November 5, 2020

Biden asks everyone to "stay calm." Trump sounds the alarm —  they're stealing the election!


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Stay calm while my peeps steal it for me." "be patient"

doctrev said...

Well, I'm sure the Gestapo would love everyone to remain calm during a fascist takeover. The problem Joe Biden has is that even his own supporters regard him as a puppet. Even if he was as universally loved amongst his base as President Donald Trump is in the GOP, neither man would be able to "calm" the other side with mere words.

And because the facts of the matter indicate fraud that would instantly be enough to fold a large corporation, the GOP base is white-hot pissed. In a way, this is really the best outcome for Donald Trump, but not for the reasons offered by the cuck media. If he wants to purge Epstein types and Antifa leaders- but I repeat myself- having tens of millions of citizens ready to murder Rat leaders is far more valuable than just being re-elected. There's no force on Earth which could stand up to that short of the American military, and they're not getting involved just on Biden's say-so.

Greg Hlatky said...

Well, guess what? They're stealing the election.

D. said...

I'm going with "stay calm but they're stealing the presidential election":


"Democrats went into this election with 39 legislative chambers, 19 statehouses and 15 trifectas. The GOP boasted 59 legislative chambers, 29 statehouses and 21 trifectas. Democrats aimed to flip the legislatures in North Carolina and Arizona and chambers in Texas, Florida, Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania and Iowa.

They came up short everywhere. Democrats didn’t pick up a single new chamber or governorship while Republicans won two more trifectas in Montana and New Hampshire by flipping the governorship in the former and both legislative chambers in the latter. Oh, and Republicans expanded legislative majorities in Florida and North Carolina."

MayBee said...

I'm not really on board with Trump's last press conference.

But this process does not create confidence. PA fighting observers doesn't create confidence. States just stopping voting on voting night doesn't inspire confidence. The drip drip drip of data--- knowing what votes will produce what outcome-- doesn't produce confidence.

The Dems screwed up the reporting of their primaries, and exported it to our national election. They've created a clown show. I think that's worth noticing.

Peglegged Picador said...

Will y'all please settle down and let them count ballots? If you're for law and order, then you support the notion of state's following the processes laid out in their laws. What Trump is doing is one of the most concerning instances of federal overreach I've seen in my life.

I'm Full of Soup said...

The pandemic gave Dem states a golden opportunity to flood their states with ballots ripe for fraud. In Wisconsin, it would not have taken a lot of people to solicit blank ballots, fill them in and mail in with Biden checked off. It would only be about 1/2 of 1 percent of the 3.6 million registered voters which is about 20,000 ballots.

MayBee said...

If you could cheat for your guy and get away with it, would you do it?

buwaya said...

Well, he's right. They're stealing the election.
Another, large, step to your cataclysm.

boatbuilder said...

He is running on fumes, but getting it out there. Not sending flacks out for him.

And everything he said is true.

And the bastards in the press--"Are you being a sore loser?" "Kayliegh are you a press secretary or a Trump advisor?"

Peglegged Picador said...

(Or maybe I mean misuse of Presidential power).

buwaya said...

BTW, Youtube cut off Bannons show, and Twitter banned Bannon.

You do NOT have a normal country at this point.

iowan2 said...

All I require is an accurate almost instant number of votes cast. I cant get that.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Female Antifa Scumbag Charge With Spitting in a Cop's Face
Shockingly, She Turns Out to Have Been an Intern for Senior House Jerry Nadler 2018-2019

Biden voter.

Phil 314 said...

He doesn't look good when he "stream of conscious" whines. State your case, declare your firm resolve and move on. Trump at his worst.

chuck said...

Good on Trump. Democrats have been running voting scams for ages, everyone knows it, and it is about time it gets looked into.

WK said...

Too many “results” seem unusual and have only moved in one direction. I don’t see many republican congress or state folks coming to support Trump. They are leaving him on his own. Biden will be “declared” the winner. Trump should clean house, declassify that which has been hidden away. And spend what remaining money he has starting the Trump News Network. Streaming on your favorite device.

Birkel said...

Biden got more votes than Obama (in either of his elections) in Milwaukee, Detroit, Philly, and Atlanta.

And I have a bridge to sell you.

If there were a violent uprising against Democraticals I do not believe it would be hard to convince me it was a just war.

steve uhr said...

So if it’s so easy why didn’t the dems steal the election four years ago?

wild chicken said...

Every time I see a states ballot envelopes on tv, they look like ours. These systems are a lot like montana's and bogus ballots should to get past signature verification.

Eventually the lawyers will have to sit down with the election admins and a projector and look at a few hundred signatures one by one. Were the verifiers tough, or easy?

There is no alternative.

MalaiseLongue said...

I live among progressives whose failure of political imagination leaves them sometimes thinking they are living in Hitler's Germany, sometimes thinking they are living in Bull Connor's Alabama, and always certain they would recognize a coup if it took place in their own country.

gilbar said...

you Know who tells you to remain calm, and go back to sleep?

rehajm said...

Legal challenges have always been a part of our electoral process. There are irregularities that should be investigated and fortunately there are avenues to so. So just relax...

Gore and the Democrats have Never (never) accepted the outcome of the 2000 election. Nobody's that far off the deep end yet. So just relax...

Just relax...

Birkel said...

Peglegged Picador doesn't understand the "law" part when shim typed "law and order".

And the order part escapes shim too.

Big Mike said...

The thing that infuriates me is that the election theft is both blatant and in-your-face. If you're going to call this a wild accusation, Althouse, I'm going to call you incorrigibly gullible.

buwaya said...

A corrupt state such as PA does not need to follow its own laws, if there is no other power to enforce these laws. And their malfeasance has national consequences. A distinct weakness in the American system. You have several corrupt states, or uncontrollable authorities in some of them.

Breezy said...

In any sport, when one side is caught cheating and it’s proved, they must forfeit the game. Any proven fraud that would change an election outcome must have the same result - all votes for that side all nullified for that voter region. End of voter fraud.

It’s disgusting that we are being put through this due to actions of a bunch of nobodies. Let them be roasted by their own.

rehajm said...

Media Russian collusion hoaxers peddled those lies for four years. They can indulge a few weeks of legal challenges...

Jersey Fled said...

If you're for law and order, then you support the notion of state's following the processes laid out in their laws

But they are not following the laws in PA. The legislators passed revisions to their voting rules two or three months ago which the governor signed into law. The state Supreme Court illegally imposed its own rules superseding the new law, not because it was unconstitutional, but for "practical" reasons having to do with the virus. They had no right to do this. These are the rules that are currently being followed.

The U.S. Supreme Court chose not to review these newly imposed rules for reasons too involved to discuss here. The Supreme Court did not affirm the rules. They just did not rule on them, leaving open to review them later. A new request is before the US Supreme Court now.

So the bottom line is that PA is following rules not approved by the Legislator and signed into law by the Governor, but impose, likely illegally by the State Supreme Court.

It should also be noted that in PA Supreme Court justices are elected and are all Democrats.

Roughcoat said...


Why are you telling us these things? What is your motivation?

Sally327 said...

Exhortations to remain calm need to be treated with the same disdain as calls for civility.

Skeptical Voter said...

Dov Fischer at American Spectator says that there were ~3.6 million registered voters in Wisconsin. 3.3 million votes were cast in Wisconsin in this election. A 90% voter turnout in a Presidential election? Are you freakin' kidding me?

As I understand the typical voter turnout in a Presidential election is less than 60%. I see ballots equal to 90 percent of the registered voters on a state wide basis and I smell hot stale overripe Limburger--and it's not cheese.

Of course that's not as bad as say Chicago or Detroit where the boys frequently overcook it and more ballots are cast than there are registered voters. But in Wisconin, it comes close.

h said...

Here's where the bias of the media comes into play. I don't even watch/read sources to find out where the Presidential race lies. In a week or so, there will be "official results" and there will (probably) be legal contentions with those "official results" and then there will be court decisions on those legal contentions. But anything the mainstream media (or even the non-mainstream media) says is now just Rah-rah hopefulness, not news.

Mark said...

Not one Republican is going to bat for Trump, they're letting him swirl down the drain and he knows it.

MeMySelf said...

Biden can kiss my big white ass.

Roughcoat said...

BTW, Steve Bannon's War Room is available on YouTube. The next live broadcast is scheduled for tomorrow at 9:55 AM.

Previous podcasts avaiable at:

I'm Not Sure said...

"Legal challenges have always been a part of our electoral process. There are irregularities that should be investigated and fortunately there are avenues to so."

You'd think the Democrats would be happy to comply with any challenges so as to demonstrate that everything has been done according to established rules. Right? I mean- if they haven't done anything wrong, they've got nothing to be afraid of. Right?

Jersey Fled said...

Seems to me that buwaya is simply making a statement of fact.

Michael K said...

Blogger steve uhr said...
So if it’s so easy why didn’t the dems steal the election four years ago?

Overconfidence you idiot. Same reason why Hillary did not go to Wisconsin. They have been planning this heist for over a year. Biden even let the cat out of the bag.

"Greatest vote fraud project in political history."

Birkel said...

He is saying the things that are true and uncomfortable.
What is wrong with saying true things?

I'm Full of Soup said...

MayBee: no I would not cheat.

effinayright said...

Peglegged Picador said...
Will y'all please settle down and let them count ballots? If you're for law and order, then you support the notion of state's following the processes laid out in their laws. What Trump is doing is one of the most concerning instances of federal overreach I've seen in my life.

Yeah, that's right: states can change their election laws right up to the election itself, and it's OK. Ballots submitted after election day? Fine. Mismatched addresses? Bogus signatures? Ballot harvesting? Fine. Newly discovered batches of ballots, ALWAYS favoring the Dems? Fine.

Nothing to see here, move along.


boatbuilder said...

"I live among progressives whose failure of political imagination leaves them sometimes thinking they are living in Hitler's Germany, sometimes thinking they are living in Bull Connor's Alabama, and always certain they would recognize a coup if it took place in their own country."

I live in CT. The same people who believe that Trump is governing as Hitler and Bull Connor and ruining their lives, simultaneously believe that our state government and our Governor (Ned Lamont, fer crissake) are absolutely wonderful and are making sure that everything works fine and nothing bad happens.

I suppose they would argue that I believe the opposite, which is sort of true, except that I believe that Trump's leadership and policies are benefitting this state in spite of its political and fiscal suicide cult.

Birkel said...

The sheriff who is charged by the court to enforce the laws in Philly, following an adverse judgment for Democraticals, has refused to enforce the court order.

He has pulled an Andrew Jackson and asked the court how many divisions they have, effectively.

That is not normal.

Qwinn said...

Mark: Untrue. Ted Cruz is strongly behind Trump. Was just on Hannity.. Cruz is pissed.

Mark said...

Skeptical voter, this has been covered all day in WI papers.

"WI turnout right now is 3.2M+.
That is 72%+ of the state’s 4.5M+ voting-age adults.
That’s high, but it’s not even a record.
2004: 73.2
2008: 69.2
2012: 70.1
2016: 67.3"

Keep throwing spaghetti at the wall, maybe something will stick if you throw enough pieces ... or not.

Birkel said...

Mark thinks the corruption of Republicans - obvious to all who care to look - is evidence that Trump is an outsider in DC?

Yes, Mark.
That is why he won more live, human votes.
We are Americans, not serfs.

boatbuilder said...

steve uhr said...
So if it’s so easy why didn’t the dems steal the election four years ago?

Because they thought they had it in the bag.

Same reason they are now having to scramble to try and come up with the "votes" now. They thought they had enough. They were wrong.

Mark said...

Yes, buwaya, we do not have a normal county. And Steve Bannon is a perfect example.

No one on the right is calling him out for calling for Fauci's head on a pike outside the White House.

Of course Twitter tossed him for repeat violations. Just wait until Trump is out of office and they decide to throw his ass to the curb too. Without being able to borrow their megaphone, he won't be heard.

He was a useful idiot, helpful for keeping their business afloat.

Big Mike said...

So if it’s so easy why didn’t the dems steal the election four years ago?

@steve uhr, because everyone expected Hillary Clinton to win handily, obviously! This time around the Democrats knew that Joe Biden was going to lose in the absence of election fraud at a massive level, and probably even which states where he was going to lose. Now how about you go back to defaming high school kids from Kentucky?

Kevin said...

Did Biden ask everyone to follow the law and be completely transparent?

Of not, why not?

doctrev said...

steve uhr said...
So if it’s so easy why didn’t the dems steal the election four years ago?

11/5/20, 7:57 PM

I'll field this one. They would have, if you remember the election dragging on into the next morning, but they weren't ready for the level of fraud it would take. Put simply, they did not have the resources to forge ballots that they didn't think they'd need on short notice.

This time they're STILL clumsy and stupid, but complete information control means most people remain ignorant of what's happening. And they've had time to plan. I'm sure if RBG was still alive, as opposed to being in hell, the Supreme Court would firmly put a stop to any Trump "reactions." And that would be that.

buster said...

Everything that buwaya said.

Qwinn said...

Newt Gingrich may be even more pissed than Ted Cruz. Wow. He's calling it obvious, blatant corruption, and he's incredibly passed that we're expected to timidly accept the fraud.

He's calling for any votes in any precincts where observers were denied entry to be thrown out as inherently corrupted.

I agree completely.

Ken B said...

“ What is wrong with saying true things?”

Nothing, but you have to be willing to be called a cvnt by Birkel for doing it.

Kevin said...

Let the big 4 accounting firms handle the recounts.

Tell them they’ll never get another government contract if there’s any impropriety.

boatbuilder said...

"Stay calm."


gspencer said...

“We have some planes [fraudsters working on this]. Just stay quiet, and you'll be okay. We are returning to the airport [to the Deep State as structured by the CFR.”

wild chicken said...

Geez you'd think the Democrats could steel some House and Senate seats too.

Qwinn said...

I'm not sure who said it or I would attribute it, but I nominate it for winner of the internet today:

"Wait until the Left finds out that the conservative version of "no justice, no peace" doesn't involve looting a Footlocker."

If this election is stolen as it EXTREMELY OBVIOUSLY is in the process of being stolen, I pray that they do find out. Because I'm ready to throw down over this, and I think many millions feel as I do.

D. said...

when does "cruel neutrality" become complicity?

Kevin said...

Exhortations to remain calm need to be treated with the same disdain as calls for civility.

Agreed. Why no civility bullshit tag?

Jaq said...

Blogger steve uhr said...
So if it’s so easy why didn’t the dems steal the election four years ago?

If it’s all on the up and up, why aren’t observers allowed anywhere near the actual vote counting? If you want people to accept the results, transparency seems like a simple thing. Unless of course you are cheating, then I can understand why you would keep observers far from the action and provide little to no ballot security while providing extreme security to keep observers away

Drago said...

Phil 314: "He doesn't look good when he "stream of conscious" whines. State your case, declare your firm resolve and move on. Trump at his worst."

Morgan Freeman Narrator Voice: Recall that it wasn't that long ago that Phil 314 thought the russian collusion "investigation" under that solid and reputable guy Mueller was based on solid evidence and that Trump was whining too much about that "legitimate" "investigation"

The Godfather said...

The current situation is very suspicious, even if you disregard so-far unproven allegations of misconduct by election officials in Democrat-controlled States. There's a reasonably good chance that in fact Biden has legitimately won the election. Shouldn't he come out with a strong demand for open and transparent procedures to resolve the votes in the States where the margins are close? If he doesn't, he runs the risk of being treated as an illegitimate President.

Jaq said...

Statistical analysis of the results for Wisconsin point to fraud. It’s extremely hard to fake numbers in a way that is statistically valid without central control of the operation that goes down to every level.

Jaq said...

"Geez you'd think the Democrats could steel some House and Senate seats too.”

They have. stolen a Senate seat. House seats are a lot harder to steal because the districts that include big city fraud operations would go blue anyway, and this kind of stuff is much harder in red districts, which are never so one sided politically.

buwaya said...

I don't know why I post here. My motives are fuzzy even to me.

I suppose it's the same foolish reasons so many people do conventional social media, a sort of "I exist!" shout to the world. Or perhaps it's my own form of narcissism, something better, or maybe just different, than posting pictures of myself. Absurd.

Or it's a search for suitable companions in a cafe, or a salon, as in the old days. There are no such physical cafes and salons, they have been gone for many years.

There is no-one here to discuss this stuff, my wife is rather scared of it all, pretty much anything in Althouse would drive her off. I certainly don't want to distress her.

In any case it is some sort of sin on my part, certainly. And probably an imposition.

But I do have that curse, in that when it comes to me, I am always right. I have that knack of knowing that a disaster is coming. Its one thing to be sanguine about it if I am certain it's just that a multimillion $ project will fail before it starts. But this is something else.

I am convinced it is real.

This one is much bigger and it has been building in my consciousness for years.

But it does not help, really, to lay the fruits of Cassandra's curse before other people, because it is always something bad, and there is never anything to be done. Or rather, I have done, for ourselves, that which I can do, but I can't help you.

I am sentimental about you Americans. I think I fell into a sort of love with you, collectively, besides the usual sort of love. I even, or maybe especially, love the long rides with a cowboy-technician through the Central Valley on I-5, discussing Limbaugh or the fine points of TCP/IP. Or the gang around a 5-axis machine on a factory floor in Olathe Kansas. These people seem so fragile, so vulnerable, in spite of the power of these men. I feel like I have taken a last look at the Buffalo on the plains. So I often obsess about your affairs.

At the moment I am very sad about your situation, it is heartbreaking, and terrifying, I won't lie. If what I am thinking of will happen, it's likely to be us in the wringer as well. But whatever.

I am off, hoping that my curse finally fails and makes me a liar.

Birkel said...

Mark typed "voting age adults" without nothing that many of them are not registered to fucking vote.

You're a bad liar, Mark.

Birkel said...

Karen B:
I patiently wait for the first such instance if you saying a true and non-banal thing.

Birkel said...

wild chicken,
Are you suggesting Democraticals are bad at planning absolute corruption?
And that excuses the attempted thievery of the presidency?

And all to hide the criminal behavior of DC insiders?

Qwinn said...

BTW, the best roundup of the evidence of voter fraud, including jaw dropping videos of poll watchers who DID witness fraud, that I've found is at . Anyone found any other good sources?

Question: With so much attention being given to Democrats kicking Republican poll watchers out, isn't it strange that we have poll watchers who DID see fraud and ARE reporting it... and no one is discussing them?

Matt Sablan said...

"He's calling for any votes in any precincts where observers were denied entry to be thrown out as inherently corrupted.

I agree completely."

-- I think we have to have something like that happen. But, it will suck for the people who voted and lost their vote because some sheriff decided he was the law. Think of all the votes that have been counted without proper oversight, or that have no true chain of custody (like the ballots on the wagon wheeled into Michigan.)

How many votes could survive an actual examination that required transparency?

Qwinn said...

Mark, all those earlier turnout numbers look like that of registered voters, not "eligible adultz". Conflating those is standard Dem bullshit.

Readering said...

Waiting for AA The Trump whisperer to explain how this is
NORMAL behavior for chief executive.

Birkel said...

The Godfather,
Statistical evidence indicates the fraudsters did not randomize their criminality.
The same sort of statistical analysis revealed the corruption of many criminals -- e.g. Bernie Madoff.

Non-random numbers mean human non-randomness.

You ask for proof when the lying thieves are refusing to allow you to observe their lying schemes?
In what world would that be possible with a deadline 6 weeks from now?

The options are allow this corruption and forfeit the Republic, or not.
Choose quickly.

Lurker21 said...

Let the big 4 accounting firms handle the recounts.

I want to be there when La La Land takes the oath of office, and we find out that Moonlight actually had more votes.

Birkel said...

Statistical stuff:

We are going to be overnight experts about Benford's Law, like we were overnight experts in kerning after the Dan Rather faked memo.

These and other statistical analyses prove the numbers were non-random for Biden. (Evidence of fraud.)
And random for Trump.

Democraticals are attempting to cheat.

Big Mike said...

when does "cruel neutrality" become complicity?

Look in the rear view mirror. You’ll see that point.

Phil 314 said...

I wouldn’t normally respond to you but:
“ Morgan Freeman Narrator Voice: Recall that it wasn't that long ago that Phil 314 thought the russian collusion "investigation" under that solid and reputable guy Mueller was based on solid evidence and that Trump was whining too much about that "legitimate" "investigation"”

I don’t think I’ve ever said anything positive about Russia gate. I’m sorry for your confusion.

Phil 314 said...

But I do appreciate your efforts to be our hall monitor.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

tim in vermont said...
Blogger steve uhr said...
So if it’s so easy why didn’t the dems steal the election four years ago?"

Because your side was sure they were going to win.

And because there was not massive mail-in voting, idiot.

You recall Jill Stein called for and got recounts in several swing states. The Dems cheered her on then and called her "heroic."

Admit it: you are perfectly fine with cheating, as long as your side does it. You are an amoral POS.

Sally327 said...

Blogger steve uhr said...
So if it’s so easy why didn’t the dems steal the election four years ago?

What's to say they didn't try but as with just about everything else connected with the Clinton campaign they screwed it up.

Silence said...

So if it’s so easy why didn’t the dems steal the election four years ago?

It was easy for them to introduce mass censorship to social media but it still took them losing for them to get to a place they believed that was necessary.

FullMoon said...

"I live among progressives whose failure of political imagination leaves them sometimes thinking they are living in Hitler's Germany,

Send 'em this, for laughs

walter said...

"Shouldn't he come out with a strong demand for open and transparent procedures to resolve the votes in the States where the margins are close?"
Come on, man!
His schtick is follow "the process", not question it.
No joke!

Gospace said...

D. said...
I'm going with "stay calm but they're stealing the presidential election":


"Democrats went into this election with 39 legislative chambers, 19 statehouses and 15 trifectas. The GOP boasted 59 legislative chambers, 29 statehouses and 21 trifectas. Democrats aimed to flip the legislatures in North Carolina and Arizona and chambers in Texas, Florida, Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania and Iowa.

They came up short everywhere. Democrats didn’t pick up a single new chamber or governorship while Republicans won two more trifectas in Montana and New Hampshire by flipping the governorship in the former and both legislative chambers in the latter. Oh, and Republicans expanded legislative majorities in Florida and North Carolina."

And yet- Trump, a Republican, lost the presidential election. Hmmm....

gadfly said...

SOUNDS THE ALARM!! "They're stealing the election."

Lying is not "sounding the alarm." There is no basis for such a statement and Trump is deliberately attempting to foment violence. The man is at the end of his rope because narcissists cannot withstand personal rejection.

Trump's lead in Georgia is now down to 665! Pennsylvania plus Georgia puts Biden at 291 - well past 270. So another asshole bites the dust.

tim maguire said...

Blogger steve uhr said...So if it’s so easy why didn’t the dems steal the election four years ago?

Why didn’t they use COVID to introduce a drastically different system of voting that was clunky, poorly constructed and created unlimited opportunities for vote stealing four years ago?

Hmmm...good question. Why didn’t they use COVID like this four years ago?

stevew said...

"steve uhr said...
So if it’s so easy why didn’t the dems steal the election four years ago?"

Because they believed the polls and shared the view of so many that Hillary was going to win easily. They were unprepared. They would not make that mistake twice.

wendybar said...

They ARE stealing an election. If that happens, and no Obama people go to prison, I am stepping back and not caring about anything anymore. I don't really care anymore if America fails, because this isn't my America anymore, when the corrupt can do whatever they want to whomever they want. I want Justice, not more corruption.

Marcus Bressler said...

I remember Gore challenging the election into DECEMBER, so stop with the b.s. about Trump's legal filings.


BTW, "cruel neutrality" is a variety of virtue signaling.

Mark said...

Birkel, we have same day registration in Wisconsin ... so your claim is irrelevant.

Based on past experience, you already knew that.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Yeah Mark, 700,000 people registered in one day. Sure.

Breezy said...

Biden is on video claiming the superiority of his Voter Fraud organization. From the horse’s mouth, he wasn’t actually misspeaking then.

rwnutjob said...

The Socialists have won no mater who is declared the victor. One half of the country will look at the election as illegitimate. The country loses.

In 2000, both the Gore & Bush camps agreed to observers in all ballot counting. Why doesn't Joe? He's been told to shut up & let them handle it.

Birkel said...

I appreciate your new lies.
Thanks for the early morning laugh.

The number of registrations is currently known.
The number of precincts showing greater than 100% participation is known.

I have all the lies I need.
You can keep yours.

Butkus51 said...

Worse case scenario, other than China fulfilling their mission of course, and theyre salivating about that. Joe cant hide as much. He'll be in front of the cameras more often. Theoretically. He wont have to talk daily, the press will cover for him as they "cover" everything. It will work, for a bit. And then Kamala(Obama) takes over again and the seas will part.

Always late night "malarkey". Always.

Lot of Charlie Browns out there getting fooled by Lucy again.

Lot of Ken dolls too.

Qwinn said...

I've seen TWO different videos this morning of Democrat operatives stamping and then filling out one ballot after another, start to finish. We actually have them on fucking video committing the fraud, systematically. One even shows a security guard walking by *watching it happen* and doing nothing, he's in on it.

Add the thousands of votes by dead people, and We have hard evidence of *systematic* voter fraud by the Dems. But will it get past Jack's "disputed" tags? Remains to be seen.

Iman said...

Keep throwing spaghetti at the wall, maybe something will stick if you throw enough pieces ... or not.

I’d prefer to see every one of these dishonest, stinking, slimy, cheating, asshole Democrat motherfuckers brought to justice and made an example of.

Birkel said...

I demand a new election, like Democraticals demanded (and secured) in North Carolina.

Or War.

Jeff said...

It may be that Biden is stealing it, I don't know. But he wouldn't be able to pull it off if he didn't legitimately get at least 45 percent of the vote. The fact that he got at least that, and probably more, is what is so disheartening. It is not possible that a well-informed patriot could vote for Biden after the behavior of the Democrats over the past four years. And given the widespread availability of Internet news sources, there is no excuse for any patriot to not be well-informed.

The inevitable conclusion is that the majority of citizens (once you include those too unpatriotic to even vote) are not patriots, and are undeserving of the country we inherited from previous generations. We tend to forget that tyrannical governments have historically been the norm; our democratic republic was a bold departure from the norm 244 years ago.

During the impeachment farce last December the Washington Post ran a story about a famous Benjamin Franklin quote. According to the notes of James McHenry, a Maryland delegate to the Constitutional Convention, Elizabeth Powel, wife of the Mayor of Philadelphia, asked Franklin "Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?" and Franklin replied "A republic, if you can keep it." In 1803, McHenry added that Powel immediately shoots back, "And why not keep it?" Franklin responded "Because the people, on tasting the dish, are always disposed to eat more of it than does them good."

This was not his only prophecy. Just after Washington had been elected the first President Franklin observed "The first man put at the helm will be a good one. Nobody knows what sort may come afterwards." Then he went on to say "The executive will be always increasing here, as elsewhere, till it ends in a monarchy."

It's a wonder it's lasted this long.

Static Ping said...

There's no question that they are stealing the election. They are not even trying to hide it anymore.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Jeff said:
"But he wouldn't be able to pull it off if he didn't legitimately get at least 45 percent of the vote. The fact that he got at least that, and probably more, is what is so disheartening."

Yes, that's disheartening, but there is another way of looking at it. Despite the constant Trump hate that has been spewed by most of the media, Hollywood and the educational establishment for 4 years, a majority of legal voters cast their vote for Trump. He increased his margins with blacks and Latinos, who have been told constantly that he hates him.

There are a lot of dullards who believe the dreck the media feeds them. But millions of others do not. Trump got more votes this year than he did in 2016.

Bilwick said...

"Trump sounds the alarm: 'They're stealing the election.'"

Well . . . aren't they?

Qwinn said...

Make it 4 videos now of Dem vote counters filling in one ballot after another. Saw one on Newsmax earlier.

Rusty said...

Blogger gadfly said...
"SOUNDS THE ALARM!! "They're stealing the election."

Lying is not "sounding the alarm." There is no basis for such a statement and Trump is deliberately attempting to foment violence."
Are you lying now or were you lying before? When you deal-gadfly- in innuendo, half truths and lies you're not going to be believed. You have no virtue. That has been established.
I should thank you. I no longer need to waste my time reading anything you post.

chuck said...

If you're for law and order, then you support the notion of state's following the processes laid out in their lawsM

Indeed, I do. But that isn't what happened.

chuck said...

So if it’s so easy why didn’t the dems steal the election four years ago?

They were caught by surprise and weren't prepared. Also, mail in ballots made it much easier.

chuck said...

I wouldn't argue based on the Benford analysis, there are too many ways to get it wrong. There is far better terrain on which have a battle.

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