November 12, 2020

"He plans to wreck Fox. No doubt about it."

Said a source quoted in "Scoop: Trump eyes digital media empire to take on Fox News" (Axios).


Howard said...

Televangelists hardest hit

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Fox beat him to it.

Michael K said...

No, the Murdoch boys are doing that without help.

gspencer said...

Do it, Donald, do it.

Do it regardless of whether the current challenges to all the fraudulent votes are successful or not. Start a pro-American network.

robother said...

So, he somehow managed to trick Chris Wallace into Tag-teaming with Joe Biden in the first debate? A 4 dimension chess master, with WWF skillz!

Leland said...

As noted earlier; too late, they've wrecked themselves. I think the proper headline will be "Trump pounces as Fox self-destructs".

mockturtle said...

FOX News has been digging its own grave since bought by Disney. Whether Trump forms a media corporation or not, FOX is toast. So far, I still watch FOX Business, Cavuto notwithstanding.

mockturtle said...

One America News Network is good but it's not very accessible. I watched it in Alaska and they do have a website.

Wince said...

My gut tells me Trump should avoid personalizing with the Trump brand, however.

Iman said...

Fox News cut its own throat.

It’s Fredo News to us now, NewsMax and OAN will get our viewership.

Wince said...

Trump should lead a collaboration.

Anonymous said...

Michael K has it right!

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

WTF. Fox fucked up FNC all by itself. I miss Mollie and Greg the most, but I'm not willing to endure Juan or Jonah or Steve or Sandra or Bret or Chris (any of 'em) or Donna to get a tiny dose of Mollie. Hemingway writes a lot of good articles and I'll see her again when her contract runs out and she leaves Fox. Fuck Fox. I can get condescension anywhere I don't need them. And their ratings are already in the toilet because many others fled like me and my wife. LOLGF!

Wince said...

Rather than "wreck" Fox, the goal should be to relegate Fox to compete for the same audience as all the other mainstream cable stations, impoverishing them all.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Isn't it weird how so many institutions went anti Trump and destroyed themselves over the last couple years, aided by the Kung Flu of course:

education unions
news business
big tech
"pro" sports

Breezy said...

I agree Fox has ruined its own brand. Crazy. But what are the best ways to punch holes in this social/media complex? Is going after Fox even the best play?

D.D. Driver said...

FOX? Why not buy one of the Twitter alternatives?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Too late. Fox wrecked itself.

Other than Tucker Carlson, we watch Newsmax and OAN. Get most of our news from various blogs and international web sites.

Fox has joined the MSM in parroting propaganda and squelching any one who deviates from the "company" directives.

The best way to bypass this would be to create a version of Twitter or FaceBook that is truly neutral. Allowing all viewpoints.

I don't want to listen to/or read in an echo chamber, be it Democrat or Republican or right or left. Treat us like adults who can make up our own minds....Thank you.

DavidUW said...

Seems like a pretty easy retirement gig considering they've already wrecked themselves.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Mockturtle: One America News Network is good but it's not very accessible

It is one of the channel choices on our Direct TV package, along with Newsmax and some other "off brand" (lesser known) news and financial news channels

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Fox seems to be doing a pretty good job of wrecking itself.

Chuck said...
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DINKY DAU 45 said...

Yes its a shame,people on FOX started telling the truth and the sycophants scurried away like bugs under the light..they'll have to find a channel that will continue to lie and spread conspiracies..trump tv should do it..then they'll all be happy again...

rcocean said...

Fox wrecked itself. I no longer watch anything on it, except for Carlson and Ingraham and the comedy show with Gutfeld (sic). Wallace has always been a liberal Democrat, and his behavior during the Debate was a disgrace, he should have worn a "Vote Biden" pin. Paul Ryan is on the Fox Board, and he's approved their turn to the left.

If I'm going to watch a left-wing news show, I'll watch CNN. At least they don't pretend to be "Fair and balanced".

Readering said...

Who is going to be his Ailes? I want to watch him interviewing female talent.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

FOX started telling the truth

I'm intrigued by this. What does it mean? When did they not tell the truth and when did the "truth telling" start? What is "truth" for a "news" channel anyway? How does one square the "truth" with them calling "15 additional seats for Pelosi"? Was that the truth? How about all the polls saying Collins was 15 behind when she finished 10 ahead? Can the truth be "off" by 25 points and still be true? Is the "office of the president-elect" even a real position? If not, how can showing it every 30 minutes be telling the truth? Inquiring minds want to know, Mr. Troll. Really we do. Share your deep thoughts with us!

This posts hints at something, but it is light years away from where he thinks it's pointing.

Inga said...

Fox gets the knife too. If you cross Trump that’s what you get, no matter how many buckets of water you carried for him.

stevew said...

FOX started telling the truth, like when they erroneously and prematurely called States for Biden? When they predicted that the Dems would pick up as many as 15 seats in the House? When they refer to President Elect Biden? When they ignored the Hunter Biden stuff?

I could go on.

I watch The Five still, all their news programming is shit and no different than CNN and the rest.

rcocean said...

Unlike Dust Bunny queen, I don't mind Fox being a "Right wing echo chamber" since the other networks are Leftwing echo chambers. I can get the leftist point of view, 24/7/365 on every TV network, MSM outlet, and social media. I don't need "balance" on the one TV network that isn't liberal/left.

stevew said...

Will Orange Man Bad cease being so once he is out of the WH and back to Media/Entertainment and property development? I think he just might. Look at how popular he was among the elite until he ran for POTUS. Once out of the WH he will be in position to fill all their gravy train cars and boxes. They will fall all over themselves to please him.

rcocean said...

It was clever of the anti-Trump, leftwing debate commission to pick Wallace. "look, we're even handed, we even have a moderator from Fox", knowing full well that Wallace is a liberal democrat. Scully, was supposed to the "CSPAN neutral" moderator, but we found out the truth about him.

rcocean said...

"Who is going to be his Ailes? I want to watch him interviewing female talent."

Y'mean who's going to be his charlie rose, his matt lauer, his toobin, his [insert name of other leftist media types accused of assault and sexual harassments]?

Wilbur said...

education unions
news business
big tech
"pro" sports

All destroyed.
Coulda' fooled me.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Oooh ooh here I found some Fox truth telling:

Link leads to Twitter video (via PowerLine blog of Sandra Smith providing play by play as a DC lawyer explains the race ain't over until the votes are certified. Sandra ain't having none of that rules shit! After all FOX CALLED IT and what ELSE do you deplorables need to get on board?

rcocean said...

Trump could easily destroy Fox. Lure away Hannity, Carlson, Ingraham, and the funny 5, and Fox has nothing. It'd be CNN without Don Lemmon. BTW, Potato Head Seltzer is suddenly DEFENDING Fox, that shows how far left they are now. CNN and Fox, sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g.

Known Unknown said...
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Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Axios! LOL.

Trump might be angry at Fox news for letting him down and conforming to the hack-left group think, but I doubt Trump will destroy Fox News. Fox News will destroy Fox News.

Fox News was the alternative to hack-D fake news CNN and Chi Com Russia Russia Rachel.

If Fox wants to conform to the corrupt left powers that be - how sad.

Doesn't really matter what Trump does.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Who is behind the roll to push all American news into a leftwing group think state-run corruption-swamp?

Drudge is gone. Now Fox? I guess the Soviet left wins.

hombre said...

“Drudge is gone. Now Fox? I guess the Soviet left wins.”

ChiComs are trending - with China Joe.

This Axios article is unsourced fake news. More leftmediaswine circle jerking.

BrentonTalcott said...

Suprise Suprise Suprise

The Hammer and Sickle voting booths

were NOT certified.

effinayright said...

From OAN's website:

You can find One America News Network on the national providers:
AT&T U-verse – 208 (SD) and 1208 (HD)
CenturyLink PRISM – 208 (SD) and 1208 (HD)
DirecTV – 347
GCI – 64 (SD) and 703 (HD)
Verizon FiOS – 116 (SD) and 616 (HD)

From NewsMax's website:

Satellite & Cable
DirecTV Ch. 349
Dish Network Ch. 216
Comcast Xfinity Ch. 1115
Spectrum (TWC/Charter/BHH)AT&T U-verse Ch. 1220
Verizon FiOS Ch. 615HD / 115SD
T-Vision Ch. 152
Cox MediaOptimum Ch. 102
Suddenlink Ch. 102

and more at:

hstad said...

Not a fan of "Axios" and their historic creditability with "Sources". Btw, Trump doesn't need to do any of what Axios source states. All he has to do is approach either Newsmax or One America with an acquisition or partnership proposal. These networks are up and running (no start B.S. to deal with) and would love to get juiced via Trump's fans. Overnight any network Trump teams up with will automatically have a leg up over Fox News. With such a size Trump could pull away entertainers at Fox - like Hannity or Tucker which would be a death knell for Fox.

Earnest Prole said...

Wreck Fox and replace Rush at the same time: Orange Man always lands on his feet.

DrSquid said...

Doesn't bother me that FNC called AZ too early, or mis-called the Red Wave in the House. I don't even care if Chris Wallace was a Biden shill in the first debate. But when Cavuto, whom I do not watch anyway, pulled his lame stunt about not allowing viewers to hear the WH Press Sec'y speak to a news conference, that was just a bridge too far.

Gonna miss Brit Hume and Mollie Hemingway though.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Am I missing something? Did dinky dude come back and enlighten us plebes yet? Are you lefties really gonna tune into FNC now?

Yeah didn't think so. Fox is dead. Poor Mike Lindell needs a place to buy ads now.

narciso said...

another anonymous source from axios, who was well funded with ppe money, which ignores the seppuku the murdoch boys have undertaken, meanwhile we are target range of the house majority,

Joe Smith said...

"Hilarious. The guy who wrecked a professional football league..."

Not so fast...

"However, the revamped Generals never played a down. The 1986 season was cancelled after the USFL won only a nominal $3 verdict in an antitrust lawsuit against the NFL; the league folded soon afterward."

Judges and corrupt politicians cemented an NFL monopoly...

Chuck said...
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Left Bank of the Charles said...

The Scorpion and the Frog

narciso said...

that supposed water main break, that stopped the count, never happened,

JAORE said...

Trump or someone else, the rise of Fox shows a large niche for moderate-right news.

It's an odd world when a few corporations (Mickey Mouse Corporations at that) are so freaking big and rich they can set themselves up to lose millions and millions just to present their point of view.

Citizen Kane comes to mind.

Readering said...

Says something about AA commenters that they hate Fox News.

Big Mike said...

Gullible Althouse gives credence to report by Axios. You be you, Madam Professor.

Chuck said...
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Big Mike said...

Trump might be angry at Fox news for letting him down and conforming to the hack-left group think, but I doubt Trump will destroy Fox News. Fox News will destroy Fox News.


gahrie said...

Too Late the Murdoch boys beat him to it.

gahrie said...

Says something about AA commenters that they hate Fox News.

Yeah, that Fox News has rolled over and shown it's belly to the Left.

Chuck said...
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Michael K said...

Chuck and Inga seem to have brought their troll patrol with them.

It's interesting that Ricochet was very anti-Trump back in 2016 but now only three NTs remain. Funny how many people got their eyes opened.

Not the lefties, though. Still hiding in that bubble.

Michael K said...

Policy doesn't matter; ideology doesn't matter; political success and strategy don't matter; accuracy doesn't matter. The truth sure as hell doesn't matter.

Not to you lefties. That's for sure. China won this election with your help, Chuck.

zipity said...

"He plans to wreck Fox. No doubt about it."

Well, they appear to be doing just that on their

narciso said...

yes and they are a particularly stinky group of mynocks, much like hearst and luce, fox has walked away from it's founders vision, by accident or deliberate action,

PM said...

If Oracle, Walmart et al take over TikTok, make room for the TrumpTok news channel.

Joe Smith said...

Dearest Chuck...

I read it...'Esquire'? It is clearly a hit piece and not 'journalism' in any sense.

Don't you get it? He tried to take on a monolithic (and well-protected) industry.

Yes, he lost.

But he tried...

Once again, he was the man in the arena while you were sucking your thumb.

Roughcoat said...

What's a "mynock"?

Chuck said...
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JZ said...

It’s hard to know how much trust to put in a statement like that without knowing who said it.

narciso said...

barnicle type creature that stuck to the millennium falcon, substitute for troll,

Michael K said...

Blogger Chuck said...
Michael K said...
...China won this election with your help, Chuck.

So is that your concession speech?

I have ben posting all along that I think the Democrats' fraud is probably not reversible. They are masters at stealing elections. This is unusually blatant, is all. I grew up in Chicago, which never had an honest election including Kennedy in 1960.

You are a troll now.

Larry J said...

Fox has destroyed itself.

Phil 314 said...

I'm sure Trump could buy OAN and/or Newsmax.

I'm imaging a Roger Stone travel show. Mike Cernovich could do a restaurant review show. Maybe Manafort could do a men's style show. The possibilities are endless. (and of course, lots of Kimberly Guilfoyle cleavage but hopefully without the shouting.)

Oh man its on!

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Breezy said...
I agree Fox has ruined its own brand. Crazy. But what are the best ways to punch holes in this social/media complex? Is going after Fox even the best play?

No, going after the people who used to watch Fox is the best play

1/2 the country wants honest news, and can't get it. Someone is going to decide they want the money, enough to go after that market

Phil 314 said...

On a more somber note, I am surprised at Fox's not bending on the AZ call. They're in a tough place with having already lost the Never Trump conservatives and now having pissed off the Trumpers.

But to be far the left does ok with two major partisan networks (CNN and MSNBC) so why can the right.

Phil 314 said...

"1/2 the country wants honest news"

I'm not sure about the "1/2".

I think for most "straight" news is boring.

ABC late night grew out of the Iran hostage situation, maybe something can grow out the COVID pandemic. I'm thinking lots of graphs and charts. Now THAT'S MUST SEE TV!

Jim at said...

FOX wrecked itself. They need no further assistance.

Chuck said...
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Jim at said...

Says something about AA commenters that they hate Fox News.

No. It says something about FOX News.

Why do you get everything back-asswards?

Sam L. said...

Well, Fox has EARNED it. (Nobody likes them, everybody hates them, so they'll just go and eat worms.)

Readering said...

Chuck you are wasting energy. It's just dogs on the internet. (Of course I don't always take my advice!)

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Your cadre of Trump dead-enders

I’m afraid the rump of an RNC you occupy will be the dead end and the rest of us normal conservatives not wrapped up in affecting a couple try club pose will assume control. Republicanism is more populist than blueblood now. Fuck off. You aren’t wanted of needed in our Republican Party. We have hard working real Americans to take your place. Yes some of them you know are our new minority friends, the ones your RNC pretended didn’t exist. Like the prolife women we’ve elected. Even Rubio isn’t pretending you and your type matter. 93% of YOUR PARTY voted the wrong way Chuck. Get a clue. You’re as dead as McCain.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

“Country club pose” I meant.

Big Mike said...

Policy doesn't matter; ideology doesn't matter; political success and strategy don't matter; accuracy doesn't matter. The truth sure as hell doesn't matter.

Well, Chuckie-baby, the question before us was whether Axios is correct is attributing rumors that Trump, if the blatant cheating is allowed to stand, plans to start a network purely out of animosity towards Fox News. I am prepared to accept that he might start a network to rival Fox — and CNN and MSNBC and others — but he did not get rich by spending billions to exact petty revenge. I also think it says something about Althouse that she finds the Axios report plausible enough to post with no skeptical commentary.

As for the rest of your charges, I am pleased to accept the charge that ideology doesn’t matter to me — thank you very much! As to Trump’s policies, I infer from your irrational hatred of Trump’s economic policies that you care nothing for the people on the bottom of the economic ladder. They made out vastly better under Trump than under Obama, or Bush or anyone else. It will be interesting to see whether Democrat policies between now and 2024 do as well for these people. I predict that they won’t.

Michael K said...

Well said, Big Mike.

Michael K said...

The likes of you will be the rulers of a patchwork of declining exurbia outposts, with declining populations and shrinking economies. All with your own deplorable belief systems.

Sorry to disappoint you, Chuck, but I will be 83 soon after Biden becomes the pretend president. I have no plans for 2024. I'm sorry for my grandkids but at least they got to see what a real president does. The "declining populations" sounds like Kevin Williamson who thought the Atlantic would like his bullshit.

Good luck suing doctors. Soon, under Obamacare, they will all be employees and the corporation will hire better lawyers than you.

It is nice to finally see the real Chuck appear. Like his allies, he hates us. He really hates us.

n.n said...

If there is a Fox in the coup (pun intended), then their foward-looking viability was a choice and act of self-abortion.

Valentine Smith said...

"Your cadre of Trump dead-enders will inhabit an ever-smaller space. In society, in academia, in corporate life, in the media. The likes of you will be the rulers of a patchwork of declining exurbia outposts, with declining populations and shrinking economies."

You really are a moron Chuck. The dead-enders already inhabit an infinitesimal area in the upper reaches of cultural society. Nobody here gives a shit about social standing. You fucking wannabe Patrician. And it's the urban areas disappearing under the yolk of insane progressives. Economies of the cities are already destroyed thanks to the election tactics of the demos.

Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind.

Michael K said...

Somebody was asking about lawsuits ?

A judge in Pennsylvania has ruled in favor of the Trump campaign after concluding that ballots received after 8 p.m. on Election Day that were segregated should not be counted.

The judge also determined that Kathy Boockvar, the Pennsylvania secretary of the Commonwealth, lacked the “statutory authority” to change election law days before the election.

We'll see.

GRW3 said...

Why buy MSDNC light when you can get the real thing? Once they've lost the center right audience they'll find out what Megyn Kelly found out - once you've jumped off the cliff the left will not be there with a net.

Oh and the bankruptcy thing. Too many people have no idea of how high stake finance works, as gambling on a very large scale. The possibility of bankruptcy encourages innovation. Too bad failing government programs don't go bankrupt.

John henry said...

Michael k said

China won this election with your help, Chuck.

Not yet.

Several hundred thousand Pennsylvania votes were declare ineligible an hour or 2 ago.

It would be nece if pdjt got to 270.

He does not need to though. All he has to do is keep Joe from getting 270.

John Henry

John henry said...


One of the things Megan Kelly found out is that she doesn't need a network.

She is now doing independent journalism in the form of a podcast. Absolutely first rate. Mostly interviews and opinion.

A day or two ago she spent about 90 minutes with Matt Taibi. One of the things they discussed was how liberating it is to have no bosses and no fear of getting canceled.

A good place to start would be the Mark Cuban interview. She really held his feet to the fire about why he won't criticize China for Hong Kong, the uighars, organ harvesting, slave labor and other sins.

She could never do that on a network, all of which depend on China to keep the lights on.

John Henry

Drago said...

Michael K: "It is nice to finally see the real Chuck appear. Like his allies, he hates us. He really hates us."

LLR-lefty Chuck has always been on the far left (recall his passionate defense of and admiration for All Things Whitmer and Detroit Democrats).

Thats why his faux mobying "conservative" play acting never worked at Althouse. Perhaps he could get away with that on yahoo or DailyKos but it was destined to fail anywhere informed people hang out.

Drago said...

Fox News made the mistake of going Full LLR-lefty Chuck, and that will always be the surest recipe for failure.

Hey, remember when LLR-lefty Chuck claimed to be in such demand as a lawyer you would have to pay $40k as a retainer and $800/hr for his "valuable" services?


Chuck said...
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chickelit said...

There are too many hens in the FOX house. They could stand a few more foxes and roosters chasing them around.

Drago said...

LKR-lefty Chuck: "That was my special rate for Althouse commenters who wanted me to write something at their request. I was channeling Althouse, who had a similar response when someone made a similar request of her."

When you exist online as a make believe fantasy, you can charge whatever you like.

Similar to your mini-me gadfly prancing about pretending to understand business or history or the law or (insert literally anything here and you will be correct).

Michael K said...

Blogger John henry said...
Michael k said

China won this election with your help, Chuck.

Not yet.

Several hundred thousand Pennsylvania votes were declare ineligible an hour or 2 ago.

Yes, I don't want Trump to give up, like all the lefties do. I am still a tiny bit optimistic but the Democrats have gotten so skilled at vote fraud the past 60 years. They are bragging about it. I see them on fakebook writing that all accusations of fraud have been disproved.

John henry said...


"Fraud" may be a misdirection on pdjt's part. After Megan I listened to Tim Pool's Podcast. Tim is another former semi-mainstream journalist who is now doing independent journalism.

He reported, from someone else, that none of the suits so far have formally claimed fraud.

Rather they are claiming unequal treatment of in person an mail-in voters. That would be under the 14th Amendment.

It's hard to follow a legal argument and drive in traffic so I don't have the detail.

John henry said...

Keep the faith.

President Trump has got this.

John Henry

Michael K said...

John, I suspect we could get in the legal weeds and never find the way out. I'll wait.

Chuck said...
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FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
John henry said...

 Chuck said...

So your contention is that Trump will ultimately be somehow declared the winner and will be sworn in for a second term? Can we have a bet on that?

Sure. $5.

The bet is that he will be declared the legal winner by virtue of either the electoral college or the House of both.

In the event of death of either Biden or President Trump before inauguration day, the bet is off.

Scott Adams has a weird scenario where President Trump wins, ec/house, everyone agrees he won legally but progressives are still really pissed. Pdjt decides to turn the presidency over to Biden anyway. I'm not even sure that is constitutionally possible. It is interesting but even Adams gives it close to zero chance.

I'll even pay on that just because it could be so entertaining.

It does look like, if Biden wins, it's a phyrric victory. Repo senate, possibly repo house, maybe 3-4 majority dem house with repo speaker

150 trump appointed federal judges, 3 Supremes. It will be fun to watch Joe foiled at every turn.

So yeah, I'll be happy to risk $5.

John Henry

Chuck said...
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John henry said...

Michael, we are already in the legal weeds and any way out is going to be ugly.

In the meantime, I'll keep the faith. I hope you and others will to.

It's probably not over until Dec 14.

John Henry

Alcibiades said...

Good. They stuck the knife in in a vulnerable spot. He should return the favor.

Lurker21 said...

FNC isn't going to be able to make inroads into the CNN/MSNBC audience. They'll probably move back to the right in a year or so. It's part of the business plan. The Murdochs move towards Blair, Clinton, Obama and Australia's Labour Party, and then, when the family isn't paying attention, the company moves back to where it was before. The right-wing orientation gets an audience, and the overtures to the left fend off government interference. The newspeople and the Murdochs can lean to the left if they want, but it's the conservative nighttime hosts who keep the lights on.

Talk about "Trump TV" could accelerate FNC's move back to the right, but I doubt President Trump wants to take on a risky business venture at this point. But what do I know? I believe that if Biden wins this time, Trump won't run in 2024, but heck, he probably will. If he were as risk-averse as most people, he wouldn't have gotten as far as he has.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Lurker21 said...
FNC isn't going to be able to make inroads into the CNN/MSNBC audience. They'll probably move back to the right in a year or so.

And they'll find that no one on the Right is interested in them

IIRC, it takes 2 months to create a habit, and two weeks to break it.

They had an audience. They told that audience to FOAD.

The audience they want still hates "Faux News". The audience they had now hates Faux News, too. This is the kind of thing that ends up in a death spiral

I'm Full of Soup said...

Not sure if FNC can win me back. For the last few years, I’ve only tuned into Laura, Tucker and Gutfeld Show. They’d have to execute Wallace and Cavuto on live tv and fire about 12 others to get me back. Maybe.

I'm Full of Soup said...

And maybe give Martha McCallum one of those glass top desks so we could ogle her with the sound off.

bagoh20 said...

Maybe I just don't understanding some fancy strategy at Fox, who with a commanding lead in ratings despite being thoroughly hated by half the country, decided to offend the other half too. I can only assume that some "expert" was involved in the strategy. Never consult an "expert" when things are going well. You are the expert. If things are going badly, you can hire one, because what do have to lose, and besides losers need company. The good talent Fox has is going to leave as soon as they can.

bagoh20 said...

I heard today that if a winner is not decided by January 20th, then the Speaker becomes President. The House could then choose any Speaker they want to become that President. I suggest the Dems choose Hank Johnson. If he could keep the entire island of Guam afloat when everybody else ignored the impending catastrophe, imagine what he could do for the rest of the world. The man sees problems most of us never see until it's too late.

Achilles said...

bagoh20 said...

I heard today that if a winner is not decided by January 20th, then the Speaker becomes President. The House could then choose any Speaker they want to become that President. I suggest the Dems choose Hank Johnson. If he could keep the entire island of Guam afloat when everybody else ignored the impending catastrophe, imagine what he could do for the rest of the world. The man sees problems most of us never see until it's too late.

If nobody gets 270 electoral college votes the state delegations in the house vote for President and the state delegations in the Senate vote for vice president.

There are 50 votes for each.

Currently 26 House delegations are Republican.

Given that Pennsylvania is a complete shitshow at the moment there is a good chance no electors are certified by their legislature. If the 650,000 or so ballots that were counted while observers were removed get invalidated as they should be by law there is a good chance the Republicans in the legislature just punt and hide under their beds.

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