October 22, 2020

"In the 465-page document, [Ghislaine] Maxwell repeatedly denies and dismisses numerous allegations, and insists she never saw the financier have sex with anybody."

"' never saw any inappropriate underage activities with Jeffrey ever,' she said. Asked if she was aware of any non-consensual sexual acts between Epstein and masseuses, she replied: 'All the time that I have been in the house I have never seen, heard, nor witnessed, nor have [had] reported to me that any activities took place, that people were in distress, either reported to me by the staff or anyone else.' She also said she never hired anyone under the age of 18 to work in Epstein's homes and never participated in any sexual activities with them. Asked whether she believed that Epstein had sexually abused minors, she said: 'I can only testify to what I know. I know that Virginia is a liar.' Ms Maxwell also called Ms Giuffre an 'awful fantasist.' ... A well-connected socialite, [Maxwell] is said to have introduced Epstein to many of her wealthy and powerful friends, including Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew. Friends said that although Ms Maxwell and Epstein's romantic relationship lasted only a few years, she continued to work with him long afterward...."


Lucid-Ideas said...


According to this (of course, if it's not fake news), any number of the people on the list acknowledged Jeffrey's penchant for underage girls. In other words, I still think she's a liar, it's just now she can add perjury.

The above link/story was actually quite good, and a little depressing. The most interesting aspect is the additional evidence Epstein and Maxwell were/are intelligence assets. I personally have believe that for years, and believe me, I've got experience.

n.n said...

Oprah was an working associate of Weinstein. Biden preferred Chinese girls. Perhaps there is something to Maxwell's denial. It depends on how it is defined. Such a "burden".

mccullough said...

Surprised she called them “the staff” and not “the servants.”

The DOJ is corrupt.

tcrosse said...

So she’s not suicidal.

Anonymous said...

She's an addict, this is par for the course. Of course the coming together of all these unconnected actors to go after her and Jeffrey is a great story. Turns State's evidence and maybe your sentence will be lessened.

Big Mike said...

She never saw the financier have sex with any and she never hired anyone under the age of 18?

Should be easy to disprove.

I believe her about as much as I believe Epstein killed himself.

Wince said...

Maxwell sounds like Biden.

Bay Area Guy said...

Does Jeffrey Toobin's name come up?

DavidUW said...

Which must be the non reasons Epstein had to die.

Dave Begley said...

At least she didn't testify that she couldn't recall. That's better than Hillary and Comey.

Birkel said...

Criminal lies.
News at 11.

Expat(ish) said...

Whoa, "Paging Martha Stewart!"

Unless she already has a plea deal and this is just a way to avoid killing herself in custody.


Spiros said...

Admit nothing, deny everything.

readering said...

Slate is pretty far along in cracking all the redactions, in part thanks to the index (!) and to words that got unredacted, and in part thanks to knowing context.

Darrell said...

Then why did Hillary have Epstein killed?

Howard said...

Nothing to see hear tell

Tom T. said...

Ann, when you're deciding who to vote for, remember which adminstration arrested Epstein and Maxwell and which one didn't.

Iman said...

It appears the redactions can be unmasked... there’s an alphabetized index with page numbers... names in index are redacted but you can figure them out


mezzrow said...

"I saw nothing" - Hans Schultz

mikee said...

** Look over at my 10-foot pole. **
** Decide even one twice as long would not be long enough.**

Achilles said...

So another Biden voter hoping that a new corrupt Democratic is elected that will make these awful investigations go away.

Paul said...

Ghistaine does not want to be terminally Epsteined.... so she will keep her mouth shut.

JohnAnnArbor said...

Shouldn't there be a penalty for needlessly verbose filings?

I mean, 465 pages sounds like a lot.

Joe Smith said...

I guess we now know who had Epstein killed...

Greg Hlatky said...

She just played the piano.

William said...

Well that clears everything up. Where do these weird rumors start? Now that these allegations have been debunked can we get back to the issues that really matter? I'd be interested in hearing Ms. Maxwell's opinions on climate change. Who wants to hear about sex parties and underage girls and the royal family. How boring. The thing that I find really disturbing is Ms. Maxwell's frequent trips on private jets. Does she understand how much such activities harmed the environment? That's the real issue.

stutefish said...

The deposition has been around for years. I'm surprised anyone expects it to contain anything juicy. It's like Trump's tax returns - if there was anything juicy, it would have come out years ago.

I'm not saying shenanigans weren't perpetrated. I'm just saying, you won't find much evidence in the documents that the authorities have had years to peruse at leisure.

bagoh20 said...

Pedophiles, rapists, and jackoffs. Do Democrats have to call Republicans to get a decent babysitter?

donald said...

Go down swinging toots.

Leland said...

I'll like to see her evidence that Virginia Giuffre is a known liar.

Static Ping said...

And she hasn't killed herself. Yet.

Browndog said...


Enjoy your pizza and spirit cooking, evil fucks.

n.n said...

Pedophiles, rapists, and jackoffs. Do Democrats have to call Republicans to get a decent babysitter?

And abortionists. It's a socially progressive cult.

n.n said...

a new corrupt Democratic is elected that will make these awful investigations go away.

And the tell-tale hearts will be suppressed, smothered, aborted in darkness, and then we will go along to get along. Deja vu.

Earnest Prole said...

Virginia Roberts Giuffre made the mistake of including Alan Dershowitz in her list of abusers, which calls into question the remainder of her allegations. As her Wikipedia page documents:

These claims have been repeatedly denied by Dershowitz, who has pointed to email correspondence between Giuffre and Mail on Sunday reporter Sharon Churcher in late 2011, in which Giuffre asked Churcher to help her remember the names of her abusers following earlier discussions, and Churcher replied, "Don't forget Alan Dershowitz. JE's buddy and lawyer . . . good name for your pitch as he repped Claus von Bulow and a movie was made about that case . . . title was Reversal of Fortune. We all suspect Alan is a pedo and tho no proof of that, you probably met him when he was hanging put w JE."

madAsHell said...

Why does it take 465 pages to say "nothing happened"?

wildswan said...

A robust lie. Not a sneaking, sniveling, whining, whimpering lie. You can picture her confronting girls throughout her career of evil, girls trying to complain to her about what she offered and what they actually got. No one has ever said that about Prince A. The other girls love partying. Bill C is always a gentleman. You're hallucinating. Get out and don't ever repeat your lies, no one will believe you. But now she's up against grown men and women. But still straight-faced lying.

pacwest said...

Interesting. Her denials of wrong doing are more plausible than Biden's.

Howard said...

She's lying as if her life depended on it.

mikee said...

wildswan: Court depositions and testimony, including his own, clearly indicate that Bill C is not a gentleman, oh not at all, at all, at all. Having your State Police bring you to a hotel room to "meet the governor" and then having Bill C's penis thrust at you as an offer of sexual activity is not gentlemanly behavior. Neither is it gentlemanly to accept sexual favors from the office help at work. No, Bill C was not a gentleman. Nor was his wife, the corrupt bitch from hell who deserved to lose in 2020, anything like a gentle lady. She deserved to lose in 2020, just like she deserved to lose every time she let Bill C waggle his wang at women other than her, without leaving the scum.

Sam L. said...

Riiiiight, I "believe" her.

Tinderbox said...

That witch needs to be burned at the stake along with everyone else in that social club.