November 22, 2020

"I'd like a crisply clear result to come into focus as soon as possible, and I'd like gracious winners and losers, all united in love for our beautiful country."

I wrote before going to sleep on election night. 

I was thinking about that this morning, after remembering a phrase I'd used in yesterday's podcast. I had some empathy for Trump, who's been so focused for so long on winning winning winning, and I thought of the idea that he can still win — if only to "win at losing." 



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Heartless Aztec said...

🎶Even the losers get lucky sometime...🎶 Tom Petty

alanc709 said...

Biden winning makes us all losers.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I'd like people not to cheat in elections...or anything else.
I'd like our politicians to actually be honest.
I'd like the media to stop lying and be impartial reporters of facts.
I'd like fairies to come to my house and make it spotless while I'm sleeping.

The last one is most likely to occur.

Mike Sylwester said...

That's why Trump's campaign song was "You Can't Always Get What You Want".

Kai Akker said...

Losing is overrated.

jeremyabrams said...

You can only "win at losing" by gracefully acknowledging a legitimate defeat. Is that option really on the table? And the dream of domestic tranquility is not a mature dream; nations that achieve a near-universal shared vision of life include North Korea today, Germany in the 1930s, etc. It's better to bicker.

Jaq said...

How do you feel, Althouse, knowing that a large telephone canvas of Republicans in Wisconsin showed that 20% of them who thought they had voted absentee never had their votes counted?

Does it make the slightest difference to you that 50% of Republicans called in Arizona who claimed that they had voted by absentee never had their votes counted?

43% in PA.

This is not a conspiracy theory, it’s facts on the ground. No theory as to how it happened has been offered. My guess is that anti-Trump postal workers in pro Trump areas find it pretty easy to toss absentee ballots as “trusted employees” But if that is true or not, it doesn’t change the facts on the ground that the ballots are gone.

iowan2 said...

Winning and losing?

Five years of coordinated institutional corruption of the federal govt.

Now massive voter fraud.

But lets be the best losers ever.

I don't understand the ambivalence.

W.B. Picklesworth said...

What is tidier than a dishonest concession is an honest laying out of the facts. Then I want defendants admitting their crimes in court. Ignoring over the fraud is about as tidy as hiding a corpse under the rug.

Jaq said...

They contacted a significant number of “low propensity voters” in unusually high turnout precincts in Michigan, for example, who were shown to have voted in the official records, but claim that they never did.

Is statistical evidence admissible? I think so.

This is not a conspiracy theory, it’s a statement of the facts as we know them.

D. said...

Donald J. Trump
...And neither am I!
Quote Tweet
Elizabeth Harrington
· Apr 11, 2019
I'm not tired of winning yet
7:11 AM · Nov 22, 2020·Twitter for iPhone

cacimbo said...

Trump will leave office, but the election results will never be clear. Unless we clean up our elections this problem will continue.We knew of this problem before this election yet Democrats continue to push for voting with less security - that sure makes me think they don't believe they can win in fair elections.

Humperdink said...

"I'd like gracious winners and losers, all united in love for our beautiful country."

Gracious: adjective; courteous, kind, and pleasant.

Thinking back as to when this occurred in a presidential election. Now I remember, every time a republican lost.

steve uhr said...

Trump delegitimized Obama from day 1 with his birther shit. And I bet most of you even today acknowledge he was born in USA.

steve uhr said...

Don’t acknowledge

Fernandinande said...

Biden winning makes us all losers.

Rated "Mostly true!"

Wince said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jess said...

The country suffered under the President that Biden served as Vice President. The corruption was astounding, and continued through the Trump administration. Now, with all the corruption evident again, and a criminal family attempting to take power, there will be no gracious outreach. The Democrats declared war on the citizens years ago, and it's war they deserve.

Jaq said...

In steve uhr’s parlance, we have "evidence of a crime,” missing ballots. We also have evidence that the scope of it is election turning. So a thorough investigation is in order. Not like the infestigation that happened in PA where they send a Federal Agent who had a long and vehement anti Trump social history to try to force the whistleblower to recant and lying to the WaPo that he did when he didn't.

In PA we have postal worker whistleblowers, a huge number of missing absentee ballots from Republicans. These aren not "conspiracy theories," they are facts on the ground, and you will notice that our local “disinformation spotters” like readering can’t refute them.

Humperdink said...

@steve uhr Your language is not very gracious. Give us some of that "united in love" stuff please. This is an upbeat post. You're not helping. :)

Temujin said...

I don't see the unity thing happening anytime soon. Friday night in Portland, 24 businesses were destroyed. By Democrats. Apparently they're not happy yet.

Last night we had a couple of friends over for dinner. We haven't done a lot of that in these Wuhan virus times. But we know these people are not out and about much. Nor are we. (meaning, no political rallies, no BLM riots/protests, no football games, no bars- but boy am I ready for a bar). At some point in the early evening, the election came up and I guess our friends assumed we were feeling all Bideny. I've found that a number of people assume that of us and I'm thinking it's because we're Jewish. But we're not progressives, not Democrats. Not even close. The last Democrat I voted for was in 1972. And I'm still embarrassed at that one.

So she went on to let us know that all is well, and Trump will be followed and harassed and end up in jail for tax fraud. My wife knows me. Knows I can rip people's heads off if I'm engaging in debate. But I held back a bit. I listened to our friends worry about the militias in Michigan and thought, hmm...Trumps taxes, militia in Michigan? But seemingly no worries about the possibility of massive election fraud because she liked the result. No concern about the Biden Crime Family taking millions from foreign players who wanted access to a VP but are now getting access to a President? No worries about 4 months of destruction of multiple cities around the US which continues to this day- all done by far left groups? No- they're worried about a militia in Michigan who have not done a thing yet. Plans, maybe. Action, nothing.

My friend wondered allowed what people who voted for Trump think. I told her she could ask me. I would be glad to let her know. She and her husband seemed shocked. I did not rip off any heads, in deference to my wife. But I wanted to. I am amazed at how many seemingly intelligent friends of mine get all of their information from CNN- like these folks do. I'm also amazed at the stereotype of the Trump voter that these people have in their heads, courtesy of the NYTimes, WaPo and every network available to them, with the exception of Fox News. 73-80 million people can cross a lot of different demographics.

I have another friendly couple coming for Thanksgiving and I'm sure it'll be more of the same. I'd say I need new friends, but I like these people. I think they need to broaden their thinking and turn off CNN. Actually I think they need to save their brains and turn off CNN. I may have to turn them on to Althouse. At least they'd get interesting things to think about and not all of the points of view are the same. It's a start. Although I'd have to stop commenting.

But no...I see no unity. At least not from me.

Jersey Fled said...

I've said this before, but I don't think Trump's whole motivation is winning the presidency. I believe he wants to shine a bright light on how corrupt and broken our election system is. Half of the country does not now and probably never will believe Biden won legitimately. We can't go on like this. The win at all cost guy is not Trump, but the Democrats.

gilbar said...

remember the olden days?
back when people actually thought that their vote would be counted, and count?
back when the Powers That Be... would, at least, Try to Pretend that they weren't corrupt?
back when there was some thought, that our nation might last?

oh! those Were the Days!

Wince said...

From Althouse's lips to the algorithm's ears? She left out her first part:

... perhaps by tomorrow's sunrise we will know the answer. I hope so! I'd like a crisply clear result to come into focus as soon as possible, and I'd like gracious winners and losers, all united in love for our beautiful country.

So, who was it that actually denied you your wish? Presumably, the Trump camp will argue the reason you did not see a clear winner at sunrise was due to massive fraud.

Based on what is revealed, we'll see who is gracious and who loves our beautiful country.

Jaq said...

"Don’t acknowledge”

It was a claim on his own book jacket exploited by Hillary Clinton that started it, just to be clear, the same harpy who started the Russian collusion theory, as Brennen wrote in his own hand and everybody ignored in order to try to catch Trump in some process crime.

gilbar said...

we are going to have a President, that:
a) BRAGGED about being corrupt
b) has a son (and other family members,) that is EXPLICITLY corrupt
c) is a senile figurehead, that doesn't even know what election he "won"

good times!

Mark said...

"Is statistical evidence admissible? I think so"

So we can forego witnesses swearing an oath in person and start submitting phone polls as evidence?

I bet if I took a phone poll of Althouse's neighborhood, they would all agree that Trump lied in taxes and other financial filings over the years. Can we submit that into the court too?

Now courts can quit focusing on testimony and get down to the real meat, debating statistical analyses of voter beliefs!

Jaq said...

Hillary was the same person, BTW, who claimed that rumors of her husband's sexually preying on Democrat volunteers and interns and just plain women who needed or wanted stuff from the government were the product of a “vast, right-wing conspiracy” and the press ran with that. You, steve uhr, wanted this lying bitch to be president.

Jersey Fled said...

This election will come down to six cities, all run by Democrats for decades, and as corrupt as any third world despot could make them.

No one else's vote matters.

You will not have your clear winner, Ann. Not now or maybe ever.

Jaq said...

"So we can forego witnesses swearing an oath in person and start submitting phone polls as evidence?”

They are following up with sworn affidavits. But I see throwing uninformed opinions that they are all liars is all you have.

Jersey Fled said...


I'm not a lawyer, but I believe an affidavit is the same as swearing an oath.

Jaq said...

"Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.”

So 44% of Michigan Republicans called who claimed they had submitted absentee ballots and whose ballots never arrived is fine with you Chuck. As long as Jones lost his bid for the Senate and Trump lost the state. By any means necessary.

Republicans walk away from this fight, Chuck and the party you will belong to will be as unpopular as Fox News, which is probably your goal all along.

gspencer said...

Well, we did get "a crisply clear result."

And the left didn't like it one bit.

jim said...

We have a President who:

a) BRAGGED about being corrupt
b) has a son (and other family members,) that is EXPLICITLY corrupt
c) is a senile figurehead, that doesn't even know what election he "won"

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Biden is a crook. The media are corrupt.

I'm not in love at all.

Humperdink said...

Re: The Rasmussen poll of a few days ago. A substantial majority of Republicans and a decent size minority of Democrats think Trump was hosed. The D's think they can continue to poke the bear with impunity. 70+ million bears.

I tell people, if this fraud is not exposed, this country has seen it's last election. They look astonished.

David Begley said...

Since etiquette is tagged here, I think the following is on topic.

Last night I met the Omaha version of antifa and BLM. A crowd of about 100 were protesting at the Omaha Police HQ over the killing of a black man who refused to show his hands and was going for his loaded weapon.

The most significant characteristic of this crowd was their language. It was fuck this and fuck that. The cops were motherfuckers. The cops were all Stoic and professional.

I told one young woman to watch her language. She’s about the age of my girls but I doubt she went to the Duchesne Academy of the Sacred Heart. She was very, very angry. She told me to fuck off.

The crowd was 95% white and about 65% female, but 100% stupid. Biden voters.

tim maguire said...

IMO, it’s as important for Biden as it is for Trump that these charges be fully investigated and the results of the investigation be openly and clearly explained. About 80 million people think there was fraud in this election, even if not enough to change the results. Even if 1 million will never accept the outcome, the other 79 million people will and the health of our system depends on their concerns being respected.

Liberals and the media are doing themselves no favours by trying to bury this and shout people down.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

There are several ways to win an election....the ballot box is one.

When you can't trust the ballot box.... people will turn to the ammo box.

We need to fix this problem now or you'd better begin to lock and load.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gspencer said...

"but I believe an affidavit is the same as swearing an oath"

When a Democrat takes the oath of office as required by Article VI to support and defend the Constitution, do you believe his/her oath is genuine, comes from the heart, and that he/she intends to abide by the principles of limitation that are the essence of the Constitution?

Bruce Hayden said...

“This is not a conspiracy theory, it’s facts on the ground. No theory as to how it happened has been offered. My guess is that anti-Trump postal workers in pro Trump areas find it pretty easy to toss absentee ballots as “trusted employees” But if that is true or not, it doesn’t change the facts on the ground that the ballots are gone.”

I understand her feelings, at least intellectually. My partner, as staunch a Republican as there is, was sick the day after the election, but since then, mention of the blatant industrial level of election fraud committed by the Democrats is banned in our household. It just makes her angry. I get angry. But that’s what guys do. She doesn’t like what that does to her disposition. She doesn’t like being angry, esp for days on end. So she just ignores the problem, and knows that someday it will go away. And we don’t talk about it. At all. Ever. I think there are a lot of people like both of these women. I do wonder whether this is more a female centric view or not. It would make some sense. But we obviously have some women here who get plenty heated about the stolen election. So, if there is a sexual aspect to whether to get involved, or avoid it completely, it is more tendencies, than a strict male/female division.

At least my partner voted (and all of her candidates won at the state and local level, since we vote in MT, and not AZ). Ann apparently didn’t vote for either Trump or Biden, so doesn’t have a horse in this race. She really does, of course, but not as directly as most of the rest of us.

Which brings up a self awareness thought. Ann, by her style of blogging, constantly opens herself up to psychoanalysis and criticism, such as we are doing here. I wonder how I would do, facing that, day in and day out. I don’t know if I could have handled it nearly as long as she has.

Jaq said...

Obama won his first election through signature challenges, now looking at them is voter suppression and PA simply ignored them, even though the law required them to be considered.

In Nevada nobody denies that the signature verification AI was reset to make it completely inefective.

This Dominion Software thing is “adulterated bullshit” as the joke goes. We shouldn’t trust a company with this many ties to one party and to a political party in Venezuela noted for voter fraud, but there isn’t really much evidence that it did the stuff that was said and recounts would clearly show it.

The Dominion Software thing is taking oxygen from the real issues.

Humperdink said...

Jim said: "We have a President who:

a) BRAGGED about being corrupt
b) has a son (and other family members,) that is EXPLICITLY corrupt
c) is a senile figurehead, that doesn't even know what election he "won"

You know Jim, if the democrats had only investigated Trump, they maybe could have uncovered something. They could hired someone like Robert Mueller to look into this. Maybe spend $30 million doing it. Or have Adam Schiff investigate this. The D's gave Trump a complete pass. Am I right?

Breezy said...

The people who wrecked this election with devious acts of fraud are not in love with our beautiful country. They work to undo it, and will continue to do so. Those of us who do truly love our country are shocked and appalled at the arrogance and deep maliciousness of it all. Seriously - deciding you get to pick the President, against the will of the overwhelming American vote? Cheaters should never be allowed to win.

iowan2 said...

First, that was a Clinton operation. Blame her for delegitimizing an empty suit.

Second, we have gotten far afield from the "Trump is a criminal" wild gyrations.

How far the self righteous have fallen.

tim maguire said...

steve uhr said...Trump delegitimized Obama from day 1 with his birther shit

Your memory is a little faulty.

Barack Obama was the original birther (he is Kenyan in much the same way Warren is Native American—he invented the claim when it was professionally advantageous). Hillary Clinton popularized birtherism. It was never a mainstream belief on the right. Obama resisted putting it to bed because he saw advantage in keeping it around—it was useful to pretend most people on the right believed it.

Trump was very late to the party and his role was little more than forcing Obama to finally release his birth certificate so that we could all stop talking about it.

Jaq said...

"A substantial majority of Republicans and a decent size minority of Democrats think Trump was hosed. “

And that’s with the same kind of media narrative lockdown in place on this story as they used to suppress all of the evidence of Biden family corruption.

Jaq said...

(!) Click here to find out why voting by mail is secure.

boatbuilder said...

All my lib and “moderate “ friends know that Rudy’s hair dye ran. None of them have heard of Dominion voting machines.

rhhardin said...

Women's minds at work.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The White left - Antifa - young Biden voters.

Political Junkie said...

Temujin - wonderful post.

My wife has some GBFFs, who are strong D/L, who occasionally say political/social/cultural things that cause my blood pressure to rise. I challenge myself to let it go.

Jaq said...

It’s Trump making the US democracy look bad abroad.

Hans Mahncke@HansMahncke
"Taiwanese voters were stunned to learn that American citizens cannot watch the ballot count, immediately asking “How can you avoid corruption?”"

Crypto said...

"How far the self righteous have fallen."

That's a great line. Thanks, iowan2.

Tommy Duncan said...

They stick a knife in my back and demand my gracious and loving acceptance.

Kiss my ass.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Even if 1 million will never accept the outcome, the other 79 million people will and the health of our system depends on their concerns being respected.”

I don’t think that you are talking just a million here. I think rather a good chunk of the 80 million. We have a social contract, and it was shredded in front of us. That social contract is part of why guns stay locked up in gun safes. I don’t expect gun sales to abate, until the Dems put a gun to the heads of the gun manufacturers.

I was (as usual) looking for AR-15 parts for builds last night, and they are gone, gone, gone. Everything is on back order, except for maybe .22 and 9 mm conversions. And, maybe something in .50 (which I always thought idiotic, in a system designed for .223/5,56). Last year, on Black Friday, I picked up plenty of 9 mm and 5.56/.223 ammunition. Or I thought that it was plenty. This year, I expect those sales to be a joke. So far, the big sales I have seen have 9 mm for twice what it was selling for last year at this time.

On a personal note - I do have the parts for another 7.5” .300 Blackout build, but not enough ammunition to make it worthwhile. I am thinking of a 5.56 10” build, but can’t find the necessary upper parts. And ditto with plans for a maybe 18” .223 Wylde build. Except that I should probably use better lower parts for that.

There are millions out there who make me look like a piker. I expect that not all of them are going to leave their babies locked up in their safes. We shall see.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Burn it down

Jaq said...

“If they had rejected anywhere near the usual number of ballots they reject, Trump would have won easily” -

(!) Click here to find out why signature challenges are racist.

stevew said...

If I may Temujin, I will let your post speak for me. Though I will add that in my case I will no longer sit in silence when these friends and family of mine speak poorly and erroneously about Trump, his supporters (me), and this election.

hawkeyedjb said...

Dust Bunny Queen said...
When you can't trust the ballot box.... people will turn to the ammo box.

No, they won't. They will accept, not meekly, but stoically and by adopting a fuck-it-all attitude. Elections have been stolen since time immemorial, in every society that has ever had elections, including ours. Someone said "You can vote your way into socialism but you have to shoot your way out." That's not true either - mostly socialism just collapses. The only socialist who got what was coming to him in the glorious revolutions of 1989-90 was Ceausescu.

What the election thieves want is for the losing side's voters to say fuck-it-all, it's not worth voting. That's probably what they'll get.

Jersey Fled said...

A question to those more knowledgeable on the subject than I am. (Not you, Chuck)

Could Barr appoint a special prosecutor to investigate fraud in the 2020 election?

Achilles said...

Ann wishes to gracefully get beaten up again.

She wants us all to accept our beatings.

As soon as Republicans were kicked out of the polls the elections were invalid.


BUMBLE BEE said...

Maybe 'Kentucky Windage' here, but Compton CA elected a mayor(R) over an incumbent(D) who was promising free money. Ohio turns red. I'd say Sidney is on to something here.

narciso said...

Not so much

Jaq said...

Car drives into a crowd of Trump supporters in Wisconsin.

This is the result of hateful propaganda calling Trump supporters racist.

Let’s be gracious ‘losers', people. Ha ha ha ha!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

We all know the left are cheats and liars.
WE all know the left cheated this election.

What we don't know is who has the proof. The math is part of the proof. Does the Trump team have the ability to prove it? After all, the powers that be who cheated are not going to let that truth come out if they can help it.
The leftwing media certainly are not intellectually curious about any of it because their corrupt guy won. The media carry the water for Adam Schitt, Hillary and the Biden crime family.

Bob Boyd said...

I had some empathy for Biden, who's been so focused for forty seven fucking years on winning winning winning, and I thought of the idea that he can still win — if only to "win at losing."

Achilles said...

There are millions out there who make me look like a piker. I expect that not all of them are going to leave their babies locked up in their safes. We shall see.

The MDR .308 and the 5.7 have been to the range twice a week for the last two months.

The .7$ and 1.1$ a shot. The 45 tac is ready.75$ a shot. Expensive but necessary.

All is in readiness.

If you do not follow the rules of the election I do not follow you. The community agrees.

Phil 314 said...

“Does it make the slightest difference to you that 50% of Republicans called in Arizona who claimed that they had voted by absentee never had their votes counted? “

If this # is accurate I wonder how many of those individuals went on line to see if their vote was received and counted, as you can do in AZ. There’s something odd about Republicans disdained polling data (i.e. telephone survey data) and now shouting from the hills “LOOK AT THE SURVEY DATA!”

Like 2016 this was a statistical tie. In 2016 the range of error went in Trumps favor. In 2020 the other guy. You might have thought that after 2016 Trump might have figured out a way to enlarge his support to not rely on chance.

But then again he’s a business guy, not a politician.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Dust Bunny Queen said... When you can't trust the ballot box.... people will turn to the ammo box.
hawkeyedjb said.. No, they won't. They will accept, not meekly, but stoically and by adopting a fuck-it-all attitude

Probably in the whole. Most people just want to be left alone to get on with their lives.

However, since we are seeing that there are no consequences for violent actions from the radical left, and....the more they push and take away our freedoms, bit by bit...enough will be enough. There are plenty of people fed up who will not be meek and stoic.

Fed up and lost all patience. "Beware the fury of a patient man." John Dryden (19 August 1631 - 12 May 1700)

Political Junkie said...

hawkeyedjb - nice post.

That describes my position, roughly. I stopped voting when I concluded that social/cultural forces were much more important, and that those levers are L/D dominated. "Politics is downstream from culture" - politics matters, but IMO, the others are much more important.

BUMBLE BEE said...

All the blowback from a party concerned with 'voter suppression' is laughable. They've fought voting integrity measures at every turn. The arguments are from the 1950 too! Ami Horowitz in Berkely...

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Fuck the “muh norms” that only apply to one side.

Sebastian said...

"I'd like gracious winners and losers, all united in love for our beautiful country."

After 4 years of prog depredations, I'd like nice women to get over their fantasies and face reality.

mockturtle said...

Sounds more like something you dreamed.

Ray said...

What a mess lawyers have made. We have judges who don't want to rule in the name of justice because it's too messy. Other judges who create their own election laws in opposition of the Constitution. We have lawyers distorting the law reach a desired outcome. Kyle Rittenhouse, murder? Really? It's a game to most, while lives are being affected. Don't get me going on Andrew Wisemann. Evil, pure evil! Shakespeare was right.

There's some I admire, but I won't work for any (I'm a remodeler).

Sam L. said...

Didn't think of Democrats, eh??????

Political Junkie said...

Can someone please provide a link on the Compton CA mayoral race. I have not been successful finding a link.

If the R won, I speculate it is because of Hispanic in-migration. Would be a good sign, in my opinion, but I wish it was because blacks voted strongly for an R. But that is unlikely.

mockturtle said...

Maybe we won't riot and burn but neither will we bow to their demands. There will be an American Resistance. Count on it.

narciso said...

Carrying over from last knight

chuck said...

"I'd like a crisply clear result to come into focus as soon as possible, and I'd like gracious winners and losers, all united in love for our beautiful country."

Gone with the wind.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Mockturtle: There will be an American Resistance. Count on it.>

Irish Democracy. At the very least and in the beginning.

Chuck said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Ray said...

"There will be an American Resistance. Count on it"

It would be a grave mistake if we don't. And I mean grave.

roesch/voltaire said...

I see when Trump folks can’t provide enough evidence to over turn a generally well run election process they threaten to take their AR 15 out of the gun case;maybe it is time to recognize the real threat of domestic terrorism.

Jaq said...

Remember when Hitler said Jews were not a political issue but an issue of public health and sanitation?

Gracsious me.

Bob Boyd said...

Where were the gracious losers in 2016, uniting in love for our beautiful country?

Where are the gracious winners now, uniting in love for our beautiful country by working to allay concerns over the integrity of the elections?

Ray said...

"Which is more likely to inspire voters for losing candidate to be politically active in future"

If the voter fraud is allowed to stand there will be no political activity worth getting involved with.

Jaq said...

"maybe it is time to recognize the real threat of domestic terrorism.”

Did you watch the video of a car driving into a crowd of Trump supporters yesterday I linked above, R/V.

Of course you didn’t. Ignorance is strength, so it only makes sense you would try to keep ignorant of what is really going on. The ony difference between that incident and Charlottes fill is luck, and oh yeay, it reflects badly on Democrats.

mockturtle said...

As someone upthread noted, 'most of us just want to be left alone'. I agree and that has been our downfall. Maintaining a republic takes hard work and constant vigilance and we fell asleep at the switch.

Lurker21 said...

Affidavits from people who were there are just ignored by the media, and apparently by the courts. Maybe what's needed is to figure out who probably would have headed up Biden's "most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics" and work downward and outward from there. Somehow, though, I don't think the FBI will be pursuing the case very actively.


From today's news: "Rubio: Biden's Cabinet will have people who are 'out of their minds'"

Interesting times.

Chuck said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Qwinn said...

I wish I could remember who had written this:

"Just wait till the Left figures out that the conservative version of "no justice, no peace" doesn't involve looting a Footlocker."

And r/v, fuck off. We've been posting links to reams of evidence for 2 weeks. Your side has addressed only maybe the weakest 2% of it, and lying even about that much. The other 98% is still there, completely unchallenged, just ignored via industrial strength gaslighting.

Eleanor said...

I don't have battered woman syndrome. I don't believe the current beating will be the last one if I just behave myself. Not willing to go along to get along. I never thought giving into a bully makes the bully stop. I'd rather hire Sydney Powell for my attorney.

Jaq said...

"Last refuge of scoundrels."

Patriotism is supporting democracy, not believing in it while ignoring your lying eyes.

narciso said...

Whelan was last seen trying to legitimize blasey fords fraud two years ago.

Bruce Hayden said...

If you don’t want to worry, don’t read this.

I frankly don’t know how many guns I have, or potential guns, for that matter. A couple years ago, we started building AR-15s, and soon moved to finishing 80% complete lower receivers. And I bought some completed lowers in 5 packs through an FFL. Summer before last, you could pickup either for $50 or so. Doubled for both last summer, of course. 80% complete AR-10s soon followed AR-15s, and now popular handgun 80% lowers are now readily available. Or were until late summer. (For those who are unaware, currently, 80% complete lower receivers are not legally considered firearms by ATF, so can be bought over the Internet. Complete them, and you legally have an unregistered firearm, but since you don’t have an ATF manufacturing license, you can’t sell it). I know how many complete firearms I have bought, and how many I have built. But what I really don’t know is how many FFL purchased, unfinished 80% complete, and 100% complete lower receivers of various types I have. And of course, how many of each were tragically lost in that boating accident last summer. And, remember, 80% complete lowers of whatever type typically don’t have serial numbers, because they aren’t purchased through an FFL.

To make matters worse, millions now probably know how to build an AR-15, and tens of millions how to assemble them, from their military service (since it is functionally almost identical to our country’s main battle rifle for almost 60 years now). Last year, apparently roughly half of all long guns purchased last year in this country are considered Modern Sporting Rifles (“Assault Weapons” for gun grabbers). The bulk of these are AR variants, mostly AR-15s. It has been estimated that there are roughly 650 million Firearms in this country sold through FFLs. No one is really trying to guess how many there are built on 80% complete lower receivers. Most popular MSR, is, of course, an AR-15 in 5.56/.223, which penetrates most soft body armor, which is what is mostly worn by police and AntiFA. Which is why the military (and often SWAT) wear plate armor.

The 650 million guns averages out to roughly two guns per American. But they aren’t anywhere close to evenly distributed. The number of household in the country owning a gun is, I believe, below half now. But many of those only own a single gun, like one of my brother’s who inherited our father’s 410 shotgun. Which means that maybe 10-20% of the country owns the bulk of those 650 million firearms. But that still means 30-60 million avid gun owners, who, BTW, tend to know how to use their guns, are often military vets, and MOSTLY VOTED FOR TRUMP. This is one of the groups disenfranchised by the massive election fraud this year by the Democrats.

Ray said...

"Maintaining a republic takes hard work and constant vigilance and we fell asleep at the switch."

I'm not completely disagreeing with you, but those we assumed had our back, were there to put there hand in our pocket. Lefties are going to do Lefty things. The Right sold their (our) birth-rite for a bowl of "stew".

Bob Boyd said...

People say things like "we get the government we deserve" and "If our government is incompetent or corrupt, it's our own fault."

Now we get, "Just concede" and "Win by losing."


wendybar said...

Easy to lose against cheaters.

Francisco D said...

I am retired and financially stable, so I can easily survive four years of Biden/DNC rule. However, I want Trump to continue the fight because the corruption in our election system needs to be uncovered and fixed.

Our resident lefties seem to in favor of permanent corruption and Democrat rule.

Rusty said...

Mark said...
"Is statistical evidence admissible? I think so"

"So we can forego witnesses swearing an oath in person and start submitting phone polls as evidence?

I bet if I took a phone poll of Althouse's neighborhood, they would all agree that Trump lied in taxes and other financial filings over the years. Can we submit that into the court too?

Now courts can quit focusing on testimony and get down to the real meat, debating statistical analyses of voter beliefs!"
Thank god you don't have a job that actually requires you to think.
roesch/voltaire said...
"I see when Trump folks can’t provide enough evidence to over turn a generally well run election process they threaten to take their AR 15 out of the gun case;maybe it is time to recognize the real threat of domestic terrorism."
Arguing facts not in evidence, councilor. But that's not new for you is it? Gettin a little twitchy are you? Nervous? Good. You should be nervous.

Gusty Winds said...

It’s fascinating to see Althouse pretend the results are real.

Jaq said...

"statistical analyses of voter beliefs!”

Yes, if you ask me whether I voted or not, and I answer that I did, that is merely an expression of my “belief" that I voted and thus, even if I swear to it, it carries no weight in a court of law.

Mark does have a point that half the Republicans called in AZ had a mistaken “belief” that they had personally voted when further investigation demonstrated that their votes were “lost." But I don’t think Mark is that smart. I think he believes that it was an opinion poll I was discussing.

Look at how observers are forbidden to meaningfully watch the counting in Milwaukee.

It goes to consciousness of guilt.

Jaq said...

I drove 1,800 miles to Florida to vote because I didn’t trust postal workers. I was right to do so.

Fandor said...

It's not about Trump, WINNING, WINNING, WINNING. It's about US, the REPUBLIC, the CONSTITUTION and where this country is headed. I, for one do not want my country run by thieves who have no problem stealing elections, cheating, stirring up fears of every kind, shouting down people in the public square, telling me I'm something I'm not, all because I don't think like them.
Screw these vile rats. Let's have this fight.
They cheated, as they always do because they, the democrats, the globalists cannot stand the idea of not WINNING, WINNING, WINNING!
There is no compromise, Ann. This ilk wants nothing less then our American souls!
So I'll repeat their mantra, used in every instance when they don't get what they want!

mockturtle said...

Bruce, while it's nice to be well armed, the Left is more likely to use technology as a weapon and we need to be prepared for that, as well.

Fandor said...

It's not about Trump, WINNING, WINNING, WINNING. It's about US, the REPUBLIC, the CONSTITUTION and where this country is headed. I, for one do not want my country run by thieves who have no problem stealing elections, cheating, stirring up fears of every kind, shouting down people in the public square, telling me I'm something I'm not, all because I don't think like them.
Screw these vile rats. Let's have this fight.
They cheated, as they always do because they, the democrats, the globalists cannot stand the idea of not WINNING, WINNING, WINNING!
There is no compromise, Ann. This ilk wants nothing less then our American souls!
So I'll repeat their mantra, used in every instance when they don't get what they want!

Jaq said...

It’s Trump hurting America’s image abroad. Yeah, that’s the ticket!

Bob Boyd said...

If you don’t want to worry, don’t read this.

Guys like you having lots of guns and ammo doesn't worry me. In fact, it's a comfort.

What worries me is when I think about the Oklahoma City bombing and what motivated it.

It feels like the Althouses and the Scott Adamses think Trump should concede because his followers aren't going to riot, loot and burn, but if Biden loses, his followers will and they just want calm.

It doesn't work like that. There are wild cards in the deck.

mockturtle said...

R/V obviously doesn't live on the west coast where 'domestic terrorism' has been going on for months.

ChuckUnderscore said...
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wild chicken said...

"I bet if I took a phone poll of Althouse's neighborhood" one would answer.

wild chicken said...

"I bet if I took a phone poll of Althouse's neighborhood" one would answer.

Ray said...

For some, including me, the idea of winning by losing feels like being asked to take an*l rape gracefully. The vote dumps in Philly early in the morning where Biden got 6 figures and Trump nothing or next to nothing are so obviously corruption. The dozens (maybe hundreds) of other abnormalities which go unrecognized by some, make me thing they are ignorant or corrupt themselves. At the very least there should be interest to prove it wrong. The worst thing would be to leave it unresolved.

Kevin said...

"Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.”

The first time I posted was in response to Chuck fantasizing about walking up to Don Jr. and punching him.

Tell us more about acceptance, Chuck.

mockturtle said...

Wild Chicken @9:12, you're right. We wouldn't.

DINKY DAU 45 said...

Amazing ,all the armchair lawyers up in here screaming fraud as trumps lawyers tell jusges no your honr no fraud(they know their licenses are at stake_ They have proven nothing,only 1 case out of how many 32? thrown out for no validity and the o1 case was something the folks were already doing ,keeping separate mailed in ballots.You see all the armchair "proof" they have and yet judges aint buying any of it. No proof admitted in courts,no evidence judges believe,just people read things on right wing conspiracy sites and go berserk. It is amazing how gullible people are believing things that have no evidence or proof validated by Americas' court system.Sore losers who just cant bear the thought....MERIKA! :(

mockturtle said...

Fandor is right: It's not about Trump. It's about our Republic.

Big Mike said...

@Althouse, why do you imagine we care in the slightest what you want? You are okay with corruption at an appalling scale, first by voting for Hillary Clinton, then by declining to vote against Joe Biden. You are, apparently, okay with violence in the streets, as long as the broken glass gets swept up and the plywood gets painted with “art” so inept Grandma Moses would throw it away.

You seem to believe that, having acceeded to the violence in your state and elsewhere you will get back to your placid existence. You are a fool.

Jaq said...

Like I said, I haven’t seen anything convincing regarding Dominion, but I have seen a lot of red flags that the software is not fit for purpose and that it would never pass a background check.

Look what the State Department said about its use in Venezuela.

‘Ironically’ this software was installed after conspiracy theories about Diebolt having Republicans in their management made their software toxic to Democrats.

Oooh Wikileaks again! We weren’t supposed to see that!

D.D. Driver said...

Here's a handy quiz I made up to find out what kind of a crackpot you are:

(1) What is their goal? Give yourself 2 points if you said "White Supremacy" and 1 point if you said "New World Order"

(2) What billionaires are really behind it all? Give yourself 2 points if you said "George Soros" and 1 point if you said "the Koch Brothers"

(3)What nation states are lending their support? Give yourself 2 points if you said "Russia, Russia, Russia!" and 1 point if you said "Red China"

(4) Who else is involved? Give yourself 2 points if you said "Diebold n/k/a Dominion" and 1 point if you said "Dominion f/k/a Diebold"

(5) How can they possibly get away with it? Give yourself 2 points if you said "Citizens United" and 1 point if you said "Evil Mail Carriers."

Now add up all your points and see if any of it makes any actual sense.

Chuck said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Jaq said...

What worries me is that right wingers have better technical skills than these mommy’s basement dwelling Antifa types. I think that such men should consider that the left controls the media, and any attacks, ‘successful’ or not, would be counterproductive at best, and at worst, used to cement permanent ChiCom style power by the left.

The answer to this is to use our very real numbers to regain purchase in the process of counting the votes in the future and to work to get out our vote. Like mockturtle says, it’s only a republic if we can keep it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

1800 mile drive to FL. That's dedication Tim. Appreciated.

Looks like FL got its act together with voter integrity and security.
My frustration with the GOP is when they do find themselves with a majority - they don't clean up the messes and open doors for future leftwing corruption.

Jaq said...

"Here's a handy quiz I made up to find out what kind of a crackpot you are:”

I am not alleging any conspiracy. I am just pointing out that tens of thousands of votes cast as absentee by Republicans never showed up to be counted. Looks like half in AZ. Those are just facts. I have no idea how it came about.

BudBrown said...

Compton California. Aja Brown is the mayor? Last election was in 2017. According to wikipedia the free encyclopedia her fraternal twin brother played football at UW - Madison.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

A quiz that does not include RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA.. TULSI IS A RUSSIAN ASSET ALONG WITH JILL STEIN .... is a fake quiz.

We were all programmed for 4 years that Hillary's Rachel Maddow lie-spread is true.

Jaq said...

Keep track of this guy if you are interested in the project to phone bank as many Republican voters in swing states as possible and ask them if they voted and how they voted and comparing their answer to official records.

No “conspiracy theory” is offered as to how these votes both appeared when voter claims not to have made them, and disappeared when votes that voter claims they sent in were lost. Don’t trust Twitter to notify you of his tweets.

D.D. Driver said...

I am not alleging any conspiracy. I am just pointing out that tens of thousands of votes cast as absentee by Republicans never showed up to be counted. Looks like half in AZ. Those are just facts.

Actually no. Gossip and rumors you read on the internet are not "facts." Just because someone alleges that Kavanaugh is a rapist, doesn't mean it is a "fact" that Kavanaugh is a rapist. They are allegations. Allegations must be proven.

If the allegations are true, Trump should have no problem proving it in court. Thousands of votes?! This is a slamdunk for Trump.

Unless its all just bullshit.

steve uhr said...

Trump's massive fraud conspiracies have crumbled one by one. How embarrassing for you all. If Barr thought there was anything there DOJ would have investigated. Ditto for the alleged crimes of Biden and his son, not to mention Hillary. The lengthy investigation into the russian investigation fell flat. Durham was supposed to be the savior. What happened?

By contrast the Republican initiated Mueller investigation found substantial evidence of "collusion," though insufficient evidence to prove a criminal conspiracy beyond a reasonable doubt. AND enough evidence of obstruction to warrant criminal prosecution, which was not recommended only because of DOJ policy against charging a sitting president.

The "perfect phone call" is smoking gun evidence of Trump using public funds to bribe a foreign government to help Trump cheat on the 2020 election. I'm sure if Obama had done such a thing everyone here would be cool with it. I do give Trump credit for recognizing that Biden was the dems best candidate.

Good to see all the losing is making you all crazy. I for one don't give a shit. The only thing important is that Trump will soon be gone, and the country will be able to attempt to recover from his disastrous corrupt reign.

Of course nobody expected you all to accept reality and recognize that Biden is YOUR president. Sore losers never do. They just whine and cry on each other's shoulders. Not a good look.

I hope the next four year are miserable for you all. You deserve it for putting the country through hell the past four.

Trump lost. Fair and square - deal with it or not. Doesn't matter.

Sherman Broder said...

"I'd like a crisply clear result to come into focus as soon as possible, and I'd like gracious thieves and victims of theft, all united in love for our beautiful country."


Political Junkie said...

BudBrown - Thank you.

I could not find a link on an R winning Compton mayor race, even though multiple posters here posted such.

Darn it. I was hoping it was true.

Jaq said...

"Gossip and rumors”

We’ll see. Did you go to the site, or do you just make up the smears as you go along. It’s happening.

Matt Braynard@MattBraynard

- Based on this work, I've been asked to submit declarations/reports that are now going into litigation.

- The attys are going to take over declaration/affidavit chase. This leaves us with several pre-pay phones we don't need anymore. Looking for a good charity.

This is a lot more solid stuff that the Benford’s Law nonsense and the Dominion “where there’s smoke there’s fire” apparent red herring.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Everyone who are demanding that "evidence" be released right now and stamping their feet like petulant toddlers don't understand the process of bringing this...or ANY dispute to the legal conclusions.

You don't release your case until you have the whole package in a neat bundle with all the relevant affidavits, witnesses etc lined up. You release your case to the proper authorized venue. The media is not that. The media wants to decide the cases and be the deciders. They aren't.

You don't piecemeal release information to the media so it can be hashed out in a biased and corrupt public forum. The lawsuits are played out in the proper arena. The Maddow show, CNN, MSNBC and even FOX are not the proper arenas.

Stop throwing your toddler tantrums and wait.

tcrosse said...

The conditions that resulted in Trump will still obtain, and probably intensify under Biden, so Trumpism and its followers are unlikely to go away. As for myself, I'm too old and feeble to get violent, but I have learned how to keep a low profile so as to get away with disobedience.

wendybar said...

I hope the next four year are miserable for you all. You deserve it for putting the country through hell the past four.
Says the guy who supported the Russian Hoax lie for 5 years.....and enjoyed watching the left beat up anybody with a MAGA hat. We made it hell???? YOU need to reexamine your thoughts and get real...we weren't the ones burning down cities because we didn't get our way. Grow much for that UNITY your side is laughingly talking about...This is what UNITY from the left looks like.

Jaq said...

Sure steve.

Emails on Hunter’s laptop and other sworn affadavits clearly show that Joe Biden was acting on behalf of a man who stole billions from the Ukrainian people through abuse of his public trust paid the Bidens to abuse Joe Biden’s public trust to make the problem go away. And, “son of a bitch,” it did. That’s why he was impeached. The problem you have with the phone call is that Trump asked for documents and Democrats knew damn well where any such investigation could lead, and therefore it could not be allowed to happen.

Political Junkie said...

I do not believe PDJT will follow this, but..."If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine".

Jaq said...

Hillary Clinton, the mother of the most damaging shit this country has gone through, whom steve uhr is still angry will never be president.

(I) Click to find out why Hillary Clinton’s accusations on collusion can be trusted.

Inga said...

After 4 years of hearing Trump and his cultists brag about not being tired of all the winning, winning, winning, I’m enjoying all the losing, losing losing of the Trump Cult. The whining and lamentations are delicious. There will be at least 4 years of Trump Cult losses in courts and in public opinion. As the Trump fraud cases make it to court, we will see the scope of corruption that is the Trump Family. I haven’t grown tired of the winning yet, it’s only beginning.

Jaq said...

Top U.S. intelligence officials were so concerned heading into the 2016 election that the Russians were aware of and potentially manipulating Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s plans to smear Donald Trump as a Russian agent that they personally briefed President Barack Obama on the matter, newly declassified Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) documents show. CIA officials also requested that the FBI investigate Russian knowledge of the Clinton campaign’s collusion smear operation.

If Trump should lose, he should declassify all of this bullshit that was laundered and used to undermine his presidency.

wendybar said...

There's some more of the liberal Unity up there in Inga's post. Sweet dreams Ann. They are all yours.

stan said...

Democrats have always been lying, cheating, election-stealing assholes. Anyone who denies that is living in a left-wing cocoon desperately trying to keep from being confronted with the truth.

Thank God American finally has one Republican willing to speak the truth without flinching. Trump may not succeed in his effort to get the legal and political system to acknowledge the truth. But the American people all know that Biden is illegitimate because the Democrats stole this election. That is known by a statistical probability far more certain than what we require for accepted science.

Trump swore an oath to uphold the constitution and defend the nation against its enemies. The Clintons, Obama and Biden broke similar oaths repeatedly as they sold America out. Trump has too much integrity to break his oath. Exposing the dastardly actions of Democrats in the election is the most important thing he can do. His integrity demands it.

Inga said...

Conspiracy Theories don’t usually hold up under scrutiny, Trump Cultists haven’t learned this lesson yet and continue to spin one conspiracy theory after another and then are emotionally crushed when they are laughed out of court. The entertainment value of Giuliani and the rest of the conspiracy theory attorneys standing up sweating under hot lights is amusing in a macabre sense. No, I’m not tired of the all the winning. I thought I’d try to be gentle with you loons, but now it’s evident you are just burying yourselves deeper into your fantasy land of conspiracy theories and wet dreams about Civil War 2.0 and don’t really deserve any pity.

Jaq said...

It’s very telling that none of our ‘disinformation' rent-a-cops on this website have any response to the phone bank project other than unfounded smears. Smears which unfortunately a lot of you people are enabling by repeating a lot of unsubstantiated crap.

You have to read this stuff carefully, and don’t run with a theory you don’t personally understand.

Nichevo said...

You might have thought that after 2016 Trump might have figured out a way to enlarge his support to not rely on chance.

He gained ten million votes, dogmeat.

Phil 314 said...

Once again the Professor has neatly thrown chum into the water. And the feeding frenzy has continued.

Don’t forget to check out the Althouse portal.

Jaq said...

"Conspiracy Theories don’t usually hold up under scrutiny”

Not a conspiracy theory. Facts in evidence. We shall see.

Drago said...

Inga: "As the Trump fraud cases make it to court, we will see the scope of corruption that is the Trump Family."


We are seeing this newest lunatic narrative and rewriting of recent history more and more frequently now where lefties like Inga are claiming that Trump was never really investigated at all and that democraticals accepted their 2016 defeat with grace and that Trump was never spied upon, etc.

Clearly the word has gone out and the minions march in narrative lockstep.

Fascinating to watch in real time.

Its really fascinating to live in a place with a large concentration of eastern european and russian immigrants who look around and tell you they have seen all this before.

Combine that with Trump expanding his vote among the venezuelan refugees, Vietnamese voters and the cubanos and it is impossible to miss the larger message.

Mark said...

Sounds like you have a great criminal case, tim. Why doesn't someone prosecute?

I mean, it's not like Guiliani is going on TV every week making claims that never pan out at press conferences with dwindling coverage or anything.

The current hysterics by Rudy have removed any credibility he may have had ... credibility he needs to be believed about his claimed Hunter Biden information.

Good luck resurrecting Rudy's believability.

Rusty said...

What was that quote from Biden? "We have assembled the greatest vote fraud machine this country has ever seen." or words to that effect.
See. You usual suspect types ,and Chuck the c#*t, Even your president elect(temp.) openly admits you guys cheated. He's proud of it. Why aren't you proud as well? There's all the proof you need from your own dear leader.

Jaq said...

"Don’t forget to check out the Althouse portal.”

If you don’t like this blog, there are millions of others.

Blog posts written today

It was well over three million when I went there to get the link.

NYC JournoList said...

Anyone have $69 for the county level detail?

Drago said...

Phil: "You might have thought that after 2016 Trump might have figured out a way to enlarge his support to not rely on chance
Nichevo: "He gained ten million votes, dogmeat."

Be nice to Phil. It took Phil alot longer than most to realize his defense of Mueller and Weinstein was misplaced, even though the clear evidence of corrupt motives, practices and outcomes were as plain as day.

Phil will eventually come around if sufficient compelling evidence is presented and all possible democratical excuses are finally swept away.

Phil requires some serious connect the dots help on this sort of thing. Which is ok.

Qwinn said...

I love lefties pretending, after the last 4 years, that conservatives should bow to anything He DOJ doesn't prosecute as confirming their innocence. Or the FBI or CIA. After four years of Stroke, Page, Klinesmith, doctored FISA warrants, Mueller, Rosenstein, the works. Those agencies are absolutely corrupted to the core. The simple fact that the FBI didn't do anything about Hunter's laptop in their possession during the impeachment, when literally nothing could have been more relevant, proves that the FBI is at least as much in the tank for the Democrats as MSNBC or CNN.

I talked yesterday about the method by which the Left has accomplished 100% political control of any and every institution they wanted to over the last 70 years. All they had to do was engage in what they claimed to hate, "McCarthyism", while the captured media and education system pretended all along that that's something only the Right would ever do. And now they control *every* institution.

The only fix will be to disband those institutions, recreate them, and permanently bar the Left from positions of power in at least our judicial and intelligence branches forever, in the same way they did to us for the past 70 years. If the Right doesn't have the stomach for that, the Republic IS lost.

D.D. Driver said...

We’ll see. Did you go to the site, or do you just make up the smears as you go along. It’s happening.

Matt Braynard@MattBraynard

I am as familiar with Matt Braynard as I am Christie Blasey Ford. I don't know how to say this more explicitly: I don't believe randos on the internet.

But, if Braynard isn't full of shit, Trump will easily be able to prove fraud in court right? So I don't need to rely on randos on the internet. It'll be sorted out in Court.

D.D. Driver said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jaq said...

"Sounds like you have a great criminal case, tim. Why doesn't someone prosecute?”

It’s not a criminal case yet. It’s just evidence of a enough lost ballots and fake ballots to swing the election. There is no conspiracy alleged. It’s going to court. We will see where it goes, but the evidence that the election was not free and fair will never go away.

(!) Find out why voting by mail is safe and secure

Chuck said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
I'm Not Sure said...

"and I'd like gracious winners and losers, all united in love for our beautiful country."

Compared to this time last year, how beautiful is your downtown?

Do you think the people responsible for that are gracious winners or losers?

Just wondering...

Bilwick said...

I'm in love with liberty, which is what made the US loveable. I don't see how, then, I'm going to unite with "liberals" and other State-shtuppers.

Darrell said...

Althouse celebrates total vote fraud and the the subversion of Democracy. Not to mention the corruption of US law, and criminals prospering. When you sign over your home after the Great Reset, let's hope your Social Credit Score lets you stay.


You can now put on that skirt that showed what you had for breakfast in high school, don your beret, pick up an AK, and do your best Annie Hearst imitation. Let's hope that SMOD arrives January 20, 2021.

Drago said...

Inga: "Conspiracy Theories don’t usually hold up under scrutiny,"

Just read that, from Inga, after 5 full years of her posting 1 debunked conspiracy theory after another every single day.

Repeatedly each day.

And then marvel at it and ponder the "mind" that can do it without a second thought or hesitation or hint of self-awareness.

Jaq said...

“And have never planned or seriously contemplated such a thing”

That’s a pretty couched response, I must say.

Inga said...

Years worth of exultant comments about how all those Obama plotters would end up being prosecuted and ending up at GTMO, well what happened? No prosecutions except for Trump loyalists. I’d say that many Trumpists need to deprogram themselves, but aren’t capable of it, they’re in too deep and it would crush their ego to admit they were so thoroughly duped by the Con Man in Chief.

Well I’d feel more pity for you folks, but I never believed deplorables weren't redeemable...until now. I even tried to understand your point of view, but it was just too outlandish and always mired in conspiracy theory. What is it with you people?

Jaq said...

"Just read that, from Inga, after 5 full years of her posting 1 debunked conspiracy theory after another every single day.”

You forgot about the Walker stuff where in the end after it was thrown out, evidence turned up that the prosecutors were abusing their powers to create opposition research on Republicans.

But her statement that conspiracy theories don’t usually pan out probably comes from bitter experience. Good thing I am not pushing a conspiracy theory.

wendybar said...

"Conspiracy Theories don’t usually hold up under scrutiny”

We KNOW...we just went through 5 years of a fake Russian hoax.

Drago said...

LLR-lefty Chuck: "When did I write that? I certainly don't recall it, and have never planned or seriously contemplated such a thing."

LLR-lefty Chuck routinely lies about his previous comments and feigns ignorance.

Its one of the several reasons for which he was previously banned from this blog.

Interestingly, as was Inga.

Telling, eh?

Fernandinande said...

Biden's "most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics"

Factcheck falsely claims that it was taken out of context, and helpfully explain that, somehow, they know what he really meant to say and that it wasn't a Freudian slip.

If anything, the context makes it worse in a one way, since it's followed by "If enough people vote, it’s going to overwhelm the system" which would make fraud easier, but the context makes it better for Biden in another way since many, if not most, of Biden's other statements in that speech are false, so perhaps the "voter fraud organization" statement was also false.

n.n said...

Civility bullshit in the face of forensic evidence, diverse reports of irregularities in diverse jurisdictions, and a consensus, for whatever their opinion is worth, of the "electoral" press.

Jaq said...

You know what else isn’t going away? Hunters laptop and the affidavits of those business partners of the Bidens and those two separate tranches of emails that interlock with Hunters.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

At this point, if Trump flips one state, I will grant he won at losing. But what if he proves some voter fraud but not enough to flip a state? He might regard that as winning.

Chuck said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Michael K said...

I hope the next four year are miserable for you all. You deserve it for putting the country through hell the past four.

Yeah. The hell of increasing real incomes and bringing troops home. You lefties are real patriots.

Jaq said...

"He might regard that as winning.”

If we can get the rules changed in those states where fraud is proven, that would be an enduring victory. Right now he’s Too Legit to Quit

If you are going to a Trump rally, please play that song.

Sweat running all over my chest (chest) i don't quit no!
I just press harder (Yea!) than i ever did before going for
The dreams that i have in store in my mind (mind) and i know
That i'm makin it i gotta get mine and nobody's takin it away
(No!) cause hammer don't play that you try to get mine
boy you better step back freeze (freeze) cause
You don't want none i hustle for my muscle and you look
Weak son (real weak) yea!... i'm goin for all that i can get
Kickin at the top cause i'm too legit to quit... sing!.
. - Too Legit to Quit, M.C. Hammer.

JAORE said...

" Last year, apparently roughly half of all long guns purchased last year in this country are considered Modern Sporting Rifles (“Assault Weapons” for gun grabbers). The bulk of these are AR variants, mostly AR-15s."

And that's why the left SHOULD have to have Heller overturned to ban AR style rifles.

Mark said...
"Is statistical evidence admissible? I think so"

"So we can forego witnesses swearing an oath in person and start submitting phone polls as evidence?

If you REALLY equate statistical evidence with telephone polls, you are as under educated as the worst stereotypes about the "Party of Science".

Michael K said...

Every time I demand that somebody quote me and link to the quote, it never happens.

You are correct to be insulted. If I were you I would leave. That'll teach us.

Achilles said...

roesch/voltaire said...
I see when Trump folks can’t provide enough evidence to over turn a generally well run election process they threaten to take their AR 15 out of the gun case;maybe it is time to recognize the real threat of domestic terrorism.

We are just joining antifa.

We are anti fascist too.

Chuck said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Drago said...

tim in vermont: "But her statement that conspiracy theories don’t usually pan out probably comes from bitter experience."

Actually, Inga STILL, to this very day, believes in every one of the fully debunked conspiracy theories she pushed for 5 years.

Every single one. Without exception.

She also, schizophrenically, will lecture others about the dangers of conspiracy theories.

Then, to top it all off, she will, like readering, declare objective provable facts as conspiracies.

For instance, you can go back and read the evolution of Inga's narratives regarding ibama and team spying on Trump from "it never happened" to "okay it happened but was necessary" and alk the way back to todays Inga narrative that "it never happened" again!

Similar to our lefties claim now that Trump never really was investigated at all and when he finally is THEN the Walls Will Finally Be Closing In.

Its quite the combo indeed but anyone who has come up against leftists like Inga and LLR-lefty Chuck on blogs such as this are quite familiar with thus psychosis and dynamic.

Qwinn said...

Really Chuck? Cause just yesterday you demanded I prove you lie. I didn't have to even leave the thread, pointing to where you claimed that the Lin Wood affidavit matched Minnesota precinct population numbers with Michigan precinct voting data. Which is not only obviously impossible on its face, but when called on it, you never admitted it, you simply went away for half a day and then resumed your bullshit.

Which renders your claim that no one ever meets your challenge to quote you in a lie, just another fucking lie. Cause yesterday was just so long ago!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Did you notice Boboliski vanished?

I wonder who got to him? What threats were made?

If Bobolinski had something to say about Trump - we'd have Bobolinski TV - wall to wall.
From NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MaddowChiCom central, The AM Winim Behar-McCain shows, to the late night leftist TV Colbert and Kimmel shows etc... Bololinski all over.

But Bobolunski knows all about the Biden family. So No Bobolinksi. (other that Trucker)

BUMBLE BEE said...

My Bad... Compton did NOT elect a republican. Fake news!

n.n said...

Hunters laptop and the affidavits of those business partners of the Bidens

Influence peddling (Water Closet) and pedophilia. Poof.

Drago said...

LLR-lefty Chuck: "Whelan made a personal mistake, when he got all wrapped up in a futile and erroneous effort to locate another man who would have been the the teen who purportedly "assaulted" Christine Blasey Ford. It was part of the effort to help Kavanaugh."


LKR-lefty Chuck and his heroes are all about "helping" the Lincoln Project which dedicated itself to help deliver complete democrat party takeover of govt at all levels and also publicly pledged to help enact all democrat party policies, without exception.

Thats just the kind of stuff you do when you are trying to "help" republicans and "conserve conservatism".

(Wink wink).............

Jersey Fled said...

A staggering interview with Sidney Powell on Newsmax-tv last night.

I'm not making any claims as to the accuracy of what she is charging, or whether she can prove any of it in court. Time will tell. But it is certainly a road map for what will be charged in court later this week. And it is shocking.

If you have trouble making the link work, it can also be accessed through Conservative Treehouse.

Drago said...

LLR-lefty Chuck: "I'm tired, of being called out by name on these comments pages."

Banned commenter who was, like, totally banned for being a lying mobyist poster who proudly declared he was only at this blog to smear and lie about Trump and to drive a wedge between Althouse and her readers sez wut?

Did I mention LLR-lefty and #StrongDemDefender Chuck was banned?

Because I should have and if I did not I am being remiss.

Mea culpa.

Inga said...

I feel worst for Drago...not really. He, of any commenter here deserves to be laughed at for his relentless blindness to his own psychosis. He has been so busy promoting propaganda for Trump Cultism for the last four years, he can’t even fathom that it is he who has been duped time after time by Trump’s machinations. He is narcissistic enough to think that others haven’t seen his obsessive compulsive denial of reality and his endless spinning of conspiracy theory. He is the poster child for a Trump Cultist.

Qwinn said...

tim in vermont:

You still think there is ANY law enforcement mechanism left in this country that is uncorrupted enough to not disappear every piece of evidence related to Hunter? They already have.

That sort of naivete would be adorable if it didn't herald the end of the Republic.

Attonasi said...

Chuck said...

I'm tired, of being called out by name on these comments pages. Having my straight-up content-based comments deleted, and my responses to unprovoked insults deleted, and there being fake/phony/made-up quotes attributed to me. Every time I demand that somebody quote me and link to the quote, it never happens.

Do you think you make positive contributions?

Attonasi said...

Inga said...

I feel worst for Drago...not really. He, of any commenter here deserves to be laughed at for his relentless blindness to his own psychosis. He has been so busy promoting propaganda for Trump Cultism for the last four years, he can’t even fathom that it is he who has been duped time after time by Trump’s machinations. He is narcissistic enough to think that others haven’t seen his obsessive compulsive denial of reality and his endless spinning of conspiracy theory. He is the poster child for a Trump Cultist.

Did you push the Russian Collusion Hoax?

Do you regret supporting that for four years?

What do you think pushing the Russian collusion hoax did to the credibility of the anti-Trump people?

Jaq said...

"theories she pushed for 5 years.”

We have to go back more than five years. Remember the missing router? Or was that a different Inga?

It all depends on GA Senate Qwinn, which is why leading Democrats are encouraging voter fraud there by suggesting that people move there for a short while for the purpose of voting only.

Check the ballots against AirBnB and charge the “voters” with the felonies they commit.

Achilles said...

Inga said...
Conspiracy Theories don’t usually hold up under scrutiny.

The Russian collusion hoaxer drops a nugget of wisdom.

Is too stupid to understand how she just self owned herself.

Jaq said...

“Secret router” Sorry.

Readering said...

I miss moderation but I have empathy for the moderators, I suppose. None for the monster in the oval office/Trump golf club.

Jaq said...

Imagine Democrats suggesting that the people of Georgia’s voice in the Senate should be snuffed by fraud... openly.

Dude1394 said...

" Blogger Mark said...

"Is statistical evidence admissible? I think so"

So we can forego witnesses swearing an oath in person and start submitting phone polls as evidence?

I bet if I took a phone poll of Althouse's neighborhood, they would all agree that Trump lied in taxes and other financial filings over the years. Can we submit that into the court too?

Well yes we can sumit that into court. If they are willing to swear under threat of perjury and years in prison. Why woulnd't you?

steve uhr said...

“Most municipalities count absentee and Election Day votes together, but others — including Milwaukee — count them separately and may release absentee votes all at once toward the end of the night, which could nudge races toward Democrats.“

538 said this on nov 2 about Wisconsin That is exactly what happened and trump thinks it is his best evidence of fraud. 538 also involved I’m sure you all will predictably say.

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