The Bulwark has a column about how well-off suburbanites gave Biden his edge. The title was “‘Karens’ and ‘Dream Hoarders’ Swung the Election to Biden.” I never heard anybody connect Biden with the “Karen” vote, but the headline sums up the phenomenon pretty well.
Bush's “Security Moms” and their daughters became Biden's “Covid Karens” wanting everything locked down. Hiding in the basement might actually have turned out to be a winning strategy for Biden, though Trump couldn't do the same: actively campaigning kept Trump's numbers up.
“Dream Hoarders” was new to me. It certainly fits Biden-Harris's bankers and tech lords and media moguls quite well, though I'm not sure about typical college-educated suburban dads. Some might find the label flattering, though.
Why was I at The Bullfrog? Because I like wacky, off-the-wall political sites that give me something to argue with. For years I went to, not because I agreed with them, but because they updated the site every day and gave me something new to disagree with (or agree with, though that was less fun) each time. Thinking about the old days got me going to where I found out that Justin Raimondo (once a big deal on the Internet) died last year without many people noticing.
The NY Press was once a hotbed of political discussion, but it's now an ordinary neighborhood shopping flyer. fills that niche now, I suppose. On the left,,,,, -- all still around though I haven't been there in years. Even is still in business, years after Bush retired and basically became a Democrat. It seems like everything is anti-Trump -- not much healthy skepticism about Big Money Biden-Harris from what I can see.
It all made me nostalgic for the early days of the Internet. Remember the excitement of actually being able to read newspapers from around the country and around the world -- not even suspecting that newspapers were already going the way of the horse and buggy. If the Internet were a place it would be a massive metropolis -- gleaming new malls and acres of ruins that nobody goes to anymore.
Interesting piece in The Atlantic (yeah, I know) about the collapse of civilization due to a glut of elites and a dearth of places to put them. This causes the rise of anti-elites, while leaving the rest of us SOL. The Next Decade Could Be Even Worse
Lurker21 said...The NY Press was once a hotbed of political discussion, but it's now an ordinary neighborhood shopping flyer.
In it's heyday, it was the greatest free newspaper ever. The vanity project of Russ Smith, he spared no expense in bringing in great writers from all across the political spectrum from Nazi apologist (Taki) to communist (David Corn) and everything in between. Even the movie reviews and sex column were stand out.
But then he sold it and it was all down hill from there.
How many Trump ballots would this guy have had to rip up, on camera, for lefties to acknowledge that it matters? Can we get a number? Cause I'm getting sick of the goalposts getting motorized every time we find more.
I'll walk in there. I'll kiss everyone in that audience. I'll kiss the guys and the beautiful women and them-- everybo-- I'll just give you a big fat kiss.
Just an old quote I came across that lends credibility to my theory that the president might be bisexual.
The thought crosses my mind that if the usual Democrat trolls were confident that the election was honest, they would not be quite so eager to have Trump drop his lawsuits and concede.
Trump still has not reached DIEBOLD levels, and will never get to THE RUSSIANS level. All the angst theater from The Left over this is annoying as an Obama excerpt. Or—the Ronald Klain appointment, not only was he wrong in his attacks on Trump to contain COVID he was so disgustingly smug about it. He illustrates the Ole Joe, nasty and arrogant.
The voting data (Trump votes vs Biden votes) is available precinct by precinct, village by village, town by town, city by city, county by county, state by state.
People can look at the data and compare it to the available demographics in each place (age, race, sec, median income, median home price, level of education, etc.)
not much healthy skepticism about Big Money Biden-Harris from what I can see.
I'm uncertain if this is reflective of a broader view of the current state of affairs or if it's just relegated to the liberal political junkies, but it's somewhat disturbing to me that there appears to be little scrutiny or concern about our new overlords. Once Trump is out of the picture will the media continue to avoid and obfuscate any negative narratives about Biden, the Dems in power, and the Silicon Valley elite? Sadly, I think I know the answer to that. I'm finding it difficult to have hope as we enter the long dark winter of Biden.
That's what I've been saying Big Mike. Proving there was no cheating, or at least not enough to change the result from Biden to Trump, will only serve to legitimize a Biden presidency.
Much of Europe [and the US] is quite willing to follow Klaus Schwab's vision of the Great Reset of the World, via pandemics, climate change, etc. Whatever 'crisis' conveniently arises to facilitate a one-world-government, all for the benefit of mankind and the planet, of course. It's hard for me in my advanced years with my knowledge of history to accept that people can be as gullible as this. A few years ago I would not have thought it possible.
I think the Democrats cheated on such a massive scale that it is easier to believe they didn't for most people. The partisan changes in the individual states are just too illogical to be explained by voting method or COVID hysteria- seriously, the only difference between Ohio and Michigan/Pennsylvania is that Ohio took ballot security and authentication seriously- the states are otherwise extremely similar in demographics with Ohio just slightly more tilted right than the other two. Biden won the mail in vote 4 to 1 in PA and almost 3 to 1 in MI- ratios that no other state came close to matching, not even California. In fact, in PA, Biden's win rate in mail in vote meant that he won every registered Democrat who returned a mail-in ballot, every non-partisan registered voter who returned a ballot, and 15% of the registered Republicans who returned a mail-in-ballot. That is, simply stated, not possible. He was winning the core city county and the collar counties mail in ballots around Philadelphia by a range between 10 to 1 and 30 to 1.
I think the Democrats, when the state government allowed it, saturated the suburbs and cities with a huge oversupply of mail ballots and then proceeded to collect them and send them all back with Biden at the top of the ticket. The problem for Trump is that he will never be able to prove this to anyone's satisfaction without a thorough review of each absentee ballot, application, and registered signature, and the courts aren't going to allow him this evidence it appears, no matter how many affadavits his legal team files- that is the wanting to believe the nicer story about US elections. Florida is where you see the counterfactual that proves the rule- there the state government kept a firm grasp on the distribution of mail-in-ballots, and kept a firm hand on authentication- this prevented the same fraud you saw in PA, MI, WI, MI, etc.
I will just warn the Georgia Republicans- if they don't fix this before the January runoffs, they will lose both Senate races for certain, and I see no evidence they are interested in fixing it. Their planned hand count, audit, and recanvass appears to be a fraud to make Trump's lawyers go away. If they do nothing, Fulton, Cobb, and Gwinnett Counties will have 100% turnout for a runoff- they might even do 110%, and why wouldn't they?
Trump and the Republicans just got caught completely flat-footed. They claimed they were ready to deal with any attempted fraud, but their responses on late Tuesday night and early Wednesday morning show they weren't really prepared at all- when their observers got tossed out of the counting rooms, where were the lawyers to go to federal court- they should have been Johnny on the spot according to their pre-election rhetoric.
I wrote a comment several weeks ago that the Democrats would harvest the mail-in ballots one way or another-legally and illegally- and I advised the Republicans to do the exact same thing- if your opponent isn't going to play by the rules, and you don't think you can enforce rules, then you have to cheat yourself until the opponent is willing to come to the table for a truce on the matter. They don't call Republicans the stupid party for nothing.
Does anyone really believe that if you did signature authentication of the mail-in-vote in Philadelphia, Atlanta, Chicago, Detroit, or Milwaukee that you wouldn't find that the same people signed hundreds or thousands of ballots? Absentee votes have a significant failure rate- a rate that was basically zero for this election only, and only in deep blue strongholds.
This may prove to be inaccurate, but rumors are spreading that Ayman al-Zawahiri, the leader of Al Qaeda following bin Laden's death in 2011, died of natural causes about a month ago. If true, it's pretty uneventful. Zawahiri was never much of a leader, and plodding and boring, and was definitely not the type to lead men into battle. Al Qaeda's real strength was the prestige and reputation OBL had in the Arab world for his role in driving the Soviet Union from Afghanistan.
A couple years later, in 1990, George H.W. Bush launched the Persian Gulf War and began our military adventurism in the region, and we have been stuck there ever since. I guess adding overthrowing and nation-building two countries covering hundreds of thousands of square miles and tens of millions of people divided along any number of sectarian fault lines, to the to-do list wasn't such a great idea.
Trump's first mistake when he won in 2016 was not asking for a recount himself in the same states that Jill Stein requested- he should have supported that effort rather than fight it. It is, of course, understandable for the winner to not want a recount, but Trump should have taken his cues from what Hillary's team didn't do, namely asking for the recount themselves. There are many times where doing the natural thing is the mistake you end up regretting later. By fighting Stein on that recount, Trump both missed the opportunity to shed some light on vote counting roaches, and undercut his own requests today.
This is election over, but the Republicans need to continue to fight for a recount, audit, recanvass- if they don't, the Democrats will just keep doing this until the Republicans do the exact same thing- then it will be 100% turnout vs 110% turnout until the public finally understands the voting process in this country is a fucking joke.
You want to know why you didn't hear any election stories out of Broward, Palm Beach, and Miami-Dade Counties this election? Because the local officials no longer had a free hand to do what they wanted in the dead of the night- after they tried to steal the Senate and Governor's races in 2018, the state government basically cleaned out their election offices and instituted strict oversight of the process. A much cleaner election, and one that didn't drag on for 2 weeks as the officials slowed a count to a crawl waiting for more ballots to arrive.
This is great news. Trump's own lawyers are not making any fraud cases, just want to clean up honest mistakes. The system is working, but it's expensive. Please send Donald more money to pay for the lawyers and also help with the campaign debts to cover the embezzlement frenzy.
zawahiri hss been leading the franchises since 2011, from west africa to syria, he unlike bin laden had suffered the pains of torture at the citadel (transliteration from arabic) in cairo, much like the leader of ansar al sharia in libya, who had served time at gitmo and al salem in prison,
Farmer: "A couple years later, in 1990, George H.W. Bush launched the Persian Gulf War and began our military adventurism in the region, and we have been stuck there ever since."
Actually, I am fairly confident that Saddam invading and occupying Kuwait and then forward deploying Iraqi forces opposite the Saudi oil fields played a prominent role in the ME in '90 and '91.
YW: "I will just warn the Georgia Republicans- if they don't fix this before the January runoffs, they will lose both Senate races for certain, and I see no evidence they are interested in fixing it."
Gov Kemp of GA is a NeverTrumper who is quite happy to hand control to Democrats.
His former chief of staff became a lobbyist for...(wait for it)...Dominion voting systems! And Kemps NeverTrump Sec of State for GA is also quite content to give the Democraticals the win they need to consolidate piwer forever.
"Republican" Kemp will ensure a democratical victory in January in GA. I suspect he will then be "defeated" by Tank Abrahms in the next Gov race there after which Kemp will join moron retiring "republican" Senator Burr on the Board of a couple of dem tech oligarch firms.
Drago makes a good point. We needed to protect the Saudi oil production. Then, in Gulp War II, the Iraqi oil fields paid for the cost of our invasion and occupation just like Mexico is paid for the beautiful new border wall.
We lost! I don’t mean Biden won or Trump won. It doesn’t really matter because the real loss is far greater than who will be President for the next four years. What we lost is bāṭaḥ (Hebrew). You know the word (I hope). It is translated “trust,” and in every circumstance except Proverbs 31:11, whenever it describes human connections, it is negative. Loss of trust. You see, no matter what happens now, it is my belief that Americans of all political persuasions no longer trust the process. They don’t trust the politicians, the voting system, the media or each other. The real consequence of this election is the book of Judges, a period when the tribes of Israel lost trust in each other. The result was civil war (almost) AND (and this is important) a cry for a dictator (a king) who would stop all the chaos. I wonder if we aren’t very close to that.
No society can survive a fundamental loss of trust. Business cannot be done. Relationship collapse. When the Italian government offers a reward to report your neighbor if they don’t follow COVID regulations, the intra-societal dependence necessary for survival is destroyed. Apparently Governor Cuomo is doing the same. Without bāṭaḥ humanity is reduced to slavery, suspicion and spies. Secret police follow.
I don’t know who will eventually win this election. I’m afraid that it won’t matter in the long run. Everyone is a loser this time. Post navigation ← Previous Post
At this point, there is only five (5) electoral votes that matter. Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett. And ..... they may get to vote more than once before December 14, 2021.
mockturtle said... It's hard for me in my advanced years with my knowledge of history to accept that people can be as gullible as this. A few years ago I would not have thought it possible.
i believe the saying is: No one in this world, so far as I know—and I have searched the records for years, and employed agents to help me—has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people. Nor has anyone ever lost public office thereby. The mistake that is made always runs the other way. Because the plain people are able to speak and understand, and even, in many cases, to read and write, it is assumed that they have ideas in their heads, and an appetite for more. This assumption is a folly.
Actually, I am fairly confident that Saddam invading and occupying Kuwait and then forward deploying Iraqi forces opposite the Saudi oil fields played a prominent role in the ME in '90 and '91.
Yes, followed by 8 years of observing, then finally ending the Iraq War, only to be resurrected with the next administration as Iraq War 2.0 or the greater Middle East war, elective coups, CAIR (catastrophic anthropogenic immigration reform), a semi-covert agreement, and obfuscatated payments to sponsor terrorism in the Middle East, which was just one the outcomes of social justice adventurism.
This is great news. Trump's own lawyers are not making any fraud cases, just want to clean up honest mistakes.
Howard, they are using civil rights law to attack the fraud. Nice of you to play.
I agree with William 50's comment above. We will never recover from the theft of this election.
Fortunately, I am old enough that it is very unlikely that I will have to live through it. Franklin was right about "keeping it." You poor suckers. Unlike the Squad, you probably liked the country you grew up in. It will be gone soon.
Yancey- Agreed. There was massive fraud and the left are building it into the system. The MSM will not report on voter fraud even when there is video evidence.
see- North Carolina. There is actual video footage of democrat operatives going in and assisting people with their vote. totally illegal. Democrats run North Carolina and they are denying it - media are too.
Kay said... I'll walk in there. I'll kiss everyone in that audience. I'll kiss the guys and the beautiful women and them-- everybo-- I'll just give you a big fat kiss.
Just an old quote I came across that lends credibility to my theory that the president might be bisexual. ******************
Why, yes! It's also a "tell" that Trump is in Russia's hip pocket.
I mean, just look at all the old pics of Leonid Brezhnev kissing guys!
And Putin kissing a boy's stomach:
Trump must have glommed onto that while he secretly attended the Russian Collusion Academy
Althouse: On this page, at 12:27 pm blog time, your commenter "Qwinn" posted a link to viral video that purports to be an election worker gleefully tering up Trump ballots. By his own admission, the creator of that video has confessed that it was a fake, and that he was not destroying any real votes. The creator, whose name is Dale Harrison, has so stated. It was a joke, he says. LINK:
So I'm happy to help clean up the comments pages and eliminate phony, spammy, election-rumor garbage.
The economy in Atlanta is booming based on the week day traffic which is as heavy as I have ever seen. Where do all these people suddenly come from? But we still have to obey the latest perfected pandemic rules every where we go.
Qwinn said... Wait, so guy who committed a felony on video is now claiming it wasn't real and a joke? ...
So let's start with the fact that Dale Harrison -- and yes it is a self-made video by Dale Harrison -- wasn't a poll worker. Nowehere, was he a poll worker. He works in an Amazon warehouse.
So we can start there... no, the hell with it. Let's end there too.
Your stupid, fake, made-up, jokester, unreal video of a purported poll worker tearing ubp Trump ballots? It wasn't a poll worker at all.
Your sole source for claiming that the guy who, if he doesn't lie now, will go to jail wasn't a poll worker was... the guy who, if he doesn't lie now, will go to jail, wasn't it, Chuck?
Actually, I am fairly confident that Saddam invading and occupying Kuwait and then forward deploying Iraqi forces opposite the Saudi oil fields played a prominent role in the ME in '90 and '91.
The invasion of Kuwait, certainly. The claim of troops and tanks amassing at the Saudi border was bogus, like the fake dead-baby stories cooked up by a PR firm hired by Citizens for a Free Kuwait (i.e. the Kuwaiti government).
Nonetheless, even accepting the US leading a military coalition to eject Saddam from Kuwait, what came next? We took the lead in enforcing the embargo against Iraq, and we later imposed no-fly zones though they were not specified in the UN resolution we were enforcing. We bombed Iraq in 1993, 1994, 1996, and 1998. The Clinton administration got caught using UNSCOM for espionage, perpetuated a lie that inspectors had been thrown out of the country, reinvaded to "finish the job," and remain there to this day. 30 years later. Welcome to the new world order. Endless war isn't a bug; it's a feature.
Farmer: "The invasion of Kuwait, certainly. The claim of troops and tanks amassing at the Saudi border was bogus, like the fake dead-baby stories cooked up by a PR firm hired by Citizens for a Free Kuwait (i.e. the Kuwaiti government)."
I guess I could believe you...and the Soviet disinformation, or I could stick with what I myself saw from real time military intel.
Naturally, every situation is fluid and troops do have a tendency to move around a bit over time as well as our very own CIA having a bad habit of changing their minds and their "analysis" depending upon the needs of whoever happens to be their favorite politicians at the time.
Farmer: "Nonetheless, even accepting the US leading a military coalition to eject Saddam from Kuwait, what came next? We took the lead in enforcing the embargo against Iraq, and we later imposed no-fly zones though they were not specified in the UN resolution we were enforcing."
Uh, yeah. I know. I was there. And yes, Pappy Bush and his team began the inevitable mission creep of which we have all become all too familiar over the last 3 decades.
LLR-lefty Chuck has been quite the little anger ball ever since the courts slapped down his newest lefty hero Whitmer.
Don't worry Chuckie. Perhaps you democraticals will win both GA seats and you can inflict whatever Team Dem wishes on the rest of the nation.
Quite frankly I am impressed that you have not yet launched any vicious misogynistic attacks against ACB, given that fact that she is a conservative woman.
We all know how that combo kickstarts you into rage mode, almost as easily as encountering conservative blacks with distinguished military records.
At some point you would think Chuck's therapy sessions over the previous years would start paying dividends. It's a good thing shrinks don't have a moneyback guarantee otherwise Chuck could clean up!
Blogger Qwinn said... Your sole source for claiming that the guy who, if he doesn't lie now, will go to jail wasn't a poll worker was... the guy who, if he doesn't lie now, will go to jail, wasn't it, Chuck?
What I am saying to all the readers here is that the guy wasn’t ever a poll worker in the first place. It was a joke. Under no circumstances did he have access to any ballots, to destroy them.
We know who the guy is; at what polling location do you claim that he worked? Why aren’t you sending everything that you have to any prosecutor who would have jurisdiction over this supposed felony that was self-videotaped by the alleged felon himself?
Once again, Chuck makes a declarative statement that the guy who ripped up a Trump ballot on video wasn't a poll worker, providing nothing whatsoever to back this up except that the guy now says he dindu nuffin. Unexpectedly.
This should be good... Chuck, humor me. Assume just for a moment that that video depicts reality. That he was a poll worker. Guy was bragging about fighting Orangemanbad, never expecting more than a few people to see it.
Then it goes viral, national. The entire country has watched him commit a felony.
What the fuck do you think he would say after that happened? "Yeah, I did it, and I'd do it again too! Take me away copperz!" In fact, what COULD he possibly say if be wants to stay out of prison than what he said?
The fact that you utterly dismiss it based on literally nothing more than his dindu nuffin claim now is seriously pathetic. He's saying exactly what he would say regardless of the truth. His statement carries literally zero weight to any reasonable person. What remains is the actual video. You and Politifact have established absolutely nothing except that you'll happily parrot the most utterly un-credible crap if it helps your cause.
Lou Dobbs just lit into a GOP Congressman about the lack of response by the GOP regarding the election malfeasance. It is indeed the case that President Trump has been on his own throughout his campaigns and amid the assaults by media. The GOP has never really supported him. We need a new Party. Fuck the GOP.
I should add- it's not impossible that it was fake. Anything is possible. My point is that if the video is real, it's absurd to expect him to do anything except deny it in exactly the way he did, and that denial now does literally zero to prove anything. That you think it does is pathetic and proves you lack either the most basic reasoning skills or even a shred of intellectual honesty. Actually I'll go with the healing power of "and".
Some Madisonian apparently mistook the UW Arboretum for a Christmas tree lot:
“Police are stumped by the theft of a rare pine tree from the University of Wisconsin Arboretum.
The 25-foot Algonquin Pillar Swiss Mountain pine was sawed down sometime between Nov. 5 and Nov. 9, University of Wisconsin-Madison police said Thursday.”
Someone once said about this life, 'We are all just children, playing on a playground.' I'm at the end of this life, but I do not seek the easy escape of death, to run out the clock on what is about to happen. I want to keep playing the game.
Those who have had an easy life, shrink from the hardship. I'm talking about real hardship. Stock brokers jumped out of buildings to their death in 1929. They imagined the hardship. They didn't live it. Hardship is the most interesting part of the game. We're only here for a short time.
The least we could do is to stop wearing a silly mask. Have some self-respect.
Here's what we have to look forward to: Second American Civil War
[This war will be waged by far-left radicals and their deep-state puppet masters. For them, civilian casualties and massacres will not be moral evils, but merely part and parcel of their larger plan to “reconstruct” America. Their objective is simple: overthrow our constitutional order, destroy our way of life, and deprive us of our freedom, our liberties, our property, and our honor.]
Oh brother. This is unhinged lunacy. If he had pushed just a little further over-the-top, he could've submitted it to The Onion. Here's my absolutely favorite part: "In similar fashion, I believe one likely spark for the Second American Civil War will be the result of a coup d’etat carried out by anti-America extremists. It will catch most Americans by surprise. The coup plotters will act quickly to seize the critical levers of power, before any opposition has a chance to react."
Ahh, so that's what's going to happen. Unnamed, unidentified, undefined "anti-America extremists" is going to launch a "a coup d’etat" and then "quickly to seize the critical levers of power." Well, that's not too vague.
And here's my second favorite part: "I do not wish to be alarmist." He failed.
Uh, yeah. I know. I was there. And yes, Pappy Bush and his team began the inevitable mission creep of which we have all become all too familiar over the last 3 decades.
Ah, So in other words, "in 1990, George H.W. Bush launched the Persian Gulf War and began our military adventurism in the region, and we have been stuck there ever since."
When I wrote that comment, I thought, Mock is gonna jump all over this. I have had no shortage of hardship. I hit my thumb with a hammer once. I am a'survivor'.
Folks who don't experience hardship think it's way worse than it is, like the '29 stock brokers. Hardship is part of the game. The game is not complete without it. Hardship is comin'. Disappointed that Buwaya ran away, but this America thing isn't his. Always look forward to his comments. I was actually trying to buck up Dr. K. I want him to stay in the fight to the very end. Now is not the time to rest. The living let the dead know when it's time to rest. We all say R.I.P. That's how you know it's time to rest.
Farmer: "Ah, So in other words, "in 1990, George H.W. Bush launched the Persian Gulf War and began our military adventurism in the region, and we have been stuck there ever since."
You should probably go by what I actually write and not what you wish I had written so you can feel better about yourself and what you wrote.
GHWBush did not launch the Persian Gulf War. In a very real way, Saddam did.
GHWBush and allies kicked Saddam out of Kuwait. We were not "stuck there ever since". Some folks decided doing lots of other things was a good idea and our government decided it would be a "good idea" to stay there and do other things. That was the mistake.
Qwinn: "Once again, Chuck makes a declarative statement that the guy who ripped up a Trump ballot on video wasn't a poll worker, providing nothing whatsoever to back this up except that the guy now says he dindu nuffin. Unexpectedly."
You will recall that our LLR-lefty Chuck went positively bonkers for weeks and months on end because had the sheer gall to suggest that Detroit had a history of voter fraud.
LLR-lefty Chuck could not abide such a calumny against his beloved dems and he lapsed back into his "I'll Fight You!" mode against those claims.
LLR-lefty Chuck gets very, very, (did I mention "very"?) defensive when his beloved and "magnificent" and "brilliant" democraticals are challenged in any way.
Farmer: "The invasion of Kuwait, certainly. The claim of troops and tanks amassing at the Saudi border was bogus, like the fake dead-baby stories cooked up by a PR firm hired by Citizens for a Free Kuwait (i.e. the Kuwaiti government)." ******************
Troops and tanks at the Saudi border bogus? the fuck they were!
I've watched videos of the US and Saudis line up their tanks to oppose approaching Iraq tanks, and then go out to pound the piss out of them. Then to see the troops with those tanks surrendering by the hundreds , waving their white hankies and touching the feet of our soldiers in supplication, hoping they wouldn't be killed. (they weren't)
Oh and by the way: the comments you posted the other day about US officials purporting to use "exceptionalism" as an excuse to make war conflated the term with an entirely different argument: that the US, as the sole superpower, had certain obligations to provide leadership that other nations didn't.
That has nothing to do with the original idea of exceptionalism, which relates to the founding of the country and the principles it has acted upon, which have differed from most of the world.
As for mission creep: just today our Syrian envoy bragged that he and his cohort had actively misled Trump regarding the number of troops we had in Syria, and said he had offered five great reasons to keep them there, despite Trump's desire to bring them home.
You think maybe the George HW Bush, Clinton GWB and Obama might have got the same flim flam from the Swamp and Big Military? Ya think?
You should wipe off that smug grin. You look like Strzok in the House hearings. You are NOT the smartest person in the room.
Farmer, it's easy to tell you probably don't live in the West. Portland and Seattle are already under siege. What? You don't hear about it on MSNBC? CNN? Of course you don't. Biden voters harassed in their front yard by BLM/Antifa? Antifa destroying Dem HQ? Don't think that a Biden win will stop the madness. The toothpaste is out of the tube and these radicals are only contemptuous of liberals.
I've watched videos of the US and Saudis line up their tanks to oppose approaching Iraq tanks, and then go out to pound the piss out of them.
You're talking about a different time. The claim about troops amassing at the Saudi border was made several months earlier in September.
Oh and by the way: the comments you posted the other day about US officials purporting to use "exceptionalism" as an excuse to make war conflated the term with an entirely different argument: that the US, as the sole superpower, had certain obligations to provide leadership that other nations didn't.
Well that certainly doesn't apply to the Roosevelt, Wilson, or Kennedy quotes. Not sure how you get that from the "indispensable nation" quote or from Bush saying, "We are all part of a great venture: To extend the promise of freedom in our country, to renew the values that sustain our liberty, and to spread the peace that freedom brings." Or when Obama said, " And I think that we have a core set of values that are enshrined in our Constitution, in our body of law, in our democratic practices, in our belief in free speech and equality, that, though imperfect, are exceptional." Where is the conflation with the theidea that America is compelled to act as a consequence of its power?
That has nothing to do with the original idea of exceptionalism, which relates to the founding of the country and the principles it has acted upon, which have differed from most of the world.
Yes, my first sentence was: This aspect of "American exceptionalism" is certainly true.
You think maybe the George HW Bush, Clinton GWB and Obama might have got the same flim flam from the Swamp and Big Military? Ya think?
Oh, let's see, I've only said over and over that a president's power constrained by systemic factors and that elections aren't as vital as people act because most of the power in society is outside elected offices. So thank you for lecturing me on something I've been talking about for years.
You should wipe off that smug grin. You look like Strzok in the House hearings. You are NOT the smartest person in the room.
I can't help it. I made that face one night, and it got stuck that way. Hold on, I like to write down feedback I get from anonymous people on the Internet. "NOT the smartest person in the room" N, O, T. I di take offense at the Strzok comparison. That guy is a swish.
Remember, there is a really simple solution to not liking what I write: don't read it. I'll write what I want; you write what you want; and we'll both live happily ever after.
GHWBush did not launch the Persian Gulf War. In a very real way, Saddam did.
Oh, please. That's a stretch. In that case, Austria and Germany didn't start WWI. Gavrilo Princip did.
GHWBush and allies kicked Saddam out of Kuwait. We were not "stuck there ever since". Some folks decided doing lots of other things was a good idea and our government decided it would be a "good idea" to stay there and do other things. That was the mistake.
Apologies, but I'm not sure what this is referring to, but I don't see any obvious disagreement. The Gulf War was sold as a "limited" war that would require minimal US resources. And yet, one consequence of the war was the increased US presence in the region, which has continued to this day.
Oh, for fuck's sake. This is such stupid semantics taking issue with the phrase "George H.W. Bush launched the Persian Gulf War" and saying, "GHWBush did not launch the Persian Gulf War. In a very real way, Saddam did."
Yes, no shit, Sherlock. I completely concede that Bush would not have pursued military action against Iraq for invading Kuwait had Iraq not invaded Kuwait. The only reason I said he "launched the Persian Gulf War" was because he made the decision to pursue war and pursued, just as I would say FDR launched a war against a Japan or LBJ against Vietnam. So we disagree on the word "launched." Agreeing or disagreeing with the decision isn't even what I was talking about. My point was that Gulf War was the starting point for our current mideast posture rather than the post-9/11 actions.
But I do enjoy you explaining to me that things I personally saw never happened.
For what it's worth, when you wrote, "I guess I could believe you...and the Soviet disinformation, or I could stick with what I myself saw from real time military intel," I did not bring it up or contradict you. I'm more than willing to defer to you.
And my apologies; next time I will be sure to be a mindreader and not write something you already know.
As a rule, if you invade a place and others send troops to get you out of that place, then you can be said to have started the resulting war. Think Hitler invading Poland, or the Japanese Imperial Navy attacking Pearl Harbor. It isn't (as they say) that hard.
That's probably why nobody is disagreeing with it. The reason I said Bush "launched the war" was because he made the decision to pursue a military response. It wasn't forced upon him.
Whew. So, half a dozen comments later, have we settled the "launched" dispute? Because I'm still struggling to figure out where the disagreement is.
If this strikes you as evidence of fraud, I mean, come on, man. Take 5 minutes to google it and try not to make it so apparent that you're either a ding dong or a shill.
How many Trump ballots would this guy have had to rip up, on camera, for lefties to acknowledge that it matters? Can we get a number? Cause I'm getting sick of the goalposts getting motorized every time we find more.
I have to give this one to Qwinn- the word of the guy on camera really isn't enough. It may well have been a joke, but it needs to be investigated anyway because they did look like official ballots. Perhaps someone can demonstrate they were fake, like perhaps Chuck. I mean, it isn't like it was a pecan pie he said he baked from scratch.
Moc said,." It's hard for me in my advanced years with my knowledge of history to accept that people can be as gullible as this. A few years ago I would not have thought it possible."
I'm always amazed at the lefts ability to suspend reason. Just look at the prog. commenters here. Most if not all have a sketchy knowledge of the history of their own country and it's founding principals. This latest gloating-Chuck the c#*t is openly masturbating-over their win by any means necessary. Not caring that those same tactic can be turned around on them. I actually had a proggy co-worker opine that all this vote fraud was done by the republicans like Mitch McConnel to get rid of Trump. What can you say of that level of unawareness. I warned everybody here that the dems would commit massive vote fraud. I wish I was wrong. They are basically dishonest people and dishonest people do dishonest things.
Sigh......Chuck, if a guy posted a video of himself committing a murder, it would be investigated, would it not? You really are on the spectrum, aren't you? People post videos of themselves committing crimes all the time- shoplifting, trying to burn down government buildings, torturing people without even doing the minimal amount to conceal their identities- they post them on their facking Facebook pages- or have you not been paying attention to social media? They do it for a variety of reasons, none of which I really understand, but I don't deny that people actually do these things. A person trashing Trump votes might well have believed that no one would investigate it because it is socially acceptable behavior, but now regrets it and is trying to explain it away. You calling it a prank doesn't make it a prank- you are simply pretending to know something that you literally can't know, that is why Qwinn wins the argument. That I have to point this out to you just demonstrates how fucking stupid you really are.
Yancey Ward; you presume that the video in question was never investigated. Do I have that right? Are you claiming that it was never investigated, and may represent a real and serious ballot-destruction crime?
I think that the investigation might have taken about 30 minutes. But you can always call the Trump Vote Fraud Hotline. Wait; no you can't. It was flooded with prank calls. So anyway, you can call police, the FBI, the U.S. Election Assistance Commission. Hop to it. I think you're the perfect guy to bust this terrible case wide open. You'll be a voting integrity hero.
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The Bulwark has a column about how well-off suburbanites gave Biden his edge. The title was “‘Karens’ and ‘Dream Hoarders’ Swung the Election to Biden.” I never heard anybody connect Biden with the “Karen” vote, but the headline sums up the phenomenon pretty well.
Bush's “Security Moms” and their daughters became Biden's “Covid Karens” wanting everything locked down. Hiding in the basement might actually have turned out to be a winning strategy for Biden, though Trump couldn't do the same: actively campaigning kept Trump's numbers up.
“Dream Hoarders” was new to me. It certainly fits Biden-Harris's bankers and tech lords and media moguls quite well, though I'm not sure about typical college-educated suburban dads. Some might find the label flattering, though.
Why was I at The Bullfrog? Because I like wacky, off-the-wall political sites that give me something to argue with. For years I went to, not because I agreed with them, but because they updated the site every day and gave me something new to disagree with (or agree with, though that was less fun) each time. Thinking about the old days got me going to where I found out that Justin Raimondo (once a big deal on the Internet) died last year without many people noticing.
The NY Press was once a hotbed of political discussion, but it's now an ordinary neighborhood shopping flyer. fills that niche now, I suppose. On the left,,,,, -- all still around though I haven't been there in years. Even is still in business, years after Bush retired and basically became a Democrat. It seems like everything is anti-Trump -- not much healthy skepticism about Big Money Biden-Harris from what I can see.
It all made me nostalgic for the early days of the Internet. Remember the excitement of actually being able to read newspapers from around the country and around the world -- not even suspecting that newspapers were already going the way of the horse and buggy. If the Internet were a place it would be a massive metropolis -- gleaming new malls and acres of ruins that nobody goes to anymore.
Interesting piece in The Atlantic (yeah, I know) about the collapse of civilization due to a glut of elites and a dearth of places to put them. This causes the rise of anti-elites, while leaving the rest of us SOL.
The Next Decade Could Be Even Worse
Lurker21 said...The NY Press was once a hotbed of political discussion, but it's now an ordinary neighborhood shopping flyer.
In it's heyday, it was the greatest free newspaper ever. The vanity project of Russ Smith, he spared no expense in bringing in great writers from all across the political spectrum from Nazi apologist (Taki) to communist (David Corn) and everything in between. Even the movie reviews and sex column were stand out.
But then he sold it and it was all down hill from there.
No evidence of voter fraud!
How many Trump ballots would this guy have had to rip up, on camera, for lefties to acknowledge that it matters? Can we get a number? Cause I'm getting sick of the goalposts getting motorized every time we find more.
I'll walk in there. I'll kiss everyone in that audience. I'll kiss the guys and the beautiful women and them-- everybo-- I'll just give you a big fat kiss.
Just an old quote I came across that lends credibility to my theory that the president might be bisexual.
The thought crosses my mind that if the usual Democrat trolls were confident that the election was honest, they would not be quite so eager to have Trump drop his lawsuits and concede.
Trump still has not reached DIEBOLD levels, and will never get to THE RUSSIANS level. All the angst theater from The Left over this is annoying as an Obama excerpt. Or—the Ronald Klain appointment, not only was he wrong in his attacks on Trump to contain COVID he was so disgustingly smug about it. He illustrates the Ole Joe, nasty and arrogant.
The photo is eerie—moody, chilling.
The voting data (Trump votes vs Biden votes) is available precinct by precinct, village by village, town by town, city by city, county by county, state by state.
People can look at the data and compare it to the available demographics in each place (age, race, sec, median income, median home price, level of education, etc.)
Then draw your own conclusions
Kay, not sure if you're being droll, but if not, greeting / friendship / exuberance kisses are not sexual.
not much healthy skepticism about Big Money Biden-Harris from what I can see.
I'm uncertain if this is reflective of a broader view of the current state of affairs or if it's just relegated to the liberal political junkies, but it's somewhat disturbing to me that there appears to be little scrutiny or concern about our new overlords. Once Trump is out of the picture will the media continue to avoid and obfuscate any negative narratives about Biden, the Dems in power, and the Silicon Valley elite? Sadly, I think I know the answer to that. I'm finding it difficult to have hope as we enter the long dark winter of Biden.
That's what I've been saying Big Mike. Proving there was no cheating, or at least not enough to change the result from Biden to Trump, will only serve to legitimize a Biden presidency.
Much of Europe [and the US] is quite willing to follow Klaus Schwab's vision of the Great Reset of the World, via pandemics, climate change, etc. Whatever 'crisis' conveniently arises to facilitate a one-world-government, all for the benefit of mankind and the planet, of course. It's hard for me in my advanced years with my knowledge of history to accept that people can be as gullible as this. A few years ago I would not have thought it possible.
Joy Reid and Adam Schiff warn of GOP ‘tearing down our democracy’ if they investigate the incoming POTUS’ admin
Agreed, mock. I can't believe supposedly sophisticated people are falling for this nonsense.
I think the Democrats cheated on such a massive scale that it is easier to believe they didn't for most people. The partisan changes in the individual states are just too illogical to be explained by voting method or COVID hysteria- seriously, the only difference between Ohio and Michigan/Pennsylvania is that Ohio took ballot security and authentication seriously- the states are otherwise extremely similar in demographics with Ohio just slightly more tilted right than the other two. Biden won the mail in vote 4 to 1 in PA and almost 3 to 1 in MI- ratios that no other state came close to matching, not even California. In fact, in PA, Biden's win rate in mail in vote meant that he won every registered Democrat who returned a mail-in ballot, every non-partisan registered voter who returned a ballot, and 15% of the registered Republicans who returned a mail-in-ballot. That is, simply stated, not possible. He was winning the core city county and the collar counties mail in ballots around Philadelphia by a range between 10 to 1 and 30 to 1.
I think the Democrats, when the state government allowed it, saturated the suburbs and cities with a huge oversupply of mail ballots and then proceeded to collect them and send them all back with Biden at the top of the ticket. The problem for Trump is that he will never be able to prove this to anyone's satisfaction without a thorough review of each absentee ballot, application, and registered signature, and the courts aren't going to allow him this evidence it appears, no matter how many affadavits his legal team files- that is the wanting to believe the nicer story about US elections. Florida is where you see the counterfactual that proves the rule- there the state government kept a firm grasp on the distribution of mail-in-ballots, and kept a firm hand on authentication- this prevented the same fraud you saw in PA, MI, WI, MI, etc.
I will just warn the Georgia Republicans- if they don't fix this before the January runoffs, they will lose both Senate races for certain, and I see no evidence they are interested in fixing it. Their planned hand count, audit, and recanvass appears to be a fraud to make Trump's lawyers go away. If they do nothing, Fulton, Cobb, and Gwinnett Counties will have 100% turnout for a runoff- they might even do 110%, and why wouldn't they?
Trump and the Republicans just got caught completely flat-footed. They claimed they were ready to deal with any attempted fraud, but their responses on late Tuesday night and early Wednesday morning show they weren't really prepared at all- when their observers got tossed out of the counting rooms, where were the lawyers to go to federal court- they should have been Johnny on the spot according to their pre-election rhetoric.
I wrote a comment several weeks ago that the Democrats would harvest the mail-in ballots one way or another-legally and illegally- and I advised the Republicans to do the exact same thing- if your opponent isn't going to play by the rules, and you don't think you can enforce rules, then you have to cheat yourself until the opponent is willing to come to the table for a truce on the matter. They don't call Republicans the stupid party for nothing.
Does anyone really believe that if you did signature authentication of the mail-in-vote in Philadelphia, Atlanta, Chicago, Detroit, or Milwaukee that you wouldn't find that the same people signed hundreds or thousands of ballots? Absentee votes have a significant failure rate- a rate that was basically zero for this election only, and only in deep blue strongholds.
This may prove to be inaccurate, but rumors are spreading that Ayman al-Zawahiri, the leader of Al Qaeda following bin Laden's death in 2011, died of natural causes about a month ago. If true, it's pretty uneventful. Zawahiri was never much of a leader, and plodding and boring, and was definitely not the type to lead men into battle. Al Qaeda's real strength was the prestige and reputation OBL had in the Arab world for his role in driving the Soviet Union from Afghanistan.
A couple years later, in 1990, George H.W. Bush launched the Persian Gulf War and began our military adventurism in the region, and we have been stuck there ever since. I guess adding overthrowing and nation-building two countries covering hundreds of thousands of square miles and tens of millions of people divided along any number of sectarian fault lines, to the to-do list wasn't such a great idea.
Signature verification won't catch similar signatures bc you compare against the voter file not esch other.
But alert ballot receiptors might pick up on it if they've seen enough ballots.
Really though, each signature verified would lock that record so you couldn't add more ballots to it.
Trump's first mistake when he won in 2016 was not asking for a recount himself in the same states that Jill Stein requested- he should have supported that effort rather than fight it. It is, of course, understandable for the winner to not want a recount, but Trump should have taken his cues from what Hillary's team didn't do, namely asking for the recount themselves. There are many times where doing the natural thing is the mistake you end up regretting later. By fighting Stein on that recount, Trump both missed the opportunity to shed some light on vote counting roaches, and undercut his own requests today.
This is election over, but the Republicans need to continue to fight for a recount, audit, recanvass- if they don't, the Democrats will just keep doing this until the Republicans do the exact same thing- then it will be 100% turnout vs 110% turnout until the public finally understands the voting process in this country is a fucking joke.
Yancey Ward:
I think you should contact the NYT and Fox News and tell them about this. Sure is interesting. I'm sure they'll run it.
You want to know why you didn't hear any election stories out of Broward, Palm Beach, and Miami-Dade Counties this election? Because the local officials no longer had a free hand to do what they wanted in the dead of the night- after they tried to steal the Senate and Governor's races in 2018, the state government basically cleaned out their election offices and instituted strict oversight of the process. A much cleaner election, and one that didn't drag on for 2 weeks as the officials slowed a count to a crawl waiting for more ballots to arrive.
This is great news. Trump's own lawyers are not making any fraud cases, just want to clean up honest mistakes. The system is working, but it's expensive. Please send Donald more money to pay for the lawyers and also help with the campaign debts to cover the embezzlement frenzy.
zawahiri hss been leading the franchises since 2011, from west africa to syria, he unlike bin laden had suffered the pains of torture at the citadel (transliteration from arabic) in cairo, much like the leader of ansar al sharia in libya, who had served time at gitmo and al salem in prison,
Farmer: "A couple years later, in 1990, George H.W. Bush launched the Persian Gulf War and began our military adventurism in the region, and we have been stuck there ever since."
Actually, I am fairly confident that Saddam invading and occupying Kuwait and then forward deploying Iraqi forces opposite the Saudi oil fields played a prominent role in the ME in '90 and '91.
YW: "I will just warn the Georgia Republicans- if they don't fix this before the January runoffs, they will lose both Senate races for certain, and I see no evidence they are interested in fixing it."
Gov Kemp of GA is a NeverTrumper who is quite happy to hand control to Democrats.
His former chief of staff became a lobbyist for...(wait for it)...Dominion voting systems! And Kemps NeverTrump Sec of State for GA is also quite content to give the Democraticals the win they need to consolidate piwer forever.
"Republican" Kemp will ensure a democratical victory in January in GA. I suspect he will then be "defeated" by Tank Abrahms in the next Gov race there after which Kemp will join moron retiring "republican" Senator Burr on the Board of a couple of dem tech oligarch firms.
Drago makes a good point. We needed to protect the Saudi oil production. Then, in Gulp War II, the Iraqi oil fields paid for the cost of our invasion and occupation just like Mexico is paid for the beautiful new border wall.
Interesting commentary from Skip Moen...
By Skip Moen, Ph.D. / November 13, 2020
We lost! I don’t mean Biden won or Trump won. It doesn’t really matter because the real loss is far greater than who will be President for the next four years. What we lost is bāṭaḥ (Hebrew). You know the word (I hope). It is translated “trust,” and in every circumstance except Proverbs 31:11, whenever it describes human connections, it is negative. Loss of trust. You see, no matter what happens now, it is my belief that Americans of all political persuasions no longer trust the process. They don’t trust the politicians, the voting system, the media or each other. The real consequence of this election is the book of Judges, a period when the tribes of Israel lost trust in each other. The result was civil war (almost) AND (and this is important) a cry for a dictator (a king) who would stop all the chaos. I wonder if we aren’t very close to that.
No society can survive a fundamental loss of trust. Business cannot be done. Relationship collapse. When the Italian government offers a reward to report your neighbor if they don’t follow COVID regulations, the intra-societal dependence necessary for survival is destroyed. Apparently Governor Cuomo is doing the same. Without bāṭaḥ humanity is reduced to slavery, suspicion and spies. Secret police follow.
I don’t know who will eventually win this election. I’m afraid that it won’t matter in the long run. Everyone is a loser this time.
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At this point, there is only five (5) electoral votes that matter. Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett. And ..... they may get to vote more than once before December 14, 2021.
(Merrick Garland was unavailable for comment.)
mockturtle said...
It's hard for me in my advanced years with my knowledge of history to accept that people can be as gullible as this. A few years ago I would not have thought it possible.
i believe the saying is:
No one in this world, so far as I know—and I have searched the records for years, and employed agents to help me—has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people.
Nor has anyone ever lost public office thereby.
The mistake that is made always runs the other way.
Because the plain people are able to speak and understand, and even, in many cases, to read and write, it is assumed that they have ideas in their heads, and an appetite for more. This assumption is a folly.
Actually, I am fairly confident that Saddam invading and occupying Kuwait and then forward deploying Iraqi forces opposite the Saudi oil fields played a prominent role in the ME in '90 and '91.
Yes, followed by 8 years of observing, then finally ending the Iraq War, only to be resurrected with the next administration as Iraq War 2.0 or the greater Middle East war, elective coups, CAIR (catastrophic anthropogenic immigration reform), a semi-covert agreement, and obfuscatated payments to sponsor terrorism in the Middle East, which was just one the outcomes of social justice adventurism.
Gilbar: I'm not convinced the 'plain people' are the problem.
Howard: "Drago makes a good point. We needed to protect the Saudi oil production."
Uh, yeah. No.
But nice try.
Now tell us more about how that antifa "army" you praised daily for months on end suddenly, upon orders from above, became a "myth" overnight for you.
I think we'd all like to know how you made that leap.
Biden's call for Bail Out of the riot cities and lost child states (Cali and Ill) got to be blocked.
Detroit recount failed in 2016 because the votes were improperly handled and %35 could not be certified. Detoilet is corrupt.
This is great news. Trump's own lawyers are not making any fraud cases, just want to clean up honest mistakes.
Howard, they are using civil rights law to attack the fraud. Nice of you to play.
I agree with William 50's comment above. We will never recover from the theft of this election.
Fortunately, I am old enough that it is very unlikely that I will have to live through it. Franklin was right about "keeping it." You poor suckers. Unlike the Squad, you probably liked the country you grew up in. It will be gone soon.
the Prime van passes
reflecting the newly revealed sun
time to get the box
Gilbar: I'm not convinced the 'plain people' are the problem.
11/13/20, 3:57 PM
We need enough condescension on the right to balance that on the left.
I shouldnt be surprised about Howard defending Saddams invasion of Kuwait.
After all, Howard is still quite upset about that whole Soleimani thing as well.
Agreed. There was massive fraud and the left are building it into the system.
The MSM will not report on voter fraud even when there is video evidence.
see- North Carolina. There is actual video footage of democrat operatives going in and assisting people with their vote. totally illegal.
Democrats run North Carolina and they are denying it - media are too.
Kay said...
I'll walk in there. I'll kiss everyone in that audience. I'll kiss the guys and the beautiful women and them-- everybo-- I'll just give you a big fat kiss.
Just an old quote I came across that lends credibility to my theory that the president might be bisexual.
Why, yes! It's also a "tell" that Trump is in Russia's hip pocket.
I mean, just look at all the old pics of Leonid Brezhnev kissing guys!
And Putin kissing a boy's stomach:
Trump must have glommed onto that while he secretly attended the Russian Collusion Academy
That's not a sunrise, Ann. That's a sunset. The sun is right now setting across the country.
Or to coin a phrase:
"The lamps are going out all over America, we shall not see them lit again in our life-time."
I hope I'm wrong.
On this page, at 12:27 pm blog time, your commenter "Qwinn" posted a link to viral video that purports to be an election worker gleefully tering up Trump ballots.
By his own admission, the creator of that video has confessed that it was a fake, and that he was not destroying any real votes.
The creator, whose name is Dale Harrison, has so stated. It was a joke, he says.
So I'm happy to help clean up the comments pages and eliminate phony, spammy, election-rumor garbage.
You're welcome.
Twitter puts a content warning on a joke about Twitter warnings.
"Why was I at The Bullfrog? Because I like wacky, off-the-wall political sites that give me something to argue with.”
Isn’t that kind of like playing tennis without a net, in the case of Bulwark?
The economy in Atlanta is booming based on the week day traffic which is as heavy as I have ever seen. Where do all these people suddenly come from? But we still have to obey the latest perfected pandemic rules every where we go.
The first victim of the cancel culture was Paul de Man.
Wait, so guy who committed a felony on video is now claiming it wasn't real and a joke?
What could possibly explain that? What motive could he possibly have to convince people that he didn't commit a felony on camera?
And Chuck automatically believes him?
Go figure.
Qwinn said...
Wait, so guy who committed a felony on video is now claiming it wasn't real and a joke?
So let's start with the fact that Dale Harrison -- and yes it is a self-made video by Dale Harrison -- wasn't a poll worker. Nowehere, was he a poll worker. He works in an Amazon warehouse.
So we can start there... no, the hell with it. Let's end there too.
Your stupid, fake, made-up, jokester, unreal video of a purported poll worker tearing ubp Trump ballots? It wasn't a poll worker at all.
Qwinn, Politifact also debunked that same stupid video:
Politifact just says the same thing you did. "He said it was fake, so its fake".
Now what's your source for claiming he wasn't a poll worker? Cause Politifact doesn't make that claim.
'you can keep your doctor and your plan' politifact, lol,
Your sole source for claiming that the guy who, if he doesn't lie now, will go to jail wasn't a poll worker was... the guy who, if he doesn't lie now, will go to jail, wasn't it, Chuck?
Actually, I am fairly confident that Saddam invading and occupying Kuwait and then forward deploying Iraqi forces opposite the Saudi oil fields played a prominent role in the ME in '90 and '91.
The invasion of Kuwait, certainly. The claim of troops and tanks amassing at the Saudi border was bogus, like the fake dead-baby stories cooked up by a PR firm hired by Citizens for a Free Kuwait (i.e. the Kuwaiti government).
Nonetheless, even accepting the US leading a military coalition to eject Saddam from Kuwait, what came next? We took the lead in enforcing the embargo against Iraq, and we later imposed no-fly zones though they were not specified in the UN resolution we were enforcing. We bombed Iraq in 1993, 1994, 1996, and 1998. The Clinton administration got caught using UNSCOM for espionage, perpetuated a lie that inspectors had been thrown out of the country, reinvaded to "finish the job," and remain there to this day. 30 years later. Welcome to the new world order. Endless war isn't a bug; it's a feature.
The Bulwark has a column about how well-off suburbanites gave Biden his edge.
Interesting ... considering Biden found his margins by the hundreds of thousands inside the big-city limits.
The Bulwark is full of shit and when Trump is gone - and they'll have nothing to write about - they can go fuck themselves in the unemployment line.
Chuck is a whole disinformation campaign on his own. Even the NTs at Ricochet are laying low.
So I'm happy to help clean up the comments pages and eliminate phony, spammy, election-rumor garbage.
You're welcome.
So why are you still here ? You're as bad as Obama.
The Bulwark is full of shit and when Trump is gone - and they'll have nothing to write about
I expect media will blame Trump for every problem during Biden Administration.
Farmer: "The invasion of Kuwait, certainly. The claim of troops and tanks amassing at the Saudi border was bogus, like the fake dead-baby stories cooked up by a PR firm hired by Citizens for a Free Kuwait (i.e. the Kuwaiti government)."
I guess I could believe you...and the Soviet disinformation, or I could stick with what I myself saw from real time military intel.
Naturally, every situation is fluid and troops do have a tendency to move around a bit over time as well as our very own CIA having a bad habit of changing their minds and their "analysis" depending upon the needs of whoever happens to be their favorite politicians at the time.
Farmer: "Nonetheless, even accepting the US leading a military coalition to eject Saddam from Kuwait, what came next? We took the lead in enforcing the embargo against Iraq, and we later imposed no-fly zones though they were not specified in the UN resolution we were enforcing."
Uh, yeah. I know. I was there. And yes, Pappy Bush and his team began the inevitable mission creep of which we have all become all too familiar over the last 3 decades.
LLR-lefty Chuck has been quite the little anger ball ever since the courts slapped down his newest lefty hero Whitmer.
Don't worry Chuckie. Perhaps you democraticals will win both GA seats and you can inflict whatever Team Dem wishes on the rest of the nation.
Quite frankly I am impressed that you have not yet launched any vicious misogynistic attacks against ACB, given that fact that she is a conservative woman.
We all know how that combo kickstarts you into rage mode, almost as easily as encountering conservative blacks with distinguished military records.
At some point you would think Chuck's therapy sessions over the previous years would start paying dividends. It's a good thing shrinks don't have a moneyback guarantee otherwise Chuck could clean up!
Blogger Qwinn said...
Your sole source for claiming that the guy who, if he doesn't lie now, will go to jail wasn't a poll worker was... the guy who, if he doesn't lie now, will go to jail, wasn't it, Chuck?
What I am saying to all the readers here is that the guy wasn’t ever a poll worker in the first place. It was a joke. Under no circumstances did he have access to any ballots, to destroy them.
We know who the guy is; at what polling location do you claim that he worked? Why aren’t you sending everything that you have to any prosecutor who would have jurisdiction over this supposed felony that was self-videotaped by the alleged felon himself?
More Chuck? Jeeeez!
Once again, Chuck makes a declarative statement that the guy who ripped up a Trump ballot on video wasn't a poll worker, providing nothing whatsoever to back this up except that the guy now says he dindu nuffin. Unexpectedly.
This should be good... Chuck, humor me. Assume just for a moment that that video depicts reality. That he was a poll worker. Guy was bragging about fighting Orangemanbad, never expecting more than a few people to see it.
Then it goes viral, national. The entire country has watched him commit a felony.
What the fuck do you think he would say after that happened? "Yeah, I did it, and I'd do it again too! Take me away copperz!" In fact, what COULD he possibly say if be wants to stay out of prison than what he said?
The fact that you utterly dismiss it based on literally nothing more than his dindu nuffin claim now is seriously pathetic. He's saying exactly what he would say regardless of the truth. His statement carries literally zero weight to any reasonable person. What remains is the actual video. You and Politifact have established absolutely nothing except that you'll happily parrot the most utterly un-credible crap if it helps your cause.
Yancey's Post @ 2:43-
Is very important.
Yancey - may I have permission to send your post @2:43 to a few e-mail friends?
I can leave it with or without your name/moniker.
Lou Dobbs just lit into a GOP Congressman about the lack of response by the GOP regarding the election malfeasance. It is indeed the case that President Trump has been on his own throughout his campaigns and amid the assaults by media. The GOP has never really supported him. We need a new Party. Fuck the GOP.
I should add- it's not impossible that it was fake. Anything is possible. My point is that if the video is real, it's absurd to expect him to do anything except deny it in exactly the way he did, and that denial now does literally zero to prove anything. That you think it does is pathetic and proves you lack either the most basic reasoning skills or even a shred of intellectual honesty. Actually I'll go with the healing power of "and".
Some Madisonian apparently mistook the UW Arboretum for a Christmas tree lot:
“Police are stumped by the theft of a rare pine tree from the University of Wisconsin Arboretum.
The 25-foot Algonquin Pillar Swiss Mountain pine was sawed down sometime between Nov. 5 and Nov. 9, University of Wisconsin-Madison police said Thursday.”
Clever wording, though...'stumped'.
Someone once said about this life, 'We are all just children, playing on a playground.' I'm at the end of this life, but I do not seek the easy escape of death, to run out the clock on what is about to happen. I want to keep playing the game.
Those who have had an easy life, shrink from the hardship. I'm talking about real hardship. Stock brokers jumped out of buildings to their death in 1929. They imagined the hardship. They didn't live it. Hardship is the most interesting part of the game. We're only here for a short time.
The least we could do is to stop wearing a silly mask. Have some self-respect.
Don't worry, Hercules. You'll get your hardship. Here's what we have to look forward to: Second American Civil War
Here's what we have to look forward to: Second American Civil War
[This war will be waged by far-left radicals and their deep-state puppet masters. For them, civilian casualties and massacres will not be moral evils, but merely part and parcel of their larger plan to “reconstruct” America. Their objective is simple: overthrow our constitutional order, destroy our way of life, and deprive us of our freedom, our liberties, our property, and our honor.]
Oh brother. This is unhinged lunacy. If he had pushed just a little further over-the-top, he could've submitted it to The Onion. Here's my absolutely favorite part: "In similar fashion, I believe one likely spark for the Second American Civil War will be the result of a coup d’etat carried out by anti-America extremists. It will catch most Americans by surprise. The coup plotters will act quickly to seize the critical levers of power, before any opposition has a chance to react."
Ahh, so that's what's going to happen. Unnamed, unidentified, undefined "anti-America extremists" is going to launch a "a coup d’etat" and then "quickly to seize the critical levers of power." Well, that's not too vague.
And here's my second favorite part: "I do not wish to be alarmist." He failed.
Uh, yeah. I know. I was there. And yes, Pappy Bush and his team began the inevitable mission creep of which we have all become all too familiar over the last 3 decades.
Ah, So in other words, "in 1990, George H.W. Bush launched the Persian Gulf War and began our military adventurism in the region, and we have been stuck there ever since."
Between Yancey Ward's comment at 2:43 and William50's comment at 3:41, the key bases are covered.
I think there's a lot of wisdom in the Biblical injunction:
"Fightest not thou land wars in Asia, nor in Arabia, for it profiteth not mine peeps."
I'm more cynical and secular:
"No Blood For Muzzies."
Take your pick
When I wrote that comment, I thought, Mock is gonna jump all over this. I have had no shortage of hardship. I hit my thumb with a hammer once. I am a'survivor'.
Folks who don't experience hardship think it's way worse than it is, like the '29 stock brokers. Hardship is part of the game. The game is not complete without it. Hardship is comin'. Disappointed that Buwaya ran away, but this America thing isn't his. Always look forward to his comments. I was actually trying to buck up Dr. K. I want him to stay in the fight to the very end. Now is not the time to rest. The living let the dead know when it's time to rest. We all say R.I.P. That's how you know it's time to rest.
Farmer: "Ah, So in other words, "in 1990, George H.W. Bush launched the Persian Gulf War and began our military adventurism in the region, and we have been stuck there ever since."
You should probably go by what I actually write and not what you wish I had written so you can feel better about yourself and what you wrote.
GHWBush did not launch the Persian Gulf War. In a very real way, Saddam did.
GHWBush and allies kicked Saddam out of Kuwait. We were not "stuck there ever since". Some folks decided doing lots of other things was a good idea and our government decided it would be a "good idea" to stay there and do other things. That was the mistake.
Qwinn: "Once again, Chuck makes a declarative statement that the guy who ripped up a Trump ballot on video wasn't a poll worker, providing nothing whatsoever to back this up except that the guy now says he dindu nuffin. Unexpectedly."
You will recall that our LLR-lefty Chuck went positively bonkers for weeks and months on end because had the sheer gall to suggest that Detroit had a history of voter fraud.
LLR-lefty Chuck could not abide such a calumny against his beloved dems and he lapsed back into his "I'll Fight You!" mode against those claims.
LLR-lefty Chuck gets very, very, (did I mention "very"?) defensive when his beloved and "magnificent" and "brilliant" democraticals are challenged in any way.
Farmer: "The invasion of Kuwait, certainly. The claim of troops and tanks amassing at the Saudi border was bogus, like the fake dead-baby stories cooked up by a PR firm hired by Citizens for a Free Kuwait (i.e. the Kuwaiti government)."
Troops and tanks at the Saudi border bogus? the fuck they were!
I've watched videos of the US and Saudis line up their tanks to oppose approaching Iraq tanks, and then go out to pound the piss out of them. Then to see the troops with those tanks surrendering by the hundreds , waving their white hankies and touching the feet of our soldiers in supplication, hoping they wouldn't be killed. (they weren't)
Oh and by the way: the comments you posted the other day about US officials purporting to use "exceptionalism" as an excuse to make war conflated the term with an entirely different argument: that the US, as the sole superpower, had certain obligations to provide leadership that other nations didn't.
That has nothing to do with the original idea of exceptionalism, which relates to the founding of the country and the principles it has acted upon, which have differed from most of the world.
As for mission creep: just today our Syrian envoy bragged that he and his cohort had actively misled Trump regarding the number of troops we had in Syria, and said he had offered five great reasons to keep them there, despite Trump's desire to bring them home.
You think maybe the George HW Bush, Clinton GWB and Obama might have got the same flim flam from the Swamp and Big Military? Ya think?
You should wipe off that smug grin. You look like Strzok in the House hearings. You are NOT the smartest person in the room.
Farmer, it's easy to tell you probably don't live in the West. Portland and Seattle are already under siege. What? You don't hear about it on MSNBC? CNN? Of course you don't. Biden voters harassed in their front yard by BLM/Antifa? Antifa destroying Dem HQ? Don't think that a Biden win will stop the madness. The toothpaste is out of the tube and these radicals are only contemptuous of liberals.
I've watched videos of the US and Saudis line up their tanks to oppose approaching Iraq tanks, and then go out to pound the piss out of them.
You're talking about a different time. The claim about troops amassing at the Saudi border was made several months earlier in September.
Oh and by the way: the comments you posted the other day about US officials purporting to use "exceptionalism" as an excuse to make war conflated the term with an entirely different argument: that the US, as the sole superpower, had certain obligations to provide leadership that other nations didn't.
Well that certainly doesn't apply to the Roosevelt, Wilson, or Kennedy quotes. Not sure how you get that from the "indispensable nation" quote or from Bush saying, "We are all part of a great venture: To extend the promise of freedom in our country, to renew the values that sustain our liberty, and to spread the peace that freedom brings." Or when Obama said, " And I think that we have a core set of values that are enshrined in our Constitution, in our body of law, in our democratic practices, in our belief in free speech and equality, that, though imperfect, are exceptional." Where is the conflation with the theidea that America is compelled to act as a consequence of its power?
That has nothing to do with the original idea of exceptionalism, which relates to the founding of the country and the principles it has acted upon, which have differed from most of the world.
Yes, my first sentence was: This aspect of "American exceptionalism" is certainly true.
You think maybe the George HW Bush, Clinton GWB and Obama might have got the same flim flam from the Swamp and Big Military? Ya think?
Oh, let's see, I've only said over and over that a president's power constrained by systemic factors and that elections aren't as vital as people act because most of the power in society is outside elected offices. So thank you for lecturing me on something I've been talking about for years.
You should wipe off that smug grin. You look like Strzok in the House hearings. You are NOT the smartest person in the room.
I can't help it. I made that face one night, and it got stuck that way. Hold on, I like to write down feedback I get from anonymous people on the Internet. "NOT the smartest person in the room" N, O, T. I di take offense at the Strzok comparison. That guy is a swish.
Remember, there is a really simple solution to not liking what I write: don't read it. I'll write what I want; you write what you want; and we'll both live happily ever after.
GHWBush did not launch the Persian Gulf War. In a very real way, Saddam did.
Oh, please. That's a stretch. In that case, Austria and Germany didn't start WWI. Gavrilo Princip did.
GHWBush and allies kicked Saddam out of Kuwait. We were not "stuck there ever since". Some folks decided doing lots of other things was a good idea and our government decided it would be a "good idea" to stay there and do other things. That was the mistake.
Apologies, but I'm not sure what this is referring to, but I don't see any obvious disagreement. The Gulf War was sold as a "limited" war that would require minimal US resources. And yet, one consequence of the war was the increased US presence in the region, which has continued to this day.
Farmer: "Oh, please. That's a stretch. In that case, Austria and Germany didn't start WWI. Gavrilo Princip did."
I guess you really can't help yourself.
But I do enjoy you explaining to me that things I personally saw never happened.
There’s a storm brewin...
I guess you really can't help yourself.
Oh, for fuck's sake. This is such stupid semantics taking issue with the phrase "George H.W. Bush launched the Persian Gulf War" and saying, "GHWBush did not launch the Persian Gulf War. In a very real way, Saddam did."
Yes, no shit, Sherlock. I completely concede that Bush would not have pursued military action against Iraq for invading Kuwait had Iraq not invaded Kuwait. The only reason I said he "launched the Persian Gulf War" was because he made the decision to pursue war and pursued, just as I would say FDR launched a war against a Japan or LBJ against Vietnam. So we disagree on the word "launched." Agreeing or disagreeing with the decision isn't even what I was talking about. My point was that Gulf War was the starting point for our current mideast posture rather than the post-9/11 actions.
But I do enjoy you explaining to me that things I personally saw never happened.
For what it's worth, when you wrote, "I guess I could believe you...and the Soviet disinformation, or I could stick with what I myself saw from real time military intel," I did not bring it up or contradict you. I'm more than willing to defer to you.
And my apologies; next time I will be sure to be a mindreader and not write something you already know.
As a rule, if you invade a place and others send troops to get you out of that place, then you can be said to have started the resulting war. Think Hitler invading Poland, or the Japanese Imperial Navy attacking Pearl Harbor. It isn't (as they say) that hard.
@Chris Lopes:
It isn't (as they say) that hard.
That's probably why nobody is disagreeing with it. The reason I said Bush "launched the war" was because he made the decision to pursue a military response. It wasn't forced upon him.
Whew. So, half a dozen comments later, have we settled the "launched" dispute? Because I'm still struggling to figure out where the disagreement is.
As of today President Trump is announcing a COVID-19 vaccination in the Rose Garden and Joe is at the beach.
If this strikes you as evidence of fraud, I mean, come on, man. Take 5 minutes to google it and try not to make it so apparent that you're either a ding dong or a shill.
Blogger Qwinn said...
No evidence of voter fraud!
How many Trump ballots would this guy have had to rip up, on camera, for lefties to acknowledge that it matters? Can we get a number? Cause I'm getting sick of the goalposts getting motorized every time we find more.
11/13/20, 12:27 PM
I have to give this one to Qwinn- the word of the guy on camera really isn't enough. It may well have been a joke, but it needs to be investigated anyway because they did look like official ballots. Perhaps someone can demonstrate they were fake, like perhaps Chuck. I mean, it isn't like it was a pecan pie he said he baked from scratch.
Moc said,." It's hard for me in my advanced years with my knowledge of history to accept that people can be as gullible as this. A few years ago I would not have thought it possible."
I'm always amazed at the lefts ability to suspend reason. Just look at the prog. commenters here. Most if not all have a sketchy knowledge of the history of their own country and it's founding principals. This latest gloating-Chuck the c#*t is openly masturbating-over their win by any means necessary. Not caring that those same tactic can be turned around on them. I actually had a proggy co-worker opine that all this vote fraud was done by the republicans like Mitch McConnel to get rid of Trump. What can you say of that level of unawareness. I warned everybody here that the dems would commit massive vote fraud. I wish I was wrong. They are basically dishonest people and dishonest people do dishonest things.
Sigh......Chuck, if a guy posted a video of himself committing a murder, it would be investigated, would it not? You really are on the spectrum, aren't you? People post videos of themselves committing crimes all the time- shoplifting, trying to burn down government buildings, torturing people without even doing the minimal amount to conceal their identities- they post them on their facking Facebook pages- or have you not been paying attention to social media? They do it for a variety of reasons, none of which I really understand, but I don't deny that people actually do these things. A person trashing Trump votes might well have believed that no one would investigate it because it is socially acceptable behavior, but now regrets it and is trying to explain it away. You calling it a prank doesn't make it a prank- you are simply pretending to know something that you literally can't know, that is why Qwinn wins the argument. That I have to point this out to you just demonstrates how fucking stupid you really are.
Yancey Ward; you presume that the video in question was never investigated. Do I have that right? Are you claiming that it was never investigated, and may represent a real and serious ballot-destruction crime?
I think that the investigation might have taken about 30 minutes. But you can always call the Trump Vote Fraud Hotline. Wait; no you can't. It was flooded with prank calls. So anyway, you can call police, the FBI, the U.S. Election Assistance Commission. Hop to it. I think you're the perfect guy to bust this terrible case wide open. You'll be a voting integrity hero.
Be sure to let us know how it all turns out.
No one understands me (except him)
Love you,
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