November 19, 2020
"This question is pathetic and exactly why people no longer trust the mainstream media. No legitimate journalist would ask this."
Said Melania Trump's chief of staff, Stephanie Grisham, who was asked to comment on speculation that Melania will divorce her husband, quoted in "Vegas may be betting on a post-presidential divorce, but Melania Trump seems all in for her husband" (WaPo).
It doesn't seem like the bulk of the MSM has even covered Rudy's conference today. This is getting beyond two movies, it's like the two halves of the country are living in divergent timelines. No good can possibly come of this state of affairs.
Nonapod said...
It doesn't seem like the bulk of the MSM has even covered Rudy's conference today. This is getting beyond two movies, it's like the two halves of the country are living in divergent timelines. No good can possibly come of this state of affairs.
We all want control over the information in our worlds.
The problem with turning your back on contrary information is that it makes you vulnerable.
"It doesn't seem like the bulk of the MSM has even covered Rudy's conference today."
If you know your side cheated, no good can come of covering a conference that has even the remotest possibility of demonstrating that to the world.
If Hillary hasn't dumped Bill yet, there is no reason to believe Trump's wife will divorce him any time soon. She may even like him as a former president than a current one. It's certainly an easier job.
"If Hillary hasn't dumped Bill yet, there is no reason to believe Trump's wife will divorce him any time soon."
You have to keep in mind that Melania actually had a career before she met Trump.
but Melania Trump seems all in for her husband"
How DARE her!!! doesn't she REALIZE? That the MSM wants her to divorce?
Who is SHE? to stand in the way of Their hopes and dreams??
When the MSM says Jump... Your Only Response should be: HOW HIGH?
this is who I was speaking of at the other thread,
Melania should make a huge bet and cash in. I mean, she knows exactly what will happen and Donald isn’t divorcing her.
Baseless and wild speculation.
On the other hand, does Joe Biden get asked whether his cokehead son and bastard grandchild are going to attend the Inauguration. That's a question not based on speculation. People want to know.
My mom (who voted Romney, Trump, Biden) was obsessed by stories of impending Obama divorce. I wonder how many votes Trump lost from the demise of the National Enquirer.
Assholes. I hope they all lose their jobs and the media fails. We don't need activists, we want the truth.
Journalism: “Ivanka Trump blamed a fart on classmate when she was a teenager...”
Melania Trump seems all in for her husband
Well that's a scandal worth covering.
Speaking of asking wives about staying with their husbands, has any one talked to Mrs. Strozk? How about Mrs. Toobin? I guess they are all in for their husbands, despite their husbands being all in another woman (well maybe not Toobin, he's only all in his hands).
I’m sure Melania knows how to Release the Kraken, but this is really small potatoes after what just all came out at the Giuliani/Powell press conference.
But, to the point....the corrupt press will do and say what they want.
What’s the over / under in Madison, Wi of people aware of Giuliani and Powell’s allegations? I’m guessing 10% and half of those were in on the Wisconsin fraud. Dane and Milwaukee County hyperbole and panic should be starting very soon.
Interestingly, there was no warning on that tweet saying that (!) claims of who farted are disputed.
"well maybe not Toobin, he's only all in his hands)."
Nope, Toobin had an affair with a colleagur Jeff Greenfields daughter Casey and even knocked her up. Then tried to pay her off for an abortion, and denied paternity. He's wife is still hanging around.
If Melania didn’t dump Trump when he was banging a porn star while she was pregnant with Barron, why would she dump him now?
Yea, not two movies. It's a cold civil war.
> it's like the two halves of the country are living in divergent timelines
Mass delusions take years to run down, which is unfortunate, we don't always have that much time.
It's a major breakdown or breakthrough we are witnessing. "Too bad, that's that way it goes." We'll either get to the truth or we'll collapse into chaos and ruin. One way or the other.
Don't forget Laurence Tribe's Russia, Russia, Russia! fantasy.
Which is better:
Looking at asserted evidence, and making a decision?
Not looking at asserted evidence at all?
What do you do, Chuck?
If Melania didn’t dump Trump when he was banging a porn star while she was pregnant with Barron, why would she dump him now?
She was asked about it in a televised interview. Took it in stride and said there are much more important things in the world to be concerned about.Pure class(paraphrased)
Compare to Hillary, I ain't no stand-by-yo-man-woman when asked similar.
Pure trash..
Covid-21 will come in two parts--a modified real virus and a "Cyber-Virus." We will be told we all have become infected and they will shut down the internet until they can issue an "all clear." They'll shut down some power grids and clear a few bank records or shut down hospitals to make it seem really scary and the biggest threat ever. Will Amazon go down? Yeah. For awhile. Same with your cell service. Shelter in your home and wait for the government to bring supplies. Life could never go back to the way it was. Listen to your analog radio for further details and orders.
The World Economic Forum and Klaus Schwab has already started planting warnings/stories like this in the Media, so you better get ready. They did the same for the viral pandemic.
Social liberals. #HateLovesAbortion
It doesn't seem like the bulk of the MSM has even covered Rudy's conference today.
The JournoList clique is spinning in an alien landscape, where principles precede em-pathetic appeals, and moral people speak facts to truth.
Blue check rants that Republicans are in a cult and need to be deprogrammed then talks about the consequences of Trump, like “kids in cages.”
Compare to Hillary, I ain't no stand-by-yo-man-woman when asked similar.
Pure trash.
Not to mention the “nuts-and-sluts” shaming of women who associated with her husband.
n.n., who decides truth in a democracy?
Should we replace juries with the Twitter fact check department? How about just trying people in the press, and dispense with the cost of our courts?
Is that what you want? 'Cause, that seems to be what you are advocating.
"It doesn't seem like the bulk of the MSM has even covered Rudy's conference today."
Conventional wisdom used to be that if an idiot is spouting off, give him a big stage for all to see. That is exactly what "the morning schmoe" did in 2015-16. Gave candidate Trump all the airtime he desired. The elite erudite at mspms were positive that all the nation saw exactly what they saw and they saw a naive idiot. But this circle jerk of self appriasal had no Idea the President was speaking the language of the common man.
While the media still has no idea of the desires of a huge wide swath of the nation, across all demographics, cultures, and socio-economic strata, they are smart enough to stop giving the President Press coverage. They don't know why, they have just finally have learned to draw away from pain. like flatworm would.
Funny, the media ever asked Obama when he stopped hanging out at the gay bathhouses in Chicago.
>>The problem with turning your back on contrary information is that it makes you vulnerable.
It worked for Joe Biden....
Rory said...
You have to keep in mind that Melania actually had a career before she met Trump.
I'd keep in mind that Trump was probably not the only rich man after Melania either.
No, she won't, would have been the answer if it were the answer.
A lot would depend on what’s in the pre-nap.
Melania perhaps is jealous of what's her name. Blurred lines. Replaced her in modelling clout. googles
Emily Ratajkowski
DanTheMan said...
>>The problem with turning your back on contrary information is that it makes you vulnerable.
It worked for Joe Biden....
How did it work? Joe Biden is 78 and suffering from clear mental decline. His day as a member of our race are short.
At best he gets to be a figurehead president for a short time before being ruthlessly replaced by the people that installed him.
Even during this time he will have to listen to Trump and the 70 odd million people tell him he was elected with an illegitimate process.
What did he accomplish in his life? What kind of examples did he pass on to history? What is his apologia?
He is an angry bitter person. This comes through whenever he is challenged.
He is also a rapist.
Joe Biden is not a happy person.
Jackie was very desired as an ex-first lady. But she was a widow at 34; FLOTUS is 50. Fine looking woman, but would probably be more wealthy as a newly single woman than Jackie. I hope they stay together if, for a change, he wants long term. Married men should not become alone in their mid-seventies. But probably a number of eligible women at Mar-a-Lago.
I started at a NY law firm where, before my time, there was a scandal because a partner's love letters from Jackie were purloined from his office (supposedly, the waste paper basket!!) and made public. I think they included one explaining Ari. I should google, but . . . . Then Jackie was still young and beautiful when widowed a second time.
rrhardin: She's expecting.
Who said there was such a thing as a legitimate journalist these days. You're more likely to find a unicorn prancing down Pennsylvania Avenue. Most of these "journalists" are just not very smart scum. And that's when I'm holding back on my opinion of them.
Re: Attonasi:
How did it work? Joe Biden is 78 and suffering from clear mental decline. His day as a member of our race are short.
Eh, all I can say is I hope our President Hindenburg has a solid five years left in him.
What did he accomplish in his life?
Accumulated a lot of money by highly dubious means. Something like a second level mafia member.
Re: readering:
One dog that hasn't barked in the past four years is Trump making passes at his staff or any woman really. I can't imagine that happening and not making its way to the press somehow. The pornstar story is from 2006, 14 years ago, when Trump was only about 60. Have there been incidents since? He may just not be as randy as he used to be. Clinton similarly seems to have settled down in the last decade or so -- even as an ex President he seems to have played around a bit (e.g. he has been photographed with girls procured by Jeffrey Epstein), but I don't think there's been anything recently.
Oh, I guess some journalists claimed Trump was having an affair with Nikki Haley, but I think that was 100% fabricated.
considering the leftist press is a pack of hacks and liars - why would anyone buy anything they "report"?
readering said...
Jackie was very desired as an ex-first lady. But she was a widow at 34; FLOTUS is 50. Fine looking woman, but would probably be more wealthy as a newly single woman than Jackie. I hope they stay together if, for a change, he wants long term. Married men should not become alone in their mid-seventies. But probably a number of eligible women at Mar-a-Lago."
Mar A Lago is one of the venues my wife and I looked at for our daughter's wedding ( postponed due to Covid). You should see the size of the ballroom Trump built just for his wedding to Melania.
ga6 said...
What did he accomplish in his life?
Accumulated a lot of money by highly dubious means. Something like a second level mafia member.
Do you think that makes him happy now?
He has lots of money and a family of barely sentient grifters. His most intelligent/competent genetic contribution is likely a bastard he does not admit to.
People have always put value on money but that doesn't make you happy in the end. It is what you did to earn that money and the contributions you made. And Joe knows what he did to earn that money. He sold out people that trusted him.
He sold his soul for what turns out to be an empty purse.
The comments on this item are as depressing as the item itself. What the heck are you people talking about?
"No legitimate journalist would ask this."
(RMc places his left index finger on the tip of his nose, and points with his right index finger.)
Balfegor said...
Eh, all I can say is I hope our President Hindenburg has a solid five years left in him.
Hopefully it won't be that bad, but... yeah.
Brava to Melania's spokeswoman.
Amadeus 48 said...
The comments on this item are as depressing as the item itself. What the heck are you people talking about?
Almost anything except the item while remaining tangentially connected to the item.
What on earth will the MSM write about when he's no longer president? Will they do what City Pages in Minneapolis did when Rep. Michelle Bachmann left politics and continue to write shit about him? BTW, after decades as the Twin Cities alternative press, City Pages folded this month.
Then Jackie was still young and beautiful when widowed a second time.
You mean when Bobby was shot? She was the most mercenary woman since Edith Wilson.
"Funny, the media ever asked Obama when he stopped hanging out at the gay bathhouses in Chicago."
It's where Barack found a real man.
"Funny, the media ever asked Obama when he stopped hanging out at the gay bathhouses in Chicago."
It's where Barack found a real man.
Melania, Big D, and the family have been through media hell together. They will stay together and support each other forever.
Occasionally I wish Trump were as vindictive and as mean as assholes claim he is.
Worse thing he has ever done to enemies is send some bad tweets.
I bet more than half the guys here have done way more to get even with some punk.
Two of you refer to hunter’s kid as a bastard. Horrible but expected on this blog. If your daughter had a child out of wedlock would you refer to your grandkid as a bastard? Probably. Disgusting
You have to keep in mind that Melania actually had a career before she met Trump.
Sure. As a model. What's the job market for over-the-hill models look like?
Two of you refer to hunter’s kid as a bastard. Horrible but expected on this blog. If your daughter had a child out of wedlock would you refer to your grandkid as a bastard? Probably. Disgusting
Suggest something more appropriate, help 'em out.
steve uhr: "Two of you refer to hunter’s kid as a bastard. Horrible but expected on this blog. If your daughter had a child out of wedlock would you refer to your grandkid as a bastard? Probably. Disgusting"
To this very day, "ChiCom" Joe Biden has refused to acknowledge the existence of this grandchild and Joe's crackhead son, who was paid millions by the ChiComs and Russkis and Russki-affiliated Ukrainians, went to court to try and fight having to pay child support.
Steve uhr is very, very okay with all that.
The most "ironical" part of little stevie uhr's moronic rant?
It was Hunter Biden himself who was arguing in court that the child wasn't his, and thus, a bastard.
The very thing steve uhr is pretending to be upset about here.
Just another Day in The Confused And Befuddled Life Of Steve Uhr.
Number of times steve uhr objected when Melania was called a hooker and an escort on Althouse remains at an even ZERO.
n.n., who decides truth in a democracy?
Should we replace juries with the Twitter fact check department? How about just trying people in the press, and dispense with the cost of our courts?
In fact, I argue something altogether different, American, and classical. I argue for facts in testimony, forensic evidence, and a consensus of our peers under an ordered process. I argue for due process, not, for example, trial by press, protests, and other fragments of a dysfunctional society. What lead you to believe otherwise?
The alien landscape for the JournoList clique is:
where principles precede em-pathetic appeals, and moral people speak facts to truth
Yes seconded Earnest Prole....after Stormy Daniels what would be the sense,just keep on the cash flow and get some on the side (like Donny) I think they make TV series about that kind of relationship!
after Stormy Daniels what would be the sense,just keep on the cash flow and get some on the side (like Donny)
The creepy little troll brings up Avenatti's great case. The woman had a photo taken at a golf tournament. Every golf tournament has these photos. Creep, have you ever been to a golf tournament?
steve uhr said...
Two of you refer to hunter’s kid as a bastard. Horrible but expected on this blog. If your daughter had a child out of wedlock would you refer to your grandkid as a bastard? Probably. Disgusting
Being a bastard does not reflect poorly on the child.
It reflects poorly on the parents and extended family.
In this case Joe and Hunter Biden. Both of whom are also according to picture and witness testimony to be pedophiles and rapists.
What is disgusting is the associations of primitives in the democrat and republican party establishments from top to bottom that allow their elite to act like animals.
>>How did it work? Joe Biden is 78 and suffering from clear mental decline. His day as a >>member of our race are short. At best he gets to be a figurehead president for a short time >>before being ruthlessly replaced by the people that installed him.
If what you've wanted for 40 years is to be president, then, yes, it worked totally and completely. Regardless of how it was obtained, Joe will be in the history books as our next president, and fly on Air Force One and everybody will call him 'Mr. President' and his wife first lady. He will get a life size robot in the Hall of Presidents, and the million other privileges of that office. He will be able to demand a national audience on television almost at will. It is Joe Biden's greatest dream, and now it has come true.
Yes, Joe sold his soul to the Dem fraud machine to get elected president, but people have sold their souls for much, much less.
Creep best describes the person gratuitously calling Jackie K. Onassis the widow of her murdered brother in law and mercenary.
"It's where Barack found a real man."
Big Mike!
Blogger Readering said...
Creep best describes the person gratuitously calling Jackie K. Onassis the widow of her murdered brother in law and mercenary.
All those years since Camelot and the worship goes on.
I detest, despise, and totally distrust the WaPoo, THIS shows why.
Coming in late, but I agree it is trashy and unprofessional to ask a First Lady about relationship with her husband. What reason would the American people need to know what is going on privately in a politician's marriage or within his/her family? It's gutter journalism, to use an old phrase.
I'm not sure why this isn't considered a valid question? these people are reality TV stars and backed by the leader of the ENQUIRER...of course its valid,, she will run like a deer with her renewed and updated prenup.BET
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