I see the laying-on-of-hands concept that we were talking about yesterday. Remember? The writer in The Atlantic — Franklin Foer — talked about Joe's "effort to heal... to wrap himself around others in mourning." He saw "something religious in this laying-on of hands... an act of communion." Because we are "desperate" and Joe is the "parental figure," what is required of us is "an almost irrational faith in healing."
Kamala presents Joe the "healer" — using his "tested and steady hand." But she doesn't, like Foer, make it sound like any sort of miracle or anything religious. She grounds the power in Joe's real-life experience — "experience of loss " — and his "big heart."
Now, the word "healer" is problematic in speech. It has a homophone...
A fine dog, but you don't want to call your President a dog. Especially not a "heeler." To heel is not to lead. To whom is he heeling?
Ah, but the dog that is called a "heeler" is not called that because he heels. The Australian cattle dog is nicknamed a "heeler" because he moves cattle along by biting at their heels! That's leadership of a sort.
It is good with older, considerate children, but will herd people by nipping at their heels, particularly younger children who run and squeal.... The ACD was originally bred to move reluctant cattle by biting, and it will bite if treated harshly. The Australian Cattle Dog's protective nature and tendency to nip at heels can be dangerous as the dog grows into an adult if unwanted behaviours are left unchecked.
You'd better train this dog! It's not time for "irrational faith."
Shorter Harris: Take the blue pill, America, and we’ll reinsert you into The Matrix.
I’m sure Joe’s corporate masters picked him out of the litter exactly because he knows how to heel.
Joe's legal votes were based on hate not love.
"Kamala presents Joe the 'healer.'"
More like Joe the Grifter now getting ready to use his "tested and steady hand" to rake in some real POTUS money. VEEP's money is so yesterday.
No wonder the family was gathered around Joe yesterday, including Hunter.
Hakuna Matata!
What a wonderful phrase
Hakuna Matata!
Ain't no passing craze
It means no worries
For the rest of your days
It's our problem-free philosophy
Hakuna Matata!
"They [Mitt Romney Republicans] want to put ya'll [black Americans] back in chains".
- Uniter Joe Biden
I feel it.
Slow Joe gets all the cooperation trump got. Less actually since Trump won fairly
That second picture is so great. Just awesome.
Joe's a healer? So tell me Kammy, when did the term "High Tech Lynching" get it genesis?
Having had several blue heelers in my life over the years, I’ll take the dog for president over this addled, desiccated husk of a man. The dog would be brave, loyal, trustworthy, intelligent, and loving to its humans. The pair who just by hook or by crooked it into the White House? Not so much.
If it really is over, meaning whatever comes next doesn't change the outcome, then I congratulate President-Elect Biden and say it's time to move on. Yes, that's ME saying it. The good of The Republic mandates that we wait for two years and then give them a red wave good and hard.
Always remember: the “healing” is for blue America and their extremely traumatic and like totally unfair experience of having had a President they didn’t choose for four years out of their lives. It’s not for red America. The plan for red America is to FOAD.
Red America: sit down, shut the fuck up, and enjoy what time you have left until the missionary ladies (see Clyde’s comment last night) and the truth and reconciliation committees show up to take a few scalps to cow the rest of
you forever.
Claiming Biden can heal the nation is just the latest form of civility bullshit and thus the idea it is a possible outcome should be rejected categorically.
I Have Misplaced My Pants said...
Always remember: the “healing” is for blue America and their extremely traumatic and like totally unfair experience of having had a President they didn’t choose for four years out of their lives. It’s not for red America. The plan for red America is to FOAD.
Ha! Yes.
Look, if he can 'unite' that will be great. If it's like Obama's uniting.....criticize republicans and everything they stand for, but talk smoothly and let the press lap him up....no thank you.
Did anyone see Michelle Obama's twitter thread yesterday? OMG
+1 to Pants @6:13AM
They are the worst of poor losers, and condescending winners (if he actually wins) that demand of us what they failed to do.
That dog pic and the idea of herding the American cattle are persuasive, but I was thinking more of a pantomime horse, with Beady-eyed Biden in front and Miz Vindaloo bringing up the rear.
Joe is:
>a lifelong liar.
>Corrupt with a Capital C.
>On the hook to China, Ukrainian oligarchs, Kazakh oligarchs. Jeez...how to you get on the hook to someone in Kazakhstan?
>A bully.
>Fighting advanced dementia.
>Wrong about foreign policy every time he opens his mouth.
>47 years in with a lot of bad policies behind him. Of course, that didn't stop anyone from voting for him.
>The leader of half the country and not one person more.
"I have personally been full of hate for the past 4 years. I have hated the President and anyone who didn't hate him. I have spent years reading his every tweet and listening to his every word with as much bad faith as I can muster, and I've complained on Facebook several times a week about Drumpf Drumpf Drumpf. But now my guy has won. Doesn't the world just feel better, everyone? Hey Trump people, doesn't the world feel better now that my guy won?"
Let's be clear...even though I "congratulated" our alleged "President-Elect," assuming he remains so after all is said and done, I am of the opinion that he's the president of The Socialist Sisters of Suburbia, The Latte Ladies, and The Aggrieved Agitators Who Are Agitatedly Aggrieved, as well as all those stuffed ballot-boxes and dead folks who voted for him. He is chosen as president-elect of roughly half the country and a lot of cemeteries. He ain't about healing. He is a heel. And he has the Mistress in High Heels as his VP. The doddering, stuttering, muttering, slurring, demented Joe Biden is your president-elect.
There, I feel better.
They aren't going to lay a hand on me. I won't let them.
Pants: I've been mulling over your post from yesterday stating that "We can continue refining their gas (until they outlaw it) and growing their food..."
But what if we don't? Look at those tiny, vulnerable blue counties in vast seas of red. What if there was some way we could cut them off? In other words, a siege!
I miss the dog photos.
Pic of Black and Rust Food Scarfer
Take a good look at Trump because he is THE LAST Republican President we will EVER have.
Kamala has been tagged with the deserved title of "Heels Up" because of her having been Willie Brown's "girlfriend" years ago, an arrangement which Brown has admitted gave a boost to K's ambitions.
Street definition of Heels Up,
Franklin Foer..."something religious in this laying-on of hands... an act of communion.
Like a priest putting his hands on an alter boy.
I'm thinking that all this talk of healing is tied to the pandemic, trying to preemptively take credit for beating it, whenever that happens or whenever we're told it's happened whether it's really true or not. The media just has to stop reporting on the pandemic to make it seem like it's gone away. Or maybe Kamala means healing in a Marvin Gaye kind of way.
I had an ACG as a roommate for a couple of years. The level of consciousness in that non human animal was spooky at times. He was kind, attentive, curious, cantancerous and when plotting to steal food from his housemates, he was as devious and creative as any of us.
That pooch could plan ahead.
Dems believe think they know us and they think we're stupid. They believe their own bigoted stereotypes.
"Oh, let's tell them Trump's in bed with the Russians. Conservatives hate Russians."
"These Conservatives are all religious and stuff. They believe in laying on of hands and healing and all that weird shit. Let's tell'em Joe's a healer. They'll love it!"
There is some bad thinking out there on the left.
Joe Biden is a cheap opportunist who has assumed so many political positions over the years that it is clear that he doesn’t believe in anything other than Joe Biden. He isn’t going to heal anything and he isn’t going to nip anyone’s heels.
Unfortunately the Dems, the press and the left will continue to kick Trump for the next 40 years. Sometimes it works (Herbert Hoover) and sometimes it doesn’t (Ronald Reagan), but Trump will be the bogeyman (see Emanuel Goldstein) for the rest of our lives as real failure unfolds under Democrat policies.
I thought you were going to say "ward heeler" as the homophone.
Those dogs are ballsy little fuckers, I had one race out and attack, without hesitation, a person (me) walking with two dogs. In the mass of bodies at my feet I thought I was beating on the heeler with my cane but it turned out my similar dog had the heeler up-side-down, trying to tear off a hind leg, while I banged on my own dog. Good times!
The post shows Blue Heelers, but There are also Red Heelers like this one shown on a Chinese leash.
I am of the opinion that he's the president of The Socialist Sisters of Suburbia, The Latte Ladies, and The Aggrieved Agitators Who Are Agitatedly Aggrieved, as well as all those stuffed ballot-boxes and dead folks who voted for him.
Yes, Althouse loves her latte. Good one!
Biden’s transition team isn’t going to talk to any foreigners, is he? Biden himself said that that would be a violation of the Logan Act.
If Biden had the brains and loyalty of my Blue Heeler I'd feel a little better.
My blue heelers do not yet accept the results of the election.
Heelers do not forget.
Pic of Black and Rust Food Scarfer
Beautiful dog.
Mine has a totally different body style, but the same paint job.
”Joe's legal votes were based on hate not love.”
Who said Biden and Trump didn’t have anything in common?
I wish VP Biden was a Blue Dog but those no longer exist. He used to be kind of blue doggish, but he's more of a Red Heeler these days.
Joe believes in the "ugly" American. The "Ugly American" was a book about all the glamorous, arrogant civil servants who thought they were going to transform Southeast Asia into an utopia. Just like Comrade Joe and Comrade Kamala who think they have a mandate to transform America. 70 million Americans disagree with their transformation. They're not going to have an easy time. They'll going to get it, good and hard.
Heelers are on the assburger speculum.
Statism doesn't heal. Quite the opposite, usually.
That's a more knowing look in that dog's eye than I've ever seen in Biden's.
This is such bullshit.1 Democrats caused the rift with the criminality of their candidates, their “Resistance” and the arson, looting and bullying of their BLM/Antifa Brownshirts.
They don’t want the rest of us to “heal.” They expect us to “heel.” Screw them!
Hey, that Soetoro kid did all the "healing" didn't he? Where did it take America?
The man’s a shitheeler... get it right!
The Cunt of teh Litter. Bob’s Yer uncle...
We’ll see, or some of us will, fact is as a country we don’t know what we are doing. And if you Republicans who were “too good” to support that heathen Trump think you are going to escape unscathed you better think again. The Dems are going to deploy the methodology they just used to steal this election to steal yours. And there won’t be anybody on your side to support you. It’s like I used to tell employees with absenteeism problems “If you aren’t here when I need you, why do I need you?”
"a man with a big heart who loves with abandon."
Except for lying dog-faced pony soldiers, them he doesn't love.
Does anyone in the media remember what she said about him during the Democratic debate/primary season?
That's quite a look on the dog's face in picture 2. What did you say to the dog between picture 1 and picture 2? Was it a joke? Or an order to attack someone?
There was much talk like Kamala's in the Sixties. People may actually have believed it back then, but it's gotten very cliched and threadbare since then. Carter, Clinton, Obama - so many messiahs have come and gone. Notice the differences though.
Carter was supposed to be honest, and one supposes he was, for all his other faults. You can't make that claim for Joe. Clinton was the big glad-handed fixer, and that's closer to what we are supposed to think about Biden. Obama was supposed to be the lightworking messiah, yes, but also an intellectual who would fix the system with his great intellect. That turned out to be wrong, but supporters could make the claim because people didn't know much about him. You can't claim that Joe is a rocket scientist or brain surgeon so "healer" and "empathy" and "touched by tragedy" is the fallback.
Curiously, Blue Heelers have been used in more than one movie or tv show as companions to serial killers, most famously in a Midsummer Mysteries episode. But they're not particularly violent and are among the smartest dogs. They can learn dozens of words. Stubborn though. Stubborness is their main quality. Once they get fixated on something, no amount of training or discipline or distraction will get them to stop thinking about it. My heeler Rocco obsessively stares at one tree branch where, years ago, he caught a bird in mid-air. Stares and stares, intensely transfixed. Since everything is about politics now, this must be a metaphor for something. It's definitely the opposite of "healing." More like that joke about Sicilian Alzheimer's where you forget everything except the names of your enemies.
Fortunately Joe is a sniffer, not a biter. He's the very first "Sniffer in Chief" (elect). He will heal us with his devil may care, loving sense of smell. Is that what Harris meant by loves with abandon??
I noticed in her acceptance speech that Kamala sounded white, that she suddenly abandoned her twangy Southern/Black accent. She doesn't have to put on that act anymore and I for one am glad of it. Actually she's got a good speech writer, so I expect she'll be the public face of this administration, which will be appreciated by Black women and the more progressive D's. God Bless America. It's all good, except for the rotten way the Democrats got there. Of course if no one knows about it did it actually happen?
I've been called a Nazi and uneducated and a racist for four years but now I'm supposed to unite with the people who have been so insulting and hysterical? And we're supposed to believe that Biden's platform is the mandate of the American people, according to another spokesperson, Pete Buttigieg. Gay man so it's all good. As long as the correct identity boxes are covered it doesn't matter what they say. Why do I have a pit of dread in my heart?
I have a nutty neighbor, serious Trump hater, who was very excited by having a female VP and shouted out loud that she hoped Biden would die soon. Wow.
...but you don't want to call your President a dog
At least you could have a friend in Washington
To echo Rosalyn C. I will not forget those who have called me a nazi and racist and uneducated and deplorable. Not one of you. Never. Because you're either going to keep doing it, or you never meant it in the first place and did it anyway, and I don't know which one of these behaviors is worse. So no, there won't be any healing. Because it wasn't ever about Trump: it was about us. And we're still here.
Well that dog looks like a Queensland Blue Heeler. But there are also Red Heelers. Guess which one Biden is when he implements the Sanders Democrat Platform policy agenda.
"...Joe is a healer, a uniter..." Sure if you believe that B.S. what planet are you on? Of course the Democratic Party and Joe Biden calling President Trump a "Nazi" during the campaign should be forgotten. Moreover, the new narrative of taking Republican supporters names and blacklisting them is "uniting" the country.
Ignorance: How are you doing? Better, I hope. You're in my prayers daily, my friend.
Maybe the elites think they can convince enough people that "healing" is theme of a Biden presidency, and maybe they will succeed. If people don't watch what they do.
The actual theme, and this is a best-case scenario, is they go back to the Obama themes of selling the country out to foreign, esp. Chinese interests, stoking racial and gender divisions for electoral advantage, and using immigration and their control of all the cultural levers to destroy Constitutional democracy and replace it with a soft authoritarian dictatorship dedicated to enriching the elite, using the aforementioned racial and gender antagonisms to keep women and minorities in line without actually doing anything for them, and crushing everybody else. And if that fails, they can just steal another election, because nothing will change in how our sham elections are conducted, and having proven they can do it the temptation will be that much greater. They certainly will never allow a 2016 to recur.
That is my BEST case scenario. It goes downhill from there.
We want unity and healing, you dumb, racist, sexist, Nazi chumps!
I miss Puparazzo. It would have been nice to have seen Zeus and his doggy friends over the years since Meade’s last post there. Sometimes we all need a break from the anger generated by the hypocrisy of the media via censoring or deleting or ignoring anything that does not put their favored people in a good light or favors the other side.
Prediction: healing means quotas.
“If I whip you it will heal me.”
My grandmother had a Welsh corgi. Whenever I went over to visit, Corky would get wildly excited, because I always let her herd me around the house a few times. Corky, at least, knew the difference between a human and a cow, and was always very careful with her nipping. We’d finish up with her herding me into the bathroom. She’d look at me with a thanks-I-needed-that expression, snort, shake herself, and trot out of the bathroom with the air of a job well done.
On second thought, decaffeinated Joe is a feeler. Like father, like son... and a kneeler to the highest bidder. Perhaps he doesn't share Obama's vision for wars without borders, diversity and exclusion, redistributive change, and catastrophic anthropogenic immigration reform. Lose your religion.
"Joe is a healer, a uniter, a tested and steady hand, a person whose own experience of loss gives him a sense of purpose that will help us as a nation reclaim our own sense of purpose, and a man with a big heart who loves with abandon."
So Chance the Gardener then.
The Greek verb for heal is therapeuo. Joe can be our therapist now. 😊
I voted third party, for lack of a better option. I watched the Joe and Kamala speeches last night. It seemed like Joe was shouting the whole time. I don't buy the healing and uniting rhetoric for a minute, but my lefty friends are all about it today.
Temujin said...
Joe is:
You left off sexual predator and pedophile.
I think Biden was originally a throw-away, sacrifice candidate. The Democrat party thought they had no chance this cycle because of the roaring Trump economy. Biden had been rejected as a candidate several times before and had loads of negative baggage that could be used against him, and he’s too old. He was just thrown up there for them to have a candidate. However, the corona pandemic changed everything and ruined Trump’s economy. Now we are all saddled with an unqualified President.
Make America Liberal (and Corrupt) Again
George Bush Jr 3rd Term
Except beholding to Liberals, as seen in his "first 100 days" promises
to UNITE us
I, too, thought of ward heeler, the lowest form of life in a political machine, given menial tasks - - like "finding" extra ballots, perhaps?
"..a man with a big heart who loves being Brandon."
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