Biden tottered out onto the national stage last night and said some words. I was asleep, so good for him. The old man stayed up late. Or got up early, maybe. Ha ha. What was it, 11 p.m.?
Good evening, my fellow Americans. We don’t have a final declaration of victory yet but the numbers tell us it’s clear. They tell us a clear and convincing story we’re going to win this race....
So he came out, not to prematurely declare victory, but to tell us he sees it in the future. He uses the legal phrase "clear and convincing" — which is a standard of proof more than "preponderance of the evidence" and less than "beyond a reasonable doubt." He's assessing evidence and essentially asserting that if he had to decide whether he'd won based on the evidence before us right now, he'd say he did, and that he's telling us this opinion because the standard "clear and convincing" is good enough for the purpose of when it's a good idea to come out on the national stage and assert your opinion.
The evidence is still dribbling in, however, so he also could have waited. There must be some political advantage to claiming the stage and expecting us to listen to his prediction. I'm just guessing the reasoning had something to do with its being Friday. We need something semi-tangible to end Election Week.
And what’s becoming clear each hour is that a record number of Americans of all races, faiths religions chose change over more of the same. They’ve given us a mandate for action on COVID, the economy, climate change, systemic racism.
Oh, now that's a stretch. He's barely won, if indeed he's won. We still don't know. But if he's won, he wants you to know, that there's the mysterious thing called "a mandate." And he specifies the components of the mandate — "a mandate for action on COVID, the economy, climate change, systemic racism." Wasn't it more of a vote just to be rid of Donald Trump? But that's the claim, the 4 elements of what we supposedly want — do something about COVID, the economy, climate change, and systemic racism.
I say "we," but I see that Biden called us "they" — "They’ve given us a mandate for action on COVID, the economy, climate change, systemic racism." They've given us. I take it "us" is the Democratic Party, and "they" is the people. They the People of the United States...
They made it clear they want the country to come together not continue to pull apart.
Yeah, he meant to "they" us. And he pictures us agglomerating into a more perfectly manipulable blob. Don't pull apart! Get together so that We the Democratic Party can take action on the Big 4 — COVID, the economy, climate change, systemic racism. I'll call it "CECS" to be snazzy.
The people spoke, more than 74 million Americans and they spoke loudly for our ticket....
It was so loud we're still straining to hear it after 4 days.
Look, we both know tensions are high, they can be high after a tough election, the one like we’ve had but we need to remember we have to remain calm, patient. Let the process work out as we count all the votes... In America, we hold strong views, we have strong disagreements and that’s okay. Strong disagreements are inevitable in a democracy and strong disagreements are healthy, they’re a sign of a vigorous debate of deeply held views. But we have to remember the purpose of our politics isn’t total, unrelenting, unending warfare, no. The purpose of our politics, the work of the nation isn’t to fan the flames of conflict but to solve problems, to guarantee justice, to get to improve the lives of our people. We may be opponents but we’re not enemies, we’re Americans. No matter who you voted for I’m certain of one thing, the vast majority of them, almost 150 million Americans who voted they want to get the vitriol out of our politics.
That would sit better with me if he hadn't begun and ended his campaign by portraying President Trump as a racist. I think Biden fanned the flames and relied on dividing us. All winners claim to represent all of the people. It's a convention to say that after you've won... or after the votes are in and you're perceiving victory just out there in the near future. But I have no confidence that the Democratic Party will use whatever power it's managed to scrape together to unite this country. Let them prove it... with clear and convincing evidence.
We’re certainly not going to agree on a lot of issues but at least we can agree to be civil with one another.
And that's where you get my "civility bullshit" tag. You're only calling for civility to get your opponents to stand down. "Civility" is a value that comes and goes.
We have to put the anger and the demonization behind us.
Now that you've been successful at demonizing Trump, you want the demonization to stop. We "have" to do it. You should have set an example when you risked something in declining to demonize. Now, it's in your interest to put demonization off limits. Talk about things that are predictable.
It’s time for us to come together as a nation to heal.... We don’t have any more time to waste on partisan warfare.
You haven't won yet, and I think there's some partisan warfare left. You're not nonpartisan for saying let's stop fighting at the point when you are ahead.
Good analysis, Ann. I smiled as I read your comments and was glad that I did not have the misfortune to see Biden deliver his BS remarks myself.
But I have no confidence that the Democratic Party will use whatever power it's managed to scrape together to unite this country.
The Democratic Party has morphed into the National HR Department.
This country is not going to unite over the policies and memos it issues.
Time for a revolution. A real one. Our government is rotten to its core.
Maybe you should have voted. Just sayin
Biden is so sad now, so old and often unfocused that it's hard to demonise him . . . Harris is going to end up bearing the brunt of demonisation. But ironically, my hope now is that Biden can remain sufficiently cogent over the next four years to push back against the looniest left-wing nonsense people in the Democratic party try to push. He's always been more opportunist than ideologue, and opportunism alone should warn him off the more radical stuff. And I hope his somewhat dull intellect will insulate him from the fantasies Democrats keep spinning in which demographic change means they never lose any elections ever again so they don't have to worry about backlash (a fantasy I think Obama fell for).
But I have no confidence that the Democratic Party will use whatever power it's managed to scrape together to unite this country
They mean unite by trying to shove their leftie agenda down everyone's throat.
AOC and others are making enemies lists while the old coot calls for uniting. Hard to believe enough those city people voted for Biden and then some GOPs down ticket. Knowing something about data sets seems almost impossible...
But we have to remember the purpose of our politics isn’t total, unrelenting, unending warfare, no.
Right, that's only the purpose when Dems lose.
If he does take the oath of office, he’s gonna be a lot more bloodied up on that day than he is today.
Unite after these last 4 years? Joe, Kamie and the rest of these fanatical grifters can just fuck right off.
My humble suggestion to the Trump effort is that they adopt “Too Legit to Quit” as their theme song.
Balfegor, I see no reason to think he's making any decisions at all. Policy will be determined by whichever faction of his staff is then ascendant.
We'll have to revisit that mandate stuff in a few months.The squishy GOP Senate ladies are still cray cray but with Trump gone Mitt will need a new supervillain to fight. It should take him some time to noodle that one out...
let the process work
And what process is that?
The process of having more people vote, than were registered?
Serious question
If, by hook or by crook, the 2 Georgia Senate seats go Democrat...
Will Commie Law Harris be the 51st vote for
Ending the filibuster
Packing the court
Adding 2 (or 4) more states?
What does constitute a Mandate?
Oh, that's right 50%+1
"I see no reason to think he's making any decisions at all.”
It’s gonna be the Mueller infestigation all over again, a senile figurehead with the air of a moderate, while the operation is run by one of Hillary’s own fucking lawyers. and infested with partisan and invisible Democrat operatives.
So, what are we to think of the fictitious voters cooked up by Team Biden? Will they appear in the streets to demand action on climate change, the economy, structural racism ... and I forget the other stuff?.Those precincts in Milwaukee that so effectively organized themselves that Biden got more that 97% of the vote must be ready to do...something.
I’ll say one thing. When someone around here said that Ben Wikler would do a great job as chair of the Wisconsin Democrat Party, she said something profound. He can call spirits from the vasty deep to vote for Biden.
""They’ve given us a mandate for action on COVID, the economy, climate change, systemic racism."
Oh, now that's a stretch."
Well, that's so observant of you. Too bad it's also irrelevant. Dems will stretch all they can and all they want. They've been stretching for years. A few minor setbacks here and there won't stand in the way. Nor will the nice women of America: Dems know that, at worst, they'll abstain. So: full steam ahead with the prog transformation.
Of course, they may overstretch. But they will keep shaming nice women and deplorables, until any opposition will become "systemic racism" by default.
GA Senate races - thereon hangs the future of the country
"But we have to remember the purpose of our politics isn’t total, unrelenting, unending warfare, no."
Coming from the party that just spent the last 4 years doing nothing but pushing warfare from all sides, a more ridiculous statement could not have been made.
There are two things I know for sure. One is that traditionally, Democrats have been much better at playing the long game, the dirty long game, than Republicans. This election was set up months ago with an allowance for ballot harvesting and national mail-in ballots, coordination of election counters and USPS employees, and more. They covered all their bases. The other thing I know is that Democrats, as sure as the sun coming up in the east, will overstep themselves and dump too much bullshit on the nation. And in two years, Biden- or Harris- will be facing an angry Republican House & Senate.
And the future of the Republican Party is more radical, less establishment than ever. Good luck controlling things in a few years. The long game for Republicans is just beginning.
His TDS weary supporters needed to be reassured.
“Trumpmedia” claiming he’s won.
First give an example of who you’re referring to.
Where is the “claim” that he’s won.
The only mandate is to be sane. That's what I voted for.
Sorry nut-jobs, looks like you're going back to the wilderness. Probably 8 years of "good government" and slow improvements, then you get another chance to party-hearty. And you call antifa (sic) anarchists!
"Will they appear in the streets to demand action on climate change, the economy, structural racism “
Those Civil War Veterans for Biden are all in on this agenda, I hear.
"Probably 8 years of "good government”
With Hunter holding 10 for “the Big Guy."
Just remember. The commenter that shall not be named, only has one purpose. To smear and defame President Trump. The most influential Republican President since at least Lincoln. Everything he posts has only mindless regurgitation of others thoughts, he is incapable of reasoned discourse, so don't waste time pointing out facts.
Trump declared victory every day this week and you find Biden overstated things?
I didn't think Wisconsin had legal weed.
Excellent post, Althouse! Very well and reasonably stated.
The Democrats insisted on flooding the zone with mail-in ballots, and it isn't what we are used to, and it looks shady af, so they had better be satisfied watching the vote count rather than declaring victory.
Fox and NBC have been reporting all along that the parking lot the stage was in was only rented through this (Sat) am, and they had fireworks ready. So when they originally scheduled at 8 it was supposed to be a victory speech.
I will give credit to the networks for resisting what must have been a day full of pressured phone calls from the Biden campaign to call the race by last evening.
My brother worked the last four years with an organization to prevent voter ID. Always insisting of course that voter ID is racist. I wonder if he will ever admit his real motivation was to disenfranchise LEGITIMATE votes. Mr morally superior. Seriously I don’t believe I can bear to be in the same room with ever again.
You think this is crazy...just wait for the run up to GA’s runoffs. The stakes could not be higher. How the F did Collins lose to Loefler?
Hi stayed fully invested through the election. Now may be time to lock in the gains.
Kevin said...
"The Democratic Party has morphed into the National HR Department."
This captures it perfectly. The job of HR is to promote grievance, prevent actual productive workers from getting anything useful done, and smile condescendingly and smugly while doing so. I'm glad I have passed the point where I have to work for any organization that even has an HR department. Sadly, I now have to live in a country that is managed by one.
The fat lady hasn't yet exercised her tonsils.
I co-sign what Balefegor said.
After a lifetime of hearing how bad it was that Reagan ran for re-election when he was probably already recognizing signs of Alzheimers, I now see they really don't care. Everybody sees that Biden isn't what Biden was, and everyone is just ignoring it. Will there even ever be calls for him to hold a press conference where he fields questions? Questions he doesn't know are coming?
Weasels ripped my flesh.
Biden is deluded and insulting. Unfit to leave his basement, let alone govern.
Limbaugh famously wrote about Obama's election: "I hope he fails." This was a concise rejection of Obama's plan for fundamental change of the US.
I would say of Biden's self-proclaimed mandate: "Go to hell." This is my concise rejection of the Democratic Party behavior for the past 13 years, and the next four.
Blogger Merny11 said...
My brother worked the last four years with an organization to prevent voter ID. Always insisting of course that voter ID is racist. I wonder if he will ever admit his real motivation was to disenfranchise LEGITIMATE votes. Mr morally superior. Seriously I don’t believe I can bear to be in the same room with ever again.
I worked the polls on Tuesday. First time doing it. We were instructed NOT to ask people to drop masks to verify the face matched the ID by our Chief. There were plexiglass barriers between us and voters. No one I processed was verified.
It’s all on the up and up. A guy is going to prison for stuffy ballots for three judges in PA who remain *un-named*. They won’t name the judges who bribed their way into office, even as it may very well be one of these judges who. ruled that Repubicans were not allowed to observe the ballot counting going on in PA
Nothing says “fair election” like secrecy and election judges paying cash money for the position WHILE IN PRISON for other crimes.
I never bought his Pennsylvania malarkey, but Joe is obviously a stump jumper at heart.
Temujin optimistically asserts: And in two years, Biden- or Harris- will be facing an angry Republican House & Senate.
You're assuming there will be an election in 2022. There could be another 'pandemic' that totally prevents one, due to 'safety concerns', of course.
It's a fraudulent election. It was stolen in the middle of the night with the supposed "found" ballots that ONLY went to Biden. Jonathan Gruber was right...The American people who believe that really are stupid.
MayBee asks: Will there even ever be calls for him to hold a press conference where he fields questions? Questions he doesn't know are coming?
Surely you don't think the press would ask him anything tough, like 'What year is this, President Biden?".
You people have flipped over to parroting the most hysterical TDS tropes. Let the Bargaining begin, bitches.
“They’d like an introduction to Universal (Comcast) as they’d like to open a Universal Studios China theme park outside of Beijing,” Schwerin writes. “As I said, that one should be easy via Melissa Mayfield/David Cohen [two Comcast executives].”
“She said they’d like to pay us for our help on these — I told her we’d discuss whether we could do that — but were sure we could figure something out even if it was success fee based on the US side but that I would talk to you,” Schwerin added.
I wonder why the press doesn’t want to look at Hunter’s laptop?
Biden essentially got a social promotion to POTUS.
"Let the Bargaining begin, bitches.”
Remember that column in the New York Times that said that the reason that minorities voted for Trump was that they were desperately clinging to the coattails of the powerful so that they could vicariously enjoy the power themselves? Once again, projection.
There won’t be any fucking bargains.
Excellent analysis, but Biden is saying exactly what he has to say right now. He has to present himself not as a flawed human being and seedy politician who somehow managed to fail his way into the presidency,* but as a decent man and a unifying father of his country. The media and half the country will believe and spread the message.
Trump is also doing what he has to do, though he's not limiting himself to saying what he has to say or ought to say. He can't give up without a legal fight anymore than Al Gore could. After years of the Democrats and the media saying that voter fraud didn't happen or didn't matter, Trump has to show that it's a serious problem.
*If I wanted to be snarky, I would say that Biden and Harris illustrate the different ways one can "sleep one's way to the top," but I don't, so forget I said that.
The more bad stuff you do, the more bad stuff you have to do.
Washington is full of Walter Whites.
Communist Chinese State media is currently sharing their opinion on the 2020 election and they couldn't be happier with how well former Vice President Joe Biden is doing.
According to editor at China’s state-run Global Times Hu Xijin, former Vice President Joe Biden is a super star and is very admired by Chinese internet users see him as a “tenacious man.”
Tim in Vermont said what I was thinking at 6:53.
I can't believe we went back a generation from the freaking Boomers. Joe Biden is so old! It's embarrassing.
Biden told you his fraud organization was the greatest, and did you believe him?
Also, the media will totally care now about Hunter's laptop. Because they want President Kamala.
Problem is that the Senate and House did not work out the way they should have.
Stay angry Tim, if that pleases you.
It’s time for us to come together as a nation to heal.... We don’t have any more time to waste on partisan warfare.
Brennan calling for Trump to be removed by Homeland Security. The Trump Accountability Project. AOC slavering for blacklists. This isn't some wild Trump fantasy, this is the Democratic party speaking here. Why should I believe anything they say about "healing"?
Stay in denial Howard, if that pleases you.
Fights like this are why I voted for Donald John Fucking Trump.
Snark about anodyne remarks follows silence in the face of weeks of bonkers ranting.
I'll take it. Serving the audience.
Howard— you sound deranged this morning. Trump didn’t get all those votes from nowhere in the middle of the night in four major cities (Detroit, Milwaukee, Atlanta, and Philadelphia) controlled by Democrats, Biden did. Trump didn’t get the benefit of malfunctioning computer software in rural Michigan, Biden did.
People who support Trump have a right to suspect the purported outcomes in WI, MI, GA, and PA.
Should’ve had Hunter Biden watching those poles, it’s what he’s good at.
I’m old enough to remember when silence was violence. Dimly recalled, but that was a thing, right?
I'll just read the transcript.
They didn't transcribe it accurately. Slow Joe said:
"I know watching these vote tallies on TV moves very slower, slow and it's as slow as it goes it can be numbing."
After that, one could watch his beady little rat eyes following words on a teleprompter.
Counting votes is not straining nor is the clear majority of voters who chose Biden over Trump. Now it is time to accept democracy and work together to solve our problems.
They got greedy and tried to steal an office in a district that went two for one Trump over Hillary, raised eyebrows and a hand count ensued.
Tom McMillin, a former state lawmaker from Oakland County and a member of the State Board of Education, said he noticed irregularities with the Antrim County vote totals late Tuesday, when he was checking out returns for Board of Education candidates.
In some precincts, but not all, Biden and other Democratic candidates had far more votes than normal, McMillin said.
"It just looked weird," he said. "Two-thirds of the townships looked really messed up."
Their only hope now is to suppress the story, but the Michigan Legislature is convening today in joint session. I don’t know how the MSM is going to fail to report that. But I guess they will Probably do their best.
My friend says, “Polls never lie, but I am Lithuanian.”
Can we all agree that +4M is a bigger mandate than -3M?
OK, control of the House and Senate counts for something too in the way of mandates. The Georgia runoffs will decide. Which is the better messaging for winning the Georgia runoffs, the wild accusations or the dull call for civility?
"Now it is time to accept democracy and work together to solve our problems.”
Yes, stop looking at how Biden got so many votes by “computer glitches", stop looking up your dead relatives and finding out they voted, just accept it.
R/V— thanks for the healing message. Now go put it where the sun doesn’t shine.
"he wild accusations”
They sound wild, except for the evidence part. It’s a stone cold fact that a computer “glitch” gave an office to a Democrat until somebody got suspicious, and that thousands of votes in Michigan were wrongly awarded to Biden.
Are you not a little curious as to whether somebody has “hacked our democracy”?
Sorry, just cant handle a pedo being the president. Numerous times, numerous kids, over and over. Nope, cant watch the pedo.
Thousands that we know of so far.
"Which is the better messaging for winning the Georgia runoffs”
Thank you for your concern.
Re: Lurker21:
After years of the Democrats and the media saying that voter fraud didn't happen or didn't matter, Trump has to show that it's a serious problem.
It won't matter -- his team has actually already won some legal victories relating to vote count improprieties (specifically, his observers being prevented from observing the vote count -- said observation being one of the means of catching some types of electoral fraud), but I think Twitter is still censoring discussion of that as potential misinformation, and a lot of people seem to believe it's all made up. That said, I don't know what remedies are possible in some other cases. E.g., say he proves that there were thousands of votes from dead voters -- you can't segregate those votes from the total, because (unlike late ballots), they're already mixed in. I think Trump is suing in Nevada over this issue, but I don't know what the remedy could be. You can't just assume those are 100% Biden votes and subtract them from his total, since Republicans can commit vote fraud too (although I am not aware of recent instances as egregious as, say, the the Philadelphia Judge of Elections and Democrat ward leader who earlier this year pled guilty to ballot stuffing in 2014-2016. The most recent Republican electoral fraud case I can recall is the ballot harvesting case from North Carolina, but ballot harvesting isn't even illegal in some of the more backwards parts of the USA, e.g. California).
Now it is time to accept democracy and work together to solve our problems.
The tribe abolished cannibalism after they ate the last missionary.
By "systemic racism," they mean any system that disadvantages, on average, their favored groups. They won't give you details, because the details are just too repulsive to the average American. So let me fill in some blanks in that program.
SAT and similar cognitive aptitude tests disadvantage people of color, on average, relative to whites and most Asians. So, regardless of whether they serve the purpose of differentiating between people who are suited for scholastic endeavors, or not, they have to go. So, college admissions become more subjective, and being managed by lefties, more racially discriminatory (in lieu of being aptitude-discriminatory).
School discipline, as applied by teachers who are themselves mostly lefties, results in more disciplinary actions against people of color. Rather than accuse themselves of racism, they accuse the 'system,' which is of course just themselves. And they conundrum this problem by making quotas for discipline, by race. Can't suspend that disruptive student, too many of that race already suspended, so do nothing or find some whitey to suspend instead. So schools cease to function, become chaotic, so what?
The free market economy discriminates between the more able and the less able, and so the more able make more money than the less able. But since that means that people of color (black or brown) on average earn less than others, the 'system' must be racist. Never mind that we already have many countervailing forces, such as progressive income taxes, welfare, etc.; the system has to go! Better for all to suffer together in poverty under socialism, than to have 'winners and losers.'
The criminal justice system discriminates between the law-abiding and the outlaws. In doing so, it punishes a higher proportion of people of color than of whites, because they violate the law more often than whites. Even (or especially) in jurisdictions where law enforcement is run by people of color and Democrats. So, that's systemic racism, too.
The only way to eliminate systemic racism is to eliminate systems that adversely affect people of color, relative to whites. So, goodbye to aptitude testing for college admissions. Goodbye to school discipline. Goodbye to a free economy. Goodbye to law enforcement ("defund the police!")
Welcome to lefty utopia!
My guess is Twitter will suspend Trumps account soon.
Now it is time to accept democracy and work together to solve our problems.
Like in 2016?
The computer system that “glitched” in MI is also used in as many as 30 States. Some are battleground.
I think, for the time being, it's worthwhile to not just read the transcript of what he reads off the teleprompter but to watch his delivery. He has some strong coherent spurts but during other stretches, he seems to drift off and struggle with giving the words a cadence so the phrases make sense. I'm sure reading off a giant teleprompter is a learned skill but having it a little off in the distance but right in front of him, gives him a deer in the headlights look.
Biden spoke last night? I didn't even know that, I've already tuned him out and he's not even President yet. I'm more worried about his younger, more energetic colleagues, such as Alexendria Ocasio-Cortez and her enemies list, all those Trump sycophants as she puts it whose online activities need to be tracked and archived so they can be...I don't know, shamed? punished? disappeared? Apparently, there's already something called the Trump Accountability Project doing the Lord's work in this area.
I've only really posted here at Althouse and I wouldn't call myself a Trump sycophant but I think the broom is going to sweep wide and I will be caught up with all the other Trump detritus.
Sally, I still find my name publicly listed in the Verify the Recall enemies list that was put online following the Scott Walker recall. Still up, years later.
When you complain about enemies lists, first check the mirror. Hypocrisy is a bad look.
Watching Twitter hide ANY posts that may talk about fraud is concerning, considering we just saw what they did to the NY Post story.
I don't know if there was fraud. But if there wasn't the best thing to do is explain what is happening. This isn't what we are used to with elections. Democracy is being able to ask questions about it.
(and Democrats also trying to pretend the 2000 election was about Al Gore valiantly conceding does not help!!! Don't remake history when you don't have to be that old to actually remember it!)
"When you complain about enemies lists, first check the mirror. Hypocrisy is a bad look.”
It’s one thing to block you from a Republican strategy meeting, which seems to be your main beef, IIRC, since you outed yourself as likely a Democrat activist, it’s another thing to make a list of enemies for what purpose? They aren’t going to be allowed inside and closed meetings fo Democrats list or no list, what is her purpose?
"Watching Twitter hide ANY posts that may talk about fraud is concerning”
I call them Streisand Notifications.
By "systemic racism," they mean any system that disadvantages, on average, their favored groups.
That includes voting:
"The best voting system was 'L,' an optical scanning system from Global Election Systems, Inc. Adopted by 17 [Florida] counties, it required only an IQ of about 60 to use correctly. ...
"The most difficult system was 'A,' from Sequoia Pacific System, Corporation. This punch-card system, adopted by 2 counties, required an IQ of about 75 to use. Though not qualifying for rocket science, 75 is enough to disqualify more than 25 percent of blacks and 5 percent of whites. Compare this to the Global Elections system which would stump only 3 percent of blacks and a negligible fraction of whites."
They do have a mandate. They have the mainstream media, the corrupt fbi/cia/doj/irs, Twitter, Facebook, Google all declaring it so and censoring anyone who disagrees.
That is how we will be ruled.
No uniting. No reconciliation. I intend to do whatever I can to obstruct this administration and work for the ruination of all its policies and initiatives. I intend to be a wrecker. I intend to work for division not union. Darkness may be falling but I will not go gently into that bad night.
I don't want to work together to solve our problems. I intend to work against the Democrats to create problems.
Lefty Mark is complaining about being called a lefty.
I think Trump has to go through the motions, trying to reveal the stolen election, but it was done so well, one of the few things Democrats are good at, I doubt there is any chance to reverse this.
Watch gun and ammunition sales the next three months.
Look, now everyone get in line with your identity cards out so we can rank you on the amount of spoils of victory you deserve. And someone get busy on creating the master list of trump supporters, will ya.
Roughcoat said...
"I don't want to work together to solve our problems. I intend to work against the Democrats to create problems."
"I aim to misbehave."
Jennifer’s mask has dropped..
Jennifer 'Count Every Vote' Rubin
Any R now promoting rejection of an election or calling to not to follow the will of voters or making baseless allegations of fraud should never serve in office, join a corporate board, find a faculty position or be accepted into "polite" society. We have a list.
Hey, Jen. Who did you have to sleep with to get your job?
Excellent statement, Ann.
The reason we all come to Ann's blog is because she does the hard, dirty work so we don't have to. Thank you, Ann!
Yes, let's all come together now, after I've called Republicans ugly, racist and other epitats that I can't remember. Comrade Joe will start doing China's business, as soon as he wakes up from his nap. That is, between 2:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m., then it's back off to dream land.
"We "have" to do it."
They haven't changed much in almost a hundred years: "Everything in the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State."
Fits well with AOC's list making and the Lincoln Project shaming operation.
Trump has laid the Democrats, the Deep State, their media pimps and the RINOs bare. They may continue with their lying and grifting, but we’re at least on to them now. We know exactly what evil they are capable of.
Biden is crooked and demented. Kamala is a puppet. Screw ‘em!
I read the Biden COVID “plan”. A jar of platitudes and a repeat of exactly, exactly, what the Trump administration was doing.
It is excellent news that Biden sees himself as having a mandate to fight systemic racism! We need more of this kind of thinking:
Ibram X. Kendi
The term “legal vote” is as fictionally fraught and functionally racist as the terms “illegal alien” and “race neutral” and “welfare queen” and “handouts” and “super predator” and “crackbaby” and “personal responsibility” and “post racial.”
It looks like Ruben was only ever a “Republican” because she had been misinformed as to which party the fascists were running, now that she has cleared it up, she has headed over to her true fascist home, the Democrats.
We DPsOC (Democrat Persons of Color) always like to have a little bit of vote fraud and doubt in our pockets, in case the other guy wins. If we win, then we have a mandate, and the other guy was cray-cray. If they win, they are "illegitimate, under a cloud of suspicion." IOW, DPsOCs win, y'all lose. Do not pronounce DPsOC as dipsock, or we'll burn your store and then cry "food desert." Does that sound angry? Bitter? Disgustd?
Jennifer Rubin is on MY list. When the Reckoning comes, she will be call to account.
A doctorate in psychology is an educational fiction, Ibram X. Kendi.
“Now it is time to accept democracy and work together to solve our problems.”
I agree, Clearly, the most pressing problem is vote fraud and the devastating effect it has on the legitimacy of our institutions.
“Now it is time to accept democracy and work together to solve our problems.”
Always curious what people mean when they say stuff like that. When "liberals" and other State-fellators say it, it usually means, "Now quietly turn over and stop complaining while we gang-bugger you." How is someone who values liberty above all other political values supposed to "work" with someone whose political ideal is some form of serfdom? And to what end? Co-operating with statists just results in more statism, which is our biggest problem.
You want to work with me? Fine; first take the gun away from my head and remove your hand from my wallet. Then we can talk.
Michael K said, "Watch gun and ammunition sales the next three months."
Reminds me that Kamala planned to impose gun control by executive order if Congress didn't act within 100 days of her inauguration. Biden chided her, "We have a constitution. Let's be constitutional." Interesting to see how this plays out now that they're (superficially) on the same team.
Michael K said...
Watch gun and ammunition sales the next three months
We've been watching them for years, years of increasingly tyrannical and corrupt government.
400 million private firearms in the hands of Americans, yet all we do is shout and raise heavenward impotent Fists of Fury.
Just WHAT will it take to light the spark?
"And what’s becoming clear each hour is that a record number of Americans of all races, faiths religions chose change over more of the same."
We better never hear claims of voter suppression again.
They aren't kidding when they say they want you dead, fat.
>> I say "we," but I see that Biden called us "they"
No, "we", the voters, voted for Trump
"They" is the "vote counters" in Milwaukee, Detroit, Philadelphia, and Atlanta.
It is "they" who "gave" Biden his "victory"
For now
Trump did everything right. He ended Obama's wars, Biden collusion, stood against diversity and exclusion, confronted Chinese human rights abuses and aggressive expansion, ended funding to Iran's sponsorship of international terrorism under cover of JCPOA, cooperated with Mexico and other stake holders to address the annual million man, woman, and child immigration reform in lieu of emigration reform. He addressed progressive prices secured through Obamacares, so that health care can be affordable and available to everyone, not just a subsidized minority. He addressed prosecutorial discretion or rather indiscretion (e.g. Kamala Harris) that forced a disparate outcome for certain diversity classes based on less than critical circumstances. He didn't kneel to the Democrat-run witch hunts, warlock trials, and protests. The latter founded on false premises and funded by 1%ers.
The first thing Bill Clinton (and the press) did in 1992 was start bloviating about a mandate ... after losing 57 percent of the vote.
And just how did that turn out two years later.
Take your fake mandate and shove it up your ass.
Now it is time to accept democracy and work together to solve our problems.
Yeah. No.
In fact, fuck no.
Next years state of the union address is gonna be a hoot.
They'll need a 40 foot movie screen at the back of the house to project his lines for him to read.
Next day they'll lock old Joe away, and Karmala can giggle her way thru 4 years incompetent governance.
The voices of calm advise that we don't want to be a Banana Republic. We must forgive and forget any voter'fraud', the nonstop gaslighting by the News Media for the last 4 years (30 years) and accept the News Media dictate, that before the vote count is done, we must now gather together and heal. Oh, the wounds of our poor nation! Oh, we must be safe and be kept safe. Kinda like a Banana Republic.
I can only attest, that I have never been safe in this world. I haven't chased safety as a #1 priority. If only Christopher Columbus realized that his mad adventure was NOT SAFE. It was NOT OK, we wouldn't be in this peril.
Strapping yourself to a rocket to go into Space is NOT SAFE. It's NOT OK.
I have a secret. Don't tell the Progressives.
I jumped off a mountain in the Austrian Alps with some wooden boards tied to my feet. It wasn't SAFE. I wasn't being SAFE.
The worst part: I don't wear a mask. I don't wear a seatbelt. Been smoking cigarettes for half a century. Served in the 11th ACR. Haven't seen a Doctor since my Army physical in '71. Never had 'health insurance'. I pay my way through this veil of tears.
I've heard of people who just want to be safe. This World ain't the place for SAFE.
Balfegor said...
That said, I don't know what remedies are possible in some other cases. E.g., say he proves that there were thousands of votes from dead voters -- you can't segregate those votes from the total, because (unlike late ballots), they're already mixed in. I think Trump is suing in Nevada over this issue, but I don't know what the remedy could be.
You can force a new election. GA is having their Senate runoff election on Dec 1.
So the SC orders WI, MI, PA, GA, and NV to all have Presidential elections on that day as well.
And issues orders about how the election is to be run and votes to be counted, making in a Federal crime if those rules are violated (so the FBI / DHS / anyone else Trump wants can go in and arrest any vote counters / polling site officials who break any of the rules, like by trying to exclude GOP observers)
W/ votes in only 5 States GOP can have an observer at every single Philly, Detroit, Milwaukee, and Atlanta polling site
With only 3 weeks there won't be a lot of vote by mail. Oh well, so sad, too bad. next time don't commit vote fraud
So many people living soft lives thinking it's forever. Be Not Afraid. You're here for a short time. Do not try to hang on to life. Explode in the wonder that is this life. (Hug your Grandma first.) Let go...if you are a lawyer, BE the Founders. Don't just teach it, or argue it. BE them. Trigger Warning: It isn't safe. And please...stop wearing a mask.
roesch/voltaire said...
Counting votes is not straining nor is the clear majority of voters who chose Biden over Trump. Now it is time to accept democracy and work together to solve our problems.
For 4 years left wingers didn't believe there was ever a time to accept Democracy and work together. But amazingly it came today. What could have changed?
At least they've finally reached basic human decency, but we all know they'll backslide out of it the next time a Rep is elected.
Being nice and thinking about the problems of a reeling citizenry that needs the economy to improve and the pandemic to slow and normalcy to return to America after four years of malicious authoritarian governing at the direction of an out-and-out criminal is greeted with a shallow personal attack by Althouse. Why call Biden a doddering old man while forever giving his lazy, mentally-impaired predecessor a pass for making only decisions that were designed only to sooth his ever-needy ego and to illegally pad his personal pocketbook?
Democrats only believe in democracy when they win. When the Republicans win, it's "he's Putin's puppet, Putin screwed with the election, looking into Burisma corruption is an impeaching offence, etc."
Impeach China Joe.
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