November 19, 2020

"Gazing at intransigence."


It's a podcast. 

Topics: "Still counting the votes, Democratic Party in-fighting, NYC school shutdown, Matt Yglesias doesn’t quite tell his story, gambling on whether Melania wants a divorce."


rhhardin said...

Guiliani does what you want. Listen to the whole thing.

The rule of Lemnity said...


rhhardin said...

The point of goons is a specific instance of democrat-controlled cities, which is where the emergency fraud happened, as if it were a national plan rather than a local aberration. He gets to it later. (google althouse podcast to get a good link if it's not fixed yet)

The legal argument is that fraud was built in via the dominion voting machines but the fraud was insufficient to beat Trump, so emergency fraud was added, which produced all the clumsy late-night vote counting stoppage and so forth.

Thus proving both kinds, using one to account for the other.

Attonasi said...

The University of Wisconsin has declared that a Boulder on campus is racist and has voted to remove it.

Could we get some clarification of this from people at the UW?

This seems really poorly thought out on many levels.

tim maguire said...

Quite a barn burner of a press conference. They better be able to back it up.

Attonasi said...

Lem said...


An interesting discussion about mate selection in the extreme ends of the bell curve could ensue.

What does Melania gain?

What does Donald gain?

Could either of them do better?

What is better in a society based on nuclear family arrangments?

What would they do in a more typical society where there are harems/consorts?

Will Cate said...

Melanie? The singer? ;-)

The rule of Lemnity said...

Althouse misspelled it because Melania is a woman ;-)

Ann Althouse said...

Sorry to misspell Melania. I think that was the iPad spell-checking. Will fix.

rcocean said...

I agree with your opinion that Rudy should give us more facts and less hot air. But, why should anyone be against auditing and recounting the votes in the key battleground states? Why do the Democrats have to lose, given they "won"?

Why shouldn't everyone want to have a POTUS we KNOW was elected legally by the valid votes? WHy aren't the various secretaries of state, like the one in Michigan, resisting auditing the votes in Wayne County?

Rosalyn C. said...

Is it just me or does Althouse's podcaster voice sound like Lisa Simpson as a grown up? Very funny and serious at the same time and enjoyable to listen to.