October 15, 2020

Ice Cube isn't completely against Trump, which deeply troubles some people


rehajm said...

America 2020 has no room for deep thinkers.

Chris of Rights said...

The Democrats biggest fear continues to be that blacks will one day wake up and realize that The Democratic party has done nothing for them.

mikee said...

Lowest Black unemployment since record keeping began.
Trump is an absolute failure as a racist, but that doesn't stop Dems from calling him one.
It is almost as if Dems don't tell the truth about things, and stuff.

Adrian said...

There’s great temptation to see one side as good and the other evil, as opposed to two competing flawed visions. The idea that Joe Biden is virtuous is embarrassing. He’s morally on the same plane as every other politician (including Trump) but with much more damaging ideas. (Or to be specific, he is in the thrall of people with more dangerous ideas.). Ice Cube is being rational, not emotional. Maybe that’s why he’s been successful for a long time.

Nonapod said...

Daring to question the orthodoxy? Apparently Ice Cube "ain't black" to paraphrase a certain presidential candidate.

Sally327 said...

George W Bush ran into the same issue, or more accurately, the Black pastors who were working with him on his faith based initiative did. They were criticized for working with the devil. It's so funny now, how George W Bush was evil incarnate until Donald Trump came along and now Bush has been downgraded and is now a lesser demon.

Human nature, it's a weird, inexplicable thing.

bagoh20 said...

You don't have to negotiate with the President to rise out of poverty. You need to negotiate with yourself. That's who decides what you will do or not do every day. That's who will carry you higher or drag you down. You need need to just forget the idea that some stranger in Washington is gonna handle that for you. People like Ice Cube need to explain how they became successful without some guy in Washington stepping in? Unless your name is Hunter Biden, it doesn't work that way.

Michael K said...

Ice Cube made the movie "Barbershop" which was great and had two sequels. He is no dummy.

Leland said...

Todays theme reminds me of the notion that supposedly it is the political right that has advanced cancel culture.

Bay Area Guy said...

It's crazy for black folks to vote 90-10 Democrat.

This allow the Dems to take them for granted - throw 'em a few bones near election day, then ignore them.

This also prevents them from having any leverage within the GOP.

Blacks should move closer to 67-33 for Dems. It would greatly enhance their fortunes.

Jupiter said...

His name is Ice Cube? He must have made that up. Like Madonna, she isn't really named Madonna.

wendybar said...

He's leaving the plantation. WHAT have Democrats done for blacks?? Thank God for a President who loves ALL the people in the country, and isn't a politician. He isn't beholden to his LOBBYISTS and donors like the career politicians are. He is a problem solver.

Marcus Bressler said...

When the Negro dares to leave the plantation, even for a side trip, it makes their Dem masters angry.

Matt said...

Ice Cube has a net worth of $160 million. There is a large gap between his wealth and mine. How could this have happened with all my "white privilege"?

Can't he live on $5 million? One would think, even in California, that would be sufficient to live comfortably. With the remaining $155 million, he could give over 1500 of his racial counterparts $100K, over 3000 of them $50K, roughly the average annual salary in the US.

But he's not gonna do that, is he? It's up to other people to give up their wealth to make his world a reality.

sterlingblue said...

Ah, the Narcissistic Brainwashed Hate Collective (NBHC) -- Target audience for the WaPo, CNN, NYT, MSNBC, etc. I hope those media corporations are proud of what they've done to our country.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Danny isn't using "jumping the shark" term correctly.

I'm Not Sure said...

"I will advise anybody on the planet who has the power to help Black Americans close the enormous wealth gap."

Stay in school.
Don't do drugs.
Get a job.
Don't have kids until you're married.
Stay married.

That'll get you started.

CJinPA said...

"Every side is the Darkside for us here in America."

A dealer should never use his drugs.
A pimp should never marry his prostitute.
A rapper should never believe his lyrics.

Ace Sullivan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lurker21 said...

It's polarization fatigue. People feel it from time to time. It doesn't mean he's endorsing Trump, who he wanted to have arrested two years back.

The news from talk radio is that Ice Cube was accused of anti-Semitism. They weren't sure on the radio if he was the the Law and Order guy.

He isn't. That's Ice-T.

P.S. Ice-T's real name is Tracy Lauren Marrow. Grow up in the hood with two girls names and you better be tough.

veni vidi vici said...

Black reaction to this news provides much explanation of why the Black condition in America will never change.

veni vidi vici said...

Madonna is in fact Madonna's real name, "Madonna Louise Ciccone".

hstad said...

LOL - a guy whose become a millionaire several times over lecturing about the 'dark side' of America. Truly amazing! What's next Oprah Winfrey lecturing us on "critical race theory"? Ooops, I forgot she did - what a bunch of hypocritical liars - 'race hustlers' all.

Joe Smith said...

Rich black people sure do complain a lot...

Anonymous said...

Shouldn’t pin your emotional well being on people you don’t know. Celebrities are a persona. You don’t know them at all.

rehajm said...

I will advise anybody on the planet who has the power to help Black Americans close the enormous wealth gap.

Do you mean American blacks vs. other Americans or American blacks vs. the rest of the world?

John henry said...

A couple weeks ago PDJT announced his "Premium Plan" This will make half a trillion dollars worth of capital available to the black community for business and industry. I believe the money is private, perhaps with some govt guarantees/strings but don't know the details.

Anyone here ever heard of it? You won't if you watch CNN, read the times etc. It has been well hidden by the media.

Ann headers this post "Ice Cube isn't completely against Trump, which deeply troubles some people"

Which is rather misleading. Ice Cube was involved with PDJT et all on developing the Premium Plan. He developed something he calls Contract with black America that he shared with both candidates. Here's what he said the other day:

Following Pierson’s tweet, Ice Cube (real name O’Shea Jackson) said on Twitter that Team Biden pushed back talks about his “CWBA,” or, contract with black America, until post-election. The Trump administration, however, “made adjustments” to their plan after speaking with him.

“Facts: I put out the CWBA (contract with black America),” the rapper posted. “Both parties contacted me. Dems said we’ll address the CWBA after the election. Trump campaign made some adjustments to their plan after talking to us about the CWBA.”

Republicans paid attention to him. Democrats blew him off. He doesn't seem convinced that the Demmies will pay any attention to him after November.

He seems like he somewhat more than not "Completely against Trump".

John Henry

MD Greene said...

Bay Area Guy said: "Blacks should move closer to 67-33 for Dems. It would greatly enhance their fortunes."

This. The African American vote is generally monolithic, and is big enough to swing any number of elections. If Black leaders invited both parties to bid for the their support, they could drive some hard bargains.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If the media reported on the good stuff Trump has done - Trump would be winning.

Trump has been trashed by a pack of corrupt jerks who cover for corrupt Biden.

sad - out nation is swirling down the shitter.

John henry said...

A bit about PDJT's Platinum Plan:

Trump’s Platinum Plan seeks to “increase access to capital in black communities by almost $500 billion” and outlines its four “pillars” as follows:

OPPORTUNITY – By achieving historic employment levels for Black Americans, as well as increasing access to capital for new businesses, President Trump has been committed to ensuring all Black Americans can achieve the American Dream

SECURITY – By signing into law the celebrated First Step Act, President Trump has brought common sense criminal justice reform to the American people for the first time in decades, while ensuring that our streets and communities are safe for families and business owners

PROSPERITY – As the first President to provide long-term funding to Historically Black Colleges and Universities, this Administration continues to seek immediate and generational advancement for Black Americans

FAIRNESS – As demonstrated through his actions to initiate investment into Opportunity Zones, as well as address health disparities, wage gaps and necessary education reforms, President Trump works every day to advance a fair and just America for the Black Community

This and the above comment about Ice Cube come from here https://www.dailywire.com/news/ice-cube-worked-with-trump-admin-on-platinum-plan-for-black-americans-trump-advisor-says-rapper-responds

Full details on the Platinum Plan are here https://cdn.donaldjtrump.com/public-files/press_assets/president-trump-platinum-plan-final-version.pdf

Ice Cube's Contract With Black America is explained here: https://icecube.com/a-contract-with-black-america/

I've not read it yet.

John Henry

Dan in Philly said...

Embrace bourgeoisie values if you want to improve the racial wealth gap. Invest in your children and have them invest in theirs. Don't embrace communism or victim mentally.

Anonymous said...

Me Cube’s real name is O’Shea Jackson. He’s apparently been married to the same woman since 1992. That tells me he’s got some character. All the Nation of Islam stuff sounds like he flirts with it but isn’t totally committed. Or he’s lying about it.

Mary Beth said...

If people are unhappy, they should be unhappy with the Biden campaign for ignoring Ice Cube when he reached out to them. He offered to work with both sides. One blew him off, the other accepted. Now people are mad that he worked with the ones that valued his input. That is insane.

bagoh20 said...

"Ice Cube (real name O’Shea Jackson)"

"O'shea" is a cool name. "Ice Cube" is pretty silly. Imagine if your parents gave you that name.

gahrie said...

"I will advise anybody on the planet who has the power to help Black Americans close the enormous wealth gap."

Stay in school.
Don't do drugs.
Get a job.
Don't have kids until you're married.
Stay married.

That'll get you started.

This is exactly what I was going to post. The biggest problem that Black people face in the United States is not white racism, or systematic racism (the systems are actually racist in favor of Black people), but Black culture.

This is never going to get fixed until Black cultural leaders like Ice Cube own up to this, take responsibility for it, and work to change the culture.

gahrie said...

Bay Area Guy said: "Blacks should move closer to 67-33 for Dems. It would greatly enhance their fortunes."

This. The African American vote is generally monolithic, and is big enough to swing any number of elections. If Black leaders invited both parties to bid for the their support, they could drive some hard bargains.

It wouldn't have to go that far. 15% would wake them up, 20% would change American politics for a generation.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

If your heart breaks because a rapper wants to talk to the President of the United States, you really need to reevaluate your life.

hstad said...

Blogger rehajm said...
America 2020 has no room for deep thinkers. 10/15/20, 9:50 AM

I'm assuming this is sarcasm? If not you need to tell us what is your meaning of "deep thinkers". It sure isn't a 'ex-rapper' and entertainer.

Todd said...

gahrie said...

It wouldn't have to go that far. 15% would wake them up, 20% would change American politics for a generation.

10/15/20, 12:55 PM

Sorry, not likely to happen. For that to happen enough POC would need to wake up and "understand" that what they have been doing and with whom they have been doing it is NOT WORKING.

Unfortunately in order to improve the lives of POC meaningfully and for the long term, they need to embrace "white culture" and related mores. Not "ethnic culture" or "inner city culture" or any of those other victimhood embracing cultures.

Is life hard? Yes. Is life hard for EVERYONE equally? No. You play the hand you are dealt and strive to do better today than yesterday. You want a better life?

a) stop listening to Democrats
b) stay in school and get AT LEAST a high school diploma
c) don't have kids out of wedlock
d) get an honest job, any honest job, then immediately start doing all the things you need to do to get a better job, wash, rinse, repeat
e) get married and stay married

If you are NOT doing well, following these simple rules WILL improve your lot in life. It will also improve the lives of your kids and their kids if you raise them this way as well.

Phil 314 said...

Would it not be expected for a Black rapper to go to the darkside?

exhelodrvr1 said...

30 million blacks of voting age (?). If half vote, an increase from 8% to 16% would be an increase of 1.2M votes. That could make a huge difference in electoral votes.

Robert Cook said...

"Lowest Black unemployment since record keeping began."

Not Trump's doing.

Robert Cook said...

"It's so funny now, how George W Bush was evil incarnate until Donald Trump came along and now Bush has been downgraded and is now a lesser demon."

Nope. BushandCheney remain great criminals of American history, (greater than Trump) and they should be in prison, (as should most or all US presidents of the recent era, along with those in their administrations that facilitated the criminal acts).

JaimeRoberto said...

Given Trump's ego and his wheeler dealer personality, the Dems could have gotten a lot of what they wanted if they buttered him up and worked with him. It seems Ice Cube is smart enough to realize that.

Edmund said...

The biggest problem that Black people face in the United States is not white racism, or systematic racism ... , but Black culture.

This isn't just Black culture, but lower class culture in general in the US. Plenty of PWT having the same pathologies.

Michael K said...

Cook reports that is only Comrade Stalin knew about this, Bush and all recent American presidents would be in prison. And their administrations. Probably Roosevelt for dropping Henry Wallace in 1944, as well.

Howard said...

Based on what ice cube is saying and all of the early voting by people of color, I believe they're all out voting for Trump secretly because they're too embarrassed to tell their friends and family that they support the greatest friend to African Americans since Abraham Lincoln if even

5M - Eckstine said...

This is correct. The way to ratchet down conflict is to talk and negotiate. Reach a win win.

the solution is not a Marxist revolution where modern guillotines are rolled out for the independent thinkers and bloggers and podcasters.

Trump was talking to Levin and he expressed his desire for bi partisan assistance for all of America. Trump has his eye on the ball. He knows what true equality is. Its a chance to have a good job, raise a family, and be safe in a community.

The democrats version of that is government provisioning everyone and regulating everyone to be equal. Never works.

5M - Eckstine said...

Black rappers don't realize or don't care that they will be one of the first causalities if far left woke leadership occurs. The big tech AI's will come done hard on them.

bagoh20 said...

""Lowest Black unemployment since record keeping began."

Not Trump's doing."

A good trend continues, which in economics is less likely than it reversing, but can anyone in here imagine Cook telling us that some bad trend that continues under Trump was not his fault? Me either.

bagoh20 said...

If identity politics ever made sense, it would be Blacks voting for the anti-slavery and emancipation party instead of the party of slavery, the KKK, and Jim Crow.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

this is especially grievous,
since it is now ok for Lefties to KILL their opposition

...rather than working WITH them

I Callahan said...

BushandCheney remain great criminals of American history, (greater than Trump) and they should be in prison, (as should most or all US presidents of the recent era, along with those in their administrations that facilitated the criminal acts).

Cook, you’ve spewed this high toned bullshit so many times now it’s starting to sound like a broken record. Neither one of them are “criminals”, because they didn’t break any laws. Just so you know, that’s what makes someone a criminal, a fact that hasn’t seemed to sink in with you yet. You don’t become a criminal just because you govern differently than a leftist would.

Curious George said...

"Michael K said...
Ice Cube made the movie "Barbershop" which was great and had two sequels. He is no dummy."

He didn't make the movie, he acted in it.

Fernandinande said...

I will advise anybody on the planet who has the power to help Black Americans close the enormous wealth gap.

Raise their IQs. Too bad that's impossible.

But there are a lot websites falsely claiming otherwise, e.g.

"Another 2003 study out of Flinders University in Australia came to the same conclusion: participants who played chess demonstrated improved IQ levels."

But the 2003 study from Flinders University in Australia says exactly the opposite, that playing chess made no difference at all:

"No significant effect of the playing of chess on the scholastic performance was found, suggesting that previous results showing positive effects may have been due to other factors such as general intelligence or normal development. ... That is, the students who performed more ably at a particular grade level tended to have a higher IQ and there did not seem to be any significant effect of the playing of chess."

So good luck with your advising, Mr. Ice Cube, whoever you are.

Fernandinande said...

Good news! Webster's changed their definition of "preference" based on a ludicrous performance of woke grandstanding during some pointless Senate hearings.

So I will no longer use their dictionary.

pacwest said...

From Cook's link:

To begin with, it is true that the 2018 black unemployment rate was the lowest it has been since the Bureau of Labor Statistics began reporting it in 1972.

The authors then go on to explain how low interest rates for Trump are one of the reasons (somehow ignoring the fact that Obama had far lower rates in his favor). They also explain how an aging population and higher educated black workforce causes lower unemployment. Amazing what a difference 2 years make in age and education!! They also bring up one of the most common errors critics of Trump make. The rate of of unemployment decline is the same for Trump's first 3 years as Obama's last 3. When anyone does that you know you are looking at a biased and deeply flawed article. Given an even halfway decent economy moving unemployment from 10% to 7% isn't really that hard. Moving it from 6% to 3% is a bit harder and requires a much stronger economy. If can decrease unemployment at the same rate per year at the lower numbers you are doing a hell of a job. (If I remember correctly Obama said we were in permanent economic stagnation. Guess he was wrong.) There are a couple of other minor points they try to make unconvincingly.

The rest of the article is the same old trope about cronic black unemployment being higher than white's without looking at any of the underlying causes. Basically your standard hit piece.

Cook, do you even read the articles you link to?

Gahrie said...

The biggest problem that Black people face in the United States is not white racism, or systematic racism ... , but Black culture.

This isn't just Black culture, but lower class culture in general in the US. Plenty of PWT having the same pathologies.

Yes, the behaviors involved are not confined to any race. Current Black culture (the dominant culture today in my opinion) however glorifies these behaviors.

I was hopeful that Kanye would be a beginning. Nothing can change until Black cultural elites push for it. (Which is precisely why Cosby was destroyed)

boatbuilder said...

Trump's Premium Plan sounds...well, racist. As in--if you are a member of a certain race you get elevated over others.

But I suppose that train has sailed.

Does it make me a racist if I think it seems like a good idea nonetheless?

Jamie said...

There’s great temptation to see one side as good and the other evil, as opposed to two competing flawed visions.

There are, after all, fine people on both sides... right?

Sorry, I couldn't resist trotting that out. The difference here is that Trump was taken grossly out of context, whereas I am recognizing a false equivalence. False. There is only one side that's censoring, only one side on which mainstream figures are calling for jail and "retraining" for its political opponents, only one side that wants the Constitution continuously "reinterpreted" to support its views, only one side that hangs its hat on keeping every microcosm of society firmly in its place - and not just that, but on the basis of silly physical or historic traits.

Why would anyone want to be on that side?

Taking the other view, that we aren't voting for sides but for individuals who represent those sides, I agree with Adrian - to view Biden as "moral" is willfully to ignore the past several decades of his public life.

Skeptical Voter said...

Ice Cube better get his head straight or the woke mob will come for him.

Rusty said...

Robert Cook said...
"Lowest Black unemployment since record keeping began."

"Not Trump's doing."

So what you're saying is that a rising tide lifts all boats. Nice to see you finally embracing capitalism.

Annie said...

I wonder if Ice Cube knows how much of a wealth gap he has with most of America? Does he share any of it to the betterment of inner cities? How many fatherless young black men does he employ?

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