November 16, 2020

Why I'm reading about a shooting that took place in 2007 over the question of exactly how tall was James Brown.

1. In the first post of the morning, I asserted: "Some of the best videos have been made like that, with the singer randomly walking along someplace mouthing the lyrics and interacting with this and that." Instead of naming any actual video, I just wrote, in parentheses and italics, as if that helps, "(Yeah? Which ones?!)" 

2. That loose thread nagged at me for 3 hours — from about 4:30 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. — and I tried to call to mind a great video that fit the description. I came up with "Brass in Pocket" and watched the delightful video, even though it does not fit the description:


3. Who cares? I like it anyway. Primed by a good YouTube experience, I took the websites suggestion to watch "David Bowie imitates Mick Jagger!!"


4. Bowie does do a quick, excellent Jagger impression. About 2 seconds of that video, but watch the whole thing. You'll get to a part about how his wife bought him an old suit of Little Richard's and he must not have been so little after all because the suit was way too big for Bowie. 

5. That got me looking up how tall the 2 men were. Have you noticed the internet is ready to tell you the height of various people? Just yesterday I was watching a video of Bob Dylan and David Crosby singing at the same microphone and Dylan seemed to tower over Crosby. The internet says Dylan is 5'9" and Crosby is 5'10". Maybe it's something about the shoes or the camera angle.  

6. In honor of the first post of the day, which got this list started, I pause to see if the internet will give me the answer for the famous philosopher named in that post, and I'm pleased to be informed: René Descartes was 5'1". Anyway, it turns out that David Bowie and Little Richard were the same height: 5'10". Maybe Bowie's wife got conned on that suit deal. 

7. Since I was interested in the height of Little Richard, the internet assumed I would be interested to know that James Brown was 5'6". That is pretty interesting. If you didn't know that fact, I could see how you might get into an argument with somebody who — knowing the fact — would annoyingly stand his ground. And that's what happened in January 2007: "Man shot over argument about James Brown's height" That happened not long after "Brown, who was known to wear lifts, died of heart failure Dec. 25 at age 73."


I'm Full of Soup said...

Funny. Paul Hornung was listed at 6'2". I saw him at the Philly airport about 15 years ago and I thought he looked more like 6'4".

Heartless Aztec said...

I was just in Augusta, Ga and stood next to the life size James Brown bronze statue in Janes Brown Plaza on Broad St. He was tiny. Just down from JB Plaza was the Daughter's of the Confederacy monument to that war. Existing in peaceful co-existence with each other and Augusta, Ga.
🎶I feel good like, I knew that I would...🎶

rehajm said...

Brass in Pocket was one if the more memorable videos pre-MTV era. Yes it was about the same time but if memory serves it debuted with Casey Kasem, not Martha Quinn...

Charlie Currie said...

Puffy hair and boots.

Mr. O. Possum said...

Chriss Hynde hated the song.

Fernandinande said...

Bowie does do a quick, excellent Jagger impression.

Jagger has a Mockney accent. Sometimes.

Mark O said...

Twenty years ago, I saw Little Richard in the LA airport lounge. He was 5'6" at most.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

IIRC, Little Richard had one leg shorter than the other and wore a platform shoe to even things out.

Mattman26 said...

Thanks for all that.

Chrissie is the best.

So is Bowie.

Mikey said...

Chrissy Hynde is a bit of a leftist but she recently came out with a statement that she liked that Rush L used her song "Back to Ohio" as a theme song because her Dad loved that show. I thought that showed class.

Joe Smith said...

I think I don't have to duck under doorways, therefore I am 5' 1"

--René Descartes

tim maguire said...

How about The Verve, Bittersweet Symphony?

Today is one of those days Blogger won’t accept the link embed.

BudBrown said...

Crissie is 1.73 meters tall

Joe Smith said...

When Marvin Gaye's father shot him, all he said was, 'You're no James Brown.'

Xmas said...

If you haven't seen 'Tales from the Tour Bus', you should catch the second season.

Bootsy Collins doses James Brown.

Joe Smith said...

Bowie was a very bright man...he could have added talk show host to his resume.

But he wouldn't be good in the age of Corona...he is constantly touching his face.

rcocean said...

Can there anything more silly than a famous, rich man, wearing lifts -off-stage? But I don't seen anything wrong wearing them during a performance or a film. Its not real life.

I was reading Richard Burton's diaries and he was discussing Brando mocking Kirk Douglas for wearing Lifts. And Burton writes "why Brando did this, I dunno. Everyone wears lifts. what's the harm?" IRC, Richard Burton was 5-8 or 5-9 about the same height as Bogart.

tim d said...

These train-of-thought posts are the worst. I just skip em though. Carry on!

rcocean said...

I'm sure James Brown was dynamite in real person. But seeing him on TV or listening to his songs, wasn't a thrill for me. The constant high energy and simple-simon lyrics became tedious. Best in small doses.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

James Brown death was bizarre to say the least!

rcocean said...

Chuck todd and Georgie s. are real dwarfs. They both use desks and tricky camera angles to hide their tiny legs. Bill Maher is another one. He's not only a dog-face boy, he's 5-3.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

I believe Tom Cruise has been fired from the Jack Reacher movies because he's too short, and the original author (Jim Grant/Lee Child) retains some control over such matters.

Turning to politics, there was a statue honouring the late Premier of Quebec, Rene Levesque, more or less life size, height well under 6 feet. After some complaints, it was replaced by one eight or nine feet tall. Are all body parts proportional, as they ask in Young Frankenstein? I'm not sure.

NCMoss said...

The Mr. Tambourine clip at 5:00 shows David Crosby playfully shoving Dylan (meaning, "you're so overrated") and Dylan not so playfully pushing Crosby back.

Joe Smith said...

"The Mr. Tambourine clip at 5:00 shows David Crosby playfully shoving Dylan (meaning, "you're so overrated") and Dylan not so playfully pushing Crosby back."

So Crosby feeling superior to Dylan?

I'm not a Dylan fan like AA, but in what universe would that be true?

Fernandinande said...

René Descartes was 5'1"

So let me hold you, midget man
Pretend that you're flying in space
Let me hold you, midget man
So the dog will stop licking your face

Little shoes, Little pants
Little song, Little dance
Little heart, Little mind
But your rights are as big as mine

Masscon said...

Once ran into Ted Kennedy in a restroom in Logan...his height was listed as 6'1" but he seemed no taller than 5'5" to me. He was built like a small refrigerator with a square watermelon as a head but so short I was amazed.

I guess when you had his type of FU money you can ensure all the data is reported to your liking and who is going to call you out on it.

CWJ said...

"So Crosby feeling superior to Dylan?"

Totally in character. Guy nurses a lot of resentments concerning his pride of place.

stevew said...

Speaking of James Brown, do they play this song in this century:

It's a Man's World

This is a man's world
This is a man's world
But it wouldn't be nothing
Nothing without a woman or a girl

You see man made the cars
To take us over the road
Man made the train
To carry the heavy load
Man made the electric light
To take us out of the dark
Man made the boat for the water
Like Noah made the ark

This is a man's world
This is a man's world
But it wouldn't be nothing
Nothing without a woman or a girl

Man think about a little bit of baby girls
And a baby boys
Man makes them happy
'Cause man makes them toys
And after man make everything everything he can
Even though the man makes money
To buy from other man

This is a man's world
This is a man's world
But it wouldn't be nothing
Nothing without a woman or a girl

Oh how, how man needs a woman
I sympathize with the man that don't have a woman
He's lost in the wilderness
He's lost in bitterness
He's lost in loneliness

narciso said...

they needed someone like neal mcdonough in this, most recently he was in yellowstone,

Sam L. said...

Platform shoes! Lifts! Not just camera angles...and "what they're smoklin'.

CWJ said...

Would "You can call me Al" qualify?

Mary Beth said...

Walking around videos:

Another one in a mall - Figure it out by Royal Blood - This is the one I thought of as soon as I saw the Eilish one.
Walking and dancingSincerity is Scary by The 1975
&Run by Sir Sly
Middle Fingers by MISSIO
Sober Up by AJR
Vowels by Capital Cities
Follow Me by Bring Me the Horizon
One of the most fun - Say My Name by Peking Duk

William50 said...

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

I believe Tom Cruise has been fired from the Jack Reacher movies because he's too short, and the original author (Jim Grant/Lee Child) retains some control over such matters.

In the books Jack Reacher was 6'5" and weighed 240lbs. I always pictured him to look like Clint Walker.

CapeArt said...

In the Mr. Tambourine Man video, Dylan looks like he is a stunt double for Adam Sandler

Rick.T. said...

The Proclaimers “I’m Gonna Be” maybe?

When I wake up, well I know I'm gonna be,
I'm gonna be the man who wakes up next you
When I go out, yeah I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who goes along with you
If I get drunk, well I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who gets drunk next to you
And if I haver up, yeah I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who's havering to you
But I would walk 500 miles
And I would walk 500 more
Just to be the man who walks a thousand miles
To fall down at your door

Rick.T. said...

The “Gentle Giant” of country music Don Williams was only 6’1”. Go figure and RIP.

Iman said...

Hynde is a talented artist, but she couldn’t carry a tune in a paper bag.

Narr said...

Descartes, for instance. Is that French inches, or English? The French inch was bigger (ha!) than the silly English measure, by about 10% IIRC. Napoleon thus comes out to be a bit shy of average height, not the runt often portrayed in Anglophonia.

Frederick of Prussia, now there was a runt.

Shortest of four

Iman said...

The thing about Crosby that I’ve gleaned over 50 years plus of his career is that anyone who interacts with him over time will end up despising him.

Joe Smith said...

Hynde was cute for about ten minutes in the '80s, but she only got gigs because she was fucking a lot of established stars of the day...

Paper bags feel superior to Hynde when it comes to carrying tunes.

And yet she is in the R&R Hall of Fame...go figure.

Check her out in Google Images...she did not age well.

She looks like Tom Petty in drag...

Iman said...

Yeah, but that first Pretenders album showcases one of the rockingest bands ever recorded.

Iman said...

“Oh, we was a duet, duet, duet, duet, do it on the pavement”

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

CWJ said...

Totally in character. Guy nurses a lot of resentments concerning his pride of place.

It's a good thing he's a talented singer, from what I've read he's universally disliked in the music business.

Lurker21 said...

"Some of the best videos have been made like that, with the singer randomly walking along someplace mouthing the lyrics and interacting with this and that."

Blondie. Man from Mars. Eating Cars. Eating Bars. Wall to Wall. Rapture.

I may get back to you when I have deciphered the rest of your blogpost.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Very good breakdown of "Brass In Pocket" here for those interested.

Unknown said...

The ultimate walking around video, Morrissey “Tomorrow”, shot in one take in the old town in Nice

Unknown said...

More Morrissey walking around, this time (somewhat pretentiously) in Fairmount Indiana, the birth place of James Dean

Marcus Bressler said...

I've seen Little Richard in concert a few times, mostly opening for Dion. He may not be tall, per se, but he's a BIG man. Broad shoulders and a large head. His weight was reported at 155 lbs but that seems a tad low.


My fav Little Richard song? The Girl Can't Help It

Ann Althouse said...

My favorite Little Richard song is "Rip It Up."

Ann Althouse said...

"Little fat man who sold his soul/Little fat man who sold his dreams..."

Joe Smith said...

"Little fat man who sold his soul/Little fat man who sold his dreams..."

Bowie was brilliant and had a sense of humor.

How he got through that without cracking up is beyond me.

Gervais is a treasure...

Joe Smith said...

Btw, they both had/have shark teeth...England?

khematite said...

A video walk around town with Bob Dylan.

Blood in My Eyes (1993)

Iman said...

Shark teeth? I didn’t know Chris Stirewalt was British...

Kai Akker said...

--I came up with "Brass in Pocket" and watched the delightful video [AA]

Concur. One of their great songs. Love her eyes. Love her eye shadow.

Maybe even more fitting lyrics from "Back on the Chain Gang: --

The powers that be
That force us to live like we do
Bring me to my knees
When I see what they've done to you

Will Cate said...

Aside from James Taylor, Mick Fleetwood and few others, there just aren't very many tall rock stars. I had close-up seats for a Rolling Stones concert in 2004, and I was astounded at how scrawny they actually were.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Well, the brits were probably underfed working class guys..

Suburbanite Brian Wilson is (or was) 6'2".

Joe Smith said...

@ Will Cate

All I could come up with is Ric Ocasek (6'4") and Joey Ramone (6'6").

Krist Novoselic of Nirvana is reported at 6'8" but I don't know who that is...

On the Randy Newman side of things:

Bruno Mars 5'5"

Phil Collins 5'6"

Prince 5'2"

Angus Young 5'2"

Paul Simon 5'3" (did not know this)...

Narr said...

Dudes, Townshend? Wasn't Zappa pretty tall also?

Ian Anderson, well over five feet tall?

From memory, I'll checkya later

Rick.T. said...

Peter Garrett of Midnight Oil is 6’4”.

Narr said...

Thanks to the Googlypedia, I can confirm that I'm 0 for 3.

PT and FZ 6'0", IA 5'9" .

My errors fall within the STD

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