November 10, 2020

"The Era of That's Not Funny."


It's a podcast.

Topics: "Biden’s historian and the soul of America; Trump appeals to Hispanic voters; Republicans won’t tell Trump to stand down; murder defendant kills himself; Joy Reid’s gaffe; Mick Jagger’s sarcasm; Anthony Burgess trashes Adrienne Rich’s apartment; Mike Pompeo cracks a joke."


wild chicken said...

Perfect. Here I am with an hour and nothing to do.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

The sole of America.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Al Pacino and Ellen Barkin

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Humor is the best reality check. I don't know if anybody said that, but someone ought to have.

Qwinn said...

There have been tons of reports of people receiving multiple ballots at their home, including for people who no longer live there.

I think that the American Left was propagandized into such intense Trump Derangement that, if they received such fake ballots, at least 75% of Biden voters would use them, knowing full well that the Left apparatus in government would protect and perhaps even reward them for it.

The Democrat Party is a criminal conspiracy. That's not funny.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

why can't the dems give us someone not a crook?

Yancey Ward said...

"why can't the dems give us someone not a crook?"

You basically have to have the morals of a crook to get the Democratic nomination these days. The last truly honest man to get the Democratic nomination may be have been Dukakis, and I ain't too sure about him.

Qwinn said...

Crook. Lawyer. Same difference.

Sorry, Ann.

Qwinn said...

It's not that I think all lawyers are bad. It's just that 95% of them give the rest a bad name.

And Democrats appear utterly incapable of nominating anyone that isn't a lawyer for either President or VP. For the last forty frikkin' years.

steve uhr said...

Trump lost and you guys think he won. That’s funny.

rhhardin said...

Body individuates you. Soul binds you to others.

n.n said...

why can't the dems give us someone not a crook?

Can't the dems give us someone not a crook, an influence peddler, a trans-social. Everything they alleged over 16 trimesters was a projection. Wicked.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Media - crook excusers, crook deniers, crook hiders.

Hunter's Laptop
Biden the family king pin

The election - crooked.

Antonio M. Haynes said...

Excellent podcast today

Readering said...

Trump sends dozens of appeals every day for money supposedly to fund litigation, but largely to pay campaign debt. Now SD governor sends appeals supposedly to fund Trump litigation but really, by law, not to go to Trump, but for her reelection campaign. Drain the suckers!

DINKY DAU 45 said...

Hunter said...

The Golden State Killer was similarly caught as a result of DNA matching from a family member.