From "Washington’s establishment hopes a Biden presidency will make schmoozing great again" by Roxanne Roberts at WaPo. Another way to say that is: Washington's establishment hopes a Biden presidency will make Washington great for Washington again.
The columnist assumes what we like is insiders coming together in a mutual love fest — with glamorous, prestigious parties and helping each other feel good about themselves. What's "great" for them is great for us? And isn't it kind of disgusting to be enthusing about gala socializing when We the People are told we can't even do a humble Thanksgiving dinner with our deplorable relatives?
Trump was corrupt and an idiot. But getting rid of DC power brokers is a good idea. This article praising the return of the "wealth rules" club, including corrupt Wilbur Ross, is extremely tone deaf.Second-highest:
This article is nauseating. While the country's falling apart, people are on the equivalent of breadlines, and a loser refuses to acknowledge it and in the process is wrecking democracy, these pigs are fretting about how they can put out the best canapes and dish the best dirt. Leave this garbage for Washingtonian.
...and a loser refuses to acknowledge it and in the process is wrecking democracy, these pigs are fretting about how they can put out the best canapes and dish the best dirt.
First we have to determine who the loser that's wrecking democracy is...
Ah, yes- back to business as usual.
You swamp people are repugnant.
The Permanent Establishment perishes.
Getting back to normal is re-installing the corrupt leftist deep state, and the gala around it.
Hillarywoodland loves the glitz and glamour. The fake hope of the mean-grrl in-crowd.
WaPo assholes forget that Trump loves all that Gala, and the left pushed him out.
WaPoo is the house organ for the Swamp. Never forget that. Of course, if you prefer peace and quiet, you can ignore that corruption bubbling under the rug.
Normal = Secret International grifting democraticals made rich rich rich.
all while the media ignore it.
". . . the White House correspondents’ dinner — typically a night of mutual good will between the administration and the press that covers it . . ." MSM will be returning to old role of comforting the comfortable and afflicting the afflicted.
Let's see now....Biden's not corrupt? Have they not been paying attention? (of course not) And worse than an idiot...wait until the dementia starts really kicking in hard. If he's like my dad was then in 2 years or less it will get really bad.
Yep. The Washington Insiders, the Lobbyists, the Activists that pose as Journalists, the kids of the Politicians who are making millions overseas...yep...back to normal while the rest of us rubes pay for it all. Fuck them all. I hope they get everything they deserve and then some.
Perhaps the capital of the nation should be rotated to a different quadrant of America every 25 years, think of it as an infrastructure stimulus package.
Not sure the deplorables want to schmooze with the cool kids either.
The columnist assumes what we like is insiders coming together in a mutual love fest — with glamorous, prestigious parties and helping each other feel good about themselves.
The columns is an insider who wants to resume glamorous, prestigious parties so the columnist can once again feel good about themselves.
Ah, so the cool kids are looking forward to being super cool again. Nice. This crap is easy to ignore, and doesn't have much of an affect on my life or those of the people I love and care about. The bigger concern is the restarting of the pre-Trump foreign policy and spin up of the military industrial complex. The days of endless wars, dead American youth, and obscene payments to foreign countries and despots will be here again soon. The Correspondent's Dinner and all the other crap amounts to bread and circus to distract us from all the nasty stuff.
Clearly this is why they hated and fought Trump. Not only would he not play the games, he wouldn't allow these folks to either.
They have no idea what is brewing.
"Perhaps the capital of the nation should be rotated to a different quadrant of America every 25 years..."
Or maybe nuked from space. Just to be sure. It's astounding how clueless some people are.
Yo Wapoo + Vanity Fair
Eat dookie.
Filling the swamp!
They have no idea what is brewing.
Alternate theory: they know and that's why they're trying to flood the zone with 'time to move on' stories...
Perhaps the capital of the nation should be rotated to a different quadrant of America every 25 years, think of it as an infrastructure stimulus package.
Start with District 12.
Here we go. Biden just named John- I'll Never Go Away- Kerry as his Climate Czar. Climate Czar? Does the climate need a Czar?
If ever there was a single person who more personified the bloated, cocktail-infused, One World Government, sophisticatedly anti-American, UN loving, wealthy yet still working-the-back-channels-for-more type than John Kerry, I've not seen him or her. This guy represents- no...a better word would be oozes the very swamp stench that we sent Trump up there to clean out.
Two groups will not be happy with Biden. The vast majority of Democrats who consider themselves progressives or socialists, and the vast majority of conservatives who consider themselves to be actual patriots and fans of smaller, not Leviathan level government.
Biden is doing what he knows to do, depending on the same people who put this country on such a wrong path to begin with. This will not end well.
Breaking News: Biden taps Kerry to be Climate Czar. Great, Guy Smiley's back in town.
We're back to czars. I can't recall, did Trump nominate or create any czars, other than through his colluding with Putin?
Politicians come and go, but bureaucrats are like parasites. To make it worse, many are unionized, which is like making it illegal to put a flea collar on your dog.
Will this change? Sure, but you have to throw quite a few people in jail, limit terms, and make it a rule that all staffers go, when the politician leave, and they have term limits too.
Every Biden appointee is a return to rich leftists getting richer while ordinary Americans lose their shirts.
Dinner parties among the DC and NYC elites
"We've got ours and you don't. And btw, suckers, we've removed the upward mobility ladder."
Let us eat cake.
Trump was corrupt and an idiot. But getting rid of DC power brokers is a good idea.
One of these things is not like the other.
What Wendybar said.....
Ketchup sales in DC will take a hit?
Biden taps Kerry to be Climate Czar
Well why not since Kerry’s son in law, Chris Heinz -started that Rosemont Seneca Partners with Biden’s son Hunter.
This is Bastille provoking stuff. I hope it doesn’t come to that. But this is the kind of thing that makes it more likely. Add to this that all the shutdowns caused more corporate bankruptcies which is only increasing the concentration of wealth, because all the money is now snapping up the distressed assets in fire sales. I wonder if Governor Whitmer knows that. She helped increase the gap between the rich and the poor.
Is “special envoy for climate” another title for “bagman?’ So he puts the father of his son’s business partner into a made-up role reporting to the President? Nothing to see here. They can’t even wait until Jan 20 to start the sheering of the sheep.
Without Trump, the White House correspondents’ dinner — typically a night of mutual good will between the administration and the press that covers it — became an awkward defense of the First Amendment.
If it weren't for the humiliation and shame Trump suffered at the 2011 White House correspondents’ dinner, he would not be President. Revenge is a powerful motivator -- thanks a bunch Obama!
Inside the Night President Obama Took On Donald Trump.
WaPo dreams of the progressive days of liberal influence peddling, social justice adventurism (e.g. elective wars, elective coups, conflicts without borders) forcing catastrophic anthropogenic immigration reform (e.g. refugee crises), immigration reform in lieu of emigration reform, Green shifting/obfuscation, Obamacares and academic progressive prices, climate change quasi-science and risk analysis, diversity and exclusion, political congruence, selective-child, etc.
All the corrupt old swamp creatures are cheering that it's feeding time again. As Biden promised, we're heading for a very dark and miserable winter. A winter that will last for at least 4 years.
It would be so delicious if Pres. Trump pulls off his reelection victory. O, how all these vultures fly off weeping. All the announcements of pending nominations, poof!
Biden taps Kerry to be Climate Czar
The proposed Biden administration looks like the biggest collection of incompetents ever assembled. It is f*ckups all the way down.
Ironically, Trump may be one of the smartest, least corrupt presidents in several generations. All American: Pro-Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.
Oh, well. It's 16 trimesters of witch hunts, warlock trials, and protests. Here's to progress: one step forward, two steps backward.
Czar. Perfect.
As I noted in the other thread, Richard Grenell wants to move all the federal agencies out of DC and into different parts of the country. Drain that fetid swamp one agency at a time. We might even find that there are agencies that are no longer needed. ;-)
Use every dime of the money that would be spent for these events to go to food banks and rent assistance in this time of Covid.
"And isn't it kind of disgusting to be enthusing about gala socializing"
Why? The DC elite and deep state wants to stick it to us, good and hard. The people voted for it. They want it.
And who are you, abstainer, to suddenly feel disgust at the consequences of your abstention?
Make Schmoozing Great Again. Like Newsom eating at French Laundry with lobbyists while violating his own rules.
The folks who have gotten everything wrong the last 30 years are back.
It's almost quaint that there may be Biden voters who expected something different.
kerry has always been a traitor to american interests since vietnam, through central america and into the iraq war, so what's new there,
@Althouse, the original headline said “aristocracy” not “establishment.”
The Electoral Press has cast their votes. The audacity of the People and Posterity to deny their Choice is unprecedented and deplorable.
Chennaul said...
Biden taps Kerry to be Climate Czar
Well why not since Kerry’s son in law, Chris Heinz -started that Rosemont Seneca Partners with Biden’s son Hunter.
11/23/20, 12:25 PM
And the Democrats don't care. They voted for this.
Marshall Rose said...
They have no idea what is brewing.
Well, hey, I want to know what is brewing. What is brewing?
How do you explain this shit?
I wonder where Hillary is going to land in Biden's administration.
Gotta get the old grifting team rounded out.
"Chris Heinz -started that Rosemont Seneca Partners with Biden’s son Hunter.”
The two partners with the family names managed to stay out of prison.
Inga: "Use every dime of the money that would be spent for these events to go to food banks and rent assistance in this time of Covid."
Too funny.
Sorry Inga. There's still lots and lots of America that had yet to be sold off to the ChiComs and EU-ers before Trump came in and now you guys have elected the Champion Of Selling Off America.
They are going to go hog wild while throwing the borders wide open.
One can only imagine how many thousands more MS13 "spark of divinity" machete murderers and child traffickers will be coming over now.
And the ChiComs have already ramped up pressure on the Australians fir daring to go along with Trumps aggressive China containment policies.
In the Middle East we see the Israelis and Saudis already preparing for Biden and pals kicking more cash into the Iranian regimes nuclear weapons efforts with the help of Putins nuclear experts.
Oh yes indeed, its happy days are here again in Beijing, Tehran, Brussels and Moscow. I suspect the russkis will want something in return for all those millions laundered thru Hunter to "The Big Guy", and nuclear contracts with Iran, not to mention Putin finally getting his hands on the Syrian oil, will deliver outstanding ROI for the Hunter direct payments.
The folks who have gotten everything wrong the last 30 years are back.
Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.
H. L. Mencken
How long until the Progressives start claiming fraud and demanding a recount?
I never, ever want to hear another word about 'cleaning up Washington DC.' Ever.
We had a guy trying to do just that, and you leftist thugs fucked it up.
Thanks. Thanks a lot.
Roberts is hoping for an updated version of Kamalot, with all the glitz that a Harris Presidency will bring.
Chuck said...
Marshall Rose said...
They have no idea what is brewing.
Well, hey, I want to know what is brewing. What is brewing?
11/23/20, 12:55 PM
Just wait. It isn't going to end pretty.....
now i've come to the conclusion, perhaps not a new one, that the powers that be, had no understanding of what was going on in vietnam, but not the silly cliff notes version that ellsberg culled together, but they had little understanding of the enemy, this is as much true in our last round of expeditions into the sandbox, both the north west front and mesopotamia,
the latter comes from moyar, that describes what was actually going on in the months leading up to the diem coup and what happened afterward, old man harriman, erroneously pushed for the former, years later he bumbles in the negotiation, in the first interval,
Out: Speaking truth to power.
In: Sucking power's shvantz.
Oh and a good day to you too Drago with your LO LO LO LO LO LO LO, it always looks like you are saying lo lo lo instead of LOL.
“ChiComs”, lo lo lo lo lo lo lo
Trump was corrupt and an idiot. But getting rid of DC power brokers is a good idea.
For me comments like these are an equal mix of amusement and bemusement. Trump is corrupt? How exactly is he corrupt, by what standard, and compared to what? I'd argue that by traditional Deep State levels of corruption, Trumps a veritable choir boy.
With regards to any actual corruption with Trump, my suspicion is that the very worst he's most likely done is perhaps pay off some mob sorts to get his various hotels and casinos built. And even it that occurred, it's pretty much par for the course in the world of large commercial real estate. Other than that sort of thing though, after for years of digging by our betters in the MSM has their any actual real evidence that he or any member of his immediate family have ever taken a payout while he was in office? Anything real, mind you, not the the fevered fantasies of "collusion" with foreign governments that were manufactured whole cloth by crooked spies and FBI officiels.
And I'd argue that there's far, far more substantial evidence of corruption with the current would-be incoming administration.
But whatever. It seems like people are going to believe whatever they want to believe despite all the evidence to the contrary
"Roberts is hoping for an updated version of Kamalot, with all the glitz that a Harris Presidency will bring."
Oral sex is glitzy? Or can Kammy stop doing that, now that she's nearing the summit? Or climax, if you will.
Inga is getting into the swing of the new Biden times by pretending everything is cool with the ChiComs.
Since they are the biggeat financial backers of the Biden clan, this makes political sense.
Otherwise, you would have to ask why it is ChiCom Military leaders pumped $1.5 Billion into crackhead Hunter's "investment"/hedgefund.
And what fun would that be.
Even the Moscow Mayor's wife cant compete with that kind of cash, so she just gave what she could: $3.5 Million in cash directly to Hunter.
Hunter does very well for a guy with a crack and underage Chinese girl "habit".
No response from Inga should surprise anyone really. Not after she laughed off the parents of the 2 high school girls who were macheted to death by MS13ers.
Unfortunately for those 2 parents, it was Trump that drew attention to those cases so naturally those parents had to be attacked as well.
I've mentioned Secretary of State Initiative many times here. It pays big dividends for Mr Soros and his band of merry makers. Chew on this
I am starting to think that BLM and Antifa weren’t completely wrong.
Just a little misguided.
Hey y’all that giant building with Amazon on the side has a lot of really cool stuff in it. I think the next 4 years will be fun.
Where are the nasty antifa types -- the ones who accost R's leaving events and make them walk gauntlets of abuse with battery -- to protest these events with the Washington Power Whores? Are they all good with the WPWs?
"For me comments like these are an equal mix of amusement and bemusement. Trump is corrupt?"
This is obligatory if this commenter wants to reach any fellow WaPo reader: I'm one of you, don't worry, now you may read on.
It's like the climate modeler I know who introduced a paper by affirming that of course the scientific consensus on global warming is correct - then surgically cut into the sloppiness of some colleagues in the field who were putting out narrative-driven science, introduced by press release. Without the opening disclaimer, you're one of them and may be safely ignored.
How long do you think it will take for Biden to reaffirm the democraticals strategic policy to have the ChiComs control 99% of the US pharmaceutical supply chain again?
I give it 3 months.
Sorry Puerto Rico.
With Trump out you are once again "out", just as you were when obama crushed your tax exemptions and forced moving pharmaceutical production from PR to China.
No wonder so many Puerto Ricans joined with venezuelans and Cubanos in Florida to deliver an hispanic majority vote for Trump.
I know a bunch of newly retired and defunded local law enforcement is kinda bored right now.
You have a choice people. If you refuse to have honest elections and equal protection then we are going to follow the same set of laws that the Biden Family followed.
Minus the child rape. We will still kill pedophiles. Because.
Mr. Wibble said..
A couple of lawsuits and a contentious election aren't a threat to democracy. The population believing that the election was riddled with fraud due to incompetence and corruption by election officials is a threat to democracy. A political class which turns a blind eye to problems with the voting procedures is a threat to democracy. A political class which is more concerned with protecting themselves against outsiders and remaining congenial towards each other rather than advancing their side's interests and zealously guarding their powers and prerogatives is a threat to democracy.
100 rounds of 30-06 makes pretty much any city in the country lose electricity.
You really want more Trump, you bastards? This is exactly how to beg for more. Assholes.
It sure is nice having a presumed president-elect whose son is in a video on the internet taken from his own laptop abusing his granddaughter.
That’s really high toned. Of course his son took his dead son’s wife as a lover to get to the girl. It’s either "unconditional love” or Joe Biden is a sociopath.
Democracy Dies in Darkness!
I don't. How do I prevent it?
Blogger Inga said...
Use every dime of the money that would be spent for these events to go to food banks and rent assistance in this time of Covid.
This is how stupid you have to be to vote for Democrats.
WaPO: Democracy Dies in Darkness!
It's not a warning, but rather a Choice, a threat. Tear down the walls!
Blogger Just an old country lawyer said...
You really want more Trump, you bastards? This is exactly how to beg for more. Assholes.
Pretty soon there will be paeans to Trump and how reasonable he was.
Trump is Georges Danton.
Jim at said...
I never, ever want to hear another word about 'cleaning up Washington DC.' Ever.
We had a guy trying to do just that, and you leftist thugs fucked it up.
Thanks. Thanks a lot.
Don’t be angry about where the waves are going. Ride them happily. Those BLM folks are going to enjoy looting Amazon warehouses.
For those outside the beltway, "the Washingtonian" referred to in the second comment is a glossy high end monthly periodical that is aimed at the rich and powerful (and rich and powerful wannabes) inside the beltway.
I see no point in engaging Chuck or Inga. Why don't you guys just ignore them, so they will go away and be replaced by honest and moderately intelligent lefties?
Althouse made a good decision to ban them a while back.
The Ruling Class loves fine entertainment. They especially love it when the rube taxpayers (who will never, ever be invited to any of these functions) have to pay for their good times. Who do you think pays for those state dinners and government subsidized entertainment venues?
I thought moving Cabinet depts and employees to other parts of the county would be good too. But where should we put these generally Dem voters? How about central Illinois; West Virginia, eastern Washington state, Central Valley of Calif? Places where the added Dem voters would not affect the outcome of the election of the president or Senators.
Blogger Biff said...
It's almost quaint that there may be Biden voters who expected something different.
They know nothing. They are like Inga, devoted followers of the Russia Hoax, the Climate catastrophe, the Ukraine scam, Communist China is our best friend after Iran.
Black is white, up is down, left is right, 2+2 =5
D-con canapes and L'abbaye de monte-à-regret : (The Abbey of the Reluctant Climb),would be appropriate.
"tim in vermont said... It sure is nice having a presumed president-elect whose son is in a video on the internet taken from his own laptop abusing his granddaughter."
But I've been assured that Biden is the boring, decent human being choice for POTUS.
I'm Full of Soup said...
I thought moving Cabinet depts and employees to other parts of the county would be good too. But where should we put these generally Dem voters? How about central Illinois; West Virginia, eastern Washington state, Central Valley of Calif? Places where the added Dem voters would not affect the outcome of the election of the president or Senators.
Nome, Alaska.
The WaPo readers are such rubes. While they understand the writer is talking about how great things will be in Washington while the rest of the country suffers; they still blame Trump. The WaPo reader still can't see that it is the Democrats enjoying the canapes and social scene, while they demand small business's shutdown. The only thing that will change when Trump is gone, is the media, particularly WaPo, will be telling their patrons how they can freely enjoy the country now, except for wearing a mask and only going out when essential.
And isn't it kind of disgusting to be enthusing about gala socializing when We the People are told we can't even do a humble Thanksgiving dinner with our deplorable relatives?
Well said. There's a longing to have Washington DC be the kind of imperial capital it was back in the Kennedy years, but we aren't the world hegemon we were in past years. There's also a nostalgia for the old apostolic succession: people who came to Washington with Wilson had students and proteges who came to Washington with Roosevelt and they had students and proteges who came to Washington with Kennedy. Things got messed up with Jimmy Carter and barely put back on track with Clinton and Obama, but now all systems are go. Republicans had something similar going on, but they were more businesslike and didn't make a display of how much they loved being back in the capital and its social whirl.
Chuck: "I don't want to wait! You seem to be rather certain about what is going to happen. "
Interesting. In an earlier thread, you "promised" that Trump's case going to the 3rd Circuit Court would be "hammer time", meaning very bad for Trump.
You don't just seem "rather certain". You seem absolutely 100% certain of how the 3rd Circuit will rule. That's kind of amazing. Almost like you know the fix is in.
I like to hit the rock pipe now and again but even I am coherent enough to realize that nobody gives a dead rat's ass about 'galas' where one might have the opportunity to meat the Deputy Chief of Staff at the Dept. of Homeland Security.
For chrissakes, if we don’t know what the self-appointed arbiter mooks on the eastern seaboard think we never will. What does the rest of the USA think?
The solid inability to read Trump is amazing. It started with the opposition writing Trump and then internalizing it, I think.
The narrative ruled.
I don't know about most people but I am not longing for a traditional family gathering. As a rhetorical ploy it may not work as well as hoped.
Kerry?!?! Don’t you know who he is?
Traditional family gatherings is what you get with women in charge.
No moving them out of DC. I want the ChiComs and Russkies to have one target.
That's what's important. Schmoozing.
And isn't it kind of disgusting to be enthusing about gala socializing when We the People are told we can't even do a humble Thanksgiving dinner with our deplorable relatives?
Thanksgiving? We’re going to have a combo In Remembrance of John Lewis and Peaceful Protest.
Make America Great Again
Make Schmoozing Great Again.
Maga to MaShGa
Is that supposed to be an upgrade?
(!) This statement that Joe BIden will raise the tone in Washington is disputed.
DC and Hollywood are Hunger Game elite party central.
every dime of that money should go into Kerry-Biden-Pelosi-Clinton family coffers and certainly free crack & crack hos for Hunter.
Dominion Engineer Told Antifa He'd 'Made Sure' Trump Wouldn't Win, Report Says
Obscure news that should not be so obscure
I'm moving from disgust to highly entertained. I do believe that the election was stolen, and that has hurt me deeply as a lover of this country, but if they get away with it, I'm starting to see how incredibly foolish they will make people look who voted for Biden. That's not the ideal outcome, but it's gonna be some sweet lemonade, and it is coming by the barrel up ahead.
Kerry is back? That's hilarious. That's just got to make the day for Antifa and the squad. They love rich old white guys running things. Suckers gotta suck.
Just make sure your gala wraps up by 2 in the afternoon to get it in under the lid.
"I do believe that the election was stolen, and that has hurt me deeply as a lover of this country..."
The election is in the process of being stolen. It's not stolen yet. I have no idea how to stop them, but Sydney Powell says she does. She seems to have done a pretty god job for Michael Flynn.
I'm with her.
Without Trump the Democrats don't really know what to do. They never had a plan past beating him, so they just go back to the old bullshit that got them Trump in the first place. In four years they will be hated with a vengeance, and not just by those who hate them now. I'm starting to see incredible opportunities ahead, and the Dems won't be able to stop themselves from providing them to conservatives. They have no idea how to lead. They're locked in endless loops of progressive neurosis that's like a flesh eating infection. If we can just get back to being a democracy, they cannot win. Either way they will be run out on a rail - violently if needed, and probably by their own "base".
Maybe they can book a gala party at the Trump Hotel in DC?
Dominion Engineer Told Antifa He'd 'Made Sure' Trump Wouldn't Win, Report Says
Obscure news that should not be so obscure
For sure! This is Yuuge if it's not buried.
wasnt it "aristocracy" before being swapped out with "establishment" ?
Who woulda thunk gas prices would go up this quick?
Putin is already benefitting from the chance of a Biden presidency.
WHISTLEBLOWERS: Biden Implicated In Dominion Voting Scam Connected To Serbia
The FBI Covered Up This Information
bagoh20 said...
Without Trump the Democrats don't really know what to do. They never had a plan past beating him, so they just go back to the old bullshit that got them Trump in the first place. In four years they will be hated with a vengeance, and not just by those who hate them now. I'm starting to see incredible opportunities ahead, and the Dems won't be able to stop themselves from providing them to conservatives. They have no idea how to lead. They're locked in endless loops of progressive neurosis that's like a flesh eating infection. If we can just get back to being a democracy, they cannot win. Either way they will be run out on a rail - violently if needed, and probably by their own "base".
But if the Dems can rig every election, none of what you say will matter. They won't even need their base---they'll just replace them with bogus votes.
Good and hard, folks. Good and hard.
"But if the Dems can rig every election, none of what you say will matter. They won't even need their base---they'll just replace them with bogus votes."
Seriously. And I wonder how far we're already down that road. If the Republican vote was 90% right now, I don't think we'd have any way to know it under the present vote systems. "If it's not close they can't cheat" was never accurate, and it's absurd now.
Hey now, Kerry's kid was in the Burisma Boy's Club. He prolly knows lots about Czars. Prolly knows lots of their phone numbers too. Don't forget, Washington D.C. is the drunkest city in the U.S.A. You see, Yale degrees pay big dividends. If your daddy is a wheel, you can make boom boom long time.
I lived in the Washington metropolitan area for over forty-five years; those Washington, DC, bureaucrats and Deep Staters were my neighbors. Let me put it this way, if sanctimony could power a generator then Washington could power the whole country with megawatts left over to sell power to Mexico and Canada. These people have a totally inflated idea of the value of their policies and the irreplaceability of themselves. They can’t be fired — it’s absolutely true that the Civil Service Commission refused to let the government fire an employee merely for murdering his boss. And once an office becomes a line item in a budget, it’s nearly impossible to eliminate that office. Do we still need that office. Never mind! Can’t be done. Dick Nixon tried to abolish the National Tea Taster Board circa 1970. It was finally abolished in 1996.
Yet another conspiracy theory, this and the huge news that George Soros was arrested for election interference!
Is there no conspiracy theory that Trumpists won’t glom onto? And now a trifecta, “WHISTLEBLOWERS: Biden Implicated In Dominion Voting Scam Connected To Serbia The FBI Covered Up This Information”. Just you wait until they really release the kraken.
Blogger Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...
wasnt it "aristocracy" before being swapped out with "establishment" ?
I doubt if the US can be governed effectively as an oligarchy. Americans ain't Ukrainians.
bagoh20 said...
I'm moving from disgust to highly entertained. I do believe that the election was stolen, and that has hurt me deeply as a lover of this country, but if they get away with it, I'm starting to see how incredibly foolish they will make people look who voted for Biden. That's not the ideal outcome, but it's gonna be some sweet lemonade, and it is coming by the barrel up ahead.
Kerry is back? That's hilarious. That's just got to make the day for Antifa and the squad. They love rich old white guys running things. Suckers gotta suck.
I am starting to warm up to this more and more.
Those Antifa kids just need some guidance. I am willing to bet BLM will come around with a little training and some hints about how to take down The Man. They have been misled and mistreated. Now that democrats are in power they will be cast off like yesterdays socks. They will be as unemployed as all of those LEO's that are getting defunded.
Since Jeff Bezos is the man at the top let us start with him.
I wonder if Mr. Bezos knows how exposed his empire is?
Ah yes just look at the A Team of swamp people hired and fired in his endless ego temper tantrum, give me a break, for example Janet Yellen will be outstanding watch and see.
wholelottasplainin' said...
But if the Dems can rig every election, none of what you say will matter. They won't even need their base---they'll just replace them with bogus votes.
You are missing the bigger picture here.
The elections only matter because everyone believes they are relatively fair and we all play by agreed to rules. Just like everything else in this country they exist by popular sufferance.
But at this point a clear majority of people think the elections are complete garbage. You only have a few room temperature IQ bitter clingers like Inga who are surprised that the Biden Administration is just putting all of their corporate cronies into power still clinging to the notion that 80 million people voted for Biden.
Nobody believes anymore. The magic is gone. You think antifa/blm will go away quietly for Joe like the anti-war movement did for Obama? The democrats made promises they cannot keep. Who is going to stop them when Trump supporters start joining the fun too?
It takes 5 or 6 rural roadblocks and a city like Denver gets no food shipments.
This only ends with the aristocracy on it's knees.
The democrat party elite are evil and corrupt.
New Green Deal = how to crush ordinary Americans and fill connected D pockets.
'They have no idea how to lead. They're locked in endless loops of progressive neurosis that's like a flesh eating infection. If we can just get back to being a democracy, they cannot win. Either way they will be run out on a rail - violently if needed, and probably by their own "base".'
Yeah, that's sort of how it worked out in Russia. Took a while, though. I think we need to put some more work into the "get back to being a democracy" part. Now. Before it's too late.
Democrats really are the party of "the brain is not for thinking". See Chuck for further evidence, albeit unintentional.
"Dominion Voting Systems Shares Floor Space With Soros Group, Partnered With Soros’ Friend"
Nothing to see here.
"This is a worldwide fraud, and Powell believes that "elected" governments around the world, not just in America, are in a panic that they're going to be proven to have attained their offices through fraud — and our three-letter agencies may have been involved both abroad and domestically"
What? CIA use software backdoors to interfere in a foreign election? Who can believe this nonsense! Igna? Come defend the CIA from these outrageous allegations!
The best part of Ann's crackdown on open commenting was - No Inga.
Qwinn said...
"Chuck: "I don't want to wait! You seem to be rather certain about what is going to happen. "
Interesting. In an earlier thread, you "promised" that Trump's case going to the 3rd Circuit Court would be "hammer time", meaning very bad for Trump.
You don't just seem "rather certain". You seem absolutely 100% certain of how the 3rd Circuit will rule. That's kind of amazing. Almost like you know the fix is in."
Of course the fix is in. Chuck the c#*t is a democrat political operative. He gets paid to make sure the fix stays in. He would peg his own mother with a razor sharp dildo if it meant he could humiliate Trump. In all likelyhood Chuck the c#*t helped commit vote fraud.
Jo Biden (and John Kerry!!) say that they are "going to fix international relations"
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu secretly met Saudi Arabia’s crown prince in the kingdom on Sunday, according to three Saudi government advisers, in their first known meeting and amid a U.S. push to normalize ties between the longtime foes.
but, Don't Worry! THE FIX IS IN!!!
President Snow 2020.
Powell should continue doing what she is doing but the entire Trump team should be focused on nothing but the categories of votes received outside of State Legislature defined requirements, matching signatures on mail in votes ***This is where you want to go because the democraticals and LLR-democraticals are fighting so hard against it in the 6 important states***, the astonishing changes in mail in vote rejection rates in key precincts and counties (in some cases 15 to 20% rejection rates in previous elections dropped to near an election where mail in voting increased exponentially).
Remember, for mail in votes, there does not even have to be an intent to do something wrong for a mail in vote to be discarded for failing to adhere to requirements.
Recall 2000 when the Gore Team got very busy setting up to reject overseas military ballots for every reason you can imagine, not least of which is timely postmarks, signature matching, etc.
Recall also that none other than Barack Obama won his first senate seat by getting opponents tossed out on the basis of......(wait for it....wait for it.....)...non-matching signatures!!
Further, the clear evidence that in many of the key vote tabulating centers in the critical states, such as Atlanta, republican vote watchers were told to go home and then, voila!, vote tabulation continued without them.
You don't have to show systemic fraud. You only have to show electoral controls failure at a scale greater than current vote differentials in the key states.
This Dominion stuff is interesting and should be checked out longer term, but it should not in any way interfere with the immediate work in the areas I listed above.
As you can tell by the media coverage, the entire media has shifted to conflation of the Dominion story with the clear evidence of shenanigans at the local levels using all the same old methods used in the past, just bigger with expanded and non-controlled mail in voting.
Jimmy Carter was right in 2005 and French and British were correct previously also: mail in voting is absolutely perfect for committing fraud.....if you get rid of all the matching/checking/verifying procedures.
Which the democrats spent the last year fighting to do and mostly succeeding.
Lewis Wetzel said...
Blogger Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...
wasnt it "aristocracy" before being swapped out with "establishment" ?
I doubt if the US can be governed effectively as an oligarchy. Americans ain't Ukrainians.
Washington Post Quietly Changes Headline Suggesting ‘Aristocracy’ Has High Hopes for Biden
I thought I was as cynical about politics as it’s possible to be, but literally nothing has shocked me as much as the transparent desire of Democrats and NeverTrumpers to return to a lost era of post-WWII temporary American wealth and prestige, and the decadence of empty symbolic gestures that accompany it. Actually, I’m wrong. Empty symbolic gestures if you’re lucky (the Paris climate accord); active evil if you’re not (the Iran nuclear deal, takeovers of 1/6 of the economy; violations of the 1st amendment in the name of nationalized healthcare and/or weaponized empathy).
Some states are drifting into a mail in ballot system that would allow AI generated personalities to vote legitimately. Just like mining bitcoin. One could CPU mine an electorate.
When will Alexa starting measuring background noise to evaluate the number of people in a house? And report a climate change violation to the John Kerry task force for a better safer kinder world?
Or siri shares GPS info with other siris in a government declared emergency to limit gatherings?
Who has more botox / facelift? - Nancy Or John Kerry?
@ BidenFamilyTaxPayerFundedCrackPipe said...
Who has more botox / facelift? - Nancy Or John Kerry?
frequency, or amount?
... Lurch has twice the [long] face that Nanzi has
Mr. Wibble admits: That's sort of where I am: it's going to suck, but it's going to be fun watching the left turn on each other. And they will turn on each other.
Yep, it will definitely be a 'make a bowl of popcorn' time. They'll find out just how uncooperative a populace can be. :-)
I hope they televise the Correspondent's Dinner. My own life is bereft of glamour and significance, but you can pick up some by proxy if you watch events like this and the Academy Awards. I hope the correspondent's invite some of their Hollywood pals to the gala. Those Hollywood people really know how to wear tuxes and fancy gowns with ease. They're such a pleasure to look at. Perhaps some hip young comedian can give President Biden some friendly ribbing. Maybe a joke about riding half fare on Air Force One. Nothing too extreme. You wouldn't want to ruin the beauty of the moment. Perhaps the correspondents can give each other a few awards.....I remember some aristocrat pointed out that one of the few pleasures in the life of the poor was standing outside the palace and watching the beautiful people step out of their carriages. What with with television, we're much more fortunate than those poor peasants. We can sit at home and watch these things on television. There never was a better time for peasants to watch the important and the glamorous show us how much fun life can be.
Boring is good if it is the result of competence. It might not be good if it’s just the same old corruption settling back in.
Lurch's facelift makes him look like he was buried and dug up, pumped with fluids and given his orders.
Look what the creepy anti-free speech terrorist-left are doing to destroy our nation and to our legal system.
total destruction.
Harassment, doxing and worse. The left are Nazi.
Inside the creepy leftwing NYT.
It is a strange place, indeed, where news reporters can editorialize but op-ed editorials cannot.
The Aristocrats!
wasnt it "aristocracy" before being swapped out with "establishment" ?
You know, if they'd have just left it up, they could say "that's not the way we meant it" if anybody questioned it. By taking it down, they admitted "that's the way they meant it".
"that's the way WE meant it", I meant.
“The best part of Ann's crackdown on open commenting was - No Inga.”
Ann Althouse didn’t prevent me from commenting. I chose not to comment because the nuttiness level was off the charts and frankly I was sick to death of you loons.
Roberts is hoping for an updated version of Kamalot, with all the glitz that a Harris Presidency will bring.
Roberts is gay, and the democrats are blackmailing him.
Quayle said...
This is Bastille provoking stuff.
Yep. And if Biden gets to steal the election, there will be a LOT of populists willing to drop in on those parties, to register their disapproval.
roesch/voltaire said...
Ah yes just look at the A Team of swamp people hired and fired
Ah, it's the always stupid R/V
Trump fires people who suck. Which makes him completely different than the norm for the swamp creatures, and is why they hate him so
Inga: "Ann Althouse didn’t prevent me from commenting."
Inga, like LLR-lefty Chuck was banned for being a psychotic poster who, naturally, went Full Chuck and called Althouse the sorts of names that pretty much guarantee having the Ban Hammer hit you.
Inga now, interestingly like LLR-lefty Chuck, is attempting to rewrite history. Again. In the same way that she now claims she has no idea what anyone is talking about who recalls her 5 straight years of daily conspiracy mongering.
Could be gaslighting, could be stupidity. Could also be something more psychological at work.
You be the judge.
Climate Czar John Kerry? Perfect choice … Jaques Heinz-Kerrie is already on his way to Paris looking for the Accord meeting, apology speech in hand.
Czar’s Virus Warning: Kerry’s alarming and dangerous AlGore 2.0 ideas will infect many shortly; I’m aleady feeling a little queasy. Time to focus on developing a vaccine for the newest Czar’s Virus emanating from Washington DC and environs.
It must be purely "coincidental" that the biggest conspiracy theorist at Althouse for 5+ years, Inga, who was banned, now positions herself as the Chief Anti-conspiracy Watchdog....
....while simultaneously, LLR-lefty Chuck, who was also banned and in part for refusing to be moderated, now positions himself as the Chief Pro-Moderation Watchdog.
Yes remember when they put a stalker next to her house, who spread lies, when her husband and her daughter was attacked at home during a birthday party, and the presz outright lied about it, as ahe was goving a speech for veterans in texas at the time. Also her church was burnt down and she was hung in effigy in west hollywood, pepperidge farm remembers
Dried-up though not necessarily dried-out Washington Post Style writer Roxanne Roberts peered across the landscape, and belched thusly:
"Back to normal will mean more state dinners, a prestigious and glamorous way of reestablishing global ties. And it means that Washington events traditionally attended by the president and first lady for the better part of five decades — the Honors, the Alfalfa dinner, the Gridiron, Ford’s Theatre gala and the correspondents’ dinner — will likely return to their former glory."
Oh, good. Our social betters will enjoy their limo rides to The Nerd Prom once again.
Roxanne, you don't have to put on the red light, though such thoughts expressed as words are emblematic of The Beltway Mentality and lifestyle. Congratulations, you have won the Freddy Mercury Killer Queen Award: "'Let them eat cake,' she said, just like Marie Antoinette."
Pelosi's ice cream freezer approves.
And I say, it's just the WaPoo WaPooping.
Prior to Trump announcing his run for presidency, he was a guest at many of those parties and galas. Hillary and Bill attended his wedding. Chuck Schumer and a number of other politicians could count on a sizable campaign contribution from Trump for years.
Ironically, Obama's lack of presidential decorum in openly mocking Trump at one of those galas may have been a reason for Trump running and ultimately winning - only to get criticized for a lack of presidential decorum by the same people who laughed at Obama's.
Paul Snively @7:14 PM/
"I thought I was as cynical about politics as it's possible to be, but..."
H/T: Listen to that great political philosopher Lilly Tomlin:
"I TRY to be cynical but I can't keep up"
Trump was corrupt? How? That's a charge I have often read, but usually it comes from the stupidest people on the internet, so it's difficult to take seriously, but I'm curious as to details. Was it a form of corruption better or worse than the corruption of "liberal" and "progressive" politicians--i.e.,bribing the electorate before the fact? (That is, "You vote for me, and I'll plunder your neighbor and split the loot with you.")
Bilwick asks how Trump was corrupt. This is an excellent question.
We've just elected a man whose loser son took $1.5 billion from the government-owned Bank of China for an "investment fund." A man whose son's dealings whose dealings in Ukraine had to be covered up so as to allow a Ukraine-based impeachment of "corrupt" Trump and who got a $3.5 million wire transfer from the wife of the former (and almost certainly corrupt) mayor of Moscow. A man whose brother was dabbling profitably in Central America and got first looks at federal funded construction projects when actual experienced contractors went to the back of the line.
Are we allowed to call Joe Biden corrupt now? I suspect not on Facebook or Twitter.
Inga: "Ann Althouse didn’t prevent me from commenting."
You're the mark. or in this case the comic relief.
I've often asked that question of different leftists and have never gotten a specific example. There is the ,"Well he's guilty of money laundering." with no specific examples. "He's a tax cheat." this from people who have their 1040 EZ filled out for them. I think he's the least corrupt politician we've seen , well, in my lifetime anyway.
The response from others?
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