Said Tony Bobulinski — CEO of Sinohawk Holdings — quoted in "Hunter Biden business partner calls email 'genuine,' says Hunter sought dad's advice on deals/Tony Bobulinski said he does not believe Joe Biden's claim that he did not discuss his son's business dealings" (Fox News).
October 22, 2020
"The reference to 'the Big Guy' in the much publicized May 13, 2017 email is in fact a reference to Joe Biden..."
"I’ve seen Vice President Biden saying he never talked to Hunter about his business. I’ve seen firsthand that that’s not true, because it wasn’t just Hunter’s business, they said they were putting the Biden family name and its legacy on the line.... The Biden family aggressively leveraged the Biden family name to make millions of dollars from foreign entities even though some were from communist controlled China,"
Say it ain't so Tony! Joe Biden told a fib? Nope--just a flat out lie like any good lying dog faced Pony Soldier would.
I'm sure there's an innocent explanation for all of this!
It isn't just Biden or Pelosi. And it isn't just Democrats. We need to get to the bottom of the methods and means by which public servants have entered representative government in this country as staunchly middle-class (or less) and end up leaving as multi-millionaires. This has been happening for 40 fucking years.
No one with a brain can let themselves believe that any such monumental accumulation of wealth in public service can be gained by anything other than at best surreptitious means and at worst downright corruption.
Enough is enough.
The Big Guy is headed to the Big House.
The FBI better get ahold of Joe's crypto and foreign bank accounts.
All people who use bitcoin aren't criminals, but all criminals use bitcoin.
Twitter will never back down on the New York Post without a raised seal statement from the FBI that the emails are authentic, which by their “confirm or deny” policy, they know will never happen. Same with the Washington Post and the New York Times. Fox and even CBS are going tot their sources to be told that the emails are authentic, and since the big two know what the answer will be, they simply won’t ask, or won’t report, so that they can use the “confirm or deny” policy to bury the story.
Exactly the opposite of the way they did RussiaGate, the real scandal that they starred in, rather than reported.
Not to worry - corrupt Twitter, corrupt facebook, corrupt hack-D MSM will continue to play cover for the corrupt Biden family empire.
Biden cares. Vote Biden.
I sure hope the Big Guy was declaring all that extra foreign income on his tax returns.
Access Denied
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Bad link??
Biden is crooked as a dogs hind leg but the idiots will still vote for him because Trump beat Hillary and they can't get over it.
The most important consideration is that Joe Biden will restore normalcy and civility to our country's politics.
Why didn't this come out during impeachment?
Here's the best way to get around the Access Denied.
Click on the link in the browser tab, so that the entire link is selected.
Then press ENTER on your keyboard.
How else to explain the Bidens' wealth? But the bought-and-paid-for media remain vastly incurious. Better to collude in silencing Trump from even mentioning these facts to the American public.
They would not have done all this over a couple of decades if they did not have assurance of impunity.
And they felt safe openly (and it was extremely open) engaging in influence peddling why?
1. Because everyone with sufficient influence to peddle was doing the same, or worse, was on the payroll of people outside of government playing much bigger games along the same lines. It is SOP. If they all do it, you cannot fix this without removing everyone, as the lot of them will defend any one else attacked for the same sins.
2. Because the social and official structures created to make this risky were corrupt, because of course they ultimately answer to the same people as in 1.
For those getting the "Access Denied" nonsense: If you're using Chrome, right click the link and select "Copy link address", then paste the url into a new tab. You can add a new tab by mousing over an existing tab, right clicking and selecting "New Tab to the right".
Well this is something that the Russian hysteria of 2016 and the Ukrainian Call of 2019 did not have, actual living witnesses to a criminal act. Surely the same Congress that obsessed over "foreign influence" for almost 4 years running will have the same level of interest in this corruption story. Surely the DNC-Media will stop trying to keep a lid on the Biden story. Or alas this will be the end of the Republic and we normals may be resigned to taking arms to fight off the joyous hordes of antifacrats.
Democrats, turn coat Republicans and clueless Independents are in the process of electing a criminal to the American Presidency.
Pity Jim Clyburn didn't do a better job vetting the candidates before he made the endorsement in South Carolina that turned "anybody but Bernie" into, specifically, Crooked Joe Biden.
There’s this too:
This is from a Senate Report:
Former Secretary Kerry’s December 2019 denial of having any knowledge about Hunter Biden or Burisma is inconsistent with the evidence uncovered by the Committees. Kerry was briefed about Hunter Biden, Burisma and Christopher Heinz the day after Burisma announced Hunter Biden joined its board. Additionally, Secretary Kerry’s senior advisor sent him press clips and articles relating to Hunter Biden’s board membership. This appears to be yet another example of high-ranking Obama administration officials blatantly ignoring Hunter Biden’s association with Burisma.
Kerry and of course his Massachusetts mafia partner Romney, oh and of course the Pelosis were a well known Boston mob family in the forties, it’s a matter of record, and of course Pelosis are involved too. LIke Nancy’s son the “Clean Energy” executive in Ukraine. Nothing brings in the billions of unaccountable money from governments like our in the US like “Clean Energy” It’s almost a synonym for corruption.
- In early 2015 the former Acting Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv, Ukraine, George Kent, raised concerns to officials in Vice President Joe Biden’s office about the perception of a conflict of interest with respect to Hunter Biden’s role on Burisma’s board. Kent’s concerns went unaddressed, and in September 2016, he emphasized in an email to his colleagues, “Furthermore, the presence of Hunter Biden on the Burisma board was very awkward for all U.S. officials pushing an anticorruption agenda in Ukraine.”
- In October 2015, senior State Department official Amos Hochstein raised concerns with Vice President Biden, as well as with Hunter Biden, that Hunter Biden’s position on Burisma’s board enabled Russian disinformation efforts and risked undermining U.S. policy in Ukraine.
Except it wouldn’t have been “disinformation” it would have been "uncomfortable truth” which is, I guess, the new meaning of disinformation.
: "Don't you dare. Don't you dare act like newsrooms didn't have ethics in 2017 & 2018."
: "You can 'don't dare' me all you want, Brian, I've been doing this for 30 years."
Susan and Brian clash over the Hunter Biden story vs Steele Dossier.
Lock him up
Nobody denies this obvious fact.
But the corruption runs deep.
And many rice bowls are upset.
Mark Warner will not like this.
Richard Burr will not like this.
It is a bipartisan scandal revealed by a non-partisan, pro-American president.
Compare and contrast Bobulinski vs Vindman. Who is a better whistleblower
In hindsight I wish Bubulinski would have submitted whistleblower paperwork. That protected Vindman from examination. Leftist just cited in unison."whistle blower" like a protective magic amulet.
You think the first debate was wild? Tonight is gonna be a nuclear holocaust.
It's just another smear campaign. That's the truth. I choose truth over facts.
Here's the NY Post story. You can scroll down a bit to get Bobulinski's actually full statement. From what I can tell, this guy seems pretty serious. It will difficult in the extreme for the Dem-Media-Complex to dismiss and discredit this guy.
I don’t have a political ax to grind; I just saw behind the Biden curtain and I grew concerned with what I saw. The Biden family aggressively leveraged the Biden family name to make millions of dollars from foreign entities even though some were from communist controlled China.
God bless America.
He belongs in Prison. Obama and the crooked FBI too. This has gone on long enough..and it isn't going to end well if he wins and gets rewarded for it. Law and order will cease to exist.
"News" industry gonna have to bring in extra help for the suppression today...
I’ve seen Vice President Biden saying he never talked to Hunter about his business. I’ve seen firsthand that that’s not true, because it wasn’t just Hunter’s business,...
Is the "press" still incurious?
There are better reasons not to vote for Biden.
This would be the end of any campaign that was part of a legitimate political movement.
But the 2016 Democrat nominee was a known crook as well.
People who vote for Democrats are corrupt people. They know and they accept.
During the debate, Trump should point out that Biden was getting kickbacks from CEFC an OIL AND GAS company primarily, as well as Burisma, a natural gas company.
No wonder Biden is against US Oil and natural gas fracking. He wants to make big money overseas from Oil and Gas rather than have Americans extract it in a more environmentally friendly way. He isn't against fossil fuels, he is against American fossil fuels.
And Trump should call Joe "The 10% Big Guy".
Notice the predicament Twitter and Facebook have put themselves in.
Will they drop their NY Post bans before election day and give the scandal charges additional prominence and legitimacy?
Or do they hold out until after the election and obliterate their credibility and jeopardize their business model and Section 230 protections?
If the latter, can shareholder lawsuits be far behind?
Good for the NY Post for not knuckling under.
And yet the New York Post is still blocked on Twitter and Facebook is still "fact checking" a week later.
Soooo...not actually news in the sense that we've all suspected it for years. The question now is, how many people care?
But this raises some eyebrows, from a FOS News article linked by Instapundit:
A list of “key domestic contacts” for a joint venture involving Jim and Hunter Biden...The list, included Harris, D-Calif.; Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.; Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn.; Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif.; Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y.; New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo; New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio; former Virginia Gov. Terry McCauliffe, among others.
No way every one of those people knew and approved of being named on Hunter's contact list. This makes it seem like a joke, something Hunter thought would be really funny (and never thought anybody would find out about).
If that line is BS, how much of the other information is also BS?
The fact that the corporate fist was deployed to stop this story and failed gives me hope for our country.
This would have worked in 1930’s Germany or Italy. It would have worked in present day China.
I don’t think it would work in Britain or Australia.
Draw obvious conclusions about societal underpinnings.
The whole purpose of the impeachment was to obstruct justice and cover up crimes.
You have to admire the depth of the mutual understanding between Joe Biden and His son Hunter. They were able to arrange multiple million-dollar business deals without ever speaking about them.
Serious question for the Althouse commentariat:
Will the main stream media even care about this statement? Would ANY new revelation pointing to the accuracy of these claims get their attention? Or is this all “under the rug” stuff at least until the election results come out?
Why no link to Althouse's preferred source, the NYT?
I'm sure the newspaper of record is all over this story.
Hahahahahah. Just kidding.
Allegedly, the Bidens running some sort of influence peddling racket and Hunter was the bag man. Trump is going to have to figure out a quick way to bring this up in the debate, before the moderator cuts him off. Biden's going to have to figure out a way to dispute this. It can be longer because the moderator is not going to interrupt him.
If I were to guess, I think Trump is going to say something about "selling us out to China" and Biden is going to get emotional about his troubled son and say that this is just a smear. This should be interesting.
Jeezum Crow, so now Harris is dirty, imagine that, Heels Up Harris of the San Fransisco machine is corrupted too.
EXCLUSIVE: A list of “key domestic contacts” for a joint venture involving Jim and Hunter Biden and now-bankrupt CEFC China Energy Co. included former Vice President Joe Biden's current running mate Sen. Kamala Harris, among other prominent Democrats, Fox News has learned.
An email exclusively obtained by Fox News, with the subject line “Phase one domestic contacts/ projects” and dated May 15, 2017, Biden’s brother, Jim Biden, shared a list of “key domestic contacts for phase one target projects.”. - Fox News
Not from the laptop, BTW. But on the laptop there is an email detailing how Jim Biden, who got that 1.5 billion dollar contract for building housing in Iraq, BTW, was to be paid 15K per month for “travel” by the ChiComs.
buwaya is right. This is beyond fixing.
Surely this is enough to motivate you to vote for Trump, if only as a vote against Biden?
I am sure NPR listeners are well informed though
NPR, feeding the R turnout machine for decades now.
Well, you know, Fox News is Faux News, so that really doesn't count.
/s off.
The pictures of underage girls being abused adds a twist to the story as well.
At this point a reasonable person would conclude given Joe Biden’s public creepiness with kids he is a child molester as well as a rapist.
Opposing someone like Joe Biden should be viewed as a moral requirement to be a citizen.
You shouldn't have needed Bobulinski's or Bevan Cooney's confirmation of the laptop e-mails, but there it is- it is now undeniable. What we knew about Hunter Biden's employment with Burisma and the forced firing of the Ukrainian prosecutor by Joe Biden himself was prima facie evidence of Joe Biden's corruption.
Here, again, is a thorough examination of the Biden's involvement in the Ukraine. It is four parts, each subsequent part is at the top right of the above link. The video is fully supported with documentary evidence to a truly astonishing level- a lot of work went into preparing this a year ago- the sort of journalism that is apparently not practiced any longer by shitrags like the NYTimes or WaPo. If you want to be embarrassed for WaPo, Althouse, be embarrassed for the right reasons- that they are incapable of doing work like this.
Joe Biden was in three states today.
Unconscious, Semi-conscious, and Disoriented.
(Seen on the IMAO blog. The kind of joke you'll never hear from the late-night agitprop gang.)
Move along now. Nothing to see here. Go on. Git!
- Krumhorn
If this doesn't result in a Trump victory I will be surprised. Can't wait for the debate.
Shouldn't we wait for the Newspaper of Record to weigh in before discussing this? Or at least CNN. NBC? CBS? Wapo? New Yorker? LA Times? They have all got to be lined up and ready to pounce on this story. Right? Right?
Between Bobulinkski and Bevan Cooney, not to mention the mountain of evidence on the Hunter laptop, you have the makings of serious conspiracy charges against Hunter Biden and his father, presidential candidate Joe Biden. The conspiracy will be about serious corruption, not just process crimes. If Mueller had this kind of information, there is no question that the President would have been convicted during impeachment, unless he resigned first. He didn't, of course, because Donald Trump is easily the cleanest President since Jimmy Carter.
I'm surprised a law prof didn't say that first, but at least someone did. I have to say, there's no way these men would come out this far without assurances from the DOJ. Or higher. Looks like AG Barr has come through for the President, working with Rudy Giuliani of course.
How can this be? Joe's just a regular guy, likes ice cream and is from Scranton.
The fact that he’s spent more than 40 years in DC and is a multi-millionaire is
purely a co-inkydink.
There are lots of these people, people the Bidens strongarmed and treated like shit, here’s another story that sounds like out of Wise Guys.
The day the Bidens took over Paradigm Global Advisors was a memorable one.
In the late summer of 2006 Joe Biden’s son Hunter and Joe’s younger brother, James, purchased the firm. On their first day on the job, they showed up with Joe’s other son, Beau, and two large men and ordered the hedge fund’s chief of compliance to fire its president, according to a Paradigm executive who was present.
After the firing, the two large men escorted the fund’s president out of the firm’s midtown Manhattan office, and James Biden laid out his vision for the fund’s future. “Don’t worry about investors,” he said, according to the executive, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, citing fear of retaliation. “We’ve got people all around the world who want to invest in Joe Biden.”
You normal Democrats out there, are you feeling like you have caught battered wives’ syndrome maybe? This was all in plain sight and the people who cleared the path for Biden and Harris knew all about it. The Clinton Machine.
Beau was on the take too. Hunter paid of his college loans, that’s just from the New Yorker trying to make Hunter look sympathetic, who knows what else Hunter paid for for Beau to try to keep his hands clean so that he could run for President.
Beau was Michael, but he died and they ended up with Fredo running the family business.
the link seems bad
as for the news?
No surprise. Hunter and Joe are crooks. A criminal enterprise.
The same game most Washington swamp creatures play. Look at Harry Reid.
Hillary's cattle futures?
The Clinton foundation?
Biden may try to soldier on with his Vincent Gigante impression, but his influence peddling and enrichment of his family has been laid bare.
Thats what happens when you put your crackhead son in charge of your illicit family business.
Bilwick said...
Joe Biden was in three states today.
Unconscious, Semi-conscious, and Disoriented.
(Seen on the IMAO blog. The kind of joke you'll never hear from the late-night agitprop gang.)
10/22/20, 10:48 AM
I laughed...hard.
So Trump gets impeached for asking the Ukrainian president to investigate malfeasance by Biden during a competitive presidential primary.
Now we have Joe lying and creating an actual pay for play structure through his family, laundering money for his family in the process, and setting the stage for his own impeachment.
And this isn't headline news in the MSM? Because it would help Trump?
Come. On.
And to think Hunter had it all.
Drugs, strippers, underage girls ...
This stuff shouldn't have had to be an October Surprise. This story, these details, all this evidence, should have been a January indictment, back before COVID. The evidence has been in the hands of the FBI for waaaaay too long to ascribe this delay to wanting an unassailable legal case. Fire Wray, fire him tody. And charge every single person involved in this.
That's just Joe being Joe!!! So now that we know what a CROOK Joe is, can we send him to Prison yet???
This stuff shouldn't have had to be an October Surprise. This story, these details, all this evidence, should have been a January indictment, back before COVID. The evidence has been in the hands of the FBI for waaaaay too long to ascribe this delay to wanting an unassailable legal case. Fire Wray, fire him today. And charge every single person involved in this.
BleachBit-and-Hammers: "Why didn't this come out during impeachment?"
tim in vermont: "The whole purpose of the impeachment was to obstruct justice and cover up crimes."
Compare and contrast Bobulinkski with Blaney Ford:
I'll get it started:
Blasey Ford
1. No known relationship with Kavanaugh
2. No corroborating evidence
3. Just her word
1. Hunters business partner
2. Thousands of corroborating emails and documents
You guys can take it from there, starting with the reaction from the press.
The "Big Guy" likes to sniff hair and grab 'em by the pussy. (See Reade, Tara) Apparently, he likes free money too!
You'd have to be hopelessly divorced from reality to vote for Slow Joe Biden.
Watching Donna Brazile on TV this morning, as she tries to put on a happy face while talking to Bill Hemmer...
She ends the conversation saying she's happy to be back in Nashville and then a "come strum my guitar" as she undulates and wiggles her double-wide ass.
MY EYES!!!!!
Lucid Ideas @9:55: Spot on!
Peter Schweizer's epic Throw Them All Out lists the examples on both sides of the aisle. The term 'public servant' should never be used by any politician, ever. And they are not only richer upon leaving office but continue to profit from their access to DC power long after their tenure.
It occurred to me this morning that the reason the Leftist media have been urging their viewers and readers to VOTE EARLY is to get that vote before the Biden scandal broke.
Did y'all see all the "the walls are closing in" comments on the talking head shows? Biden won't last until the weekend.
Hahahahahah. Just kidding.
Blogger Jersey Fled said...
Thats what happens when you put your crackhead son in charge of your illicit family business.
That's probably what kept the Clintons out of jail. They had better bagmen, maybe Hillary's brother. Hugh Rodham has a sketchy history, but has kept a low profile recently. No influence to peddle.
Funny how you're not seeing any of that "walls closing in" stuff that was so ubiquitous on CNN, et al., a few years ago, now that the story is about the grifters all around Biden, including his son, who are now spilling the proverbial beans.
What could possibly account for the different treatment? Must be like one of those decapitation stories in France or elsewhere with a perp yelling Alahu Akabar!, where the motives are just too murky for an inquisitive, fairminded journalist to figure out.
Just watched the Stahl interview with Trump.
My wager is the slimy insinuation about Whitmer prompted him to end the badgering session.
Leslie's tone was grating,in addition the perpetual refusal to accept Trump's answer's is quite a contrast to how easily Sino Joe is treated.
Q just posted an analysis of the Chinese state-Bidens relationship by an outfit I have never heard of, but it seems to be based mostly on narciso type open-source, but with some secret-squirrel ones also.
Q does things like that only sometimes, but extensively on the Trump-Russia-Flynn business. If someone were to write a history of that, they would do well to carefully examine the Q posts on it, as a guide to framing the whole thing in terms of who directed what and when, and what it took to dismantle it. Q has been prophetic on it all.
Summary -
1. Joe Biden’s compromising partnership with the Communist Party of China runs
via Yang Jiechi (CPC’s Central Foreign Affairs Commission). YANG met frequently
with BIDEN during his tenure at the Chinese embassy in Washington.
2. Hunter Biden’s 2013 Bohai Harvest Rosemont investment partnership was set-up
by Ministry of Foreign Affairs institutions designed to garner influence with foreign
leaders during YANG’s tenure as Foreign Minister.
3. HUNTER has a direct line to the Politburo, according to SOURCE A, a senior
finance professional in China.
4. Michael Lin brokered the BHR partnership and partners with MOFA foreign
influence organizations.
5. LIN is a POI for his work on behalf of China, as confirmed by SOURCE B and
SOURCE C (at two separate national intelligence agencies).
6. BHR is a state managed operation. Leading shareholder in BHR is a Bank of China
and BHR’s partners are SOEs that funnel revenue/assets to BHR.
7. HUNTER continues to hold 10% in BHR. He visited China in 2010 and met with
major Chinese government financial companies that would later back BHR.
8. HUNTER’s BHR stake (purchased for $400,000) is now likely be worth approx.
$50 million (fees and capital appreciation based on BHR’s $6.5 billion AUM).
9. HUNTER also did business with Chinese tycoons linked with the Chinese military
and against the interests of US national security.
10. BIDEN’s foreign policy stance towards China (formerly hawkish), has since turned
positive despite China’s country’s rising geopolitical assertiveness.
"That's what happens when you put your crackhead son in charge of your illicit family business"
Nope, worse Joe Biden was in charge. He's also a dummy. Think of him as Hunter without the crack habit.
And they felt safe openly (and it was extremely open) engaging in influence peddling why?
Incestuous relationships (e.g. biological, political, economic) elevate risk of progressive corruption and dysfunction.
That said, religious/moral philosophy (principles matter) to temper honest people. Competing interests to mitigate progress of others running amuck.
Blogger Mike Sylwester said...
"Here's the best way to get around the Access Denied.
Click on the link in the browser tab, so that the entire link is selected.
Then press ENTER on your keyboard."
Worked like a charm. Thanks Mike!
The one thing the Bidens have not mastered that they should have learned from the Clintons is: don't allow the disgruntled or the unloyal to live. That failure has finally come back to bite them on the ass.
Drudge is showing us how it's done: Simply ignore Hunter and Joe.
Blogger Achilles said..."The pictures of underage girls being abused adds a twist to the story as well."
What a strange world where QAnon suddenly has more credibility that the Bidens ...
Trump thought he was going to be loved by everyone and he didn't drain the swamp like he should have. yeah - there has been some accidental swamp draining - thank heavens. Peter STrozk outed himself with his texts. a few others around the edges. But the bulk of the corruption stayed in power. Strozk should be in jail - instead he's promoted inside leftwing academia.
But I digress. Trump needed to drain the entire swamp years ago.
Follow the money.
Is anyone following the money?
Unfortunately, jaw-dropping as all of these revelations are, most Biden supporters could care less (a process made all the easier by the media's Pravda-esque blackout). Every time I try to make my otherwise highly intelligent wife understand what's at stake, all I get in return are riffs about Trump's ickyness and Biden's 'moderation.'
Conservatives get it, but we weren't voting for Biden anyhow. Will it move the needle? I hope so, but I'm not so sure.
I suppose we can at least take some heart in the fact that the corruption on display for the past 4 years--in the deep state, the media, and Democratic politicians has been so inept. It would be hilarious if the fate of the Republic weren't at stake.
Thanks buwaya.
Lucid-Ideas said...
It isn't just Biden or Pelosi. And it isn't just Democrats. We need to get to the bottom of the methods and means by which public servants have entered representative government in this country as staunchly middle-class (or less) and end up leaving as multi-millionaires. This has been happening for 40 fucking years.
10/22/20, 9:55 AM
What's even worse, to add insult to injury, is that they are "borrowing" this money (thus putting us and future generations on the hook for it), which they then GIVE to other countries (most of whom are NOT our allies) usually as some type of foreign aid, grant, loan or "investment" (which almost never gets repaid) so that a percentage of this money can be funneled back to themselves in the form of campaign donations, speaking fees, honorary board memberships, luxurious vacations and junkets for the entire / extended family, sexual favors and "start-up" capital for fictitious shell companies that never actually do anything or go anywhere...
Its full-on organized crime throughout every level of our government, and not only are they selling us out for 30 pieces of silver, but the silver isn't even coming from our enemies coffers!!! Instead, it's stolen from our own pockets (with interest), then given to our enemies, who like parasites, grow fat sucking off our life blood, before they dribble a few filth covered bits of lucre back into the grasping claws of these traitorous scum...
There needs to be a cleansing of our Government from top to bottom NOW.
Conspiracy theory: all of this will be reported by the MSM after the election & used to justify invoking the 25th amendment to make Harris President.
This is funny from the other WaPo thread as r/v does a passable Baghdad Bob impression:
roesch/voltaire said...
Either you are loyal to Trump or the country--those loyal to the country are usually fired so this makes sense.
Let me fix it in light of what we now know:
"Either you are loyal to Trump or the Clinton Machine--those loyal to the Clinton Machine are usually fired so this makes sense."
Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...
I sure hope the Big Guy was declaring all that extra foreign income on his tax returns.
Yeah, and doing all his FARA declarations.
The debate tonight is going to be special. I expect Trump is going to simply ignore the moderator and her questions
@mockturtle: I told someone that exact same thing this morning,. Millions of people have voted for the criminal that cannot get their vote back. Things are starting to come together.
Big Mike said...
Pity Jim Clyburn didn't do a better job vetting the candidates before he made the endorsement in South Carolina that turned "anybody but Bernie" into, specifically, Crooked Joe Biden.
Who should he have picked? Serious question here:
Which "non-Bernie" candidates who were still in the race by the time of the SC primary were better qualified than groping Joe, the dog faced pony soldier?
Amy K? The staff abusing bully who came in 4th in the primary of a neighboring State with the same demographics as hers?
Mayor Pete? The guy whose only real "accomplishment" is that he's gay?
Fauxcahontas Warren? The woman who had Wall Street "donors" promising their wallets would be closed if she was on the ticket?
Clyburn picked Joe because there were no other choices
tim maguire said...
A list of “key domestic contacts” for a joint venture involving Jim and Hunter Biden...The list, included Harris, D-Calif.; Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.; Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn.; Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif.; Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y.; New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo; New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio; former Virginia Gov. Terry McCauliffe, among others.
No way every one of those people knew and approved of being named on Hunter's contact list. This makes it seem like a joke, something Hunter thought would be really funny (and never thought anybody would find out about).
What in the world makes you think that they would have refused to be on Joe Biden's "contact list", which is what this was?
I guess we now know why Amy Klobuchar was willing to drop out of the Dem Primary before "Super Tuesday"
I wish all of you would stop with the jealousy.
Joe Biden took a public servant's salary, and became a multimillionaire.
Both of his brothers are millionaires, too.
His sister and his son are also both fabulously wealthy.
Cleary, the Biden family are the most brilliant, super-genius economic minds this country has ever produced.
And if Biden wins, they will all get a LOT richer. What more proof could you want?
"I sure hope the Big Guy was declaring all that extra foreign income on his tax returns.”
Never made over $400K you know, and he wants to raise taxes on anybody making more than that.
"That's probably what kept the Clintons out of jail. They had better bagmen, maybe Hillary's brother."
The Clintons have an unerring sense of who will fall on a sword for them.
"But I digress. Trump needed to drain the entire swamp years ago."
The Swamp is Deep and Nasty....this is no casual marsh.
Trump is trying to do it intelligently, after he wins I wager he will distribute Federal resources amongst the states.
Swamp draining takes time.
Mike Sylwester said...
"The most important consideration is that Joe Biden will restore normalcy and civility to our country's politics."
Don't forget he's going to end the "civil unrest".
Why was Trump impeached if the Bidens were clean?
Biden Crime Family. But the odd thing is when you say it aloud the progressive next to you can't believe it and hears Trump Crime Family. Where Trump is the relatively honest person here. Sam Harris the intellectual is letting his mind go because he doesn't want to think past his paradigm.
Trump should steer the moderator into a form of honesty.
Baksheesh or bagsheesh (from Persian: بخشش bakhshesh ) is tipping, charitable giving, and certain forms of political corruption and bribery in the Middle East and South Asia.
We Indians educated Ds and Rs in our ways. >>> Indians also come in 2 flavors D/blue and R/red.
Ds manage lions-share Rs get leavings-on-table - of course first you have to off-shore the funds via foreign adventures.
Greg The Class Traitor said...
Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...
I sure hope the Big Guy was declaring all that extra foreign income on his tax returns.
Yeah, and doing all his FARA declarations.
The debate tonight is going to be special. I expect Trump is going to simply ignore the moderator and her questions
if Trump gets muted will he "take it out" >>> it will be mystery
Why did the Dem establishment want such a mediocre and corrupt candidate?
Answering my own question: well, all the Dems who ran are mediocre. And they knew the media and their base doesn't care about Dem corruption.
It was all about PA. They need that white working class vote. Lunch pail Joe from Scranton was the only Dem candidate who could conceivably win back a big chunk of that demographic. Except it's increasingly obvious he's not lunch pail Joe or Tom Joad, he's more like Don Corleone.
Perhaps now Savannah Guthrie's inexplicable obsession with pedophilia in last week's town hall event can be explained by Hunter and Joe Biden's interaction with underage Chinese girls. The laptop contents were available to NBC news last week and I'm suspicious that Savannah was attempting to preempt the material relating to Hunter's pedophilia, and Joe's complicity in it. After all there is a text from VP Biden in which he asks Hunter about a 14-year-old he is "in a relationship with" and Joe refers to the girl by name in the texts. I was so intrigued by the extreme emphasis Savannah put on that group that "says there are pedophiles in government" since knowledge of qanon seems to be limited to Twitter users and NBC anchors. What was her point? It's pretty obvious she is setting up Biden to say the same thing, as he has been, about "this all" being a "conspiracy theory" and it might work for him for one more night...
But the cat's outta the bag now, man!
Unfortunately, jaw-dropping as all of these revelations are, most Biden supporters could care less
That doesn't bother me. If they want to vote for a criminal, that's their right.
What does bother me is the media blackout that keeps many of them in the dark.
And not a single word about it in any of my local media.
Not one.
It’s amazing what one can accomplish with 99% of the so called “press” In the tank for you!
You might even aspire to become President!
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain...
Conspiracy theory: all of this will be reported by the MSM after the election & used to justify invoking the 25th amendment to make Harris President.
I had a similar thought:The dem power brokers are holding this information to use against Biden once he wins so that they can push him out and install Harris.
Biden is both a tool and a fool. Unless he has cut a deal to avoid jail time for his cooperation.
The big question is, will they be able to cheat enough to get Biden to win; because cheating is their only hope.
I remember the Politico article Tim linked to above- I have distinct memory of linking to it sometime during the initial phase of the impeachment hearings last Fall, but it might have been on another site.
Ask yourself this question: why did Politico feel comfortable going after Biden that way- actually looking into his corruption, but not now? The answer is right there in the article's publication date, August 3rd, 2019. What was true on August 3rd, 2019- two things: (1) The call between Zelensky and Trump hadn't yet been made public, so there was no Ukraine impeachment scandal, and, (2) most Democrats didn't want Joe Biden as the nominee.
Biden and son are in deep sh*t. Can they keep it suppressed for just two more weeks?
Stay tuned!
DC is the corruption capitol. No one in the CIA DOJ FBI is going to stand up and point a finger and say X is corrupt because 10 fingers will be pointing back at them. No one in Congress is going to bring anyone in the alphabet agencies down because the alphabet agencies know every corrupt congress criterion. They all protect themselves by protecting each other.
Book 'im Danno.
As Sarah Hoyt would say, “This is my shocked face!”
Blogger MeatPopscicle1234 said...
Lucid-Ideas said...
It isn't just Biden or Pelosi. And it isn't just Democrats. We need to get to the bottom of the methods and means by which public servants have entered representative government in this country as staunchly middle-class (or less) and end up leaving as multi-millionaires. This has been happening for 40 fucking years.
Peter Sweizer has a veritable library of books with references on all the grifters. To wit:
Throw them all out 2011
Extortion 2013
Clinton Cash 2015
Secret Empires 2018
Profiles in corruption 2020
Yes, he had chronicled 95% of the Hunter\ Joe Biden’s corrupt activities in Ukraine and China over 2 years ago.
Are we finally getting tired of the Bullshit? I know I am...
"...he's more like Don Corleone."
LOL no no no. The Biden Crime Family has no Don Corleone. Just a bunch of Fredos.
When is Mark Warner going to be indicted for giving the CPage FISA warrant to James Wolfe so he could leak it to his gf Ali Watkins at Buzzfeed.? You and I would be jailed for that... in 2 seconds
As Sarah Hoyt would say, “This is my shocked face!”
However, Democrats don’t care. “Criminals ‘R Us,” is the party slogan. Check the net worth of the Clintons, the Obamas and the Bidens, for example. Oh, I know, books, speeches. Bwahahahaha!
Psst. Step over here. Let me tell you about the bridge in Brooklyn I have for sale.
r/v is very very very concerned that Biden might lose his ability to sell his office and US policy for tens and hundreds of millions of dollars.
In the same way that r/v was very upset that Hillary was unable to win the Presidency and keep up the grift and adding to the billions that were sent to the Clinton foundation slush fund.
Quite telling really.
But then again, crack is expensive and it would be a terrible thing if Hunter was deprived of his access to the ready cash he needs.
Bobulinski will be Trump’s guest at the debate tonight.
MartyH said...
"Conspiracy theory: all of this will be reported by the MSM after the election & used to justify invoking the 25th amendment to make Harris President."
Marty.. that is not a theory.. that is a 'to do' for the DNC after the Jan inauguration.
But I tell you.. I don't think B&H will win. He is beginning to stink more than Hillary did. His stink, anti-gun, anti-police, and leftist tax pronouncements are beginning to tell. He even has Obama trying to gin things up....
An email exclusively obtained by Fox News, with the subject line "Phase one domestic contacts/ projects" and dated May 15, 2017, Biden's brother, Jim Biden, shared a list of "key domestic contacts for phase one target projects."
The email is unrelated to the laptop or hard drive purportedly belonging to Hunter Biden, the former vice president's son.
The list, included Harris, D-Calif.; Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.; Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn.; Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif.; Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y.; New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo; New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio; former Virginia Gov. Terry McCauliffe, among others.
So that was Biden's brother Jim, not his son Hunter
This is what we call "direct evidence" of a criminal conspiracy.
Tax evasion.
SEC violations.
FARA violations.
And if you believe it stops, starts, or ends with Joe Biden...
then you are a fool.
There's a few simple important rules in life. Here's one for 50-year old, white privileged crack addicts:
If you have important international deals to make with Burisma Energy or Chinese Banks or Moscow millionaire widows - to feed your Pop one half of the take;
1. Do not leave your laptop in a Delaware repair shop for over 6 months.
2. Do not impregnate Arkansas strippers.
3. If you have any doubts, see 1 & 2.
I anxiously await a condemning statement from Mitt Romney on norms and decency, right?
Yancey Ward,
Yes, both those things are true. But, also, it was European Politico, not US Politico. The American version doesn't ordinarily get so deep into the weeds on anything.
(And I would bet anything you like that most Democrats still don't want Biden as the nominee. I think the DNC forced a card on them.)
Blogger BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
Why didn't this come out during impeachment?”
I’m guessing because corruptocrats in the FBI sat on it?
“ Blogger iowan2 said...
Compare and contrast Bobulinski vs Vindman.”
That Lt. Colonel Vindman to you, fella!
"o way every one of those people knew and approved of being named on Hunter's contact list.”
If you don’t believe it, I guess it can’t be true. But it sure stinks to me.
“ Blogger Lord Clanfiddle said...
Every time I try to make my otherwise highly intelligent wife understand what's at stake, all I get in return are riffs about Trump's ickyness and Biden's 'moderation.“
You too? Sucks, doesn’t it. I don’t know what will happen when Trump wins reelection. Fireworks in my house!
Mista Bobulinski, Mr. Tony Bobulinski
Mista Bobulinski, Mr. Tony Bobulinski
Mista Tony Bobulinski, don't you quit
You’ll really make ‘em sick with ya rattin’ out Biden
You're gonna make some flip and some lam n’ go hidin’
They need you to cave, ya gotta go for the save
Take a little tip from Jeff Epstein
They’ll call it suicide but his hands were clean
Jersey Fled said...
Unfortunately, jaw-dropping as all of these revelations are, most Biden supporters could care less
That doesn't bother me. If they want to vote for a criminal, that's their right.
What does bother me is the media blackout that keeps many of them in the dark.
sure...a corrupt government all the way to the apathetic electorate that doesn't care about that corruption....a corrupt media that hides, ignores or minimizes the corruption.
Who could worry about America's future under such circumstances?
America founded as the Republic of Virtue? ffffttt.
Fox News Network was the only one who aired Bobulinski's presser
"Fox News Network was the only one who aired Bobulinski's presser”
"A Silicon Curtain has dropped across America."
RobinGoodfellow said...
“ Blogger Lord Clanfiddle said...
Every time I try to make my otherwise highly intelligent wife understand what's at stake, all I get in return are riffs about Trump's ickyness and Biden's 'moderation.“
You too? Sucks, doesn’t it. I don’t know what will happen when Trump wins reelection. Fireworks in my house!
Repeal the nineteenth amendment.
Would have been most effective if Trump had referred to Biden as 'Big Guy' throughout the debate.
He should do so from now 'til Tuesday week, as we say in these parts.
So Vice President "Ripper" Biden claimed on Nation TV that the Russians stole his precious bodily fluids, I mean left Hunter's laptop and emails.
Mike Sylwester said...
Here's the best way to get around the Access Denied.
Click on the link in the browser tab, so that the entire link is selected.
Then press ENTER on your keyboard.
WEIRD! But it works. Thank you, sir, I will remember this.
As for the Fox article, well worth reading.
I wanted Leviathan cut back. Beaten. Killed.
I wanted the hidden-in-plain-sight corruption destroyed.
I wanted the skim stopped.
I no longer want the richest parts of the country to be those surrounding PanEm, or Washington DC, it whatever you call it.
Trump has been the most successful president ever in that regard.
But there is A LOT more to do.
Perhaps an eternity's worth.
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