More than 600 locations, particularly in Chicago, New York and Washington, D.C., have put in work orders to board up windows or add related security measures in advance of the election... Nearly two-thirds of those orders have been received since this past Tuesday.
Did something shift? Did the prospect of a Trump win recently crystalize in the retail imagination? It's not a Biden win that gives rise to a real fear of violence, is it? Or... at least not the kind of violence that calls for boards on the windows of Nordstrom, Tiffany and Saks Fifth Avenue.
The article quotes the general counsel of National Retail Federation: “If you board up early, does that increase the likelihood there is going to be violence in that area, or does that discourage it?” Apparently, the pros and cons have been weighed, though U.S. News doesn't enumerate them. I'd guess that boarding up sends an us-versus-them message — We think you people are vandals and thieves. But if you actually believe that message, you might find it unwise to refrain from sending it.
Doesn't sound like they are concerned about Trump supporters rioting....the only ones who riot and loot are the left....Joe's not going to win....
And if your neighbours board, you need to board too. If they send a message that violence is expected, you better not be the only target.
It's not a Biden win that gives rise to a real fear of violence, is it? --AA
U said it. The businesses fear the rage of the disappointed children.
Guess they heard the Hawaiian-shirted Boogaloo Boys are coming to town. /sarc
They're going to riot, loot and pillage in either case.
All this while Trump is asked about rioters and whether *he* can guarantee a peaceful transition of power. This is what he was talking about.
In what circumstance would DeBlasio use the cops more enthusiastically, riots after a Trump win, or riots after a Biden win?
Those damn Trump voters!
Historically, the Plywood Poll has been the most accurate in predicting presidential elections.
If you put a chastity belt on her, does that increase the likelihood there is going to be violence in that area, or does that discourage it?
The pros and cons had to be weighed. I'd guess that a chastity belt sent an us-versus-them message — We think you people are rapists and adulterers.
"What message will this send?" Overthinking. The primary question is: How can I lessen the likelihood of tens of thousands of dollars worth of storefront damage?
1. Board up the plate-glass windows.
2. Have police lined up shoulder-to-shoulder in front of my store.
3. Hire someone to shoot the first "peaceful protester" who throws a cinder block.
Number One is the cheapest, most practical, and least extreme.
Trump will win all the states he won in 2016, plus several more.
Board up.
Don't board up.
But never ask for more police protection from criminals.
In Democratical cities asking just makes you a target for violence.
Police and civilized society are the enemies for Leftist Collectivists.
People see what the Left is.
Vote accordingly.
They know that Antifa is organized, trained, funded and supplied with weapons. DC is the target. Trump is ready.
I think the rule-of-thumb is: bullet-proof glass if it's Trump supporters, and plywood if it's Biden supporters. It's plywood.
"We think you people are vandals and thieves."
"People" meaning progs.
And the thing is, the stores have a point.
U.K. Daily Mail:America boards up: Cities across the nation prepare for widespread looting and riots after Election Day - as some states ready their National Guard
Say what you want, the Daily Mail has the best photography of any publication anywhere in the world.
Accurate depiction of how dystopian America has become. I like to read their comments to get a glimpse of what the world thinks.
Comment from Ireland: You know your country is bad when the window cleaners have to use a belt sander.
It's now time to bring out the water guns....Time for law and order. No more..This isn't about protesting Peacefully, this is about destroying America as we know it, because some little babies didn't get their way...
Aren't the already boarded up. Here's a video of a guy driving around NYC
Antifa/BLM will probably riot regardless of who wins. Why would they stop?
However, it does feel like everyone felt a shift in the wind at the same time. Trump's got this.
I'd guess that boarding up sends an us-versus-them message — We think you people are vandals and thieves. But if you actually believe that message, you might find it unwise to refrain from sending it.
The store owners KNOW that "those people" (radical liberals, BLM and the many opportunists who just want to loot) ARE thieves and vandals. It has been proven over and over. It IS a situation of US versus THEM. Pick a side.
Why is it unwise to take precautions against a coming disaster that you are almost certain will happen?
Do you think they should just sit back and take it, in the name of civility? Should they try to negotiate with the hurricane or put up safety precautions? I don't think the hurricane gives a fuck.
As commercial and retail space is rebuilt after the coronavirus lockdowns we will likely see an architectural style emerge the eliminates windows/glass on the first 6 stories. The recent upswing in new housing and rioting seems to have impacted the availability of plywood.
We've all known for months that it doesn't matter who wins. There will be violence. Simply, the election provides the cover of an excuse for the people who just want to destroy things.
Trump wins- cities burning in anger. Biden wins- cities burn in celebration. It'll be the same people doing the burning. The only difference is if Trump wins, we can hope some of the violent criminals will be arrested. We know if Biden wins, they won't be.
Maybe all the fake polling is meant to create shock, and therefore angry riots, to further the narrative of a "divisive" Trump.
Well, if Biden wins, the violence will be celebratory, but it will be by the same people.
Maybe the thinking is it will just be like sports fans rioting after their team wins the NBA or NFL? Nah.
Racial Profiling!!!
Right Crack?
I love the photo of the Biden gathering at the Milwaukee Airport. About 20 or so circles in the image. Even then, two of them are empty. The lack of enthusiasm for this ticket is palpable, real.
The cities in danger are those Democrat run cities that have already seen billions of dollars in damage, people killed, businesses destroyed.
Seriously- are these the people you want to put in charge of things? That we should even have to think about boarding up businesses because Democrats are going to throw major tantrums if they don't win, and destroy more businesses and lives is reason enough to Not Vote for a Democrat for 2 Generations.
How do people rationalize voting Democrat? Maybe someone here can crystalize it for me.
Shoot rioters. Stops the rioting every time.
♫ And you may find yourself selling trinkets in a plywood shack. ♪ ♫ ♬
If your neighbors Howard, no need for you to. Be what John Dvorak calls a meta-pepper.
John the pepper community, find out who the peppers are who live nearby and lay in a hoard of guns and ammo.
Then, when the shit hits the fan go take your neighbors stuff.
John Henry
The question then is when does the plywood come down? Ever?
So, plywood or OSB?
What - you don't like Antfia-BLM looting?
Come on man - take it.
"As commercial and retail space is rebuilt after the coronavirus lockdowns we will likely see an architectural style emerge the eliminates windows/glass on the first 6 stories. The recent upswing in new housing and rioting seems to have impacted the availability of plywood"
Or as is the norm in Europe, metal pull-down, garage type doors, often behind metal gating, always pulled tight at closing time.
Beating and shooting looters on sight would send a cheaper message.
tcrosse said...
The question then is when does the plywood come down? Ever?
that one's EASY! right when the masks do! (that is, NEVER!)
"I'd guess that boarding up sends an us-versus-them message"
What trolling. It's a response to an us-versus-them message received.
That's their look out. I suppose they could start donating money to Local DA's and State Attorney Generals who want to enforce the laws, but maybe they're willing to take one for Team Left.
No doubt afraid of Republican rioters if Trump loses...
The recent upswing in new housing and rioting seems to have impacted the availability of plywood.
1/2" OSB is north of $20/sheet. It's crushing the home building/remodeling industry.
The Federalist located the PDF of the riot plan and put a link on Scribd here. It kept appearing and disappearing on various web sites of the groups involved and they were able to grab a copy and save it. Interesting read.
Trump wins- cities burning in anger. Biden wins- cities burn in celebration. It'll be the same people doing the burning. The only difference is if Trump wins, we can hope some of the violent criminals will be arrested. We know if Biden wins, they won't be.
Yes and downtown Los Angeles saw rioting and looting after the Dodgers won the World Series. Same group.
@MountainMan - that is scary reading.
"It's not a Biden win that gives rise to a real fear of violence, is it?"
I don't think looters care who wins.
If Biden wins, Republicans will riot by farting at their local Whole Foods.
My protest will be going to the local Starbucks without a mask. What a commotion that would be!
If Biden wins, Republicans will riot by farting at their local Whole Foods.
My protest will be going to the local Starbucks without a mask. What a commotion that would be!
May Bee said All this while Trump is asked about rioters and whether *he* can guarantee a peaceful transition of power. This is what he was talking about.
When asked about the "peaceful transition of power," Trump should respond that he is still, 3 1/2 years later, waiting for the peaceful transition of power to his administration.
“It's now time to bring out the water guns....Time for law and order. No more..This isn't about protesting Peacefully, this is about destroying America as we know it, because some little babies didn't get their way...”
I would only quibble that those are the useful dupes the sheeple. The organizers are, for the most part, just trying to destroy this country. Some is Soros. Some is probably funded by the Chinese. Etc.
There will be rioting and looting regardless of who wins. Have you not seen what happens after major sports teams win championships?
"Retailers including Nordstrom, Tiffany and Saks Fifth Avenue say they’re planning to board up windows or add extra security personnel in some locations ahead of the presidential election."
Welcome to the progressive paradise of Joe Biden's America.
Imagine being such a piece of shit that regular people have to board up their property because an election might not go your way.
“If your neighbors Howard, no need for you to. Be what John Dvorak calls a meta-pepper.
“John the pepper community, find out who the peppers are who live nearby and lay in a hoard of guns and ammo.
“Then, when the shit hits the fan go take your neighbors stuff.”
Pretty much way too late for that. Guns and ammo started going scarce in late winter or early spring. Could have been March, but probably was February, when I was in the neighborhood Cabellas, and talking to the staff there about it. People were buying boxes of whatever they could find, in their calibers. I remember gloating with them that I had stocked up there the previous two Black Fridays. Then this summer I picked something up that shoots .300 AAC Blackout. And built another. It’s worse, because it comes in both supersonic and subsonic. Fast and light, or slow and heavy. Here in PHX, the slow and heavy is probably the more useful. I have more of the other, and not nearly enough of either.
We build. Originally, it was just AR-15s, then AR-10s, and now Glocks (Sigs and a couple others are also available). A year ago, you could get whatever you wanted online. AR-15 lowers, 80% and 100% complete, were almost nonexistent by summer this year. Upper kits and completed have been in short supply for months, in the more popular sizes, calibers, and, yes, colors. I have been looking for a maybe 10.5’ 5.56 upper for months now (I have plenty of 5.56/.223 ammo). Found one in some bright metallic blue a couple weeks ago. Dawdled because of the atrocious color, and it was gone.
And don’t expect to take the guns and ammo away from your prepper neighbor. If he is better armed than you, he probably knows how to use them much better than you.
The other thing that has seen a run on is body armor. A lot of it is back ordered. AntiFA is wearing it now, which means that everyone else figures they need it too. Mostly it is the soft stuff, like the police usually wear, which stops most handgun rounds. But a lot of your militia types, esp ex military, are showing up in plate armor, like they wore in Iraq and Afghanistan. So far, AntiFA seems to be showing proper respect when confronted by groups of guys comfortably wearing plate armor, with AR-15s on slings. That isn’t going to last.
You can worry about the second- and third-order messaging by the store owners, Ann, but the events of the past June-October already sent the indisputable messages from Antifa and BLM, and the raven politicos in charge of some cities, and those messages were heard loud and clear.
My sympathy for the poor souls burnt out in these looting/riots is wearing thin. Does anyone expect Portland, Seattle, New York, Philly or Boston to elect a Republican Mayor or City Council?
Of course not.
They see the homeless piling up like cord wood (but not by MY home). They see the destruction of local, often minority businesses, but not where I shop. They applaud rules stopping tear gas though they know they'll never get a whiff of it.
They sleep peacefully in their gated or distant neighborhoods and bemoan just how divisive that Trump is.
My sympathy MIGHT be restored if the inner city people told the Mayors and Council Members to pound sand and tell the suburban white women, "You are NOT helping".
The Beverly Hills police have made clear that they are closing off Rodeo Drive with concrete K-bar barriers and have hired 80 private armed security folks and have imported more police officers from Ventura County. My office is two blocks away and plywood is going up on every street in the area. The rioters savaged the place a few weeks ago.
That was a first. Usually LA rioters stay in their part of town and fuck with the Koreans. Now they came to fuck with the rich Jews. Kristallnacht didn’t play well in BH and they’re not having any more of it when the schvartzes and black bloc antifa mob come marching up Wilshire. However, the rich Jews will still be voting for Biden and financing antifa and BLM because well...that’s what they do.
- Krumhorn
Four years ago, antifa rioted for three nights in Portland, OR. After 150+ days of riots, and with the win of the antifa-mayor candidate, Sarah Iannarone, they'll be rioting until the Sun swells into a Red Supergiant and engulfs the Earth. Unless Trump sends in the National Guard to restore order.
mikee said: Shoot rioters. Stops the rioting every time.
Winner, winner! Chicken dinner!
Another effective, if less bloody method would be for residents to gather a pile of 1" rocks and rain them down on any rioters who come to their neighborhoods. This would be especially effective in the Capital Hill neighborhood of Seattle, where buildings are low-rise apartments with flat roofs. A rock coming down from a 4-story roof is going leave a mark.
“Imagine being such a piece of shit that regular people have to board up their property because an election might not go your way.”
That’s what I find so striking. What a massively insulting read on the character of Democrats. Accurate, but insulting.
Boy, I'd like to be the CEO of a major retailer who hears the first suggestion (from some magenta-haired SJW-Marketing VP) that the company rebuild burned-out stores in Chicago, DC, Philly.
Suppose you think that Trump has a 30% chance of winning, and if he wins your store has a 20% chance of getting ransacked. It's still cheap insurance to board up your windows!
But if you actually believe that message, you might find it unwise to refrain from sending it.
You could temper that message by commissioning Woke Art on the plywood.
Keep an eye on who is reserving the big rental trucks.
Conservatives don't riot or loot.
Tea party rally-goers left venues cleaner than when they arrived.
My sympathy for the poor souls burnt out in these looting/riots is wearing thin.
@JAORE, I had been thinking I was the only one.
" “If you board up early, does that increase the likelihood there is going to be violence in that area, or does that discourage it?” Most likely it makes no difference. What would make a difference is a credible promise that there will be a massive show of force willing and able to make arrests.
But, we're talking about, umm, "Chicago, New York and Washington, D.C." Where the local political leadership, even if it intended to deliver that massive show of force, will have no credibility at all if it makes such a promise, for who would believe it?
"We think you people are vandals and thieves." Umm, is it not an obvious fact by now that there are plenty of people who will vandalize and steal if they have the opportunity to do so? It's not necessary that most or even any of your customers be willing to vandalize and steal, only that there are enough such persons to cause massive damages and losses.
Are these questions really so difficult, or are those at The National Retail Federation just afraid (as so many are) to speak obvious truths, in this time when speaking obvious truths can have serious business and other consequences?
Althouse: "I'd guess that boarding up sends an us-versus-them message — We think you people are vandals and thieves. But if you actually believe that message, you might find it unwise to refrain from sending it."
They are vandals and thieves. How would you handle it if they came to your house, Ann? Put out plates of cookies for them? Or curl up outside in a fetal position hoping that they'll only kick you a few times, instead of raping you, kicking you, and then shooting you, before they clean the place out?
Perhaps you should tag this post "Blaming the victim, before he is victimized for trying to prepare to defend himself".
Good thing you weren't in charge during the Cold War!
So because of the democrat party ( refusing to acknowledge the transfer of party for 4 years, their condoning of rioting and burn loot murder ) we are going to have civil unrest during a presidential election for storage the first time in a century and certainly within my adult lifetime.
And yet, there is a huge populace that WANTS them in power. SMFH.
I think this could, and should, have a significant effect on the election
You're a white suburban female voter who doesn't want to vote GOP because "Trump is icky". Then you find out that your Nordstrom is boarding up its windows. Why?
Well, because Democrat elected officials won't stop criminal thugs from rioting and destroying everything any time they don't get their way.
So, maybe you start to think. And if that happens, what you think is "If I reward my kids' tantrums, I get more tantrums. I want to be able to shop and live in peace. If I vote Democrat, I'm not going to get that peace."
And then they vote straight ticket GOP
Thank you MountainMan
Boarding up prevents window breaking, not entry. High value items like jewelry or rolexes can be put in the hard vault all these places have. let the crazy loot to find nothing.
Many people earned good livings at the places at Roosevelt and Canal. These places are empty due to the Democrat lockdown. Now there is violence at the cafes. Chicago is woke and woke sucks.
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