain patted themselves on the back for not "borking" Ginsberg and beyer. And the Left and the D's just laugh at them.

rcocean said...

How many stupid, crazy, things have Hillary and Biden said in the last 5 years. And those are the Titular leaders of the D party. And how much blowback to they get? ZERO.

Yet, I'm supposed to get all upset about Powell. Look at the numbers. There was massive fraud in Wayne county Michigan and Penn and Wisconsin and Ga. the numbers don't add up, and we have signed affidavits saying there was fraud. we need an audit of the votes, especially the mail in votes. We don't need people who don't want to fight unless we're 100% in the right and have ALL the evidence at the start. what a bunch of losers!

William50 said...

In my opinion if the only evidence Rudy has of vote fraud in this election is a bunch of affidavits, regardless of the number, I think this will most likely go the way of the Durham investigation. Sadly that is to say nowhere and I would guess President Trump would likely then concede around the second or third week of December.

rcocean said...

Here's how the National conversation has gone:

Trump: There's fraud in the swing states. Look at the evidence. Lets have a recount/audit.
Dems: No there was no fraud or irregularities. Everything was fine.
Trump: So, there's no harm in a recount/audit then? It will prove it.
Dems: No, we're completely against having a recount/audit which would prove we won. We won, but we don't want to prove it. Because...reasons.

rcocean said...

Look, there's no point if fighting, because the R's just want to be "Good losers". Oh, lets give up the Presidency, because the last thing we want is to put out some effort. Better to just have President Kam harris, and let her and Biden have the office. They'll thank us for being so understanding and noble.

Wince said...
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Churchy LaFemme: said...

Absolutely Trump should fight. It's just that the press conference did not further that fight.

Wince said...

The dilemma alway was you can have a mountain of proof of ballot irregularities, and still no court will grant an outcome-determinative remedy where the means to tie individual ballots to irregularities has been destroyed, even deliberately, especially after the media declared a winner.

The nearly irresistible promise of machine and tabulation manipulation was that there'd be "blood trail" evidence that the media could not obscure.

Unless you can obtain that or similar direct evidence, however, that media by-pass strategy doesn't work, and can be counterproductive.

Powell better get Kraken'. After all, what Powell claims is exactly what several, interestingly, female Democrats like Maloney, Warren and Klobuchar, said before 2020 could happen.

TreeJoe said...

Multiple commenters are comparing the press conference to Adam Schiff and complaining of the media's different treatment.

That's the problem. Giuliani and team LOWERED themselves to Schiff's level. In essence, what we are saying here is the team Trump pulled together to "prove" a historic fraudulent election has established itself as as reliable a Schiff.

That's the end for me of the Trump era. A sitting president declares the corruption of the entire democratic party, a massive fraud enterprise across the nation to deliver hundreds of thousands or millions of fraudulent votes to Biden in key electoral college states, puts together a team to tackle this issue, and that team is now at best as reliable as Adam Schiff presenting an evidence-free accusation against his opponent.

Anomalies and red flags are not hard evidence. Affidavits of failure to follow procedures are not hard evidence.

I've seen not one iota of hard evidence that a person or group of people deliberately created or falsified ballots en masse to vote for Biden as part of an organized and centrally coordinated campaign. And frankly, I'm surprised. Because there ARE tons of red flags. There are tons of anomalies. And this election reeked.

Therefore the inability to find such evidence despite weeks of millions of dollars spent is a form of evidence in and of itself.

D.D. Driver said...

There was massive fraud in Wayne county Michigan and Penn and Wisconsin and Ga. the numbers don't add up

In Wisconsin, the numbers totally add up. Remember, the democrats got the Greens kicked off the ballot based upon a ticky-tack technical violation. In 2016, that was around 31k voters.

Biden: 1,630,716

2020 Alternate Universe With Greens on Ballot
Biden: 1,599,644
Trump: 1,610,151
Greens: 31,072

Now, certainly not 100% of the Greens voted for Biden in 2020. Some probably stayed home. Some may have voted for other candidates. But I'm betting most of those 31k voted for Biden in 2020 because they had no other choices.

It's too bad that you guys are chasing Krakens and leprechauns and the like because elections are actually rigged in plain sight in the most boring ways imaginable.

rehajm said...

If they get away with it they won't be able to help themselves. Somebody important will blab...

Michael K said...

I agree with Rush. The press conference was a bust. If Biden is inaugurated, the blue cities will deteriorate further but I won't be there. The culture will deteriorate but that is not my issue. I live outside the city and have plenty of ammunition. The only way this could affect me directly is if someone comes for my guns.

rehajm said...

Barack Obama got into the Senate by getting his opponent disqualified for signatures that didn't match on his paperwork

rehajm said...

You don't need proof, you just need violations...

rehajm said...

...and there's those.

rehajm said...

You also need people of courage willing to overcome inertia. Not sure we have those...

Calypso Facto said...

D.D. Driver said..."In Wisconsin, the numbers totally add up."

Agree, but I'd still say if there was time/energy/money to research the 169,000 voters claiming to be "indefinitely confined" and not subject to voter ID requirements in Wisconsin this year, most of those claims w=could be proven to be fraudulent, and Wisconsin would probably flip to Trump. But that doesn't help Trump unless he can pick up other states, too.

Chuck said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Howard said...

Doc Mike: your own kids are gonna come for your guns way before the govt does. It will be because of all the plaque build up in your noodle chocking off the synapses.

tcrosse said...

The only way this could affect me directly is if someone comes for my guns.

The only way this could affect me directly is if someone comes for my money.

Martin said...

Trump is floundering. His legal team is weak and he does not know what to do about it. That Sydney Powell could have distracted them all with QAnon-level garbage for a critical week speaks volumes about the whole effort.

There is no doubt there was significant fraud in certain key urban counties in certain swing states. Maybe enough to swing the election, maybe not. But they have made such a hash of the whole argument--wasting time, saying silly things, holding pressers that promised much and yielded nothing. They started with a weak but playable hand and screwed it up every way imaginable.

Birkel said...

The people who want to take away other folks' guns sure are insistent that those guns would never be used.
That adds up.

Jaq said...

"This is the future. Trumpists claiming all kinds of moonbat theories that Trump was robbed,” he said without evidence.

Sorry, but that is solid evidence. I am sure you are aware that a phone bank contacted a large number of Michigan Republicans and that more than 40% of the people called who claimed that they had voted absentee, when the record was checked, found out that their vote had never been counted.

This is not a “theory” at all, a simple statement of fact as we know it based on shoe leather style investigation. The affidavits do seem to provide some insight into how all of these ballots were lost, but those are not the basis of it. The basis is that a large number of people who claim they voted did not have their votes count.

This stuff will come out over time, it’s just beginning to trickle out. No Republican should ever vote by mail if they can at all avoid it.

Anonymous said...

I know there was cheating like I know the Sun came up in the east today. Provable to overturn the election in a short enough amount of time?

They have to drop some bombs real soon (this week) or the evidence will be history and the cheat will be SOP.

Donn said...

Inga said...

The bombshell is that there never were any bombshells.

The bombshell has yet to fall, but it's coming. I'll be back to point that out to you after it does.

Achilles said...

This is going to be a fun thread at some point.

It will be brought up in the thread about the filing in Georgia.

doctrev said...

I thought SOME people would at least be old enough to remember that Scalia's injunction against the Florida Supreme Court only came in December.

At this point, anyone still paying attention to mainstream sources- that is, people determined to ignore absolutely anything favorable to the President, much less his overall strategy- is too hopeless to educate. One interesting fact is that anything Sidney Powell says on Newsmax is racking up millions of views on Youtube- far more than anything Nielsen assures us Newsmax enjoys on cable. and competitive with the top Fox News offerings. Another fact that you might be unaware of is that ALL the Hunter Biden files have leaked as a zip, and an army of meme autists are pulling it to pieces. Rudy Giuliani may have embellished things when he claimed that some things on the laptop were too disgusting to talk about- we'll know the truth soon enough.

RichAndSceptical said...
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RichAndSceptical said...

he biggest mistake was having Rudy run the press conference. This is not the same Rudy of 911. He got old, like a lot of us, and he needed to put someone else out front.

He's still a valuable resource and I want him on my team, just not running the team.

Bannon's War room is on twice a day - 10 am and 5 pm ET. If you want to know more of the details of what is going on, that's the place to go. I watch it live on youtube or you can view it after it posts.

Jim at said...

I have tuned almost all of it out.

Yep. Wake me when the shooting starts.

Achilles said...

Jim at said...

I have tuned almost all of it out.

Yep. Wake me when the shooting starts.

Naw. Go make friends. The anti-curfew parties are a good place to start.

bagoh20 said...

If you want the other half of the country to give a shit about voter fraud, then the Republicans are going to have to do it themselves. Dems don't care what Dems do or how illegal it might be. They still watch the same TV shows that they know lied to them daily for 4 years. They don't care if they are lied to, cheated, robbed, taxed, sent to war, shut down or burned down. They only care if the wrong people do it.

effinayright said...

It's gonna be fun to watch how Biden and his swampy Ivy League cabinet deal with AOC and the radicals in congress.

The Walking Woke vs. The Epitome of White Supremacy.

effinayright said...

Jess said...
Dominion looks very suspicious since the announcement, and if they are determined to be incompetent, or culpable, the entire election may be tossed for inaccuracy.
There is no provision in the Constitution for "tossing" a Presidential election. No court has the power to do that, nor does any other branch of government.

Trump's people are seeking to invalidate votes that were treated illegally under state law passed by their legislatures, the only bodies with the power under the Constitution to pass or amend them..

Invalidate enough illegal votes in certain states, and Trump wins them. If he wins them he prevails in the electoral college.

effinayright said...

TreeJoe said:

I've seen not one iota of hard evidence that a person or group of people deliberately created or falsified ballots en masse to vote for Biden as part of an organized and centrally coordinated campaign. And frankly, I'm surprised. Because there ARE tons of red flags. There are tons of anomalies. And this election reeked.

How would you **ever ** see it, if the people engaged in that kind of fraud keep it hidden??

THAT's the problem with the "no evidence" claims; only when a court FORCES the alleged perps to produce their procedures, turn over the ballots in dispute etc. during the legal process called "discovery" can Trump's claims be verified or rejected.

Donn said...

The bombshell is set to go off tomorrow in GA!

TreeJoe said...

"How would you **ever ** see it, if the people engaged in that kind of fraud keep it hidden??

THAT's the problem with the "no evidence" claims; only when a court FORCES the alleged perps to produce their procedures, turn over the ballots in dispute etc. during the legal process called "discovery" can Trump's claims be verified or rejected." declare evidence and proof and massive nationwide fraud before you can verify your own claims? You fail to get a single court to grant such discovery or show proof of a single coordinated set of fake votes?

Your statement is not illogical. Giuliani and Trump's way of handling it is - they literally worked hard to fail at this

Chuck said...

tim in vermont said...
...I am sure you are aware that a phone bank contacted a large number of Michigan Republicans and that more than 40% of the people called who claimed that they had voted absentee, when the record was checked, found out that their vote had never been counted.

This is not a “theory” at all, a simple statement of fact as we know it based on shoe leather style investigation. The affidavits do seem to provide some insight into how all of these ballots were lost, but those are not the basis of it. The basis is that a large number of people who claim they voted did not have their votes count.

This stuff will come out over time, it’s just beginning to trickle out. No Republican should ever vote by mail if they can at all avoid it.

I am very much aware that you keep reciting this crazed theory.

But I have confidence that it is prolly such fantastic evidence that it will overturn all of the election results, expose the massive deep state conspiracy and result in PDJT being inaugurated for his second of four or five presidential terms on January 20, 2021.

Wince said...
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Wince said...

Hmm, is the Team Trump playing "rope-a-dope" with Powell? I wouldn't exactly count her out just yet.

Bifurcating the election challenge between ballot irregularities (by the Trump legal team) and voter machine manipulation by Powell (on behalf of citizens) is a two-track strategy that does makes a certain amount of sense.

And now there seem to be main stream news reports contemporaneous with changes made to Georgia voting machines before the election that raised concerns at the time. These reports name names and outline actions taken. Specifically involving Dominion and its Trump-hating Director of Strategy & Security, Eric Coomer (D-Antifa).

I really don't know, but I dare say had Powell presented details such as these at the press conference, maybe they would't constitute "bombshells," but it'd be much harder to say she showed up empty handed.

Maybe she does have more up her sleeve? We'll see.

Michael K said...

I am very much aware that you keep reciting this crazed theory.

Chuck, you have one subject and that is all. No contribution to anything else.

We will see what happens. I think the fix was in; you don't. That is all.

Readering said...

Michael K's one subject appears to be other commenters.

Readering said...

To see Trump's fourth rate lawyers picked apart, read the briefs filed 1 day after Trump's in the Third Circuit. I doubt the court will find oral argument beneficial, but maybe since no reply provided for it will deem it necessary here.

Elena Antonio said...

This is a testimony that I will tell everyone to hear. i have been married for 4 years and on the fifth year of my marriage, another woman had a spell to take my lover away from me and my husband left me and the kids and we have suffered for 2 years until i meant a post where this man Dr.Wealthy have helped someone and i decided to give him a try to help me bring my love Husband home and believe me i just send my picture to him and that of my husband and after 48 hours as he have told me, i saw a car drove into the house and behold it was my husband and he have come to me and the kids and that is why i am happy to make everyone of you in similar issues to meet with this man and have your lover back to your self His email: or you can also contact him or whatsapp him on this +2348105150446.....  thank so much Dr.Wealthy. ...

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