This isn’t accurate. The margin in Florida was 537 votes (538 is the number of electoral college voters); the SCOTUS didn’t reverse the 2000 election (Bush always led in every count).
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) November 10, 2020
Dumb and dumber.
That goes for ALL of them. They ALL lie. Jake isn't any better. Fox News isn't either. Propaganda all the time. It's sickening.
The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so.
Forget it, Jake. It's Joy Reid.
Forget it Jake, it's MSNBC.
What got into Jake? A random act of journalism among the partisan shit-posting
Joy Reid is a special kind of reitard.
At this point in 2000, Gore already had Florida judges stepping in and doing his bidding. Bush had to take him to the Supreme Court to undo the funny business.
This find by Ben Domenech is my favorite find of the day:
Down and Dirty: The Plot to Steal the Presidency
By Jake Tapper
Little, Brown, 514 pages, $24.95
Surprised jake knew the facts there. He’s been reliably fact-free when I’ve seen his act. This seems suspicious to me.
Joy Ride is a racist. Why would anyone pay her any attention?
CNN versus MSNBC.
Reminds me of the "catfights" on the old Dynasty show.
Joy is from Florida, so she should know this stuff.
I blame the time-travelling hackers.
that was the final count, tapper, you think we've forgotten, and that was after many unadmissable ballots in hillsborough county, and many discarded military ballots,
Telling that she thinks is explicitly about beating republicans. With recounts.
You know who I miss? Melissa Harris-Perry, she of tampons-in-the-ear fame. She was ahead of her time on MSLSD.
Jake Tapper and Joy Reid, couple of rocket scientists.
I long for a job where I can be so very wrong and so very reckless with the facts, but get paid so much money, and be able to hobnob with Megan and William. I guess its not in my skillset. Or perhaps Jake was right: I don't have the character for it, so nobody will hire me for such jobs.
Masks are Mandated not Blinders!
It was Mostly Accurate™ - behold the derided twittering:
"Here's the thing: the reason there's a thing called @FiveThirtyEight is because 538 was the margin in FL when the Republican SCOTUS reversed the 2000 election during a recount, making Dubya the president. That's the kind of margin where races can flip. That's not what's up now."
I think the only incorrect words were "538", "reversed" and "not", so the twittling was 93.617021277% accurate. Perhaps "reason" was also incorrect, which would lower it to 91.489361702%.
"Here's the thing: the reason there's a thing..."
I wonder how many people watched the trial in which the Gore people tried to make their case about faulty Florida voting machines that presumably caused Gore to lose votes.
Phil Beck (lead attorney for Bush) made absolute mincemeat of the Gore "experts" who were hopelessly deluded. Judge Saunders (a Democrat) ruled in Bush's favor, but was overturned by the FLA Supreme Court on an obviously partisan basis. It was all on C-Span.
The SCOTUS ruled 7-2 to overturn the FLA SC. The two dissenters were constitutional experts Ruth Bader Ginsburg and John Paul Stevens. Lefty judges Steven Breyer (a Democrat) and David Souter voted in favor of Bush.
Let's not reinvent history. Gore and his people cheated their asses off, but the lessons were never learned. Now we have an opportunity to clean up our election process, regardless of whether Trump or Biden wins.
Tapper is right that Bush always led in every count. I don't remember what the final margin was. But originally Bush led by what I think was tens of thousands of votes in Florida and then gradually the difference shrunk and shrunk as Democrats recounted votes in districts where they controlled the counting, and it was only in those districts where Democrats controlled that recounting occurred (or have I got that part wrong?), and in particular they tried to count votes while excluding Republican poll watchers.
And left-wing students went to the Florida and demonstrated and protested about the unfairness of the presence of Republicans.
And the Democratic Party in Florida decided that mail-in ballots from US serviceman overseas shouldn't be counted and the Florida Supreme Court (all Democrats) supported this and other blatantly partisan positions, except there were one or two Florida Supreme Court justices, who despite being Democrats, protested against the unfairness of all this.
And ultimately the margin got small enough that the election hung in the balance depending on the subjective interpretation of what some ballots meant including a large group of ballots that had both Bush and Gore votes punched except the 'hanging chads' were all on the Gore side and this could have been interpreted as someone invalidating a whole batch of ballots by pushing a metal rod through in the Gore voting position to produce exactly this effect, except that they hadn't lined up their metal rod quite right.
Or in other words it was a festival of cheating or attempted cheating happening before our eyes, except that back then we still had some people in the media that were trying to do objective reporting in mainstream news organizations. But despite all of the evidence, and despite their having almost complete control of the process, the Democratic partisans somehow perceived this as an election that was 'stolen' from them.
tapper was in on the steal, then, and I will never forgive or forget him for it, in georgia, dominion whose board had obama's eu ambassador, had their tendrils into the state through brian kemp's chief of staff, jared thomas
I like how they are ignoring the triple digit number of affidavits filed in multiple states.
Once you kick election observers out of polling stations you have voided all your credibility.
I must disagree. The opportunity to clean up the election process is utterly dependent on Trump winning this battle. If Biden wins via cheating, the methods of cheating will be locked in permanently. How are you going to fix it, after that? By voting? Heh.
And this is just two people proving that their profession is the second dumbest profession on the planet.
And they think themselves elite.
Francisco D said...
Let's not reinvent history. Gore and his people cheated their asses off, but the lessons were never learned. Now we have an opportunity to clean up our election process, regardless of whether Trump or Biden wins.
If Biden wins there will never be another Republican president, senate majority, or house majority elected in and election again. They manufactured hundreds of thousands of votes in several states. They kicked poll watchers out of counting sites.
They will never allow elections to threaten their power again.
Stop saying stupid shit like this.
Completely off topic but, Happy Birthday to all you Marines out there!
The party of slavery, Jim Crow, the KKK, and Presidential assassination in now also the party of voter fraud. Like the other issues, Republicans just don't seem to take to those things much, and I've never been a Republican. I wish I had chosen that at 18 instead of the 42 years of Democrat shame that I now have to account for.
Joy Reid is the type of leftist identified by President Reagan.
"The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so."
I am becoming convinced readering is a writer for the Joy Reid Show.
I saw this happen in person in California. They got enough power to make it impossible for Republicans to win again. The results speak for themselves. Highest poverty rate in the nation, and a state that is so in the red that there is no conceivable way out. Go to Los Angeles and see what it gets you. Abject poverty living in tents everywhere, (at least the lucky ones) surrounded by human excrement, garbage and spent needles. If the government could control the weather, California would have the climate of Antarctica one day and the Congo the next.
Joy Reid knows nothing about anything she talks about, but she DOES know how to advance her career, and is VERY good at that, it appears.
Whether before certification or after, Trump would have to flip 3 states, maybe 4. Joy Reid is not so wrong about that.
Be interesting to quiz media members on general knowledge in soundproof booths on live TV. Who would do the worst? Lemon, Cuomo, McCallum, Blitzer?
Joy Reid is a quota hire who has the IQ of my throw rug.
joy reid was al sharpton's protege, wrap your head around that,
Jake Tapper?? I should trust anything he writes?? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo. And the slug he rod in on.
Joy Reid is not the brightest unity candle in the room.
Blogger 320Busdriver said...
Joy Ride is a racist. Why would anyone pay her any attention?
Perhaps it’s that combo Larry Fine/Bozo hair-don’t and clown make-up that draw the attention.
Now I will remember 537.
AlGore tried to steal the presidency. Dementia Joe so far has succeeded. ALGore was stopped in part by "rioters" who pushed into the voting areas where cheating was going on, and stopped the vote count fakery with news cameras running. Trump missed that opportunity. Might have been useful to repeat history, even as a farce, to stop this election's chicanery.
P. F. Sloane. He has the songwriting credit for the song in the video.
He also wrote "Eve of Destruction".
Two words: Sore Loserman.
Joy Reid: Not much wattage in the cottage.
Forget it, Joy. It's Jake.
Left Bank of the Charles said...
Whether before certification or after, Trump would have to flip 3 states, maybe 4. Joy Reid is not so wrong about that.
Lawsuit w/ signed affidavits by multiple people, including a former Assistant Attorney General of MI, detailing criminal behavior by Wayne County, Michigan (Detroit) "vote counters"
GA: Kicked out GOP vote counters, then resumed counting votes Tuesday night / Wed morning. Nothing reported from there after then can be considered valid
PA: Massive vote fraud
WI: Repeated violations of elections code by WI Elections Commission (controlled by Democrat Governor)
That's 4 States whose "election results" should all be overturned. Trump needs any 3 of them
Jake Tapper is mansplaining. Clearly Ms. Reid knows that 538 is the number of electors in the electoral college. She's a political commentator at CNN, after all. Only a misogynist (and racist) would think that a political commentator at CNN is so ignorant and stupid that she doesn't even know basic information about the electoral college. Tapper's tweet is indicative of the sort of sexism and racism capable women of color have to deal with day in and day out. Tapper should apologize, take diversity training, and make a donation to Ibram Kendi.
Am I doing this right?
Florida 2000 was a tie. The issue was how to break a tie. 2020 is a landslide (Trump's word from 2016).
Let's take Nevada as an example.
I have heard its most populous county mailed out ballots to every registered voter. How difficult would it be to assemble a team of 50 people to garner as many loose ballots as they could find and fill them out and mail them in to be tallied. 50 perps would need to get 500 each to add 25,000 votes for Biden. They had 6-8 weeks to get this done so less than 100 ballots a week. Easy peasy IMO and I bet that is what happened in Nevada and maybe Wisconsin as well.
Think you pal Wickler was involved Althouse?
You're right that 2020 was a landslide, rendering. For Trump. The number of manufactured and "glitched" votes is going to be in the millions. The notion that Biden outperformed Obama in these exact 4 cities and underperformed Hillary literally everywhere else (while Trump got 8 million more votes than 2016) doesnt even pass the laugh test, much less the smell test.
Joy does not read and furthermore provides no joy.
"You're right that 2020 was a landslide, rendering. For Trump. The number of manufactured and "glitched" votes is going to be in the millions."
Donald? Is that you?
The margin of victory was bigger than that till the Dems got to special counting. IIRC it was a bit over one thousand. I actually tried to find a timeline of it and of course it is buried.
There was no election day this year. For the crooked Dems, it was an Election Month.
"Donald? Is that you?”
Are you hearing the beating of the war drums Robert? They can’t wait to be in power again.
What I find most telling is that the Trump supporters here post instance after instance of fraud, and we challenge the lefties to come up with *any* hypothetical ethical justification for what we're finding. They don't even try. All they can offer is snark and premature gloating. But do they have the slightest interest in addressing the concerns? Quite the opposite... it's like they want us to believe the election was rigged, and their prime motivation is to rub our faces in it.
"Are you hearing the beating of the war drums Robert? They can’t wait to be in power again."
They've never not been in power. And when the leadership was Republican, you guys loved it! Those of us who inveighed against our wars, (which have not ceased), were deemed traitors.
What I find most telling is Readering has increased her comment frequency here by I'd guess tenfold.
The fact that Trump started no new wars is an inconvenient detail that actually causes Cookie physical pain in his determination to pretend it isn't relevant to his most cherished precepts.
"How wrong can you be"?
Asked about Joy Reid?
Really, how WRONG can Joy Reid be?
Now THAT is a hold my beer kind of challenge if ever I heard one.
To chi jack. Sounds great!!! I'll be sending my money soon. Can you send you send me your bank account # so I can wire it to your account directly? This new Biden Presidency is opening up all sorts of opportunities!
Robert Cook said...
"You're right that 2020 was a landslide, rendering. For Trump. The number of manufactured and "glitched" votes is going to be in the millions."
Donald? Is that you?
You're as bright as the new moon.
Trump has been known to break people just ask Kathy Griffith. But Cookie was broken way before Trump entered the political arena.
Let's trust them about other things!
Murray Gell-Mann on Line 1.
"The fact that Trump started no new wars is an inconvenient detail that actually causes Cookie physical pain in his determination to pretend it isn't relevant to his most cherished precepts."
It is not sufficient to "not start new wars." One must end the ongoing wars, which Trump has not done. Continuing the ongoing wars is to continue the ills of war. Is was not sufficient for Obama to end the US torture program, (though I wonder if it really ended). He should have prosecuted those in the previous administration who planned, implemented, carried out, and covered up the torture program. By not doing that, Obama made himself complicit in the torture programs just as Trump is now complicit in our ongoing wars.
I don't expect to see any better behavior by any Republicans or Democrats who inhabit the White House one after the other.
Blogger Earnest Prole said...
Two words: Sore Loserman.
Two words: Kneel peasant.
Cookie, Cookie... polish yer dome.
cook likes losing wars, the reeducation camps, and the year zero visited on cambodia, it gives it a warm feeling in his nether regions,
in other news kash patel nunes right hand is now chris miller's at the pentagon,
So EventBrite just stopped supporting a pro Trump group and emailed all of their participants that the event was cancelled, which it wasn’t
It’s amazing that this kind of stuff doesn’t seem to bother liberals. Lefties, I can understand, complete unopposed power is their thing, but liberals should be a little concerned about this kind of stuff.
Not to mention the warnings that Twitter is putting on stuff that is objectively true but I guess dangerous for people to hear because it might make them think that Trump has a point. Same stuff NPR is doing, censoring the reporting of actual events that really happened. Like poll watchers getting thrown out of canvassing operations.
"Those of us who inveighed against our wars, (which have not ceased), were deemed traitors.”
Look at what the FBI does to presidents who don’t like war, like Nixon, who ended the Viet Nam war he inherited and started no new ones and sought to de-escalate tensions with the Soviets and to ramp down nuclear weapons, and established relationship with communist China.
It seems like you should be grateful for half a loaf, and start working from there. Already they are talking about ramping up Afghanistan when Trump wanted to end it. He has been opposed at every turn by the military industrial complex that runs Washington. Arms merchants are happy.
Look at the jump in Raytheon stock as it appeared that Biden was winning.
Robert Cook said...It is not sufficient to "not start new wars." One must end the ongoing wars, which Trump has not done.
Didn't the defense establishment cry that he threatened world peace by withdrawing a few troops from Syria and threatening to do the same in Afghanistan?
I am not as much of a peacenik as you, Cookie. However, I am becoming more of a peacenik as time goes on. Where we likely differ is that I think we need a strong military to minimize adventurism from other powers. I do agree that the defense establishment is severely bloated with waste, but that is how the government operates at most, if not all levels.
PS. I consulted with a prominent defense contractor back in the day. They made a terrific product, but they were also the only executives who drank like fishes at lunch. How they got work done n the afternoon is unknown to me.
Francisco D said...
PS. I consulted with a prominent defense contractor back in the day. They made a terrific product, but they were also the only executives who drank like fishes at lunch. How they got work done n the afternoon is unknown to me.
The 3 martini lunch became a cliche for a reason- it was common among white collar workers. In my profession it was the 6 beer lunch.
The new Puritanism and absurdly low .08 BAC have done away with both.
Oh look, Jake Tapper is playing good cop today, just go peacefully Trumpers, without turning over too many rocks
It doesn’t actually change what he said yesterday though.
I am pretty disappointed in Tucker. "We can’t report any of the things Trump says "Carlson
Benford’s Law is kind of like Occam’s Razor. It’s not a proof in an of itself, but it sure does shift the burden to the other side to come up with innocent explanations. Isn’t that what Nate Silver should be working on right now? Coming up with innocent explanations for the anomalies. Innocent explanations are possible, just not very likely.
Florida 2000 was a tie.
No. It was not.
At no time did Al Gore lead in the vote count.
Not after the original count.
Not after the machine recount.
Not after the hand recount.
Not. Once.
"Didn't the defense establishment cry that he threatened world peace by withdrawing a few troops from Syria and threatening to do the same in Afghanistan?"
Well, of course. Their bread and butter and cavier depends on their being able to con the public into accepting that any minimal cuts in the the military budget at all--heck, any freeze on budget increases, simply maintaining the status quo--will bring about the utter defeat and destruction of the West by implacable monsters from abroad. It's all bullshit.
It's up to the President who really wants to end wars to tell the war merchants and the generals and others in the Pentagon who have cozy and mutually profitable relationships with those arms merchants to go fuck off.
Trump didn't tell any of them to fuck off.
No. It was not.
At no time did Al Gore lead in the vote count.
Not after the original count.
Not after the machine recount.
Not after the hand recount.
Not. Once.
At least one newspaper later tried, and failed, to come up with a way that Gore would win Florida.
Yeah, Florida 2000 was a tie. All voting mechanisms have error rates, and 500 votes
in Fl in 2000 were nothing. Except cant have that. If there was a tie then the election
would have been decided by the Fl legislature. Would it have been the old legislature or
the newly elected legislature voting?
And the voting machines we used back then were the best ever. I'm not sure if Hillsborough County used the same machines as Broward and Palm Beach. Our machines used computer punch cards. Short side had 2 holes that you fit over 2 red bulbs on the machine. 1st time I used that machine I, you know, read the directions. Bulb over holes, then booklet over card, and punch thru holes in the booklet. 2nd time I voted I didn't need to read no directions, just slide that sucker in there and start punching. And push real hard cause there was no give. Ok. read directions, Holes over Red Bulbs, dummy. And you could examine the punch card and it had all the names by all the punchable squares so you could check to see if your vote was right. Today I'd probably need a magnifier.
"I am with stupid" t-shirts would be sell-out to all MSNBC employees.
Cook, so you don't think any of the warmongers wanted Trump to start a new war in those 4 years? They were happy with the existing wars, for the first time in decades?
Or do you rationally assume that they DID try to start new wars, as always, and the only reason we didn't get a single new war was because Trump told them to fuck off every single time?
Is this really that hard?
Qwinn said...
Cook, so you don't think any of the warmongers wanted Trump to start a new war in those 4 years? They were happy with the existing wars, for the first time in decades?
Or do you rationally assume that they DID try to start new wars, as always, and the only reason we didn't get a single new war was because Trump told them to fuck off every single time?
Is this really that hard?"
Cook is a Stalinist. The only wars he is in favor are the wars for the people's liberation.
Reid is a good example of why affirmative action is a bad policy. What Nikole Hannah-Jones is to history, Reid is to civics.
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