Crazy Nancy Pelosi is looking at the 25th Amendment in order to replace Joe Biden with Kamala Harris. The Dems want that to happen fast because Sleepy Joe is out of it!!!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 9, 2020
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
Crazy Nancy Pelosi is looking at the 25th Amendment in order to replace Joe Biden with Kamala Harris. The Dems want that to happen fast because Sleepy Joe is out of it!!!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 9, 2020
He is so far inside Nancy’s OODA loop.
He is just way better at this than she is.
It crossed my mind.
The Harris-Biden Administration will survive.
Donny Boy Trump - Good on yer mate
Of course it is.
The Dems of course know that this does not remotely threaten Trump. This is simply prep work for getting quickly getting Harris in the Oval Office if Biden is elected. But low-information voters won't have any idea of that and will take it at face value.
That's a bad look for the Dems - a crazier look than the impeachment farce and certainly of the Kavanaugh hit job, both of which turned voters off on Dems. This will in fact help Trump; the more they push it the better.
Pelosi has to set up a commission so elected representative are shielded from doing their job and having to stand before the voters. Democrats resent having to stand for election.
That was my thought...
The starting point of any of this is the VP decides the POTUS is not fit for duty, right?
Nothing to date comes close to that with Trump-Pence.
But, Kamala, first POC female POTUS.... a nearly orgasmic dream. /sarc /sarc /sarc
Joe? Used tissue paper.
She said it's too late for Trump and is designed for future presidents. Everyone knows Biden is next.
Why yesterday? My first thought was that the polling for Harris must be terrible and this is a distraction. Pelosi wants us to forget the Wednesday debate asap. She could have set up this 'commission' any time over the last three years.
Kamala's TV ads don't put too fine a point on which office she's running for.
Yep, the Democrats and MSM believe President Trump is mentally impaired! LOL - crazy like a fox - well done President Trump!
The 25th Amendment states that the Vice President must conconcur that the President is incapacitated.
With Pence there is not a snowball's chance of that happening.
So why is Pelosi doing it now when it is a complete waste of everybody's time? It makes no sense.
It only makes sense if she is doing battlespace preparation for President Harris.
Trump should couple this theme with video of Harris castigating and belittling Biden for his racism in the primary debates, highlighting it is the VP who initiates this process.
so obvious, yet so likely to not be widely exposed and explained. They'll hide the truth from you, again and again.
My first thought was that it was in preparation for President 'I'm speaking' Harris. And I would expect that Joe knows about and agrees with the plan. (as long as he gets his promised payouts).
But even with this as part of the plan, she had to unveil it now to get another dig in at Trump.
Gideon7 said...
So why is Pelosi doing it now when it is a complete waste of everybody's time? It makes no sense.
It's starting to remind me of the opening scene in A Bridge Too Far where the Dutch underground guy is peeping out his window at the Wehrmacht and Panzer units streaming through his village. His teen-aged son comes downstairs and says; "Papa! What's all that noise?!" and the underground guy turns around with a smile on his face and says; "Panic!"
They've already decided they can't win against Trump and they don't know how to deal with it, so they rattle their sabers again and again.
Never even get discussed in the Senate. No question that the first target is Joe (what will Jill say?). Since Nancy may have the inside dope rather than the MSM push polls perhaps this is aimed at Trump who will probably stand on the WH porch and rip the bill up should it ever pass.
No matter who this is aimed at Nancy is doing her best to win the shitheel award for 2020.
Perhaps Pelosi is hoping the LIV will only hear that she will have the power to remove the President....
It will play well with the TDS people and IQ under 80 set.
Of course he is. You have to grandfather current occupants in cases like these. So who else is it about?
In Pelosi's own words today:
“This is not about President Trump,” the speaker insisted at a Friday morning press conference.
“He will face the judgment of the voters, but he shows the need for us to create a process for future presidents,” she went on, referring to his diagnosis with COVID-19.
Yep. Anyway to Biden out and put Harris in.
@Althouse, you recently posted about Trump’s sense of humor, and here it is on display.
The truth is whomever is elected in November will likely be unacceptable to Nancy.
She's already found the limits of her power to remove the head of the Executive, so she's stirring the pot, throwing in a few bat's beings and eyes of newt, to see if she can conjure up more.
President and Speaker of the House from San Francisco, with their Silicon Valley social media allies to suppress dissent.
Soon, we will be fondly remembering 2020.
It's like a salve or unguent for you people.
The VP is kind of important. The 25th Amendment permits the Vice President to initiate a mechanism against the President’s will to determine whether or not his able to discharge his duties. For the 25th Amendment to have any meaning, the President has no power to remove the Vice President from office. The VP (and it will be Kamala) is a totally independent constitutional actor!
What part of this does not line up with Pelosi laying the groundwork to remove dementia Joe?
IF the election actually does go the dems way,(nobody's talking about the latest gallup poll, among other questions, "who do YOU think will win?" A.Trump 55%) Pelosi could not very well have a bill like this be the very first piece of legislation the House takes up. Now all she has to do is say, "gee, this is old business from last year we are just doing old housekeeping" "nothing to see here, move along"
The 25th Amendment permits the Vice President to initiate a mechanism against the President’s will to determine whether or not his able to discharge his duties.
I have not seen the "bill" Pelosi is proposing. But I thought her use the phrasing, that her bill would need 2 of the 3 entities could remove the President. The commission/congress, The VP, the Cabinet. It's all moot, this is just to let Joe know, he is not going to be the President.
The Red Queen lost her head years ago. What a fucking disgrace.
Readering said... She said it's too late for Trump and is designed for future presidents. Everyone knows Biden is next.
Yup. It sounds like the media were performing their usual Trump harassment because it is obvious that this is meant to plug Kamala as our next sorta Black POTUS.
OT: When Kammy becomes POTUS will she complain that world leaders are mansplaining when they challenge her?
Section 4 of the 25th Amendment: "or of such other body as Congress may by law provide." Pelosi can do this. I wonder if Joe is really senile?!
y first thought was that it was in preparation for President 'I'm speaking' Harris. And I would expect that Joe knows about and agrees with the plan. (as long as he gets his promised payouts).
Well, I mean, he could just resign. If he wants a little dignity, he can just fake some sort of health event. This only makes sense if he (or his hanldlers) aren't going to bow him out.
Howard said...
It's like a salve or unguent for you people.
So says Preparation Howeeeeee!
Pelosi said it wasn't about Trump. I took her at her word and assumed, then, it was about Biden. Not that I believe we'll have a chance to find out.
Here's a thought, Nancy's action is not about Trump or Biden. It's about Kamala and every "elected" president after her. Nancy is creating, whether she knows it or not, a new Praetorian Guard whose primary mission will be to eliminate the previously loved but now unwanted Great Leader and select/protect/remove the new Great Leader.
She's feeding red meat to her demographic. The demographic that thinks the 25th amendment is a better impeachment.
It was Hillary who coined the phrase "fake news". Trump took it and owns it now.
Trump turned Kapernik kneeling against police brutality into disrespect for America.
Now ricocheting this back to Pelosi is sweet.
If Biden is miles ahead and is going to win why not wait to do this until the day after the election?
Why do it now? She could have done this the day after the nomination of Harris.
I wonder what Bernie S fans think? Harris got 1% in the primary and is now being put in place for the top job if Biden wins.
So, since decaffeinated Joe will not kneel, grandma promises that grandpa will be carried out and replaced with a politically congruent alternative.
>>Nancy is creating, whether she knows it or not, a new Praetorian Guard whose primary mission will be to eliminate the previously loved but now unwanted Great Leader and select/protect/remove the new Great Leader.
... which could be undone by a future Congress, assuming it survives a challenge to the USSC.
Like Reid, she is assuming her side will be in control forever.
>> Everyone knows Biden is next.
Everyone knew Hillary was going to win, too. But I suspect you are right, this time.
I think someone is sending a message to Not A Real Doctor Jill Biden that if she has any delusions about playing Edith Bolling Galt Wilson for a year or 2 she better get that idea out of her head.
Republicans have a better position today than they did in 2016 when you consider the one fact that is predictive of voting: political registrations.
Whether merely changing affiliation or new registration, Republicans have gained in every state that matters.
Quit giving the MSM credence.
Gotta love the idear of Pelosi as arbiter of mental fitness.
>>Quit giving the MSM credence.
I am 100% convinced that the only reason Donald Trump is president is because the Dems were so convinced of the coming Hillary landslide they didn't bother to cheat as much as they normally do.
They won't make that mistake again.
I don't give any credence to the MSM, but I do firmly believe the D's are going all out on fraud this time.
They've already told us election night is not election night, that it will go on for weeks. And that Joe will never concede, no matter what. And that they will resort to military force to remove him from office.
I believe them.
of course we were all thinking this. Biden is fading. Best to start creating the path to getting him out of the way and installing Kamala ASAP. Nancy is a very strategic woman.
The thing about Biden's advancing dementia: I read that you can take medicine that keeps you more 'together' in the short run, but speeds up the deterioration of your mind in the log run. So, if this is true and Biden is taking these drugs, it will both increase his likelihood of winning and also increase his likelihood of losing his position to kamala.
For the past month up here in the Twin Cities there have been an increasing number of mass produced, made to look like handmade, signs that say HARRIS in big bold letters and "and joe biden" in tiny letters. They are identical signs so this has been a movement for some time. Who the fuck is surprised...maybe only Joe and Jill.
Here in Tucson, I visited the local GOP HQ to find out where I can early vote in person.
What I learned in addition to that is people come in all the time complaining that their Trump signs are being stolen. Also that they cannot get enough McSally signs. She’s running against Mark Kelly to keep her Senate seat. Evidently her debate performance sparked a lot of energy in her favor. Pretty important that she retain her seat.Kelly is an anti gun nut, husband of Gabby Giffords. He’s running attack ads non-stop and I thought she was toast. Maybe not.
For Dan the Man, don’t despair. Things looked MUCH worse in 2016. Remember how the Billy Bush tape looked like the piece de resistance on Trump? After innumerable “gaffes” by Trump throughout the campaign. And Trump having no track record?
He won anyway, as the least bad choice for many of us. Now he has a great track record, much more enthusiasm overtly and spontaneously as in boat parades, car parades etc. and check out the Telemundo instant polls after the two debates: Trump 66/34 over Biden, Pence 74/26 over Harris. Over 100,000 responses in the first, almost 15,000 in the second. Not scientific, but if results are anywhere in the neighborhood, I don’t see how Biden wins if he doesn’t massively win Hispanics. AZ, FL, NV, NM, CO could be interesting.
As for the 25th amendment stratagem by Pelosi, it fits that she’s prepping to depose Biden should he win. Cynic that I am, I think she did the same thing, trying to get ahead of the game, when she sat on the impeachment docs for weeks and we all scratched our heads about why. Looking back I believe she knew about the China flu and wanted Trump distracted as it was hitting so she delayed to maximize distraction at a critical time. Fortunately, he’s able to do more than one thing at the same time, and he closed the border with China while being impeached.
I don’t think that’s the act of a potential 25th Amendment casualty.
(Think back to Pelosi shuffling through papers then throwing them in the air at SOTU)
One theory is that Biden will remain president for two years and one day, then be removed. Harris will then be eligible to run for president twice for a total tenure of not quite 10 years. Don't know if Good Ol' Joe could last for two years plus one day or if Harris could wait that long.
If Biden wins and they use the 25th A to get rid of him, Republicans can point out Pelosi first talked about setting this up in October. That means they deliberately kept Biden on the ticket even though they knew he was in such cognitive decline that he would probably need to be removed very soon.
I don't think this will sit well with voters.
She's expecting Trump to be reelected, and is setting up another method to get rid of him, since impeachment didn't work.
When Gallup says 56% think they're better off than they were four years ago and tops it off by saying 55% think Trump will win, you know the "shy" Trump voters have come out to play.
For the 25th Amendment to apply to Joe Biden, he has to become President so Dumb Donnie just admitted that Biden will win.
Those heavy doses of steroids that Trump is taking has resulted in a manic episode that is driving his apparent abnormal lack of confidence to cause elevated, over-intensive irritability and irrationality that surfaces the worst of his extreme narcissistic reality.
It is time, dear Donnie, for another dose.
For the 25th Amendment to apply to Joe Biden, he has to become President so Dumb Donnie just admitted that Biden will win.
Those heavy doses of steroids that Trump is taking has resulted in a manic episode that is driving his apparent abnormal lack of confidence to cause elevated, over-intensive irritability and irrationality that surfaces the worst of his extreme narcissistic reality.
It is time, dear Donnie, for another dose.
Biden better hire a food taster. The vultures are circling.
Yuge own goal for Speaker Pelosi. Obviously, her 25th shenanigans could never apply to the current president, and everybody knows it-- even Howard. This can only serve to denigrate the Dems own candidate. Why did she do it? I think she was overcome with glee at the prospect of a promotion from Madame Speaker to Madame Vice President.
Hmmmmm . . . Ann, is this possibly an anti-Delaware thing?
He's right!! The election is in less than a month. They supposedly think Biden is winning. WHY do this, if Biden is winning, and Trump will be out??
I keep telling people that they're trying to lose, and lose so badly that their extreme wing is destroyed. Pelosi has to be exasperated, thinking what else do I have to do to get you people to understand our nominee is senile ?
I mean, I don't think the Harris Administration would be so transparent.
I went to an auto shop in Bernalillo, NM. Young Hispanic/Native guys comes from around the back and starts to slide on his mask. I said as far as I was concerned, there was no need for him to do that. He said thanks, we all hate them. As he is ringing me up, he said, "Did you see the (Presidential) debate last night? Man, that moderator dude sucked. Trump had to fight both of them."
Two months earlier, the older Hispanic guy at the South Valley meat market we go to said, "How long do we have to wear these things? I think they will go away in November after the election. It is all show. The (democrat) governor is crazy."
At a campground in the Jemez Mts, I'm taking to a Native from Jemez Pueblo. I asked him how the Pueblo was doing - they have been in an extreme lockdown for months. He said it was OK, then mused that the Chinese were trying to destroy the US.
I see more Trump signs than Biden signs, and last week I saw a guy jogging in Albuquerque caring a large Trump flag. I still don't think Trump will take NM, but it will be interesting.
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