I truly sympathize with those dealing with losing — it’s not easy — but at a certain point one has to think not only about what’s best for the nation (peaceful transfer of power) but how any future employers might see your character defined during adversity.
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) November 9, 2020
You mean what quitting when you still might have a chance? That kind of character?
Give a beta boy some power and he can't wait to lets his fascism out.
Why do you suppose we evolved to this standard today and not 4 years ago?
Future employers? What the fuck?
They are not acting like they are confident.
They are going Open Iron Fist way too fast.
Biden has not won and will not win.
These people, of course, all loudly denounced Al Gore for his refusal to stop fighting in court a whole six days after the election, right?
Jake Tapper must not walk down the street without bodyguards very often.
Tapper is asshole...
I fully expect and [dare I say] demand that I now get to riot, burn, and pillage for the next four years and NOT get arrested! THems is the new rules, right? That is what has happened these last 4 years.
Already ordered my new "She is not my President" t-shirts, my "I voted for POTUS and all I got was my hair sniffed" towels, and my "Don't blame me, I didn't vote for those idiots." beach umbrella.
Get yours while supplies last!
Welcome to the new normal. The election was about more than Biden vs. Trump. Now, the machine that was so blatant can entrench itself to ensure control of all information for future elections and vote counting.
I expect open borders, green new deal, the compete transformation of all top tier government jobs to be filled by democrats only, and even looser voting regulation. We will see a greater lack of transparency in censorship through Twitter, FB, and Google search. Monopolies are good if they support the ruling party.
Universities and the MSM will be given tacit approval to discriminate at will. I thought we would get 4 more years of free speech, but it's gone. All the woke Social Justice Warriors with there closet full of participation trophies and safe spaces are now in charge.
Maybe their children will rebel.
A lot of nerve he has.
And what business does a supposedly impartial news person have encouraging Americans to shut up and move on?
Rick said...
Why do you suppose we evolved to this standard today and not 4 years ago?
These douchey shitheads are open and transparent.
So is anyone that supports democrats at this point.
The election has been won? So Article II, Section 1 has been repealed? I would have thought there'd have been some coverage of that in the media, but I guess not.
I would truly sympathize, -- truly! if Jake were losing his front teeth against a curb somewhere in Manhattan. Or even one of the boroughs.
like THE 4 YEAR TEMPER Tantrum and lies shoveled out by you and your party-D media?
You said just about everything to do with democrat corruption is Russian propaganda.
FU Tapper. hack.
What a sanctimonious shit Tapper is, as are all those POS calling for Trump to concede; whining about what's best for the nation; calling for a time to begin the healing.
They've all been calling Trump and his supporters racists, misogynists, climate change deniers, white supremacists, and so forth. They've even called for the creation of lists of people for sanction and re-education.
Tapper and the rest can FOAD.
Jake is still employed, proving lack of character is a desirable trait with some employers...
...they do seem scared of their 'victory', don't they?
Jupiter said...
I would truly sympathize, -- truly! if Jake were losing his front teeth against a curb somewhere in Manhattan. Or even one of the boroughs.
No, that is empathy. Empathy is the ability to understand how someone feels.
Sympathy has connotations of agreeing with them and being willing to help them.
I would understand it would suck to die in a fire.
I would not feel bad if Tapper was dying in a fire.
Trump was impeached for asking about Biden's real crimes.
Stock up on vaseline.
It's an interesting commentary on how the Jake sees the World. In my world, people pay me because there are things I can do that most people can't, and my employers want those things done. In Jake's world, Jake does something anyone could do. His employers selected him on the basis of his political malleability, and would discard him if he displayed any hint of a spine. I daresay Jake is paid a lot more than I am. But that won't help him in a street interview.
Anything I want to say about Jake Tapper is not for polite company.
Yep, nothing like sticking up for following the law to screw you with the woke crowd.
Let's just say, I share Tapper's sympathy. The difference for me is that AT&T isn't trying to sell my business to offload debt.
"how any future employers might see your character defined during adversity"
See, this is how you unite the country, by making everybody bow to prog hegemony
"I would not feel bad if Tapper was dying in a fire."
C'mon, Man! What if he was screaming in agony as the flames consumed his vitals. Really loud, I mean. Wouldn't you feel kind of bad about not helping him?
What about scheming to game the electoral college in 16? Why didn't tapper et al just say "oh well. Trump won. Let's just accept it" on November 4th.
As someone mentioned in another comment thread, Stacey Abrams has still not conceded, has she?
Fuck you, Jake tapper. War. Ugly, pretty, I don't give a shit. A win is a win. By any Legal means necessary.
pdjt will win this. He saw what happened in 16 and has been preparing for 4years. When he gets elected next month, the bidenistas will go nuts. So what? They've been going nuts for 4 years now and look what pdjt has gotten done so far.
The best is yet to come.
John Henry
Unless you are posting volatile stuff on social media, how would your feelings about an election affect your employment opportunities? Or is this Tweet just for people who have worked for Trump?
Four years ago today Clinton conceded her defeat, on Wednesday. (Jill Stein filed for recounts in MI, WI, and PA, which the Clinton campaign joined, but they said they had found "no actionable information" to support a recount.
The first tell was AOC asking for an enemies list.
Robert Reich discusses a "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" so we can confess.
Mao would be so proud.
Bizarre comment. It sounds like he's talking about admission to some club, not getting a job. Clubs want people who don't make waves. Firms want people who will fight like hell to achieve the company's goals.
One could call this the elite view of the peons: we will accept you (sort of) if you accept us as your rulers (unconditionally). But it could make for some interesting job interviews if the interviewer started with "How good are you at accepting defeat?"
Isn't it more character-building to struggle through adversity rather than quitting? Isn't every single movie, book, story, whatever about overcoming whatever obstacles are thrown at you?
As for the nation, is it better to allow possible cheating to go unpunished in order to not upset people? Or is it better to identify the cheating and eliminate the transgressors to ensure better elections in the future?
What's the downside to taking this to the Supreme Court and having Trump declared winner? What - are Democrats gonna burn down their Democrat cities? Big f'ng deal. Who cares?
This is a big fat fail by Jake.
Jupiter said...
Jake Tapper must not walk down the street without bodyguards very often.
11/9/20, 1:50 PM
You'd be really surprised. Do you think journalists get heavy bodyguard presence outside their studios? Like when they head to airport security check-ins? I know for a fact that at least one top shelf CNN contributor does not.
Achilles said...
They are not acting like they are confident.
They are going Open Iron Fist way too fast.
Biden has not won and will not win.
I hope you are correct. But even if he does; it's not going to be as easy as they think.
You know, I've about had enough of being lectured by assholes who still haven't accepted the results from 2016.
The left want to destroy all who do not obey and conform.
As if we needed more evidence of the fact that Jake Tapper is a fetid POS.
Jupiter said...
"I would not feel bad if Tapper was dying in a fire."
C'mon, Man! What if he was screaming in agony as the flames consumed his vitals. Really loud, I mean. Wouldn't you feel kind of bad about not helping him?
Personally I don't go in for torture.
If someone needs to die then just kill them.
And if the screaming was particularly loud and annoying that would also be an issue.
So I would definitely consider helping to make the screaming end.
I should have added to that last reply: And the difficulty will not all come from Trump supporters.
Let’s finish counting the votes and seeing if there are election integrity questions.
The media already declared the winner so why does he care if the courts review any irregularities? The media has spoken, time to move on losers. Uh no. 24% of the country thinks news media is credible, think I am going to wait until something more credible than a used car salesman makes a pronouncement on this matter.
I guess that makes me unreasonable
Well, as I recall, in 2016 Team Hillary went from Trump must accept the verdict to RESIST!!! in about 2 nanoseconds. And Al Gore strung us out for 37 days after he initially conceded, so there is that. Jake the Jerk is just not that into recent history, I guess.
Further, Jake is certainly affecting his future employability as far as I am concerned.
But there is a larger point. To quote Mollie Hemingway on the corporate media, "They lie, they lie, they lie, and then they lie."
For one example, they have voter rolls for most states. They are public info.
They also have all postal change of address orders. Easy peasy to see who doesn't live where they voted. Anyone can buy these.
They have birth/death records. Again, simple to match these against voter rolls.
Lots and lots of other info available for free or for hire to track people registered in more than one place.
Have faith. Pdjt's got this.
John Henry
Yeah, I don't think you have that moral authority any longer, asshole. You need to build it again during a very difficult time.
Good luck, and in the meantime, dime con quien andas, y te digo quien eres.
Gaslighting by Professor Tapper went be held in Fulton Hall 305
It's payback time for the Democrat-Media-Complex, and it's ugly.
Four years ago today Clinton conceded her defeat, on Wednesday
You people simply need to shut the fuck up about this.
Four years of screaming about resistance, and Russians and refusing to accept the results outweighs any stupid speech on a Wednesday.
Scratch a loyal modern democratic - find a Maoist.
Tapper lazy thinker.
As if the reasons one might choose to vote for a particular candidate or the other, is binary.
As if character is binary.
And these are the "nuanced" ones.
Will you still cry like bitches when you lose the court cases? Of course you will.
NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...
Achilles said...
They are not acting like they are confident.
They are going Open Iron Fist way too fast.
Biden has not won and will not win.
I hope you are correct. But even if he does; it's not going to be as easy as they think.
If they were confident what would you expect from them? Would they be censoring contrary information? Would they be demanding concession? Would they be threatening people's jobs?
If Trump thought he was losing what would you expect from him? I would expect speeches and bluster.
He is not doing that. He is quiet and he is asking church goers to pray for them at court.
There are a million or so votes in Pennsylvania that are going to get tossed. Alito ordered them to be separated and they were not separated. The entire election there is likely to be invalidated and it is likely to go to their legislature just to start.
You're future ability to gain profitable employment will be based on your voting record?? I'm at a loss for words.
Howard said...
Will you still cry like bitches when you lose the court cases? Of course you will.
Howard the fake marine.
You better hope we win in court.
You and your talk wont last long.
Shorter Tapper: I certainly wouldn’t risk my job for my principles. Now accept that everything I tell you is the truth.
Whose future employers is he talking about exactly? And who's the employer...Pol Pot? It looks like we've seen Jake's character...and during a time he's not experiencing any adversity.
Trump has replaced esper, with a long time spec ops operator, christopher miller who was most recently head of counterterrorism center,
He's only talking about the snowflakes acting like AA commenters.
Sometimes all you have to do is quote them, the way Althouse just did.
It has only been 3 1/2 business days since the election.
Jake can chill, and get the hell off of his soap box— or does he not remember the whole Impeachment over the Democrat Sore Loser Ship?
Actually, it occurs to me that there have been occasions when Jake was less than perfectly Leftist. Times when he allowed himself to set his habitual bias to one side, and asked certain Democrats some rather uncomfortable questions. I wonder if someone had a talk with Jake, about the realities of the entertainment business. That might explain his eagerness to display his subservience to his new masters.
Good citizens need not fear.
The Left are even worse winners than they were losers, if that is even possible. This is not the first mention of an enemies list of those who don't accept the election results (Even though not all of the states have even been called by the MSM yet!) that I have already seen. The most infuriating thing is that the people doing this are the same people who haven't accepted the results of the 2016 election yet.
It appears that the next four years are going to be pretty horrific for half of us, since the Left seems to be signaling that they plan on four years of revenge for Trump.
The masks have dropped. 98%of all media is bought and paid for and can not be trusted, this became crystal clear in 2020. They need to be punished. You just don’t walk this kind of thing back. I see Jen Rubin at the wapo still has her tweet up saying that We have a list
They want war. They will get it.
Jupiter said...
"I would not feel bad if Tapper was dying in a fire."
C'mon, Man! What if he was screaming in agony as the flames consumed his vitals. Really loud, I mean. Wouldn't you feel kind of bad about not helping him?
Personally I don't go in for torture.
If someone needs to die then just kill them.
And if the screaming was particularly loud and annoying that would also be an issue.
So I would definitely consider helping to make the screaming end.
I'd pee on him to try and put out the flames...
I remember tapper from 2000, when he raked over the state of florida for his first book deal, yes move on indeed,
We've seen 4 years of the Democrat's character. They have no right to judge.
so what would say about peter strzok, john brennan, sally yates, poor judgement,
Stacey Abrams hardest hit.
So truth and reconciliation committees and lists aren't good enough, now they want to threated our lively hood?
Well, hopefully your a potential employer will see you with as a person with honest principles that does not lie, cheat, or steal. I'm sure Tapper's advice will help you in Madison, WI where you have to go along to get along, and even if you know in your heart this is dangerous fraud, you have to claim "cruel neutrality" or you'll have to leave town.
"They want war. They will get it."
And they will win it.
Meanwhile, the King of Saudi Arabia congratulates Biden, and the man running Trump's election litigation, David Bossie, contracts covid.
Ann just posts this stuff to get our blood boiling, right?
A casual warning, citizen. For your own good, nothing more.
I DON'T sympathize with Jake Tapper. You made bad politics seem normal while portraying me negatively. F you.
The media is so taken back by how much they are disliked in so much of the country and they think they are now back in the drivers seat and are ready to play payback now. Or at least they are in their minds. But payback only works if the other party gives a crap about anything you say or do. Do they actually think that anyone is going to take them, or their threats seriously? Yesterday CNN reporters were considered not very bright on their best day, and lower than whale shit overall. Then CNN calls the election for Biden and today we're suddenly going to show them respect and pretend they have dignity and opinions we want to hear?
Not a chance, Jake. Nothing has changed, Jake. You're still lower than whale shit and we're not letting up.
Perhaps we should mandate that all cable anchors need to be swapped out every four years... they seem to get long in the tooth and quite ornery pretty quickly!
"Do you think journalists get heavy bodyguard presence outside their studios?"
Andy Ngo has multiple bodyguards whenever he goes out in Portland. You can sometimes see them stopping Antifa skells from attacking him.
I didn't hear any complaint when Al Gore sued....
Readering said...
He's only talking about the snowflakes acting like AA commenters.
You are such a piece of shit.
Everyone online should bear in mind that they are in several data bases from which their political leanings and views can be easily extracted with the help of AI. Liberty and freedom of opinion will be under attack in the coming years.
Sometimes, violence IS the answer.
Howard said...
"Will you still cry like bitches when you lose the court cases? Of course you will."
You know it, Howie. I will personally cry like three or four fairly good-sized bitches, should that eventuality materialize. This means a lot to me, not so much for my sake, as for my children. You got any children, Howie? Any skin in the game, as the cool kids put it?
They're going to be panicking soon. The evidence piling up - sworn affadavits, video leaks, counting irregularities, statistical improbabilities (if not outright impossibilities), and ballot-access denial issues - will soon be too big for even CNN and MSNBC to ignore.
I remain confident that these issues will be pursued. I remain confident that this pursuit will lead to the truth about the election. I remain confident that the true and legal votes, when counted, will give a decisive victory to President Trump.
To some that may sound crazy. To those people, my only reply is, "That's 2020 for ya."
Jupiter said, Actually, it occurs to me that there have been occasions when Jake was less than perfectly Leftist. Times when he allowed himself to set his habitual bias to one side, and asked certain Democrats some rather uncomfortable questions. I wonder if someone had a talk with Jake, about the realities of the entertainment business. That might explain his eagerness to display his subservience to his new masters.
Yes, I've had the same thought. There was a time when I thought of Jake Tapper as one of the better journalists.
When did things change? When did he lose all good judgment?
And it occurs to me, well either people are spontaneously going crazy, or he is being blackmailed. It's kind of easy to blackmail people right now. Men like sex and as we all know that is illegal now -- unless you're on the left -- and even then it is getting kind of dangerous for men on the left.
And there are a lot of other things people can be blackmailed for and there is just so much information that is being gathered on individuals.
And there is a long list of entities that could be doing the blackmailing. Maybe it's Google. Maybe it's China. Maybe it's the deep state in the form of the FBI and the CIA and other agencies whose initials aren't so well known.
I don't think we know who are our rulers are any more. I think they are hidden.
Achilles said...
If they were confident what would you expect from them? Would they be censoring contrary information? Would they be demanding concession? Would they be threatening people's jobs?
If Trump thought he was losing what would you expect from him? I would expect speeches and bluster.
He is not doing that. He is quiet and he is asking church goers to pray for them at court.
I agree. I'm just not convinced that there are enough non "Romneys" in the Republiturd party for him to succeed.
"...they do seem scared of their 'victory', don't they?"
Because the more perceptive of them know that if ANY of these legal challenges bear fruit (and, given the sworn testimony, video evidence, statistical evidence, and already acknowledged "glitches" on election night and beyond, they will) the whole charade crumbles. This was their last stand, their last desperate act of #resistance. And they fucked it up.
The flop sweat will be running thick in the coming weeks.
We just had an election during a pandemic, that had a longer voting time, and more varied ways of voting with more rule changes and the largest voter turn out in history.
All of these factors complicate the process. You do not simply extrapolate how elections went in the past and overlay it onto this historically unique and complex election process.
COVID expanded the voting time, it should be quite obvious that it would also expand the time needed to ascertain the result.
The huge size of the vote also amplifies the possible margin of error, so taking past results and what was needed to correct an error is a mistake. An error in this election given the significant increase in turn out would be different from all past elections and perhaps correspondingly larger.
Also the expanse of mail in ballots fluttering outside of controlled spaces and passing though many points, and many hands— inviting more tampering all along the way is going to be a unique problem with this election and if voters were given a unique and more special way of voting —that took about three weeks— the reciprocal wait time to insure this method of voting should— understandably— be in relation and proportion to that. If you were given a longer time to vote and easier time to vote you should understand candidates needing a longer time and more means to test the result. The privilege should pass to both sides of the election process equation.
Blogger sara said...
"Unless you are posting volatile stuff on social media, how would your feelings about an election affect your employment opportunities? Or is this Tweet just for people who have worked for Trump?"
Sara is finding out what the election is about. Kiddo, are you so far down the economic food chain that you aren't subject to Inclusiveness Training? Nobody asking you to check your White Privilege? Keep your head down, you'll be alright. Just don't try to hang onto anything they have decided to take away.
I guess I'm showing my age, I remember when it was common knowledge that people in the USSR didn't join the Communist Party because they were Communists. They joined because all the good jobs were reserved for party members. All of them.
This just in from a major postmodern orthodoxy influencer, the Oxford Dictionary (hat tip to Not the Bee): Jake Tapper is a bigot.
I would not feel bad if Tapper was dying in a fire.
I wouldn't even piss on him!
I don't get this big deal about "the list" Presumably Trump's people are not embarrassed by their association with him and will highlight their work with him on their resume. No one is proposing locking anyone up and to suggest otherwise simply shows how unhinged you all are. It is Trump and his people that have the "lock her/him up" chants. Am I missing something?
Serious question - Do you lose your secret service protection if you are in prison?
This could affect your social credit score, kids.
What a creep.
Please surrender. It's for your own good.
Are they yet promising to be benevolent despots?
Whether it changes the election or not, a lot of fraud is coming out. The Dems got spanked down ballot, which is where election rules are set. At a minimum there should be hi-res cameras on canvassers’ desks and the feed should be saved. That way issues of denying access to poll watchers can be minimized. That had cameras in Philly, but they showed almost nothing.
Kyzer SoSay said...
"...they do seem scared of their 'victory', don't they?"
Because the more perceptive of them know that if ANY of these legal challenges bear fruit (and, given the sworn testimony, video evidence, statistical evidence, and already acknowledged "glitches" on election night and beyond, they will) the whole charade crumbles. This was their last stand, their last desperate act of #resistance. And they fucked it up.
The flop sweat will be running thick in the coming weeks.
This is exactly right.
And the deck is stacked for Trump because the very first ruling from the Supreme Court will be to find the Pennsylvania Democrats in contempt for denying a direct order from the court.
Once it becomes clear just how far they went to steal this election the movement for paper ballots and purple thumbs will be unstoppable.
And with secure fair elections democrats will not win a national election for generations.
Tapper can shut the fuck up.
Clearly we should also pin gold stars on our chests, so that everyone will know who we are.
"Serious question - Do you lose your secret service protection if you are in prison?”
Are you asking for Biden, because we have evidence from Hunter’s laptop and corroborating sworn affidavits that he took bribes from the Chinese.
Not a link on Drudge to election challenges. If Drudge is out of there he should say so. If he’s not, he’s joined the assholes.
Gahrie said...
I'd pee on him to try and put out the flames...
Too much effort.
Carrying gas cans around and pulling your pants down while your wearing kit just doesn't make any sense.
I empathize with why you would derive enjoyment from the act though. I just lack sympathy.
It's interesting because ways of detecting fraud conclusively but indirectly are a mathematicians' field. There's no poor loser about it. It's a good puzzle that needs solving.
Michael Knowles@michaeljknowles
I truly sympathize with liberals who want the President to concede without anyone looking too closely at the illegal election practices in Philly and elsewhere, but at a certain point one has to accept that this is going to court
Blogger steve uhr said...
I don't get this big deal about "the list"
It’s all coming together now
steve uhr said...
I don't get this big deal about "the list" Presumably Trump's people are not embarrassed by their association with him and will highlight their work with him on their resume. No one is proposing locking anyone up and to suggest otherwise simply shows how unhinged you all are. It is Trump and his people that have the "lock her/him up" chants. Am I missing something?
It's amusing the left spent most of the last century complaining politically driven blacklists were terrible - far worse than communism itself.
But today they openly support them.
drudge, should I know who that is,
"And there are a lot of other things people can be blackmailed for and there is just so much information that is being gathered on individuals."
I was the target of an online blackmail scheme once. A girl claiming to be from France sent me nudes over Facebook Messenger and requested the same. She said she was bored and wanted to do some internet roleplay. I was on a business trip, it was late, she was smokin' hot with a "legit" looking profile, and I'd had a few drinks earlier, so I (stupidly) agreed. Sent her a dick pic, and got no reply. About 15 minutes later, she sent me a message saying she'd harvested my Friends list and would send that pic to everyone on it if I didn't wire money to an offshore account. She demanded other pics in addition to the money, presumably for future blackmail use.
I laughed. My reply was, let me know what my friends say after they see it. I've got no shame about stuff like that - it's a pic of my junk, nothing more, and only the bottom half of my face was even visible. I've got a large package, and don't really care who knows it. She came back at me and said something to the effect of "are you sure you want this sent to your family, because they're on the list too". My response: "Make my day, none of them will care and we'll all have a good laugh about it later."
And that was the end of that. No further replies, and as far as I know, the picture never got sent. Or at least, nobody ever said anything about it.
This guy was not so lucky - based on the timeframe of his resignation, and when the above incident happened to me, I think we got hit by the same person (or team). Luckily, I'm not a public figure, so I had nothing to fear.
we know how the obama controlled auto czar, closed republican donating dealerships, regardless of profitability, just one example,
Not just sworn affidavits, but multiple tranches of interlocking emails as evidence that Biden took bribes from all comers, steve.
Tapper is not alone. Robert Reich was calling for a "Truth and Reconciliation" tribunal before the election, and Jennifer Rubin and that HellSow from Buttigieg's staff were talking about compiling a list. I'm guessing the memo has gone out. In China, if you get on the wrong side of the regime, you can find yourself making involuntary organ donations. Google helps them monitor people's attitudes. I'm sure they would like to deploy that software here, if they haven't already.
Nice liver you got there.
Turned out to be a great day to de risk the portfolio some. Dow gave up tons in the last few minutes.
Hi Jake... got take a you-know-what at a doughnut.
"we know how the obama controlled auto czar, closed republican donating dealerships,”
“Reward your friends, punish your enemies!” - BHO
the bigger picture,
"Once it becomes clear just how far they went to steal this election the movement for paper ballots and purple thumbs will be unstoppable."
Honestly, this is all I want. I truly believe that Trump has the honest votes to win, but I could be wrong. But if this fight yields serious efforts to guarantee secure and honest elections going forward, I'd consider that a victory even if it turns out that Biden would've won sans fraud.
There's just too much shady shit happening for me to trust the results. I don't have a Twitter account but I follow certain folks, Left and Right, all the same. Many on the Left are getting nervous. Their anger is a huge tell.
Liberals are evil. Exhibit 234,672
one hasn't even completed the canvass in wisconsin, but it's under a one percent margin, which is necessary for a recount,
Bill Harshaw said...
Four years ago today Clinton conceded her defeat, on Wednesday.
She - along with millions of others - claimed Trump won only due to collusion with Russia and corrupted government law enforcement to pursue the matter despite there being no evidence to support her assertion.
I'm hearing a bunch of internet hardasses screaming for "war".
Will they follow through or is it just a bunch of talk?
Give a beta boy some power and he can't wait to lets his fascism out.
Fox News interviews Rudy Giuliani, and instead of asking him about the evidence that he has, they are grilling him on who is paying for the lawsuit.
Fox News is asshole.
Who wants to have 100% confidence in our elections? Yeah, me too.
Trump has already revealed a corrupt deep state and a corrupt media beyond anything I could personally imagine. I was so naive.
Maybe his greatest legacy will be exposing election integrity issues and spawning voting transparency. I can't imagine a single American opposing it.
Of course if the Democrats steal the two Georgia Senate seats then all bets are off.
A Republican spokesperson needs to go out there and troll the press with the Hillary Clinton line—-
Everyone needs to take a deep breath...
Yes, but they gave the game away, like the imperial admiral who came out hyperspace too soon,
now we know georgia will be under attack,
Glaring anomalies abound. Prepare to be surprised.
Blogger Bob Boyd said...
This could affect your social credit score, kids.
This is a devastating attack on Jake Tapper if he knew what it meant.
And...Stacy Butterbean in Georgia... same standard?
steve uhr just cannot understand why conservatives wouldn't trust Leftist Collectivists.
Can the 100-120 million people buried in mass graves all be wrong, steve uhr?
Are you that ignorant or do you just come here to play ignorant?
Democrats who believe nothing untoward happened in the election that, so far, favors Joe Biden for POTUS should be quite content to have Trump challenge the counts and result. If, as they expect, nothing bad is found and the count holds up then Biden's election will be viewed as credible and legitimate by many or most voters.
It cannot be said that Democrats calling for Trump to drop the legal challenges and concede believe or know there were shenanigans and the election was stolen. But I can say that with such a tight margin between the two candidates Democrats must be fearful that there are enough illegitimate votes cast for Biden that the candidate's positions could be reversed.
They keep on poking and poking and poking the bear...expecting us to be as angry as a lefty....and we have held back really well....so far. Keep it up Jakey....You may not like where your lecturing gets YOU!!!
as pointed up above, these contests have been conducted worse than the 2004 corrupt election, that prompted the orange revolution in the ukraine,
They lost everything but the presidency. Business as usual?
"Will they follow through or is it just a bunch of talk?"
Good question. I pray we don't find out the answer. It may not come with this recount effort. But if Biden does end up winning, and then orders gun confiscation, the streets will run red with blood.
the georgia race is a .2 differential, that's one/fifth of the shadow governor abrams.
democrats love to punish. Punitive measures = how they rule.
Achilles said ... a bad word.
Please surrender. It's for your own good.
Beatings, morale.
Submit quietly, peasants.
From narciso's link above, you can get this State Department report about cheating in the Ukrainian election:
"Illegal Use of Absentee Ballots...
"Opposition Observers Ejected...
"North Korean-Style Turnout in the East...
"Mobile Ballot Box Fraud...
"Computer Data Allegedly Altered To Favor Yanukovych...
"Reports of Opposition Fraud..."
The names have changed but the tactics are the same.
The worst part is, Tapper's not even wrong.
So now it will be Chris Miller playing the James Schlesinger role of alerting the military to contact him if POTUS acts strange with the launch codes.
If you support Trump young man, it will go on your permanent record!
Says the bastard spawn of banshees
Do you lose your secret service protection if you are in prison?
I think Hunter Biden may know very soon.
Just remember, when the car pulls up at your house with the secret police to take you to the new lubyanka, go quietly so as not to disturb the other residents. The trip won't take long and you will get your 100 grams when you get there. You voted for DJT and so you must be reconciled - it is for your own good and the good of the state.
" if POTUS acts strange with the launch codes.”
If Biden comes out on top, remember that he introduced his long dead and buried son at a rally just last week.
“This button is for the nurse, and this button orders the boomers to launch, got it?”
So, Comey, McCabe, Brennan, Rosenstein and Strzok are all out of work for resisting a legitimately elected President, Jake? And Mark Elias, who arranged the whole Steele Dossier to steal the election and then deny a duly elected President the right to serve, is scrounging for legal work, lucky to get a hourly rate criminal representation in DC courts. Right.
maybe burisma provided election advice, seeing who was their business manager, zylochevsky,
Obama spied, Clinton colluded, Biden obstructed. Diversity breeds adversity. Tapper should reflect on is support for 16 trimesters of witch hunts, warlock trials, and protests, in particular, and progressive corruption in general.
See: bullshit, civility.
They want Trump to kneel. They want Americans to kneel. This has been the progressive playbook for 16 trimesters, which exposed massive political, social, and economic irregularities were actually Democrat projections, coronated by the Democrat-affiliated diversity racket, specifically Some, Select Black Lives Matter founded on false premises. #BabyLivesMatter
trust Leftist Collectivists. Can the 100-120 million people buried in mass graves
The great leap, diversity and exclusion, equity and redistributive/retributive change, the final solution, and the forward-looking wicked solution, too.
It’s an empty threat because none of these organizations hire Republicans anyway.
Readering: "So now it will be Chris Miller playing the James Schlesinger role of alerting the military to contact him if POTUS acts strange with the launch codes."
And so we come full circle to the lunatic lefties claiming Trump is going to start a nuclear war just as they did in January of 2016 and beyond.
No one is proposing locking anyone up and to suggest otherwise simply shows how unhinged you all are. It is Trump and his people that have the "lock her/him up" chants. Am I missing something?
stevie, would it upset you if I introduced you to AOC and Robert Reich?
I think the plan is to prevent any Trump supporter from getting another job. Locking up is just the backup plan for the real deplorables.
I don't know because I don't watch tv, but had Stacy Abrams been an unwelcome guest?
Resisting Trump's election was a point in people's favor for a lot of jobs.
Serious question - is Steve uhr a dumbass?
"Serious question - is Steve uhr a dumbass?"
Yes. Next question.
I think that Jake is just sharing his own employment philosophy. When he was at ABC, he was pretty on the level, now, he’s full on shill. It’s all about career with him.
“Those are my principles, if you don’t like them, I have others."
“This button is for the nurse, and this button orders the boomers to launch, got it?”
I'd be more worried about the land-based ICBMs. At least our boomers have a 2-man rule onboard. I know the land-based launchers also have safeguards, but I'm not entirely convinced there's not a bypass to that for NCA to use as a last resort.
n.n said...
They want Trump to kneel. They want Americans to kneel.
FFS... Fuck Jake Tapper! Who cares what he thinks or has to say!?!
Steve Uhr wrote:
No one is proposing locking anyone up and to suggest otherwise simply shows how unhinged you all are.
Followed by this:
Serious question - Do you lose your secret service protection if you are in prison?
Nice little future you have there. Be a shame if something happened to it.
Is he saying that under Biden, employees will no longer be free to choose their employers.
Knowing what I do about Tapper, I wouldn't hire him for anything requiring trust. He's not good at his chosen profession and he's a known liar. I sure as hell wouldn't work for the corrupt company he sucks up to for a check.
Wait till Antifa finds out about the fascists coming out of the woodwork now. They really hate fascists.
Antifa protests at Biden celebration in D.C.
"Antifa group: Liberals celebrating Biden win 'a bunch of f***ing fools'"
In regard to Tapper the Democrat shill, he can FOAD.
Anyone familiar with AS' The Gulag Archipelago would know that the Russians were successful with sending people off to die or exist in the worse conditions ever because NO ONE rebelled in the beginning of it. They were true party members, loved Stalin and could not imagine why they were carted off in the middle of the night along with many, many more. They expected that it was "some sort of mistake" and they could clear it up if only the Party chairman would listen. Millions never came back.
I hope my fellow Americans won't be like that. That's why we are "Murica! Americans. The first person that puts me on a "List" will disappear completely, unable to add to that List.
I have NO patience for these fuckers who have labeled us bigots, racists, misogynists, homophobe and Russian sympathizers. The gloves are off and they will remain off until the day I die.
If Trump does lose, America is going to get it in the ass, good and hard. And you Leftist BetaBois will deserve every dry inch.
Keiser SoSay -
You forgot the other half of the cliche:
"Corpses will swing from every lamppost" ...right?
Lotsa talk.
@Althouse, I don't know what's more touching, Jake Tapper's tender advice to young Trump staffers who may need to seek new jobs if the massive, ham-fisted, in-your-face fraud is allowed to stand, or the solicitousness of Axios, backed by gadfly and Howard the educated fool towards the GOP senators in the Georgia runoffs. It fairly sets my heart to fluttering.
steve uhr said...
I don't get this big deal about "the list" Presumably Trump's people are not embarrassed by their association with him and will highlight their work with him on their resume. No one is proposing locking anyone up and to suggest otherwise simply shows how unhinged you all are. It is Trump and his people that have the "lock her/him up" chants. Am I missing something?
There's a few calls. In the media. I could pull up Facebook posts from liberals and I've seen many Twitter threads on threadreaderapp.
How deep is the cave you live in? Or are you simply divorced from reality?
Does anyone STILL think that if Biden wins the left will be modified rather than encouraged and go full throttle, cheating the whole way, running roughshod over all precident and destroying all norms to cement their power?
Bobby Trump and his followers seem to be having a temper tantrum firing everybody in sight who didn’t kiss his ring and now the flood of resumes fill the DC air.
I think it would be a good idea for everyone here to pump the brakes a little on all the "America is over" rhetoric. Suppose the Democrats get the Senate (admittedly a worst-case and unlikely scenario). They are not - to mention one hyperbolic claim - "coming to get your guns". Etc. Etc. Etc.
Not that they don't want to but they simply lack the competence to carry out any of the apocalyptic shit everyone here is fretting about.
These stumblebums can't get anything accomplished. Biden has been in congress for 47 years and has accomplished nothing. Harris - in the most liberal state in America - essentially accomplished nothing other than putting a bunch of Black guys in jail for pot. As far as I know people in California still can own guns.
These incompetent boobs can't even put together a budget with printable money. Last time the Democrats controlled Congress it took them nearly 2 years to put together the wet fart called ACA - their "big fucking deal" - which was largely ignored by the marketplace. That's all they achieved. Then they lost it all after 2 years.
Win or lose - whatever they say - the Democrats are well aware that their "mandate" is razor thin. Several of them are already commenting on the 2022 House elections and shitting their pants about the likely outcome.
My prediction: There will be a lot of preachy talk about a bunch of liberal wish-list shit that never gets done. It never does. Even Democrats aren't that stupid.
Win or lose - whatever they say - the Democrats are well aware that their "mandate" is razor thin. Several of them are already commenting on the 2022 House elections and shitting their pants about the likely outcome.
OK but I am not as confident as you are about Georgia.
Dr K -
But let's say for the sake of argument both Senate seats in GA get stolen.
That leaves the Dems with a 50-50 Senate and a house in which - for 2 years - they have a razor thin majority.
Even in that worst-case scenario can you honestly see the idiots in the Congress being competent enough to carry out any kind of a strategic "agenda" without getting sidetracked by some "crisis" or other?
It seems the infighting has already begun.
There just seems to be a lot of assumption here that the Democrats are "diabolical geniuses".
R/V writes: "Bobby Trump and his followers seem to be having a temper tantrum firing everybody in sight who didn’t kiss his ring and now the flood of resumes fill the DC air."
Sure, that's what it's all about, genius. And please change your pen-name. Voltaire was one of the smartest people who ever lived. You, on the other hand . . ."
Idiots can still be dangerous. Just sayin'.
Even in that worst-case scenario can you honestly see the idiots in the Congress being competent enough to carry out any kind of a strategic "agenda" without getting sidetracked by some "crisis" or other?
A lot depends on how much influence the crazy left has.
The people running Biden are the rich, Silicon Vally rich and NY City traders rich. Maybe a few movie people but the billionaires bought this. They will do what they want. For example, the SALT tax deduction limit will go quickly. Illegals will form more "caravans" and the Border Patrol will be emasculated. The super rich hav more houses than Bernie or Biden. They spend summers in Tuscany, winters in Ibiza. They don't care about BLM burning down cities.
I doubt the Green Nude Eel is going anywhere. That was sucker bait for the Bernie bros. How much dos a G V burn on the way to Tuscany?
Think about the filthy rich's agenda and that will mostly be it. A few riots and lootings to keep the shock troops entertained.
Idiots can be dangerous for short periods of time. Then things kinda catch up to them pretty quickly.
The big money people behind Biden, et. al were primarily concerned with getting rid of Trump in my humble opinion. He disrupted the status quo.
Now that he's likely gone, they - in my opinion- have no further use for the extreme left, the woke, etc. They disrupt the status quo also.
I expect that element to be marginalized; it's already started.
Fuck you, Jake Tapper.
THE RESISTANCE, remember? Fuck you, Jake.
That certainly sounds like a threat to me.
Wow! The hypocrisy gauge just swung all the way to the right, caught fire, and exploded.
Jupiter, I'm well aware purity tests occur at every level. My question was specifically about what Tapper was saying. Knowing the broadness or narrowness of that statement would tell me how far gone he is.
A bias, a prejudice, a diversitist, a bigot... a sanctimonious hypocrite.
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