November 18, 2020

"Just five short years ago Jared and Ivanka were dinner-party royalty here in Manhattan. It’s that kind of place."

"They had money, they had youth, they had celebrity. They were thin. I’m told that their manners were impeccable, so you’d never know that his father was an actual felon and her father a de facto one. Besides, you can’t hold family against someone, can you? We don’t choose how we’re born. But from then on, we do make choices, and we’re accountable for those. Jared and Ivanka are about to be held accountable...."

This desire for revenge is so ugly, but I'll take Bruni's word for it that it's impeccable manners within the context of "dinner-party royalty here in Manhattan." He said "here," so he must know.

Your side won, so why can't you be graceful about it? Will your next column be about how Joe Biden would bring everybody together if only the losing side weren't so intransigent?


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brylun said...

Why do you even read this stuff?

Expat(ish) said...

Chelsea Clinton and Marc Mezvinsky were not available for an interview.


richlb said...

"Besides, you can’t hold family against someone, can you?"

Well, not for Hunter Biden.

Big Mike said...

Your side won, so why can't you be graceful about it?

Almost spat out my morning coffee. You already know the answer. But why not call up your son’s old friend Ben Wikler and ask him?

Lord Clanfiddle said...

Just pitiful, bless his heart

Chuck said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
narciso said...

And hunter has violated every law of god and man, invarious jurisdictions.

Lawrence Person said...

"How dare you side with those Redneck Freaks of JesusLand against us, your natural betters and superiors on the Upper East Side? That's the unforgivable sin! Our right to rule must remain unquestioned, and anyone that does question it must be made to pay and then cast out!"

Nichevo said...

Your side won, so why can't you be graceful about it?

"You already came in my mouth, why do you want me to swallow it?"

tim maguire said...

brylun said...Why do you even read this stuff?

Because what the NYT says matters, even if we think it shouldn't.

Temujin said...

I'm betting Jared and Ivanka will be invited to all the great gatherings of the young and thin long before Frank Bruni gets the invite in the mail he so desires. Bruni is a wretch. What it must be like to be him.

Gahrie said...

Your side won, so why can't you be graceful about it?

Examples have to be set. Opposition has to be punished. Lists are being drawn up.

The Democrats are poor losers and worse winners.

tim maguire said...

Chuck said...Althouse we are not going to be graceful about winning as long as Trump keeps claiming that we didn’t really win, or that we cheated to win.

That is how this works

Those are excuses, not reasons. They have nothing whatsoever to do with why you are such a sore winner.

Gahrie said...

Your side won, so why can't you be graceful about it?

There is a baker in Colorado who has been wondering this same thing.

Gahrie said...

That is how this works. Never once in his life has Trump been graceful or dignified or moral or principled. He’s a feral creature. And so must be treated that way.

After the way you on the Left have behaved for the last four years, I cannot believe that you didn't spontaneously combust in a surge of hypocrisy after typing that.

wendybar said...

Progressives hate...and want everybody else to be as miserable as they are. If you haven't noticed,.....take your heads out of the sand and see what they foisted on us in the last 12 years. We are heading back to perpetual wars!! YAY!!! Who want's our kids to come home anyways....Suckers.

PB said...

BLM. Biden Laptops Matter

Hillary told Biden to not concede. Biden said he wouldn't concede.

The outgoing Clinton administration left the west wing in a mess removing the W keys on all keyboards.

The Obama administration set the FBI/CIA/DOJ on the incoming Trump admin.

Democrats introduced their "Resist" movement the day after election day in 2016vand then tried all sorts of things to obstruct the electoral college and called for the 25th amendment before inauguration day.

And they expect the Trump admin and Republicans to just lay down for them?

Forget that!

hombre said...

They can’t be graceful because the election is tainted by cheating and leftmedia censorship. This is about justifying. Everything Trump is bad. Therefore everything done to subvert him/them is justified. The vilest calumny. Impeaching Donald for what Quid Pro Joe actually did. Concealing Biden Family grifting. Stealing the election. Everything!

More than half the country knows. Half the country is angry. We’ll see how that works out. Biden’s is the illegitimate Presidency.

Kate said...

"We don't choose how we're born." True. The Left is awfully willing to jettison family after that moment, though. With abortion they're willing to jettison family before that moment.

Iman said...

Bruni, Frank Rich, the list of detestable human beings goes on.

Browndog said...

The same people that thought the democrats would return to even a moderate level of civility if they voted Trump out of office are the same people that thought the covid scam was only useful to carry the election, and teh petty dictators would voluntarily give up their newfound power.

Tommy Duncan said...

Life was good when the scat flinging monkey from Michigan was away.

steve uhr said...

Come on Ann. They will be treated as key members of a corrupt administration. The family relationship doesn’t matter.

Darrell said...

Bruni--KYA, as the kids say.
And start working for free, as these "grifters" do.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Is there any progressive writer that isn’t steeped in psychological projection? I’m so tired of this worn out trope: this person is so mean that we must treat them horribly so they’ll know their place and then we can all get along just fine.

Bob Boyd said...

Like a wife beater, the liberals hate themselves for what they have become. They blame the victim for making them do it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump hate makes leftists blind to the corruption at the top of the democrat party.

"Grifter" - stop stealing words that only apply to Pelosi-Biden-Clinton.

Darrell said...

Chuck was banned for life.
FBI? Do a mental welfare check on Chuck. He's starting to check all the boxes.

hombre said...

Chuck Channeling Schumer said...
“Althouse WE are not going to be graceful about winning as long as Trump keeps claiming that WE didn’t really win, or that WE cheated to win.”

The magic of “we.” The Chuck LLR charade is over.

The Crack Emcee said...

Jared and Ivanka are the glossiest grifters like Obama didn't give Oprah the Presidential Seal of Approval for spreading pseudoscience and mysticism.

When I was a kid, I was told white folks didn't allow for lying like this.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

How weird Chuck and I wrote the same thing! Except mine was ironic.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Crack - Harris is dumb or dirty? hmmmm.

My vote is dirty. Agreed. Harris is a dirty cop. That's why Biden picked her.

henge2243 said...

Ooooh, they'll be shunned by the same people who celebrated Jeffery Epstein and Harvey Weinstein. I don't think that hurts as much as Frank thinks it does.

RMc said...

Your side won, so why can't you be graceful about it?

(a) They ain't won yet, and
(b) You're kidding, right?

Dave Begley said...


rcocean said...

The liberal establishment is going to destroy Trump and his family as a lesson to others. That's why it was so important to re-elect Trump. that's the only way to have punished them for their disgraceful behavior. Now, they're embolden and feel they've found the key to domination forever. Thanks all you middle and working class voters for Biden. Hope you enjoy the coming California type Government!

Gusty Winds said...

“Your side won” – no they didn’t. They cheated and completely turned us into a 3rd world country. Is this an acceptance of the results by the Professor, or an admission that you “won” at all cost? Cruel Neutrality is such a mystery, except when all the article links are to the NYTs and the Wash Post. Then it’s just sophistry.

whitney said...

And that's why Trump is fighting so hard. He is fighting to the death he knows it. it is the only option left for him

Hari said...

Cuomo has forbidden private gatherings of more than ten people in New York, so what difference does it make?

rcocean said...

BTW, I personally have zero liking for the "Kushners". But they're not being attacked for themselves, but for being related to Trump.

Lurker21 said...

Seems very petty. Silly, even. I hope Javanaka and Ired aren't obsessed with New York's society world and its fripperies.

The idea that this will stop when Trump concedes is also ridiculous. It stops when they find somebody else to hate. But it's like that with politics. Old enemies get rehabilitated and used to bash the current enemy.

mezzrow said...

Your side won, so why can't you be graceful about it?

I'm going to channel my inner Kurt Schlichter and reply "because they hate them and want them dead, that's why." When you accept that, it all makes perfect sense.

It's not over until Trump says it's over or December 14th, whichever comes first. It's a War of Attrition. We had a War of Sedition four years ago about this time, remember? That was a secret war then, but we know much more now.

How much more don't we know? We may never know.

Gusty Winds said...

Liberals value the dinner party circuit. I’d imagine Madison, WI and the University of Wisconsin adult culture are much the same. You have to go along to either host or get on the invitation list. Personally, I’d rather eat with the smelly fishermen, than dine with the Pharisees and Sadducees. You have to sell your soul for and invitation the latter. Ivanka must be reevaluating everything. Tough to realize most her “friends” were all shit. It happens around the age 40.

Marcus Bressler said...

The Left is full of despicable people.

Qwinn said...

How is the fact that Democrats in Michigan outright, blatantly, publicly threatened the Republicans in the Wayne County election board to certify or else not the foremost topic on every network in America?

Francisco D said...

How much of a leap is it from being "held accountable" to being put up against the wall and shot?

One generation? Two?

Bob Boyd said...

Mean girl says, You can't sit with us in the lunch room anymore.

Bruce Hayden said...

So, they went from being NYC royalty to being international royalty. They are on a first name basis with leaders of countries around the world, and probably on even better terms with people like the Saudi Crown Prince.

Ann Althouse said...

"Why do you even read this stuff?"

Why do you read this blog? Reading that stuff and commenting on it is what this blog is. You're telling me to write a different blog? Why don't you read a different blog?

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Was Frank Bruni inviting Jared and Ivanka to dinner?

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Why do Democrats always end up sounding like the mean girl's table in middle school?

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Birkel said...

His side cheated it's way to Pyrrhic victory, if the cheating can be kept from full public view. (It's too late for public knowledge.)

But he wants revenge because that is the way all Leftist Collectivists always want. They are murderous thugs to their respective rotten cores. They have a desire for control. They need to make that omelette. And you are merely an egg.

We have those half billion guns for this very reason. Personally, I have none, of course. My grandpappy lost them all in a boating accident years ago.

Althouse knows all this because her commenters have been saying as much for years. Here is the real question:

"Why are the Leftist Collectivists revealing - even to those in denial about the true nature of Leftist Collectivists - their bloodthirsty-ness at this precise moment?"

oleh said...

How do you feel happy unity with the people? Easy peasy. Make sure "the people" excludes those you don't like!

Gusty Winds said...

This is an interesting phenomenon. Doubling down on two sources for Althouse. The NYTs and the Wash Post mainly. Add CNN links to the mix and we have ourselves a propaganda trifecta. The best is, the comments section and the cast of consistent characters are part of the product of this blog. We’re the back-up band, the side-show. People I’ve turned on to the blog don’t just come here to see what the Althouse writes; they come here to see what is happening in Thunderdome (the Althouse comments). I’m sensing a correlation with the commenter’s refusal to recognize the NYTs and Wash Post as legitimate truthful sources, and the increased concentration of articles linked by the publisher.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

I think it's about time for a cultural turn of the screw in which these nasty scolds become uncool to hang out with because they are so fucking shrill and boring.

The Crack Emcee said...

BidenFamilyTaxPayerFundedCrackPipe said...

"Crack - Harris is dumb or dirty? hmmmm.

My vote is dirty. Agreed. Harris is a dirty cop. That's why Biden picked her."

I find it hard to believe the right hasn't taken out Oprah yet - with her encouragement of pseudoscience and anti vaccination, and now, after running her "spiritual advisor" as a candidate for President (Marianne Williamson) they've elected a woman who let Montel Williams put his talking-to-the-dead PENIS inside of her - AND THEY STILL SAY NOTHING.

QAnon news is EVERYWHERE - especially talking about how the anti vaccine movement is part of it - but who is the anti vaccine movement?

Jenny McCarthy, Jim Carrey (SNL's Joe Biden) Robert De Niro (SNL's Robert Mueller) Bill Maher (Real Talk) Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, etc.

How can the rightwing allow this to happen, with such low-hanging fruit available, in a pandemic?

I simply don't get it.

Y'all must sure be embarrassed by Christianity to let THAT fight go unchallenged,...

Qwinn said...

The thing is, the Left, and I include every leftist commenting here, aren't acting like they won anything legitimately. If they thought they had, they'd be fully supportive of validating the vote, so they could unite the country under their banner and furthermore rub out noses in the loss.

Instead, they're screaming their heads off trying to stop any review of the vote by any means necessary.

That's the behavior of the knowingly guilty. That's the behavior of criminals afraid of being caught. This is becoming more and more obvious to everyone with every passing day.

Adding outright public threats and harassment to Michigan Republican election officials is going to add millions to the count of those who believe this election was stolen.

Tom T. said...

They'll never forgive Kushner for successfully bringing peace to the Middle East. They hate him because he's a reminder of their own long-standing failures.

rehajm said...

Frank Bruni is a food critic not a thinker. In a way he's staying in his lane here. At least the best we could hope for...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Crack - You won't get an argument from me on the freak-show and BS influence charlatans that make up much of American entertainment.

"The rightwing" doesn't act as thought-police. That's how it happens.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

My FB feed is full of lefties who dream of emptying the prisons of their current occupants and then refilling them with their political opponents. I’ve never seen a more unhinged group.

Howard said...

Who cares about NYC glitteratti pecking orders? I hear JarVanka is moving to Nebraska to live amongst their true and loyal servants.

Bob Boyd said...

Bruni apparently can't conceive of anything more important than social standing. Sad.

Clues? said...

“Your side won, so why can't you be graceful about it? Will your next column be about how Joe Biden would bring everybody together if only the losing side weren't so intransigent?”

Logic privilege on display

Michael K said...

That's the behavior of the knowingly guilty. That's the behavior of criminals afraid of being caught. This is becoming more and more obvious to everyone with every passing day.

I'm waiting to see what Sydney Powell has. That will be a bust or the fuse that lit the revolt.

Leland said...

That reads like a plea for Jared and Ivanka to come back, yet in mean girls style where you have to denounce yourself before they'll accept you back, but please come back.

Charlie said...

I'm going to name my next band "Dinner Party Royalty".

Qwinn said...

Crack, just so you know, while I disagree with you vehemently on just about everything related to race, I don't disagree with you on anything you've referred to in this thread either. Unfortunately, in case you haven't noticed, we can't even get a fair hearing about rampant national election fraud, so why would anything we say or do about Oprah be any more successful?

tcrosse said...

Bruni apparently can't conceive of anything more important than social standing. Sad.

To a restaurant critic everything looks like a dinner.

Gunner said...

Remember when "men" like Bruni pretended to care about the Bushitler wars of agreession? Now he cannot even remember that crap! Same for all the phony limousine libs in NY.

Nonapod said...

First of all, I find the very idea of "Manhatten Dinner Party Royalty" absolutely revolting let alone something any decent person would want to aspire to. And at this point anyone castigating the Trump children as "grifters" while assiduously avoiding the topic of Hunter Biden seems like an excercise in a god tier level of cognitive dissonance.

Birkel said...

They now support never ending wars that they pretended to want to stop.

Sam L. said...

It's the NYT which I despise, detest, and totally distrust.

dd said...

Gave up being dinner party royalty in NYC to have actual power for 4 years. They may have lost that power but 4 years is more than most of the others on the dinner party will ever have.

Oh and they gave up the dinner party circuit and helped bring peace to Middle East.

Browndog said...

They should hold up Jared as a hero. He ran the Trump re-election campaign. No money, no advertising, no real message, catered to the woke crowd.

He wanted a different approach to Bannon. It worked. They got different results.

Michael said...

This is Frank Bruni’s fantasy He does not inhabit that world or the periphery of that world. He is a former food critic. He is not rich. He does not travel in those circles. He is invisible to them and their set.

Jupiter said...

"Your side won, so why can't you be graceful about it?"

Maybe Frank isn't as sure of that as you are.

narciso said...

We laugh at them, like kirk did to khan.

bgates said...

This guy used to be a movie critic, yet he's not aware of the trope seen in everything from Cinderella to Heathers to Mean Girls that if all the rich and powerful people at all the best parties turn on someone viciously, that someone is the hero.

CWJ said...

"Your side won, so why can't you be graceful about it?"

Your concept of having won is different than theirs. They have not yet won, because their opponents "still draw breath.". Up to now, it has been a guerrilla war. Very intense, but not exactly legitimate. Wining an election or obtaining a favorable court ruling is more akin to hunting licenses than ends in themselves. They are letters of marque that instantly turn pirates into legitimate officers of the realm.

Attonasi said...

Your side won, so why can't you be graceful about it? Will your next column be about how Joe Biden would bring everybody together if only the losing side weren't so intransigent?

Are you truly that unaware of the current possible futures Ann?

"Graceful" is not in any of them by anyone.

The Crack Emcee said...

Qwinn said...

" Unfortunately, in case you haven't noticed, we can't even get a fair hearing about rampant national election fraud, so why would anything we say or do about Oprah be any more successful?"

Because she promoted a guy who raped 600 women?

Because she promoted a guy who killed three people?

Because she irresponsibly promoted the antivaccine movement?

Because she's the leader of the NewAge Movement and few even know what that is? (You know the Feminist Movement, the black Civil Rights Movement, the Gay Rights Movement - but not this - and it's the most powerful one,....) why?

bagoh20 said...

"This desire for revenge is so ugly,"

So is supporting it.

I'm decoupling. I cut my subscription to the LA Times decades ago, and never paid another paper for propaganda. I gave up facebook years ago, never used my twitter account, I stop using Chrome, and Google anywhere I can. Next is Youtube, which is going to break my heart, but I have to refuse to support anybody who does not respect the principles I do, and actively works against them. In other words "evil". I suppose that includes Blogger at some point. I expect that much of what I've written her since 2008 in support of American values of freedom will eventually cost me in some way until the revolution resets things.

It's a real shame that with all the promise this technology once offered, it ends up like most things dominated by leftists. It becomes a weapon against freedoms of speech, association, religion, and even thought. What else can you call something that turns everything good into something bad other than simply "evil". I don't think they know that's what they are doing, but not knowing and not wanting to know is how it does it's bad magic on good people.

The Crack Emcee said...

Oprah IS supposed to be a journalist, you know - there should be some parameters around what she can do.

Skeptical Voter said...

Frank Bruni writes silly twaddle and he is insignificant scum--bless his heart as they say Down South.

B Sharpe said...

"Held accountable"? They are heroes. They are prime movers in things we'll be talking about 50 years from now, unless Biden totally blows it. Frank What's-his-name will be remembered on a headstone.

bagoh20 said...

I haven't heard anything about Oprah for a couple years. Haven't seen her, or read anything about her.

Attonasi said...

Tom T. said...

They'll never forgive Kushner for successfully bringing peace to the Middle East. They hate him because he's a reminder of their own long-standing failures.

Those were not failures. They never intended to make peace. Our animal selves, our genes, do not seek peace. The current globalist elite is pure animal instinct. It's organization and activities show no conscious thought or enlightenment. They want constant war among middle east people so they can continue to harvest the natural resources from the region and the forced migration to Europe is gravy.

B Sharpe said...

"Held accountable"? They are heroes. They are prime movers in things we'll be talking about 50 years from now, unless Biden totally blows it. Frank What's-his-name will be remembered on a headstone.

CWJ said...

Speaking of Althouse's concept of winning, I remember her saying "We won." When the supreme court supported gay marriage. What I don't recall is her ever calling the subsequent hounding of traditional marriage ceremony providers ugly, or that the gaystoppo should be Graceful.

Achilles said...

This desire for revenge is so ugly, but...

But what?

You are supporting ugliness.

MD Greene said...

It was clear they had become deplorables when middle-of-the-road Nordstrom announced shortly after the election that Ivana's fashion line (whatever it was) would no longer be sold in its stores.

Apparently self-styled elite customers signaled their disdain.

It was like the cool kids sneering at the greasers.

Howard said...

Two things I read about Joe Biden this morning one he is quietly telling insiders that he does not want to see an aggressive campaign to go after Trump legally. the other thing is is that the Biden administration will continue with the Hardline China policy.

I don't hold out a lot of hope that Biden will continue with the Hardline against the Iranian regime which was one of the few things that Trump administration did that I applauded.

Bob Boyd said...

Ivanka Trump 'blamed a fart on her classmates when she was a bratty teenager

Achilles said...

Speaking of ugliness this is an elected Democrat leader speaking to the election board in Wayne county after the cameras were turned off.

Michigan Democrat state Representative-Elect Abraham Aiyash:

"... And know the facts. You are certainly showing that you are a racist. You may say that you are not. You may claim that you are not. But let’s be very clear. Your words today and your actions today made it clear that you are okay with silencing the votes of an eighty-percent African-American city.

And what that tells us is you Miss Monica Palmer from Grosse Pointe Woods, which has a history of racism, uh, deciding to enable and continue to perpetuate the racist history of this country. And I want you to think about what that means to your kids–who probably go to Grosse Pointe North–and when they see all their Black classmates..."

This is third world bullshit.

daskol said...

It's like a competition at NYT, who can be the pettiest little bitch in Times Square. I give Bruni a slight edge over Maureen Dowd.

Howard said...

Exactly Achilles the Republican targeting systematic voter suppression in black majority districts is very third world banana republic.

However it may not be racism it may just be low-hanging fruit. However given the historical treatment of black voters one might see how people would feel that it was racially motivated.

donald said...

Nobody gives a shit about Oprah.

Aggie said...

"Your side"

John henry said...

If citizen or president trump is a "de facto criminal" doesn't there have to be a "crime" as in a violation of some actual law or statute? Federal or state?

These assholes, and I include Dick from yesterday's comments, never tell us what the actual "crime" is.

Aside from "orange man bad" which is not actually a crime no matter how badly they wish it see.

John Henry

Static Ping said...

Every civilization, if it lasts long enough, gets infested with "elites" whose primary skills involve remaining elite. (Many of these are the descendants of actually useful people and their sycophants.) Most of them add nothing to society or, in many cases, are actively detrimental, but once they are in place it is difficult to remove them. In fact, if an elite does get removed, it is typically because another useless elite has pushed them out for their own benefit. Given that these people have very easy lives that they could not hope to have otherwise given their skill sets, they are extremely protective of their stations. There is really nothing that they won't do to keep their positions as they basically have nothing to lose and they have lots of resources to protect themselves.

As you might expect, these sort of people are quite vicious. They don't do nice. The best they can do is fakery and passive-aggressiveness.

Usually the only way to get rid of them is some sort of upheaval. Most of the "elite" don't last long once they are targeted by someone they cannot pay off or otherwise eliminate in their usual court intrigues. The question is how much everyone else is going to have to suffer for the upheaval. If you are lucky the upheaval is a massive rooting out of corruption due to government reform. If you are really unlucky, the "elites" have so weakened the country that they become easy pickings for invaders. But the upheaval will come, one way or another. A country has only tolerate so much rot.

Howard said...

How is orange man bad different from lock her up?

It's the red meat shown to the dogs but never given.

Bob Boyd said...

The difference is, Trump was investigated.

bleh said...

Dinner party royalty? Oh go fuck yourself, Frank Bruni. And what about now? They're going to be shunned by some nameless "royals" of the dinner party circuit? Who cares?

Jared and Ivanka served their country at the highest levels of government, and Jared especially was a highly consequential aide. For good or ill.

They're multimillionaires in their own right, and in a few years' time they could be billionaires. Why should they give a shit about Frank Bruni's little get-togethers? I live in Manhattan. The quality of life has declined precipitously under de Blasio, and the good stuff that keeps you here is all but gone thanks to Covid-19. So why stay anyway?

If I were them, I would find someplace else to live even if the sophisticates at Frank Bruni's parties liked me.

By the way, isn't it irresponsible to be having dinner parties during the pandemic?

Michael K said...

Blogger Howard said...
How is orange man bad different from lock her up?

It's the red meat shown to the dogs but never given.

Hillary committed felonies?

Michael K said...

Blogger Howard said...
Exactly Achilles the Republican targeting systematic voter suppression in black majority districts is very third world banana republic.

Yes, that must be why the black vote is setting records. Howard is on fire today.

Voter "Suppression"= Voter ID.

Sebastian said...

"Jared and Ivanka are about to be held accountable...."

Progspeak for revenge.

"The glossiest grifters become Vuitton vagabonds"

But that doesn't even make sense: entering politics put their businesses and incomes at great risk. They were the anti-grifters, by contrast with the Biden and Clinton families.

Bob Boyd said...

Shorter Bruni: NYC's high society is full of self-righteous, intolerant, vindictive little bitches. Jared and Ivanka weren't intimidated by them.

The Crack Emcee said...

donald said...

"Nobody gives a shit about Oprah."

Which I find fascinating: She executive produced the Netflix movie attempting to turn the Central Park Five Rapists into Civil Rights heroes - a big reason everyone was attacking Trump for his full page ad against them at the time.

For two days, she promoted John of God in Brazil, who went on to rape an estimated 600 women (convicted for raping four)

She is almost singlehandedly responsible for the popularity of the antivaccine movement in. this country, as well as conspiracy theories (she was promoting them as far back as the late 80s) and the promotion of quackery, through making Dr. Oz (a man married to a homeopath) "America's Doctor" - he's currently in trouble for encouraging quack "cures" for COVID.

She brought us Obama, after Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil, Marianne Williamson, Deepak Chopra, Eckhard Tolle - and nobody finds it strange to see a PRESIDENT in that list of names? I consider it blasphemy.

Look, I could go on like this FOR MONTHS, the point being that overlooking what this one woman is doing is probably the gravest mistake the Republican Party and the United States is making today.

I will go to my grave knowing that. I saw what she did to my wife.

The Crack Emcee said...

Oh - she's now executive producing the new "1619" movie with the same director who made the Central Park Five re-write, so suck-it-up if you want.

Joe Smith said...

Jared played a huge role in bringing a lot more peace to the Middle East.

But the NYT (ironically) hates Jews, so there's that.

Howard said...

Be careful Crack, you'll be banned from Montecito

Butkus51 said...

I know one thing. Every time the dems do their little tricks it always come back to bite them.


Maybe theyll get rid of all the dominion machines, go full bore fair and it could be a trouncing next 2 elections.

Robert Cook said...

"Shorter Bruni: NYC's high society is full of self-righteous, intolerant, vindictive little bitches."

That's High Society in a nutshell! (Not just in NYC.)

Robert Cook said...

"The Democrats are poor losers and worse winners."

And here we thought Donald had changed his spots when he changed party affiliation!

Robert Cook said...

"'That is how this works. Never once in his life has Trump been graceful or dignified or moral or principled.'

"After the way you on the Left have behaved for the last four years, I cannot believe that you didn't spontaneously combust in a surge of hypocrisy after typing that."

Why? It's the plain truth.

Anonymous said...

Sure it was worth it, Frank Bruni. The Kushners had and have enough money to bury you many times over. Now they have international recognition as peacemakers that you and your preferred pols lack totally. It is reasonable to think they lose no sleep over disapproval of anyone at the Times.

Birkel said...

Robert Cook is so convinced of his own righteousness that he types he above drivel assuming he must have made a devastating point.
When he makes his first point it will be a welcome accident.

Kevin said...

"Why do you even read this stuff?"

Interesting question. Years ago when I started reading it was interesting to break down the news. Meanings were hidden. There were codes. Biases occasionally came to the fore. Althouse picked up on this.

But now Althouse's sources have become so compromised that her cruelly-neutral style no longer fits. It's not about extracting truth, because the lies have become so blatant, cartoonish, and required. There is so much that she can no longer point out - it would consume her blog and become repetitive - that the things she chooses to highlight have themselves become jokes.

Take today. Stephen King "stood up for free speech", she noted. He really didn't, but he contrasted himself with those who were calling for its immediate end. That was the best she could drag out of the propaganda piece. It was all she could extract.

It's not her, nor her analysis, but the materials she is given to work with. They say comedians can't out-joke Trump, and Althouse can't seriously analyze the funny pages our national newspapers have become.

At some point she'll have to hang it up. Her world will no longer be bloggable.

At least that's what I think. I don't think she'll be OK pointing out Dylan references and discussing word origins in NYT articles about how Jared and Ivanka have been sent to a reeducation camp.

I think she'll take herself out of the game by then.

I know I will.

Robert Cook said...

"So, they went from being NYC royalty to being international royalty. They are on a first name basis with leaders of countries around the world, and probably on even better terms with people like the Saudi Crown Prince."

Yes, they've now successfully joined the global cohort of rich scumbags.

Birkel said...

Howard types voter suppression to mean "the ability to manufacture votes out of thin air in Democratical controlled cities in the dark of the night without oversight or else you're a racist".

...all in support of a presidential candidate with more actually racist quotes - on video - than any Democratical candidate since LBJ...

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

I'm waiting for Ted Cruz to start demanding China Joe's tax returns. To improve the tax system, don't you know?

Howard said...

If you're correct birkel then it will all come out in court because as we all know Trump uses only the very best people people like you have never seen that will bring evidence that is so extraordinary and beautiful and wonderful that the whole nation will bow down to convict the Democrats of fraud.

Chris Lopes said...

"However given the historical treatment of black voters one might see how people would feel that it was racially motivated."

I guess Howard forgot to mention which political party was responsible for the historically bad treatment of black voters. Must have slipped his mind. For the kids in the back of the class, it's the same party of slave owners, Jim Crowe laws, and Bull Connor. Democrats.

PM said...

I get the NYT for its xword puzzles and the occasional Sunday Fashion Issue which offers better horse laughs than the Onion.

Robert Cook said...

"They'll never forgive Kushner for successfully bringing peace to the Middle East."

Yes, and he also walks on water! (Perrier preferred!)

Joe Smith said...

I have nothing personal against Oprah...don't know her personally, but she seems like a nice person.

But I do have a problem with her BFF Weinstein and how chummy she was with a known rapist.

And it's hard to 'take down' a billionaire, no matter what they do.

Robert Cook said...

"Bruni apparently can't conceive of anything more important than social standing. Sad."

To those who are in (or aspire to be in) the elite social circles of NYC, London, Paris, etc., etc., there is nothing more important.

Gahrie said...

"'That is how this works. Never once in his life has Trump been graceful or dignified or moral or principled.'

"After the way you on the Left have behaved for the last four years, I cannot believe that you didn't spontaneously combust in a surge of hypocrisy after typing that."

Why? It's the plain truth.

Pot. Kettle. Black.

I'm Full of Soup said...

"His father is an actual felon and her father {and mother} are defacto felons".

Jeez I thought Bruni was talking about Chelsea Clinton and her husband.

iowan2 said...

I pay attention of how the writer of the piece defines success, class, acceptance. What the writer values, looks up to, admires, and most important how those defined values exercise power in his world. History says Kushner is the point man negotiating the peace initiatives in the middle east. Something another elited, Kerry, said was impossible, without including Palestine. Kerry is of that class, that lectures us, but have never accomplished a thing in his 7 decades on this planet.

Obama is "clean and articulate". Has a great crease in his trousers. Combined, it will send a tingle up your leg!. This is not conservatives throwing brickbats, this is raving leftist defining what is important.

It is impossible to explain how stupid and shallow these people are. They all run around and validate each other, never having a clue (or wanting one) they are truly hicks of high fashion.(my apology to hicks)

Money Manger said...

Forget it, Anne, it’s the New York Times. The sad thing is not the rising tone of petty vindictiveness—payback will come in the spring when the mediocrity of the Biden presidency becomes clear. It is the second and third rate columnists that foul the legacy of Safire and Reston. Blow, Bouie, Kristof. Why they haven’t been replaced by AI writing software is a mystery.

Howard said...

Right oh Chris. They are all Republicans now. As they say when the foo shits, wear it.

Gusty Winds said...

Althouse: "Why do you read this blog? Reading that stuff and commenting on it is what this blog is. You're telling me to write a different blog? Why don't you read a different blog?"

It's fun, and besides the publisher there are a lot of really smart, witty, informed, and intelligent commenters on here who can write. But the good Professor is just toying with us at the moment. Digging in. Already adjusting to the new normal where information is distributed by limited sources, that must be accepted...or else. Might as well get a head start.

Nobody is telling you to do anything Ann. But commenting gets redundant, because you are asking us to comment on propaganda that we all know is false. The biggest mystery at the moment is do you actually believe it?

None of the articles linked in the last week reveal anything new. They're chocolate chip cookie recipes. Adjust a little here...a pinch of this there...and you still have the same thing. But the cookies are real.

iowan2 said...

Full of soup wins.
Bruni of course is clueless about what is going on around him. That's what makes him such a great commentator of current events. "history starts anew at 9:00am" everyday.

Freeman Hunt said...

Yeah, I'm sure the status-obsessed people written about here will shun the daughter of a former president. Give me a break. The Trump hate will swiftly evaporate like it does with all presidents. It's hard to stay whipped up about someone who isn't in office.

Robert Cook said...

"They now support never ending wars that they pretended to want to stop."

And the Republicans (some, anyway, those posting here, at least) now pretend to want to stop never ending wars they once emphatically supported!

The truth is, in Washingon, BOTH parties are parties of war.

Achilles said...

Howard said...

Exactly Achilles the Republican targeting systematic voter suppression in black majority districts is very third world banana republic.

However it may not be racism it may just be low-hanging fruit. However given the historical treatment of black voters one might see how people would feel that it was racially motivated.

Howard approves of threatening kids in school to gain political power.

Howard is just a complete piece of shit.

Achilles said...

Freeman Hunt said...

Yeah, I'm sure the status-obsessed people written about here will shun the daughter of a former president. Give me a break. The Trump hate will swiftly evaporate like it does with all presidents. It's hard to stay whipped up about someone who isn't in office.

This is a truly naive statement that is completely ignorant of the history of the progressive movement in the world.

Freeman Hunt said...

"This is a truly naive statement that is completely ignorant of the history of the progressive movement in the world."

The status-obsessed don't care about progressive movements. They are into self-interest and whatever is fashionable. Note all the ones who cheered on rioting until it crept near them. Suddenly they were into law and order.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Trump is this age's Ulysses Simpson Grant. Trump won't give up, just like Grant. Trump is using indirection to get a Israeli/Palestinian peace treaty, just like Grant attacked Vicksburg from inland, rather from the river side. Undercut the Palestinian support system by getting those supporters to make peace with Israel. Then the Palestinians will sue for peace. Not before.

China Joe will undercut that process and start a new Middle East war. To support Syria and the Palestinians against the "Nazi" Jews.

Deanna said...

Ben Shapiro did a fairly recent interview with Jared Kushner. I was very impressed and look forward to what he will do in the coming years.

Robert Cook said...

"Trump is this age's Ulysses Simpson Grant."

No, he's not. Despite his other manifold failings, Trump is not alcoholic.

Achilles said...

Freeman Hunt said...

"This is a truly naive statement that is completely ignorant of the history of the progressive movement in the world."

The status-obsessed don't care about progressive movements. They are into self-interest and whatever is fashionable. Note all the ones who cheered on rioting until it crept near them. Suddenly they were into law and order.

No they don't. They care about threats to their power.

If they get a chance they will make examples of the Trump family and as many Trump supporters as they need to.

Say anything positive about Trump while working for Google/Twitter/Facebook. You will be fired in a week and driven from the industry.

rehajm said...

Yeah, I'm sure the status-obsessed people written about here will shun the daughter of a former president. Give me a break.

I'm taking the over. We're way past Regan-era 'fight on the floor then go have a drink' or Clinton-era money and status-obsessed progressives. Today's lefties see congeniality and basic human decency as privileges granted to those with right-think. Anyone who doesn't conform, well, there the progressives are out for blood.

RMc said...

Michigan Democrat state Representative-Elect Abraham Aiyash:

"... And know the facts. You are certainly showing that you are a racist. You may say that you are not. You may claim that you are not. But let’s be very clear. Your words today and your actions today made it clear that you are okay with silencing the votes of an eighty-percent African-American city."

Even after the commissioners changed their votes, Aiyash said "They're still racists".

Screw you, you miserable lying racist piece of crap. I didn't vote for Trump, but now I'm hoping he wins, just to piss you off.

Howard said...

Jesus Achilles where the fuck did you pull that out of. I might be an evil animal in your opinion but that's better than being a pathetic fear and conspiracy monger. When I don't understand is why a guy like you would cut off his own balls. Strictly metaphorically speaking of course.

John henry said...

Howard said...

How is orange man bad different from lock her up?

Hilary committed, according to the director of the fbi speaking officially crimes with her email.

Specifically, violations of national security laws for which lesser mortals are in jail.

Comey excused her and declined to recommend prosecution.

She certainly seems to have committed a crime. It is a serious crime and she should have been indicted for it. Then tried and if guilty, locked up.

I can find you the appropriate law in the usc later if you like.

So what crime do you think pdjt or citizen Trump may have committed?

John Henry

Robert Cook said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
John henry said...

No, full of soup, Chelsea's father is not a de facto felon.

He is aconvicted felon.

Unless you believe Bill Clinton is not her father. In which case her father is a convicted felon who served several years in jail.

John Henry

mccullough said...

Maybe Bruni can write a Novel of Manners about the Royal Social Scene in Manhattan.

Howard said...

Thanks for making my point John Henry. Trump could have been charged for federal crimes if he wasn't the president of the United States according to your favorite former Marine Robert Mueller. No criminal charges were actually filed against either one yet both of their enemies claim without a shadow of a doubt that both are bald-faced felons. Samey same.

I hope Biden is as smart as Trump and doesn't go after his defeated opponent. Not because I think Trump is innocent but because it would be very damaging to the country.

rehajm said...

But now Althouse's sources have become so compromised that her cruelly-neutral style no longer fits. It's not about extracting truth, because the lies have become so blatant, cartoonish, and required. There is so much that she can no longer point out - it would consume her blog and become repetitive - that the things she chooses to highlight have themselves become jokes.

That's a good assessment. Ann's style was interesting long ago when there was still a question of media bias. Now neither side denies it.

I support her blog but now mostly for the commentariat and the few apolitical and aDylan nuggets she culls from the shit-smelling abyss...

John henry said...

Remember Clinton at Exalted Cyclops of the KKK Robert Byrd's funeral? One of the great leaders of the Democrat Party?

He excused his membership in the KKK by saying that it was the only way someone could get ahead in the Democrat party at the time.

Byrd, according to Clinton, never really believed in it.

Yet he was able to fake it well enough that he achieved high KKK office. Presumably by being actively racist.

If he was just pretending to be racist is it any different from really being racist?

Kurt Vonnegut wrote a great book about this question. Mother Night. Also a great movie with nick Nolte.

John Henry

Michael K said...

Cook is now the one on fire. If only Comrade Stalin were alive, Cook would have things just as he prefers.

The majority in this country is now convinced the election was stolen, or will be if Trump's team cannot prove it. Meanwhile hundreds of California Democrats are planning to move to Georgia long enough to commit more vote fraud.

rehajm said...

Full admission: I've never met Frank Bruni but I sat with his brother and few of his friends at a dinner once. Based on that I rencon it's safe to say Frank isn't missing out on too many of those swell parties...

John henry said...

What charges, Howard? For what crimes?

I ask seriously, not rhetorically.

I've never been much of a Mueller fan. Nor the fbi in general.

Ruby ridge, Waco, lost and lots of other entrapment. Fbi was born corrupt under palmer and has not gotten any better since.

John Henry

Michael K said...

Howard said...
Thanks for making my point John Henry. Trump could have been charged for federal crimes if he wasn't the president of the United States according to your favorite former Marine Robert Mueller.

Howard, I hate to waste your valuable time but could you list one or two of those federal crimes? Fakebook is full of leftists alleging crimes by Trump but never seem able to find the time to list any of them.

Robert Cook said...

"The majority in this country is now convinced the election was stolen...."

Your circle of corporeal friends and social-media "friends" does not constitute a majority of the American populace.

mccullough said...

Cook is alright.

iowan2 said...

No, full of soup, Chelsea's father is not a de facto felon.

Chelsea's father-in-law, Edward Mezvinsky is a convicted felon. Represented Iowa in the House a term or two, then moved to Philly. He didn't have enough money to bribe Clinton like the Riches, so had to serve his term out.

Howard said...

Obstruction of justice

rehajm said...

Your circle of corporeal friends and social-media "friends" does not constitute a majority of the American populace.

Actually its a lot more people than that. You don't believe your own statement, do you?

I'm Full of Soup said...

John Henry:

Thanks for the funny and accurate clarification John. I should know better- not being precise will not fly for long here.

iowan2 said...

Like several others, I too want an education of exactly what crime President Trump has committed.
Mueller was ordered by Barr to either write indictments or write a declination of charges. Mueller refused that direct order. The leftist smoke screen of hiding behind DoJ rules saying a sitting President wont be charged, is just that a smoke screen.
Because not even Shifty Shit, and his mentor, Nadless Nadler, could use the Mueller Report to list a single felony crime add to the Articles of Impeachment. (gosh its like impeachment never happened)

Trolling was never very good here but I think they are just phoning it in now.

Joe Smith said...

"Obstruction of justice"

Apparently no reasonable prosecutor agrees.

DavidUW said...

Deplorables' unforgivable sin is showing that the entire government apparatus really is that incompetent that a carnival barker from Queens has better decision making skills.

Robert Cook said...

"Actually its a lot more people than that. You don't believe your own statement, do you?"

What statement do you think I'm making?

I have not seen any surveys or polls or other data that show a majority of Americans are convinced the election was stolen, as the Angry Doctor states. Is there such data?

What is "a lot more people than that" (presumably, the Cranky Sawbones' meat friends and digital friends)? First, we don't know how many people constitute Bellicose MD's cohort of friends, real or virtual. We need that datum before we can know how many more people "than that" believe the election was stolen, and from that, we can compare to the whole of the American public to arrive at a picture of how many people nationally believe what.

iowan2 said...

Howard said...
Obstruction of justice

11/18/20, 1:00 PM

OK lets take a look!

Nope :( There were two articles of impeachment. Abuse of power (not a crime) and Obstruction of Congress (still not a crime)

Ever wonder why the Smartest legal minds ever to stroll the by-ways of Washington DC refused to cite President Trump for the crime of 'Obstruction of Justice' ?

Even stupid lawyers understand a criminal charge requires defined elements be present for any charge to make it past a preliminary hearing.

There were NEVER any elements to support the criminal charge of Obstruction of Justice. Demonstrated by DEMOCRATS refusal to put the charges in writing on any legal document.

Todd said...

The only thing worse than a liberal/Democrat not winning and a liberal/Democrat winning. They may be horrible losers but they are far uglier winners.

tcrosse said...

Trump has managed to stay one step ahead of the sheriff for decades in a very unforgiving environment. Whatever charges await him after his term is up, it won't be his first rodeo.

Birkel said...

Cook would be cheering the pogroms a little less fervently than Howard.
That does not make him alright.

Freeman Hunt would say "well I never" as they shipped her kids off to a re-education camp for some truth and reconciliation.

Todd said...

Bob Boyd said...

Ivanka Trump 'blamed a fart on her classmates when she was a bratty teenager

11/18/20, 10:17 AM

Isn't that just a case of "he smelled, she smelled"?

Michael K said...

Blogger Robert Cook said...
"The majority in this country is now convinced the election was stolen...."

Your circle of corporeal friends and social-media "friends" does not constitute a majority of the American populace.

Well, I will admit it was a survey and we know how they are. I can find that 70% of Republicans believe it was stolen. The survey I saw said 56% believed there was fraud. Not my friends.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chuck said...

So my comment, which went directly to the substance of the blog post, and which reflected principled disagreement with the post, was removed.

Meanwhile, this charming comment was acceptable to “moderation”(?!):
Blogger Nichevo said...
Your side won, so why can't you be graceful about it?
"You already came in my mouth, why do you want me to swallow it?"

This comment, more or less insulting Althouse, was likewise acceptable:
Blogger brylun said...
Why do you even read this stuff?

We know that Althouse took it as a distraction and an insult because she said as much.

And then there was this comment, which didn’t even attempt to respond to the blog post, but instead went off on an unrelated tangent of the commenter’s own choosing. But “moderation” didn’t care:
Blogger Qwinn said...
How is the fact that Democrats in Michigan outright, blatantly, publicly threatened the Republicans in the Wayne County election board to certify or else not the foremost topic on every network in America?

So; vulgarity = okay.
Insulting Althouse = okay.
Off topic rants = okay.
Insulting Chuck by name = okay.
Any serious comment by Chuck = removal by a “blog administrator.” No doubt drawn from the ranks of the many highly trained blog administrators who are part of the Althouse Team.

mccullough said...

70% of Republicans believe the 2020 election was stolen, according to survey.

66% of Dems believe Russia changed the vote tallies in states in 2016 to steal the election for Trump.

Some people will believe anything.

n.n said...

Ending Obama's wars ("social justice adventures"), catastrophic anthropopgenic immigration reform (e.g. refugee crises, mass im/migration), diversity and exclusion, Obamacares' progressive prices and availability, standing for controlled immigration and early treatments, earns them the scarlet "C": Pro-Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That said, redistributive and retributive change. Forward-looking.

Achilles said...

Howard said...

Jesus Achilles where the fuck did you pull that out of. I might be an evil animal in your opinion but that's better than being a pathetic fear and conspiracy monger. When I don't understand is why a guy like you would cut off his own balls. Strictly metaphorically speaking of course.

You keep trying to make these statements in a vacuum as if democrats haven't had BLM/Antifa burning down businesses and attacking "racists" for the last 6 months.

As if a Bernie Bro didn't go shooting up a GOP softball practice among hundreds of other instances of leftist threats and violence.

Telling a woman where her kids go to school in that situation only had one real intent.

That piece of shit elected Democrat purposely threatened a woman's kids.

Fuck you Howard.

Fuck your lies.

You voted for a rapist that sold us out to China.

You have been cheering on BLM/Antifa brown shirts for months.

Now you are signing on to threatening kids.

Achilles said...

You post in bad faith Chuck.

You are a liar and a piece of shit.

Nobody likes you.


Birkel said...

Yes. Some people believe that since about $100,000 of Russian Facebook ads stole the 2016 election that any amount of cheating I 2020 - no matter how blatant - is excusable in 2020.

I know that because they claimed it openly for four years. BAMN.

Robert Cook said...

"Some people will believe anything."

You can say that again!

iowan2 said...

Somebody has a list of grievances.

I wouldn't voluntarily hang around people that refused to bow to my brilliance. (I'm and optimist, sue me)

rehajm said...

What statement do you think I'm making?

The one you wrote.

Robert Cook said...

"Ending Obama's wars...."

Heh! They were Bush's wars first. But, Obama took up the war cudgel with enthusiasm and dispatch! Two war criminals.

Robert Cook said...

"The one you wrote."

What do you think that statement meant?

Drago said...

Howard: "I might be an evil animal in your opinion but that's better than being a pathetic fear and conspiracy monger."

Morgan Freeman Narrator Voice: What Howard neglected to mention in his diatribe attacking conspiracy theories is that to this very day he believes Trump colluded with russia, Trump launders money for russian oligarchs, vast numbers of white supremacists are leading naive antifa rioters astray and that Putin literally changed vote totals to elect Trump in 2016.


JaimeRoberto said...

I get the feeling Crack's dinner parties are much more fun than those in high society Manhattan.

Drago said...

LLR-lefty, exposed disingenuous banned commenter Chuck: "So my comment, which went directly to the substance of the blog post, and which reflected principled disagreement with the post, was removed."

The very next time you offer up a "principled" comment at Althouse will literally be the first time you have done so.

You are only here, by your very own explicit admission, to smear Trump and drive a wedge between Althouse and her readers.

That was your very own, explicit and literal, admission on this very blog.

You should not have indulged in that 17th gin and tonic before posting such explicit confessions if you wished to have any chance whatsoever of effectively continuing your FakeCon moby act...(Spoiler: which wasnt even effective before your drunk-posting admissions)

Birkel said...

To be fair to a certain fopdoodle, he is also explicitly racist.

Michael K said...

Pretty good discussion of Dominion and fraud.

Not for Howard or Chuck or Cook, of course.

mockturtle said...

Cookie observes: To those who are in (or aspire to be in) the elite social circles of NYC, London, Paris, etc., etc., there is nothing more important.

The era of the haute monde is pretty much dead now, anyway.

Iman said...

Why do you read this blog? Reading that stuff and commenting on it is what this blog is. You're telling me to write a different blog? Why don't you read a different blog?

I had to check to make sure I wasn’t at Patterico’s Pootifications...

Howard said...

Drago: They're not theories when they're true. What you people believe is nonsense and What I believe is facts.

hstad said...

Crack I agree with you 100% concerning Oprah! But she's just a sign of our country's slide into cultural excesses - just look at the worship of the Kardashians?

But I digress! Nevertheless, I missed your analysis of why Blacks voted en-masse for Biden - an out and out racist - when it suited his political goals.

tcrosse said...

Heh! They were Bush's wars first. But, Obama took up the war cudgel with enthusiasm and dispatch! Two war criminals.

One trembles to think what wars Hillary would have gotten us into had she prevailed in 2016.

gadfly said...

Your side won, so why can't you be graceful about it?

Have we forgotten the nose-thumbing response to objections poised to the pushing of Amy Coney Barrett's appointment ahead of a presidential election? Elections have consequences!

Besides, Trump has never displayed a talent involving grace: So what's good for the goose . . .

Chuck said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Iman said...

Insulting Chuck by name = a-okay.


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