Have you ever had a dream about Joe Biden? I hadn't, not that my dreams are populated by celebrities.
In the dream, Joe was giving a speech on television, and he became completely incoherent, but he struggled to go on and it got horrifically bad. He had a panicked, confused look on his face, and he seemed to want to believe that if he just kept going, it would straighten out well enough and the public would accept it, as we usually do, but it only got worse and worse. Jill was sitting beside him projecting the message that this was all just fine — nothing to see here — and then bit by bit letting it show that she knew this was a very real and obvious problem, that we were seeing the complete collapse of her husband.
I can assure you I have never had a dream about any politician.
I feel this is a dream that could come true.
That's not a dream. That's a prediction.
I had a dream about the Obamas when he was Pres. They asked me to baby sit their girls. I thought it wasn't a great idea since they didn't know me that well, but I knew I'd do a good job. I was surprised to discover they were cat hoarders.
Are you sure you were dreaming?
Gf was mad at me all day once for something I did in her dream.
Are you sure that was a dream and not just a memory of the last time you saw Joe speak?
I've never had a dream about any politician because they don't take up enough space in my head to force their way into my dreams. I almost never think about Joe Biden unless somebody else brings him up.
I dreamed that Mr. Pants and I were at the courthouse for something and stumbled on a bunch of K9 puppies and their handlers there for a swearing in ceremony for the dogs. Adorable!
Careful what you watch before you go to sleep. Maybe you were streaming a video mash up of Biden's campaign gaffes when you were half asleep.
That's a fish dream.
“You can save yourself the trouble, Doctor. Everything reminds me of sex.”
“Does it?” cried Major Sanderson with delight, as though unable to believe his ears. “Now we’re really getting somewhere! Do you ever have any good sex dreams?”
“My fish dream is a sex dream.”
“No, I mean real sex dreams—the kind where you grab some naked bitch by the neck and pinch her and punchher in the face until she’s all bloody and then throw yourself down to ravish her and burst into tears because youlove her and hate her so much you don’t know what else to do. That’s the kind of sex dreams I like to talk about.
Don’t you ever have sex dreams like that?”
Yossarian reflected a moment with a wise look. “That’s a fish dream,” he decided.
Catch 22
I feel this is a dream that could come true.
I feel this is a dream that came true before it became a dream.
rhhardin said...Gf was mad at me all day once for something I did in her dream.
I once had a sex dream about a woman at work and it was hard to act normal around her for a while. Even though I knew it was all in my head, I really felt like she and I shared an illicit secret.
A somewhat serious question: if you had experienced this dream before the election would you have chosen to abstain?
Myself, I do believe that sometimes dreams are warnings, our subconscious mind trying to get our attention about fears we may be repressing.
Then again, sometimes it just means I forgot my meds. For instance: there is no shark in the bathtub. But if there was, my dream would be right.
I am Laslo.
Curious Altouse. What kind of behavior/facial expressions did Jill show as it dawned on her?
Current Tally:
AZ: T trails B by 0.3 percent or 11K votes
MI: T trails B by 0.7 percent or 150k votes
GA: T trails B by 0.3 percent or 25k votes
WI: T trails B by 07 percent or 20k votes
PA: T trails B by 0.9 percent or 60k votes
NV: T trails by 0.7 percent or 35k votes
I keep waiting to read some law-based comprehensive article about Trump's chances in courts in each of these states. Very hard to find anything on that.
For guys, watching Biden is like watching a train wreck. Interesting but not psychologically alarming. Guys know how trains work and what sort of thing prevents wrecks.
To women it's all mysterious how stuff works and they flake out, start having bad dreams.
Structural stability vs feelings.
The shark in the bathtub can telepathically talk to me, but I can't talk to it.
I hate it when dreams make up their own rules.
I am Laslo.
Right after the 2016 election, I had a dream that I was sitting in a waiting room or something next to Hillary Clinton. I was using a laptop and had accidentally opened a video that was loudly blaming her for the loss. I tried to close it quickly, because, even though I don’t like her at all, it felt kind of mean to just throw it in her face like that. I didn’t want to make her feel bad.
I’m apparently a very thoughtful person, in my dreams.
I would roll over, grab the gun (honest Beto I don't have one)and end it all.
I think this is a manufactured dream designed for trolling Trump supporters from someone who doesn’t want to confront the tin dictators attempt at a slow coup against democracy and the constitution.
Biden's collapse represents the collapse of your long held faith in the system. Jill's reaction represents your having to acknowledge that you can't go on pretending anymore.
I dreamed I saw Joe Biden last night
Alive as you and me
Says I "But Joe, you're ten years dead"
"I never died" says he
"I never died" says he
Dreams are usually nothing, except when they’re not nothing but are a foreshadowing given as a gift.
Have you ever had a dream about Joe Biden?
If nightmares count as dreams, then yes.
Doesn't sound like a dream at all...it sounds like the reality of a Joe Biden speech.
Biden is incoherent, confused, scared, demented and his wife Jill acting as an evil puppet master in the background.
It wasn't a dream...it is a real life nightmare...thanks to the media and the left.
That already happened.
Biden is a crook.
I hope Trump writes a pile of executive orders banning government insider international family grift.... in Ukraine and China for starters.
I think you just fell asleep watching news coverage of one of his speeches.
For once, I agree with RV
Bob Boyd said...
Biden's collapse represents the collapse of your long held faith in the system. Jill's reaction represents your having to acknowledge that you can't go on pretending anymore.
11/13/20, 8:06 AM
We are often both participant and observer in our own dreams.
Finally! Thank goodness the streak of Biden-free dreams has been broken.
Biden reminds me of Mel Torme or Perry Como in their last years. Very low energy indeed. Remember the old SCTV skit about the "Perry Como Still Alive Tour"? I think Perry was wheeled out on a gurney to sing his song.
@rhhardin: "Gf was mad at me all day once for something I did in her dream."
I always apologize profusely upon hearing about my misdeeds in someone else's dream. Sometimes I say, "That wasn't me. But if it was me, I never should have done that."
No dreaming at the "Mighty 790 KFGO" in the real Fargo, ND:
No voting system deleted or lost votes in U.S. election: security groups.
Previews of the coming season.
...he became completely incoherent, but he struggled to go on and it got horrifically bad. He had a panicked, confused look on his face, and he seemed to want to believe that if he just kept going, it would straighten out well enough and the public would accept it, as we usually do, but it only got worse and worse.
Joe Biden is the Karl Wallenda of dementia.
"rhhardin said...Gf was mad at me all day once for something I did in her dream."
This has happened with mrs. stevew. I developed my response a long time ago: I am not responsible for the things I do in your dreams. Works well.
This by Austin Bay - is well worth a read.
A more interesting dream may be about Joe Biden holding a press conference.
Contrast with your wet dreams about Donald Trump
Do all of those states Unknown cited require a recount below 1%
Dream of Biden???? Is this some kind of sexual thing?
I've never dreamed of any presidential candidate, or president, or senate/representative/SCOTUS/etc... none. What the heck?
Why would I even think of a fantasy of Slow Joe? That's like men dreaming of Bella Abzug.
That "I never died" stuff is like the Tom Joad speech we were just talking about a few days ago.
too bad the dream was not 3 weeks ago
We are often both participant and observer in our own dreams.
Especially fish dreams.
The title of this post gave me a nightmare.
Your lizard brain is always active. Yours just cut through the fog
I was listening to Bret Weinstein's podcast a while back and he explained that dreaming is your brain running possible scenarios during down-time. I guess Althouse will be mentally prepared for such an event when it does happen.
I have a dream that four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by a jury of their peers, but by a "deal" with a Soros-backed prosecutrix.
Gusty Winds - Chapter 1 Verse 5: “And an Angel of the Lord visited Meade’s wife in a dream. Ann of Madison, your community worships a false prophet. Joseph of the Washingtonians has been infected with the evil of Rome. He will usher in an age of evil controlled by Satan’s mob. They will bring the dark winter. Go forth and break your cruel neutrality. Resist the go along to get along peaceful temptation. Wake Up! Lead your people to the land of freedom, beer, and cheese curds. You have been called to lead you people out of bondage to the freedom of county Waukesha!”
For Kamala that’s a daydream.
four little children
That shoulda been "three little children".
roesch/voltaire said...
"I think this is a manufactured dream designed for trolling Trump supporters from someone who doesn’t want to confront the tin dictators attempt at a slow coup against democracy and the constitution."
Your manufactured imagined thought is evidence of what is in YOUR mind, not hers.
"finally"? Where you looking forward to having one in the past?
So you were dreaming that Joe Biden was Hal in the opening of "Infinite Jest"? You've got another 1000 pages of dreaming to do, give or take. Not sure how the footnotes work in dreams.
I had a dream.
I had an awesome dream.
People in the park.
Collecting votes in Winter's Dark
-Lionel Richie
You poor THING!!!!!!
So Mead and Althouse do not think about the lies and falsehoods concerning the election process prompted by the President and others that represents an attack on our democracy? I do and fortunately some of the law firms hired by Trump do and that is why they have withdrawn their suits in a number of states.
"Doesn't sound like a dream at all...it sounds like the reality of a Joe Biden speech."
Except for the part about Jill. If he were to keel over and begin talking in tongues, she would smile and nod encouragingly. I can't imagine what drives the woman, but her enthusiasm for his campaign is awe-inspiring, and scary.
roesch/voltaire said...
"I think this is a manufactured dream designed for trolling Trump supporters from someone who doesn’t want to confront the tin dictators attempt at a slow coup against democracy and the constitution."
In the first place, it is insulting to suggest that Althouse would manufacture a dream and foist it on us. It also shows you have a purely instrumental understanding of Ann Althouse. You imagine that she does this for political reasons.
In the second place, "tin dictator" is a garbled cliche. Do you have any idea at all what you were trying to say? Or were you just trying to say what you heard someone else saying?
In addition to his incoherence, I’ve noticed he’s recently been slurring his speech. Maybe a side effect from a new medication? Or maybe just the next phase of his decline.
"In addition to his incoherence, I’ve noticed he’s recently been slurring his speech. Maybe a side effect from a new medication? Or maybe just the next phase of his decline."
I am beginning to see how there might be a grim fascination to a Biden presidency.
I bet a tin dictator looks a lot like that Russian radio...
roesch/voltaire said...
"So Mead and Althouse do not think about the lies and falsehoods concerning the election process prompted by the President and others that represents an attack on our democracy? I do and fortunately some of the law firms hired by Trump do and that is why they have withdrawn their suits in a number of states
Can you be more specific? Which law firms have "withdrawn" their lawsuits in which states?
A dream about Joe Biden? That's so funny. He's never registered with me. So I can't dream about him. I don't think any Presidential Candidate in the last 50 years, has said so little in public. How often did he talk in the Democratic debates? How many speeches and campaign press conferences did he have?
Its insane that he got almost 50% of the vote by staying in his basement with a mask on. What it means is the deadhead Democrat voters are in control. They will vote FOR ANYONE with a (D). These morons will ruin the USA.
In your dream, how big were his chiclets?
I think your dream will come true.
Come to think of it, hasn't it already?
I was a Red Cross 1st Aid and CPR instructor for 15 years. Videos of at least two of Biden's speeches in the last weeks of the election could have been used for the "Signs to look for in a possible stroke" segment. We all garble words from time to time, but we generally realize that we have done it and try to correct it. When you do it repeatedly and don't appear to realize it, then it is something of concern and should be checked out. If you are a candidate for the President of the United States, the process of checking it out should be as transparent and free of censorship as possible.
Remember the video of Hillary collapsing in New York City on 9/11 just months before the 2016 election? A woman of her age with history of concussion in one of most medically advanced cities of the world and with with money to pay for top health care went to her daughter's apartment instead of the hospital. Why?
Hillary (then) and Joe Biden (now) could be in perfect health for all I know. The lack of transparency is what prompts my questions.
Ann, that dream was your conscience trying to get through to you.
Flying or floating dreams are the best.
Used to have them all the time.
Not so much now, but when I do have them I usually know it's a dream and take full advantage of my awesome power...
There is a scene in the movie Brazil in which a woman, who has frequently been filled with chemicals for cosmetic purposes, dies. She is in a coffin, and it gets knocked over. She basically slides out of the coffin like a liquid.
There is a scene in the movie Robocop in which a man has been drenched with radioactive waste. He starts to melt. A car hits him, and he both explodes and dissolves at the same time.
There is a scene in the movie Invasion of the Body Snatchers (the remake with Donald Sutherland) where a woman is being held in a hug. Then she basically decomposes away in an instant, presumably because her body has now been duplicated by a pod. She collapses out of the hug as if she had been turned into fluids. I can't recall if that was a dream sequence or not.
My guess is that at some point Joe Biden will suffer such a moment while giving a speech. All the chemicals being used to animate his corpse will finally turn against him. He will melt away before our eyes. And it won't be a dream.
In the background, we will hear Kamala cackle.
gadfly said...
No dreaming at the "Mighty 790 KFGO" in the real Fargo, ND:
No voting system deleted or lost votes in U.S. election: security groups.
Yeah, more from our resident Kreskin, citing "security groups" that have not actually investigated ANYTHING. The article cites no evidence to support their claim. Nothing.
To believe that claim you they would have had access to all the information in all the states, , and were present when the votes were gathered, cast or tallied. The fact that states have paper records of votes tallied DOES NOT MEAN that those states still have all the votes that were under their control.
They obviously weren't.
But gadfly's gotta gadfly...
So Mead and Althouse do not think about the lies and falsehoods concerning the election process prompted by the President and others that represents an attack on our democracy?
It is simply amazing you can spew this bullshit after what you and your fellow thugs have been doing for the last four years.
It's like you have absolutely no self-awareness. At all. Zero.
Does Biden ever dream of Althouse?
That sounds like what Maggie Haberman had about Trump, as you so obediently blogged about
roesch/voltaire said...
"I think this is a manufactured dream designed for trolling Trump supporters from someone who doesn’t want to confront the tin dictators attempt at a slow coup against democracy and the constitution."
I hear there's a sale of nice autumn pumps at DSW. Maybe you and Howard can make a date of it.
I'm still waiting for the semi-literate news folks to say something, anything, about Wilson in 1920.
So, kind of metaphor for the liberal half of our country.
tcrosse said, "Does Biden ever dream of Althouse?"
Hilarious. I almost wrote a comment much like that, decided against it, and then saw yours.
I can't imagine dreaming about Biden, but if it happened, I'd like to see Biden speaking and spitting his false teeth into Jill's lap.
*dreams about candidates eeww ick*
Geez your readers are a bunch of stiffs. Unintuitive left-brain stiffs. As in stiff-necked.
I had dreams about Romney in 2012 and the Trump last time but nothing this time.
Most peculiar. Like I'm not accepting either one.
Well I had a dream the other night,
when everything was still.
I dreamed that I saw old Sleepy Joe,
He was headed over the hill.
A goofy look was on his face,
A gleam was in his eye.
He said “I’m in charge from here on out,
Kamala, don’t you break down and cry”.
(Sorry for the repeats - Blogger just went wild on me)
Not a dream at all, Ann. You may have been falling asleep at the time without having turned off the TV. It was a news clip. Pretty sure I also saw it,
Imagine ANN, the dreams trump is having.."if I lose to that man" the irony,Obamas(trumps worst affliction) VP sleepy Joe takes trump to a "LAANDSLIDE win ...trump will never get over being a "loser" in the public eyes.... he'll go to the grave with that monicker,,what torture for a narcissist huh?
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