October 4, 2020

"You can trust me. Because I believe in science. And karma. Now, just imagine if science... and karma... could somehow... team up... to send us all a message about how dangerous this virus can be. I'm not sayin' I want it to happen. But just imagine."

Said Jim Carrey as Joe Biden in the debate spoof on "Saturday Night Live" last night:

Science and karma. A good comic concept, delivered well by Carrey.

But let's actually think about it... beyond comedy. Science and karma. My first reaction is you show you don't really believe in science if you also believe in karma. But I see there has been some serious examination of the science of karma. I'll just select one thing I found googling the 2 words: "The Scientific Explanation for Karma" by David Amerland (Medium). Excerpt:
The general consensus about behaving in a Karma-aware way (let’s call it Karma-friendly) requires that we engage in actions that are not considered socially bad and have no adverse consequences for others. So, really, when we talk about Karma we talk about engaging in pro-social behavior.

Social and behavioral psychologists define pro-social behavior as behavior that involves a cost for those who engage in it and a benefit for others.... Our actions, in other words, create the primary layer of data that generates culture which then affects the secondary layer of data that is internalized in order for us to create our values, morals, identity, purpose, goals and mission in life....

The brain... is wired to preserve energy in order for us to survive long term. Energy, therefore, is primarily used when there is an accumulation of discomfort that is experienced at a physical level.... In order to engage in an action that will require a considerable amount of energy to be used up it has to change the way it activates itself and establish some efficiencies in its operation. To do this it strengthens the connections between neurons creating pathways that require significantly less energy to transmit information along their pathways....
You see where that's going. Science and karma don't need to "team up." Karma is in the perception of what has happened, and science can explain it all.


Josephbleau said...

“To do this it strengthens the connections between neurons creating pathways that require significantly less energy to transmit information along their pathways....”

What a pile of unfalsifiable bullshit.

Quayle said...

“... and science can explain it all.”

Now THATS comedy.

Howard said...

Literal examination of humor is all you have left to please your helplessly hopefull Trumper husband and clients.

cacimbo said...

If Trump and rest of those in his circle all recover within the normal two week time frame will "science and karma" say open the country this disease is not the killer we were lead to believe.

wendybar said...

Rock ending his monologue by calling for an upending of the U.S. government, repeatedly saying "they" (as in all conservatives, Republicans, & non-Democrats) have to be stopped and "don't want you to vote." In other words, people on the right are the enemy of the people to them. ......because why?? Science??? or feelings???? THIS is what we are up against.

wendybar said...

After SNL's Cold Open and Chris Rock joked about/celebrated Trump being hospitalized with coronavirus, SNL, 'Weekend Update' makes clear they too are happy and would like to see his condition take a turn for the worse. (1/)

Or this??? Such tolerance against Trumps hate??? They are the haters they claim HE is.

Shouting Thomas said...

But the karma is likely to turn out this way:

Trump recovers in a few days. Virus isn’t really a death sentence, not even for a 74 year old fat guy.

Now, why should the panic continue? Time to stop panicking, take off the masks, open everything up and go about our business.

Economy booms and unemployment drastically reduced in run up to election.

wendybar said...

All I know, is the more the left reveals themselves at the true enemies of America with their hate and violence, the better we all will be, because hopefully it is waking up the people who are still sleeping.

chuck said...

"Karma" used to be spelled "Hell".

Mark said...

Weekend Update was on point when they pointed out that if situations were reverse, Trump would be mocking Biden at a rally.

He mocked him for face masks Tuesday and his history is pretty clear.

Bob Boyd said...

If the Dems hate you it is just that you should die. Got it.

mezzrow said...

What is the meaning behind 'Karma Chameleon'?
Boy George once explained about the song: "The song is about the terrible fear of alienation that people have, the fear of standing up for one thing.

"It's about trying to suck up to everybody. Basically, if you aren't true, if you don't act like you feel, then you get Karma-justice, that's nature's way of paying you back."


Philosophical FM drive-time musings from the 1980's, for those who weren't listening to NPR at the time.

rhhardin said...

Karma is the observation that what's good for others is good for you, something you will in fact lack if you're not good to others.

Leslie Graves said...

When I was in my 20s, I had a boss who would say, whenever one of our competitors did something challenging or untoward, "What goes around comes around". I took this to be an expression of a faith in something like karma and thought it was silly. Over the decades, though, his expression has often come back to me and now I practically view it as a Law of Nature.

tim maguire said...

If you believe in science, then explain the scientific process. Show that you know what it means to believe in science.

Marcus Bressler said...

Karma is Carrey reduced to being a bit player on the hasn't-been-funny-in-decades SNL.

Anonymous said...

If karma is a thing, all the people who are gleeful about the president and his wife getting COVID-19, are now more likely to get COVID-19.

Wonder if the writers or the actors involved in that skit are now worried about their loved ones getting COVID. Or is there a scientific basis for saying you are immune to the karma shit you are wishing upon other people?

Dan in Philly said...

I've heard the whole karma argument a bit. I'm not entirely sure what President Trump did to deserve karma giving him covid-19, but I imagine in a liberal mind it makes some sort of perverted twisted sense.

Kate said...

I'm so weary of humor that only attacks one way. This is probably a clever bit, but I won't watch it.

Kevin said...

Karma is in the perception of what has happened, and science can explain it all.

I think I you mean: “Karma is in the perception of what has happened, and ‘science’ can explain it all.”

Actual science takes way too long, and its pronouncements are much too limiting, to power the demanded Progressive Agenda.

Nichevo said...

Aaaaaaaaand...today's when I stopped reading you.

Just for a little while till I get this taste out of my mouth.

If one of us get COVID-19 before I get back, will that be science or will it be karma?

Bob Boyd said...

What if Jim Carrey got deathly ill after wishing it on Trump? Should I interpret that as a message the universe doesn't approve of the skit?

Fernandinande said...

"The Scientific Explanation for Karma" by David Amerland (Medium).

What a horrible, rambling article. If you click the 2nd link from a "science karma" search you get similar stuff without the brain-energy nonsense.

Article: "So, really, when we talk about Karma we talk about engaging in pro-social behavior." He re-defined the term, as does that other article, so that the concept means "If you're nice to other people, they'll be nice to you", even though that is often false. Sometimes you get ripped off. Sometimes no good deed goes unpunished.

And what does that have to do with Trump and mask wearing? Did he catch the cooties because not wearing a mask is not "pro-social" (it's not good for other people), or because not wearing a mask makes it physically easier for the cooties to invade your body (assuming that's true) and it could have nothing at all to do with other people?

Other article: "And to the unfamiliar, karma sounds like a system of justice governed by the cosmos." That's how I take it; otherwise it's too trivial to be interesting.

Kevin said...

Joe Biden’s unshakable belief in “science” has him basing his entire campaign on a well-understood falsehood.

Fernandinande said...

These guys didn't re-define "karma" to be a mundane part of psychology, so their bullshit is far more interesting (quantum physics!):

Even if karma does not grow in this life, be it happiness or suffering, after the death of an animal and a person, a soul with karma does not die and does not disappear.

It is reborn in one of the 6 species of animals of the non-eternal universe depending on their karma and still exists in the universe from one birth to another birth.

In this book, we proved and verified the first stage of the law of karma using the theory of optimal control and proved and confirmed the second stage of the law of karma using set theory and quantum physics.

We demonstrate that life is a rational combination of evolution and reincarnation. We also demonstrate that there is non- eternal, eternal, and neutral universes and describe their facts and phenomena.

In the end, we demonstrate Buddhist teachings on how to reduce suffering and improve happiness, rebirth, and as well as three levels of enlightenment."

Three levels of enlightenment - "Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three."

Leland said...

This is the new religion of the left. They believe in climate change, which doesn't include [some] weather events, but if a hurricane hits oil production in the Gulf of Mexico, then that's karma for not accepting the science. Last night, it was a communicable disease that's killed tens of thousands in the northeast yet is only karma when Trump has mild symptoms from it. In other news, the west coast is burning because of manmade global warming and not from karma caused by decades of ignoring forest management.

Mr. D said...

Karma will be when Mike Pence harshes the mellow on SNL's Kamala Harris worship.

Mikey NTH said...

I thought science was a method, not a belief system.

Mr. Majestyk said...

So is the new slogan: Karma Trumps Love? Just trying to keep up.

BUMBLE BEE said...

If Trump beats this, he'll be this century's Rock Balboa.

Kay said...

My belief is that the essence of karma is merely that actions have consequences.

Gunner said...

Mr. D: I hate to break it to you, but the real Kamala could confess she is a race-baiting Communist, Willie Brown mistress at her debate, and SNL not only would not reference it, they will just say Pence is a closeted homosexual anyway.

Barry Dauphin said...

It was interesting how the weekend update guys had their schadenfreude moments about the president while they were sitting 2 feet away from each other without masks.

gilbar said...

Or is there a scientific basis for saying you are immune to the karma shit you are wishing upon other people?

just to clarify,
progressives are IMMUNE to karma, in EXACTLY the same way that rioters are IMMUNE to covid

Susan said...

So we should look for the cast of SNL and their co-workers and their loved ones to come down with serious cases of COVID since they wished it upon Trump and his loved ones?

If we don't think that will happen because of their actions we are Karma deniers?

Amadeus 48 said...

The fundamental problem with the approach that the media and the Demmies (BIRM) take is their apparent belief that not getting the virus is optional. It is a contagious virus. Many people —perhaps most— are going to get it. An effective vaccine might lead to prevention (see polio), but we don’t have that yet. You think masks help prevent the spread? They couldn't hurt, but they don’t do much. Social distancing. It couldn’t hurt, but it doesn’t do much.

The real question is, how do we move forward given that the virus is circulating. Many are doing what Joe Biden is doing— hiding. That has costs. Many of us have cut back social interactions— that also has costs. The likelihood that Biden and his circle will get this becomes higher to the extent he moves around— the odds caught up with the Trumps. But Trump is facing up to this, as he always has. If he emerges intact- and the odds are in his favor—he has shown what we should do to get through this: do our jobs, do our duty, and stand up for human society and civil order.

Biden is showing us how to hide. He is a monument to entropy. He isn’t doing his duty. He is hiding in his burrow.

May God save Biden and may God bless Trump.

Mary Beth said...

Worst Biden impression ever. To be really accurate, Carrey needs to stop moving around, stare soullessly at the camera, and smile and laugh whenever anyone else says anything contradictory.

Howard said...

Praying for Humpty Dumpty.

dustbunny said...

Science is whatever we want it to be, depending on our behavior or thoughts or something nice.

MacMacConnell said...

"Social and behavioral psychologists define pro-social behavior as behavior that involves a cost for those who engage in it and a benefit for others.... Our actions, in other words, create the primary layer of data that generates culture which then affects the secondary layer of data that is internalized in order for us to create our values, morals, identity, purpose, goals and mission in life...."

And where do children learn this? Open up the fucking schools!

James K said...

The way "Karma" is usually used, it's essentially the same as the "Poetic Justice" from your earlier post.

Oso Negro said...

Here is a non-scientific prediction of the future: the great Covid-19 Panic of 2020 will be over on November 4th. There will still be worried individuals, mind you, because the media and governments have done such a fine job of frightening people. This is predication because there will no longer be a political incentive to monger fear or to appear to be deeply concerned about a virus that hasn't proved anything like the killer it was purported to be.

James K said...

Trump is facing up to this, as he always has.

But note that instead of giving Trump credit for practicing what he preaches, he gets labeled "anti-science," even though of course the science is all over the map on the efficacy of distancing.

And I'll give Biden credit for practicing what he preaches: Cowardice.

Ann Althouse said...

"He re-defined the term, as does that other article, so that the concept means "If you're nice to other people, they'll be nice to you", even though that is often false. Sometimes you get ripped off. Sometimes no good deed goes unpunished."

I think most people want their social and business connections to work for them, to advance themselves one way or another, and it works for that to be mutual. Both sides are out to get something, and there's mutual benefit. If you give with the idea that the other person will just give too, that probably won't produce a relationship!

Francisco D said...

I really appreciate that Althouse readers understand that "science" is an epistemology that produces far more incorrect results than correct results. That is the best process we know for discovering truth.

Of course, the lefties believe that it is a historic tool of White Supremacy used to subjugate POC. The only exception is when fake scientists establish a "consensus" that conveniently supports their Marxist plans.

Ann Althouse said...

The worst part of the sketch was Kamala Harris walking in to act as the adult in the room but to do that as the mother character. It's not enjoyable as feminism, and it assumes we adore Kamala Harris, when there is no evidence that America has fallen in love with Kamala Harris. Make fun of her!

There was some making fun of Biden. There was a lot about how he was hiding his rage behind a phony smile and it was in danger of busting out at any moment.

gilbar said...

karma, huh? i don't know about karma; but a wise man once said:
...whatsoever ye would that men should do to you:
do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets

Fernandinande said...

So we should look for the cast of SNL and their co-workers and their loved ones to come down with serious cases of COVID since they wished it upon Trump and his loved ones?

Good question! If doing so strengthens the connections between neurons creating pathways that require significantly less energy to transmit information along their pathways, then yes, we should look.

No wait, I mean no - because, wouldn't looking for that negative karma to harm others cause the looker to get the cooties since the primary layer of data uses significantly more energy than not caring about the SNL cast one way or the other?

Birkel said...

So we should avoid negative externalities?
Somebody should tell Democraticals.

Temujin said...

Science is one leg of the new religion of the Left. Not actual science, but the clinging to the word 'science' to be used when convenient, when it agrees with their thoughts or statements. Of course, they also ignore actual science when it does not agree.
Science + pseudo/social-science + flat out crazy stuff is their new religion. (what is your preferred pronoun today?)

Tim Maguire hit on it above. If they used the actual scientific method, much of the abrasive arguments could be settled. Even things like Global Warming (now colloquially referred to as Climate Change because...well...the world did not heat up quick enough). It's always repeated that 97% of scientists agree. But if they actually paid attention to the scientific method, it would only take one scientist to come up with differing results to suggest the hypothesis is incorrect. Then they would check their premises, models, etc. to try to duplicate their results. Instead, they go to conferences and the UN to make sure they are all saying the same thing- a unified statement. That is not science.

As for the Wuhan virus. Science was wrong about it from the start. Well...not science. But those posing as the Word of Science. They were wrong, they changed their direction, and continue to do so. To stand up there and pronounce that Joe Biden represents the Party of Science is akin to stating that Bozo the Clown represents the American Nuclear Society.

By the way, don't you love the way the numbers that get repeated throughout time? The 97% of scientists is etched in stone, never changing. Remember the 47 million uninsured? These numbers never change, never vary. Almost like repeating some liturgical statement to be believed and not examined.

Ken B said...

Missing the point Ann.this is GLOATING.

Gunner said...

Kamala immediately fell for the Jussie Smollett hoax. Any chance SNL will make a joke about it? If Mike Pence had shown support for a dumb white boy who lied about two black guys beating him up, they would bring it up 24/7.

Amexpat said...

Woody Harrelson did a better Biden.

tcrosse said...

Karma is a bit new-agey for my tastes. I prefer to stick with Hubris and Nemesis. They were good enough for Sophocles, so they're good enough for me.

Temujin said...

"...and it assumes we adore Kamala Harris, when there is no evidence that America has fallen in love with Kamala Harris."

Remember- her own party could not stand her. She could not get past the early primary debates or votes and, though she carried a huge wallet, could not buy votes within her own party. Biden was losing as well.

And then, they fixed it. We may end up with a person as President who could not even show up on the bottom of the radar within her own party, when they objectively had the chance to vote for her.

To say America does not adore Kamala is the understatement of the year. And their strategy of hiding their candidates as long and as much as possible is their only path to victory. Everyone knows it. To think Kamala will suddenly become someone the people love is absurd. We all are what we are. The Kamala people hated will be the Kamala to take office.

Amexpat said...

Another word for Karma is comeuppance. That's generally acceptable if death is not the result. Some conservative mocked Kerry when he fell off of his bike and broke his femur. Limbaugh, as quote in Althouse's June 2, 2015 post:
Why is somebody riding a bicycle while in the midst of sensitive negotiations and attempting to secure nuclear weapons for Iran? Exercise? BS. He's doing that for the photo-op, trying to look hip with the young generation that thinks life is all about exercise and fitness and so forth. Photo-op. That's why [he's] out there riding the bike.

steve uhr said...

Shouting Thomas thinks COVID-19 policy should depend entirely on whether a single person who received extraordinary care lives or dies. Makes sense.

Drago said...

Howard: "Literal examination of humor is all you have left to please your helplessly hopefull Trumper husband and clients."


A lefty wrote that. Just now. After several years now of lefty Fake Fact Check organizations running fact checks against the Babylon Bee satire site.

But then, that was more than 15 minutes ago for our lefties so down the memory hole it goes and history begins anew.

Thanks for staying very much "on brand" Howard.

Birkel said...

I think karma is Democraticals arguing for total government control, then defunding the police, then Democratical cities burning.

Do I have the science right?
Or does science force me to conclude people defending themselves is the karma?

Science can be tricky.

Drago said...

Althouse: "It's not enjoyable as feminism, and it assumes we adore Kamala Harris, when there is no evidence that America has fallen in love with Kamala Harris."

Au contraire.

The lefties in charge know their base well enough to know it only takes repetition to make certain ideas the new "truth".

Hillary was the smartest person ever to run for the Presidency.

Hillary really is so humorous and personable and its just hard to see.

Michelle Obama is knock down gorgeous.

The list is endless.

Fernandinande said...

I think most people want their social and business connections to work for them, to advance themselves one way or another, and it works for that to be mutual.

Yes, the basis of altruism is (potential or expected) reciprocity; for it to work in general, the people you're dealing with have to be similar to you in that respect ("diversity vs community"). I think "your" article and "my" article are both NOT really talking about karma, unlike the crazy one from Jargal Dorj at the U of Chicago.

"What is it that makes a complete stranger dive into an icy river to save
a solid gold baby? Maybe we'll never know." -- J.H.

CStanley said...

There was some making fun of Biden. There was a lot about how he was hiding his rage behind a phony smile and it was in danger of busting out at any moment.

Even that was done from the Democrat point of view, as though the rage is actually justified. Note the audience reactions, they are laughing sympathetically and find it hilarious when he goes off on a tirade of insults.

That was the point when I stopped watching, not because the sketch was altogether unfunny but because it’s always so lopsided now and the bias is grating. Carrey played Biden as though he was still young and vibrant, so neglected to make fun of Biden’s main weakness. The Chris Wallace character tells Trump that no one has heard of Burisma, the payments to Hunter from the wife of mayor of Moscow, etc. Thats not funny, it’s painfully true of the SNL audience.

Sebastian said...

"My first reaction is you show you don't really believe in science if you also believe in karma."

My first reaction is you show you don't really believe in science if you say you believe in science.

Roughcoat said...

Well, I had Covid a little over four weeks ago, so I guess my karma was bad.

But I got over it (mostly) and now I'm (mostly) healed, so I guess my karma is good.

See how that works?

rcocean said...

You got your tag wrong. It should be "Comedy?"

mikee said...

Biden interrrupted Trump's second debate question several times, beginning the breakdown of debate rules. SNL made Trump the first interrupter. It would have been nice if SNL didn't rewrite history, again.

"I can see Russia from my front porch" by Tina Fey is one thing. Biden being a decent human being is a bad joke by SNL. Biden making any sense at all in the SNL skit is an alternate reality.

traditionalguy said...

So what about MS. That would be Karma gone wild. The Science Rules Cult used in politics has no scientific method allowed at all. It is do or die atheism world view that turns around and practices shamanistic magic to empower itself. Go figure.

Paco Wové said...

Medium seems to be a place where a lot of half-baked ideas and bad writing go to get 'published'.

Last time I checked, 'karma' was an accounting between you and the universe, not between you and other people.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Mary Beth said...

Worst Biden impression ever. To be really accurate, Carrey needs to stop moving around, stare soullessly at the camera, and smile and laugh whenever anyone else says anything contradictory.

Jim Carrey hasn't been remotely funny since In Living Color went off the air.

rcocean said...

The making fun of Biden was harmless and ultimately supportive. SNL has always done that. The R's are satirized viciously as stupid, evil, or racist. The D's are satirized for their human foibles. Mondale is dull, Carter is a nerd, Clinton is fat and a horndog, Hillary is annoying, Kerry is stiff, Gore is sort of weird and nerdy, etc. The only one not satirized? Obama.

SNL is not going to satirize Harris. She's a Democrat, a woman, and she's black.

William said...

I'm not that knowledgeable, but isn't karma a heritable condition? You come back as a superior being because you were a superior moral being in a previous lifetime. If, as the saying goes, you're born on third base, it's an indication that you're further along on the path to Buddhahood......You can see how the karma is made manifest in their hair follicles. Biden, despite heroic efforts to escape his fate, has gone bald. Trump, by way of contrast,, has a circle of bright golden hair, in some ways like a halo, that frame the serenity of his moral grandeur. It's there for everyone to see.....If Biden has so much karma, how come he's bald and bad things keep happening to him and his family? He must have been morally defective for the past five or ten incarnations. I'm not saying Hitler but maybe Hindenberg or Harold Stassen. Given the number of fortunate things that keep happening to Trump there's no doubt in my mind that he was St. Francis in a previous iteration.

rcocean said...

Did SNL bring up Biden's age? Did they make fun of that, like they did with Reagan who was actually 5 years younger than Biden in 1984? Isn't it funny how we get zero MSM news articles, or comedy sketches about 78 y/o Biden's age and whether he's too old and out of touch to be President. That's all the media talked about in 1984 - "Is Reagan too old?"

rcocean said...

Its hilarious that SNL shows Biden as the "Smart one" and younger than trump.

Iman said...

Karma karma karma karma karma comedian

Josephbleau said...

“Karma is the observation that what's good for others is good for you, something you will in fact lack if you're not good to others.”

As an example: what’s good for women is good for men, so by the contrapositive, what’s bad for men is bad for women. Karma ensues.

Iman said...

Kama kama kama kama kama KamalaToe

robother said...

So... California's karmic reward for giving Hildebeast her 4 million vote margin is the wildfires consuming the State? Hey, man, its science!

tim maguire said...

Mark said...Weekend Update was on point when they pointed out that if situations were reverse, Trump would be mocking Biden at a rally.

Trump's statement on the death of RBG suggests you and Weekend Update are wrong. Trump treats serious things seriously.

stevew said...

"Trump recovers in a few days. Virus isn’t really a death sentence, not even for a 74 year old fat guy."

Proving this karma they're all blabbering about is superstitious nonsense.

Trump's and Biden's approaches to the virus - Trump proceeds in a business as usual mode, Biden practices social distancing (to an extreme) - are exactly what people should do: act and behave in a way toward the risk that is comfortable and makes you feel secure. I won't criticize them for their respective choices. To blame Trump's getting sick on his refusal to follow your preferred rules is ghoulish and evil.

tim maguire said...

Karma can't be understood separate from reincarnation. It is, in essence, "what goes around comes around," but the karma you are working out in this life--the good and bad fortune--may have been earned in a previous life and you cannot talk about it in terms of deserving by looking only at the person's current life.

For instance, Jim Carey's success in this life is not an indication that he is a good person in this life. It is an indication that he was a good person in another life, but he may well be burning through his good karma in this one. And, by the way, all humans, each and every one of them, has a huge store of good karma or they wouldn't be human. But that says nothing about what kind of people they are in this life.

Larvell said...

I’ll take “Jokes Republicans Would Be Killed For” for $500, Alex.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Rocky, of course. It tickles me to see all these has-beens trying to "remain relevant". Trying so hard to remain "hot properties" really amusing. It's like watching the Three Stooges on the Ed Sullivan Show. Better than no press at all, I guess.

Bay Area Guy said...

"So, really, when we talk about Karma we talk about engaging in pro-social behavior."

Far out, Man. But I think my Karma just ran over your Dogma.

wendybar said...

Gunner said...
Kamala immediately fell for the Jussie Smollett hoax. Any chance SNL will make a joke about it? If Mike Pence had shown support for a dumb white boy who lied about two black guys beating him up, they would bring it up 24/7.

10/4/20, 9:06 AM

Call me a conspiracy theorist, but it was mighty peculiar that Kamala, and Corey Booker just happened to write an Anti Lynching bill, and PRESTO...they had their first case of a "MODERN DAY LYNCHING" (their words, not mine!!) Almost like Magically or something. I call BS. I think SHE had a part of setting up the HOAX, which is why he isn't in prison where he belongs.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I did not watch because I already know that SNL is a propaganda arm to the democrat party.

8:59 post by Ann if more proof.

Martha said...

Maya Rudolph’s Kamala had no sex appeal—and that biracial “sexiness” is Kampala’s only appeal. Wasn't it a smitten Obama who noted in 2013 that Kamala was the best looking attorney general in America. Obama was criticized for reducing Ms. Harris to her physical attributes but that (and Willie Brown) is what launched her into politics.

doctrev said...

Kamala Harris in real life is more of an pratfalling jester than the one on SNL.

But then, only Boomers, people with boring Saturday nights, and urban taxi drivers listen to SNL anyways.

Wince said...

I watched the actual debate again last night. It was better than I remembered.

While hardly perfect on substance, and despite Chris Wallace, a useful contrast of the two candidates emerged. The over-talk didn't interrupt the flow as much as it seemed the first time around.

Watching it a second time probably eliminates the anticipation, anxiety and second guessing that clouds a viewer's perception of where the debate "is headed" in real time -- probably in direct proportion to that viewer's bias going in.

Except, perhaps, when you rewatch the debate to produce a deliberate narrative to other people, like the SNL writers.

Mikey NTH said...

tcrosse said...

Karma is a bit new-agey for my tastes. I prefer to stick with Hubris and Nemesis. They were good enough for Sophocles, so they're good enough for me.

10/4/20, 9:10 AM

And divine providence is just way too icky, with the Christian implications and all.

Francisco D said...

By the way, don't you love the way the numbers that get repeated throughout time? The 97% of scientists is etched in stone, never changing. Remember the 47 million uninsured? These numbers never change, never vary. Almost like repeating some liturgical statement to be believed and not examined.

Thomas Kuhn is the preeminent scientific philosopher of the 20th Century. Back in the 60's he asserted that more than 97% of true scientists performed the same repetitive work over and over again, making few if any gains until a sole heretic broke out of the box and created a scientific revolution. In that sense, there numbers of scientists who form a "consensus" is irrelevant.

Ann Althouse said...

"The way "Karma" is usually used, it's essentially the same as the "Poetic Justice" from your earlier post."

Yes, I've been thinking about that. The main difference is that "poetic justice" is term that came from the domain of literature. It's an idea about how to construct a proper fictional narrative: The characters must get what they deserve. "Karma" is a term that comes from the domain of religion. It's a way to understand and accept the way things are in the world, to work on being a good person yourself and to trust that there is a larger order to the universe in which people do get what they deserve.

Birkel said...

Let's make fun of Biden's aneurysms.

When air hits the brain, it's never the same.
--every neurosurgeon

Anonymous said...

We aren’t going to fall in love with Kamala. Try as we might, you can’t change history.

JAORE said...

A few hundred years ago the same Karma here claimed to be science would have been, "You have displeased the gods.

Paul Snively said...

You say “karma;” I say “second- and third-order effects.” My problem with the left is that they just love to take examples of selection- and/or survivor bias (e.g. President Trump contracting COVID-19 “because of not wearing masks or social distancing)” without any analysis of populations that don’t show severe infection rates despite not implementing such measures, e.g. Sweden) and claim this as wisdom, when their policy positions on issues around race and economics are demonstratbly impervious to second- and third-order analysis, as any intellectually honest examination of leftist control of municipalities and states shows—to such an extent that we now literally have leftist media insisting protests are “mostly peaceful” while standing in front of a city burning to the ground.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Won't be a drop of Jim Crow Joe mocking on SNL.

Kevin said...

Fortunately, Jim Carrey can't seem to play any caricature that doesn't come across as demonically evil. So in the case of Biden it makes the subtext become text.

MacMacConnell said...

The Biden Harris ticket is historical, never in history has a Presidential ticket been responsible for incarcerated more Black people.

mikee said...

Considering that Harris has stated that in a debate, anything is acceptable as a tool to overcome your adversary (see Colbert, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkTOpWzC9Rc), even calling Joe Biden a vile RRRRAAAAAAAAACCCIIIIIIIISSSSTTT!!!!!!!!!, I for one look forward to her debate with VP Pence, who might just surprise her, as Palin surprised Biden in 2008. Talk about karma, and what goes around coming around, biting you on the ass.

Bruce Hayden said...

“ I'm not that knowledgeable, but isn't karma a heritable condition? You come back as a superior being because you were a superior moral being in a previous lifetime. If, as the saying goes, you're born on third base, it's an indication that you're further along on the path to Buddhahood......You can see how the karma is made manifest in their hair follicles.”

“ Kamala Harris in real life is more of an pratfalling jester than the one on SNL.”

But with a Brahmin caste mother, she apparently has more than sufficient virtue from her previous lives.

Mr. D said...

Gunner said...
Mr. D: I hate to break it to you, but the real Kamala could confess she is a race-baiting Communist, Willie Brown mistress at her debate, and SNL not only would not reference it, they will just say Pence is a closeted homosexual anyway.

Oh, I know that. But the audience that matters in re Harris isn't watching SNL.

Bunkypotatohead said...

Jason Sudeikas used to do a good Biden...they should have had him on instead of Carrey.
The first couple minutes were actually pretty funny. Until Biden grabbed the remote control and turned off Trump. Then he gave a little monologue expressing the casts thoughts on how wonderful life would be without Trump.
They didn't have the nerve to say they hope he dies...just that it would be so lovely if he ceased to exist.

And the Karmala Harris interruption was just pointless.
And the musical guest was hideous.

n.n said...

Cosmic karma. Perhaps it's not too late to limit liberal license and mitigate progress. #HateLovesAbortion #DiversityBreedsAdversity and other wicked solutions

Oh, and close Planned Parent, the leading cause of excess deaths.

Jason said...

Biden interrrupted Trump's second debate question several times, beginning the breakdown of debate rules. SNL made Trump the first interrupter. It would have been nice if SNL didn't rewrite history, again.

This is a lie and you're stupid for falling for it.


gbarto said...

To believe that Trump got COVID due to karma is to wonder what God, the gods or the universe was trying to teach all the other people who got it. I recall people getting angry when the author of the Secret said that if bad things happened to good people then they needed to raise their vibrations or somesuch.

At any rate, to believe in karma is to believe there's an organizing force in the universe which I suspect is true, but it's not something science can measure, detect or understand at present.

BudBrown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
YoungHegelian said...

If it's karma that Pres. Trump got COVID, what is it that Democratic Gov. Northam of VA got it?

Just shitty luck?

Jim at said...

You ghouls on the left who are preaching about karma?

You might want to pick up some self-awareness.

ALP said...

Seems similar to my interpretation of karma: everything we do adds to our cumulative personality or soul. Do lots of shitty things - you become a shitty person over time. Risk/reward is in this life, not the next.

effinayright said...

"Karma is in the perception of what has happened, and science can explain it all."

Science can't "explain it all" about ANYTHING.

All scientific knowledge is contingent, subject to change when and if better data, better explanations, arise.

That's why our understanding of covid has so dramatically changed over the past year.

It's why the covid death rate has declined so much since the pandemic began: the "science" has evolved.

Gk1 said...

"Worst Biden impression ever. To be really accurate, Carrey needs to stop moving around, stare soullessly at the camera, and smile and laugh whenever anyone else says anything contradictory."

You just knew it was going to be an SNL democrat ass sniffing deluxe in showing Carrey's impersonation of Biden as being super competent and not a doddering old fool. To be funny they actually might stop deifying every democrat running for office. Give something for the other 44% of the country to laugh at for once.

M Jordan said...

They (SNL) struggled mightily to pretend to give equal jabs. They failed both in the the equality and in the humor. The laughter I heard from the audience was that same partisan laughter any hack gets in attacking Trump.

M Jordan said...

They (SNL) struggled mightily to pretend to give equal jabs. They failed both in the the equality and in the humor. The laughter I heard from the audience was that same partisan laughter any hack gets in attacking Trump.

ken in tx said...

This idea of karma is influenced by centuries of Christianity. In Hinduism and Buddhism, karma is the condition you have in this life according to your performance of dharma in your previous incarnation. Karma does not have anything to do with what you do this time around. Dharma does. Become a Christian, be forgiven, and don't worry about it anymore. You won't be reincarnated again until the final resurrection.

Josephbleau said...

I had not heard the Gov Northam of VA has COVID. I guess that proves that wearing a mask does not help transmission, at least a klan mask.