November 9, 2020

"GOP leaders and confidants of President Trump tell Axios his legal fight to overturn President-elect Joe Biden’s victory... could last a month or more, possibly pushing the 2020 political wars toward Christmastime."

Axios reports.
Axios is told an internal effort is underway to dissuade Trump from pursuing a blitz... that could mean three to six weeks of legal challenges, discovery and rulings — at the same time that Biden is talking daily about a message of healing....

A senior Republican who talks often to Trump said the president is "angry ... volatile ... disconsolate."...  Trump plans to hold rallies focused on the litigation, and brandish obituaries of people who were recorded as voting but are dead....

Republican operatives told Axios they worry that Trump's scorched-earth fight will divert money from the real remaining prize for the GOP — the twin Georgia runoffs on Jan. 5 that'll determine control of the Senate.... 

ADDED: I'd like to see some clear-headed analysis of whether Trump's holding out and fighting will help or hurt the Republicans in the Georgia runoffs. Axios — which obviously wants Trump to concede — is pushing the assumption that a concession will boost the Georgia GOP candidates. And I can see that. It's not just how much money is available but how important it is to keep the Senate. But you could say that Trump's diehard fighting is about the importance of keeping the liberals out of power, and if you really believe that, then if Trump fails in his effort, he will leave conservatives pumped up and that will fuel the fight for the Georgia Senate seats. 


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RBE said...

Trump should go for it. There is plenty of money for Georgia that won't be there if he doesn't fight.

Gahrie said...

And now the calls for Trump to accept the results and move on from the people who weren't able to accept the results and move on four years ago.

We gave Gore until December in 2000, Trump should get at least that long.

Wince said...

Republican operatives told Axios they worry that Trump's scorched-earth fight will divert money from the real remaining prize for the GOP — the twin Georgia runoffs on Jan. 5 that'll determine control of the Senate....

Trump will galvanize Republican resolve, not dilute it.

What would the left do without "Republican operatives"?

Lance said...

Axios is told an internal effort...

So tired of anonymous insider quotes in news stories. It's gossip, not actionable news.

Tank said...

We continue to be awash in neverending bullshit. Really, I could just repeat this comment every day.

Gk1 said...

Ah yes the "unnamed sources" again who never, ever have predicted what was really going on inside the Trump whitehouse. Surely, they are telling us the truth this time. Don't tell me their names are "I.P Freely" and Seymour Butz"?

We really need a functioning press to make this whole government to work as designed.

Ray - SoCal said...

Fixed it!

LLR Republicans worried
>Republican operatives worried

They are so desperate to purge the party of Trump, and go back to the era of Republicans lose gracefully, as Romney did, while the left continues to use win at any cost.

Clyde said...

I'll bet those so-called Republicans were probably Swampers affiliated with the Lincoln Project.

Texan99 said...

And yet we'd all do well to reflect on what continued election fraud could do to the vote in Georgia. Is the real danger disaffection on the part of GOP-leaning voters?

West Texas Intermediate Crude said...

They're trying to Jeb!ify Trump.
It will not work.
They're trying to gaslight me (and millions of others).
It will not work.

320Busdriver said...

Stacey Abrams has not conceded and it’s been 2 years!!

Tom said...

There’s no way this level of election fraud can be allowed go unchallenged.

If Biden is seated as a president, it needs to be clear he’s a illegitimate president.

The only way that happens is if Trump pursues this legal course of action.

If the Dems control the House, Senate, and WH, they will pack the court to push through any and all changes they want.

It won’t matter is they risk a future election - they’re won’t be any elections in the future where the outcome is in doubt.

Lindsey Graham recognized this during the Kavanaugh headings “Boy, you really want power. Hope you never get it.”

J. D. Canals said...

Beware of self-described HEALERS

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Republican operatives told Axios...



That same guy who makes coffee for the interns?

tim maguire said...

If Trump has the evidence, he should push his claims in court without too much shouting in public. If not, then he needs to stop. None of us on the outside, not me, not Axios, not any of us, has enough evidence to form an opinion of whether he actually won.

narciso said...

This is why they get the ppe money.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Anonymous sources. Axios means "We're trying to dissuade Republicans from challenging all of the Democrat vote fraud. We really, really, really are trying to drag Comrade Joe across the finish line, so we have to poo-poo any investigation into how the Democrats faked Comrade Joe's 'win'."

Fixed it for Axios.

Jaq said...

“Trump will galvanize Republican resolve, not dilute it.”

Between this fight and Schumer promising to win Georgia so that we can “change America” I think you are right. Democrats like the writers at Axios have no idea what drives Republican turnout. I am sure that Axios found some Republican’t to mouth the words they wanted to hear, but I am not all that sure that they have any significant position in the Administration. Ha! “Republican’t” didn’t fail spell check.

This is a new form of election. I had a live ballot I never asked for delivered to my summer home, where I haven’t voted in many many years, and my ex-wife’s live ballot was delivered to our former address in Florida. Trump has a right to his day in court. The media certainly covered Al Gore’s arguments and patiently waited for him to exhaust his legal options while the transition was put on hold.

Jim Gust said...

All Trump is doing is preserving and protecting the Constitution.

As he swore and oath to do.

We need and expect nothing less.

Chris said...

I'm old enough to remember when Al Gore won the presidency! Then didn't.

Unknown said...


He's still President and the Dem media pretends he's starting a coup

Reps are the French party

Dave Begley said...

Who wouldn't be angry if you had an election stolen from you?

Jaq said...

Remember who “anonymous” turned out to be.

"If Trump has the evidence, he should push his claims in court without too much shouting in public.”

He has been presenting evidence. It’s just not being reported. There has certainly been fraud, there has certainly been efforts by canvassers in multiple states to prevent oversight of the counting. This coordinated attempt to shut down any reporting of his arguments is scarier to me than any election theft. He got 70 million votes and has a right to be heard.

Leland said...

I don't believe Axios. They have proven themselves to be bias reporters of the news. The outcome of the election will be determined by the time the electoral college meets. Further litigation may occur afterwards, but that will be in regards to answering the question as to what is a legitimate voting process, and who, if any, should be held accountable for fraud.

Jaq said...

They falsely accused Kavanaugh of being the leader of a gang rape brigade then attacked him for being angry. They have a playbook, like Rush always says.

Jaq said...

Republicans should be using their down ballot wins to insist on hi-res cameras on the desktops of all canvassers, and that the counting should stop if the camera should fail for any reason.

Meade said...

"...possibly pushing the 2020 political wars toward Christmastime."

War On Christmastime.

PB said...

Trump should pursue all efforts to ensure all legal votes are counted and all illegal votes are not counted.

Scientific Socialist said...

"The Electors shall meet in their respective states and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President...The person having the greatest number of votes for President, shall be the President..."

Evidently, the NYT, AP, WaPo, CNN, et al. have declared Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution null and void...

Well okay then said...

“ overturn President-elect Joe Biden’s victory...” No official victory has occurred yet. Therefore, it is false to say that there is a President-elect at this point.


Jaq said...

re ‘Added'

You assume, like most Democrats, that money drives politics, when it’s narrative that drives politics.

Jaq said...

It’s an old joke that in the Star Wars movies, you can always substitute “plot” for “Force” and the dialogue will still make sense. “Now is the time Luke, to introduce you to the dark side of the plot.” for example. Well the narrative is “the Force,” and Trump is on kind of a hero’s journey here. Let’s let him fight it out to the end. It’s kind of epic.

Wa St Blogger said...

Openness and transparency are absolutely vital for our nation to function properly. Legal votes matter. If the Democrats truly think they won the election, they would benefit the most by proving that the election was completely above-board. Any attempts to use legal manipulation to prevent discovery and transparency is evidence that they know something is fishy and their best hope is to run out the clock before the truth is discovered.

There are two scenarios here. Everyone knows that a win with no doubts about the validity is the best option. A win that can't be doubted gives them much more political capital. The other scenario is that they did not win. In this case, getting a "win" that is in doubt is still better than losing.

So, if you see the democrats looking to avoid transparency (which they have already done in several instances) then they know they probably did not win, so they are going for option 2.

I am guessing Democrats all think the Astros deserved the 2017 world series title and the Red Sox 2018, too. A win is a win no matter how you get it, right?

iowan2 said...

Who, exactly, is making these claims?
Aren’t we well past the “sources close to” propaganda?

As far as Georgia, I’ll need some help about why President gives a rip about Republicans, who’s only work out regime consists entirely of distancing themselves from the President

tim maguire said...

The Georgia runoff is in January. The presidential election will be resolved one way or the other in December. So it is unlikely to have any effect at all, having wound up weeks before the runoff.

If it does anything, it help Trump. If Trump wins, it means the fraud was deep enough to change the outcome, which may help Purdue avoid a runoff altogether and will in any event dispirit Democrats. If Trump loses, it keeps the wound fresh so that GA Reps will be fired up to salvage whatever they can out of this election--which is the Senate.

mockturtle said...

While Trump should pursue the legal avenues to contest the election, rallies are a very bad idea. And I am fed up with receiving 30-40 emails per day begging for donations. Give it a rest, Mr. President!

tim maguire said...

Sorry, not "help Trump." It will help the Republicans. If it does anything at all for them.

Curious George said...

"A senior Republican who talks often to Trump said the president is "angry ... volatile ... disconsolate."."

LOL. He was golfing yesterday. I think they fucked with the wrong President. And if they haven't realized it yet they will soon.

Greg Hlatky said...

GOP leaders and confidants

In other words, nobodies who want to be somebodies.

Brian said...

rallies are a very bad idea

I think rallies are necessary for him, because otherwise, the only narrative is the CNN narrative: "Trump won't concede" (how long till they have a clock up counting down the days since he lost the election but hasn't conceded.

It gives the media something to cover, a counter-narrative. And public support at rallies puts pressure on the courts from taking the easy way out. Namely they find fraud, but say there's nothing that can be done.

DavidUW said...

They stole a presidential election. you don't think they'll steal the senate?


Jaq said...

"If the Democrats truly think they won the election, they would benefit the most by proving that the election was completely above-board. “

Consciousness of guilt I think that’s called.

Consciousness of guilt is a legal concept and a type of circumstantial evidence of guilt. It is based on a criminal suspect who demonstrates a guilty conscience by their actions or speech.[1] Some examples of consciousness of guilt are:[1]

-Fleeing from the crime scene or jurisdiction
-False statements and lies
-False alibi
-Changing one's name or personal appearance
-Concealing or destroying evidence
-Witness intimidation or bribery
-Generally, any attempts to cover up a crime

Simply put, consciousness of guilt is an action or statement that a person accused of a crime makes that an innocent person would not make.
. - Rational Wiki

TexMex said...

Of course Trump should contest. If Al Gore got a month to contest the 2000 results, Trump can get a min of that. The Republic didn’t crater after that was, and there’s a better argument to be made that 2020 be scrutinized given the abnormally high number of mail in ballots this time.

Better to scrutinize and remove doubt than muddle through the next 4 years w a gnawing suspicion that a dottering old white man whom no one really cares for some how received more votes than a truly well liked and popular first black president.

It’s suspicious AF, as the kids say.

Dude1394 said...

Axios and the rest of the democrat media can shove it up their ***. No one WINS by losing.

wendybar said...

Who cares what the warmongering Bushes or McCains want....We were finally getting out of the Middle East, with Peace Deals in the works, but the left would rather have endless wars, and the Peace Deals squashed for a new Iran deal and a deal with the Palestinians instead of World Peace. Can't make money with Peace......follow the money...with all the little Progressive (both sides) lemmings following behind...

tim maguire said...

DavidUW said...
They stole a presidential election. you don't think they'll steal the senate?

Yes, because they already had their best chance and they didn't do it.

Ken B said...

There needs to confidence, and acceptance. That can only come, in these circumstances, from a thorough review. If it hurts the GOP, so be it. As long as Trump concedes if the reviews show he lost.

Axioms and the media are not just biased, they are ignorant. Don’t take advice from them.

Howard said...

Just as I predicted. Be patient, Jabba may well come out onnatop. Trust the system, ye of little faith.

Sally327 said...

I think that if Trump continues his righteous / quixotic (take your pick) battle to remain President it will fuel the Democrats' push to capture both Georgia Senate seats both in raising money and in motivating their voters. They will just run against Trump, who will still be running Forrest Gump. And I don't think there's any guarantee that Trump will decide to stop running by the time of the election in GA on January 5.

I think to attribute Trump losing solely to wholesale fraud and theft across multiple states is to ignore all the other reasons for people voting against him.

JAORE said...

The court battles should focus on Georgia FIRST to make changes to assure the Senatorial runoffs are as honest as that den of iniquity allows.

Lexington Green said...

Biden's DOJ will perp-walk Trump out of Trump Tower within months or weeks of Biden's inauguration, and Trump will die in prison either of natural causes or he will be "suicided" ala Jeffrey Epstein.

This is a 100% certainty.

The Establishment will not let Trump's insurgent effort go unpunished. They need to send a message.

Zero reason, from Trump's perspective, not to fight.

hombre said...

There appears to be ample evidence supporting the position that the Democrats are blatantly stealing this election. The bubble people won’t hear this from the leftmediaswine (E.g., George Snuffalufagas to Christi Noem, “There is no evidence of election fraud.”). It is up to Trump to make it clear. Win or lose, it will be a gift to the American people.

Trump supporters and Republicans and conservatives must support this effort AND the Senate candidates if they intend to preserve what is left of the American vision and our Constitution.

Mark O said...

I would like to see some sources cited for what clearly is fake news about someone in the Trump camp trying to push Trump into concession.
No one should believe anything from the media. Go to the source of the news--quotes--and if there are none, forget the claims.

Laslo Spatula said...

"None of us on the outside, not me, not Axios, not any of us, has enough evidence to form an opinion of whether he actually won."

Being that the media, Twitter and Facebook are preventing any pro-Trump evidence from being transmitted I shall form my opinion by observing who is trying to stop me from doing so.

I am Laslo.

donald said...

How bout whether it was enough or not, massive fraud and illegalities happened in this election. It is imperative, there is no other choice, especially if you consider Trump intends to have any influence on the future, and you can bet your ass he does, every goddamned thing has to litigated as far as is necessary.

If you Don’t want serious fucking bloodshed all
Over this country, then you have to do what America does. Go to court. Anybody doesn’t like that can go fuck themselves.

Birkel said...

Shorter AXIOS:
Surrender is best for your chances to win.

Let us cheat our way to victory, damn it!

Mr. O. Possum said...

I'd like to see some clear-headed analysis of what is going on legally in all the disputed states...Where is that analysis?

Kevin said...

I think that if Trump continues his righteous / quixotic (take your pick) battle to remain President it will fuel the Democrats' push to capture both Georgia Senate seats both in raising money and in motivating their voters.

Right. Because control of the Senate isn't motivating enough.

There is going to be a MASSIVE amount of money and attention poured into Georgia.

For Trump to stand down while it happens would be political malpractice.

Kevin said...

How about a civility bullshit tag, Althouse?

I think you're going to wear that thing out over the next few months.

BrentonTalcott said...

Through a blue fog
We see Facets of Fraud

Michael K said...

And I am fed up with receiving 30-40 emails per day begging for donations. Give it a rest, Mr. President!

So, I'm not the only one ?

Personally, I think the evidence has been destroyed. The mail in ballots are mixed in with the valid ones. I would be happy to be proved wrong.

Howard said...

I'm glad Trump is fighting. The US needs comprehensive election reform to make it safe, easy, legal, accurate and accountable. Perhaps positive changes will emerge from the legal battle.

JohnAnnArbor said...

But you could say that Trump's diehard fighting is about the importance of keeping the liberals out of power,

Or, exposing how fraud is committed, at a minimum.

The media, in general, though, will deny any fraud exists, regardless of evidence.

Mark said...

Meanwhile, Biden went to church yesterday.

Rumor has it his team all prayed for Trump to keep fighting and hand them the Senate. Force the GA candidates to either embrace or distance themselves from Trump.

With the focus solely on Trump and them, there will be no space for wiggle room. If they distance themselves from Trump, they will lose his voters and their turnout.

Biden is no longer on the ticket, but Trump can insert himself into those elections if he keeps it up.

Kevin said...

Personally, I think the evidence has been destroyed. The mail in ballots are mixed in with the valid ones. I would be happy to be proved wrong.

What's the burden of proof?

Once Trump shows that ballot counting procedures weren't followed, it should be Biden's task to show the votes were legal.

TrespassersW said...

Dean Lickspittle Media,
Stop calling Biden "President elect."


Kevin said...

Force the GA candidates to either embrace or distance themselves from Trump.

Like all those House seats the Dems were supposed to win? Oh, they lost them.

Like how they were supposed to have already won the Senate? Oh, that didn't happen.

Like how Joe was supposed to win the popular vote by double digits? Nope.

Like how Trump would get fewer votes than last time? Nope, 7 million more.

Yes, running with Trump has been terrible for the GOP.

Todd said...

an internal effort is underway to dissuade Trump from pursuing a blitz

The truth of this should be rather easy to verify. Has anyone been forcefully thrown out of the White House? If not, it is all BS. There is zero chance the Donald would stand for anyone in his inner circle to "dissuade" him from claiming what he has earned and is rightfully his.

Bilwick said...

If the Hive wants to steal the election, as it apparently does, make the Hive work for it. Trump owes it to those of us who don't want the US "transformed" into Venezuela del Norte.

chuck said...

There is a coup underway. In war it is never obvious what needs to be done, but I doubt the Democrats will back off whatever Trump does. The question is how to motivate the resistance and what strategy they should pursue.

Personally, I think the evidence has been destroyed.

Agree. The best way forward would be a revote and we won't get that. But outright surrender would splinter the resistance, so dragging things out is probably the best strategy.

And I am fed up with receiving 30-40 emails per day

Been that way for months. I think it is a miscalculation, but what do I know. Trump doesn't have all that dark money flooding in from big tech and foundations nor the support of the MSM.

Shouting Thomas said...

Mail-in ballot elections are open, obvious frauds. We’ve reached a stage at which the fraud is being rubbed in our noses to show us who’s boss.

Elections are now bullshit.

Why bother? I’ve got better things to do.

China Joe gets to keep his bribes, never answer for them and play president! What a country!

gadfly said...

The Axios story lede as displayed in the Althouse version, is missing some important information, as highlighted below:

GOP leaders and confidants of President Trump tell Axios his legal fight to overturn President-elect Joe Biden’s victory — which they admit is likely doomed — could last a month or more, possibly pushing the 2020 political wars toward Christmastime.

This changes the Axios meaning entirely because it shows that millions of dollars of political donations and many more millions of dollars in taxpayer funding (for withstanding unfounded court cases and delays in implementing the inevitable transition) will be needlessly wasted - all for soothing sick Donald's abused ego.

And before I forget, half of the new donations being solicited will go toward paying for campaign spending above and beyond remaining funds - after Trump reportedly had ripped off a bunch for the benefit of his businesses and family and likely himself.

tcrosse said...

Meanwhile, nobody is taking the plywood down from their windows.

D.D. Driver said...

Personally, I think the evidence has been destroyed. The mail in ballots are mixed in with the valid ones. I would be happy to be proved wrong.

Don't know about other places, but you are wrong in Wisconsin.

mandrewa said...

Tim Maguire said, "If Trump has the evidence, he should push his claims in court without too much shouting in public. If not, then he needs to stop. None of us on the outside, not me, not Axios, not any of us, has enough evidence to form an opinion of whether he actually won."

I think quite a lot can be figured out from what is publicly available. For instance the reported vote counts, and for most polling places, there are many counts, will in many cases give enough data to check whether Benford's Law is being obeyed. If it's not, then it depends on how much data we have, but in some cases we will be able to establish with greater than 95% certainty that vote counts were invented not counted.

And then for myself, and I'm amazed that others don't see it this way, if a poll station lacked poll observers from both sides that were to free to look into everything, and we know that people wanted to be poll observers but were not allowed to, then that is reason enough to pull all the votes from that polling station during the time that this was true and all others stations in the same situation in the same state and ask if it would have changed the election.

And if it does, why not rerun the election? Do we care about democracy or not? Or are we just going to lie to ourselves about what's going on?

The courts unfortunately have a long record of lying.

Here's one example that I remember. It was a couple cycles ago. I don't remember which election. But there was a polling station in Baltimore with one allowed entrance/exit for voters. Someone put up a hidden camera across the street that videotaped everyone going in and out. It wasn't detailed enough to identify people. But it was enough to count how many people entered the polling station over the course of the vote.

So this videotaped record gives an upper bound on the number of possible votes cast at that polling station. It's an upper bound because some people, including people volunteering at the station, would surely have gone in and out more than once.

But the disparity at the end of the day between the most votes that could have conceivably been cast and the reported vote from that polling station was huge. I think it was something like 1 to 10.

Now as you can imagine given the quality of our media, this was barely reported on, and given the quality of our judges, someone ruled it was not an issue, and given the nature of the Democratic Party: the Maryland legislature, which was controlled by the Democrats, made it illegal to do this in the future.

So I'm saying our opinion of this matters. What honest people think matters. This our only protection against a corrupt legal system.

Birkel said...

gadfly thinks the admission of people who likely don't exist and are definitely not Trump Team insiders is important.

Meanwhile the press wants to push America to reject a careful analysis of the fraudulent vote counts in Democratical one-party cities.
Why the rush?
Why not savor the defeat of your enemy as he casts himself against the proverbial rocks?

But that is not happening.
Why, one must ask.

KLH said...

Sometimes commenters use the expression “LLR Lefties” or LLR Republicans”

What does that acronym mean? I googled it to no avail. Thanks.

Greg Hlatky said...

Kamala Harris is flying around sky writing the message "Surrender, Donald!"

Qwinn said...

LLR = people who claim to be "life long Republicans", and yet relentlessly push to elect Democrats. They are mobys.

Big Mike said...

Axios — which obviously wants Trump to concede — is pushing the assumption that a concession will boost the Georgia GOP candidates. And I can see that.

@Althouse, If you can see what Axios is pushing, then don’t kvetch when I call you “gullible.”

Trump is not fighting for himself. He is fighting for us.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

We’d all like to see clearheaded analysis but that’s not what our media do, except in very few instances, which to me are not worth wading through the layers of bullshit. Nice if you to try Althouse. Better luck in the future.

Bob Smith said...

Dear “Republican elders” if you weren’t there when we needed you we don’t need you.

Howard said...

Gadfly is right. It really about keeping the angst dialed to 11 to cover massive campaign debt. Not surprising that the chief pointman Rudy looks like an obese Nosferatu.

OSU '92 said...

I will believe the results once someone can give me an innocent explanation for why PA, MI, WI, and GA all stopped counting votes at 1am with an apparent Trump Victory, and then started up again 3 hours later with huge Biden vote dumps in EVERY state to bring him back to being the favorite.

That is not a difference between mail in/in person/absentee types of votes being counted in different batches.

The least sketchy explanation is that it was a coordinated effort between those Democrat states to stop Trump's momentum, and then dig up a huge pile of Biden votes (without changing or adding any to the totals) and then run them through in a large batch to appear that Biden was back in control. Does that sound believable to you?

bagoh20 said...

This has nothing to do with Trump. It's about the disenfranchising of 70 million American voters. If you think that's not important, or there is no evidence of it, then make those arguments. If Trump died today, we would still need this resolved, and if we find it was done illegally, we need it fixed. The Democrats understandably rely on the Right's respect for law and order to prevent them from being robbed, but the rest of us have no such delusions about the Left. This is a fight to determine if we really are a nation of laws or just of raw power. Our voting system needs serious reforms. This election revealed what's easily possible, regardless of whether it happened enough to change the outcome. It obviously happened too much to allow us to trust our system, let alone the rest of the world trust us.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Trump doesn’t even live in Trump Tower any longer. What a maroon.

Jalanl said...

Sorry - the lesson from 2020 is that rioting worked! After billions of damage to our cities, 50 or more people dead and thousands of businesses permanently destroyed Joe's people may have delivered a victory. OK - time for some rioting, time for some screaming and looting and burning! You want a fight - you got it!

Achilles said...

ADDED: I'd like to see some clear-headed analysis of whether Trump's holding out and fighting will help or hurt the Republicans in the Georgia runoffs.

If democrats are allowed to openly steal an election then at least a half of republicans will not vote for any republicans, or probably ever vote, again.

Renee said...

For all we know the "Republican Operatives" are from the Lincoln Project.

I mean who wouldn't be upset, it would be odd if Trump was ok with everything.

Jupiter said...

Elf leaders and confidants of Santa tell Axios that polar bears don't shit on the ice.

bagoh20 said...

Do Democrats want the election to be proven valid or not? It doesn't sound like that's important at all. I really don't care who wins at this point. I want my country back, I want a fair and honest system. I wonder why that's not important to Democrats or the media. Do they think the truth would cost Biden the election, or do they want it to stay dishonest for the future of their party?

And I don't care what people like Althouse think either. Things don't get stolen just because of bad actors. Those will always exist. Things go bad because there are not enough good people dedicated to protecting what's good. If your neighbors are willing to stand by and make excuses or dismiss it while your house is robbed because they're not losing anything they value, then you live in a shit hole neighborhood.

Achilles said...

bagoh20 said...

This has nothing to do with Trump. It's about the disenfranchising of 70 million American voters. If you think that's not important, or there is no evidence of it, then make those arguments. If Trump died today, we would still need this resolved, and if we find it was done illegally, we need it fixed. The Democrats understandably rely on the Right's respect for law and order to prevent them from being robbed, but the rest of us have no such delusions about the Left. This is a fight to determine if we really are a nation of laws or just of raw power. Our voting system needs serious reforms. This election revealed what's easily possible, regardless of whether it happened enough to change the outcome. It obviously happened too much to allow us to trust our system, let alone the rest of the world trust us.

Seconded. Furthermore:

1. They tried to remove our president using "Russian Collusion" which was proven to be a lie.

2. They impeached the president for investigating open corruption.

3. BLM/Antifa brown shirts spent several months burning, looting and attacking political opponents.

After these moves if you openly disenfranchise Repulican voters you should know what you are going to get. I have my ear out and the SEALs and other parts of the community I have talked to all know what is going on.

You all are gonna get your shit pushed in. Nobody will be happy with what comes next.

Achilles said...

Howard said...

Gadfly is right. It really about keeping the angst dialed to 11 to cover massive campaign debt. Not surprising that the chief pointman Rudy looks like an obese Nosferatu.

You can keep thinking this.

If you had any actual Marine friends you would know you are whistling past the graveyard.

Achilles said...

gadfly said...

The Axios story lede as displayed in the Althouse version, is missing some important information, as highlighted below:

GOP leaders and confidants of President Trump tell Axios his legal fight to overturn President-elect Joe Biden’s victory — which they admit is likely doomed — could last a month or more, possibly pushing the 2020 political wars toward Christmastime.

These are not confident people. We see where the panic is.

They know this election will not bear scrutiny.

bagoh20 said...

How much you wanna bet there are people trying to slow down the Covid Vaccine so it won't arrive until Trump is out?
Beyond the principles of people in the bureaucracy?
What principles?

Gahrie said...

The least sketchy explanation is that it was a coordinated effort between those Democrat states to stop Trump's momentum, and then dig up a huge pile of Biden votes (without changing or adding any to the totals) and then run them through in a large batch to appear that Biden was back in control. Does that sound believable to you?

Wouldn't this produce an identifiable surge in Trump votes?

BrentonTalcott said...

bagoh20 said...

This has nothing to do with Trump. It's about the disenfranchising of 70 million American voters. If you think that's not important, or there is no evidence of it, then make those arguments. If Trump died today, we would still need this resolved, and if we find it was done illegally, we need it fixed. The Democrats understandably rely on the Right's respect for law and order to prevent them from being robbed, but the rest of us have no such delusions about the Left. This is a fight to determine if we really are a nation of laws or just of raw power. Our voting system needs serious reforms. This election revealed what's easily possible, regardless of whether it happened enough to change the outcome. It obviously happened too much to allow us to trust our system, let alone the rest of the world trust us.

Seconded. Furthermore:

1. They tried to remove our president using "Russian Collusion" which was proven to be a lie.

2. They impeached the president for investigating open corruption.

3. BLM/Antifa brown shirts spent several months burning, looting and attacking political opponents.


4)CCP money for Coup Coup Plotters

I'm Full of Soup said...

Bago - you write so well and argue your case so well, that you could have been a great lawyer. I regularly admire your comments for their irrefutable logic.

Darrell said...

Vote fraud on this scale is unprecedented and is totally dependent on Leftist prosecutors and judges not bringing charges. "Hang the cheating Democrat scum" might persuade Biden and Harris to withdraw their victory claims. Btw, "Republican operatives = NeverTrumpers. If they don't believe in the sanctity of fair elections, they are enemies of democracy and traitors. Fuck 'em.

roesch/voltaire said...

Meanwhile the Trumpsers are lying and taking credit for things they had no part of: Dr Kathrin Jansen, Pfizer’s head of vaccine development, told the New York Times: “We were never part of the Warp Speed ... We have never taken any money from the U.S. government, or from anyone.”
When will the cult finally wake up.

Birkel said...

Yes, Gahrie.
Yes it would.

Which means the offered least sketchy option is not believeable.

That, I believe, was the original poster's point.

Darrell said...

The Left isn't trying to heal anything. They want us to heel to their every whim.

Dude1394 said...

Roesch/voltaire have they been assured of protection from liability? So your contention is that the free market works so well that the governmnent shouldn't have even pushed for PPE.

In other words what is your point?

I'm Not Sure said...

"And public support at rallies puts pressure on the courts from taking the easy way out. Namely they find fraud, but say there's nothing that can be done."

I think this is important. The courts who will be judging this need to see there are people watching closely who want to know who really got the most votes and don't want things swept under the carpet in furtherance of "coming together", otherwise known as doing what the Democrats want so they'll stop their four year hissy fit.

Posted above:

"Trump should pursue all efforts to ensure all legal votes are counted and all illegal votes are not counted."

Shouldn't Biden agree to this too? Just wondering...

Readering said...

Trump blew up his own 2016 transition so he does not care about Biden's.

Ficta said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ficta said...

Pfizer are lying sacks of shit:

Here's Pfizer's own press release from July.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

I'd rather have a Republican in the White House than a Republican Senate.

I'd rather have an honest and clear electoral system than my candidates in office anywhere.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"If democrats are allowed to openly steal an election then at least a half of republicans will not vote for any republicans, or probably ever vote, again."

Exactly. LLRs want to exploit the anger but are too stupid to see how they will be held responsible for not fighting.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
steve uhr said...

I predict two weeks. Courts aren't going to give him much time to get his evidence together.

This is simply another excuse for Trump to raise money, which of course he can use to pay off his campaign debts, etc.. The money raised doesn't have to be used for his legal fees.

I get about 15 emails every day from Trump, Pence, Jr. etc begging for money. Don't be suckers! They're almost as bad as losers.

chuck said...

How much you wanna bet there are people trying to slow down the Covid Vaccine

I think covid-19 will burn out on its own by spring and the argument will become "did the vaccine make any difference". Where I live 3% of the population is recovered or currently infected and the rate is up to about 0.1% per day testing positive. By the end of the month I expect infected/recovered percentage to be up around 5%, and that is not counting the asymptomatic cases. If the CFR stays at around 0.3% we will have done about as well as can be done.

steve uhr said...

Of course, even if trump appointed judges conclude that trump has not met his burden of showing that absent fraud he would have won in a particular state, that won't change the mind of even one trump supporter on this blog. Don't let the evidence get in the way of what you already know for certain.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Readering said...
Trump blew up his own 2016 transition so he does not care about Biden's.

The Obama Biden Admin spent the "Trump transition" time spying on Trump and associates, framing people for crimes they didn't commit (Flynn), and lying to incoming President Trump.

So, if the Dems do successfully steal this election, I would be happy to see Trump treat Biden the way Biden and Obama treated him. Absent that, I think the best approach is to simply tell the Biden team that they will get absolutely nothing until Biden is sworn in, and make it stick.

IIRC, the outgoing Clinton people removed the "W" keys from keyboards at the White House, as well as sticking obscene pictures in the copiers / printers. setting the images so they'd appear with the copied / printed output.

So, in the spirit of generosity the Democrats have shown when they lost (and they lost legitimately, unlike here), I expect that an outgoing Trump team shoudl leave an incoming Biden team an utterly non-functional White House

It's not like Biden's actually going to be willing to do any harm to America's enemies, so them flailing around won't hurt America

You steal an election, you get scorched earth

steve uhr said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bagoh20 said...

I'm Full of Soup, I really appreciate the compliment. I'm nowhere near as proficient at writing as most others here. You seem to be new. Welcome aboard. The others will soon impress you even more. They impress me every day, which is why I come here.

bagoh20 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bagoh20 said...

""...possibly pushing the 2020 political wars toward Christmastime."

I thought Christmas was cancelled.

We need a new holiday anyway to celebrate our true savior. We can call it Maskmas.

bagoh20 said...

"Of course, even if trump appointed judges conclude that trump has not met his burden of showing that absent fraud he would have won in a particular state, that won't change the mind of even one trump supporter on this blog."

It's not about Trump, or who won. Raise y'all's standards. America deserves better.

RMc said...

Axios and their ilk (Ilkos?) have been running the same story for 4 years: "Republican advisors, who are, like, totally real and not just wishful thinking by the media, tell Trump to shut up and go away." Not buyin' it.

Michael K said...

Don't let the evidence get in the way of what you already know for certain.

Steve, the same applies to you.

robother said...

I can sort of see both sides of this argument. On the one hand, "he fights" is the defining characteristic of Trump that has galvanized so many voters (not just Rs) into action, which is certainly the reason Republicans are netting 10 seats from the House and so far holding serve in the Senate.

On the other hand, Sore Loserman Gore didn't go anywhere politically even with the "Not My President" Dems after 2000. I think Trump's style just will not let him fight this only through the courts, he will want (need) to have rallies outside the State Capitols and courthouses, which will not play well with small c conservatives.

rehajm said...

Once Trump shows that ballot counting procedures weren't followed, it should be Biden's task to show the votes were legal.

I would think if the court was so motivated that would be the way of it. In PA Alito has already had to compel compliance when there was evidence of non-compliance- if they mixed ballots together without the ability to segregate it would seem a compelling reason to re-vote or nullify the results, compelling the legislature to act, yes?

Greg The Class Traitor said...

steve uhr said...
Don't let the evidence get in the way of what you already know for certain.

Philly "vote counters" forced the Trump observers to stand 20 feet away from the action. Trump had to go to court to get that stopped, and lost at the opening level (because corrupt Democrat "judges" are corrupt).

Every vote "counted" during that situation was a fraudulent vote

Fulton County (Atlanta) "vote counters" announced that there was a water pip break, and so they wouldn't be doing any more voting counting that night. Then they told the GOP vote watchers to go home, because there would be no more counting that night.

Then, once the GOP observers left, they started "counting" again.

Already proved facts here: GOP observers went home. Fulton County counted votes while they weren't there.

Every single ballot that was in that area while the GOP observers were going is a tainted ballot. The count from that night is fraudulent.

So, awarding PA and / or GA to Biden is clearly fraudulent. Whether or not 5+ members of the SC have the moral courage to call out that corruption? We'll see. But the publicly established facts mean that Biden can not legitimately "win" either of those States without a revote.

That takes Trump to 268 EC votes.

The margin in WI when last I checked was 20k votes.

Records reviewed by Just the News show that an executive branch agency called the Wisconsin Election Commission:

!: permitted local county election clerks to cure spoiled ballots by filling in missing addresses for witnesses even though state law invalidates any ballot without a witness address.

2: exempted as many as 200,000 citizens from voter ID rules by allowing them to claim the COVID-19 pandemic caused them to be "indefinitely confined."

If they "cured" more ballots than the margin, the election result is invalid. If more than 20k of those "no voter id" people voted, the election is invalid.

That take Trump to 278, and Biden to 260. Which means that there's no reasonable way to consider Biden the President elect, without a re-vote in at least those three States. A re-vote that has to happen under the laws passed by the State Legislatures of those States, not "executive orders" or "judicial orders"

So yes, Steve, I'm going to "trust my lying eyes". Because you don't have to be an "expert", or a "Justice" to know that 1 + 1 = 2

rehajm said...

...and I like the idea of Trump demonstrations. Just because the election has passed doesn't mean it stopped being political. Those of us what believe SCOTUS is a political body want to see it. If not it's not like it will harm Trump's political chances...

steve uhr said...

Michael K - I'm willing to accept whatever the courts say. I may not like it but I'll accept it. That's how are system works.

Jamie said...

Just as I predicted. Be patient, Jabba may well come out onnatop. Trust the system, ye of little faith.

What I don't understand is why more on the Left aren't actively promoting the Trump team's endeavors. It costs them money, right? It would reveal them to be a bunch of sore-loser babies, right? Biden won the election decisively... right? So why not say something like, "It is, if anything, more important to us than it is to the Trump administration that this election be publicly demonstrated to have been fair, legal, and above board. Let the recounts and audits go on for as long as the President's team feels necessary. We're confident of the outcome and value a transparent and clean process far more than the Republican side does."

Wouldn't that be what they'd say if they were sure there were no wrongdoing?

Lurker21 said...

The media have put the focus on Biden, even cutting off Trump's speech. The idea that Democrats can make Trump the issue in the Georgia races cuts against the prevailing narrative that Trump is yesterday's man. Of course, the Democratic senatorial candidates would like to make the run-off about Trump, but the media team is not on board with that.

Just an old country lawyer said...

Conceding now without putting up a fight would dampen the enthusiasm of Georgia Republicans and would probably ensure a Democrat win in both races.
The 17th amendment should be repealed.

Yancey Ward said...

Concern trolling is never very convincing.

I think Trump's chances of being reelected are now 1 in 1,000, but he should pursue the court cases anyway because I don't trust the system at all, and I didn't trust it before this election either- I see this as wedge to shed some sunlight on a process I think has been corrupt for a very, very long time.

Look, when you have half the country constantly saying, "Win it beyond the margin of fraud," and they have been saying that for 20 years now, then we do have a problem, and it is a problem that can't be fixed without a thorough investigation of an election result that a great number of people don't trust.

Let me put it this way to the leftist who post here- if the Democrats are sure Biden won legitimately, why not support a recanvass and a recount, by hand if necessary. This can easily be accomplished in just a couple of weeks- nothing has to be done until the first week of December. And consider this- if it later is discovered that the theories on the Right were correct after all, then you have a really big problem you could have avoided with a little patience. Memories are short- there wasn't this press on Clinton to concede by the media, and not a lot of pressure from Republicans on it either- the real pressure on Clinton came from Obama by all accounts. I was perfectly happy to have WI, MI, and PA recounted and recanvassed in 2016, and I perfectly happy to have it done today, and to have all the states done if Democrats want that in return. I just want a more transparent system, and have wanted that for most of my adult life.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

robother said...
On the other hand, Sore Loserman Gore didn't go anywhere politically even with the "Not My President" Dems after 2000. I think Trump's style just will not let him fight this only through the courts, he will want (need) to have rallies outside the State Capitols and courthouses, which will not play well with small c conservatives.

Sore Loserman Gore conceded, "unconceeded", and then spent over a month using the Democrat run FL Supreme Court to rewrite the FL election rules, multiple times, to try to come up with a "vote count" that he could "win".

Trump is going to be calling for rallies so that the Justices know that there will be a cost if they show no moral courage, and allow the fraud to win. The Left is putting a lot of pressure on them to turn a blind eye to the criminal activity that gave Joe the "win". Without pressure coming from the other side, they're almost sure to fold.

Any "small c conservative" who has a problem with that is too stupid to be able to walk and chew gum at the same time

Greg The Class Traitor said...

steve uhr said...
Michael K - I'm willing to accept whatever the courts say. I may not like it but I'll accept it. That's how are system works.

really, Steve? How old are you? Were you around in 2000? When Bush v Gore came down 5-4 for Bush, did you immediately say "well, the Supreme Court has spoken. Bush is my President!"

When you came across Democrats saying in 2004 "re-defeat Bush", did you tell them all that they were wrong to say that? That Bush had won, fair and square?

mccullough said...

The GOP will continue its Political Theater

The Dems will take the Georgia Senate seats.

They have the votes they need.

steve uhr said...

It is, if anything, more important to us than it is to the Trump administration that this election be publicly demonstrated to have been fair, legal, and above board. Let the recounts and audits go on for as long as the President's team feels necessary. We're confident of the outcome and value a transparent and clean process far more than the Republican side does.

Happy James? With one proviso. The court's not trump will decide how long the process goes on for.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Bago - I used to comment here under AJ Lynch so I've been here for 15 years at least.

steve uhr said...

I thought the Supreme Court's decision in Bush v Gore was wrong but I accepted it and moved on. And I voted for Bush in 2004. He knew how to handle a crisis.

Yancey Ward said...

R/V, the Pfizer lady is flat out lying if that is what she said- flat out lying. You only have to fucking Google stuff to figure this out. The US government has poured a ton of money into all of these vaccine efforts, either directly in the research, or in the supply chain line of production, thus insuring the companies against the costs of failure.

Try lying better next time.

Todd said...

steve uhr said...

Don't let the evidence get in the way of what you already know for certain.

11/9/20, 11:09 AM

Physician, heal thyself...

Yancey Ward said...

As for the Georgia seats, they are gone if Trump concedes today or tomorrow. Why vote if you are Republican? Perdue couldn't get 50% in the election against Osshoff. I don't see him getting 50% in the runoff either given how Georgia votes right now. What I notice about Republican voters is that they reward fighters- when Republicans show their bellies, the base stays home.

Yancey Ward said...

"And I voted for Bush in 2004."

Does anyone believe this story?

doctrev said...

Jamie said...

Wouldn't that be what they'd say if they were sure there were no wrongdoing?

11/9/20, 11:27 AM

Sanders types lose nothing by saying exactly that. By contrast, Twitter and Facebook are frantically suppressing all knowledge of HAMMER and SCORECARD, even when the very word is brought up in otherwise innocent posts.

Even if the Supreme Court tries to ignore the evidence in front of them, which I don't believe Thomas will permit, most of it is so simple the American people will immediately get it. The Democrats think they look clever by constantly screaming "zero evidence of ___" but they look about as convincing as Holocaust deniers.

Alex said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alex said...

mccullough said...
The GOP will continue its Political Theater

The Dems will take the Georgia Senate seats.

They have the votes they need.

11/9/20, 11:34 AM

So transparency in elections is 'political theater'. Good to know.

h said...

I've never been a political insider, but perhaps someone can explain this to me. Imagine I'm a Trump confidant who has been in frequent touch with Trump since the election. I know something about his mental attitude that is probably newsworthy. I'm prepared to leak that information to the press. So (here's what I don't get) why would I seek out Axios (or WaPo or NYT or CNN) to leak this?

steve uhr said...

Greg says -- Every single ballot that was in that area while the GOP observers were going is a tainted ballot. The count from that night is fraudulent."

Really? You are going to cancel the votes of thousands who did absolutely nothing wrong because the observer arguably wasn't close enough to see that nothing untoward was going on? How would you feel if you were one of those voters. Sorry, the burden is on trump to show that particular votes were fraudulent.

Question -- if the dems had such an incredible fraud machine in operation why didn't they win the senate? Why did they lose seats in the House?

Tinderbox said...

In the Washington Post: "Trumpism is a lifestyle disease, chronic in America"

They're not interested in healing. The vitriol directed at half the country is rabid in their circles.

gadfly said...

I would expect that Trump will sue Pfizer for waiting until after the election to announce a 90% effective vaccine - even considering the possibility that the Current Resident of the White House could have acquired advance information to be used for a market killing - especially in Pfizer and BioNTech stocks.

Daddy Binx said...

BrentonTalcott said...


"4)CCP money for Coup Coup Plotters"


When they make the documentary about the tumultuous final year of Trump's term, it will be called...

Wuhan Flu Over The Coup Coup Nest

*rim shot*

Thank you all. I'm here all week. Don't forget to tip the waitress.

OSU '92 said...

Steve uhr the answer is 100s of thousands of over votes (only Biden votes and nothing else on the ballot) and only in the key states for Biden.

That does not affect down ballot races.

The planned fraud was not enough to cover the votes they actually needed. Just speculation of course.

If the Trump team has some statistical analysis that shows fraud I want to see it. Obviously if it’s bogus it would be very simple to disprove right?

Also why did the key states all stop counting at the same time in the middle of the night and then only resume a few hours later with huge Biden dumps. Coincidence I guess.

Jamie said...

Happy James? With one proviso. The court's not trump will decide how long the process goes on for.

It's Jamie, btw. Sure, I'm happy... to the extent that you represent the establishment Left. That is too say, I'm not particularly happy. Turley came out with something similar today - "We would be stupid to pretend that this process was going to go perfectly smoothly with so much mail-in balloting nationwide and so much of it taking place for the first time in important States. Why, then, are we pretending such? By all means, clear up all the irregularities."

But he doesn't represent the establishment Left either. Apparently the establishment Left is not quite as confident as you and Turley are - either of the outcome or of your side's proper feasance.

mandrewa said...

Roesch/voltaire said, "Meanwhile the Trumpsers are lying and taking credit for things they had no part of: Dr Kathrin Jansen, Pfizer’s head of vaccine development, told the New York Times: “We were never part of the Warp Speed ... We have never taken any money from the U.S. government, or from anyone.”

This misses the point. At least ninety percent of the gift to drug companies doing Covid-19 vaccine and Covid-19 test development is not money but the lowering of regulatory and legal barriers!

So what if Pfizer didn't take money from Warp Speed. They wouldn't be able to do what they are doing if the Trump administration had not lowered the regulatory and legal barriers.

And we don't know what a Clinton administration would have done, but if the past is any guide, the process would have been manipulated to ensure that the drug companies most closely coupled to the Clintons and the Democratic Party (for an example, look at Enron) would have won.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

steve uhr said...
Greg says -- Every single ballot that was in that area while the GOP observers were going is a tainted ballot. The count from that night is fraudulent."

Really? You are going to cancel the votes of thousands who did absolutely nothing wrong because the observer arguably wasn't close enough to see that nothing untoward was going on? How would you feel if you were one of those voters. Sorry, the burden is on trump to show that particular votes were fraudulent.


1: How would I feel? I'd want everyone involved fired. Because vote fraud makes my vote worthless. For all I know, they went in and marked up my ballot, taking away my vote.
2: The burden is on the vote counters to follow the law. The point of those laws is to force certain actions, so that you CAN tell if someone is committing fraud. Thus a violation of those laws is proof that fraud did take place.

Since the only reason to violate them is because you want to commit fraud.

Question -- if the dems had such an incredible fraud machine in operation why didn't they win the senate? Why did they lose seats in the House?

They stole Jeff James victory in the MI Senate race. They stole Perdue's victory in GA (he was well over 50%, no runoff needed, until Fulton started their fraud). They're going to try to steal both GA Senate races in Jan

They couldn't steal the House races because none of the GOP wins happened in races where the fraud cities were "counting" their votes.

It's one of the strong indicators of fraud: everywhere outside those 4 cities, CA, and AZ (that's McSally), the GOP did as well or better than they did in 2016.

The election result is ONLY "flipping" because of those 4 cities. All places where classic indicators of vote fraud happened.

Here's a BBC article from 2016 on how to find vote fraud, written after a fraudulent African election

Francisco D said...

steve uhr said... I thought the Supreme Court's decision in Bush v Gore was wrong but I accepted it and moved on.

There were two decisions. The first one to overrule the absurdly partisan FLA Supreme Court was 7-2 with Breyer and Souter voting with the majority. Of course, the revered Ginsburg was in the minority because the Constitution is a mere impediment.

What is your objection to that ruling?

bagoh20 said...

" You are going to cancel the votes of thousands who did absolutely nothing wrong because the observer arguably wasn't close enough to see that nothing untoward was going on?"

Nobody said cancel them. They are severely suspect, so they get reviewed. If the observers where there as mandated by law, they would have approved or challenged them then. So why do you think so much counting was done when the observers were forced out, and why so many Biden votes during that time? Don't try to tell us you want it to be validated and then make these kind of bullshit arguments.

Most people on both side who know the evidence now realize there was likely rampant fraud. The only difference between us is what we want done about.

" How would you feel if you were one of those voters."

How would you feel if your vote was cancelled out by some partisan hack with a pen and some blank ballots. That's how 70 million American feel right now. I doubt the dead people who voted overwhelmingly for Biden feel much of anything.

" Why did they lose seats in the House?"

Hundreds of thousands of ballots had only a Biden vote and nothing else, and many of those came in at the same time. If you just check the Biden box, you can get 10 times as many ballots done.

bagoh20 said...

"The burden is on the vote counters to follow the law"

That's crazy talk. You must be a Republican.

steve uhr said...

I heard Carl Rove this AM say that it is perfectly normal for people to vote for Biden and nobody else. All they cared about was getting rid of Trump. I guess Rove is now the enemy.

bagoh20 said...

"Biden Surprised To Learn He Was Running For President" ~ Babylon Bee

chickelit said...

The more ballot shenanigans discovered will benefit the nation next time around. Dems are afraid of such discovery.
Ive noticed that people still haven’t taken down their Trump and Biden yard signs.

bagoh20 said...

"I heard Carl Rove this AM say that it is perfectly normal for people to vote for Biden and nobody else"

And thousands of such votes arrived all at the same time.

I guess Rove is now your friend?

pious agnostic said...

Now that we're done beating you, it's time for healing, so that you will feel the beating all the more acutely when we start up again.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

steve uhr said...
I heard Carl Rove this AM say that it is perfectly normal for people to vote for Biden and nobody else. All they cared about was getting rid of Trump. I guess Rove is now the enemy.

No, just a moron

Once you've made the effort to get the ballot, fill it out, get your witness, etc, the effort of adding more votes is pretty small.

You want to get rid of Trump? Well, then, son't you want to get rid of his supporters, just in case he wins? Better vote straight ticket Dem.

You are a "Republican" who wants to get rid of Trump? Then you're voting straight ticket GOP down ballot, so Trump is gone, but Biden can't do too much bad.

What makes no sense at all is going to all that effort to vote, and not marking anything else on that ballot, anywhere

chuck said...

perfectly normal for people to vote for Biden and nobody else

Likely yes. It would also be normal for some people to vote for Biden, but that isn't the question. The question is if the percentage of people doing so was abnormal. The video of election workers validating ballots and only filling in the presidential section indicates that at least some of the votes were fraudulent.

Iman said...

Axioms and the media are not just biased, they are ignorant. Don’t take advice from them.

They are not just biased and ignorant, they are MALIGNANT. And have many other terrible characteristics.

Iman said...

They didn’t nickname Rove “Turdblossom” for nothin’...

Shouting Thomas said...

I’ll never take our government or elections seriously again.

The.brutally obvious fraud is a message in itself: “We can fuck with you any way we want, and what are you going to do about it?”

This on top of four years of the Russia collusion hoax, media censorship and FB and Twitter manipuation.

Fuck it all. My life will still probably be good. The SS and pension checks will continue to be deposited. But, this BS isn’t worth anybody’s time.

I'm Full of Soup said...

There is a video out that shows a poll worker filling in ballots. It supposedly was filemed in Delaware County, PA just ouside of Philly. An election official saw it and "explained" the poll worker was just taking ballots damaged by the automated letter opener machine and copying the votes so the "clean" ballot could be run through the voting machine. He claimed they keep both ballots. I'd ask him to show me where they store those ballots ASAP AKA RIGHT NOW and I'd want to know if someone "independently" verified and checked that poll worker's work. And was there an audit trail to prove that?

I'm Full of Soup said...

I don't trust the average mailman either. The mailman here at our office is a far left whining liberal and in the fall of 2008, he wore a hat that read "1/21/2009 The End of An Error" on his rounds.

boatbuilder said...

As I recall the Florida thing in 2000 exposed a whole lot of electoral fraud shenanigans in Dem-controlled counties, which the Democratic FL Supreme Court said was just fine and dandy, until the GWB campaign went to the Supreme Court which put a stop to it (by a 7-2 margin).

While the Republicans won in 2000, nobody got punished for any of the hinky stuff, either then or during the intervening period when there was certainly lots of additional hinky stuff. So those so inclined were given the message that the consequences of having what Joe Biden described as the best voter fraud organization ever are minimal and the upside is great.

Hence what we have now.

Gahrie said...

If the Republicans don't fight the theft of this election they don't deserve to win the two Georgia seats.

320Busdriver said...

A message of healing...eff that. Didn’t Schumer say they will “ change the world and then the country” just a day ago, once they’ve taken GA 2 Senate seats.

2 weeks ago it was perfectly fine to say “ Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances “. So, of course, with questions about the integrity of the vote, Trump should not concede unless and until all of our legal questions are satisfied

BUMBLE BEE said...

James Woods
And just like that the rioting and looting has ceased overnight. And now the half of the country that pummeled America like a battered wife is telling her to put on sunglasses, hide her black eye, be a good girl, and “come together as one.” Her answer? “Go fuck yourself.”

jim said...

I wonder why Trump chose this moment to fire his defense secretary? And install an unknown, low level successor? Weird, huh?

I'm Full of Soup said...

And the Florida 2000 election spawned all "Not My President" by libs and its offsping are the Crazed Women's Marches, BLM, Antifa, etc.

Maybe Trump supporters need to march on Inauguration Day and threaten to rear down the Imperial City but fake em out and tear down Wilmington, DE instead.

hstad said...

LOL - the familiar 'canard' of "sources"? But, I'm somewhat amused about the supposition that President Trump's fighting for the election is "pushing it toward Xmas", according to Axios. Wow, since when was a Liberal/Leftist rag concerned about violating the 'sanctity' of a Holiday, especially one which is heavily steeped in religion.

We are going to be bombarded by the Liberal/Leftist Media with non-stop silliness that Trump should accept defeat 'for the good of the country'. But the amazing thing to me is that they are still counting votes? Now such united 'Liberal' action makes me suspicious of why the Media is badgering President Trump on his "Fraud" accusations. Could it be that Trump is correct? If the Media believe that no way will Trump pull an 'inside straight', then why is everyone is ganging up on Trump to concede?

Achilles said...

steve uhr said...
I heard Carl Rove this AM say that it is perfectly normal for people to vote for Biden and nobody else. All they cared about was getting rid of Trump. I guess Rove is now the enemy.


Carl Rove is the enemy.

Achilles said...

Laslo Spatula said...

"None of us on the outside, not me, not Axios, not any of us, has enough evidence to form an opinion of whether he actually won."

Being that the media, Twitter and Facebook are preventing any pro-Trump evidence from being transmitted I shall form my opinion by observing who is trying to stop me from doing so.

I am Laslo.

One of the many dogs that are not barking.

Another is that Trump supporters have noticed that Trump got a record number of votes in the election.

Why is Biden not also bringing up the fact he got a record number of votes?

He knows he didn't. They all know he didn't and that the Supreme Court is going to throw out around a million votes in Pennsylvania just for starters.

Achilles said...

jim said...

I wonder why Trump chose this moment to fire his defense secretary? And install an unknown, low level successor? Weird, huh?

Not weird at all.

Buckle up buttercup.

Achilles said...

Mr Wibble said...

Those"GOP Leaders" are likely fake, but if they are real, they are idiots.

They are just as real as Bill Kristol, Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush and Karl Rove.

The traitors go first.

jim said...

Buckle up for what?

effinayright said...

Gadfly said: "And before I forget, half of the new donations being solicited will go toward paying for campaign spending above and beyond remaining funds - after Trump reportedly had ripped off a bunch for the benefit of his businesses and family and likely himself."

gadfly is reportedly asshole.

Narayanan said...

The D MSM narrative =>> strategy to suppress R votes for ever.

Silence about injustice is Surrender to evil.

Amadeus 48 said...

How deep are they going to bury Andrew Cuomo's sociopathic if not psychopathic statement that it is a shame that the Pfizer vaccine came together during the Trump administration?

Amadeus 48 said...

One thing I have learned over the past four years:anonymous descriptions of what is going on with Trump are lies.

Axios's source is probably Mike Esper (heh) or maybe Adam Schiff, who, as Glenn Greenwald said, fabricates accusations like other people change their underwear.

Trump will not concede because he knows he won. If he did concede, it would deflate the entire Georgia Senate battle.

I have an idea: why don't both Democratic Georgia Senate candidates concede right now as a gesture towards healing the country?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


Trump is fighting. It's an uphill battle. The entire media is against him.

Teh GOP must win in GA - or it's over forever. Teh Democrats will install this cheat machine and the GOP will never win again and we will live under the corrupt one-party rule that gives up Biden-Pelosi-Clinton grifters.

Amadeus 48 said...

And why would Trump concede "to heal the country", when the people he would concede to are going to leap into the arms of the China Communist Party.

Trump has rescued the GOP from oblivion. For better or worse, he has made it the party of working men and women. He will never concede to a senescent and stupid Biden and the Kackling Kamala.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It could be over anyway. All the left need do is install a few more cheat machines in big blue cities - and it's over.

We need a Voter Protection Bill of Rights.

The left are liars and cheaters and they do not care.

TwoAndAHalfCents said...

Thanks for sharing that James Woods tweet bumblebee. Not sure I see the rioting ending so quickly, but he nails the rest. So good it deserves a re-post:
James Woods
And just like that the rioting and looting has ceased overnight. And now the half of the country that pummeled America like a battered wife is telling her to put on sunglasses, hide her black eye, be a good girl, and “come together as one.” Her answer? “Go fuck yourself.”

Birkel said...

steve uhr,
When you hold the gun to your own head and threaten to kill yourself, it only works in a comedy movie.

"If you invalidate all of our fraudulent votes but some legitimate votes also are invalidated, that would be wrong" is one of the dumbest arguments ever. It incentivized fraud, which I gather you support.

I mean, holy shit. That is some Grade A stupid argumentation. Please tell me nobody pays you to make arguments. You don't bill people if their money by making that level of idiotic argument, do you?

Rusty said...

Without reading upthread.
Ann. If you acquiesce to cheating you invite more cheating. In this case to acquiesce is to deny the franchise to those of us who did things the proper way. Confront the fraud once they know we won't put up with it they'll either quit or find another route. But we're talking democrats here. Their default position is to be dishonest. make your plans accordingly.

DEEBEE said...

At least 37 if not more days. In the meantime let’s just STFU

Greg The Class Traitor said...

jim said...
I wonder why Trump chose this moment to fire his defense secretary? And install an unknown, low level successor? Weird, huh?

Well, apparently Esper was, against orders, starting to brief Biden people

That's a good reason to fire him.

Until the Electoral College has voted, and Biden has collected 270+ EC votes, he's not the President Elect. And Trump IS the President.

Which means the Sec Def has to obey Trump

RMc said...

perfectly normal for people to vote for Biden and nobody else

Actually, that's exactly what my wife did. She's suffering pretty serious buyer's remorse right now.

Likely yes. It would also be normal for some people to vote for Biden, but that isn't the question. The question is if the percentage of people doing so was abnormal. The video of election workers validating ballots and only filling in the presidential section indicates that at least some of the votes were fraudulent.


Strap in, everybody.

Narr said...

A quick thought about Senators.

Other than LBJ (who established an executive leadership style by mastering the Senate), people who have been only or mostly senators tend to be weak candidates or aren't that effective or competent in getting their agendas through.

The first Johnson was everything wrong about the Old South except the devotion to slavery.

JFK we don't know about, though just yesterday C-SPAN aired a presentation from history prof (Nichten? Nachten?) and Henry Cabot Lodge jr biographer who tracked down the tapes of the farewell meeting between JFK and HCL in August 1963. It makes clear that, contrary to some desperate wrigglings by Cameloteers (boy that's a case study in cultism), Jack knew very well of the plan to take out Diem; while he didn't order Diem whacked, he knew it was coming.

One reason that matters is because of the Cultists' line that Jack was too smart and sophisticated, too liberal, to be sucked into regime change adventures again.

So we have JFK and The Big Fool, Lying Bird Johnson.

Gore and Lieberman, senators.

Kerry and ??, senator.

McCain, senator.

Obama and Biden.


Joe and Ho.

Makes me hopeful they'll play to type.

Marc in Eugene said...

If the recounts etc don't keep Mr Trump in the White House, he should follow the example of his illustrious predecessor and find a district in Florida that will send him to the House for as long as he likes. A competent office staff that will keep his constituents happy, and Mr Trump can re-invent himself as he likes. I doubt that the major media propaganda organs could keep away from him for very long.

n.n said...

Biden's victory, huh. With massive and widespread irregularities, democracy is aborted in Democrat jurisdictions and the rule of press.

Narr said...

Forgot Senator Blondale.

But then, who hasn't?

jim said...

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Well, apparently Esper was, against orders, starting to brief Biden people

That's a good reason to fire him

OK. Can't quite agree that it's a GOOD reason to fire him (since discontinuity in national security is not good.) But at least it's better than some other explanations that haunt me.

Why not the under secretary?

readering said...

Is there any modern example of a recount eliminating a lead of over 10k votes? Doubt it. Bush-Gore was a couple of hundred in one of the largest states.

readering said...

Contributions to TMAGAC made by an Individual/Federal Multicandidate Political Committee will be allocated according to the following formula:

60% to DJTP for deposit in DJTP’s 2020 General Election Account for the retirement of general election debt (up to a maximum of $2,800/$5,000) or, if such debt has been retired or any portion of the contribution would exceed the limit to the 2020 General Election Account, for deposit in DJTP’s Recount Account (up to a maximum of $2,800/$5,000); 40% to the RNC’s Operating account (up to a maximum of $35,500/$15,000); and any additional funds to the RNC for deposit in the RNC’s Legal Proceedings account or Headquarters account (up to a maximum of $213,000/$90,000).

bagoh20 said...

Are you trying to convince us that you care about fraud and corruption? You don't find that a little ironic?

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