November 4, 2020

"And we were getting ready for a big celebration. We were winning everything and all of a sudden it was just called off."

Said President Trump, last night, at "the latest news conference" he ever had. Transcript.

Yes, the news channels we were watching seemed to just stop calling states, ensuring that Trump's Electoral College number stayed below Biden's. 

I took the opportunity to get some sleep because I felt like the news had been turned off and got exasperated staring at nothing happening. How many times did John King touch and retouch Pennsylvania on his electronic map? It was surreal. You could go to sleep for a few hours, wake up, go to CNN again and there he'd be, futzing with the map, trying to show what could happen. 
The results tonight have been phenomenal and we are getting ready… I mean, literally we were just all set to get outside and just celebrate something that was so beautiful, so good... We won the great State of Ohio. We won Texas, we won Texas. We won Texas. We won Texas by 700,000 votes and they don’t even include it in the tabulations. It’s also clear that we have won Georgia.... They can’t catch us. Likewise we’ve clearly won North Carolina....They can’t catch us.... We’re up 690,000 votes in Pennsylvania, 690,000. These aren’t even close. This is not like, “Oh, it’s close…” With 64% of the vote in, it’s going to be almost impossible to catch....

Almost impossible. He's not lying and saying his victory is certain. He's giving a dramatic speech that makes you feel that a great victory has been won, but he still acknowledges that the outcome could change. 

We’re winning Michigan.... I said, “Wow.” I looked, I said, “Wow, that’s a lot.”... And we’re winning Wisconsin. And I said, “Well, we don’t need all of them. We need…”... We had such a big night.... And all of a sudden I said, “What happened to the election? It’s off.” And we have all these announcers saying what happened? And then they said, “Oh.” Because you know what happened? They knew they couldn’t win so they said, “Let’s go to court.” And did I predict this, Newt? Did I say this? I’ve been saying this from the day I heard they were going to send out tens of millions of ballots. They said exactly, because either they were going to win or if they didn’t win, they’ll take us to court.... This is a fraud on the American public. This is an embarrassment to our country. We were getting ready to win this election.

So far, so good. Then he springs a big rhetorical move, and he'll be criticized — or called a genius — forever: 

Frankly, we did win this election. We did win this election. So our goal now is to ensure the integrity for the good of this nation. This is a very big moment. This is a major fraud in our nation.

Many people will say that's where he went too far. He is fighting the battle. He could have said he intended to make sure there is no fraud in counting the remaining ballots, the hundreds of thousands of legitimate mailed-in ballots. 

But he declared that there "is a major fraud." It depends on what the meaning of "is" is. 

It might be sloppy language spoken spontaneously and a bit off. You can't really tell what "This" refers to in "This is a major fraud." He might simply have meant that anything other than counting the genuinely legal ballots would be a major fraud, which is obviously, absolutely true. 

He gets himself back on track and aligns himself with sober procedure and submission to the law:

We want the law to be used in a proper manner. So we’ll be going to the US Supreme Court. We want all voting to stop.

All voting must stop. Everyone agrees with that! 

We don’t want them to find any ballots at four o’clock in the morning and add them to the list.

He's saying no cheating. Don't make new ballots. Just count the ballots that are legal.  

Okay? It’s a very sad moment. To me this is a very sad moment and we will win this. And as far as I’m concerned, we already have won it. 

ADDED: He was trying to create an atmosphere in which it will feel that when the Democrats fight for their side, they will seem to be overreaching, looking for ways to cheat. I think the Democrats would deploy the same rhetoric if the tables were turned. And it's only rational strategy for Biden supporters to express outrage at Trump's premature assertion of victory and his calling the counting of legal ballots a fraud. This is the fight we are in the middle of now, and I'm going to stand back and watch what happens without getting suckered into this emotionalism. 


Rusty said...

Of course there's fraud. Anything the democrats are involved in involves fraud.

Howard said...

Don's just setting up the fraud meme for when he goes to court to contest the election if he loses.

America’s Politico said...

If Trump wins, I am moving to Canada.

If Dem don’t control the Senate, I am moving to Oregon or Washington or California as Dems control there.

If Pelosi is not the Speaker, I am moving to France.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

PA set the stage for a cheat to win scheme. We all know it and now we are seeing it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Commissioner Al Schmidt said the mail-in votes skewed 16 -1 for former Vice President Joe Biden but many had “fatal flaws,” including lack of a signature or not being in the required secrecy envelope."

Todd said...

Well the saying goes "the counting isn't done until the Democrat has won". There are numerous reports (media and independent) of voting fraud, just like the Democrats like it.

Does ANYONE think for one second that if all of these lax voting rules favored Republicans that the Democrats would not be doing everything legal or not to limit the time, place, and method of voting? They don't because they KNOW they have the game rigged in their favor. They will use cheating, lawfare, what ever it takes to get and hold onto power.

Watch some of the Project Veritas videos of the "fixers" bragging about how they are doing it. Harvesting, paying off folks, manufacturing votes, the entire gambit.

Shoot just a few days ago in Florida, Florida have reportedly uncovered a disturbing election fraud scheme, the goal of which was to register dozens of dead people as Democrat voters in Broward County.

They have zero shame because the left's ends justify any means.

J Lee said...

The idea of urban areas like Philadelphia simply having election officials go home for the night while the rest of the state counts goes back to the stories of places like Chicago holding back their election totals until all of southern Illinois came in, except here it's mail ballots and the very lax rules in a couple of states (PA, NC) on when those ballots can continue to be accepted and counted. It just opens the door for both voter fraud and the accusations of voter fraud.

Milo Minderbinder said...

Anyone who thinks there hasn’t been election fraud this year is herself (himself) a fraud.

love johnson said...

Nothing is "almost impossible" when vote counting in Dem cities is part of the equation.

Sydney said...

It is a very sad moment. At a time when trust in institutions is at an all time low, to have our elections thrown into chaos by this mail-in voting feels like the final blow. Fair and honest elections are the mainstay of our system. Once you lose faith in that, the system is gone. It feels like midnight in America.

mikee said...

Within 30 seconds of the President ending his little speech, MSNBC and CNN were mischaracterizing what he said, completely just lying about what I'd seen 30 seconds before they spoke.

Who am I gonna believe, the press or my own damn lying eyes and ears?

mockturtle said...

Maybe they were trying to postpone the riots.

jnseward said...

if it is possible to commit fraud without getting caught then fraud will be committed 100% of the time. Sending mail in ballots to everyone on the voter rolls ensures that there will be fraud. Allowing ballot harvesting ensures that there will be fraud.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Signature is on the envelope. do they toss the envelopes?

This is by design.

MayBee said...

I've been watching NBC, which has been surprisingly good.

Pete Williams was explaining the PA mail in ballot law suits sitting at the Supreme Court, and Savannah said, "To be clear to our viewers, these ballots must be postmarked by Election Day"
Pete Williams said "no they don't, and that's why its at the court"

Hoda and Savannah seemed pretty shocked. So it is important to keep a very close eye on PA, and understand what is at play there. Because even people in media haven't been paying attention.

Bay Area Guy said...

Chicago's already a fraudulent city that's locked up Illinois for Dems in perpetuity.
Detroit & Philly are trying to do the same.

Thank God - GOP keeps Senate. No court packing, no fracking ban, no tearing down walls, no high taxes, some resistance to House leftists.

Don't give up hope, though. It's still a dog fight. The dern thing may get thrown to the House!

JAORE said...

"If Dem don’t control the Senate, I am moving to Oregon or Washington or California as Dems control there. "

Looks likely.

So you'll be moving, right?

Sure, sure.

mccullough said...

“What happened to the election? It’s off.”

Trump encapsulates events perfectly sometimes.

mezzrow said...

Existential? Yes? No?

That's where we are. We saw it coming, and here it is.

Who is in charge of this clattering train? What hides behind this curtain?

steve uhr said...

He said all voting must stop when he knew that all voting had stopped. He declared victory when he knew that there were many votes left to count in key states. Typical trump BS excused by AA.

Jaq said...

"If Trump wins, I am moving to Canada. “

Notice how they always threaten to go to heavily white countries.

rhhardin said...

The CBC calls it for Trump, apparently not in on journolist. 283-254

MayBee said...

It *is* weird that two swing states with Dem governors just stopped counting.

Michigan first said they couldn't get it done until Thursday, then got pushback and said they could get it done by the end of the day today. We'll see.

wendybar said...

I would laugh if this wasn't so serious. We are fucked. The blatant fraud to keep corruption, and hide the evidence the Intelligence Agencies are still hiding disgusts me. The MEDIA disgusts me. They really do want us to have a civil war, and I think we are just about there.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Isn't it amazing how the uncounted ballots always swing one way?

Isn't it amazing to watch the left sit back and see how much they need to fill the gap - and viola! the gap is filled.

rehajm said...

Email from November 3rd, 4:35PM:

Please see the information below regarding upcoming Election Day-related demonstrations scheduled in Boston:

Tuesday, November 3rd:

• Election Night Community Event, 6 pm, Parkman Bandstand, Boston Common.

Wednesday, November 4th:

• Trump/Pence Out Now! Protest/Rally/March, 3 - 8 pm, Boston Common. Note: Per the public event page, the group plans to meet at the Park Street MBTA Station and will then march to the Boston Common followed by Nubian Square.

• Every Vote Counts/Rally: Protect the Results & Count Every Vote, 3:30 - 5:30 pm, Boston Common. Note: the group will hold a press conference at 3 pm, followed by a rally from 3:30 - 5 pm, as part of a nationwide event taking place in cities and towns across the country.

• Don't Let Trump Steal The Election!, 6 pm, Nubian Square (2342 Washington St.)

• Day After the Election Protest, 6 pm, Nubian Square (2342 Washington St.)

• End Qualified Immunity, 6:30 pm, Nubian Square (2342 Washington St.) Note: the plan is to march from Nubian Square to City Hall.

Lurker21 said...

How many times did John King touch and retouch Pennsylvania on his electronic map?

Well, it's not like he could do the full Toobin on national television.

wild chicken said...

Yeah I got tired of John King too. It was just him and his maps, like an extension of 2016. Hell I didn't know what year he was in. It was stultifying. Stupifying.

Then it was, oh it's a another hypothetical map - crap! *turns channel* - to Fox and it's Chris wallace going on an on, still trying to justify himself after that FN debate.

But it looks like Trump swept every viable GOP candidate into office in Montana. Even the governor! It was a massacree! Daines kept his seat. Greg 'Body Slam' Gianforte won governor.

Woke up to see Joe Kernan and Barry Diller on cnbc. Diller just can't even. Biden should have wiped the floor etc. If we deplorables can't see how horrible Trump is - because he LIES! - then there's just no use talking to us.

How much money did he throw at this debacle I wonder.

DanTheMan said...

>>Commissioner Al Schmidt said the mail-in votes skewed 16 -1 for former Vice President Joe Biden

I'm sure some "expert" will be along shortly to explain why Biden getting 95% of the mail in votes is perfectly normal.

Perfectly normal. Nothing to see here...

Kate said...

Why did all counting and announcing stop at a certain point? Give me an alternate reason, other than sore losing and fraud prepping, that makes sense. It was very strange.

DanTheMan said...

Biden now leading in MI. It's over.
God help us.

Tommy Duncan said...

Joseph Stalin would be proud of his disciples.

When do the purges begin?

Matt Sablan said...

Went to bed with mild confidence in MI/WI, but also sure that, as with any election, the longer it drags out, the less certain a Republican victory is.

Darrell said...

Bye, America's Politico!

Kill yourself once you get there, while you're at it.

Matt Sablan said...

"Isn't it amazing how the uncounted ballots always swing one way?"

-- Yeah. I can't think of any election where stopping counting the votes only to start again later has ever turned out in favor of Republicans. You always just get a sudden huge spike of city/urban votes that just roll in all at once.

tim maguire said...

I have 2 big questions, for which there might be reasonable answers.

1) The reported phenomenon of Biden advantage in ballots suddenly shifting in the middle of the night to ridiculous proportions. From 60-40 earlier to 85-15 later. It's tough to think of a non-fraud explanation for that margin.

2) The tranche released in MI a few hours ago that was 140,000 for Biden and 0 for every other candidate. There might be an explanation. The brazenness of it makes me reluctant to believe context won't help, but it can't be ignored. There needs to be an explanation.

Fortunately, the lawyers are already on it.

Nichevo said...

I'm going to stand back and watch what happens without getting suckered into this emotionalism.

Of course you are. You wouldn't know what an emotion was if it burned down your historic district house with you in it. I hope you're happy though at potentially increasing LLR's happiness, although at last look, James was ahead of Peters in his state.

OTOH, with the D machine cheating, perhaps your vote would have been irrelevant anyway. Which was enough reason for you to vote R.

Jaq said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Owen said...

Are we all supposed to hold our breath for weeks and more weeks as the result becomes ever more confused, doctored, rewritten by courts? I predict the financial markets will slump. If there are “mostly peaceful protests” they will exacerbate the slump. No “closure” —> huge exposure.

Jaq said...

"He said all voting must stop when he knew that all voting had stopped. “

How could he possibly know that all voting has stopped when PA is accepting late ballots without postmarks? It’s a logical impossibility.

Be a gracious winner, fer cryin’ out loud.

Dave Begley said...

We need serious election reform. Maybe federalize federal elections. This is ridiculous.

How do the Dems have any self-respect when they cheat to win?

John Althouse Cohen said...

Then he springs a big rhetorical move, and he'll be criticized...

That's putting it mildly. Trump is outright lying. We still don't know who won the election, and I'm not expecting it to be Trump. It also wasn't true that he was "winning Wisconsin" — not even when he said it. Just because the news was showing him with more votes in that state for a while doesn't mean he was "winning" the state. It was well-known that it would take longer to count some of the votes. Would we have said Trump was "winning" Virginia at first? No, he was losing all along, even though for a while the news showed him with more votes in the state (which often happens with Virginia).

Drago said...

MayBee: "It *is* weird that two swing states with Dem governors just stopped counting."

Nope. 3 swing states with dem governors just stopped counting.

At the same time.

And whaddya know, GA, with a republican, had a "pipe burst" in heavily democratical Atlanta at exactly the same time as the stop counting orders in the democrat states, where ALL the Biden ballots "absentee" ballots were magically stored, so they had to stop counting until later too.

Gee, what a "coincidence" eh?

Known Unknown said...

The biggest issue is why all of the states can't get their shit together. I realize some of it is by design. But look at New York and Florida. Two different winners but two states that got their vote counts in and tabulated in a timely fashion.

Why the fuck is Wisconsin counting votes at 3:30 in the morning? They have LESS votes to count than either of those two states mentioned above. Even if Biden honestly were to win the state, get the votes done by 11 pm, and the state called. This inefficiency and incompetence invite conspiracy and allegations of fraud.

I'm not shocked we are where we are when you have states with such varying degrees of tabulating competence.

Even if everything were on the up and up 100%, it still stinks.

Drago said...

Dave Begley: "How do the Dems have any self-respect when they cheat to win?"

We both know that is not a serious question on your part.

MayBee said...

My favorite people on tv right now saying Trump was horrible for declaring victory and that Joe Biden actually won.

Bilwick said...

Then, shouting his new battle-cry ("Trunalimunumaprzure!”), Biden gave a little girl a celebratory sniff of the hair, then wandered off, leaving a trail of saliva bubbles.

Readering said...


steve uhr said...

Gracious? Sure, once you admit Biden won fair and square.

Matt Sablan said...

Honestly, I think one of the best ways to stop this is for vote totals not to be shared until an entire state is done counting. If each county keeps its results secret, it really helps to ensure no one worries about "the margin of fraud."

tim maguire said...

Darrell said...Bye, America's Politico!

Kill yourself once you get there, while you're at it.

America's Politico is satire. One of the old Althouse performance artists. I'm always happy to see him back.

TreeJoe said...

I live in PA and voted last night. I'm deeply concerned for PA. Mail in balloting here has been disasterous because of the postal service and delays, then saying they don't need to be postmarked, plus public officials such as the state AG saying Biden is going to win.

There are SOOOO many public conflicts of interest and promotion of fraud that it is deeply troubling.

Now Trump has a 662k vote lead with ~75% of the total vote counted. And there is supposedly STILL VOTING going on after tabulations.

This disaster was setup and approved at a state level and national level with democrat party blessing.

Bob Smith said...

So if Biden wins we can still do some LBJ style “Landslide Joe” mocking. At least until Homala takes over.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

even more surreal here in europe/time zone

If a successful theft can’t be plausible,
Dems to do everything possible to delegitimize a Trump victory.

dbp said...

When a bunch of votes come in and they are 100% for Biden, it not only looks like fraud, it look like they aren't even trying to hide the fraud. I mean, come on man, at least salt-in 10% Trump votes so it looks like a very blue urban area.

John Althouse Cohen said...

Last night you wrote: "I'd like gracious winners and losers, all united in love for our beautiful country." How well is President Trump living up to that?

gilbar said...

Why the fuck is Wisconsin counting votes at 3:30 in the morning?

i realize that Wisconsin is a bigger state than iowa
i Also realize that iowa doesn't close polling until 9pm
WHEN does Wisconsin close?
How come Iowa is done, but Wisconsin isn't

And y'all made fun of our primary

Tina Trent said...

After living in Fulton County, Georgia for 20 years and working in politics there, I can say with some authority that a water pipe may very well have broken in the polling center, because every tax dollar and federal bloc grant handed to Atlanta officials to fix the broken water system over and over again for decades disappeared into the pocket of some or another crooked politician.

That said, I learned everything I know about ostentatious election fraud from Democrat activists there, back when I was one of them, which is one reason I'm not anymore. So those on this thread who sneeringly deny fraud can look forward to either waking up or ignorantly wallowing much deeper in it. Or, just outright abetting.

As they say, enjoy your success.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

No, we are not a civil war, because those of us who are in the losing end of fraud will bend over and take it, like we always do, and they knew we would.

It was abundantly clear when the trial balloon that was the “pandemic” told them what they needed to know, which is that the soft, stupid people in this country including so-called conservatives/constitutionalists/libertarians/the right would rather feel safe than be free.

It’s not 1775 when everyone around you including half your children died and it was just the way life was. Now those who would “fight” in a “civil war” can’t even muster enough balls to push back on being forced to wear a cloth over their mouths as a sign of submission because they are so afraid of a cold or of offending the Karens.

Don’t worry: we’ll always have legal drugs and Netflix. That’s all most people really want and they will take any kind of assreaming from their overlords to get it.

Buy your books in hard copy while you still can before the tech overlords - most of
whom are foreigners who could give a shit about nice Western concepts like the marketplace of ideas - start disappearing unapproved ideas.

RigelDog said...

Sydney said: "Fair and honest elections are the mainstay of our system. Once you lose faith in that, the system is gone. It feels like midnight in America."

It does feel like that to me. I'm in fuckin' Philly and I've participated in enforcement of election law in the past. There were always LOTS of incidents of people violating clear rules of polling places such as letting people go into voting machines with others, or physically stopping poll watchers from entering the polling place (99% of the time, it was the Republican poll watcher who was stopped). We'd go out with a police detective and the detective would tell the miscreants that they had to stop their illegal behavior--but this misbehavior always recurred with depressing regularity every year anyway.

What's to stop them from ramping up their game this year, with the ability for the first time to manipulate hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots?

Drago said...

Its "common practice" for states to simply stop vote counting at 10:30pm until 4am at which point 138,000 "votes" are dumped with the vote breaking to Biden at a 98% clip.....which is totally believable.

And then, an adjacent state stops voting at exactly the same time because......well, who can say?.....which leads to 200,000 vote dump which breaks for Biden at about a 99% clip.

Totally "legit".

Happens everyday.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Excuse typos.

If Althouse could create this community somewhere not on a decades old piece of shit platform which carries a daily threat of cancellation that would be great, but I know she can’t and won’t, so when this blog and its community disappears overnight, know that I am wishing 95% of you well and I appreciate how much I have learned from and enjoyed this place.

Drago said...

John Althouse Cohen: "Last night you wrote: "I'd like gracious winners and losers, all united in love for our beautiful country." How well is President Trump living up to that?"

Its considered bad form to demand that those from whom you are stealing an election be polite in their criticisms.

Michael K said...

He declared victory when he knew that there were many votes left to count in key states.

Yes, all those ballots with no postmark. Trump is not a politician. He hasn't seen an election stolen before. Like Norm Coleman or Dino Rossi.

Leland said...

You could go to sleep for a few hours, wake up, go to CNN again and there he'd be, futzing with the map, trying to show what could happen.

Thus explains the media's financial incentive for going along with this fraud. Previous years, they would call the winner, often before the 11pm prime time cycle ended. Then everyone would tune out, and viewership would decline sharply within a day to stay low for weeks until inauguration. Now, people give them screen time and page views for hours on end, hoping to see a change in the news before anyone else. Yet nothing is planned to be finalized for days, and that's if we are lucky enough to avoid the court battles. But the court battles will be more viewers and more clicks, so count on them happening.

Michael K said...

Blogger John Althouse Cohen said...
Last night you wrote: "I'd like gracious winners and losers, all united in love for our beautiful country." How well is President Trump living up to that?

The sprig is sure one nasty partisan.

Pettifogger said...

Biden will eventually catch up and pass Trump in any state where they are still counting. They've had a long time to plan how to generate Ballot Box 13s, and they'll not falter.

hombre said...

Steve Uhr: “Gracious? Sure, once you admit Biden won fair and square.” Fair and square? Does anybody really believe that?

Gloat if you want, but try not to be shameless AND stupid.

Oh yeah. And which part do you like best, open borders, higher taxes, infanticide, energy dependency, 2.5% GDP, doddering, President Kamala? We’ll wait.

Matt Sablan said...

"Its "common practice" for states to simply stop vote counting at 10:30pm until 4am at which point 138,000 "votes" are dumped with the vote breaking to Biden at a 98% clip.....which is totally believable.

And then, an adjacent state stops voting at exactly the same time because......well, who can say?.....which leads to 200,000 vote dump which breaks for Biden at about a 99% clip."

-- I think that it is likely Trump could lose both states. But, the way in which he is losing is not going to help me convince people this was a legitimate loss. Also: I believe those 138k votes were 100% to Biden, not a single Jorgensen or Trump vote in the lot.

mockturtle said...

As long as humans are involved, fraud and incompetence will happen. In this day and age, votes should be electronically tabulated and the results immediate upon poll closing.

Drago said...

The fact that the dems in WI, MI and PA all claimed that vote counting would "stop" until the next day and then, right at 4am, after the vote counting in almost every republican area is complete, the democrat dumps begin in the dead of night.

This is as classic a vote counting fraudulent scheme as we've ever seen.

138,000 ballots pop up in WI while the nation sleeps with just about all of them going to Biden and from an area that Biden had been underperforming already.......and its just enough to get Biden ahead.

Nothing to see here...move along.

Ice Nine said...

>>John Althouse Cohen said...
Last night you wrote: "I'd like gracious winners and losers, all united in love for our beautiful country." How well is President Trump living up to that?<<

On the Democrats/Hillary 2016 scale? He's living up to it well, extraordinarily well.

hombre said...

JAC: ‘Last night you wrote: "I'd like gracious winners and losers, all united in love for our beautiful country." How well is President Trump living up to that?’

Oh, give it a rest! However embarrassing Trump may be, he has a record of accomplishment in the face of seditious Democrat opposition. You are aware that Democrats have put forth a doddering old grifter and a running mate with a checkered history and no record of accomplishment. It takes a particularly unpleasant type of chutzpah to keep peddling your TDS when your useless turds are poised to take the election with mail order ballots.

mockturtle said...

Nevada is reportedly 'taking the day off' today to resume counting tomorrow!!! :-O How many ballots can be rounded up by then?

Matt Sablan said...

"138,000 ballots pop up in WI while the nation sleeps with just about all of them going to Biden and from an area that Biden had been underperforming already.......and its just enough to get Biden ahead."

-- This is why there should never have been a break in chain of custody/counting. This is like the camera failing at Epstein's cell while the guards sleep. Sure. That's a POSSIBILITY. But... I'm never convincing anyone it was completely innocent.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

That's just it. Once the corruptocrats take over, in this manner, it's over forever now.
The cheat machine is installed.

Forget one man Trump. The GOP needs to re-build itself - but I doubt it will matter. The left control everything. Education, entertainment, media, CIA, FBI, the courts will soone be packed. It's over folks. Turn out the lights.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Matt Sablan

-- I think that it is likely Trump could lose both states. But, the way in which he is losing is not going to help me convince people this was a legitimate loss. Also: I believe those 138k votes were 100% to Biden, not a single Jorgensen or Trump vote in the lot.

Exactly. It is mathematically impossible. Fraud is the only answer.

Ice Nine said...

>>Drago said...
simply stop vote counting at 10:30pm until 4am at which point 138,000 "votes" are dumped with the vote breaking to Biden at a 98% clip....
And then, an adjacent state stops voting at exactly the same time ...which leads to 200,000 vote dump which breaks for Biden at about a 99% clip.<<

Where are you getting this info? I'm not questioning it; just can't find it anywhere but here.

Todd said...

Dave Begley said...

We need serious election reform. Maybe federalize federal elections. This is ridiculous.

How do the Dems have any self-respect when they cheat to win?

11/4/20, 8:29 AM

Respect? Who needs respect when you have all the power? All they care about is the power, regardless of what they have to do and who they have to destroy to get it. They have made it abundantly clear over the last 4 years that nothing is off the table in their quest for total power/control.

I'm Not Sure said...

Nobody should be counting anything until everybody is finished voting and nobody should be revealing any counts until everybody is finished counting.

Suggesting otherwise is an admission one intends to commit or condone fraud.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Twitter Slaps Warning on People Pointing Out 'Suspicious' Michigan Update

Mark said...

Dave Begley, I find it funny that the people who just spent years arguing the Federal Government is incapable of being involved in health coverage and demanded to drain the swamp are now asking that more power be shifted to the hands of the Feds.

But I have come to expect such pretzel logic in Trump times.

Kevin said...

Last night you wrote: "I'd like gracious winners and losers, all united in love for our beautiful country." How well is President Trump living up to that?

I'm not aware we've come to the point where there are winners and losers.

The time for evaluating post-election graciousness still lies in the future.

gbarto said...

Bleachbit and Hammers:
The GOP needs to re-build itself - but I doubt it will matter...

All we had was Trump. Some of the GOP went along for the ride. But we're going back to business as usual. The GOP doesn't want to rebrand. They want to get lots of money lobbying because they got their people tax breaks while the middle class got screwed again.

Cruz might be real. Rand Paul is real. But there are an awful lot of Marco Rubios in the GOP who have been eager to lose graciously again while "fighting the good fight."

hombre said...

It’s no different than the fake news. Shameless. To the extent we can ever say “everyone,” everyone knew that the move toward mail order ballots was to facilitate Democrat fraud. Early discovery of various scams tended to confirm that and the overwhelming predominance of Biden mail in votes renders fraud a virtual certainty.

It is no mystery. It is shameless just as the Hillary whitewash was shameless; just as the impeachment was shameless; just as the censoring of the Hunter/Joe grifting in China and elsewhere was shameless.

Democrats are criminals and why not? Who is going to do any thing about it, the FBI? The DOJ? Republicans? Don’t make me laugh!

Ann Althouse said...

If somehow this blog disappears — that is, if Google decides to delete me (as mentioned above) — just find the podcast (at Anchor or any podcast place) or find me on Twitter or search for my name. I'll probably reappear somewhere. I don't think they'll delete me. I'm kind of the biggest blogger on Blogger (or something close to it). It's not worth it to their reputation to cancel me. Anyway, I'm also in danger of just plain dying in the old-fashioned sense of departing from this world. Not saying I have any active threats against me at the moment, but it is a reality for everyone. There's no way to lock in permanence. This will be gone one way or another, if not today, then some other day.

mockturtle said...

Cryptic message from our hostess @ 10:50. What's up with that?

Birkel said...

For the first time in months, the China Flu did not make the local news broadcast.

Which is nice.

Howard said...

Biden winning the way he did is a huge slap in the face to the DNC and the progressives. I doubt they are getting the message. Green new deal hardest hit. Nancy Pelosi won't resign, but she should.

Wilbur said...

Ha! They'll think it enhances their reputation to cancel you.

You don't toe the line and you're much too visible.

Greg The Class Traitor said...


Let's sum up:

In MI, in one moment, 128,339 votes were added for Biden. 0 votes were added for any other candidate. This is presumptive vote fraud, and the "counters" now bear the burden to prove that was an honest happening

Trump is "trailing" by ~30k votes. MI's EC can not be certified so long as this is outstanding

Similar thing happened in WI. So, ditto.

BTW, if those two can't be certified before the EC votes are counted, then so long as GA and AK got for Trump, Biden can not have 270+EC votes, and it goes to the House & the Senate.

Where Trump and Pence win

Have a nice day

Greg The Class Traitor said...

So, more news:

AZ: The vote machines in AZ are apparently rejecting ballots marked with "Sharpies" as invalid.

Sharpies were handed out to GOP voters to use in multiple precincts.

If true, expect a recount, expect a "canvas" of the rejected ballots, and expect them to come in. So AZ could easily still go Trump.

NV: Trump did very well on Election Day. There's a bunch of provisional ballots still out. He could very well do good on those (which would be a flip from normal).

If Trump wins any two pf PA (leading by > 500k ballots) MI, WI, or AZ, he wins.

WI + AZ -> 269 -> goes to the House & Senate -> GOP wins both

If Trump wins NV, then a victory in PA or MI is a Trump win

Note: US Supreme Court ruling that the vote in a State can not be validated, and so no EC votes can be cast for that State, is the same as Trump winning it. Because GOP's a lock for winning in the House & Senate.

To the best of my knowledge: in no State where the GOP had a majority of the Hosue seats, did they lose that majority.
IA was one of the Dems 23 House votes. It's now either tied, or a 3-1 GOP

I am so very glad ACB was confirmed

Lurker21 said...

If somehow this blog disappears — that is, if Google decides to delete me (as mentioned above) — just find the podcast (at Anchor or any podcast place) or find me on Twitter or search for my name.

Should the rest of us join the Resistance, or just pack our suitcases?

Trump may yet win.

gilbar said...

AZ update: apparently the use of sharpie pens in gop precincts is causing ballots to be invalidated. Could be huge numbers of mostly Trump supporters. More to come

gilbar said...

Cryptic message from our hostess @ 10:50

Professor, it's not Really for Me to say; i'd just as soon you stuck around (on this earth (and on blogger))
GOD Bless

Jaq said...

You can’t imagine how shocked I am that steve uhr doesn’t believe that Trump should be allowed his day in court.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Matt Sablan said...
Honestly, I think one of the best ways to stop this is for vote totals not to be shared until an entire state is done counting.

I think the Florida system is fine:
Every 20 minutes, every polling site updates an online, publicly accessible, db with the number of votes received, and by who.

Add a unique marker to each ballot, and report the unique markers used as well. This keeps the vote counters from creating ballots, and keeps them from swapping out ballots. Now you only have to worry about them defacing any ballots that went for the other side. And you can find that in an audit (hey, look, 50%+ of the ballots with Trump on them are double votes, 0.5% for everyone else).

But, for now, those 138,339 magical Biden votes must be considered to be all fraudulent

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

After all those years of living and working among lefties, you don’t think that it would *enhance* Google’s reputation to delete you? You provide shelter and aid and a gathering place for deplorables. I know that your position is that if it goes, it goes, so it doesn’t matter. But your experiences running afoul of AdSense as well as their stated intentions to come after us and shoot the wounded plus Google’s long history of abruptly shutting down products = borrowed time.

I appreciate the value to my life your project has been.

Iman said...

Blogger steve uhr said...
He said all voting must stop when he knew that all voting had stopped. He declared victory when he knew that there were many votes left to count in key states. Typical trump BS excused by AA.

Happy Hour doesn’t begin for a while, uhr...

Iman said...

As mentioned earlier, just reverse the parties in this scenario. Does anyone in their right mind think the Democrats would be accepting this horseshit and just go gentle into the night?

Fuck these lowlife cheaters in their cakeholes.

hombre said...

Let’s see. The Dems can piss away nearly $200 million on Senate races they can’t win in KY and SC. Nighttime mail order ballots in Wisconsin and Michigan produce 200,000+ votes for Biden, 0 for Trump. AZ called too early for Biden. Mediaswine slow to call for Trump. Trump votes making polls, many from the leftmediaswine, ridiculous.

The Swamp Strikes Back! Anybody think few million dollars might buy a few election officials?

mockturtle said...

I appreciate the value to my life your project has been.

I second Pants' appreciation for this blog!

ken in tx said...

Nixon lost the 1960 pres election due to voter fraud in Illinois. He did not challenge it because he was afraid to divide the nation in the face of the Soviet Union during the Cold War. Well, there's no Soviet Union and no Cold War right now --yet, one with china is looming . Trump should challenge every suspicious election event. The Nation is already divided.

Anonymous said...

Trump opened our eyes to the 24 hr a day corruption of our Capitol City. Most Presidents just bathed in it. What was wrong with this dumbass, Trump? Go along to get along. How hard is that? Just say, 'Sorry your son was killed in Bumfuck, Somewhere. But did you know that all Barracks now have feminine hygiene products? Did you know that we lowered the bar for Army Rangers so that girls might qualify? We're fighting for you!

Look...a Great Power is not defeated from the outside. Progressives on the inside eat away at a nation. Learn your pronouns, prole.

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