October 2, 2020

This is hate speech against the disabled — the idea that if you have something physically wrong with you, you can't do your job.


Marcus Bressler said...

So far the Libs have posted hateful messages, with the notable exception of Rachel Maddow, who tweeted a classy one. Good for her. I'll be watching the comments here for the usual suspects.

Kate said...

The Left/NTs has all kinds of ideas for how to make hay. I guess I'm not surprised.

Some Lefties think Trump's lying about having covid. That does surprise me. His announcement is now a conspiracy theory? Reason is gone.

peacelovewoodstock said...

Attention-seeking from someone who is not comfortable with her own irrelevance.

Rubin, that is, not Anne!

virgil xenophon said...

Jennifer Rubin??? Typical..

wendybar said...

Progressive victim Jennifer "pretending to be WAPO's Conservative voice" Rubin is a joke. She should resign since she doesn't represent any conservatives that I know....She is lying to you as good propagandists do.

exhelodrvr1 said...

If it turns out to be a mild case, this will work to his advantage. The left's vitriol will be even more obvious. And he will end up with immunity.

tim maguire said...

Often after reading a Jennifer Rubin statement, I wonder if she thinks she should be taken seriously or is she giggling to herself at her latest bit of naughtiness.

gilbar said...

it doesn't look (to me) that Jenny had any qualifications, for WHY she wanted him to resign

as Al Smith would say; Let's take a look, at the record
Old Jenny Rubin: "orangeman BAD! must resign immediately !!!"
New Jenny Rubin: "orangeman BAD! must resign immediately !!!"

rehajm said...

Wow- her twitter feed is filled to the brim with extreme derangement. She looks mentally unstable. Look how quickly she switches away from the smears of a few hours ago to covid. Yikes.

She should resign.

stevew said...

True. When it comes to President Trump and the objective of getting him out of office Rubin and the Left are fond of BAMN.

Mark said...

Nice concern trolling.

Should have tried that 4 years ago.

Wince said...

Should Pence have to take over, at least temporarily, who does that hurt more?

On balance, I'd have to say Biden and Harris.

Kovacs said...

How about, “He should resign immediately because once again he’s demonstrated himself to be utterly lacking in the character and judgment we need a president to have, continuing to be in close contact with staff and supporters, wearing no mask, after he knew he’d likely been exposed to the virus”?

mezzrow said...

At least she didn't tweet "I hope he dies" like so many others.

The last quarter of 2020 comes in like a tourbillion. Even I would find popcorn inappropriate at this time, and I'm pure trash.

Wishing the best to the Trumps - it would be very good if all stay asymptomatic.

rhhardin said...

It's jumping at an opportunity, not hate speech. You're allowed to hate somebody in any case, and even express it.

Temujin said...

"He should resign immediately."

Exactly what I've been saying about hundreds of Journalists! for a dozen years.

Marcus Bressler said...

Joe Scarborough has also posted a classy get well tweet. Good for him

iowan2 said...

The obvious observation is, Biden should step away from his candidacy. Biden is much more impaired than President Trump. And the President will recovery.
Of course Rubin is a Democrat Operative with a by-line. Even the people that support her know she's a paid shill. She will never be challenged in any meaningful way, just like Biden

Mikey NTH said...

Jen Rubin is a sad, sad, sad, little person with delusions of influence.

Belle17 said...

Jennifer Rubin doesn't even take herself seriously anymore. She is more impulsive with Twitter than the Bad Orange Man.

Sebastian said...

"This is hate speech against the disabled — the idea that if you have something physically wrong with you, you can't do your job."

Question: since everything progs say about the other side oozes hate, do they ever not engage in hate speech?

Fernandinande said...

This is hate speech against the disabled

It's not "hate speech".

the idea that if you have something physically wrong with you, you can't do your job.

If someone is actually "disabled" it means they can't do certain things, which may or may not include their job.

Nichevo said...

Contact tracing-biowarfare? Who blew a lungful of boogerschnotz at poor Hope Hicks just so she might infect the White House?

Nichevo said...

My prayers to the President, and any others affected at the White House, for a complete and speedy recovery.

PB said...

Haters think they are morally correct.

Jeff Brokaw said...

Her takes on everything are best ignored, especially as the token “conservative” at that birdcage liner newspaper.

Are there any credible, serious people pushing this?

Skeptical Voter said...

One ought not criticize Jennifer Rubin. That would be hate speech against the mentally challenged. Silly little twit, bless her heart.

Birches said...

Why do they assume he's going to die? These guys are living like it's still March.

MartyH said...

Trump may asymptotic for the next two weeks. Why should he resign?

wildswan said...

This is kind of an opportunity for Trump to model the best behaviors to fight covid when you have it - especially plenty of sun, and vitamin D. Quarantine should not mean stay inside because UV rays kill numbers of the virus particles. He could make that point. Or there are UV lights. The black community seems more susceptible to covid. This might be because its members are low on vitamin D because their skin does not manufacture it well. So they need to keep D levels up. If Trump made that point while everyone is paying attention it would help them. Maybe he could get a small pilot program going to test older members of the black community for vitamin D deficiency. Maybe he could get people to focus on the fact that it is not age but several co-morbidities as well which is dangerous. This would help the nation avoid more lockdowns.

It goes without saying that my prayers are with the President and Melania

Gusty Winds said...

This is how Democrats think. The Death wishes will be tweeted and deleted in 3....2.....1......

mandrewa said...

There are a number of people out there who seem to be insane, Jennifer Rubin being one of them.

And yet once upon a time, they seemed to be quite rational. The situation cries out for explanation.

And have two theories.

One is a conspiracy theory. What if these people are being blackmailed? So much information has been gathered about people in the last two decades because of the internet and social media and the like that previously would have been very hard to put together that it seems almost inevitable to me that many people are now vulnerable to blackmail (and in particular by government agencies or internet companies like Google that have access to a huge amount of information).

What if Jennifer Rubin has been told to support the left's talking points or they (some actual entity) will expose her or someone close to her?

In that case the absurdity of her statements is both an attempt to comply with the blackmailer's demands and at the same time revealing since her heart isn't really in it. There being a difference between the reasoning of someone compelled to speak in a certain way and someone speaking from the heart based on their own reasoning.

And the second possibility is that there has been a genuine breakdown, perhaps a stroke. Actually I've wondered for years if Paul Krugman had a stroke or something similar shortly after he became a New York Times columnist. Because I read his blog for years before he got that position and although he was always on the left he used to be a heck of lot more intelligent.

If it's the latter case then there should be research exploring increasing levels of 'insanity,' or whatever the right word is for this, as people get older.

Leland said...

I'm with wildswan; I expect Trump to use this opportunity. He's right about treatments and I suspect he will be just fine in short order, if he is even symptomatic.

Amadeus 48 said...

I remember when Jen Rubin was giving daily updates on how wonderful Mitt Romney was and how well his presidential campaign was going. I guess she looked in the mirror and realized she might be foolish and then switched sides and proved it.

TJM said...

Jennifer "Leftwing Loon" Rubin weighs in. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

TrespassersW said...

Her opinion is irrelevant.


It's a severe overstatement to say that my reaction to everything Rubin says is "I don't care."

TJM said...

Is Inga dead?

SAGOLDIE said...

I'm thinking . . . .

We've read about the tests being too sensitive, giving positives when there's actually too little virus to actually cause the disease.

The POTUS and FLOTUS have most certainly been taking their hydroxychloroquine.

So everything will be okay.

Wishfull thinking? Maybe.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

When Rachel Maddow out-classes Jen Rubin.

Jen is an a-hole.

btw - did Jen Rubin ask Boris Johnson to step down?

Craig said...

My god, that smug smile on her avatar...

JAORE said...

Kudos to the few on the left sending wishes for a recovery. Your numbers are small, but welcome. Ms. Maddow's response was especially welcome.

The vast majority are just reinforcing their credentials as nasty, evil, power grubbing goblins.

Yet they can't even see that.

FWIW I understand Rubin has removed "conservative" from her self-description.

Howard said...

"Disabled" is dislike strongly speech. "Hate Speech" is hate speech

Ken B said...

Althouse got game.

daskol said...

Even by the debased standards of today's mainstream punditocracy, Rubin sucks at her job.

Francisco D said...

iowan2 said...
The obvious observation is, Biden should step away from his candidacy. Biden is much more impaired than President Trump.

Biden has already stepped away. They wheel him out into public every now and then so people know that he is still the nominee.

Gk1 said...

Wow, the bile on twitter is something to behold on this. I expect the gloating over this will soon give way to further anger and calls that its a "hoax" after the president exhibits few to little symptoms. That's the way things go.

Considering all of the people the president has come in contact with, even though they have been screened before coming into contact with him, it's a miracle it hasn't happened sooner.

Harsh Pencil said...

How many opinion page columnists are there combined between the Washington Post and The New York Times? Twenty? And how many could be honestly described as pro-Trump, or even not anti-Trump? I think the answer is zero. Their "right-of-center" columnists, Brooks, Rubin, Will, Stephens, are all anti-Trump.

This is itself an abomination. Trump won a presidential election and nearly half the votes. But his kind of political preferences have been declared out-of-bounds for any reasonable discussion.

But this pre-dates Trump. On PBS, there was always the discussion between the left-of-center commentator Obama supporter (Mark Shields) and the right-of-center Obama supporter (David Brooks).

Static Ping said...

When our hostess wants to troll, she does it magnificently. Well played.

Joe Smith said...

Rubin is a horrible excuse for a human being...

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

I wonder what Jen’s business plan is in the event of a Biden win. It will be much more difficult for her to make a living when she no longer has value in being a useful idiot for her new friends.

Amichel said...

Presidents have suffered with much more serious ailments than the flu, with no thought given to resigning. Rubin is a shameless hack.

Sam L. said...


rehajm said...

Joe Biden has thus far refused to denounce his supporters’ celebration of Trump’s diagnosis and has also refused to denounce his supporters who are gleefully saying they hope the President and First Lady both die.

Mikey NTH said...

mandrewa said...

I think the explanation you seek is found where an order is challenged. Since the 1990's the post-WWII foreign policy settlement has been crumbling after the loss of the bi-polar world. All of the institutions had been created with the rivalry between the USSR and the USA in mind and now many of them are irrelevant. All the people that had been dependent on those institutions for their livelihoods are threatened with the loss of prestige and employment. They are not happy when someone comes along that threstens to solve the problems that they have been "managing" all their careers.

I think you find the same thing in domestic policy, the particular domestic and economic policies that many have built their lives around promoting and the problems that they were managing could also be cleared. Lots of jobs at stake, lots of sinecures, lots of prestige disappearing.

rehajm said...

There's too much ignore the science in her tweet. On a medical level there's no reason for him to resign. Statistically- almost none.


exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Birches said...
Why do they assume he's going to die? These guys are living like it's still March.

10/2/20, 7:28 AM

While I'm bit concerned for Trump, given his age and weight, I am astounded by the Left's reaction to positive tests. They act like it's a death sentence and most people with it display no or mild symptoms.

If Trump fully recovers and then says he was treated with hydroxy and zinc, watch leftist heads explode.

Matt said...

Too many Jews in positions of influence. Tired of hearing their bullshit.

You can call me names, but riddle me why .018% of the population is so over-represented among the intelligentsia.

Readering said...

"I don't wear masks like him." Hate speech?

rcocean said...

Jennifer Rubin is a liar. For years, she called herself a conservative and a Republican. Now she's no different then the most left-wing Democrat who supports Antifa and Biden. She's a piece of shit.

rcocean said...

Jennifer Rubin is a liar. For years, she called herself a conservative and a Republican. Now she's no different then the most left-wing Democrat who supports Antifa and Biden. She's a piece of shit.

Readering said...

I think we'll see a few clips of Trump in 2016 riffing on Clinton's pneumonia.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Harsh Pencil,

It's not quite as bad as that. Will is anti-Trump, yes, but he's still an unapologetic conservative. (And could be cancelled at any time, of course; there are books of his columns dating back to the late 70s, and some remarks on gay marriage and abortion that would make people's heads explode today.) Stephens is decent, as is Douthat.

WaPo has lots of columnists, including Henry Olsen, who I think could be categorized as pro-Trump, and Mar Thiessen (ditto), and Megan McArdle, who is at least infallibly sensible, and Radley Balko, who as a libertarian is anti-both-Biden-and-Trump.

OTOH, the large majority of the major columnists in both papers are so frantically maddened by Trump that it must be a job reworking what they write into plausible prose. The worst are Krugman and Blow and Cottle at the NYT, and Bouie and Boot and all those folks in the "Other Voices" box towards the bottom of the page at the WaPo (well, except Sonny Bunch, who is very odd sometimes, but interesting -- I mean Rubin, Petri, Capehart, &c.) You have to pick through an awful lot of dross to get at the nuggets of sense on both Op-Ed pages.

Bill Peschel said...

"There are a number of people out there who seem to be insane, Jennifer Rubin being one of them.

And yet once upon a time, they seemed to be quite rational. The situation cries out for explanation.

And have two theories."

There is a third theory. Since Reagan left the White House, the Comfy Class has been in control.

These are not experts. These are not "the elite." As we have seen, they have demonstrated neither competence nor intelligence superior to our own. They are in charge because they went to the right schools (usually Ivy League), know the right people, and support each other completely.

These were the people who implemented NAFTA because they would make money, invested in industries Congress favored (like Pelosi's husband who made a killing in green industries because of Congressional subsidies), killed the FDR-era banking rules that would have prevented the economic recession in '06 and '07, and made their fortunes from insider trading and sweetheart deals with China and Russia.

These are in place and sucking power and money out of the U.S. and they aren't going to allow no reformers in to screw with their sweet plan.

I mean, look at Obamacare. The perfect opportunity (control of White House and Congress) for the Democrats to institute health care for all. Did they do it? Nope, just added another layer of bureaucracy to keep the current, inefficient, expensive system in place.

What the Comfy Class wants, the Comfy Class gets.

No conspiracy needed, except to create the new secret JournoList to tell the parasitic leeches in the media what to say. The Comfy Class knows who the enemy is and what's at stake.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Matt, I'm not going to call you names. But I am going to ask you why a religious/ethnic group that has emphasized education far more than the average in our society should not be expected to do well in intellectual pursuits.

I know that's not what you mean by "intelligentsia," but it's relevant. There are an awful lot of Jewish Nobel prize winners in physics, chemistry, medicine, and the like. There are an awful lot of Jewish classical musicians. I suppose the Rothschilds smoothed all their paths for them, too?

Jupiter said...

"This is hate speech ..."

Oh, now. I've said the same about her lots of times.

Drago said...

Dumb Lefty Mark: "Nice concern trolling.
Should have tried that 4 years ago."

That hoax was debunked a long time ago, so I guess it was inevitable that you would circle back to it.

BTW, the hoax about Trump making fun of a disabled reporter was one of the key inflection points that led to Brandon Straka and others to form the #WalkAway movement where minorities and LGBTQ-ers who had really noticed just how much the lefties/LLR-lefties lie about everything abandoned the democraticals and their LLR-lefty lap poodles.

Which probably explains why Trump has increased his support across those groups from 2016.

So, really, I guess I should thank you for trying to extend the hoax that led to many new Trump supporters realizing what buffoons you are.


mikee said...

mezzrow: 2020 Q4 coming in like a tourbillion? Like a device to increase accuracy of the escapement in a timepiece? Well ok, then.

I'd have gone more with Q4 coming in like a catywampus flibbertigibbet, but you do you.

Birches said...

While I'm bit concerned for Trump, given his age and weight, I am astounded by the Left's reaction to positive tests. They act like it's a death sentence and most people with it display no or mild symptoms.

I kind of get that he could have a harder time, but they've caught it before he even developed symptoms. They're going to pump him full of plasma with antibodies and he's going to be fine. Let's not pretend that the President of the United States is going to have standard care.

Mark said...

You can call me names

No need to, Matt. In your saying that, you already recognize the ugliness in yourself.

jim said...

"why .018% of the population is so over-represented among the intelligentsia"?

Because they study hard, some go to real schools, and continue working and thinking through their lives. Big mystery.

Next Q-uestion?

jim said...

"Trump may asymptotic for the next two weeks."

Are you calling Trump an asymptote? Fighting words (I think).

n.n said...

Planned President? He's still viable, Rubin. We don't discriminate based on past or probable cases before disease progression renders him dysfunctional. In most cases, aside from Planned Parent in NYC and others, even high risk individuals emerge unimpaired, and we have several effective early treatments in Planned Pathogen protocols. That said, we do discriminate, but that's another class of human life deemed unworthy of life for the sake of social progress. Hmm, Trump should double, triple his security detail.

n.n said...

Presidents have suffered with much more serious ailments than the flu

Yes, not only is there low risk early treatment with several effective Planned Pathogen protocols, but aside from Planned Parent (e.g. NYC) as a probable forcing of excess deaths, Covid-19 has not evolved to cause excess mortality greater than the seasonal flu. Most cases are past and probable evidence of viral infection, but do not follow with disease progression.

n.n said...

You can call me names, but riddle me why .018% of the population is so over-represented among the intelligentsia.

A diversity argument? Skin color, sex, perhaps height, weight, or hair color should be the attrbutes by which we judge people. Age? We do it now with Planned Parenthood and probably Planned Parent in some jurisdictions, but that may have just been the outcome of exquisitely poor judgment and resolution.

JaimeRoberto said...

"Trump may asymptotic for the next two weeks."

I think that means he may get ever closer to showing symptoms, but he never quite gets there.

Readering said...

Reported so far he has fever and cough. UK PM had best care. Much younger than POTUS, although shares a weight problem. Best care sent him to ICU.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Matt, one more thing: ".018%" of the American population -- call it .02% to make the math simple -- is, oh, about 66,000 people. The actual Jewish population of the US was, per Wiki, somewhere between 5.5 and 8 million in 2012. In other words, you are off by a factor of 100 or so. Percentages are annoying that way.

(Almost as bad as saying "million" when you mean "thousand," which is Biden's recurring difficulty; it's how 150 million Americans were victims of gun violence over a 14-year period last month, or how 200 million Americans -- almost two-thirds of us! -- were supposed to have died of COVID-19 by the time he finished a speech last week. How he got 6114 US military COVID deaths when there were actually seven -- not seven thousand, seven -- remains a mystery, though.)

Freder Frederson said...

So far the Libs have posted hateful messages, with the notable exception of Rachel Maddow, who tweeted a classy one. Good for her. I'll be watching the comments here for the usual suspects.

And if we do post something mean, what are you going to do about it? Beat me up?

Freder Frederson said...

You can call me names, but riddle me why .018% of the population is so over-represented among the intelligentsia.

Where are you getting this number? Jews are about 2.2% of the population.

doctrev said...

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...
I know that's not what you mean by "intelligentsia," but it's relevant. There are an awful lot of Jewish Nobel prize winners in physics, chemistry, medicine, and the like. There are an awful lot of Jewish classical musicians. I suppose the Rothschilds smoothed all their paths for them, too?

10/2/20, 11:02 AM

Ah, Michelle. Glad we caught you. After reading this article, I'm sure you'll be willing to enter into a rational discussion.


1) Ehud Barak is lying, and is a pedophile caught up in the Epstein network. (This would actually be the best outcome for the state of Israel.)

2) Barak is telling the truth, and a great many respected Nobel Prize winners are somehow in thrall to Epstein to the point they would visit Pedo Island. This would obviously be even more of a disaster for the Nobel Peace Prize than giving one to Arafat.

3) ANTI-SEMITE! (This is most likely, and makes you personally culpable in defending this sick cult.)

hstad said...

The MSM have dropped all pretense of news. Rubin, Wallace, Roberts, etc. are all liars and anti-Trump hookers pushing anything to get at President Trump. Can't wait for Trump to win in November and stop these so-called overpaid idiots in their tracks.

Amadeus 48 said...

"Best care sent him [Boris Johnson] to ICU."

True, but that was NHS best care. Boris is lucky they didn't kill him, as they often do. Fortunately, they never put Boris on a ventilator. That treatment weeds them out pretty fast.

DeepRunner said...

Jen Rubin is a sad human being. If you tell me she said Trump should resign immediately, I will tell you it must be a day ending in "y".

Sad, pathetic, small-minded, shrill, latte-swilling harpy.

Drago said...

jim: "Are you calling Trump an asymptote? Fighting words (I think)."

There is no need for such hyperbolic language.

Drago said...

Matt: "You can call me names, but riddle me why .018% of the population is so over-represented among the intelligentsia."

You're speaking about the NeverTrump FakeCon grifters, right?

Although in that case you'll need to cut down on the percentage estimate by a lot.

Jim at said...

I think we'll see a few clips of Trump in 2016 riffing on Clinton's pneumonia.

Will we also see clips of him being thrown into a van like a sack of spuds?

hstad said...

Freder Frederson said..."...Where are you getting this number? Jews are about 2.2% of the population..." 10/2/20, 2:36 PM

Freder is correct. But, we have 9 Jewish Senators and only 3 Black Senators (blacks are 12% of the population). Hell, SJW should use their 'race card' to demand equal results - no more merit. LOL!

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


Business Insider India? Interesting! Oh, the things one can turn up on da Intertubez ...

readering said...

Thrown into a van? No, medevaced.

doctrev said...

4) Deny, deny, deny. How dare the chavvies imply Ehud Barak is not a moral exemplar!




I can do this allllllllll day.

Ambrose said...

If Trump signs, won't Pence put all the gays into death camps? Asking for (definitely not gay) friend.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

I hear ya, doctrev.

Bunkypotatohead said...

The Post has a boatload of opinion columnists, and they've all spent 4 years complaining about the president. They could save a lot of money by appointing one as the designated Trump hater, and firing all the rest of them. How many times do their readers need to hear that "Trump SUX" anyways?

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