November 20, 2020

At the Daybreak Café...

IMG_1297 ... talk about whatever you like.


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effinayright said...

tim in vermont said...
The Board of Elections in Georgia's Floyd County voted Thursday to oust Chief of Elections Clerk Robert Brady after officials found thousands of uncounted ballots.


I hope Dominion sues, discovery would be epic, and we need to be able to trust such a key part of our voting infrastructure. Air it all.
Dominion has shut down their PA and Canada offices, and has fled PA.

Those are not the actions of aggrieved parties.

They are the actions of perps who DON'T want to expose themselves to criminal liability, let alone discovery.

effinayright said...

Birkel said...

Why do you mention criminal law when what we are talking about w/rt elections is civil law.

The Criminal Division’s Public Integrity Section and the Department’s 94 U.S. Attorneys’ Offices are responsible for enforcing the federal criminal laws that prohibit various forms of election fraud, such as vote buying, multiple voting, submission of fraudulent ballots or registrations, destruction of ballots or registrations, alteration of votes and malfeasance by election officials . The Criminal Division is also responsible for enforcing federal criminal law prohibiting voter intimidation that does not involve a basis in race , color , national origin or religion (as noted above, voter intimidation that has a basis in race, color, national origin or religion is addressed by the Civil Rights Division).

Birkel said...

So the Trump teams are pursuing civil matters.
Why have you jumped to the criminal code?

Which prosecutors are involved?

Qwinn said...

I think we're once again up to the distinction between proving voter fraud occurred, and proving who did it.

I suspect the criminal code applies to actually convicting an individual, while just proving that it happened and preventing certification would be a civil matter. But IANAL.

Attonasi said...

Birkel said...

So the Trump teams are pursuing civil matters.
Why have you jumped to the criminal code?

Which prosecutors are involved?

Why are so many people who call themselves lawyers getting this very basic thing wrong?

mandrewa said...

It is absolutely insane that this code is not open source and insane to even ask someone to accept the results of an election under these circumstances.

Michael K. said, "Yes, I wonder who made that decision and when?"

I feel a bit guilty about not saying more about Dominion and the like. I'm not talking about now, I mean in years past.

The truth is that every time I have ever thought about this, I've started to see red. I want to throw things and I think dark thoughts like "I live in a world filled with fucking idiots." And then I think maybe I should just stop and move on to something else that doesn't drive up my blood pressure or make me want to despair.

Everything about about Dominion and the like screams vote fraud. And I would think this should be obvious and shouldn't need to be explained.

I assume that of course it all begins with the Democratic Party and that it probably started back in the Clinton administration, back when the Democrats where in love with Hugo Chavez and Venezuela, and they used their control of the executive branch to steer this bit of pork to their fascist allies in South America.

But the problem is beyond the fact that so many people are okay with this, and note the problem is just as big for every voting company corporation, it's just particular obvious in the Venezuelan case, but also there is the issue that some elected Republicans must have gone along with this.

And I assume the Republican problem is either stupidity, as in they can't see the potential for fraudulent elections, or corruption, as in they are being paid under the table to go along with this.

But the other reason I haven't written about this is my lack of faith in humanity. I can sense that this is one of those things that seem crystal clear to me, and admittedly perhaps quite a few other people on this forum, but will be beyond the grasp of all too many. As in, it wouldn't have made any difference if I had written something about the problem.

But anyway, if there is ever a time to clean up our act and get a real voting system that isn't absolutely intended to facilitate fake elections, now is that moment.

And oh, by the way, as I'm sure most of the programmers here can surmise, the fact that the code isn't open source means that our foreign enemies, as in for instance, the Chinese Communist Party, know exactly what's in that code and have at least thought about manipulating it.

Chuck said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
tim in vermont said...

Compare vote observing in Wisconsin vs Philadelphia

Gospace said...

Just how infectious is covid? Not very judging from a few very visible real world examples-starting with the Diamond Princess as already mentioned. Add the USS Theodore Roosevelt to that list. Having spent several years aboard ships- they’re ideal for spreading any infectious disease. Yet- most aboard both ships didn’t get the dreaded covid. Any epidemiologist will tell you if you’re in close contact with someone with any of the countless varieties of flu- you’re getting it unless you’ve already had it or a close enough cousin.

How deadly is covid? Well, that depends. Almost every disease kills more elderly than younger folks, but the dreaded covid appears to be far more ageist. On the overall, it seems to fall in the middle of deadliness for seasonal viruses. An, as time goes on, a lot more treatment options to reduce that deadliness. Maybe some of those options will work for other seasonal viruses- but no one has bothered looking for treatments before the dreaded covid. Viruses just ran their course and medics just tried to keep people comfortable until they died or recovered.

Somewhere close to 200000 people do die yearly from measles, and most of those deaths could be prevented with mass vaccination. But the death rate for measles is 1 to 2 per thousand cases. For smallpox, 1% for the less common version, 30% for the more common. So we put forth the effort to eradicate it. Some diseases can jump species. Cowpox for example. And if you remember from your history classes, Louis Pasteur noted that maidens who had cowpox didn’t get smallpox. And vaccinations to prevent diseases was born.

Rabies jumps species. Very deadly. How infectious? Pretty much needs to be injected into you by biting.Very deadly, not very infectious. We don’t vaccinate people against it because the human vaccine is painful and expensive. We minimize our chance of getting it by vaccinating our dogs and cats.

We know how to minimize disease harm, and, in some cases, disease spread. Learned throughout history. We’re applying none of those lessons to the dreaded covid. Isolate the vulnerable. Basic step one. Don’t throw sick people in with them, 1a. Violated by edict of Dictator Cuomo’s. Reduce travel immediately from hotspots. Which got President Trump accused of xenophobia and racism. Two, let the people who aren’t going to die from it travel and mingle freely so they get it- along with subsequent immunity. Yep, that lesson from the past might as well not exist.

Why are so many so fearful of the dreaded covid? Aside from the fact the fear has been deliberately injected into their thoughts to damage Trump? Because most Americans alive today grew up in a world without smallpox or polio or diphtheria and other deadly diseases which is families routinely had a dozen children in the hope that two or three would survive long enough to have children of their own.

D.D. Driver said...

Unless you were actually there, you do not know that's what happened.

BINGO! And neither do you. Except, I have observed many elections and have a bit of insight into how the process works. All I can do is use my experience to help people interpret unfamiliar images and processes.

And because neither of us were there, I will trust the judicial process to sort everything out.

Qwinn said...

"I will trust the corrupt, partisan Democrat Supreme Court and hyper partisan Attorney General (whom I lyingly called a Republican, and who just now stole his own re-election) that enabled the fraud in the first place to engage in a judicial process to sort everything out by whitewashing their own crimes, and it is my most fervent wish that they succeed, and I'm happy to do my part in pushing public opinion toward accepting their verdict that they dindu nuffin.."


BUMBLE BEE said...

GET THIS... Compton California elected a REPUBLICAN MAYOR! Thems some huge coattails. The dem incumbent was even proposing a base level income for all. Blue wave my ass.

Qwinn said...

Oh, also:

"And because neither of us were there"

*I* was there. And I was not allowed to witness the vote count, either in person or mail in, and neither was any other Republican poll watcher.

So fuck off.

cf said...

I am in shock, sobered. So is my hubby and one of my dear friends. but most Other family and friends are drowned in righteous koolaid.

the ObamaNation is back, part III: the Supreme Serene Police State, where all our individuality and freedoms are reduced to ptewy, up for grabs, will not be defended, and will be even stripped, like Nakoula, who dared make 15 minutes of video, and like those reporters that dared report "against the state".
Stripped like all those american citizens unmasked in their phone calls to aid in Hillary's political hijinx.
Stripped like the 300-something Tea Bagger groups that dared try to organize under our Federal Tax Police, the IRS -- man you do not want to be stripped by the IRS.

Oh boy. Another four years.

I gratitude to most high for our duly-elected President, for all the days he will serve I am grateful, and anything I can do now that could help, I would like to do, but am at a loss.

the Vietnam monk burning himself alive is the one thing that comes up, and hah, yeah, I have no such selflessness and courage, and anyway would probably flub it like the sukarno protester in Year of Living Dangerously.

thanks for listening.

Qwinn said...

Chuck: "More on what a complete fuckup the Russ Ramsland affidavit was:"

1. You have utterly failed to even acknowledge your massive lie earlier in this thread, that Minnesota precinct voting data was matched up to Michigan precinct population numbers. The closest your new article comes to that is claiming that *historical voter turnout* numbers from one state might've been considered for the other state, but that is nothing even remotely close to what you alleged. You are once again confirmed as a shameless liar.

2. Your new article, the Washington Post, says as a factual matter right at the beginning:

"The source of Powell’s number is an affidavit from a security consultant in Texas named Russ Ramsland."

Powell didn't say that. How the hell does WaPo know who her source was, if she didn't state it? Because the single figure 350% lines up between the claims? Heh - you ignore absurd statistical improbabilities pointed out in every thread but then jump to massively critical conclusions based on *that* single number matching up? Every single last other detail in that WaPo article depends completely on that being her source, something totally unestablished. You aren't just an inveterate liar, you also lack even the most basic of critical reasoning skills.

J. Farmer said...

I am grateful, and anything I can do now that could help, I would like to do, but am at a loss.

Ask your doctor if Paxil’s right for you.

Michael K said...

You need access to the compiler and its history, the assembler, the microcode assembler, and the history of any code used in making them.

The ultimate lesson is "Don't patronize any company that hires people like me," at that degree of cleverness.

Oh yes, and that is why I am not optimistic. This was very well done and Dominion was the tool. It is interesting to see the left deny all that is obvious. Poor Slow Joe was right in bragging that this was the greatest vote fraud organization in history.

God help us.

Attonasi said...

mandrewa said...

And oh, by the way, as I'm sure most of the programmers here can surmise, the fact that the code isn't open source means that our foreign enemies, as in for instance, the Chinese Communist Party, know exactly what's in that code and have at least thought about manipulating it.

That is the thing. If you gave a developer/company a spec sheet that read:

- The Machine will take scanner results and apply increments to appropriate candidate vote totals.
- The machine will store results in non-volatile memory and update a central server in real time at [XXX time increment] intervals all count changes.
- The central server will maintain an audit log of all client machine connections and updates.
- The machine will maintain an audit log of all vote counts, votes tallied, with a system monitored time stamp.
- Provide a legally audit-able audit log.
- Maintain an exact count of total votes in real time.

That is all idiot level work. There is no reason to be spending millions of dollars on election software. Thousands of people out here would do this for free.

If you want you could get all crazy and give everyone a personal encryption key and a tear off barcode/receipt encryption key on their ballot that they could use to see the results of their vote stored in a blind database and their ballot can only be accessed by using their personal key.

The only reason we have an opaque and vulnerable voting system is to allow fraud. There is no other explanation that a reasonable person would accept.

Qwinn said...

At any rate, if the demand is that we dismiss Russ Ramland's affidavit, I don't really have a problem with that.


Now answer the other 90 links in this thread:

Sgtpepper said...

Canadian question: What are the ramifications (if any) of this regarding the current election fiasco?
Circuit Assignments

It is ordered that the following allotment be made of The Chief Justice and the Associate Justices of this Court among the circuits, pursuant to Title 28, United States Code, Section 42 and that such allotment be entered of record, effective November 20, 2020.

For the District of Columbia Circuit - John G. Roberts, Jr., Chief Justice
For the First Circuit - Stephen Breyer, Associate Justice
(Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island)
For the Second Circuit - Sonia Sotomayor, Associate Justice
(Connecticut, New York, Vermont)
For the Third Circuit - Samuel A. Alito, Jr., Associate Justice
(Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virgin Island)
For the Fourth Circuit - John G. Roberts, Jr., Chief Justice
(Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, West Virginia, Virginia)
For the Fifth Circuit - Samuel A. Alito, Jr., Associate Justice
(Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas)
For the Sixth Circuit - Brett M. Kavanaugh, Associate Justice
(Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, Tennessee)
For the Seventh Circuit - Amy Coney Barrett, Associate Justice
(Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin)
For the Eighth Circuit - Brett M. Kavanaugh, Associate Justice
(Arkansas, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota)
For the Ninth Circuit - Elena Kagan, Associate Justice
(Alaska, Arizona, California, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Oregon, Montana, Nevada, Northern Mariana Islands, Washington)
For the Tenth Circuit - Neil M. Gorsuch, Associate Justice
(Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Utah, Wyoming)
For the Eleventh Circuit - Clarence Thomas, Associate Justice
(Alabama, Florida, Georgia)
For the Federal Circuit - John G. Roberts, Jr., Chief Justice.

readering said...

None. If a matter going to a circuit justice is serious that justice refers it to the entire court.

readering said...

Yesterday I suggested a bet on which maskless lawyer at the Giuliani-Powell press conference tested positive for covid first. I forgot the non-lawyers in attendance. If you bet Rudy's non-lawyer adult son, you won. (At least based on reports. Who knows who has it who has not disclosed.)

Owen said...

Attonasi: "...No. You need to follow the process we all agreed to before hand.

The election process was a mutual agreement made by a Legislature and signed by a Governor so that we could have elections that everyone trusted and accepted. When Democrats changed those rules because they didn't like them they invalidated the process. You have now won an election half the country does not trust.

Nothing you can do will regain that trust until you reinstate that process and follow those rules. Inevitably everyone will suffer as our high trust society becomes a low trust society. Because of people like you.

11/20/20, 1:47 PM"

This. Exactly this.

Sgtpepper said...


Really??, Petitioners can submit emergency applications to an individual justice.

MI - Kavanaugh
WI - Barrett
PA - Alito
GA - Thomas

n.n said...

On the bright side, we’ll all get to listen to know-nothings like you talk bullshit.

16 trimesters. Do you support Obama's wars... social justice adventures (coups, CAIR, etc.)? The JCPOA transfer of funds and denial of counterclaims? Iranian regime sponsorship of terrorism throughout the Middle East? Iraq War 2.0.

Wince said...

Suppose the "rumors" the Trump legal team is relying with respect to electronic fraud are actually based on leaked classified government information.

Without security clearances, wouldn't it create legal jeopardy if they did substantiate the evidence at this point?

readering said...

Sure, but an individual justice is not going to act unilaterally on a serious matter. They are just dividing up the workload of initial look-see.

n.n said...

Just how infectious is covid?

SARS-CoV-2 rated at Ro between 2 and 3. It is spread through Planned Parent (i.e. cross-contamination) and medical centers that don't follow protocol. It is most likely an asymptomatic spread in the general population through fecal (i.e. contact) transmission a la e coli, HIV.

J. Farmer said...


The JCPOA transfer of funds and denial of counterclaims?

Gee, I can’t imagine why we haven’t heard a peep out of dipshits like you about Saudi or Emirati terrorism for the last four years. Go fuck yourself.

tim in vermont said...

Just focus on the implausibly low rejection rate for mail-in ballots. If they'd rejected anything near what they usually reject, Trump would've won easily.

Sgtpepper said...

**They are just dividing up the workload of initial look-see.**

Doesn't the justices circuit assignments matter? Petitioners can submit emergency applications to an individual justice and can grant the request himself/herself to the rest of the Supreme Court?

readering said...

Don't follow the Huff Post (didn't realize it still operated) but this story struck me: more GOP Senators have acknowledged contracting covid than acknowledged Biden's victory. Congress now in recess for Thanksgiving. Here's hoping folks isolate with their households. At least those over the median age for Senators (63).

readering said...

Is this a Canadian trait?

tim in vermont said...

Just the right tone....

A Kirkland & Ellis associate left a hateful/harassing voice message last week for the lead lawyer for the Trump campaign — campaign lawyer asked for sanctions but so far the court has done nothing on this. The Trump lawyer has had death threats, courtesy Lincoln Project doxing.

Now Kirkland & Ellis has withdrawn from representing the PA Secretary of State....

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

snip from Sidney Powell Interview:

...O'Connor pushed her about her claims that computer software used in the election, particularly Dominion Voting Systems, has been tainted, and he wondered how she would prove it. For starters, Powell said that her legal team has pictures of votes being manipulated in real-time.

"It is terrifying, and it is a huge national security issue," Powell said. "Why the Department of Justice and FBI have not done something, Dominion is closing its offices and moving. No doubt they're shredding documents. God only knows what else. More than 100 Dominion people have wiped any connection with Dominion off the internet."

She also claims that they have testimony from witnesses opening military ballots and trashing them if they were for Trump, and substitute ballots were put in for Biden.

"I'm essentially staking my personal and professional reputation on these allegations, and I have no hesitation from what I've seen in doing so," she noted. "In fact, I think it would be irresponsible if not criminal of me not to come forward with it."

tim in vermont said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tim in vermont said...

I will be honest with you, I don’t get the Sydney Powell things on Dominion. It seems like recounts would iron it all out. I wish somebody could explain it to me in simple terms. As a great physicist once said, “If you can’t explain it to a layman, you probably don’t understand it yourself.”

wild chicken said...

a woman who made harassing the call.


tim in vermont said...

"More than 100 Dominion people have wiped any connection with Dominion off the internet."

This makes sense, who wants to get doxxed through LinkedIn? I would do the same thing in their shoes, even if I only wrote innocent routines to specs delivered by somebody else to keep a roof over my kids’ heads.

Sgtpepper said...


Go fuck yourself....trying to understand. My point is with a 'conservative' leaning justice(s) assigned to the swing states, the probability of four of the nine Justices voting to accept the case has been increased.

tim in vermont said...


I guess I should have kept that opinion to myself. But there it is.

readering said...

Supposedly the idiot unnamed Kirkland junior associate was not on the case and did not know the firm was on the case. Still a black eye for the firm, and probably the associate looking for work.

Lincoln Project was targeting big firms like Jones Day not divorce-law solo practitioners.

Inga said...

All the losing day after day, I’ll never get tired of hearing about Trump’s daily losses.

President Trump on Friday suffered another blow to his unprecedented effort to undo the election results when a delegation of Michigan Republicans, after meeting with Mr. Trump at the White House, said that they would “follow the normal process” in certifying the vote results and honor the outcome.

readering said...

So not an innocent Canadian, but an ignorant troll. Ok.

readering said...

At age 65, I think Powell sees her future not as a trial lawyer, but a tv/radio/social media personality on the right fringe.

tim in vermont said...

I am going to delete it, wild chicken, and ban myself for the remainder of the evening.

Has anybody ever watched Diamonds are Forever and stayed awake through the whole movie? Asking for a friend.

Attonasi said...

readering said...

Supposedly the idiot unnamed Kirkland junior associate was not on the case and did not know the firm was on the case. Still a black eye for the firm, and probably the associate looking for work.

Lincoln Project was targeting big firms like Jones Day not divorce-law solo practitioners.

Are you OK with threats of violence and ruination against the big firms?

Guildofcannonballs said...

"Gee, I can’t imagine why we haven’t heard a peep out of dipshits like you about Saudi or Emirati terrorism for the last four years. Go fuck yourself."

I share your frustration with both narciso (the great) and n.n. Perhaps, instead of trying to encourage more separatism and division based upon valid belief systems that are in fact different, you start, for once at the Althouse blog, to state your case why what you said for 20 years was right and everybody hated you for saying because you had to state it in such an assholish way, then self-correct 4 times during this comment/spiel, to read what you just read without animus toward the Christians who made it all real.

Even as a Catholic though, not really but more than Nancy or Joe though, I am scared of how these powerful people draw conclusions letting themselves in 2020 being labeled Catholic.

J. Farmer said...


I honestly do not know what that comment means. What do Christians or Christianity have to do with anything?

effinayright said...

Birkel said...

So the Trump teams are pursuing civil matters.
Why have you jumped to the criminal code?

Which prosecutors are involved?

Why are so many people who call themselves lawyers getting this very basic thing wrong?

Speaking for myself, I overlooked exactly WHO was making these claims, and you are correct. Right now, at least it's civil.

But if our vaunted DOJ were doing its job, someone would be investigating PA and Dominion, bigly. Stiffing the certified observers in PA should have launched a criminal probe.

Why Barr is sitting around his thumb up his ass is beyond me. If he's worried about appearing to "work for Trump" he ought to get his mind around the fact that we're looking at a fraudulent election for POTUS, something that will utterly ruin American faith in our government and Constitution.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Steve Scalise getting shot didn't make a dent in the narrative.

Steve Haddock (what was his name) killing what, 58?, and wounding from gun shots hundreds, that is all forgotten now, it didn't work.

Will a fucking mall shooting again work?

Who knows?

*Althouse mentionning, in an acadamic factorwise, the need for the question mark is true brilliance. I remember the lesson. Brilliant.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Law tribe.

Sam power.

Nar Cis.

Dog Me.

mandrewa said...

Does anyone have the transcript for the Trump Campaign Legal Team Press Conference from yesterday? It would take me forever to transcribe it and a lot of interesting stuff was said.

One would think it would be all over the internet and would be easy to find. But I guess I don't know the right places to look. The search engines aren't giving it to me.

Todd Roberson said...

I read Inga's link on Sweden ...etc etc.

What I did not hear is what exactly she's suggesting we do.

Clearly masks and (God I hate this term) social distancing don't work. We've been doing both for nearly nine months now with no effect.

Lockdowns can't be sustained. After about a month the supply chain breaks down and we can't eat. Plus kids not in school and not marrying has a devastating effect on our future.

So ... rather than lecturing us Inga ...what do you suggest we do?

Todd Roberson said...

Seems to me like Sweden is simply accepting reality and attempting to get it over with and move on.

There are no solutions in life. Only tradeoffs.

mockturtle said...

cf @5:24: Having felt much the same as you do for a week or so, my mood has changed because those I know, family and friends as well as myself, have resolved not to obey our new masters. Yes, we'll be persecuted and maybe even executed but we won't cooperate. This makes me feel a lot better. :-)

J. Farmer said...

Yes, we'll be persecuted and maybe even executed but we won't cooperate. This makes me feel a lot better. :-)

Well, at least you’re not being hysterical.

Readering said...

Attonasi: no threats of violence promoted by Lincoln Project. Ruination? Google Jones Day.

The threats of violence are by Trumpist crazies against election officials and others.

Drago said...

readering: "The threats of violence are by Trumpist crazies against election officials and others."

Hodgkinson and Boucher no longer exist in readering's world.

The rewriting of the long history of lefty attacks against Trump supporters continues apace.

Drago said...

Todd Roberson: "I read Inga's link on Sweden ...etc etc.

What I did not hear is what exactly she's suggesting we do."

Inga typically posts long snippets from articles which she doesn't understand and invariably fails to connect what she posts to any larger point she may or may not be making.

Most often, as long as a headline is written in a way that makes her believe it supports some position she is taking, she will link to it. The number of times others have read the links and pointed out to Inga how the linked article actually refutes Inga's point is legion.

That's sort of Inga's brand at Althouse.

Todd Roberson said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
readering said...

Drago, was starting to fear a malfunction in your Readering tracker. Guess it's just the LOL key.

Drago said...

readering: "Drago, was starting to fear a malfunction in your Readering tracker. Guess it's just the LOL key."

I'm sorry being reminded of Hodgkinson and Boucher happened to you.

Todd Roberson said...

I wonder sometimes if narsisco writes a comment then goes back and purposely puts in misspelling or other grammatical errors.

You'd think out of just sheer probability there'd be a comment free of misspelling and with proper punctuation.

Inga said...

“That's sort of Inga's brand at Althouse.”

I don’t waste my time arguing with cultists anymore. Read the linked articles and make up your own minds, if you still have the ability to do so. More likely, many here too far gone.

Inga said...

“Drago, was starting to fear a malfunction in your Readering tracker. Guess it's just the LOL key.”

Poor guy doesn’t have much to be jovial over nowadays. I feel worst for Drago.

Attonasi said...

tim in vermont said...

I will be honest with you, I don’t get the Sydney Powell things on Dominion. It seems like recounts would iron it all out. I wish somebody could explain it to me in simple terms. As a great physicist once said, “If you can’t explain it to a layman, you probably don’t understand it yourself.”

I explained it on another thread and I will explain it a bit here for you. I will give you a simple version of each step and an expanded version.

Essentially vote counting software is very very easy if all you are doing is keep track of a running total for lets say 50 candidates in 20 races. You get a ballot. You scan it. I am going to skip over optical scanner programming. That is not what we are discussing with Dominion. But yes that is easy to mess with.

1. First step receive results from scanner.

Simple: Based off a scanner read you are going to get a list of votes back from the scanner in this case there will be votes, 1 for each race.

Expanded: In reality this would more likely a list of arrays, one array for each race and a corresponding boolean true/false for each candidate in that array for each race. The races with 5 candidates will have 5 numbers, the races with 2 2 numbers etc. Numbers in each array will either be 1 or 0 with most elections having all 0's except one 1.

2. Second step loop through the list and increment appropriate vote totals.

Simple: Take each race result in your list and add 1 to the candidate voted for. Add a line to an audit log for each vote with appropriate information. Keep a text file for each race log and update an sql database.

Expanded: If I was doing it each candidate will have a position in an array and that index will be mapped to the location in the list of arrays the scanner sends to the machine. I would simply list through each candidate position and check the corresponding boolean in the list of arrays for that candidate. Adding a line of text in a permanent one-write log and updating an SQL database is just like it sounds. Add a unique key for each vote in the database entry.

3. Third step update voting totals on a central server and create a log entry for each vote.

Simple: Update a server with current totals, changes in that time period, update server log, total vote counts, etc.

Expanded: There is no reason really to encrypt all of these communications IMO. You can give every client box a place in line and have a master box at each site. The master box would communicate with the central server. There would be ROM chips with a blower in each box that would write each entry to the log. You could not change or delete a written log entry short of taking a hammer to the chip. You would be able to take all of these chips/cards, plug them into a computer, and recreate the entire counting process from start to finish minute by minute. There would be an O(1) lookup SQL table.

This would all be trivial. Displaying the results in real time would be trivial. The ability to recreate an election moment by moment would be trivial. This is idiot work compared to the algorithms Facebook is developing to track every move you make on the internet and predict what stores you will go to and want areas you will be in and what time you will be there and what items you are likely to buy. This is idiot work compared to a radar guided missile or building a low earth orbit satellite internet service.

The point is that anything else in the software has only one purpose: to manipulate results.

Todd Roberson said...

Inga -

How convenient. Just post links and throw your hands up and say "whattaya gonna do"?

I'm curious. If Inga is in charge what do we do?

Howard said...

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, a beautiful day to be neighbors...

Kumbaya, my Lord, kumbaya


Drago said...

The Very Very Forgetful Inga: "I don’t waste my time arguing with cultists anymore."

You never did "argue" with anyone.

You simply spouted one conspiracy theory after another every single day for 4+ years and as each one went down in flames you immediately flipped a switch and pretended you knew nothing about any of them and had never mentioned them at all.

Most interesting of all, very recently you let your guard down ever so briefly and exposed that you STILL believe in the following:

Trump/Russia collusion was proven
Putin changed actual vote totals to put Trump in office
The hoax dossier was real
Trump laundered cash for russian oligarchs
Trump secretly communicated with Russia thru Alpha Bank servers (one of my favorites of yours, I must admit)
Carter Page is a russian spy
Paul Manafort was a russian spy
George Papadopolous was a russian spy
Trump secretly coordinated with wikileaks
Kavanaugh was a rape gang leader for over 2 decades

Yes, Inga STILL believes in each and every one of this nutjob conspiracies.

Like readering, she just feels as though there weren't enough investigations to get to the bottom of all these Inga "truths".

BTW, this is just an abbreviated list of the conspiracies that Inga believes in passionately to this very day.

Inga said...

Poor Drago, I’ve tried hard not to rub salt in your wounds, I’ll continue to do so.

Lewis Wetzel said...

im in vermont said...

I am going to delete it, wild chicken, and ban myself for the remainder of the evening.

Has anybody ever watched Diamonds are Forever and stayed awake through the whole movie? Asking for a friend.

11/20/20, 6:34 PM

Oooh, that's my favorite Bond film! There is something eerie and dreamlike about it.
Least favorite is _From Russia with Love_. Bond's swingin' London apartment looks it was furnished from a thrift shop. When Bond closes the hatch on a supposed submarine you can see the whole set shake. Bond cleverly sees through the Russian assassin's fake persona as an upper class British gentleman when he orders chianti to go with his fish. Jeez, I am from Fridley, and even I know that chianti doesn't go with fish in white sauce.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

It's difficult to hold Inga responsible for clinging to these conspiracy fantasies.

We know that to this day 2/3rds of all democraticals still believe Putin changed the vote totals in 2016 to get Trump elected.

It's probably unfair to single out Inga for that common democratical religious belief.

What is most ironic and amusing is watching as the lefties who claimed Putin changed vote totals in 2016 switch to the position that it is impossible to commit fraud at that level in 2020.

Todd Roberson said...

Inga, your article on Sweden was a very long winded way of saying that Sweden avoided all the socially destructive implications of a lockdown and is essentially basically where the rest of us are now.

Plus, get better. Don't just post a bunch if shit and assume anyone has the time or interest to read it.

It seems you gave a point of view. Work harder to get it across. Right now you're failing.

I'm Not Sure said...

"Most often, as long as a headline is written in a way that makes her believe it supports some position she is taking, she will link to it."

There was a guy who used to post at Cafe Hayek who did that. I always clicked his links just to see how far into the link I'd have to read to see his point contradicted.

boatbuilder said...

It seems like a pretty simple question to answer: Does the software that was installed in the machines that were used to count votes allow the vote count to be changed?

If the answer is "Yes," then either there shouldn't be any more questions, or the first question should be "Why the hell...?"

The hard part is: who we can trust to provide an honest and informed answer to those questions?

I am stumped, personally.

readering said...

Nice headline from the favorite newspaper of AA commenters:

"‘The Ballots Might Have Been From Mickey Mouse,’ the President’s Lawyer Said. Likewise, His Legal Strategy."

Attonasi said...

Readering said...

Attonasi: no threats of violence promoted by Lincoln Project. Ruination? Google Jones Day.

The threats of violence are by Trumpist crazies against election officials and others.

Who has committed more violence over the last 5 years: Trump supporters or Biden supporters?

readering said...

Terrible headline from same newspaper:

"In All 50 States, Deaths Are Now Higher Than Normal"

From the body of the story:

"Deaths nationwide were 18 percent higher than normal from March 15 to Nov. 7. Altogether, the analysis shows that 326,000 more people than normal have died in the United States during that period, a number that may be an undercount since recent death statistics are still being updated."

Lewis Wetzel said...

The biggest loser in the election?
No, not Trump.
Despite Trump getting rid of Comey, and cutting Brennan and Clapper completely out of intel, And firing McCabe, Strzok, and Lisa Page, Putin's $12,000 worth of Facebook ads still couldn't swing the election to Trump.
But you can never count Putin out. He is like the Russian bear, it is hard to know what he is after, and he is unstoppable. I am guessing that it wasn't picnic baskets.
I figure Putin is sleeping with Jill Biden, and that he greased ol' "Slow Joe"'s path to the White House as a favor to her.
Go ahead, try to prove me wrong.

Drago said...

For readering: The law firm of Kirkland and Ellis have withdrawn their representation of the democrat PA Secretary of State in election proceedings because one of K&E's lawyers viciously threatened a lawyer, Linda Kerns, who is representing interests aligned with the President.

According to readering, this withdrawal of K&E is "gibberish" and probably never happened.

Lewis Wetzel said...

"In All 50 States, Deaths Are Now Higher Than Normal"
Deaths higher than normal during a deadly pandemic? The NY Times will get a Pulitzer for this.

Spiros Pappas said...

Will Biden ask Trump to be Korea's Ambassador? A special envoy?

Drago said...

Attonasi (to readering): "Who has committed more violence over the last 5 years: Trump supporters or Biden supporters?"

It's no use Attonasi.

readering will not even admit Hodgkinson existed, much less that he was a strong BernieBro and Durbin fanboy who specifically sought out republicans to kill them on a baseball field.

If readering has to deny baseball even exists to advance that notion, trust me, he/she/xe is up for that.

Drago said...

Spiros Pappas: "Will Biden ask Trump to be Korea's Ambassador? A special envoy?"


That suggestion, if taken by Biden, could cause literally every head in the US to explode....along with every head in NK, China, Iran and the EU.

Todd Roberson said...

Northwards in this blog (7:29) I, with utmost respect, asked Inga a serious question.

So far ... crickets.

Birkel said...

1. There is no fraud
2. There is no systemic fraud
3. There is no widespread fraud
4. Trump cannot prove there was fraud
5. The fraud would not have changed the result <-- You are here.
6. The fraud was not criminal.
7. The fraud was not coordinated.

I'm Not Sure said...

Thought experiment:

The presidential election two weeks ago is over, and the results are the exact opposite of what actually happened: Trump is in front by a slim margin, with overwhelming circumstantial evidence of fraud in counting the ballots in several swing states.

Would Democrats be demanding an investigation or telling Biden he needed to concede?

n.n said...

On the bright side, we’ll all get to listen to know-nothings like you talk bullshit.

Reordering claims? Sponsoring terrorism? Fungible cash?

n.n said...

Would Democrats be demanding an investigation or telling Biden he needed to concede?

Yes, for 16 trimesters from conception (announcement), escalating from birth (inauguration), and in progress. Everything they alleged, whether social liberalism, influence peddling, collusion, aborting granny, etc., was a projection sustained by an em-pathetic press and 1%ers paying protection rackets (e.g. diversity) in witch hunts, warlock trials, and protests.

Jupiter said...

Attonasi said...

"This would all be trivial. Displaying the results in real time would be trivial. The ability to recreate an election moment by moment would be trivial."

You haven't thought this through. Here is your assignment. I will give you an input stream of voter IDs and arrays of booleans representing their votes. You must find a way to count the votes and log them, reporting exactly how many legal votes each candidate received. Further, it must be possible for anyone possessing the log to perform an accurate recount, and connect every vote received by any candidate to a valid ballot. But it must not be possible for anyone to determine how any individual voter voted from the log.

J. Farmer said...

Reordering claims? Sponsoring terrorism? Fungible cash?

I’ll repeat: why does Iranian terrorism sponsorship bother you while Saudi and Emirati terrorism doesn’t?

J. Farmer said...

p.s. My apologies. I forgot you were a mental case.

Sprezzatura said...


Are you sure we’re not still at level 2)?

If we are past level 2), there must be mega-mucho systematic racism.

Or, words have no meaning.

I dunno.

Sprezzatura said...

BTW, I see that Sidney is gonna provide the proof re her claims w/in two weeks.

Is that backwards?

Don’t you start w/ proof, and then make claims?

Jupiter said...

Here in Oregon, the mail-in ballot is placed in a "secrecy envelope", which is then placed in a second "security" envelope, which the voter must sign. After the Democrat has decided whether the signature is valid (he knows your party registration, which helps), she puts the secrecy envelope in a "valid" pile. A different Democrat then takes a ballot from the pile, removes the secrecy envelope and feeds the ballot into a ballot reader, assuming she feels like doing that, now that she has had a good look at your ballot.

Obviously, it is possible to feed the ballots into the reader again, and you should get the same count. But there is no way to determine the provenance of any particular ballot, so a recount is basically checking the accuracy of the reader. there is no way of checking the validity of the paper ballots.

Birkel said...

I agree that you do not know.
That was a pleasant exchange.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Serbian software and the election fraud in USA


where there's SMOTE, there's fire

wild chicken said...


Sprezzatura said...

In the future people will study the folks of today that have found mental satisfaction re being part of a cult of personality.


Rusty said...

J. Farmer said...
"Reordering claims? Sponsoring terrorism? Fungible cash?

I’ll repeat: why does Iranian terrorism sponsorship bother you while Saudi and Emirati terrorism doesn’t?"
Maybe because you are so spectacularly wrong on Iran. Why should we listen to any more of your bombastic fantasies.

Birkel said...

Again, we have found agreement.
Those who believe Collectivism can work in the ways its public advocates state should surely be studied.
This is an incredible night for diplomacy!

J. Farmer said...

Maybe because you are so spectacularly wrong on Iran. Why should we listen to any more of your bombastic fantasies.

How many years now have you been predicting the imminent nuclearization of Iran? Clueless bumpkin.

Attonasi said...

Jupiter said...

Attonasi said...

"This would all be trivial. Displaying the results in real time would be trivial. The ability to recreate an election moment by moment would be trivial."

You haven't thought this through. Here is your assignment. I will give you an input stream of voter IDs and arrays of booleans representing their votes. You must find a way to count the votes and log them, reporting exactly how many legal votes each candidate received. Further, it must be possible for anyone possessing the log to perform an accurate recount, and connect every vote received by any candidate to a valid ballot. But it must not be possible for anyone to determine how any individual voter voted from the log.

I did that on the other thread. But I can do it here too. This is in very basic terms. I haven't done encryption for a while.

1. Each Ballot has a tear off receipt tab with an encryption key.

2. Each Voter has a personal encryption key.

3. In between this the easiest way is to have a trusted third party authorization group. These can and should be private organizations. There are many of these right now.

4. When the voter turns in their ballot it would be marked with a barcode/SQL key. This would be generated by submitting the personal encryption key and the ballot receipt to the third party which would generate the barcode/ID for the ballot.

After that point in order to look at your personal ballot you would do a database lookup through your third party using your receipt and your personal encryption key.

Attonasi said...

anti-de Sitter space said...

In the future people will study the folks of today that have found mental satisfaction re being part of a cult of personality.


Do you think Obama or Trump is more of a Narcissist?

Which of these two was treated more like a deity by their followers?

J. Farmer said...

Do you think Obama or Trump is more of a Narcissist?

Which of these two was treated more like a deity by their followers?

Why does it have to be either/or? The Obama cultists and Trump cultists seem like equally adept asslickers.

Birkel said...

Smug has a brand.
Nobody is going to change the Smug Brand.

Death to America and all that.

Birkel said...

Leave me alone =/= Take care of me

Smug does not abide.

Attonasi said...

anti-de Sitter space said...

BTW, I see that Sidney is gonna provide the proof re her claims w/in two weeks.

Is that backwards?

Don’t you start w/ proof, and then make claims?

You and your lawyer are defending you against a murder charge and you have collected evidence that proves your innocence.

You don't really trust the prosecutor for a variety of reasons starting with they are charging you of a crime you are innocent of.

Your court date is in two weeks.

What do you do with your evidence?

Guildofcannonballs said...

Maybe God loves America


I don't know.

Attonasi said...

J. Farmer said...

Do you think Obama or Trump is more of a Narcissist?

Which of these two was treated more like a deity by their followers?

Why does it have to be either/or? The Obama cultists and Trump cultists seem like equally adept asslickers.

Do you think Farmer, Obama, or Trump are more of a narcissist?

Sprezzatura said...

Everyone on this thread should donate all of their worth to Bill Gates.

Do it now. Liquidate everything. All savings/investments. Sell everything you own. Every penny.

In two weeks you’ll find out that you were smart to trust me today. Cause that’s how murder trials work, it’s not how cults work.


mccullough said...

Obama takes himself way too seriously.

That makes him more of a narcissist than Trump.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Seems the simplest method of fraud is the likeliest. Repub votes sent b mail were srcutinized by election staff and many were discarded if it was a Trump vote. That explains why one study identified a high % of un-recorded mail in ballots by Repubs. If it happened 12,000 times in WI, it provided Biden's victiry and ditto for Georgia. Maybe NV and PA too.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"J. Farmer said...

I honestly do not know what that comment means. What do Christians or Christianity have to do with anything?

11/20/20, 6:44 PM"

Do you agree Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, and 6/9 SCOTUS call themselves a specific form of Christianity? It seems important to notice this is this first time this type of Catholic power has ever enlightened itself.

And, of all places, America, it seems it ought to be of notice.

Sprezzatura said...

“Obama takes himself way too seriously.

That makes him more of a narcissist than Trump.”

Presumably that’s why BHO used money from his charity to pay for a portrait of himself.

That’s multi-dimensional narcissism.

Attonasi said...

anti-de Sitter space said...

Everyone on this thread should donate all of their worth to Bill Gates.

Do it now. Liquidate everything. All savings/investments. Sell everything you own. Every penny.

In two weeks you’ll find out that you were smart to trust me today. Cause that’s how murder trials work, it’s not how cults work.


How long did you give Mueller to run his investigation?

How did that turn out?

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Election software needs to be treated like avionics software. Rigorous testing witnessed by Democrat and Republican observers. Sealed boxes with anti-tamper seals. Verified version number and checksums. Spot testing just before the election. Video with sound of its use.

Sprezzatura said...

“How did that turn out?”

A bunch of successful prosecutions. And proof that the Russians were messing w/ our election to help DJT. And that’s w/ the followed limitation re DJT’s financial film flam would be completely avoided re investigation.

How are Benghazi and email going?

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Dominion Voting Systems shared office an incubator for radical left-wing organizations?

As it turns out, Dominion Voting shares a mailroom with not just the Tides Foundation, but also Jantzi Sustainalytics — a corporate governance watchdog; Springtide Resources — a non-violent crisis intervention and anti-domestic violence agency which eded its programming in March 2020; AWID — a gender activist group; Teach for Canada — Indigenous activist teachers; and AV Communications — a minority-focused advertising agency.
The list goes on... but the anchor tenant of the building remains Dominion Voting.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The democrat party is corrupt(CNN)

I'm Not Sure said...

"Election software needs to be treated like avionics software. Rigorous testing witnessed by Democrat and Republican observers."

So you can't send the Republicans outside while the testing is done? What a curious way to proceed.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

and now ... deep thoughts

Birkel said...

"A bunch of successful prosecutions."

Define bunch.
Can you name the unsuccessful ones?

J. Farmer said...

It seems important to notice this is this first time this type of Catholic power has ever enlightened itself.

I suppose. But I still don’t know what that has to do with anything I said.

Birkel said...

Smug feigns ignorance.
It is a delight.

Jupiter said...

Attonasi said...
"[Here's how you do it]."
Well, yeah. You get a B+ on the assignment. But that isn't the way existing election systems operate. Which is why it is not only possible, it is for there to be more votes than registered voters. And the fact that fraud cannot be proven does not prove it did not occur, especially if the people running the system are also the people committing the fraud.

What can be demonstrated is extremely unlikely voting patterns, in space and in time. And we are working on that. But the people who have the data don't seem to want to make it easy to do that.

J. Farmer said...

Do you think Farmer, Obama, or Trump are more of a narcissist?

Oh, me hands down. People like you make it so easy. Plus, watching partisan-brained nudniks melt down is as amusing now as it was 4 years ago. Thank you all for the entertainment.

mccullough said...

What is an unlikely voting pattern in an election that had its first massive nationwide mail-in voting?

What would you compare it to?

Birkel said...

J Farmer is above it all.
I hope he is up against the wall early in the fighting.
Or maybe his parents first.

Then he can test his cool persona against reality.
I want him to be as cool as he pretends.
I am a giver that way.

Sprezzatura said...

“Can you name the unsuccessful ones?”

Email-gate, TeaP-tax-gate, BenG-gate, MexicoGun-gate, BHO-Muslim-gate, BHO-notAm-gate, BHO-isHomo-gate, Ds-eat-kids-gate. And-so-on-gate.

Birkel said...

One thing to compare is rejection rates.
Those have been consistent in prior elections but are different - more permissive - in this election.

What else have you, moron?

Birkel said...

Those were prosecutions?
Shirley, you jest.

Birkel said...

The lack of commitment to standards is hilarious.
In real life I have no doubt I would steal the various and sundry lunch monies the night shift morons control.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Circuit Courts have been Reassigned-- we likey?

Effective November 20, 2020, ordered pursuant to Title 28, United States Code, Section 42. who is assigned to MI, WI, PA, and GA:
MI - Brett M. Kavanaugh
WI - Amy Coney Barrett
PA - Samuel A. Alito
GA - Clarence Thomas

mccullough said...


What is the rejection rate of a mail-in ballot based on a ballot arriving late?

What is the rejection rate for a mail-in ballot because the envelope does not have a signature?

What is the rejection rate for a ballot envelope with a signature (signature does not match the signature on file)?

Thanks in advance.

Attonasi said...

J. Farmer said...

Do you think Farmer, Obama, or Trump are more of a narcissist?

Oh, me hands down. People like you make it so easy. Plus, watching partisan-brained nudniks melt down is as amusing now as it was 4 years ago. Thank you all for the entertainment.

Do you think that everyone who disagrees with you is a know nothing?

Birkel said...

Late - 100%
Wrong signature - 100%
No signature - 100%
Those are the expected and legal rates.

Do you have any more brain teasers, moron?

J. Farmer said...

J Farmer is above it all.

I don’t know about “it all” but certainly above your deluded scaremongering. At least it will be fun watching you careen from one fantasy to the next. I look forward to being entertained by the fabulist material that falls from your brain and lands on your keyboard. Don’t disappoint me now.

J. Farmer said...

Do you think that everyone who disagrees with you is a know nothing?

No, only the ones who don’t know anything.

Birkel said...

Name the first such material so I know what you expect, Smug.

Attonasi said...

J. Farmer said...

It seems important to notice this is this first time this type of Catholic power has ever enlightened itself.

I suppose. But I still don’t know what that has to do with anything I said.

Do you think you are smarter than Guildofcannonballs?

Sprezzatura said...


Presumably yur awesomeness is obvious based on the substance of what you type here.

Strange that you spend so many comments jabbering about the awesomeness of yourself.

Who are you trying to convince? Is the idea that w/o you repeating that you are awesome, folks here will not see that you’re awesome if they only read your writing w/o you telling them that your writing is awesome?

Questions lead to other questions.

mccullough said...


What was the rejection rate of mail-in ballots in Florida?

In Ohio?

In Iowa?

In Georgia?

In Michigan?

In Wisconsin?

In Pennsylvania?

5M - Eckstine said...

Why are dominion employees still being allowed to be around a vote? Shouldn't they all have received restraining orders?

J. Farmer said...

Name the first such material so I know what you expect, Smug.

“ I hope he is up against the wall early in the fighting.”


Do you think you are smarter than Guildofcannonballs?

Beats me.

p.s. Take a minute and think of all your questions. Then you can put them in one comment.

Birkel said...

In Iowa, Florida, and Ohio the numbers were in line with historic averages.
In Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania the rejection rate was between an eighth and a tenth of the historic averages.

What other fucking homework questions that you refuse to do for yourself should I fucking do for you, douchenozzle?

Seriously, what the ever loving fuck is wrong with you?

Birkel said...

My hope is now a thing?
Compared to what, Smug?

heyboom said...

I'm just getting a chuckle out of Farmer calling someone else a know-it-all.

Birkel said...

I am glad Smug brings a bit of humor to your life.
He cracks me the fuck up.

mccullough said...


You are wrong.

The percentage of rejected mail-in ballots was lower in all those states than pre-2020 elections.

Each of them also made changes based on their experience this year in the primaries, in which increased mail-in voting was first allowed. The primaries were the dry run. The percent of rejected ballots went down from the primaries.

So your “historic averages” is bullshit. There’s a reason you don’t provide the actual rejection rates from 2012, 2014, 2016, and 2018.

What’s it like to think you are smart when you you’re not?

J. Farmer said...

Compared to what, Smug?

Ask me again “early in the fighting,” while you’re locked in the basement with your spam.

I'm just getting a chuckle out of Farmer calling someone else a know-it-all.

I called someone a know-nothing, not a know-it-all. Do try and keep up.

Birkel said...

So you have the numbers and will happily provide them?

I await your numbers and hyperlinks.

heyboom said...

Look Farmer, you are obviously a well-read man. But do you have to be so arrogant about it?

mccullough said...


Look them up yourself you lazy bullshitter.

You might learn something and drop the fucking idiotic conspiracy theories.

Rudy and Sidney get paid a lot of money to bullshit for Trump.

You’re doing it for free, chump.

5M - Eckstine said...

Lets take this election and place the horsepower into it and scrub every fraudulent vote out of it. Use that as a base line for future elections.

Birkel said...

Yes, Smug has read things.
His understanding, however, is limited.
Bless his heart.

J. Farmer said...

But do you have to be so arrogant about it?


Birkel said...

Well, mccullough, I know the rates for Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Georgia are between 1/8th and 1/10th.
So I do have that going for me.

So please do bull shit in another direction.
I am full up on stupid in this direction.

Guildofcannonballs said...

All you whites not starvin' ought to be, you rascisys.

J. Farmer said...

Bless his heart.

Aww. Sweet of you to say. Thanks.

mccullough said...


So 10% (1/10th) to 12.5% (1/8) of mail-in ballots are rejected?

Are you fucking high?

Birkel said...

Smug has read things written by people.
And he has no basis by which to judge the truthfulness or sincerity of those things.
So he must be Smug about those things.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

per @JimHansonDC
Nov 20
WI Recount will show # of invalid mail in ballots
Accepted in the 1st count

1957514 mail in votes in WI
Rejection rates vastly lower than previous yrs
If 1%+ of the ballots are rejected in the recount
That erases the Biden lead

Birkel said...

Please quit acting stupid.
The rate of rejection was higher in previous elections.
The rate in previous elections was between 8x and 10x times higher than it was in this election.

Your stupidity makes me sad.

Sprezzatura said...

I’m really, really smart.

And. I’m really, really laughing. Out loud!

See, I just typed that. So it must be true. Why else would I type it. And the more I type it the more true it is. Duh.

BTW, Marsha doesn’t need to worry. The cult doesn’t care about that sorta slip. The cult just keeps telling itself that it’s smart and LOLing. You can shove facts and reality where the sun don’t shine.

J. Farmer said...

So he must be Smug about those things.

Worse things than being smug. Being you, for example. But hey, we all have our crosses to bear.

Birkel said...

Are you saying office-elect is now a thing?
Can you point to that section of the US Code for me?

Or are you submitting that actual-Senator from actual-state of Tennessee is not a real thing?
Are we able to invent offices and therefore subtract them as we like?

Sprezzatura said...


I could point to a purple elephant. But, you’re already taking care of that here.

Attonasi said...

J. Farmer said...

Beats me.

p.s. Take a minute and think of all your questions. Then you can put them in one comment.

How would you rate your own self awareness?

Birkel said...

In fact being me is pretty awesome.
Handsome, smart, well-informed, educated, well-employed, healthy, fit, strong...

And I have the amazing ability to forecast the truth of things!

mccullough said...


You do realize that states undertook efforts in the primaries this year to actually improve mail-in votes?

You do realize they made even more changes after the primaries to ensure that voters don’t fuck up their mail-in ballots?

You do realize that in all the states Trump won that this occurred?

That even Kentucky decreased its rejection rate by “1/10th” (you actually mean by 90%).

So was Kentucky in on The Conspiracy?

Attonasi said...

One way or another next week is going to be fun.

Birkel said...

Your inability to understand that allusion is not my fault.
I wish you well in the wars to come.

Birkel said...

I accept your concession as noted by your attempt to draw further states into the conversation.
Further, your confusion surrounding 10% of previous year rejections for a 90% decrease in rejections is hereby no longer a reason to treat you less seriously.

All the reasons I ever needed to treat you less seriously were already in place.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Here, hospital admissions for Covid-19 patients are doubling every nine days.
So, in less than a year, every one in the world will have been admitted to the hospital for covid-19?
People are stupid.

Attonasi said...

World leaders with their teenager filter on."


Sprezzatura said...

“Your inability to understand that allusion is not my fault.”

What? So my reference to one of your mostest favorite jabber points was irrelevant, and it was an unrelated diversion?

I done really made myself look like a dope now.

Attonasi said...

anti-de Sitter space said...

BTW, Marsha doesn’t need to worry. The cult doesn’t care about that sorta slip. The cult just keeps telling itself that it’s smart and LOLing. You can shove facts and reality where the sun don’t shine.

Do you think Joe Biden created the most comprehensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in history?

Does your cult care about that sort of slip?

walter said...

Twin Vax company news and swing state poll shutdowns are just random slices of time.
Don't overthink it.
All good.
And I really feel for the Warrens et all (including Sconnie boy Pocan) who are being absolutely hounded by the MSM regarding their prior concerns about Dominion.
What the hell were they thinking?

J. Farmer said...

How would you rate your own self awareness?

9 out of 10. But hopefully, with feedback from anonymous critics on the Internet, I think we can get it to a 10 out of 10. I’m really going to need more of your penetrating insights, so dig deep and keep ‘em coming.

mccullough said...


Keep the faith, since you can’t bear much reality.

J. Farmer said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Yancey Ward said...

More evidence of fraud in PA. Basically, the return of the ballots has a correlated pattern that can really only arise if someone/s in the county ballot dispensing office were going through a list of voters in different years by birth dates, filling out ballot applications, and then filling them out for the voters- else the differential time delays in mailing to and from the voter would have randomized the data, which didn't happen.

walter said...

IIRC, Althouse fancied Klobuchar at one point. She too was one of the kooks questioning Dominion.
But Rudy's hair dye.

walter said...

You know, not many folks besides school employees witness the actual implementation of "face coverings" on young students for a day.
I had the displeasure of doing so while filming 7:30-4:30.
Between the young kids making the stuff of Fauci's nightmares to the teachers themselves...absolute bullshit.
I felt embarrassed as an adult watching it play out.

Attonasi said...

J. Farmer said...

How would you rate your own self awareness?

9 out of 10. But hopefully, with feedback from anonymous critics on the Internet, I think we can get it to a 10 out of 10. I’m really going to need more of your penetrating insights, so dig deep and keep ‘em coming.

How do you react to criticism of yourself?

Do you have any personal patterns that you are aware of?

rightguy said...

Moderation off and Farmer feverishly auto-blogs. What a freaking know-it-all bore worthy of a Monty Python skit ("I came here for an argument." Farmer : "No you didn't.")

Time to turn in.

Gospace said...

Interesting reading here about what may be on the seized servers. If even partly true- the legislatures of the swing states need to be read in on it.

Gospace said...

Oh, on every post on twitter about Dominion- a warning- "This claim about election fraud is disputed!", complete with exclamation point. When they're proved true- does Twitter have the ability to remove them all and pretend it didn't happen?

Attonasi said...

Gospace said...

Interesting reading here about what may be on the seized servers. If even partly true- the legislatures of the swing states need to be read in on it.

Title 50 includes a lot of things including intercepting and recording phone calls inside the US. At any point any phone call or text from any communication that went over network within the last X years is obtainable.

I don't know. It would be really weird to live in a world where those things I know about are revealed to everyone. Where the truly crazy shit becomes common knowledge. Even weirder still that they picked someone like Powell to spearhead it. It has to be Flynn. And Rogers. I am hearing crazy things right now.

I will go back to asking questions.

Readering said...

Late night mysteries.

Readering said...

Althouse commenters on the case.

Humperdink said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stevew said...

Fear not, The Boston Globe is on the case:
"Trump’s election legal strategy is all but doomed, but still could damage American democracy, experts say.
President Trump’s throw-it-all-at-the-wall strategy has apparently morphed into a brazen attempt to use his power as president to overturn Joe Biden’s victory."

If they actually talked with any "experts" it probably went like this:

TBG: Hi, I'm calling from the Boston Globe, are you an expert on American elections and Democracy?
Expert: Why, yes, yes I am.
TBG: Cool. Would you say Trump's election strategy is all but doomed but that it could still damage America democracy?
Expert: Um, well, I don't think it will work but...
TBG: , Thanks, appreciate your time.

Or maybe they just made it all up.

Rusty said...

mccullough said...

You do realize that states undertook efforts in the primaries this year to actually improve mail-in votes?

You do realize they made even more changes after the primaries to ensure that voters don’t fuck up their mail-in ballots?

You do realize that in all the states Trump won that this occurred?

That even Kentucky decreased its rejection rate by “1/10th” (you actually mean by 90%).

So was Kentucky in on The Conspiracy?"
Are there democrats in Kentucky?
Then yes.
The problem with mail in voting is the problem that has been brought up before. There is no verifiable chain of custody. There is no way to verify that the ballot reached the correct addressee and there is no way to verify that the ballot was mailed and there is no way to verify that the same ballot was received. "But the Post Office!" you say. My response is that there is a reason the SSAdmin. prefers direct deposit. And because I'm a cynical former Chicago resident I know there's fraud because it's a system democrats prefer. Democrats always cheat.
FWI. Don't double space your posts. Althouse will delete them.

Paco Wové said...

"Moderation off and..."

This is where the Blog Comment Killfile plugin comes in handy. (Uncompensated endorsement. Really.)

When certain commenters start repetitively banging on about the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over... you can click on the 'hush' option and all their comments go away. Once they've calmed down, you can 'unhush' them if you're feeling charitable.

I've been using it a lot on these comments.

J. Farmer said...


What a freaking know-it-all bore worthy of a Monty Python skit ("I came here for an argument." Farmer : "No you didn't.")

You would’ve really hated me in the past. My participation in this thread was actually rather minor comparatively speaking. But I do look forward to turning you off in the future.

Narr said...

400! I haven't seen that in a while.

Are we all feeling better now? I'll go see what you early birds have been up to now.

Lovely warm day here

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