২৮ অক্টোবর, ২০২০


১৩৭টি মন্তব্য:

Achilles বলেছেন...

The corruption is no longer deniable.

Democrat voters are just corrupt people.

You can’t even say you are stupid anymore. Nobody is stupid enough to believe Joe Biden has not sold us out to China.

Nonapod বলেছেন...

This is certainly the weirdest of times. It seems like being a mainstream media "jounralist" these days consists of plugging one's ears, squinting one's eyes shut, and loudly singing "LALALA!! I can't hear anything!! LALALA!!".

The mainstream media with the help of their tech giant handmaidens seem absolutely determined to drag Joe Biden's corrupt, senile old carcass over the finish line no matter what the cost.

Iman বলেছেন...

Corruption of Democrat politicians doesn’t faze the morons who vote for them.

It’s a feature, not a bug.

Kevin বলেছেন...

Roger Kimball: As of early this morning, a search for ‘Bobulinski’ on the CNN site produced a search-not-found result.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

total media black out. What a horrible day in America. Our media are in bed with the corrupt

Skeptical Voter বলেছেন...

If it hurts Joe, we'll just say NO !!! Signed the non binary boys and girls and others at the New York Times.

Gusty Winds বলেছেন...

I'm sure the in-depth classroom discussions at the University of Wisconsin are riveting as well. It's not just journalists that are part of 2020 truth suppression.

rehajm বলেছেন...

NPR doesn't think that's newsworthy...

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

Joe's got some 'splainin' to do.

Of course he won't be asked about any of it.

I never thought I would live to see 90% of the media in America band together to shut down a story.

Fuck them all.

Lucid-Ideas বলেছেন...

I swear, if things really get bad, and our little cold civil war goes hot, the first people getting homicided are the MSM 5th columnists.

YoungHegelian বলেছেন...

In one of the rare times you will ever see me defend Obama, might it the case that Obama tried his best to dissuade Biden from running because Obama knew full well just how corrupt the Biden clan was, and that he knew there was a good chance that the candidacy would implode under the slightest of scrutiny? After all, the Bidens were active throughout all eight years of the Obama admin, and I imagine that Pres. Obama got more than one report from some intelligence agency or another detailing some mischief that the Bidens were into.

Wa St Blogger বলেছেন...

If a tree falls in the forest and the journalist chooses not to write about it, is it still standing?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Adam Schitt should be removed from his post. He is a corrupt actor.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Bobulinski needs to bring a suit against Adam Schitt(D)

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...


That doesn't really make sense considering how it was that Biden actually got the nomination. For your thesis to make sense, Obama would have had to completely stand aside back in February when the DNC cleared the field for Biden in the South Carolina primary and the following Super Tuesday. Surely, if Obama thought what you claim he thought, he had the pull to back another horse in South Carolina using the exact same plan.

Temujin বলেছেন...

I have no words. I've gone from being embarrassed for journalists during the Clinton years, to disgust at their almost orgasmic love for The One during the Obama years, to disbelief at how they have destroyed their own integrity for generations to come during the Trump years.

There is nothing left of Journalism. I know they like to think of themselves as anointed with special powers and intellect, but they are like children who have been told their entire life that they are special and great. They believe it, despite the lack of evidence. They have no idea how much of the population views them as clowns. Utter clowns, playing games with the truth, our country, and our lives. And it does not matter if it's the NY Times or the Des Moines Register.

This has not bottomed out yet. They are still heading in a downward trajectory and do not realize the plane is about to crash.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

I have known since last year that Joe Biden was lying through his teeth about what he knew of his son's dealings, and it was all but certain that Biden had the Ukraine fire the prosecutor specifically at the request of Hunter Biden's benefactors. No other interpretation of the events and the evidence was really possible. Now we know that Biden was selling the family name for a long time- while he was a Senator, the Vice President, and afterwards, too.

If you elect Biden, you are just electing someone who will have to resign the office by next Summer. This isn't going away, no matter how hard the journolist brigade tries to smother it.

Owen বলেছেন...

YoungHegelian @ 10:45: Good point. Obama would have had defensive briefings. He might even have confronted Biden (privately; *very* privately). But he was stuck in a corrupt partnership as in a bad marriage. And I rather think that Biden had plenty of blackmail info on him, so it was stalemate. I would have said “two scorpions in a bottle,” but that wouldn’t be fair to scorpions.

TreeJoe বলেছেন...

For 2 years we heard Trump was going down for claims of appearance of corruption that was never validated, and then was actually impeached for privately asking the Ukrainian President to investigate Hunter and Joe Biden's apparent corruption in Ukraine.

Here we have multiple AMERICAN CITIZENS publicly claiming, with credibility and direct involvement, that the Biden's were selling access and laundering it through brothers and sons like a 3rd world autocracy.....days before an election....but it's treated like it must not be discussed because it could help Trump.

Just to be clear: Trump was actually cleared of accusations of corruption in all cases, Biden is facing a MULTI COUNTRY public solidly-sourced claim of selling access to the US government through multiple members of his family. With identified first-party sources going on the record.

So basically, the media and significant portions of the public would rather vote for corrupt politicians who speaks nicely than a rude and rambunctious "chaotic" guy who, after years of investigation, actually can't show any wrongdoing. And his family appears to be creating breakthrough peace deals.

Michael R. Arndorfer বলেছেন...

Thank goodness we have more news about Trump's taxes./sarc

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM বলেছেন...

Didn't Iowahawk so succinctly and humorously state this previously)

Drago বলেছেন...

YoungHegelian: "In one of the rare times you will ever see me defend Obama, might it the case that Obama tried his best to dissuade Biden from running because Obama knew full well just how corrupt the Biden clan was, and that he knew there was a good chance that the candidacy would implode under the slightest of scrutiny?"

During this entire time obambi's minions continue to execute their non-stop coup attempt against Trump while still using their deep state actors in the DOJ/FBI, CIA/NSA, SDNY, IRS and elsewhere to target conservatives and republicans.

And this activity goes on to this day.

In just the last 48 hours we have learned there was a FISA warrant issued against a Chinese national by the last name of Ho who was a business partner of Hunter Biden, and thus, with Joe Biden and the corrupt Biden family.

So no, at no time should you or anyone else ever defend obama for any reason.

These American-version Stasi bastards deserve to be called out at every opportunity.

So yes, in the 2008 campaign obama had to payoff Hillary with the Secretary of State job (for global financial graft in selling of US policy, US assets and directing US funding to the global Clinton cronies) and then endorsing her in 2016 (and keeping Idiot Corrupt Joe from running against her).

And yes, obambi did his best to keep Idiot Corrupt Joe from running in 2020 because he is an Idiot and Corrupt, which is why obambi took so long to endorse him and then obambi installed his protege, Kamala, as the VP candidate. But Biden was still pissed about 2016 so he ran anyway.....and here we are.

Mike (MJB Wolf) বলেছেন...

Tony is very credible, with no monetary interest in this, and he’s a lifelong Democrat. So nice to have Schiff’s lying big mouth be the catalyst for revealing the Biden corruption. That is schadenfrickinschiffalicious.

wendybar বলেছেন...

Where are the Democrats?? Why aren't they pissed off that they got taken for a ride??? Are they okay with this??

Sebastian বলেছেন...

We always knew Hunter traded on his name, having nothing else to trade on.

We always knew that he took money from shady characters from shady places.

We always knew that the Biden connection was the key, bucks for access and connections.

We always knew that Joe was aware and approved.

Now we learn that he was in on at least one kind of deal.

But did he get any money directly? Or did Hunter "hold" it for him? Or did they structure access to the Russian, Ukrainian, and Chinese money some way? Follow the money. Where did it go? And what exactly did the foreigners get in return?

Tony B connects some dots, but others are still loose.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

Bobulinski needs to bring a suit against Adam Schitt(D)

IF Schitt said it on the floor of the House, he can't.

TreeJoe বলেছেন...

Is there a rule or law about the head of the chair of the intelligence committee using his role to deliberately lie about intelligence, foreign interference, and claims against the other party using the supposed backing of the IC

Amadeus 48 বলেছেন...

The line of the month from Glenn Greenwald: "[Adam Schiff] just fabricates accusations at the drop of a hat the way that other people change underwear."

If it were not for Schiff's accusation, Bobulinski would not have come forward. Keep pitching 'em, Schiff. We could not do it without you.

Leland বলেছেন...

Looks like the NYT is all in on politicizing the judiciary, which in function simply means creating a government that legislates from the bench. But that's a few years in the future, so they also have stories about what's in the fridge for those concerned about the here and now.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

Where are the Democrats?? Why aren't they pissed off that they got taken for a ride??? Are they okay with this??

Most of them at least claim (plausibly) that they don't know about this stuff. Granted that's a case of either ignorance, or willful ignorance, but there you go. If you press them they say that nothing is proven.

I'm hoping that Trump can blow this whole thing open in his second term: The Clinton Foundation, Pelosi, Reid, and the very system itself.

Iman বলেছেন...

That is schadenfrickinschiffalicious.


The Gipper Lives বলেছেন...

The sex and drugs are flashy but the real issue is the Blackmail, Bribery and National Security betrayals. God forbid that the dual-use technology the Bidens sold could one day be used to target American troops. Biden screams about "suckers and losers" as if it were a real quote, while selling fighter jet stabilizers to the Chinese Navy. This is how Joe Biden respects the military.

How did they ever convince themselves this was okay? I guess they got away with it for so long they stopped caring. A US president in partnership with ChiComm arms companies? They were counting on the Lapdog Press, Big Tech censorship and vote fraud to get them over.

The same people who were paying three hundred dollars a ticket to watch Hamilton's Broadway show a few years ago are now censoring the Free Speech Rights of his two hundred-year-old newspaper and millions of Americans, all in the service of a Globalist tyranny and its corrupt candidates.

They learned nothing.

narciso বলেছেন...

it's interesting how rosemont was a vessel for money from gutseriev, who dealt with batsurina,
who worked with veselberg and deripaska, (yes manaforts business partner) and jonathan winer, christopher steele, and adam waldman's employer,

he's said it on cnn and msnbc,

PM বলেছেন...

The real Bo Belinski threw the first no-no in Chavez Ravine and drilled Mamie Van Doren.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

The Bidens screwed up by hiring an honest guy as their front man on the China con.They could not corrupt Lt. Bobulinski who understood the value of his good character and reputation.Now he will win it all in the end.This is the Harry Truman and the Pendergast Crime Family story redux. This guy will keep making all the right moves, like any 158 lbs Wrestler has learned how to do to win.

MD Greene বলেছেন...

Devil's advocate here: Mr. Bobulinski, why didn't you resign your $850,000 job the minute you learned that Hunter's "investment funds" existed only to collect swag from dodgy nations wanting to bribe Hunter's daddy?

Why didn't you do the right thing back when it would (okay, MIGHT) have made a difference?

Birkel বলেছেন...

Schiff said these things from a studio, not the House floor.
He can be sued.

But he was careful to say the information was Russian disinformation.
He did not say a thing about the people involved.
I think he is safe from a successful suit.

Also, he is an amoral human without value.

Unknown বলেছেন...

I just tried searching CNN for Bobulinski, no results.

PubliusFlavius বলেছেন...

"total media black out"

There is some counter tripe but as expected it is misinformative, and misleading.

"Ultimately, the bulk of fresh allegations have been reduced to public statements from Tony Bobulinski"

"On Tuesday night, Bobulinski made his final pitch to America"


Iman বলেছেন...

Vote your conscience, Althouse.

Marcus Carman বলেছেন...

Journalism coup d'etat

Michael K বলেছেন...

might it the case that Obama tried his best to dissuade Biden from running because Obama knew full well just how corrupt the Biden clan was,

Could it be that, once someone tugged on the Biden thread, the whole sweater would unravel and expose Obama's corruption, too?

JPS বলেছেন...

OK, I get that a critical mass of the media has forfeited objectivity, because the future of the country depends on them helping defeat Donald Trump. But even if I accept their premise, what they are doing is profoundly stupid and counterproductive.

You have a large contingent of people - not enough to secure a Trump victory - who strongly support Trump. You have, I would say, an equal-sized contingent of people who detest Trump. (Note, I'm not saying they strongly support Biden. As far as I can tell, they would be fine with a sufficiently lifelike animatronic Biden replica, so long as voting for him put Democrats back in charge.)

Do they think voters in the middle won't notice their efforts to protect Biden? That they want a president who needs this kind of protection?

It makes him look weak. Unlike, say, a guy who's withstood the worst they can throw at him, and is still taunting them....

stlcdr বলেছেন...

Bobulinski is very specific with (apparently) documented information regarding those specifics. It should be quite easy to refute this if it was not true. Wouldn't it?

Gk1 বলেছেন...

This has been coming for a while the complete credibility destruction of what we called the 'main stream media' in the U.S. Thankfully we can still read reporting of Joe's Chinese influence peddling outside of our country to know what is going on. The Daily Mail is a must read for me most days.

The next shoe to drop is the media subsidies that will inevitably be asked for to prop up this failing propaganda organ for the democrats as they can't support themselves on only 40% of the country. I don't have much faith the uniparty will split up google or Facebook. That is boob bait for bubbas as Patrick Moynihan would say.

A Trump victory next week would certainly be the death knell of the media as we know it. Good riddance!

Readering বলেছেন...

Of course everyone knows what andy m. is writing about because there has been so much written and spoken and photographed about all those topics. Just not having the effect on polling folks here expected.

Unknown বলেছেন...

As I have said before 'journalists' are not in a court of law. They can 'cover' whatever they want in whatever way they want. They don't have to tell the 'whole truth' about anything. It's
all perfectly legitimate 'journalism'.

The solution - more conservative and libertarian media. Buy them out or create new media sources.

Larry J বলেছেন...

Perhaps the reason why the MSM is refusing to cover this story is that it really isn't news. This sort of corruption has been commonplace for a long time. It's how politicians have enriched themselves, their families, and their cronies for generations, if not centuries. To my knowledge, LBJ was one of the most corrupt in this regard. I knew a man who spent 8 years in SE Asia during the Vietnam War era. He told me about how one company magically won all of the big construction projects, and coincidentally Lady Bird Johnson was a major stockholder (without having to actually buy the stocks) in that company. What a coincidence. Notice that I said politicians, not just Democrats. Politicians of all stripes play these games to enrich themselves. It's why so many of them went into politics in the first place.

rcocean বলেছেন...

Notice these "reasonable" conservatives, don't actually get UPSET or attack anyone. Its always just "note" that media or the left are being "unreasonable" and making sardonic comments. There's no "taking names" and "kicking butt" on the center-right. EXCEPT, when attacking other people on the Center-right.

MacMacConnell বলেছেন...

Do "journalist" ever wear their pants out dry humping Democrats?

rcocean বলেছেন...

Limbaugh instead of talking about the uncovered news, is rattling on about Polls. AGAIN.

rcocean বলেছেন...

Defenses for Biden's Lies and Corruption:

01) Everyone does it.
02) He did nothing illegal
03) What corruption? There is no such thing.
04) *Prove* he did something wrong or lied
05) we looked at Biden's official schedule and found no pay-off meeting
06) Emails aren't verified (and we aren't going to try either)
07) Burisma gave us some company records, and we found no Joe Biden involvement.
08) Trump is worse!
09) Its racist to attack a Chinese company
10) If he did anything it was AFTER he was VP. So, its OK.

JAORE বলেছেন...

Biden family uses Joe's position to grift millions.

Dog bites man.

Lance বলেছেন...

As of early this morning, a search for ‘Bobulinski’ on the CNN site produced a search-not-found result.

As of right now, the same is true for the WSJ.


Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...

On Russian collusion and international misdeeds.

Bobulinkski 4, Lt. Col. Alexander "Kent -the Dorf- Dorfman" Vindman 1

Mike (MJB Wolf) বলেছেন...

No readering, because most people do not watch any news, much less Fox. Fewer still read papers. In fact most voters are on autopilot, some rise to the level of low info. With FB and Twitter and MSM blackout it is possible to keep the big corruption story out of the culture. No late night jokes about crack pipes and underage Chinese girls (whom curiously Joe Biden is familiar enough with to mention by name in a text!), no rounds of the view girls wondering how deep the rot goes, no tony writers in the New Yorker decrying the greed and avarice of the pedophile son and approving creepy old dad. Nope. It stays below the Nikki Minaj line in the culture at large.

People here, people who consume vast sums of online and available news and msm input have known, like Democrats have known, for years that Biden is a liar and his son had questionable income and P Noe did brag about firing the Ukrainian prosecutor who was investigating his sons employer. We’ve known since Connie Chung filleted him in his 1988 run for POTUS, and he admitted there on tape, that he lied about his college grades class placement law school class rank etc. not to mention his admitted plagiarism. Every witness in this years impeachment was asked under oath and affirmed that Hunter’s exploits “were a concern and a conflict of interest” for Biden and the Obama admin spent a lot of time prepping to respond to questions that, so far, haven’t come except from Elise S (R-NY) during the trial. So we all knew there were questions but the press wants to avoid asking them. And no one here left of Doc Mike seems to mind the D nominee being so obviously crooked, even though that was the most hated feature of Trump we were told (his criminal ways).

What a year.

Lurker21 বলেছেন...

Obama knew about Hunter Biden, and that could be one reason why he told Joe he didn't have to run. It could even be a reason why Joe running in 2016 was out of the question. But Obama despised Joe for other reasons, and he had that tendency presidents have of demeaning and belittling their #2 so as to stand out more themselves. Ex-presidents also try to conserve their influence by using it sparingly, so they don't jump into the fray early.

Obama had pretty much checked out during the last years of his presidency and he's been disengaged ever since. He may have liked Harris, but he wasn't going to attempt any heavy lifting on her behalf, certainly not given her lousy poll numbers. The Bidens had gotten away with what they were doing for a long time. The party establishment wanted Joe. So Barack wasn't going to give up any time on the links to try to take down the candidate who seemed most electable.

tommyesq বলেছেন...

Roger Kimball: As of early this morning, a search for ‘Bobulinski’ on the CNN site produced a search-not-found result.

Still true as of 1:26 EST. Also, a search for "Hunter Biden" on CNN.com comes up with the following as the top ten hits:

- CEOs of Google, Twitter and Facebook grilled in Senate hearing
- Nine things the press should do as 2020's election season nears an end
- The latest on the 2020 election
- Rudy Giuliani Fast Facts
- The Murdoch media machine's anti-Biden narrative
- The general election debates are over. Here's what we learned
- Election speed read: 11 days to November 3 (which, in a section on the 60 Minutes Trump interview, says "On the other hand, Trump's detailed rants about Hunter Biden, about so-called Spygate and more are major distortions of fact.")
- Debate sets up 11-day battle to decide the political destiny of a divided nation
- Trump falsely claims Joe Biden received $3.5 million from Russia
- 7 takeaways from the final Trump-Biden debate ("Trump was less effective, though, in trying to turn a series of convoluted and unproven allegations about Biden's son Hunter into a campaign-altering moment. Outside the right-wing echo chamber Trump and his most fervent supporters occupy, he did not deliver one")

The most trusted name in news... indeed.

michaele বলেছেন...

The believability of last night's Bobulinski interview with Tucker Carlson is deeply disturbing for multiple reasons...the corrupt financial activities of Joe Biden, the blackout by the media of this news and the lack of investigation by the FBI which had the laptop for quite a while. I am so sorry for our country.

michaele বলেছেন...

The believability of last night's Bobulinski interview with Tucker Carlson is deeply disturbing for multiple reasons...the corrupt financial activities of Joe Biden, the blackout by the media of this news and the lack of investigation by the FBI which had the laptop for quite a while. I am so sorry for our country.

wendybar বলেছেন...

I'm hoping that Trump can blow this whole thing open in his second term: The Clinton Foundation, Pelosi, Reid, and the very system itself.

10/28/20, 11:20 AM

HEAR...HEAR....It is time.

wendybar বলেছেন...

Stick your heads back in the sand...as usual...NOTHING to see here...Nope...Nothing at all.

Doug বলেছেন...

MDGreen:Devil's advocate here: Mr. Bobulinski, why didn't you resign your $850,000 job the minute you learned that Hunter's "investment funds" existed only to collect swag from dodgy nations wanting to bribe Hunter's daddy?

Ya know, I think Bobulinski might have tricked the Bidens into breaking the law ... yeah, that's it!

The Gipper Lives বলেছেন...

traditional guy--Good point about Bobulinski, Truman and the Pendergast Machine.

"No young man should go into politics if he wants to get rich or if he expects an adequate reward for his services. An honest public servant can't become rich in politics. He can only attain greatness and satisfaction by service."

Bushman of the Kohlrabi বলেছেন...

The Biden corruption story will eventually be covered. It just has to wait until the Democrat establishment decides it’s time to move Joe aside.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Joe got paid in secret. His taxes are a LIE, too.

Someone should do some digging. Tho - I guess the FBI and the CIA are not interested.

Greg The Class Traitor বলেছেন...

MD Greene said...
Devil's advocate here: Mr. Bobulinski, why didn't you resign your $850,000 job the minute you learned that Hunter's "investment funds" existed only to collect swag from dodgy nations wanting to bribe Hunter's daddy?

Why didn't you do the right thing back when it would (okay, MIGHT) have made a difference?

IIUC, he joined them after Biden was no longer VP. So he was not taking part in any corruption.

The deal fell apart before Biden started running for President, no?

So Bobulinski didn't need to quit. He just needed to blow the whistle.

Which he's now doing

Greg The Class Traitor বলেছেন...

Did you come up with "Journotlism" Althouse.

Because that's really clever.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

@ Yancey

I have known since last year that Joe Biden was lying through his teeth about what he knew of his son's dealings, and it was all but certain that Biden had the Ukraine fire the prosecutor specifically at the request of Hunter Biden's benefactors. No other interpretation of the events and the evidence was really possible. Now we know that Biden was selling the family name for a long time- while he was a Senator, the Vice President, and afterwards, too.

Bingo. Only correction to what you wrote would be change the first "I" to "WE ALL".

mandrewa বলেছেন...

Project Veritas: 5,000 votes for Biden for $55,000 cash

More news that the media is desperate to not cover.

gadfly বলেছেন...

Well, Althouse - you missed some important scenarios regarding state pollings. 538 reports that the ABC/WaPo Survey shows Biden up by 17 (not a typo) in Wisconsin - a 93% likelihood of winning.

Last weeks 12 point spread showing Biden ahead in Michigan by Fox News was followed by a Gravis Marketing poll this week putting Biden ahead by 13 in Michigan which works out to a 94% chance of winning.

Yesterday, Gravis Marketing released a survey of Minnesota in which Biden led Trump by 14 points. Biden’s chances of winning Minnesota have now reached an all-time high of 94 in 100.

Polls also show Biden slightly ahead in red Iowa and red Texas.

Tick, tick, tick. Six more days. Seventy-five million votes already cast.

Tommy Duncan বলেছেন...

For the Democrats the 2020 election has the same risk as the 2016 election: The risk that their rampant corruption and their disdain for the American public will be exposed.

The bigger issue for the Democrats in 2020 is that Trump will not have to worry about re-election again. He will be free to go after them without regard to opinion polls or concern for his political future.

If Trump is re-elected I expect him to immediately clean out the FBI, CIA and DOJ. Then the shit will hit the fan.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Readering said...
Of course everyone knows what andy m. is writing about because there has been so much written and spoken and photographed about all those topics. Just not having the effect on polling folks here expected.

You believe polls that agree with you. We all know Democrats (and some Republicans ) are corrupt. Republicans tend to not vote for corrupt politicians. That's the difference. They do have to find out. For you Democrats corruption is a given.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Blogger MD Greene said...
Biden's advocate here: Mr. Bobulinski, why didn't you resign your $850,000 job the minute you learned that Hunter's "investment funds" existed only to collect swag from dodgy nations wanting to bribe Hunter's daddy?

Why didn't you do the right thing back when it would (okay, MIGHT) have made a difference?

From what I heard, he was interested in business with China but did not understand that the Bidens were selling Joe.

By the way I fixed it for you.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

"Do "journalist" ever wear their pants out dry humping Democrats?"

No, but they probably buy mouthwash by the barrel.

RK বলেছেন...

I'm guessing there are a lot of Democrats who are fed up with Democrats this year and won't be voting for them. But I am an optimist.

gadfly বলেছেন...

President Donald Trump, who declared “I don’t make money from China” in Thursday night’s presidential debate, has in fact collected millions of dollars from government-owned entities in China since he took office. Forbes estimates that at least $5.4 million has flowed into the president’s business from a lease agreement involving a state-owned bank in Trump Tower.

Trump International Hotels Management — the one with a Chinese bank account [from which tax records show paid $188,561 in taxes paid in China]- has direct ownership of THC China Development . . . [which] normally reports a few million dollars in annual income and deductible expenses.

In 2017, the company reported an unusually large spike in revenue — some $17.5 million, more than the previous five years’ combined. It was accompanied by a $15.1 million withdrawal by Mr. Trump from the company’s capital account.

So can we talk about Trump and his ongoing bribery payments received from China? Why not?

mandrewa বলেছেন...

The Rubin Report: New Leaked Audio Proves Joe Biden Is Lying About Hunter Biden Deals

Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report discusses the newly leaked audio from Tony Bobulinski, an ex-Hunter Biden associate, that appears to prove that Joe Biden is lying about his knowledge of his son's business dealings. The leaked tapes imply that Hunter Biden has dubious business dealings with the “Spy Chief of China”. Whatever becomes of the story the censorship of the story by the mainstream media continues. The media bias in favor of Joe Biden has never been more obvious. Does anyone doubt that If this was the Trump family, it'd be on the news non-stop? Meanwhile the effects of the social media censorship of the Hunter Biden story by Twitter, Facebook and Google has resulted in the CEOs of Big Tech having to testify before congress. Jack Dorsey, Mark Zuckerberg and Sundar Pichai are all in the midst of being grilled by the senate in a hearing called "Does Section 230's Sweeping Immunity Enable Big Tech Bad Behavior?" Dave also shares some of the crazier footage of the Philadelphia riots and BLM protests that have engulfed West Philadelphia for a couple of days now.

harrogate বলেছেন...

Ann, you missed an opportunity to add a "SwiftBoating" tag.

Is this really what the Right is reduced to? Yammering on about how Tucker Carlson and Hunter Biden aren't dominating the news? "Oh dear, people might be voting in relation to things like COVID, health care, civil rights, and their assessment of the incumbent's record! Why aren't they lunging instead for my Shiny Object???"

Y'all will prolly win anyways, but this level of crying is unbecoming of y'all, win or lose. As humans, I suspect you all know it.

gadfly বলেছেন...

Not enough news on the Trump-imposed tariffs such as those imposed on foreign-made steel:

PITTSBURGH—President Trump made good on his 2016 campaign pledge to the steel industry, slapping 25% tariffs on foreign-made steel in an effort to revive an industry that once symbolized American manufacturing might.

The tariffs succeeded in pushing down steel imports and—for a short time—resulted in higher prices for domestic steelmakers. They also encouraged newer steel companies to expand operations in the South and Southwest.

Yet the tariffs haven’t produced the steelmaking renaissance and robust job growth in America’s industrial heartland that Mr. Trump promised. What’s more, the tariffs have hurt U.S. manufacturers, including those in the automotive and appliance sectors, who say the duties on steel and aluminum continue to keep their metal costs higher than what overseas competitors pay.

With the expanded production, about 6,000 jobs were added to the U.S. steel industry’s workforce after tariffs started in 2018, according to the Census Bureau. By the end of 2019, though, those gains evaporated as steel demand and prices sank.

Higher prices also made steel more expensive for manufacturers that buy it, leading to the loss of about 75,000 U.S. manufacturing jobs, according to a study released late last year by the Federal Reserve Board of Governors.

Browndog বলেছেন...

Unknown said...

As I have said before 'journalists' are not in a court of law. They can 'cover' whatever they want in whatever way they want. They don't have to tell the 'whole truth' about anything. It's
all perfectly legitimate 'journalism'.

The solution - more conservative and libertarian media. Buy them out or create new media sources.


No wonder you libertarians have been relegated to nothingness.

Lars Porsena বলেছেন...

Bobulinski didn't commit suicide.

Tyrone Slothrop বলেছেন...

The wife and I were reminiscing about the early days of CNN, specifically during the Gulf War, when the network took a decidedly neutral position on politics. The anchors were competent but anonymous, with no discernable political bias. The good old days. This came up because we were talking about our consciousness of being in a conservative bubble. We admittedly get virtually all of our news from Fox News and OAN, fleshed out by conservative blogs. This clearly isn't optimum, but the sources that might provide some leavening to our right-wing loaf have been so ridiculously derelict in reporting factual information that they are simply not worth the time. Today's CNN routinely runs with provably false information and buries provably true information, and boasts about it. Of course it isn't just CNN but all the alphabet networks, all the newspapers, all the magazines, and on and on. The journalism profession-- and I use the term advisedly-- is finished. I think going forward even the left will lose confidence in mainstream reporting. You may appreciate someone who lies on your behalf, but you will never be able to forget that he is a liar.

RMc বলেছেন...

As of early this morning, a search for ‘Bobulinski’ on the CNN site produced a search-not-found result.

Sorry, but it's a little hard to take seriously a guy named "Bobulinski". Sounds too much like Buttafuoco.

sterlingblue বলেছেন...

What benefit do American journalists get from shilling for the Democrats so hard?

My theory is that it allows them to feel powerful and superior to the deplorables, thus feeding their narcissism.

Any other theories?

Drago বলেছেন...

The Poor Man's LLR-lefty C**** gadfly: "Well, Althouse - you missed some important scenarios regarding state pollings. 538 reports that the ABC/WaPo Survey shows Biden up by 17 (not a typo) in Wisconsin - a 93% likelihood of winning."


gadfly literally believes any insane thing his lefty betters tell him to believe.


As if 2016 never happened at all.

sterlingblue বলেছেন...

What benefit do American journalists get from shilling for the Democrats so hard?

My theory is that it allows them to feel powerful and superior to the deplorables, thus feeding their narcissism.

Any other theories?

Richard Aubrey বলেছেন...

sterlingblue. It would be handy for Soros if those clowns worked for free, and I expect they do. Your supposition is as good as any I've heard.

chickelit বলেছেন...

sterlingblue said...What benefit do American journalists get from shilling for the Democrats so hard?

My theory is that it allows them to feel powerful and superior to the deplorables, thus feeding their narcissism.

Any other theories?

Most females actually believe in the Democrat's ideas and their husbands and boyfriends play along in order to access sex with less conflict. That's been my experience.

Howard বলেছেন...

No one cares about Hunter Biden. He didn't murder 250,000 Americans by benign neglect and depraved indifference

Michael K বলেছেন...

gadfly is getting excited. Too late gadfly.

Mike (MJB Wolf) বলেছেন...

Any other theories?

Forty years of teaching children who have no history or civics basis on which to build a bond with their own country to think they aren't "making a difference" or "changing the world for the better" unless they are "speaking truth to power" and of course no matter who wins elections the dirty deplorables are always pulling the strings if not by holding high office then by their capitalist "systems that oppress" and so no matter what job you are told to do when you graduate your real job is to fight the man and the conservative is always the man no matter who appears to hold power and so even the lowly journalist whose grades were too poor even to go into teacher credentialing can MAKE A DIFFERENCE by helping out the perpetual underdog democrats every step of the way and they don't even have to think about it.

5M - Eckstine বলেছেন...

Obamas MO is he was surprised he became POTUS. But he proceeded to try and implement change and found the swamp too lethargic. He went back to his roots and activism.

He was greatly offended by Trumps birtherism and considered it a major distraction to his honor.

when Trump ran for POTUS Obama stirred his blood and accepted any bad idea that would tarnish Trump. Or block Trump. Or coup Trump. He established plausible deniability with his staff. That is where Jim Biden learned and imitated the words.

Biden had power and stability for Obamas admin. But Biden corrupted himself so much that he is unable to POTUS. The cost of doing business in DC.

Obama was trying to distance himself from Biden. But Joe is working hard to sink both their legacies. The smart thing to do is retire and not say much that is negative.

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed বলেছেন...

Gadfly woke up and his ChiComm handlers from the DNC have passed him his talking points.

Earning money from actual, seeable, touchable real estate in China versus making money on shopping around the influence of the VP of the US? Totes the same thing.

Gadfly needs to quit lying. He's almost a spitting image of what he imagines Trump to be.

Greg The Class Traitor বলেছেন...

Hey, look, the lunatic lefties all came out!

5M - Eckstine বলেছেন...

The trick is obvious to even a slo poke like me. Biden says he never took a dime from China. He took millions. Not from China. From Hunter. Hunter took it from China. Joe has his plausible deniability then. You're not allowed to question him.

And this is ok to the millions of Democratic voters who were upset over Russia and Trump? It's called being a hypocrite. SO then you have to break it down to what they do best. Trump is jobs and safety for families. Biden is service through government money wealth distribution with a violent angry reset to opposition. Jobs are a long term path to health. Biden is short term.

bonkti বলেছেন...

Lance at 12:20
Check your spelling

RobinGoodfellow বলেছেন...

“ Blogger Sebastian said...
We always knew Hunter traded on his name, having nothing else to trade on.”

Certainly without the Biden name, Hunter could have secured a too-flight job in either the food service or housecleaning industries.

Iman বলেছেন...

Y'all will prolly win anyways, but this level of crying is unbecoming of y'all, win or lose. As humans, I suspect you all know it.

If elected, I will propose that anyone NOT born and raised in the South that uses the regional colloquialism “y’all” in an annoying, repetitive manner will be subject to criminal prosecution, with a penalty up to and including capital punishment.

pacwest বলেছেন...

Any other theories?

Here's one.
With younger 'journalists' it's pretty obviously the educational system they were raised in. Somehow journalism and activism became synonymous. Since they were educated to believe Marxism is good and capitalism is bad, their type of activism is mandated by their indoctrination. And we all want to change the world. What better sense of self worth is there. I saw this first hand with a niece when she was in high school. I had a discussion with her about why she wanted to be a journalist. "Because I want to make a difference." My truth, not the truth. The service was not to provide objectivity, but to convince others of her worldview. She made this very clear.

With the olders I assume it is because they have grown to think of themselves as gatekeepers/opinion makers. There have been several "We will tell you what to think" moments by supposedly news reporters. The circles they travel in are heavily influenced by the same social institutions that produced the youngers. The youngers reinforce the bias.

In the past bias was tempered by facts, at least to a degree, but at present facts are secondary to beliefs. It has become religious in nature. Try changing the mind of a devout believer in any religion, militant atheists included.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

Voted today in-person. It was pretty busy. Standing in line trying to figure out who would vote for who just from appearances. That's very hard to do. I know people voting either way who do not fit the stereotypes. It looked to me from appearances that it was close to 50/50, but that's a real weak guess. I assume wearing either an American flag or the blue line one is a definite Trump voter. Unfortunately, that's probably true. I wish it wasn't. Not many other clues, except that statistically Black is a likely Biden vote, but maybe not so much this time as I see a lot of Black support for the king of the White supremacists.

As much as politics divides us, in my experience a polling place is a very polite and respectful place. I also enjoy that a number of people in line spoke other languages, some I didn't recognize. I have no real feel as to how those would vote.

Jim at বলেছেন...

Perhaps the reason why the MSM is refusing to cover this story is that it really isn't news. This sort of corruption has been commonplace for a long time.

Yeah. But just how many presidents have been impeached because they asked someone to look into said corruption?

That's why it's news. And that's why the press is full of shit for not covering it.

narciso বলেছেন...

so miles taylor, turned out to be the 'anonymous' twerp, some dhs drone who decanted to google, not victoria coates,

Jim at বলেছেন...

Ann, you missed an opportunity to add a "SwiftBoating" tag.

Ah, yes. Swiftboating. The stupid term coined by the left when a true story makes a Democrat look bad.

narciso বলেছেন...

oh really,


tim maguire বলেছেন...

Larry J said...Perhaps the reason why the MSM is refusing to cover this story is that it really isn't news...Politicians of all stripes play these games to enrich themselves.

I disagree that it’s not news. It’s an outrage, and a greater outrage that the media is covering this up. But I agree with your main point that they all do it. Washington is full of people who show up upper-middle class, work a few years at a job with a modest salary, and then leave as millionaires. There probably aren’t five elected officials who don’t belong in jail for insider trading.

But Donald Trump is one of those five. And the media has been smearing him for years to keep the town safe for the criminals. That is an outrage.

TJM বলেছেন...

I guess liberals are missing the Bush and Obama wars

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM বলেছেন...

a few outlets arent protecting Biden

@DailyCaller has learned that The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee has SUCCESSFULLY verified all materials reviewed so far from Hunter Biden's ex-business partner Tony Bobulinski. Read more here:


TJM বলেছেন...

gadfly sounds a like lot Inga - unhinged from reality

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

"Is this really what the Right is reduced to? Yammering on about how Tucker Carlson and Hunter Biden aren't dominating the news?...
Y'all will prolly win anyways, but this level of crying is unbecoming of y'all, win or lose. As humans, I suspect you all know it."

I have no shame in demanding that corruption at the highest level of government be exposed or at least investigated. That kind of corruption creates incredible weakness from the influence it provides foreigners over our nation's policy. In fact, I can't really think of anything more dangerous. I would be embarrassed if I didn't care about it, and was one of the ones who wanted to ignore it when the it mattered.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

"Biden's advocate here: Mr. Bobulinski, why didn't you resign your $850,000 job the minute you learned that Hunter's "investment funds" existed only to collect swag from dodgy nations wanting to bribe Hunter's daddy?"

Yea. How many people would do that? It's not illegal for him. The Bidens are the ones doing something wrong, because they are the ones who can be blackmailed at the White House level.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

The extent to which the media and tech are going to bury this story is directly related to how damaging the truth would be. What else explains them exposing their bias and dishonestly so obviously. That's a huge risk, and they are willing to take it. That should tell you a lot. Essentially they are admitting that Biden is so dirty and the story so convincing that you would definitely vote against him if you knew it. We'll, you know it, now will you admit to yourself what that means?

alanc709 বলেছেন...

Howard said...
No one cares about Hunter Biden. He didn't murder 250,000 Americans by benign neglect and depraved indifference

Trump's an abortionist?

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

"Perhaps the reason why the MSM is refusing to cover this story is that it really isn't news. This sort of corruption has been commonplace for a long time."

Which is why many of us voted for Trump rather than empowering those committing it for decades. The corrupt fought back as hard as they could, and all that was stoping them was Trump and a few patriots.

The media went wild with corruption stories on Trump, they just happened to not be true, so your excuse is disproved about as hard as it could be. Four solid years of it.

So which side are you on? More corruption or less?

wildswan বলেছেন...

If e-mails from Hunter Biden are Russian disinformation, shouldn't someone tell the Secret Service about Hunter's new allegiance so Joe can be protected?

Banjo বলেছেন...

This is what happened to American journalism and why it can't come back.


I'm Not Sure বলেছেন...

"I had a discussion with her about why she wanted to be a journalist. "Because I want to make a difference."

There is a lot of wisdom to be gleaned from the movie "Bull Durham".

Such as...

Annie Savoy : I think probably with my love of four-legged creatures and hooves and everything, that in another lifetime I was probably Catherine the Great, or Francis of Assisi. I'm not sure which one. What do you think?

Crash Davis : How come in former lifetimes, everybody is someone famous? I mean, how come nobody ever says they were Joe Schmo?

I'm Not Sure বলেছেন...

Or how about "Murphy's Romance"...

Bobby Jack Moriarty: "Does everybody have to put their head down and slog?"

Emma Moriarty: "Most people do."

You're not any more special than the millions (billions?) who came before you. You want to "make a difference"? Earn your keep. Love your family. Be kind to animals. That'll get you started.

Howard বলেছেন...

Being "Hinged" leaves you flapping in the breeze.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Blogger Howard said...
No one cares about Hunter Biden. He didn't murder 250,000 Americans by benign neglect and depraved indifference

Says the leftie who is all in with Hunter and Joe's China caper. Remember China created and released the virus, then lied about it. Trump stopped flights from China that were bringing it here and China Joe complained he was "xenophobic." The Warren Wilhelm Jr suggested New Yorkers go out and mingle. Then Fredo Cuomo sent all the elderly sick back to the nursing homes and killed 20,000. Four states, all governed by Democrats, have had 28% of all deaths from Covid.

Howard must be very proud of his party's death toll to try to shift blame to the guy who got private enterprise to create testing and vaccines after CDC fucked up.

You must be very proud, Howard.

I'm Not Sure বলেছেন...

Thought I was done, but I guess not...

Want to make a difference? So does Kamala Harris, no doubt.

Drago বলেছেন...

Howard: "No one cares about Hunter Biden."

Howard is now, officially, pro-pedophilia and child trafficking....

.....to own Trump.

Let that sink in.

Rick বলেছেন...

gadfly said...
Higher prices also made steel more expensive for manufacturers that buy it, leading to the loss of about 75,000 U.S. manufacturing jobs, according to a study released late last year by the Federal Reserve Board of Governors.

Isn't it interesting left wingers finally figured out higher costs lose jobs. For decades they've been arguing minimum wage increases do not cost jobs in direct contravention to this. So I guess we can conclude they're liars rather than complete idiots - at least on this topic.

Rick বলেছেন...

Howard said...
No one cares about Hunter Biden. He didn't murder 250,000 Americans by benign neglect and depraved indifference

In America internal executive power rests with governors and mayors, not the president. As such the person most directly responsible for mass pandemic deaths is Andrew Cuomo who ordered NY nursing homes to accept covid infected patients resulting in roughly 10,000 deaths. Others like DeBlasio and Pelosi encouraged mass gatherings and even hugging random people in public because they believed any concern was racist. Pandemic concern was not an issue as they showed again later by supporting mass BLM/Antifa gatherings.

It's revealing none of the people hyperventilating about Trump have any concern about any Dem driven decision which actually lead to deaths, they only fantasize about their ability to blame Trump. 200,000 dead Americans are a partisan attack opportunity for people like Howard.


Drago বলেছেন...

Rick: "So I guess we can conclude they're liars rather than complete idiots - at least on this topic."

In the case of gadfly, he has demonstrated an uncanny ability to be both a liar and a complete idiot at the very same time.

Sort of a gift I guess.

Drago বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Achilles বলেছেন...

YoungHegelian said...

In one of the rare times you will ever see me defend Obama, might it the case that Obama tried his best to dissuade Biden from running because Obama knew full well just how corrupt the Biden clan was, and that he knew there was a good chance that the candidacy would implode under the slightest of scrutiny? After all, the Bidens were active throughout all eight years of the Obama admin, and I imagine that Pres. Obama got more than one report from some intelligence agency or another detailing some mischief that the Bidens were into.

Biden is just a corrupt piece of shit,

Obama was in charge of the attempt to completely subvert our Republic and our peaceful election system and our entire justice system.

Obama is by far a more dangerous and terrible human being than Joe Biden.

pacwest বলেছেন...

Did Zuckerberg just say today that the FBI came to him some time ago to warn him that there might be some "documents" coming out that were "disinformation"? The FBI has been sitting on the hard drive for almost a year. Had the copies not been made I don't believe this all would have seen the light of day. Epstien didn't kill himself.

JAORE বলেছেন...

Just heard from my brother. Mueller found Russian collusion and the so-called Hunter Biden computer is a Russian plant.

There is none so blind as he who will not look.

buwaya বলেছেন...

"because Obama knew full well just how corrupt the Biden clan was, and that he knew there was a good chance that the candidacy would implode under the slightest of scrutiny? "

The Clintons were doing the same things on a much larger scale with a much more sophisticated operation, with a layer of cutout through their foundation, plus other arrangements. The Bidens were much more amateurish. But what both were doing was obvious.

Pretty much all the information about what both the Clintons and the Bidens were doing was public, lacking only the internal documentation. There was plenty of open source material about what was obviously influence peddling in both cases. The problem is that these blatant signs did not prompt the FBI or any other government agency to investigate seriously. Nor did any "prestige" part of the US press take a look, because they are part of the same system.

The problem is not with any one "family", but with the system of power, which is completely corrupt. It is "the swamp", and it is not possible to reform it. Only destruction will do. I don't know when the times will turn desperate or chaotic enough to induce your people to do what is needed. I suspect that when the crisis comes the "swamp" will be overtaken by events along with everyone else.

This does not take a particularly paranoid personality to understand. It should be obvious to anyone of sound mind and an iota of curiosity. This should not be the province of "conspiracy theory".

Massive government corruption is a regular matter in most countries, and it is discussed openly and resolved regularly (once in a while). The problems are publicized without suppression and without need to invoke conspiracies.

I believe the US problem is that the US press is controlled in a way that is rare in most of the world.

buwaya বলেছেন...

Obama was a puppet. Biden is a puppet. The Clintons became puppets - I don't know if they started that way, but they were, eventually.

Rusty বলেছেন...

"You must be very proud, Howard."
Virtue signaling is it's own reward.
He gets indulgences with the DNC.

Lazarus বলেছেন...

Note to Tucker: I know it was probably required at your prep school, but don't wear khakis when you are interviewing someone. People will think you are Toobining.

Bilwick বলেছেন...

Howard wrote: "No one cares about Hunter Biden. He didn't murder 250,000 Americans by benign neglect and depraved indifference."

His dad, Dementia Joe, is willingly acting as the Trojan Horse to the gang that wants to kill liberty. So there's that. But to Howard that's a GOOD thing.

(Checked the Democide figures lately, Howie?)

Greg The Class Traitor বলেছেন...

I was going to respond to Howard's drivel, but Rick at 8:21 PM pretty much said everything that needed to be said

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

“ But did he get any money directly? Or did Hunter "hold" it for him? Or did they structure access to the Russian, Ukrainian, and Chinese money some way? Follow the money. Where did it go? And what exactly did the foreigners get in return?”

At last for the Chinese, the answer is fairly obvious: One China policy (green lighting their reconquest of Taiwan); Most Favored Nation trade policy; Paris climate treaty that effectively exempted China from the onerous, economy killing, zero carbon policies imposed on the US and Europe; ignoring their island building in the South China Sea, effectively stealing ownership of the surrounding seas from their neighbors; a blind eye to their human rights abuses, including the selling of body parts harvested from their restive Muslim population; sale to them of critical dual use military technology; etc. And maybe even bogging the US down in unwinnable land wars in the Middle East. The Trump Administration has moved very quickly and decisively in the opposite direction, building ships as fast as they can, and pouring billions into R&D into technologies most useful against the Chinese (but also Russians) such as hypersonic missiles and lasers, while having the Marines give up their tanks.

That said, it wasn’t just the Bidens that they bought. The Dem Presidential candidates (Lurch Kerry, Obama/Biden, O/B, Crooked Hillary, and Sunset Joe) in the last five elections appear to have been bought and paid for by the ChiComs.

Bilwick বলেছেন...

Imagine a world without Covid. Do you think the party-liners who are pinning it on Trump would, in such a world, actually be voting for him? Nah, neither can I. Liberty haters gotta hate; State-shtuppers gotta shtup State.