October 21, 2020

Megyn Kelly calls Michael Savage an "absolute douchebag."


alanc709 said...

Michael Savage was being cruelly neutral

rhhardin said...

I turned it off myself but without ill wishes.

tim maguire said...

What was Savage trying to accomplish here? Is he like the petty criminal posting about his crime on Facebook, forgetting that it won’t be seen by just his friends? I know Savage (who I’ve never listened to) has a reputation as a scumbag, but usually that’s a carefully curated reputation. Cross the line, and you’re done.

peacelovewoodstock said...

Good on her for that. Savage pulled the verbal equivalent of a Zoom Dick, pleasuring himself at the expense of everyone else.

wendybar said...

I concur.

gilbar said...

the thing that Michael Savage gets right, is:
We Are FORCED To Listen To Rush! We have No Choice, but to hear him cry about dying

What's That? NO ONE is FORCED to listen?
It's Rush's show, he can do what he wants; and if we don't like it, we can just turn it off?
What's that? People WANT to Listen to Rush? Unlike Michael Savage?

hmmm.... maybe (just maybe) Micheal Savage IS an "absolute douchebag."

Jamie said...

So... a Republican pounces? That's the story?

Jaq said...

He always has been. Sometimes I would hear him for a few minutes if I got in my car and the radio had been tuned to Rush. I never understood the appeal.

PB said...


Bob Boyd said...

Savage eats his heart out with envy over Rush Limbaugh's success, on the air, all the time.

Gotta agree with Megan Kelly on this one.

Savage's heartless, inhumane, kicking of a man when he's down comment might even push Savage over the line into douche nozzle territory.
You know what? I'm going to go ahead and call it. He's a douche nozzle.

Temujin said...

When she's right, she's right.

chickelit said...

I see lots of bile and vitriol in Savage’s Twitter feed. What a small petty man deserving of pushback. Is it jealousy? Good for Megyn Kelly.

michaele said...

I listened to Rush's opening comments. He spoke with dignity and humility and, more than once, made the point that he is aware that many others are suffering the same and even worse. I got no hint of whining and self pity...just self acceptance that we all die in the end and he is grateful to still be alive with some quality to his life.

Bill Owens said...

Thusly, we are provided an example of Rush's great success compared to Savage. Truth be told, the beginning of Rush's show yesterday did take on a maudlin tone (how could it not when discussing the cancer that's going to kill you) until Rush was finished and moved to regular democrat bashing. But Rush only discusses this aspect of his life because his 10's of millions of fans are truly interested and concerned for him; and themselves without him.
The one thing Rush has that leaves all comers wanting is a pointy, properly 'savage' sense of humor. Michael Savage is left wanting in humor and now has identified himself as a tasteless fool to boot.

Sally327 said...

I remember when Michael Savage had a show on MSNBC. For about 10 minutes back in the early 2000s. MSNBC wasn't as rabidly leftist back then as it is now but I remember thinking at the time, before he flamed out, which I knew would happen and of course it did, that he would be the perfect person to put on the air if you wanted to make the conservative point of view as unappealing as possible. Other than that guy out in the desert in Nevada broadcasting about the alien invasion.

MayBee said...


Stv30 said...

Hacked, obviously

Leland said...

What's the deal with Savage crying on Twitter about spilling coffee? Most people just wipe it up, like with a cloth. They don't feel compelled to run to Twitter to post about it.

MikeM said...

Michael Savage has an "audience". Who knew?
I guess he is still burning that Rush was awarded the Medal of Freedom and he wasn't.

Howard said...

Of course Michael Weiner's a douchebag... he was one of the earliest wingnut talkshow hosts to get aboard the Trumph Train.

Skeptical Voter said...

Well at one time (everybody gets it right once in a while) I heard Savage on the radio complaining about "Baghdad Barbara" aka Senator "Call Me Senator I worked so hard for it" Boxer. I thought it was a good bit of shtick, but I haven't heard from or thought about Savage since then.

Who knew that he even still had a show--and who knew that Me Again Kelly was around?

Guildofcannonballs said...

Rush is a modern Jackie Gleason but Savage has a billionaire son selling sugar and caffeine drinks to kids. As a phd nutritionist, Savage must hate himself, his son, and the damn country.

Wince said...

Megyn Kelly: "STFU you absolute douchebag."

Wouldn't that imply Michael Savage has water coming out of his "whatever"?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I find Megyn Kelly's remarks a bit offensive.


Enough with the left telling people to shut up.

How is Savage wrong here?
It's time for Rush to hand his show over to his many amazing guest hosts. Call it the "Rush Limbaugh" show for ever - but let young better talent take over. thanks.

Jeff Brokaw said...

Not a fan of the guy but the lack of empathy here still shocked me.

Kelly is right, STFU douchebag. And I don’t listen to Rush either, so this criticism is just from basic human compassion.

It’s not that hard, really.

Joe Smith said...

I listen to Savage but I didn't hear/read this. Kind of disappointing.

Savage is a brilliant storyteller, but he has a different 'schtick' than Rush.

He's all about the culture (Borders, Language, Culture was a brilliant synopsis of where the country is headed).

Rush is the best analyzer/explainer of political strategy anywhere. He's not a crazy right winger (Neither is Savage).

Not sure if it's because Rush makes more money or if Rush stiffed Savage once at a radio awards dinner at some point.

But Savage savages all of his rivals. He HATES Stern, Levin, and really loathes Hannity.

He treats everything like a street gang in Brooklyn would treat a rival gang moving in on their turf.

Too bad, because between the two of them (Rush and Savage) you can really get a good picture of what is happening in the world of politics.

Gunner said...

Cancer is more interesting than him talking about boring golf. Does he still do that?

Amadeus 48 said...

Who is Michael Savage?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I have not listened to Savage in years. I recall that he was always edgy and abrasive.
That tweet on Rush is soft & fluffy for Savage standards.

I remember the first time someone told me about Michael Savage. It was decades ago in the RINO district of Denver where I was speaking to a couple who ran this cool commercial design showroom. somehow politics came up and I mentioned Rush Limbaugh. They told me 'they prefer to listen to Michael Savage'. .. "Who?", I said. Anyway - I had to find him and I did and I listened for a while. What I found appealing at the time was his complete lack of any filters. Savage was brazen and refreshing. I was hooked for a while. Not anymore. The CO radio market had to silence him. I cannot find him anywhere on the dial. Perhaps he's on late at night?

I'm sad Rush has cancer and if you read some of the on-line responses to Rush on twitter from the left- IT'S THE left WHO ARE COLD-hearted DEATH-WISHING a-holes. Savage was commenting on style and disagreeing with how Rush is handling his cancer in public.

Bay Area Guy said...

The "twitter" wars can be quite tedious. Savage shoulda not tweeted his stupid observations, and Megyn should not have tweeted here stupid observations about Savage's stupid observations.

Infinite regress!

Michael K said...

Blogger Howard said...
Of course Michael Weiner's a douchebag... he was one of the earliest wingnut talkshow hosts to get aboard the Trumph Train.

How would you know? Another of those exclusives at Daily Kos?

Hannity was an early Trump fan and it has helped him a lot. I don't listen to Hannity but he had ridden the Trump Train to bigger ratings.

Michael Savage used to be on a radio station in LA that I usually turned off.

Birkel said...

Who is the Me Again Kelly person?

Sam L. said...

Nailed it, she has.

Hunter said...

Michael Savage is everything the left has spent the last 30 years pretending Rush Limbaugh is.

wild chicken said...

Savage was funny four years ago. But I remember before that he tried to pull listeners away from Trump, then gave up. He tried again to lead them away but Trump was too popular with his audience.

Trump called in and Savage fell all over himself.

They're not the "thought leaders" the media thinks they are. They all follow their audience.

Lurker21 said...

The tradition of radio talk hosts being over-the-top wild men who would say anything and who were always dialed up to 11 energy-wise goes back years. Limbaugh was more restrained, disciplined, and indeed civil than some of the wild men of radio legend, though that may be hard for many people to believe. Savage is more in that earlier tradition, except that he has a Seinfeld character's habit of schmoozing and kvetching about every irrelevant thing under the sun. And yes, he is envious of his competitors.

rcocean said...

I like Savage, but most of his conservative talk is just an act, a circus act. He's always been out for himself, and out for money and ratings. He's also been bitter and jealous of Hannity, Beck, Limbaugh, etc. because they've been more successful. He constantly emphasizes he's not a "Conservative Shill" like other talk show hosts, but is "independent" etc. He reminds me of Bill O'Reilly in that way.

So, I'm not surprised at the Attention-seeking attack on Limbaugh. Its not only crude, its dishonest. Limbaugh rarely talks about his cancer, and his discussion yesterday was admirable for its humor and humility. If I ever get a terminal illness, I hope I can face it as well as Limbaugh..

rehajm said...

Those two could disappear and there'd be much rejoicing!

PM said...

Didn't hear his Rush rant. Sounds petty/bitter.
He's been on air in SF forever.
Used to scream like Sam Kinison. Pretty funny.
In a town like this, he got you through.

hombre said...

I heard Limbaugh talk about his cancer this week. He was certainly not whining. Quite the contrary. He was speaking about feeling well and thanking people for their prayers.

Francisco D said...

I listened to Michael Savage several years ago because he was the only talk show I could find for my commute home.

He seemed to have very serious anger issues and was not fun to listen to. I gave up after a week or so.

Static Ping said...

Well, she couldn't call him a "savage" since that would have been repetitive.

Earnest Prole said...

Michael Savage: Get AIDS and die, you pig. Go eat a sausage and choke on it.

Douglas B. Levene said...

I find right-wing talk radio unlistenable. It ranges from boring (the monologues) to stupid (the call-in comments). Left-wing radio is worse.

Bay Area Guy said...

Savage is very smart and interesting. I can't stand his tone, though. It's 3x worse than Trump, with much more shouting.

My thought is that when I hear Savage, my negative reaction is similar to when liberals hear Trump.

hstad said...

Michael Savage, on the right, is the equivalent of Howard Stern, on the Left, the classic "Shock Jock". Trying to keep an audience is hard work especially for a "douchebags" like these two.

Michael K said...

It sounds to me that Megyn is inching to the right hoping she will be welcomed back.

The NBC gig only lasted to 2018.

Josephbleau said...

“Other than that guy out in the desert in Nevada broadcasting about the alien invasion.”

Art Bell was great to listen to, when you were driving somewhere alone long distance at 2 am, Spooky.

Banjo said...

I had a drink in North Beach once with Savage. A very nice guy in person. He liked to stay hidden when he was away from the microphone because of his very reasonable fear of being physically attacked by antifa types. This was long before they were called that, but San Francisco has always been the home of the violent left. So his work involved a certain amount of extravagant theater, which I think may have been behind his cruelty toward Limbaugh.

Iman said...

Savage still has a show on KSFO (which has been hosted by others for a while now), but that will be ending soon and he’ll have a podcast.

His focus on “borders, language, culture” for over two decades was important and of value despite his eccentricities... IMO.

Iman said...

A colleague/friend of mine - a brilliant guy, Arvind is his name, originally from India - is conservative and he used to call in to the Savage show. He called frequently and it got to where Savage got to know him and would engage in on-air discussions about various topics. Very entertaining.

One story about my friend... he belongs to a religion that has a retreat near Pt. Reyes. I drove with him to checkout an early 70s Buick that one of the monks had up for sale. This was right around the time the feds were bringing Taliban Johnny - the miscreant who had been accused and convicted of aiding the enemy. We stopped at a liquor market in the town of Ross (IIRC, the home of Taliban Johnny) for some water and the proprietor - a typical mush-headed Marin County resident - made the mistake of asking my friend what sort of punishment should be given to the wannabe terrorist. Arvind told him “I think they should hang him, then shoot him and then set him on fire, just to be sure.”

The store proprietor’s eyes got wide and I remember laughing all the way back to the car and for several minutes afterward.

Marc in Eugene said...

Even I listened to Art Bell once in a while, for fifteen or twenty minutes at a time, years ago. He was both a confidence man and insane, in an entertaining sort of way. I didn't realize that he had died in 2018; requiescat in pace.

Terry Ott said...

Megan Kelly started a series of podcasts in September, audio only on her website “DevilMayCareMedia.com". Has done 14 thus far. I've found them to be highly worthwhile, with guests including Alan Dershowitz, Ted Cruz, Hugh Hewitt, Candace Owens, Adam Corolla, Rick Grenell, Mark Cuban, and several others. The first one was Glenn Greenwald, with a short prologue by her about why she took this up. (It’s in her blood). One hour interviews/conversations with few commercial breaks, so they get deep into the topics. The conversations are very free flowing and interesting IMO. Greenwald, the first one up, is on a mission decrying the deplorable state of the media, the left’s cancel culture and censorship, etc. Start with that one.

She lets her guests talk, which is refreshing, never cutting them off at all. She had one podcast with 3 guests after Debate #1, and another (same format) after the Pence/Harris debate. Her next one should be up right after the Thursday debate. Can’t wait for that one.


Sam L. said...

She could be right, but I think NOT. Jut a guess.

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