From "One more lame defense you hear from Republicans: Democrats did this to Mr. Trump. But that’s false, too" by the Editorial Board of The Washington Post.
The "lame defense" is put into words — "Democrats did this to Mr. Trump" — that seem easy to refute. The word "this" carries a silly amount of weight. What is "this"? What are these Republicans actually saying the Democrats did to Trump and how does it compare to what Trump and his supporters are doing to Biden now? Which is worse?!
Democrats didn't just "focus on Russia’s assistance." I won't take the time to write out all that Democrats did over the entire Trump presidency. And "Hillary Clinton immediately conceded" because the outcome was obvious on the first day. How would she have behaved if it had been as close and open-ended as the 2020 election?
What is more interesting is that are the libs going through the perfunctory “shaming” of Trump so he concedes. Or are they scared of his “shamelessness” and thus exposure of the possible fraud?
Who wrote and approved this ridiculous piece?
Oh, it’s the entire EDITORIAL BOARD of the Washington Post.
This is too stupid to comment on, especially coming from one of the main culprits in pushing the Russia Collusion hoax. Their own writers were the 'source' leaks. I don't know if they're just ignorant liars or just plain evil people. But there is a lot going on now in this country, from our media, our tech overlords, academia, and the Democrats they run. They have turned reality on it's head. Black is grey. White is grey. Up is down. Words have no meaning.
The only thing standing between utter chaos and this country regaining it's footing is about 73 million people. The next four years will tell the tale. But our media is done. They are propagandists, and nothing more. How did it get to this point?
Shorter WAPO: Anonymous high-level sources inside the White House told them this never happened to Trump.
As Michael Moore and Al Gore proved years ago, there is a lot of money to be made in lying to people who want to be lied to.
Don’t it make you want to hit the Amazon link?
Agree with AA. Nice post.
AA-When you were working in NYC magazines/publishing (in the 70s?),did you see left type bias that you can share? Have you done so over the years and I missed it?
Thanks again.
As Michael Moore and Al Gore proved years ago, there is a lot of money to be made in lying to people who want to be lied to.
And, of course, you can't make people understand something if their compensation depends on them not understanding it...
BULLSHIT....They were claiming Trump was an illegitimate President since day one. Fuck them all. I can't stand the lies anymore. I am ready for this Civil War.
So I just imagined the whole attempt to recruit faithless electors?
Democrats did indeed focus on Russia’s assistance to Mr. Trump’s election campaign. But they did not claim that he wasn’t president. Hillary Clinton immediately conceded.
It appears the Washington Post neglected to install that new "google websearch" software on their mainframe computers. How else to explain why they neglected to cite their own story reporting Hillary Clinton was still calling Donald Trump an "illegitimate president" and alleging "he knows" he stole the 2016 presidential election three years after she lost?
Democrats and their journo-trolls own the title "lame" lock, stock and barrel.
I can't stand the lies anymore. I am ready for this Civil War.
Nothing makes me want to kill my fellow Americans more than when they insist on holding opinions that differ from my own.
Nothing makes me want to kill my fellow Americans more than when they insist on holding opinions that differ from my own.
This goes well beyond "different opinions" and well into "the first draft of histor...ical propaganda". It's Russian-style disinformation.
Comments before yours mention several ways that Democrats, in fact, denied that Trump was the legitimate president. They also harped at great length about the popular vote, and many explicitly claimed that meant that Clinton was the real winner of the election.
We can also remember similarly juvenile efforts from history, such as removing the 'W' keys from White House keyboards in early 2001.
How's that kraken coming along?
The put "lame" in the headline? A high class, serious news organization like WaPo resorts to a commonplace schoolyard taunt in their headline? Why should I take anything they say seriously?
In the old days, after a TV series was cancelled you’d get one last gasp of reruns before it went off the air. If it was a series that had a decent following it would go into syndication.
Ive seen these reruns before and I’m not eager to watch in syndication
Hillary was too embarrassed or emotionally destroyed to face her supporters the night of the election. Weak. Tea.
You may be the last person on earth who still reads newspaper editorials. Taking into account all that is known about the Post and its ill-gotten Pulitzers, a room of chimpanzees could type out what the paper would say about Russiagate and Fraudgate in a few short hours.
Hillary Clinton was still calling Donald Trump an "illegitimate president" and alleging "he knows" he stole the 2016 presidential election three years after she lost?
Indeed. Note this, and the entire premise of the WaPo article is refuted by WaPo.
So all of the noise about the popular vote totals and eliminating the Electoral College was just noise?
Good to know.
We have always been at war with Eastasia.
Some folks wrote an editorial and said some stuff? Oh, wow! I’ll have to take a look sometime. When I have a chance. When I don’t have anything better to do.
But in the three decisive states, the 2016 election was closer than 2020--by quite a lot actually?
Michigan: Trump +0.2% vs. Biden +2.6%
Pennsylvania: Trump +0.7% vs. Biden +1.1%
Wisconsin: Trump +0.8% vs. Biden +0.6%
Trump vote margin in 2016: + 77,744
Biden vote margin in 2020: +241,198
Yes, Trump has such a great case(s) to overturn the election, and such great attorneys to press the issue.
...And "Hillary Clinton immediately conceded" because the outcome was obvious on the first day. How would she have behaved if it had been as close and open-ended as the 2020 election?
But who says the 2020 election is "close and open-ended"? It's less close than the 2016 election by almost every metric. It's certainly similar to 2016, right down to the electoral vote margin, which Trump variously referred to with terminology like "landslide."
Trump is not now contesting this election because it is reasonably contentious. He is contending the outcome after the fact it because he is trying to create a space for himself where he can claim, falsely, that the election was stolen from him. And because he is such a broken sociopath that he does not know how to concede gracefully.
"stevew said...
The put "lame" in the headline? A high class, serious news organization like WaPo resorts to a commonplace schoolyard taunt in their headline? Why should I take anything they say seriously?"
That's not the headline steve. Here it is, and this is what the Editorss know everyone will read. That's the goal. Few will read the article:
"The longer Republicans cower to Trump, the more damage they do to democracy."
Comments before yours mention several ways that Democrats, in fact, denied that Trump was the legitimate president.
Like the comment at 6:16 AM?
We can also remember similarly juvenile efforts from history, such as removing the 'W' keys from White House keyboards in early 2001.
Nothing makes me want to kill my fellow Americans more than when they remove the 'W' keys from White House keyboards.
Speaking just for myself, I had to check on the veracity of whether Hillary Clinton actually called Trump an "illegitimate president." She did.
But the essential points raised by the Post Editorial Board remain true. Mrs. Clinton formally conceded; President Obama welcomed Trump to the White House and opened his Administration to the transition. All of the substantive actions pointed toward full acceptance of the election and a legal/cooperative transition. Actions spoke louder than words.
Everybody expects Trump to go around whining and saying stupid shit. In his own weird, blunt, inarticulate way, he will say the equivalent of Biden being an "illegitimate president" years from now. Of course he'll do that. But the transition is a different matter. The actions with the Trump Administration show how dysfunctional it really is.
That is WaPo's point and it is valid.
In Russia votes count you.
"Nothing makes me want to kill my fellow Americans more than when they insist on holding opinions that differ from my own."
They don't just disagree with us, they stole the election! Absolutely and for certain, Trump carried the nation by a landslide. And they didn't even have the decency to hide their efforts in stealing it.
The only reasons we are not having a civil war is there is no one, no where, no way to have it. What should these aggrieved Americans do? Attack Twitter? Hack the NYT website? Invade Philadelphia?
We are left with the tattered remnants of the Constitution, a brilliant document but one whose relevance depends on the moral character of those who would be subject to it.
"Oh, we'll work harder and out-vote them next time."
"Our glorious free press will root out and expose those who would destroy our system."
Maybe we should hold a giant rally of support for the President in D.C. That would be giant news, wouldn't it?
Chuck - "President Obama welcomed Trump to the White House and opened his Administration to the transition".
Interesting use of "welcomed" and "opened" - I guess Chuck got the "unity" memo from his handlers. It would be more accurate to say Obama "received" Trump and that he "mobilised" his Administration to fight the transition. The transition was put in the tender hands of The Resistance.
Fuck the left so, so hard. If Trump was ahead thanks to hundreds of thousands of votes found overnight in heavily Republican areas in states with GOP leaders, with numerous reports of ballot mishandling, after Dem poll watchers were banned from watching the process, etc the cities would be on fire.
The right just goes and has an actually peaceful march (well, until the left shows up) and then goes home.
Such a fucking joke.
All of the substantive actions pointed toward full acceptance of the election and a legal/cooperative transition.
Well, you know, except for that whole laundry list of felonies committed by the Obama Administration to disrupt the transition, starting with perjury on FISA warrant applications.
Imagine how pissed she is this fraud machine and media black out of anything negative or criminal about a democrat- didn't occur for HER->.
I don't know if [the Washington Post writers and editors are] just ignorant liars or just plain evil people.
@Temujin, embrace the power of “AND.” I lived in the Washington, DC, metro area from 1969 until recently, and the Post was my local newspaper. By the time wife and I dropped our subscription, years before we moved, the only part of the paper that was likely to be truthful were the box scores.
While money flowed from Russia to the Clintons... Hillary concocted the Russia stole the election from her BS.
Hillary can rot in hell.
Temujin: "How did it get to this point?"
70 years ago, the Soviets infiltrated the highest levels of political offices in the country, right up to FDR's Vice President. Also the media. The media and political class - the newborn Swamp - went scorched earth against any efforts to identify them and root them out. In the process, they declared "McCarthyism" - the hiring and firing based on political views - to be the most repulsive evil thing anyone had ever done in history, ever.
The infiltrators then spent the next 70 years hiring and firing based on political views. and no one noticed or cared.
What else are they going to say, “Republicans got it right?” More pap for the Bubble People. Russia had invested in the Clintons. Why would they want Trump?
Nobody but true believers and critics read this rag any more. Paywalls on these propagandists are like being asked to pay to go sewer diving but with less potential for finding something useful.
Temujin said...But our media is done. They are propagandists, and nothing more. How did it get to this point?
It has been at this point since the Sixties. Trump was the disrupter who helped people see that the Media is shameless in its Democrat propaganda and has been for a long long time.
I don't think the media is done. They will morph into an even more obvious Pravda as the Democrats create a one party state with obedient Republicans like Mitt Romney, Mike Dewine, Susan Collins, etc.
The Democrats will fight amongst themselves over the progressive agenda whenever it conflicts with their graft opportunities. The Republicans will fight amongst themselves over lost graft opportunities if they go against the Democrat media narrative. I am not hopeful that truth will win out.
You people don't get it. You need to focus on GA Senate races and the 2020 midterms. The longer you wallow in your hurt feewings, the better for the Democrat party.
We *are* focusing on the next election, Howard. This election proved that election will be stolen, just like this one was. The only way to prevent the next election from being stolen is to stop this election from being stolen.
Have Biden and members of his transition team been arrested for doing exactly what Michael Flynn was harassed for doing?
People who pushed lies for 4 years now demand respect as fact checkers.
As liars do.
Howard has discovered concern trolling. We get it.
I am not optimistic about Georgia but the racist candidate is doing what he can to lose.
Get back to me when the IRS, all on its own without any guidance from the executive branch, goes after any Democrat, ever.
Howard said...
“You people don't get it. You need to focus on GA Senate races and the 2020 midterms. The longer you wallow in your hurt feewings, the better for the Democrat party.”
Do you ever get tired of patronizing your intellectual betters? Do they teach about multi-tasking at Troll School? My contribution to the Georgia runoff is long gone and I’m just an anti-Democrat Independent. Republicans are way ahead of me - and you.
It is reassuring that someone, even someone with your obvious limitations, knows for certain that despite a profusion of red flags our current and future elections are safe from tampering - particularly the Senate runoffs in Georgia. /s
"The only reasons we are not having a civil war is there is no one, no where, no way to have it. What should these aggrieved Americans do? Attack Twitter? Hack the NYT website? Invade Philadelphia?"
The obvious answer is supply chain interruptions. If enough deplorable drivers, warehousers, etc. refused to perform deliveries in and out of Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Detroit, etc, things would go downhill very rapidly.
"The only reasons we are not having a civil war is there is no one, no where, no way to have it. What should these aggrieved Americans do? Attack Twitter? Hack the NYT website? Invade Philadelphia?"
The obvious answer is supply chain interruptions. If enough deplorable drivers, warehousers, etc. refused to perform deliveries in and out of Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Detroit, etc, things would go downhill very rapidly.
Rt1Rebel said...
"The only reasons we are not having a civil war is there is no one, no where, no way to have it. What should these aggrieved Americans do? Attack Twitter? Hack the NYT website? Invade Philadelphia?"
The obvious answer is supply chain interruptions. If enough deplorable drivers, warehousers, etc. refused to perform deliveries in and out of Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Detroit, etc, things would go downhill very rapidly.
Cities are heavily dependent on electrical power, most of which is generated in the countryside, and brought in on thin little things called wires. It would be a shame if something happened to them.
Well one big reason why we're not having a civil war is people are smart enough to know that it puts their wives and children at huge risk and no one is willing to do that based on rumor conspiracy theories floated by Russian bots and promulgated by right-wing nut balls on blogs.
Keep greasing your gun, that seems to calm you people.
I don't think the media is done. They will morph into an even more obvious Pravda as the Democrats create a one party state with obedient Republicans like Mitt Romney, Mike Dewine, Susan Collins, etc.
The countries behind the Iron Curtain had multiple parties beyond the Communists. They were just sock puppets for the Communists, though, just as the "reformed" Republican Party (Never-Trumpers, LLRs, etc.) will be for the Democrats. You won't be able to tell because the Silicon Valley Mafia will make sure all dissident voices are silenced.
corporate press interviews government whore.
They CREATED Russian assistance...big difference.
Hillary was too gin-soaked to know what to do on election night.
So now pursuing legal remedies are un-American?
And because he is such a broken sociopath that he does not know how to concede gracefully.
And after he is inaugurated (and you have paid my $15), what about you, Chuck?
Will you concede gracefully? Or are you such a sociopath that you don't know how.
I'd put down another bet on that if I can think how to word it.
John Henry
I should trust anything in the WaPoo? No; a million times NO. A trillion for the NYT.
""One more lame defense you hear from Republicans: Democrats did this to Mr. Trump. But that’s false, too.""
Wapo has to console it's idiot readers. Everyone noticed that the douchebags crying about Russians stealing the election since 2016 and now trying to say the 2020 election was totally legit.
Trump is most likely never going to concede.
Most of the country is not going to bend the knee to Biden.
Cry more Howard.
The article is not titled "One More Lame Defense..." as you suggest. Instead, it seems to be "The Longer Republicans Cower To Trump, the more damage they do to democracy."
Which frames the issue more accurately. What is it that needs defending: its the refusal to concede an election that Biden clearly won, the refusal to cooperate in transition, and the constant repetition of false claims that "I won" or that the election was "stolen" or "rigged."
So is there a defense for that? After George Bush and Mitt Romney have congratulated Biden, after Fox News has recognized his victory, after Trump's biggest donors, Adelson and Koch, have also recognized it, after Trump's own Department of Homeland Security has declared that the election was the most secure in US history and that there is no evidence of loss of votes, after every lawsuit that has challenged the vote in a potentially decisive state has failed or been amended to avoid court sanctions so that, even if successful, it could not change the outcome, and when the margin in those states where a recount is available is many times higher than the largest margin ever previously changed by recount?
Is there a defense for claiming that Republicans were denied the opportunity to observe the count when that claim was demonstrably untrue? For repeating the Dominion story over and over when the campaign cannot produce a single witness to testify to that story, when no one can even explain coherently how and why the fraud might have occurred, and when the uniform bipartisan testimony is that the theory is complete BS?
Is this conduct equivalent to Hillary's prompt and gracious concession and Obama's cooperation the transition? The question answers itself.
Is it excused by the subsequent Russia investigation? C'mon, that investigation never challenged the outcome of the election, had bipartisan support, and was run by Republicans in both the Justice Department and the Senate.
Instead of acknowledging all that, considering the cynical damage that Trump is doing, and drawing the conclusion that Republican acquiescence is problematic, Althouse speculates that Hillary might have acted differently in these circumstances, because this election is closer and more drawn out than 2016. Well, it's not closer: Biden has the same electoral college margin, his margin in the three decisive states is larger, and his popular vote margin is plus 6 million instead of minus 2. It is more drawn out, but that's because Republican legislatures in the relevant states decided that mail ballots should not be counted till election day. More important, the actual evidence of decisive error or fraud is weaker than in 2016, when Hillary did not challenge. What basis is there, other than mindless antagonism to her or unwillingness to challenge your commenters, for even entertaining that speculation?
Focus on the facts.
Earnest Prole said...
I can't stand the lies anymore. I am ready for this Civil War.
Nothing makes me want to kill my fellow Americans more than when they insist on holding opinions that differ from my own.
There are some things you can disagree about. Levels of Taxation. Abortion. Levels of regulation.
There are some things you cannot disagree about. My 1st amendment right. My second amendment rights. My 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th amendment rights.
These people are shutting down churches and letting BLM march for months. They have been trying to take away our guns for decades.
Their BLM/Antifa brown shirts have spent the last 6 months showing us why they wanted to take our guns away.
You are just a dishonest person.
Stephen said...
The article is not titled "One More Lame Defense..." as you suggest. Instead, it seems to be "The Longer Republicans Cower To Trump, the more damage they do to democracy."
Which frames the issue more accurately. What is it that needs defending: its the refusal to concede an election that Biden clearly won, the refusal to cooperate in transition, and the constant repetition of false claims that "I won" or that the election was "stolen" or "rigged."
You are just a dishonest person. The evidence of fraud is overwhelming.
We will never concede.
Get ready.
The chrysanthemum election
Isn't it interesting that the big city mayors allowed BLM to riot and destroy but did not allow minority voters to vote for a good economy and schools and safe streets? This election was changed from the rightful outcome by cancelling the minority vote for Republicans in the big cities. And if the cancellation stands, the consequence of having those votes cancelled will be an impoverished minority community as happened before under Obama-Biden. And as happened before in the South after 1875. So when liberals disregard the clear indications of vote dumps in the big cities because liberals hate Trump, they are disregarding what will follow, poverty and joblessness in those same cities among the groups liberals profess to care about. And why don't they care about that? Send chrysanthemums to the DNC.
Are we just going to memory-hole the Jill Stein recounts and the so-called "Hamilton Electors" (with the assistance of Harvard professors Lessig and Tribe)?
Jill Stein, who was accused of being a spoiler and also a Russian stooge, took the heat for Clinton and the DNC. And I vividly remember the crazed efforts to deny Trump the electoral votes that he had rightly and fairly won, and thereby send the election to Congress.
Then there was, oh, three years of Russiagate hysteria (spurred on by Clinton/DNC shenanigans) and outright "resistance" to Trump's administration from both inside and outside the government. It was sabotage, really.
So yeah the Dems can spare me their lectures about 2016.
"The only reasons we are not having a civil war is there is no one, no where, no way to have it. What should these aggrieved Americans do? Attack Twitter? Hack the NYT website? Invade Philadelphia?"
Our system is based on popular sufferance.
If 5% of mortgage payers just stop paying their mortgage 2009 happens.
If 5% of property tax payers just stop paying property taxes almost every state government in the country collapses.
The police in this country are an exceptionally thin line because almost everyone follows the law to the best of their ability.
This layer of civilization is impossibly thin. We have a fiat currency. The structures we take for granted that support our current standard of living are not robust and completely antithetical to our animal nature.
Is there a defense for claiming that Republicans were denied the opportunity to observe the count when that claim was demonstrably untrue?
"Stephen" has been a leftist commenter since he appeared. None of this is a surprise. The left wants to stop the investigation of fraud, lest it be found. Assuming it stands, the GA Senate races are lost and 2022 is a forlorn hope. It is certainly understandable that left wants any investigation to stop right now !
He lies quite smoothly, as well. There is a future for you, boy, in the Democrat Party.
no one is willing to do that based on rumor conspiracy theories floated by Russian bots and promulgated by right-wing nut balls on blogs.
Oh yes, Howard. It's early and Biden might even lose. Plenty of time for civil war.
*I* was a Republican poll watcher in PA. *I* was denied observing the in person count, only allowed to check party registration totals once an hour. *I* wasn't even allowed to see a single mail in ballot, at any point. I signed a declaration of this and would happily sign an affidavit and testify to it in court.
Stephen lies like a rug.
More to the pint, how would Clinton have acted if there was compelling evidence of widespread election fraud in an election that had been tailored to facilitate it, and by people who had been alluding to doing exactly that?
Without even getting into the ensuing four years of fraudulent accusations, obstruction, harassment of anyone who would voice even a neutral word about Trump, let alone his appointees and family, a laughable impeachment that distracted everybody just as COVID was approaching, and so on.
amazing how Russian bots slide money into Clinton coffers AND trick our dumb-brains into not falling in line for HER.->
Earnest Prole said...
Nothing makes me want to kill my fellow Americans more than when they insist on holding opinions that differ from my own.
"On Tuesday Senator Dick Blumenthal questioned Mark Zuckerberg on why Breitbart, The Gateway Pundit and Steve Bannon still have accounts on his platform."
You are right.
Achilles is still sore from bending over for Trump.
Civil war is always right around the corner for you people. Empty threats are the first and last refuge of the impotent.
The software glitched in 2016. And it didn’t work as planned. Poor planning.
Watch Retired Air Force General Thomas McInerney tell Steve Bannon about Hammer and Scorecard Software. Besides going through what he knows about 2020, he says if was used in 2016, but something went wrong. Point is, all these Wash Post articles are propaganda, plain and simple. They didn’t think they’d lose. Article is a moot point.
Howard said...
Achilles is still sore from bending over for Trump.
Nice projection Howard. Must have been painful to vote for a rapist who sold us out to China.
You are a hollow empty human being.
Nobody needs to worry or care about people like you. You have nothing worth fighting for.
Real News: Watch Sydney Powell tell Lou Dobbs what she has on Dominion.
Lou Dobbs isn’t crazy. They both are credible. This is the real story. Wash Post is just suppressing. The link above is from 11/13. We don't have to pretend the Wash Post and NYTs have any ethics or credibility.
Follow up on Lou Dobbs with Sydney Powell from last night 11/16.
WaPo? WaPo!
WaPo WaPo Wapo?
WaPo! WaPo WaPo!
Ah. WaPo.
Of course he'll do that. But the transition is a different matter. The actions with the Trump Administration show how dysfunctional it really is.
How do you know what the actions of the Trump Administration are? From reports from the Democratic Party/Press? You should be more skeptical of those reports.
For those who don't know, Rt1Rebel is a sock puppet that readering created when it (pronouns unknown) decided to go in for a little concern trolling. It slipped up and double-posted the same cut-and-paste bullshit under both names.
Which provides an occasion to point out, that folks are not always what they seem, and anyone you run into who has a well-worked-out plan for violent resistance and wants your help in carrying it out is probably an FBI agent.
All this Washington Post stuff is make believe. We'll have to dance around the Elephant in the election for a little while longer until Sydney Powell and her team start to get this up the Federal Court ladder.
Gusty Winds said...
Real News: Watch Sydney Powell tell Lou Dobbs what she has on Dominion.
Lou Dobbs isn’t crazy. They both are credible. This is the real story. Wash Post is just suppressing. The link above is from 11/13. We don't have to pretend the Wash Post and NYTs have any ethics or credibility.
Follow up on Lou Dobbs with Sydney Powell from last night 11/16.
This will go mainstream soon.
The movement to paper ballots and purple thumbs and voter ID will be unstoppable.
And Democrats will never win an honest election on the national level.
Several people asserting that I am a leftist and a liar. But no response to the factual claims on which my argument rests. Let me add another, informed by my experience as a litigator and a legal ethics maven.
The canary in the mineshaft is Trump's lawyers. The conspiracy theories of which you folks are enamored would, if supported by the proponderance of the evidence, lead to setting aside the election. Since that's what Trump wants, his lawyers would be obliged to plead and argue those theories, again, if they were supported by any relevant and admissible evidence already in hand (such as witnesses) or reasonably likely to be supported by evidence available in discovery.
Instead, what we see those lawyers do is withdrawing claims of fraud, withdrawing claims of failure to permit observers, and conspicuously not making any of the broad claims that you folks never tire of repeating, such as those about millions of ballots being trucked in or lost or switched. And in several cases, they have withdrawn from the representation.
The reasonable inference is that they are not making those claims, even though Trump wants them to do so, because ethically they are barred from and can be punished for doing so, because there is no evidence for them--just a lot of ravings on the internet, in which I very much include too much of what is said and written here.
Several of you have been predicting great things, for example, from Giuliani's suit or suits. But although he asserts big conspiracies in press conferences and interviews, you will not find his name on any pleading alleging those theories, nor has he stood up in court to argue them. The reason: he will not put himself in a position where he has to stand behind those theories, even to the limited extent of warranting to the court that there is evidence to support them. He does not want to be sanctioned or to lose his license.
Cities are heavily dependent on electrical power, most of which is generated in the countryside, and brought in on thin little things called wires. It would be a shame if something happened to them.
Plus! You don’t even have to do anything in California because Governor Newsom shuts down power transmission all by himself.
Several of you have been predicting great things, for example, from Giuliani's suit or suits. But although he asserts big conspiracies in press conferences and interviews, you will not find his name on any pleading alleging those theories, nor has he stood up in court to argue them. The reason: he will not put himself in a position where he has to stand behind those theories, even to the limited extent of warranting to the court that there is evidence to support them. He does not want to be sanctioned or to lose his license.
Great timing Stephen
Update (1200ET): Rudy Giuliani, President Donald Trump's personal lawyer, formally told a federal court that he will represent the Trump campaign in its long shot case to block Pennsylvania from certifying votes. The case and whether it should be dismissed will be argued in federal court this afternoon.
"On Tuesday Senator Dick Blumenthal questioned Mark Zuckerberg on why Breitbart, The Gateway Pundit and Steve Bannon still have accounts on his platform."
That's a lie. Even the story at The Gateway Pundit (an increasingly loony, crank site) shows that. They have a screen-cap of the transcript of the hearing. Blumenthal asks Zuckerberg about internal documents showing that FB gave special deference to Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, et al, in applying their own fact-checking. Blumenthal asks Zuckerberg about FB operations. Never suggests that they should not have accounts. Blumenthal was pushing back against the popular falsehood that conservatives are somehow being discriminated against. I ally with lots of conservatives. Romney; Ryan; Bolton; Sykes; Kristol; etc., etc. We aren't being discriminated against. We're part of a sensible majority fighting Trumpist craziness and lying.
Stephen said...
Several people asserting that I am a leftist and a liar. But no response to the factual claims on which my argument rests. Let me add another, informed by my experience as a litigator and a legal ethics maven.
You are a complete joke.
Hundreds of people have signed witness statements describing how GOP poll observers were removed from vote counting areas. They have been linked multiple times here.
No point in reading the rest of your rant.
Buckle up buttercup.
Domininion/Smartmatic voting machines are going on trial now.
Chuck said...
"On Tuesday Senator Dick Blumenthal questioned Mark Zuckerberg on why Breitbart, The Gateway Pundit and Steve Bannon still have accounts on his platform."
That's a lie.
Chuck is here to defend his stolen valor hero.
Dick Blumenthal lied about his service and only a piece of shit like you would defend his authoritarianism.
Achilles said...
We will never concede.
And so, like the Army of Northern Virginia, and then Johnston's Army of Tennesse, and finally Forrest's Cavalry Brigade, you need to be defeated. In the most conclusive, determinative and even humiliating way possible. You are defeated. You'll figure that out at some point.
It's why the criminal prosecution of Trump will ultimately be part of the process. Abandon Trump, and we'll allow you to rejoin a conservative Republican Party.
Tim Miller, writing at The Bulwark, provides today's most devastating summary of what a terrible conservative Republican Trump has been:
Imagine these words from a Trump supporter:
"Dick Blumenthal lied about his service and only a piece of shit like you would defend his authoritarianism."
The blindness; the self-unawares; the stupidity.
So President Bone Spurs told us "[he] alone can fix it..."
I’m from the generation that had to read 1984, Animal Farm, and Brave New World in high school. Orwell, who had fought on the communists’ side in the Spanish Civil War, saw first hand what it was like when there was no such thing as objective truth. He saw units that had not been engaged in battle praised for their courage under fire, while units that had fought hard and taken heavy casualties were denounced as cowards. Battles that were lost were proclaimed as victories (Walter Cronkite would do this in reverse in 1968 with regard to the Tet Offensive).
Fast forward fifty plus years and now we have Obama engaged in an orderly transition of power to Donald Trump. Yeah. Sure. No such thing as spying on the Trump campaign through falsified FISA. applications. Nope. Never happened. No setting perjury traps for Michael Flynn so that Andrew McCabe can settle an old score. Nope. Never happened.
N.B., we also read Huckleberry Finn and To Kill a Mockingbird, two books that today are banned in places.
We have to make orwell huxley and mccarry fiction again.
Chuck said...
Tim Miller, writing at The Bulwark, provides today's most devastating summary of what a terrible conservative Republican Trump has been:
The bulwark even lost their leftist supporters.
Democrats are calling the Lincoln Project grifters.
Nobody is more alone than you Chuck.
So alone and so exposed.
@ Duplicitous Chuck...
Huge difference between taking a deferment and claiming to have served in Viet Nam:
"We have learned something important since the days that I served in Vietnam,” Mr. Blumenthal said to the group gathered in Norwalk in March 2008. “And you exemplify it. Whatever we think about the war, whatever we call it — Afghanistan or Iraq — we owe our military men and women unconditional support.”
There was one problem: Mr. Blumenthal, a Democrat now running for the United States Senate, never served in Vietnam. He obtained at least five military deferments from 1965 to 1970 and took repeated steps that enabled him to avoid going to war, according to records."
Btw...president-elect drooler was no warrior:
"Born in November 1942, Biden came of age amid the Vietnam War. But unlike millions of men of his generation, he never served in the military.
Biden received five student draft deferments, first as an undergraduate at the University of Delaware and later as a law student at Syracuse University.
And after a medical exam in April 1968, he received the "1-Y" classification, which meant he could only be drafted in a national emergency.
Biden released his Selective Service records to the Associated Press in 2008. At the time, a spokesperson said he was "disqualified from service because of asthma as a teenager,"
This from the 'USA Today' of all places, hardly a right-wing source.
Fuck off Chuck.
Outgoing President of the US (Obama) ordered the Director of the FBI to lie to the incoming elected President of the US, (Trump). The outgoing VP (Biden) was there when the order was given, and apparently agreed with it.
And the FBI Director did repeatedly lie to the new President, while running criminal activities aimed at the President of the US and his Administration.
Short of throwing Biden and his son in jail, and leaving them their until Jan 20, there's no way that Trump can do unto Biden anything as heinous as Biden and Obama did to Trump.
So the WaPo Editorial Board needs to sit down with a hearty cup of STFU
As I read the comments on trust breaking down, and the possibility of a revolution, of sorts, my thoughts went to voluntary compliance. What happens if, for example, a significant portion of the >70 milli9n voters who voted for Trump believe that they were cheated by Biden and the Dems, and as a consequence, quit filing their tax returns? Not our President. Not our government. This wasn’t a problem with dissident Democrats over the last four years, because most of them don’t pay taxes. And the rest, the ones funding the party, have armies of accountants and attorneys to protect them. But Trump’s 70+ million are the civic minded ones, who join the military, give to charities, and pay their taxes because it is the right thing to do. Until it isn’t. You get enough of them to not file, and the IRS has an insurmountable problem. What are they going to do? Take all those cases to court? Federal prosecutors depend heavily on >95% of their cases settling before trial. So do the court systems. Neither have near the capacity to try even 10% of their cases. Maybe not even 5%. What happens if even 10% of their cases end up in jury trials?
You might say that these systems work because everyone is on their own, and acting only for ourselves, getting a good deal from a prosecutor by giving up the right to an extended jury trial is worth the tradeoff. This is the calculation made maybe 97% of the time at the federal criminal trial level. But in a revolution, people sacrifice for the cause. Often risking their lives. During our own, the leaders: Washington, Adams (both cousins), Jefferson, etc probably would have had their fortunes stripped from them, as well as being hanged, if they had lost (Washington and his wife were reputed to be the richest in the colonies, and he risked that fortune by leading the fight). Given the choice of risking my life, or my (negligible) fortune and my freedom, I would choose the latter.
BTW, I used to think that you would need to dynamite power transmission towers to take down the electricity grid. Apparently not true. Someone I know, who has worked in the industry has assured me that they could do it with a box of .30-06 rounds, strategically placed. Shoot up the control boxes at the right substation, and the regional grid will likely fail. Places like CA and NYC are esp vulnerable because they both import a significant portion of their power needs over long distances.
"Short of throwing Biden and his son in jail, and leaving them their until Jan 20, there's no way that Trump can do unto Biden anything as heinous as Biden and Obama did to Trump."
If Biden does take office (even if he doesn't) Trump should order declassification of EVERYTHING relating to Mueller, appoint separate special prosecutors for Hunter's laptop, Wiener's laptop, and Hillary's server.
He should also find out where Obama was during Benghazi, and publish any records he can find on Obama's transcripts, etc.
Go out blazing and let the chips fall where they may.
Sure Biden can close it all down, but it will look sleazy...
Not true Jupiter, I’ve been posting here (infrequently) for 10 years.
Victory Vote Margin:
2016: 77,744 (MI, PA, WI)
2020: 44,995 (WI, GA, AZ) (Trump wins EV tie)
I guess math is hard.
16 trimesters later, and WaPo persists to spin yarns, and speak truth to facts. It was, in fact, Democrats who were assisted, not by Russia, but competing interests in Kiev, Beiging, and Moscow, too. Perhaps with the goal of recycling social justice (e.g. elective coups, catastrophic anthropogenic immigration reform) as forced in Egypt, Syria, Libya, etc. My guess is that Bezos is paying.. still paying (i.e. progressive) protection money to keep the Democrat-affiliated neo-fascist Antifa, and neo-KKK Some, Select Black Lives Matter that intimidates/threatened him at home, and now advocates, activists, and investors of the Green Blight at bay.
Decaffeinated Joe of influence peddling fame, Obama's Iraq War 2.0, Obamacares progressive prices, Springs, and Iranian sponsorship of terrorism, and his son of pedophilia glory. War is good. Immigration reform is better. Spoil the child, abort the baby. Progress (i.e. unqualified monotonic change): one step forward, two steps backward.
This is the same bullshit the leftists have been peddling since the election. Hillary said some words! She conceded!
And then they pretend the next four years never even happened.
Several people asserting that I am a leftist and a liar.
I won't assert it. I'll flat-out say it: You are a leftist and a liar.
And then you get on your high horse and lecture the rest of us about good-faith arguments.
Fuck off, boy.
"close and open-ended"? Just stop.
Abandon Trump, and we'll allow you to rejoin a conservative Republican Party.
Whose "we" dipshit? Do you have a mouse in your pocket?
There is a diehard NT over at Ricochet who also drams of a "conservative" GOP by his own definition. You and he should get a room. Another small time lawyer.
Let me add another, informed by my experience as a litigator and a legal ethics maven.
Jezus ! Another ambulance chaser lefty.
Great that Rudy is stepping forward. Now let's see what he argues to the court! I would be very surprised, and willing to eat crow, if he argues any of the election changing theories so popular among the commenters here (none of which are in the Pa. federal court complaint), or, if he does, if the judge is not very tough on him for doing so.
It is true that many affidavits have been filed claiming failure to give an opportunity to observe. It is also true that in every case, the courts have found that although some people may have been excluded (for example because they left the building and were not readmitted), that at all times, and in all relevant polling places, Republican observers were present and able to observe. Moreover, in no lawsuit has anyone been able to point to any consequences for the vote tally. I believe that's why the observer claim was pulled in the Central District of Pa lawsuit. We'll see if Giuliani tries to revive it tomorrow.
Clues, You make a good point. I was focusing on the Blue Wall States, which to my mind were decisive in both elections. You are correct, though, to focus on Wisconsin, Georgia and Arizona, and they were closer. My mistake. The Arizona lawsuits were dead on arrival, though, the Georgia hand recount is very unlikely to change the winner, and it's not even clear that Trump will pay/waste the $8 mill for a recount in Wisconsin.
Moreover, in no lawsuit has anyone been able to point to any consequences for the vote tally.
Well, of course not
That's the point of having the observers, and the point of illegally blocking them from being able to do their jobs:
The ONLY way to stop the election officials from screwing with the votes is by having observers there.
The exclusion of observers is prima facie proof that vote fraud occurred.
Every vote "counted" while GOP observers were kept from observing the actions of the poll workers is invalid. Their existence is fraud
"Short of throwing Biden and his son in jail, and leaving them their until Jan 20, there's no way that Trump can do unto Biden anything as heinous as Biden and Obama did to Trump."
Forgot one...assuming Biden is in, if Republicans win the house in 2022; non-stop investigations of Biden from day 1. Hell, I'd be calling for impeachment.
I'd even run on impeaching the drooling bastard.
Jezus ! Another ambulance chaser lefty.
No. He’s a lefty ambulance chaser, not the other way around.
I agree with Bruce Hayden,
Turning off the power to major metropolitan areas is possible with a regular rifle. I drive pass several sub stations on my way to work. How many spare transformers are held in storage, I wonder. How long to manufacture? Even the neighborhood pole transformers can be taken our easily, just ask the squirrels. One doesn't have to overthink it. Turn off the power, you won't have trains and trucks delivering perishable goods to blacked out supermarkets and so forth. Then you look at the high tension lines. Taking out a few insulators holding the wire would cause a great disruption I should think.
LLR-lefty Chuck: "Abandon Trump, and we'll allow you to rejoin a conservative Republican Party."
Oh my. Our resident FakeCon really is trying to pull this off at Althouse, isn't he? I guess that lefty billionaire cash just never runs out, does it?
You'd better get to work in MI Chuckie. Your gal Whitmer is going to need all of your amazing political "acumen" and "insight".
Unless, of course, after this tull scale test run in November of 2020, you democraticals think you've got the voting scams fully and permanently implemented. In which case, your beloved Whitmer will be a shoo-in for reelection.
You know the absolute best part of LLR-lefty Chuck forgetting his faux "conservative" online persona quite frequently?
He'll go from passionate and vehement defense of his many democratical pals, like Da Nang Dick, right back into his fake conservative pose!
Well, I'll give Chuckie this: he fooled gadfly and Inga and readering.
Which is the Moron Hat Trick.
So there's that.
Greg the class traitor, You are missing the point. There is not a single case where Trump has been able to show that a substantial number of Republican observers were not in the room and able to observe. Not one. In one Pa. case, the judge did allow observers to move 4 feet closer, but that minor victory has not translated into any judicial relief with respect to the vote count.
it's not even entertaining fiction, like ignatius used to write, also ward just once upon a time,
Chuck said...
Speaking just for myself, I had to check on the veracity of whether Hillary Clinton actually called Trump an "illegitimate president." She did.
But the essential points raised by the Post Editorial Board remain true. Mrs. Clinton formally conceded; President Obama welcomed Trump to the White House and opened his Administration to the transition. All of the substantive actions pointed toward full acceptance of the election and a legal/cooperative transition. Actions spoke louder than words.
Yes, absolutely. Nothing says "Welcome to the white House! more strongly then ordering the DOJ and intelligence services to open up a clandestine investigation against the incoming POTUS and everyone even close to him. Such a wonderful welcome gesture!
Bruce Hayden said...
BTW, I used to think that you would need to dynamite power transmission towers to take down the electricity grid. Apparently not true. Someone I know, who has worked in the industry has assured me that they could do it with a box of .30-06 rounds, strategically placed. Shoot up the control boxes at the right substation, and the regional grid will likely fail. Places like CA and NYC are esp vulnerable because they both import a significant portion of their power needs over long distances.
There are things that a lot of us know that really shouldn't be common knowledge. The United States is a high trust society. Trains can safely barrel down a track that's used but once a month. In many areas, they go very slowly down such lines so the engineer can spot missing rails in time to stop.
Here’s a thought: We pause and let our courts consider the evidence of election fraud. If the Supreme Court rules in favor of Donald Trump and Joe Biden is nonetheless inaugurated on January 20, we break out the Civil War cosplay. If the Supreme Court rules against Donald Trump — you know, the Supreme Court with a 6-3 Republican majority, half of whom were selected by Trump himself — then we calm the fuck down.
I don't think LLR-lefty Chuck and his Bulwark/Dispatch/Lincoln Project grifters understand that the republican party going forward isn't really going to be as pro-green new deal/post-birth abortion/open borders/immediate citizenship for illegals/socialism as they are.
They will have to stick with their natural affinities and affiliation: the AOC wing of the democratical party.
I was quite impressed with the angry vehemence demonstrated by Lincoln Grift Project co-Founder John Weaver who promised to go after any republican, anywhere, who even dares to criticize, much less oppose, Joe Biden's agenda.
Yes indeed, our little FakeCon grifters are certainly feeling the pressure to prove to their lefty masters that they can be good little henchmen, all in the hopes that past transgressions can be forgiven and they will remain welcome at the democratical/socialist table......(underneath that table, naturally, while awaiting their scraps.....)
Something tells me our democraticals will soon grow tired of their little pets.
There is not a single case where Trump has been able to show that a substantial number of Republican observers were not in the room and able to observe. Not one
Between Stephen's lies and Chuck's BS, this is a good time to take the afternoon off.
Here's a thought: if the LLRs are all in on promoting and protecting a Joe Biden presidency then they really aren't LLRs, are they? They're just run of the mill Democrats. Which is what many of us have been saying all along.
They will have to stick with their natural affinities and affiliation: the AOC wing of the democratical party.
The alliance for open borders between business-class Republicans and woke socialist Democrats is breathing new life into Karl Marx’s immiseration thesis: Capitalists will conspire with their “enemies” to drive down wages at the bottom.
Earnest Prole: "The alliance for open borders between business-class Republicans and woke socialist Democrats is breathing new life into Karl Marx’s immiseration thesis: Capitalists will conspire with their “enemies” to drive down wages at the bottom."
A nice variation on the old saw "the capitalists will sell us the rope we will use to hang them"
stevew: "Here's a thought: if the LLRs are all in on promoting and protecting a Joe Biden presidency then they really aren't LLRs, are they? They're just run of the mill Democrats. Which is what many of us have been saying all along."
But only completely correct.
wayne county, failed to certify, a three-three tie, that's got to be one of the largest outliers in the count,
stevew said...
Here's a thought: if the LLRs are all in on promoting and protecting a Joe Biden presidency then they really aren't LLRs, are they?
Link to just one time that I ever voiced promotion or protection of Joe Biden or a Biden presidency. Quote me saying anything nice about Biden. Do it.
You can't.
This was the hate election. I supported Biden as the best and most electable thing to defeat Trump.
Stephen said...
Greg the class traitor, You are missing the point. There is not a single case where Trump has been able to show that a substantial number of Republican observers were not in the room and able to observe. Not one. In one Pa. case, the judge did allow observers to move 4 feet closer, but that minor victory has not translated into any judicial relief with respect to the vote count.
Complete garbage.
After 3am on November 4th Republicans were not allowed in in several places for hours. They even manufactured a fake "Water Main leak" in Fulton County to "pause" voting and send all the observers home.
Nobody gives a shit about your propaganda.
And besides. You have much bigger things to worry about.
Dominion/Smartmatic is on trial. Employees have signed witness statements.
You little shitheads have choices to make.
None of them end up with you in power.
Chuck said...
This was the hate election. I supported Biden as the best and most electable thing to defeat Trump.
Everyone hates you Chuck.
You have 1000ish people in the entire country that do not hate you with a burning passion and maybe 10 that don't think you are a piece of shit.
If only I had a dollar for every time Achilles used the word shit in a post.
narciso said...
wayne county, failed to certify, a three-three tie, that's got to be one of the largest outliers in the count,
A 2-2 tie actually. And it is a Pyrrhic "victory" if any such thing can be claimed by the Trumpists.
A procedural hiccup, in which the two Republicans on the equal-split Board decided to drag it out even though the 2020 Wayne County vote -- and particularly the Detroit vote -- looked little different from the 2016 Wayne County vote.
Their decision will just go to the State Board of Canvassers. It will end at some point.
They are fucking around with little niggling complaints that have just about nothing to do with any votes, and definitely nothing to do with the majority and the winning margin for Biden.
LLR-lefty Chuck: "Link to just one time that I ever voiced promotion or protection of Joe Biden or a Biden presidency."
You explicitly stated on this very blog that you supported every single thing the Lincoln Project was doing and representing.
The Lincoln Project co-Founder, as well as the rest of the dumbo moron grifters there, have explicitly stated their raison d'etre is the advancement and realization of the entire, not partial, not watered down, not filtered, the ENTIRE Biden agenda....which is the entire far left agenda.
Which you already knew and are simply lying about again here at Althouse. Which is one of the several reasons you were banned. Your astonishing level of disingenuous and mendacious behavior which you yourself, in one of your no doubt many gin-induced moments of "honesty" confessed openly on these pages: That you were simply here to lie about and smear Trump while also attempting to, and this was your literal statement, drive a wedge between Althouse and her readers.
Oh yes, we completely understand your desperate need for everyone to forget such lapses in your pushing your fakecon online persona, but there it is. Your far left and marxist pals at Facebook/Google/Twitter have not yet gotten their little lefty fingers into the Althouse pie......yet.
Poor LLR-lefty Chuck. I fear we may be on the verge of another of your prolonged racist rants against black conservatives.
You've got a long four years coming, Achilles.
I'll do my very best, to make it as awful for you as I possibly can.
readering: "If only I had a dollar for every time Achilles used the word shit in a post."
If only I had a dollar for every time readering claimed that testimony given under oath was a figment of someone's imagination and/or "gibberish".
Or better yet, for every time readering completely and utterly botches and easily researched historical fact!
It wouldn't be Bezos money mind you, but still.
Clinton was Nostradamus. Thanks to Republican opposition, in several close states the counters could not start on the mail-in ballots until the in-person ballots had been counted, and so the early returns showed substantial Trump leads. Pennsylvania probably the best example. And Trump claimed victory. Biden rightly ignored this and awaited for the counting of mail-in ballots. Sure enough, Biden passed Trump except in North Carolina. But unlike Clinton in 2016, Trump won't concede, even though he is being embarrassed by one court after another. Giuliani in Pennsylvania today takes the cake.
The best is the Georgia Secretary of State pointing out that Trump got tens of thousand more mail-in votes in his unopposed primary than he did in the general election. Suggesting that he suppressed his own votes with his anti-mail-in screeds.
Now if I had a quarter for every time Drago published that same gibberish I would do better than with my Achilles total.
"Over these next 11 months, our efforts will be dedicated to defeating President Trump and Trumpism at the ballot box and to elect those patriots who will hold the line. We do not undertake this task lightly, nor from ideological preference. We have been, and remain, broadly conservative (or classically liberal) in our politics and outlooks. Our many policy differences with national Democrats remain, but our shared fidelity to the Constitution dictates a common effort."
~ The Lincoln Project
George T. Conway III is an attorney in New York. Steve Schmidt is a Republican political strategist who worked for President George W. Bush, Senator John McCain and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. John Weaver is a Republican strategist who worked for President George H.W. Bush, Senator John McCain and Gov. John Kasich. Rick Wilson is a Republican media consultant and author of “Everything Trump Touches Dies” and the forthcoming “Running Against the Devil: A Plot to Save America From Trump and Democrats From Themselves.”
Poor LLR-lefty Chuck. I fear we may be on the verge of another of your prolonged racist rants against black conservatives.
Like when I said that I liked and admired Dr. Ben Carson? That I had met him in the Wayne County Courthouse after testifying, brilliantly, in an extremely complicated medical malpractice case?
Like when I said that I liked and admired John James, candidate for Senate? I called him an excellent candidate who would be much better for Michigan than Gary Peters. And I voted for James in 2018. But I cast no vote for Senate in 2020 because James would not distance himself from Donald Trump.
And you, Drago, cannot even name another black conservative/Republican whose name has arisen from my keyboard on these pages. I dunno; Thomas Sowell? Many of us have expressed our admiration for him. Anybody else? You do the work, Drago. You tell these good readers who else I may have mentioned.
You can't do anything but recycle your own stupid misinterpretation of my calling Dr. Carson "the Secretary of Black People" as I did in the course of insulting Donald Trump's ignorance (and my praising Trump's nomination of Gina Haspel at CIA).
Excellent point Gospace,
Two men with a pair of spanners could easily remove the rail connector plates, and you are correct, there is no way for an engineer to stop a train if he/she even noticed the anomaly. Just take off the side plates, the weight and thrust of the train will separate the track and derail the train. Even a bunch of shovels and picks could easily undermine railway turns by digging out the bedding and removing a tie or two. I don't think the city folks are up to speed about how they are fed, let alone get petrol and heating oil.
Chuck, remember, living well is the best revenge.
"I don't think the city folks are up to speed about how they are fed, let alone get petrol and heating oil."
Not to worry. They'll have plenty of artisanal tomatoes from their balcony gardens. Once spring gets here, anyway. And if they want a little meat, there's always sewer rats.
LLR-lefty Chuck: "Like when I said that I liked and admired Dr. Ben Carson?"
Yes, you indeed do quite a bit of a** covering after you've been exposed.
Like how you spent weeks and months denying you had ever written that you were only here to smear and lie about Trump....only to figure out that since everyone kept posting your exact words that lie wouldn't hold up so you moved on to the "okay okay, it was a simple mistake"...but that lie didn't last long either because you had positioned yourself at Althouse at the mostest bestest smartest legal beagle ever to walk the face of the earth and oh so ever PRECISE about the language you use and how you would never be so careless to write something that wasn't exactly what you thought......
It was all over the cliff and downhill from there for you, wasn't it?
Too funny.
Not to worry though. As noted earlier, you've still got readering, Inga and functionally illiterate gadfly as your big boosters here.
So you've got that going for you. Which is nice.
Trump testing the Streisand effect by firing and tweeting about Chris Krebs, director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency at the Department of Homeland Security.
For those who are unaware, some time back LLR-lefty Chuck calmly and with malice "cleverly" intoned that Ben Carson would be perfect as the head of "The Department of Black People".
When LLR-lefty Chuck was called out for such blatant racism (not his first time, naturally), LLR-lefty Chuck, and you won't believe this...or given that its Chuck perhaps its easy to believe this, claimed that it was Trump who thought that very thing about Ben Carson and LLR-lefty Chuck was only "helpfully" reading Trump's mind!!
That Chuckles lie didn't survive the test of time very well either.
Historical Ignoramus Readering: "Trump testing the Streisand effect by firing and tweeting about Chris Krebs, director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency at the Department of Homeland Security."
Readering demonstrates convincingly that he/she/xe has no idea what the "Streisand effect" is as a meme.
For the benefit of our resident dunce, readering:
The Streisand effect is a social phenomenon that occurs when an attempt to hide, remove, or censor information has the unintended consequence of further publicizing that information, often via the Internet.
So, according to historical ignoramus readering, Trump was attempting to "hide, remove or censor information" by......(wait for it....wait for it.....)...drawing attention to it by commenting publicly on the firing to draw attention to it.
For those readers unfamiliar with readering, this sort of clueless mistake is very on brand for readering.
Next up for readering: declaring the "Streisand effect" to be "gibberish".
That's sort of a "go to" for him/her/xer.
Yeah, gibberish the right word for Drago.
I'm Not Sure,
Our modest tomato endeavor this year (4 plants) was the worst in recent memory. First was the chipmunks getting through the chicken wire, then a deer crushed the replacement barrier. In the end I think we paid about $12 per tomato. Unfortunately, I have, across the street new neighbors who both chain smoke, so they tag team in the front yard, otherwise I would have shot all the chipmunks months ago. Old Tom, the previous house owner, would have cheered me on.
I strongly recommend that going forward, readering and his/her/xer's far left teammate LLR-lefty Chuck collaborate behind the scenes before blundering forth into the blogdom.
It's only prudent.
Imagine most folks tuning out. Moderation slows down this stuff.
Readering: "Yeah, gibberish the right word for Drago."
In a way, it is quite "ironical" for readering to have used the "Streisand effect" mem incorrectly, as readering spends astonishing amounts of time at Althouse blog denying the reality of under oath testimony, established facts etc, all with the sole purpose of hiding his/her/xer's ignorance............... can see where I'm going here.
Drago said...
Like how you spent weeks and months denying you had ever written that you were only here to smear and lie about Trump....only to figure out that since everyone kept posting your exact words that lie wouldn't hold up so you moved on to the "okay okay, it was a simple mistake"...
I never once wrote that I was here to "lie about Trump." Never. Not once. Not ever.
And don't ever again attribute to me a fake made up quote like "okay okay, it was a simple mistake..." Because I never wrote that either.
Readering: "Imagine most folks tuning out."
Speaking of "tuning out", did you ever read up on Brennan and Clapper admitting, under oath, they misled congress, under oath, regarding spying on Americans and journalists and congressional staffers which Ron Wyden also said resulted in staffers being framed and prosecuted though they were innocent?
For those just "tuning in", these were things readering claimed never happened and were just "gibberish".
Once again, very on brand.
"Don't ever again...."
But Chuck, so much of what Drago writes is repeating himself.
Noted Liar and Self-Declared Legal Beagle LLR-lefty Chuck: "I never once wrote that I was here to "lie about Trump." Never. Not once. Not ever."
smear: damage the reputation of (someone) by false accusations; slander.
False accusations. Slander.
tsk tsk tsk Legal Beagle (self-declared, of course)
You know LLR-lefty Chuck, lying now about your previous lies is pretty much all you've got left, isn't it?
Not to worry, readering will be along in a moment to declare all word definitions "gibberish".....and likely white supremacy as well.
If you want to understand LLR-lefty Chuck and his non-stop lies and smears a little better, this blast from LLR-lefty Chuck's past might help explain it:
LLR-lefty Chuck: "I was diagnosed, after extensive testing by medical professionals, in Nov. 2014.Among the #actuallyautistic, you see a range of intellect and social abilities. It is not possible to lump us into one or two categories.
Many of us may appear boorish or rude in our interactions with neurotypical (NT) people. As a generality, we are weak at recognizing non-verbal social cues. Autism, however, is not an excuse for being a jerk. And it is possible for us to be both, as it is for NTs.
Diagnosing yourself is a facile way to find an excuse for behaviors and feelings that may have nothing to do with autism. It's not a fad that you can just buy in to. It is a difference in the hardwiring of the rain. We are not handicapped, just different."
I hope this helps.
Chuck said...
I never once wrote that I was here to "lie about Trump." Never. Not once. Not ever.
That is a lie.
I read that post.
But you are just a dishonest person.
You racist attack on Ben Carson was much better.
A final blast from LLR-lefty Chuck's past:
LLR-lefty Chuck: "I am afraid you are mistaking me for someone who has an interest in fair treatment of Donald Trump. I'm not your guy. I am interested in smearing him, hurting him and prejudicing people against him."
9/8/19, 10:32 AM
tsk tsk tsk
Not even readering can wish that one away, though I expect he/she/xe will certainly try for his/her/xer fellow leftist Chuck.
I liked Chucks constant attacks on autistic kids and claims that Baron was autistic too.
Readering said...
Imagine most folks tuning out. Moderation slows down this stuff.
Dishonest people that lose arguments tend to turn to censorship for remedy.
Achilles: "I liked Chucks constant attacks on autistic kids and claims that Baron was autistic too."
Interestingly, after being called out for just those sorts of attacks on the young Trump, our "intrepid" Legal Beagle "warrior" Chuck also denied he ever did that.
Of course, after having his own written words which demonstrated just that were splashed about the blog, LLR-lefty Chuck offered up a hilariously weak "That doesn't sound like something I'd write".
Too funny.
Similar to his early on implying Melania was an escort.
Those attacks were in the early days of the Trump administration when LLR-lefty Chuck was trying desperately and angrily to recover from his "brilliant" and "insightful" failed predictions that not only would Trump lose in a landslide, but he would take the republicans in the House and Senate down in defeat as well.
Readering: "Moderation slows down this stuff."
Fun topic:
Should banned commenters remain banned?
Now that Wayne county has refused to certify the election results it seems unlikely that the Michigan Board of Elections has any choice but to punt this to the State Legislature.
Powell also said this:
" I never say anything I can’t prove. Secondly the evidence is coming in so fast I can’t even process it all. Millions of Americans have written I would say by now. Definitely hundreds of thousands have stepped forward with their different experiences of voter fraud. But this is a massive election fraud, and I’m very concerned that it involved not only Dominion and the Smartmatic software, but the software was essentially used by other election machines also. It’s the software that was the problem. Even their own manual explains how votes can be wiped away. It’s like drag and drop Trump votes to a separate folder and then delete that folder. It is absolutely brazen how people bought the system and why they bought the system, in fact, every state that bought Dominion for sure should have a criminal investigation or at least a serious investigation of the officers in the states who bought the software. We’ve even got evidence of some kickbacks, essentially."
That's the smell of flop sweat.
Achilles said...
Now that Wayne county has refused to certify the election results it seems unlikely that the Michigan Board of Elections has any choice but to punt this to the State Legislature.
Let's bet on whether the Michigan Legislature will decide Michigan's 16 electoral votes, and upset the election results.
Careful Achilles.
If there is one thing LLR-lefty Chuck will not abide is criticism of any democratical at any time for any reason.
As you may recall, LLR-lefty Chuck long ago, and repeatedly, vouched for the trustworthiness and superior ethics of every inner city democratical political machine. And in particular, those paragons of electoral virtue, Detroit democraticals.
One can only assume that of all the paragons of virtue comprising inner city democratical party machines, according to LLR-lefty Chuck, Detroit's is the most paragon-al of all.
I do have to congratulate LLR-lefty Chuck for one thing.
He knew full well that after clearly faking support for Brett Kavanaugh while his fellow democrats smeared and lied about him, LLR-lefty Chuck instinctively knew that he would not be able to pull off another lie-filled "show of support" for ACB.
So he didn't even try.
I have to say, for Chuckie, that was an impressive feat of discipline...given his clear rage issues involving conservative women.
I'm not vouching for any Democrats. What I know is that in the aftermath of Election 2020, the Republican Speaker of the state House of Representatives and the Republican state Senate Majority Leader have each been questioned about the possibility of the state legislature in Michigan deciding the election for Donald Trump, and both have unequivocally denied that the legislature would do anything to upset the state's popular vote. Since, uh, Michgan law requires it.
I still want my bet with Achilles. He sounded so sure of himself.
Okay that's it. I am done playing the Drago game tonight. So disgusting. I'm going to go wash my hands and find something to read that is genuinely interesting.
What clutter you produce here, Drago. Just recycled personal attacks, over and over and over.
LLR-lefty Chuck: "I'm not vouching for any Democrats."
You've done nothing else but vouch for and defend and praise leftists and democraticals.
More of your sad, easily disproven lies.
Your only goal here is to perhaps, by chance, catch a unaware reader who doesn't know your game and make them think you are some kind of "principled conservative" who, by golly, has no choice but to suck up to every democratical in sight while defending every democratical policy that is vomited up.
Your incredible, and simultaneously hilarious, vehement defense of obamacare and open borders comes immediately to mind.
LLR-lefty Chuck (who was banned by the blog moderators for being an obviously disingenuous FakeCon who cluttered up the threads and was weirdly obsessive with the blog hostess in creepily worded private communications to her): "What clutter you produce here, Drago."
LLR-lefty Chuck: "Just recycled personal attacks, over and over and over."
Faithful recollections and repostings of all your earlier shenanigans which were exposed quite thoroughly by all and sundry.
The jig is up for you little man. I can only wonder if there is a Reid Hoffman in the background somewhere making sure you keep posting here.
As the courts blow away trumps fake lawsuits especially with Rudy ,all trumps lawyers are going into court and admitting to the judges 'NO your Honor we know there is no fraud but we did see the Dems were getting the air conditioner blowing more on them then the Republicans and also they got to park a little closer to the court then R's did your honor. Rudy brings up insane claims and then argues differently on the claim with no evidence after 28 years he has lost his mind for court We all know trumps claim is for his minions to send $$$ to help with court fees none of which will go for that but to bail out his debt! trumpeters will gladly donate as they have nothing else to do and seem to love a lost cause.. Can you imagine all the great lawyers in the country and trump taps RUDY! BRILLIANT,,,THATS WHY WE KNOW ITS YET ANOTHER DECEPTION AND $$$ GRABBING SCAM..64 DAYS UNTIL EJECTION!!!
Powell said she’s collecting evidence from various whistle-blowers, who are “aware of substantial sums of money being given to family members of state officials who bought this software.”
More than a few of those corrupt state officials were traitorous corrupt Bulwark Republicans.
Trump won this election by millions of votes.
The election in Michigan will not be certified. The election in Pennsylvania is going to be decertified by a very upset Judge Alito.
The Democrats and their Republican cuck allies got caught trying to destroy the Republic.
The next election is going to be with paper ballots, ID and purple thumbs. Democrats will barely clear 40% in national elections if they are lucky.
Fan fiction
The Post Editorial Board is a good picture of all that's wrong with journalism and media. As opinion writers, I have no beef with them. But dude...nice Stalin airbrush of history. Hillary lost plain and simple. No fraud, although the D's tried for years and years and YEARS to say that Trump was a Putin stooge.
We might not find the level of fraud that's being alleged. But last I checked, there was no constitutional requirement for him to say before vote certification that it's over. The damage to The Republic isn't a guy who won't immediately or easily concede (although Gore certainly tested the limits 20 years ago). It's our intellectual betters demanding we do as they say. How long until they start calling for censorship in the name of "moderating the public discourse"? Unhinged and unhealthy, the Left is practicing the dictatorial fascism they claim they're against.
I guess you have not been reading the bonkers statements by the Trump family and their minions over the past fortnight. With 25 court defeats to refute them so far.
Blogger Achilles said...
Powell said she’s collecting evidence from various whistle-blowers, who are “aware of substantial sums of money being given to family members of state officials who bought this software.”
More than a few of those corrupt state officials were traitorous corrupt Bulwark Republicans.
Trump won this election by millions of votes.
The election in Michigan will not be certified. The election in Pennsylvania is going to be decertified by a very upset Judge Alito.
The Democrats and their Republican cuck allies got caught trying to destroy the Republic.
The next election is going to be with paper ballots, ID and purple thumbs. Democrats will barely clear 40% in national elections if they are lucky.
You’re wrong about every word of that. But the best thing is that we will all soon know very clearly how wrong you were. And then I can spike that football as often as I like. And I am going to like it a lot.
Dems....still lying to us.
The 2016 election was, in fact, closer than this one both in the popular vote and in the margins in swing states. The difference was that the outcome was clear on election night so that's when Hilary conceded. In this election in the midst of a pandemic, the outcome didn't become clear until the Saturday following the election so that's when Hilary would have conceded if she had been the candidate this year and when Trump should have conceded.
The investigations that preceded and succeeded the 2016 election were unique to Trump's unique circumstances. Whether the uniqueness was a result of his misbehavior and that of his campaign staff; or of a unjustified bias against him is a matter on which it's impossible to reach agreement currently since those of on the two sides of the matter are working with an entirely different ideas about whom to trust.
"The United States is a high trust society. "
Never fear, they're working on that too.
Gosh, I guess there's just no evidence of fraud!
I, Carlos E.Silva, declare under penalty of perjury that the following is true and correct:
I am and have been a Florida trial lawyer for over 26 years.
I am a registered Democrat.
For some reason copy and paste from the PDF is horribly screwed up, so I'll cut to the chase:
I also saw absentee ballots for Trump inserted into Biden's stack and were counted as Biden votes. This occurred a few times.
I also observed throughout my three days in Atlanta, not once did anyone verify signatures on these ballots. In fact, there was no authentication process in place and no envelopes were observed or allowed to be observed.
Based on my observations, I have reached the conclusion that in the counties I have observed, there is widespread fraud favoring candidate Biden only. There were thousands of ballots that just had the perfect bubble marked for Biden and no other markings in the rest of the ballot.
Chuck said
All of the substantive actions pointed toward full acceptance of the election and a legal/cooperative transition. Actions spoke louder than words.
Oh, you mean, like running the phony FISA investigation, and lying to the FISA Court about it, so it could continue it into Trump's Administration, and setting up Flynn ....
Yeah, about those "actions."
“Everything was in total disarray,” Susan Voyles, a poll manager with 20 years of experience handling ballots, wrote in her affidavit about her experience at a recount center in Fulton County.
Pristine Ballots
Voyles said that ballots usually show signs of handling, like written marks, creases, and torn edges. But a batch she counted while working as a recount auditor at the Georgia World Congress Center on Nov. 14 “stood out.”
“It was pristine. There was a difference in the texture of the paper—it was if they were intended for absentee use, but had not been used for that purpose,” Voyles testified. “There were no markings on the ballots to show where they had come from, or where they had been processed.”
“I observed that the markings for the candidates on these ballots were unusually uniform, perhaps even with a ballot marking device,” Voyles said. “By my estimate in observing these ballots, approximately 98 percent constituted votes for Joe Biden.”
Carlos Silva, a registered Democrat, observed a batch of ballots similar to the one described by Voyles, this time in DeKalb County.
“I noticed they all had a perfect black bubble and all were Biden select,” Silva wrote in a sworn affidavit. “I heard them go through the stack and call out Biden’s name over 500 times in a row.”
Robin Hall witnessed the same odd ballots in Fulton County.
“The ballots appeared to be perfectly filled out as though they were pre-printed with the presidential candidate selected. They did not look like a person filled this out at home,” Hall wrote.
Debra Fisher witnessed the same pattern with military and overseas ballots. She noticed that the watermark on the ballots was printed in solid grey instead of being transparent like other ballots. Fisher suspected the ballots were counterfeit and inquired with the elections director, who told her it was not an issue “due to the use of different printers.”
“I noticed that almost all of the ballots I reviewed were for Biden. Many batches went 100 percent for Biden,” Fisher testified. “I believe the military ballots are highly suspicious of fraud.”
Trump Votes for Biden
Three of the affiants testified that they witnessed ballots cast for Trump being placed in stacks for Biden and counted toward the tally for the former vice president. One of the three said she recorded the activity on video.
But, our "betters" tell us, there's no evidence of "widespread" vote fraud
Chuck said
All of the substantive actions pointed toward full acceptance of the election and a legal/cooperative transition. Actions spoke louder than words
Gosh, you mean like investigating the incoming National Security Advisor for "Logan Act" violations for talking with Russians?
And then having dishonest FBI agents "investigate" him, and falsely accuse him of lying to get him fired and prosecuted?
That's your definition of a "legal/cooperative transition"?
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