November 17, 2020

"I find this more embarrassing for the country than debilitating for my ability to get started."

Said Joe Biden, quoted in "'More People May Die' Because of Trump’s Transition Delay, Biden Says/Adopting a graver tone, the president-elect said that President Trump’s refusal to authorize a transition could have deadly consequences" (NYT). 

He'd said "If we have to wait until Jan. 20 to start that planning [to distribute the vaccine], it puts us behind. More people may die if we don’t coordinate." And yet... the embarrassment for the country is the real problem.

Why would embarrassment be a greater problem than actually complicating the transition? Possible answers: 

1. Biden is mentally weak, and none of his assertions stand up to close scrutiny. This literal parsing isn't worth our trouble. No one should care about this level of precision. The mainstream media won't.

2. Biden blurted out the truth! He's not really having any serious trouble with the transition, but he wants the credit and dignity he deserves for his accomplishment winning the election. He cares about how it looks, and it looks bad. It's embarrassing!

3. It's a crafty statement designed: A. To assure people that the Biden administration can and will deal with all challenges that may arise including any Trump interference with the transition, and B. To pressure Trump, a man known for his vanity, who may enjoy making life harder for Biden but who just might relent if he's thinks he's not effective at all but merely embarrassing himself and the country he said he'd make "great." 

4. America's image in the world is actually more important than the reality of how well the vaccine is distributed and exactly how many people live or die. Or so Biden believes. 

Pick the best line of reasoning:

Which of the 4 explanations is closest to the truth? free polls
ADDED: Poll results:


tim maguire said...

Neither Biden nor Trump will personally administer the vaccine, neither will the senior staff that will transition in January, so coordination is a false issue. It’s just Biden doing the standard blame shifting we expect from politicians:

If things go smoothly, it’s to Biden’s credit.
If things go poorly, it’s Trump’s fault.

stevew said...

Weak minded people and people that are insecure about their status and position speak this way. Biden is trying to goad and embarrass Trump into doing what Biden wants done, mainly acknowledging that he won the election. He fails to grasp that Trump doesn't work or respond that way to this sort of tactic.

I voted for 3 but was seriously considering 1.

Clyde said...

Hidin' Biden is still slidin'. He hasn't hit second base yet, and we won't know whether he is safe with a steal until the nine umpires make the call.

I went with #4 because I think it's an ego thing with Biden. I think he thinks that if America looks bad because of a possible slow rollout of the vaccines, it makes him look bad. And he cares more about Biden looking bad than America looking bad. Some of his old boss rubbed off on him.

Clyde said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Temujin said...

The Trump team put the logistics in place. Biden was sitting in his basement for months while they did that. They are ready, to use the General Gus Perna's own word, to 'execute' on the day they are given the order. Freezer trucks, at the ready, they have a plan in place to distribute the vaccine for inoculation.

Biden has to only show up in his new living room. Smile, and take credit for the economy coming back. That is, until he lets his team start dictating the direction of the economy. Joe Biden, the man who could not attract 35 people to come hear him talk about his vision for America, then proceeded to 'receive' more votes than anyone in history, can wait until December to have Jill start measuring the curtains and figuring out where to place the large portrait of the two of them.

Expat(ish) said...

First of many modified limited hangouts for the press to help us understand why gropey Joe will be leaving the WH for a nice place in the country soon. I have a dog at that farm

He bit.


Kevin said...

This was issued from his basement, right?

TheThinMan said...

People are dying! No time to worry about the (stolen) election! We must save them! Besides, it’s embarrassing.

Iman said...

Let’s make it extremely difficult for any of these tight-assed liberals to work in a Biden-Harris Administration. Harass them every step of the way.

alanc709 said...

Assumes facts not in evidence. You assume there's reasoning involved. Liberals don't think, they feel. No reasoning necessary.

Wilbur said...

#3 in my book. Since he makes so few public appearances - and the attendees and their utterances are all tightly controlled - I have no doubt they script and focus-group everything he says.

If they don't, they're bigger fools than I ever thought.

RMc said...

"'More People May Die' Because of Trump’s Transition Delay, Biden Says

Ah, Trump. Is there any bad thing he can't do...?

tim maguire said...

The Clinton transition team took all the W's off the White House computer keyboards. But Trump insisting on free and fair elections is embarrassing and dangerous.

Whiskeybum said...

I agree with tim maguire @ 5:05 - no one in a potential future Biden administration needs to coordinate the administration of a vaccine; we have a pharma/medical complex which continues through any and all administrations that will see to it that eventually everyone who wants/needs the vaccine will get it. The only high-level influence on this activity was Trump's intervention with FDA to greatly speed up the approval process (red-tape elimination). When it comes to the roll-out, the primary high-level decision would be who gets it first, second, etc. assuming that it takes time to get to 100% availability. If we need Joe Biden or Kamala Harris to figure that our after January 20 because no one in the CDC or pharma/medical/health industries have given it a thought since COVID broke out in the US, then we are truly sunk.

MadTownGuy said...

#1. It's Biden's handlers using the playground bully "stop hitting yourself" tactic.

rehajm said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wendybar said...

Biden has nothing to do with the vaccine. He and his cronies can suck eggs. He isn't my President...and will not be because the voting was fake. I don't trust any of them anymore...and it is all THEIR fault. THEY lost the trust of the American people. Biden can sit in his basement for his whole Presidency, and nobody will know the difference.

Shouting Thomas said...

Trump won the election, most likely in a landslide.

Biden was installed as a proxy by the CCP in conspiracy with the Democratic Party.

Let’s face reality.

stevew said...

Some of this between Trump and Biden would draw serious pay-per-view numbers:

Flyting, the fine art of insult battles

Crimso said...

Didn't that dumbass Harris say she wouldn't take the vaccine if Trump said to? That's pretty embarrassing right there, but what do you expect from the party that Fucking Loves Science?

Lurker21 said...

The best answer is #1. Biden says all kinds of stuff without thinking about it. If we do have to parse it, I'd say it goes back to the idea that Trump is a national embarrassment. Biden called Trump's debate performance a "national embarrassment."

There's a bit of #3 in it as well. Whether we're talking about the Progressive Era, the New Deal or the Great Society, the idea of the "national shame" had been a major rhetorical goad to change, and such rhetoric was in the air when Biden came of age. But that's probably overthinking it. Biden says what Biden says.

Lurker21 said...

To really get the right answer, though, we'd have to see the video.

Is he scripted or spontaneous?

Only his teleprompter knows for sure.

rehajm said...

Get used to this- they will be blaming Trump for all their failures- and there will be many, many failures.

Lash LaRue said...

As Insty is prone to say: Behold the healing power of and.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Like most people I chose 1. And yet this cardboard cutout of a pol is said to have won something. Fascinating.

Leland said...

Biden's team believes 4, so they crafted 3, which came out to sound like 2, and the Trump side believes 1.

The whole article is just a filler for a dying industry. The transition doesn't begin until after the electoral college. They know Trump has 2 more months to release information that will ruin any Biden/Harris Administration, just like they did all they could to hamstring the Trump Administration. They know Trump will do it, because they did it. That's the embarrassment.

Mikey NTH said...

Vaccine distribution will happen in its own course and speed, and Trump is president from now to at least January 21, 2021. Biden's transition *funding* from the government is irre3levant to that. And if Biden is so anxious to begin his transition planning no one is going to stop him if he wants to get going with it. Plan away, Joe! Plan like the wind!

gilbar said...

i think the REALLY embarrassing thing is:
a) President Trump said that there would be a vaccine.... THIS YEAR
b) There WILL BE a vaccine.... THIS YEAR
c) By Jan, people will be done with the whole panicdemic thing
d) Jo Biden won't be able to suspend the Constitution like he wanted to

Todd said...

The race has NOT been officially called and will not until the electoral college completes their responsibilities. There is still enough doubt in the outcome to wait. Biden is trying to get POTUS via "possession is 9/10s of the law". If EVERYONE acts like he won, it gets harder and harder to walk it back if it turns out he really did not, at least that is how he is acting, as well as most of the left.

Ann Althouse said...

The poll results are very interesting. I think this is the first time I wrote options that turned out to be in such precise order of popularity. Here, from most to least. I thought of the options in order of plausibility, apparently. It seems as though that should generally be true, but I've never seen such a clear pattern before.

sprx said...

Setting the table for February: any and all problems with the vaccinations, increases in cases or in deaths will be Trump's fault.

iowan2 said...

I saw a clip of yesterdays cock sucking extravaganza(Biden "dnc/propaganda, q&a) The questions were so blatantly planted I was shocked for a few seconds.
Biden says people will die unless he knows what the plan for vaccine distribution looks like.

This is stark admission of Democrat phony posturing that the President somehow has a hand in everything, even something like vaccine distribution. If the President has some input, logistical experts are the ones creating the system of distribution. What the President can do is ask a very simple question to the experts. "what can I do to assure your success" and then do it. President Trump has exhibited that skill.
I'm supposed to believe Biden can do better, while at the same time, seeing Biden is incapable of holding an open "press" conference and taking all question. Sure...he's the man with a plan.

gilbar said...

Todd said...
If EVERYONE acts like he won, it gets harder and harder to walk it back if it turns out he really did not

I'm assuming that this is all the corollary if Hilary's command that Jo Biden; NEVER CONCEDE

Serious question
IF the vote counts had shown Trump winning; would ANY of the people that are complaining about Trump Contesting, be complaining about Jo Contesting the results?

protip: If someone says; "it's about the principal" ... you KNOW it's NOT about the principal

Lurker21 said...

protip: If someone says; "it's about the principle" ... you KNOW it's NOT about the principal

Michael McNeil said...

The word is principle folks — unless you're talking about principal vs. interest, or the principal of a school.

Sunny said...

Excuse me, while I whip these thoughts out; the CCP virus and the UNTESTED vaccine are part of The New World Order Reset. Dr. Fauci connected to Moderna, connected to Giant Pharma, connected to CDC/WHO/HHS.
Thoughts from Theo Von's podcast #306 with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Unknown said...


5. This is merely an embarrassment for now, as there's quite a lot of transition work that Biden can accomplish without the cooperation of the Trump Administration. But if Trump's blockade runs all the way "until Jan. 20," then a lack of coordination could delay vaccine distribution, and therefore cost lives.

(i.e. what he actually said.)

iowan2 said...

How could it delay vaccination? The system is engineered and in place. The President of the United States is irrelevant to vaccine distribution on Jan 20,2021.

CEO's step into operations without transition periods all the time.

mezzrow said...


#4 all day for me. Biden won by slicing off the people whose active daily embarrassment at having Trump as president overrode their ability to actually evaluate how the country was doing with Trump in the job. Feelings over facts.

We'll see how that works, if they pull this off. The anticipated Trumpian fireworks may turn out to be as limp as the Durham report, or we could see people perp walked for voter fraud...

At this point, anything's possible, admit it.

Bruce Hayden said...

I found it rather pathetic. #1 of course.

The reality is that many more would die if either Biden or Obama were in the White House when this happened. Trump gave us our oversupply of PPE, of ventilators that were never utilized, therapeutics like HCZ, best testing in the world, and vaccines probably at least a year earlier than under any Dem President possibly could have, even FDR. He did a masterful job at creating public/private partnerships, while stripping away unneeded red tape. That, is, BTW, one of the big reasons that he did far better than any Dem President could have, because they are the party of bureaucrats, and Trump took power away from entrenched bureaucracies and bureaucrats to make it happen. How dare Trump take power away from the FDA to determine testing, or approve every micro step made in testing therapeutics or the vaccines?

Americans are probably going to die from COVID-19 who wouldn’t, under a 2nd Trump Term, because one of the things that Trump did was to determine that since the US was the country that was developing the vaccines first, that it should go to Americans first. Top Dems have declared that to be unfair to the rest of the world. That implies that they plan to divert a significant quantity of the vaccine to the rest of the world, limiting us to our fair share, as they define it. Of course, Trump and his followers define our fair share of the vaccine early on to mean high risk Americans, then other Americans, shipping it out of the country is going to cost American lives.

Keep in mind that the only real ways to reduce the coronavirus’ death toll long term is either to build up herd immunity to protect the vulnerable in this country, or with a vaccines. Herd immunity has probably been delayed through the incessant lockdowns, esp of the public schools (thank you teachers’ unions, who prefer teaching from home and don’t need to deal with disruptive students) and, as I pointed out above, Trump has probably given us vaccines a year earlier than a Dem President could have.

Biden and his handlers just look like petulant children, butt hurt that Trump saved lives, and they would have caused them if they had had the chance to.

Mr. Majestyk said...

Joe Biden says that embarrassment is more important than Americans dying.
And these are the people who spent the last four years telling us how important a president's words are.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Biden didn't really win this thing. Massive vote fraud carried him in certain corrupt precincts.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Biden's base

Bruce Hayden said...

“#4 all day for me. Biden won by slicing off the people whose active daily embarrassment at having Trump as president overrode their ability to actually evaluate how the country was doing with Trump in the job. Feelings over facts”

Your “facts” are a bit off. If Biden does ultimately win, it will have been through massive, industrial level, cheating, in particular through counting of hundreds of thousands, likely well north of a million, fraudulent mail in ballots, through blatant election law violations, and justified through the over hype of the COVID-19 pandemic. Indeed, the only reason that we needed to go to mail in ballots around the country in the first place, instead of just doing the same sort of stuff we do day in and day out when we go shopping, is that the Dems needed the bulk supply of ballots to cheat with, and needed a way to slip in millions of fake ones into the system.

Yes, I am saying that the biggest reason that COVID-19 panicked this country, is probably that the Dems needed the country panicked in order to have the mechanisms for cheating in place (mass mail in voting) in order to prevent the re-election of Trump.

Bob Smith said...

I’m so old I found it embarrassing that we elected Bill Clinton.

henge2243 said...

The vaccine(s) will be distributed before Christmas. President Elect Biden and his team will have nothing to do with the creation, coordination or execution of that plan. He may or may not know this.

It's all about Biden's ego. He needs, craves the acknowledgement from Trump that he won. He is small and vain and likely has been teased his entire life due to his lack of intelligence and his st-st-stu-stutter. Although, he exacerbates his difficulties due to his inability to accept his own mental limitations even to the point of boasting about his IQ. Time and again, though, he is shown to come up short.

We all know, in reality, Corn-Pop beat his ass and took his lunch money and his girl.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

henge2243 said...

It's all about Biden's ego. He needs, craves the acknowledgement from Trump that he won. He is small and vain and likely has been teased his entire life due to his lack of intelligence and his st-st-stu-stutter.

This. Trump has been harshing their buzz since Election Day and it's getting to them, especially Sleepy Joe.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

The networks and newspapers worked overtime to fan the panic. The Democrat governors created economic doom by locking down the economy for no good reason. One lockdown wasn't enough for them, now they're trying for a second. Many businesses are saying "No!" as well as the citizens. The reasons the governors give for more lockdowns are not supported by the infection. People do not get the CCP Flu from gyms, bars and restaurants, but from home.

Remove these governors from office by impeaching them. They have exceeded their constitutional powers and need to be smacked down.

stlcdr said...

Trump wants to get the vaccine out, but Biden wants to take credit.

mikee said...

The logistics and prioritization of vaccine distribution is done, has been for months now, as part of Operation Warp Speed. Biden wants to change the devisions already made, perhaps to get 100,000,000 doses to China's Communist Party members faster than is currently planned. Or even just to slow the distribution in the US, because this pandemic has been great for siezing power by Dems. Why stop now?

Trump should invite Joe to drop his trousers live on TV for the first dose, right in the ass, to start distribution. Sure, it can be shot into the arm, but think of the headlines and news videos.

hombre said...

A lame duck Trump team will do things better than Beijing Biden’s recycled Obots. Joe just can’t wait to begin screwing up the country.

Achilles said...

Ann Althouse said...

The poll results are very interesting. I think this is the first time I wrote options that turned out to be in such precise order of popularity. Here, from most to least. I thought of the options in order of plausibility, apparently. It seems as though that should generally be true, but I've never seen such a clear pattern before.

Almost every time I play this stupid game I pick one of the options at the bottom.

4 makes most sense. Democrats use status consciousness as one of their primary tools to keep their relatively few voters in line.

But most people are not that stupid.

When the real numbers come out this is going to have been a 55-42 election for Trump. The reason Democrats are going to the mat with fraud this time is they are finished.

Their coalition is broken.

Sam L. said...

There is no "best" line of reasoning.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Ole Ole... ole ole

Darrell said...

Biden should bring a gun next time and wave it around. Perhaps that shotgun he shoots through doors.

Joe Smith said...

"Biden should bring a gun next time and wave it around. Perhaps that shotgun he shoots through doors."

It's tough to 'just shoot 'em in the leg' with a shotgun...

Matthew Heintz said...

Biden has not and will not win the election, therefore he hasn't accomplished anything. Dignity my ass. He can dignify himself by confessing all his crimes before the noose breaks his fucking neck.

Achilles said...

BidenFamilyTaxPayerFundedCrackPipe said...

"Ole Ole... ole ole"

That is a good thread.

Achilles said...

Joe Smith said...

"Biden should bring a gun next time and wave it around. Perhaps that shotgun he shoots through doors."

It's tough to 'just shoot 'em in the leg' with a shotgun...

I have a bunch of 5 inch by 11 inch A Zone metal targets hanging on the range behind the house.

I have had a couple "shoot them in the leg" people up there. I hold the target on their thigh and show them these targets are a little bit larger than most legs.

I let them try to hit those targets at 30-50 feet.

If you haven't put several thousand rounds down range you are lucky to hit it more than a couple times.

Then I make the targets swing.

Joe Smith said...

"Then I make the targets swing."

: )

MacMacConnell said...

The vaccine logistics rollout is already on autopilot thanks to President Trump. Candidate Biden who the press treated like a toddler will fuck up autopilot.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

5. Biden is saying the lack of cooperation is not a problem for him now but will be for the country if it extends to January 20. Why isn’t this one of the poll choices, cruel neutrality and all that? Could it be that BDS has left Althouse mentally weak?

As for the Trump embarrassment to the country, that is going to extend until January 20, and quite possibly a lot longer. It’s the power of bad ideas in the Age of Bullshit.

PM said...

The NYT wants 'fair play'.
4 years of editorial mustard gas.
They can all pound sand.

Jupiter said...

"Mr. Biden made his comments at a news conference after he and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris had discussed reviving the economy at a virtual meeting with business and labor leaders, ..."

There we go! In the sixth paragraph, we get who, what, when and where. From which we can determine that Mr. Biden was emitting "prepared remarks", and probably had no idea as to why his "team" had put them in front of him. I assume Jill was nearby, it seems she always is. She must have a comforting effect on the patient.

Jupiter said...

wendybar said...
"He isn't my President."

Please do not say that. Say "He isn't the President of our country."

Tyrone Slothrop said...

If Joe Biden's hypocrisy were an animal, it would be a blue whale. If Joe Biden's hypocrisy were a monument, it would be the Great Pyramid of Cheops. If Joe Biden's hypocrisy were a celestial body, it would be galaxy IC 1101.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

He'd said "If we have to wait until Jan. 20 to start that planning [to distribute the vaccine], it puts us behind. More people may die if we don’t coordinate." And yet... the embarrassment for the country is the real problem.

Joe Biden isn't competent. The Obama-Biden Admin utterly screwed up H1N1, so there's not the slightest reason to believe that Biden has anyone he could bring on board to do a good job on this front.

President Trump put together Operation Warp Speed, and is pretty much solely responsible for the fact that we will have two vaccines available, both apparently good, and both where teh US Gov't gets 100 million doses, first, to distribute to Americans.

That's a Trump

So anything Trump can do to keep Biden from screwing things up is good.

Trump will set up the distribution, and if we have an honest Supreme Court, Trump will continue to be President for the next four years.

If you have a morally wretched SC that lets Biden steal the election, then at least the Covid vaccine distribution will be set up successfully

What's emanating from your penumbra said...

I voted #1, but perhaps I read too fast through #3. At least the first half of #3 is probably correct, too. Surely no one thinks Trump will ever give them the satisfaction of acting shamed.

But I still feel good about #1. Sick Joe's statement only has to make sense if people push him on it, and we all know he will never be asked why his primary emotion is embarrassment when it comes to people unnecessarily dying.

TL/DR: Who is the vain one again?

whitney said...

The vaccine is absurd. 95% effective? The flu vaccine is only 40% effective. And this is a coronavirus. You know, the common cold which we've never been able to get any sort of vaccine for. And this for a disease that have a 98% survival rate so anyone that dies after the fake virus could just be attributed to it didn't work for them.

Build back better.

In 1984 it's called "Our New, Happy Life"

AlbertAnonymous said...

Really don’t care....

I’m NOT going to be an early adopter when it comes the this vaccine.

Don’t really trust much of anything the govt or MSM say re: coronavirus.

Let’s have Biden take it first. He’s in the “at risk” group

LA_Bob said...

@whitney at 12:45PM,

Yep. This celebration of the Pfizer / Moderna vaccines is like celebrating your team's Super Bowl victory half-way through the first quarter.

Lurker21 said...

Is embarassment really worse than people losing their lives? Maybe it isn't. Maybe Biden is minimizing the problem and saying it's not that big a deal. But Biden's message in the campaign was that coronavirus was a very big deal. And his followers want to believe that Trump not conceding is also a very big deal. So there may be a contradiction between what he's saying now and Team Biden's usual message.

In a "shame culture" like Japan embarrassment really is worse than death. Something similar was true of the court of Louis XIV at Versailles. America is very different, but Washington DC is the closest thing we have to a royal court. Embarrassment counts for a lot in Washington. For some people, it's not not what Trump does policywise that they hate, it's the embarrassment they feel about what he is.

So is Biden using "embarrassment" as a strong reproach to President Trump? Or is he letting down his mask for once and saying "Don't sweat it. It doesn't matter."? Trying to parse his words in light of what he and his supporters have said on other occasions is tough task. Maybe it's best to just file this under "Sh#t my granddad says." Biden will be played by William Shatner in the eventual sitcom.

doctrev said...

mezzrow said...

We'll see how that works, if they pull this off. The anticipated Trumpian fireworks may turn out to be as limp as the Durham report, or we could see people perp walked for voter fraud...

At this point, anything's possible, admit it.

11/17/20, 8:34 AM

This works the other way, too. By now Donald Trump knows the courts are corrupt as hell. Even if the Supreme Court mysteriously avoids every indicator of fraud and refuses to mandate tossing illegal votes, that will be fantastic for Trump. I really don't think people contemplate him declaring that the judges he chose betrayed the American people- with faith in the Supreme Court collapsing on both left and right, the last possible shield against total dictatorship will have fallen. Actually, he'd probably relish the notion of his base being even angrier than they are.

Obviously the second-best result for the Democrats is "The Republicans stole the election! All assets activated!" But Trump will take that risk, and crush the Dems the same way he crushed ISIS. Kill the financiers, then crush the demoralized opposition.

WI-Patriot said...

It's a scapegoat for continued troubles with COVID for the Biden administration. When troubles appear, they can blame Trump for the 'delays'.

n.n said...

Nearly half of Covid-19 deaths are attributed to Planned Parent. Globally (i.e. signal diversity), there has been 80 to 90% reduction of deaths and hospitalization through early treatment (e.g. HCQ cocktail). A large minority, perhaps majority, exhibit preexisting immunity to the virus, which mitigates disease progression. There is clinical evidence that masks increase infection (i.e. viral, bacterial) in controlled environments with trained personnel, when following strict protocol beyond a limited time and space. Flatten the curve, delay community immunity, prolong exposure of people at risk.

n.n said...

The vaccine logistics rollout is already on autopilot thanks to President Trump.

The same thing happened after Bush had ended Iraq War 1.0, stabilized the financial system, and then we transitioned to the Obama administration with Iraq War 2.0 (e.g. Iranian regime's sponsorship of terrorism), progressive prices (e.g. Obamacares), progressive debt, catastrophic anthropogenic immigration reform (e.g. refugee crises), influence peddling, etc.

Joe Smith said...

"By now Donald Trump knows the courts are corrupt as hell."

While Trump has made a small dent with judges, courts have been leftist cesspools for a long time now.

And I will always believe that somewhere along the line, Roberts was compromised.

Butkus51 said...

who gives a fuck, theyre all liars.

jim said...

n.n said...
The vaccine logistics rollout is already on autopilot thanks to President Trump.

The same thing happened after Bush had ended Iraq War 1.0, stabilized the financial system, ...

Won't even comment the first sentence. Where the hell do you get the idea that the financial system was stable on Jan 20, 2008? Paulsen had taken some necessary steps but we were not "stable" for several more months at least, and "stable" didn't make it to "OK" for another year.

Iman said...

Non-verbal... the Man With the Plan...

Rosalyn C. said...

Getting caught with your hand in the cookie jar is embarrassing. Biden wants to proceed as president-elect as if the massive multi level fraud scheme didn't happen, so we all can say, "At this point what difference does it make?" Notice that Biden has nothing to say about how embarrassing it is for him that leading Democratic strongholds like Philadelphia, Detroit, etc., have been identified as ground zero for election fraud. Nor has he issued any statement calling for full transparency, audits of the vote, and insurance that our voting systems are tamper proof. The problem with Trump going ahead and conceding the loss is that doing so would guarantee that there will be no investigation of the election fraud.

People might die because Biden allegedly has to wait until Jan. 20 to organize the vaccination distribution is just Biden BS. He won't be able to claim credit for the vaccination program is all. The distribution will be handled by medical professionals and will continue uninterrupted regardless who is inaugurated in January.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


And this is a coronavirus. You know, the common cold which we've never been able to get any sort of vaccine for.

The problem with "the common cold" isn't that it's so difficult to make a vaccine for a given virus; it's that there are hundreds of viruses subsumed under the same name, and you'd need to vaccinate against each of them. It's not worth the effort.

iowan2 said...

The problem with "the common cold" isn't that it's so difficult to make a vaccine for a given virus; it's that there are hundreds of viruses subsumed under the same name, and you'd need to vaccinate against each of them. It's not worth the effort.

But this is not a vaccine. Right? Iworks on the bodies response the virus, without the vaccine posing as the virus.

DINKY DAU 45 said...

Ann says to the delusional ones( trumpers}whining about conspiracies and holding on to your delusions with no evidence or proof sounds just like" sad excuse for living in denial and delusion.(in so many words)I second that emotion. NO PROOF ,NO EVIDENCE sorry you still lose, just more AQUALUNG rantings of petulant children, now stamp your feet and wait for another 8 years to come back out. Yes you have been outed, listen to the author. Opinions and rants without evidence is just noise.

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