October 20, 2020

"Facebook and Twitter's frantic attempts to stop the spread of the New York Post's Hunter Biden story didn't prevent the article from becoming the top story about the election on those platforms last week."

Axios reports. 

I like this quote:
"This gets at the fundamental question that we're facing in 2020 of what is truth, what is information and how does a platform like Twitter or Facebook evaluate truth?" Bryce Webster-Jacobsen of cyber intelligence firm GroupSense tells Axios. "Nudity and terrorism and violence — those are pretty objective measures. Truth is much more subjective."

That's especially funny on the Althouse blog today, which began with a post about the subjective assessment of nudity on Instagram. 


rehajm said...

Yah but you're not supposed to focus on the nudity, you're supposed to focus on the subjective censor of political scandal in election season.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

"How does a platform like Twitter or Facebook evaluate truth?"

It doesn't

Because it has NO legitimate role to do so.

It allows people to post what they want, and other people to disagree with them (which is why Twitter giving people the ability to post Tweets that others can't respond to is bad).

No one, no group, no nothing is qualified to be the decider of "what is truth"

PB said...

Facebook and Twitter know it when they see it.

Dan in Philly said...

I don't know if I can define the truth but I know it when I see it...

Wince said...

The naked truth.

Todd said...

"This gets at the fundamental question that we're facing in 2020 of what is truth, what is information and how does a platform like Twitter or Facebook evaluate truth?

That is a "fundamental" question for a "publisher" but is of no consequence for a "platform". If they want to evaluate content JUST LIKE A PUBLISHER than they should be treated as such and be able to suffer the consequences of getting it wrong. You can't have it both ways. Be a platform that can't be sued but edit/manage content like a publisher. Pick your poison!

Leland said...

"pretty objective measures"

Sort of like an almost absolute statement.

PubliusFlavius said...

So...the article right after the one you linked has a picture of a 'russian'.

From 30+ years ago.

Pedo Joe and his nincompoop son are trying it again....the ruskies are coming!

The Projection is off the charts!

2 weeks till Victory over Biden Day!

john said...

I think Bryce Webster-Jacobsen actually meant to say "Truth will cost you more."

Jaq said...

"Truth is much more subjective.”

That’s a pretty convenient way to ignore a massive scandal. Because when people make shit up to spring on a candidate in October, they always give it to the FBI a year in advance.

The FBI is corrupt top to bottom, obviously.

Nonapod said...

Truth is much more subjective

I always thought that 1 + 1 = 2. But according to Axios that is subjective?

how does a platform like Twitter or Facebook evaluate truth?

The obvious answer is that they shouldn't be "evaluating truth" at all.

PM said...

I'll admit, since the day after Hill tanked, the 'Resistance' has done an amazing censorship job - a full-blown, linked-arm, World-War-II-class effort of misinforming and un-informing the American public. Won't be forgotten.

gilbar said...

Yes, Truth IS subjective; Truth is what You WANT to believe.
As Jo Biden famously said: We choose truth over facts

gilbar said...

Just remember! the English word for Pravda is: TRUTH


Mikey NTH said...

All they did was make people ask "What's all the fuss about?"

Dave Begley said...

This is crystal clear. The laptop evidence is accurate. Hunter was paid by foreigners and the Big Guy got a 50% cut of the income and 10% of the equity. Joe then delivered for those who bribed him. Joe is going to jail if he doesn't win. This is serious business. He was VP.

I suspect that the DOJ's theory will be that Joe "point shaved" with Iraq and China while the Burisma deal was outright pressure. The point shaving is that Joe wasn't able to get deals with Iraq and China and that's exactly what his paymasters wanted.

chickelit said...

Who really cares about Hunter Biden's debauchery? It's the influence peddling that goes to the core of Joe Biden's character -- the man that half the country wants as their leader. No one should want that story to go away. But, we seem to have a bunch of bought-off cowards filling our media's shoes.

Temujin said...

"Truth is much more subjective."

Hmm. I was always taught that 'A is A'. A thing is what it is. It does not change what it is because it might be viewed from a different angle, or perspective. It still exists as it is. Whenever I hear someone say, "Well, that's just your truth" Or, "that's my truth", I cringe. A thing cannot be two different things at once. It is what it is. What is true is true. What is not is not.

Facebook and Twitter have no interest in truth. If they had an interest in truth they would not feel the need to edit or censor. They would allow the words to flow and allow for people to figure out what is true and what is not. Instead, they are playing as the final decider for all of the people and taking on the role of 'figuring it out' for everyone. That is not a search for truth. That is a desire to control the narrative.

Biden is a crook. Bleh. Trump is not Hitler. Hitler is Hitler.

Rory said...

Johnny Cash, "What Is Truth?":


Original Mike said...

"How does a platform like Twitter or Facebook evaluate truth?"

"It doesn't
Because it has NO legitimate role to do so."

They are very presumptuous to think that they do. But there is no one to stop them. It's a naked power grab.

tds said...

A naive person would think that maybe, just maybe, it'd be enough to ask Hunter Biden, and then we'd have a chance to know if the emails are real/manipulated. Nobody is a naive person, however, so nobody's asking

tim maguire said...

Truth is subjective? I guess around the edges--when does puffery and exaggeration become falsehood? Which suggests another, simpler, formulation--don't try to determine whether something is true enough, instead determine whether it is false. Anything "arguably true" should always fall on the truth side of the ledger.

Or they could be what they present themselves as--a platform, not a publisher--and stop trying to control users. Truth is none of their business.

narciso said...

and the doj, who went after bannon on august 24, who was a conveyor of the emails, treasury went after derkach just two weeks later, (he provided the transcript of biden's call to poroshenko,) then there's the coen bros militia, from just a few weeks ago,

West Texas Intermediate Crude said...

Totally Off Topic:
Just voted early. Pleasant, minimal wait. They did check ID.
I have previously stated that I would crawl over broken glass to vote for my preferred candidate.
Fortunately, no Antifa activity near the community college voting site, so all the windows were intact. No broken glass to crawl over.

tds said...

... one could even venture to ask FBI what they think, since they have had disks for a year or more. Of course, I'm being facetious. No one would be such a noob.

Mike Sylwester said...

Keep in mind that in 2016, the Russian Government posted a lot of advertisements on Facebook and thus helped Donald Trump defeat Hillary Clinton in the Presidential election.

For example, the Russian Government posted an advertisement with a picture that showed Satan arm-wrestling Jesus.

Such advertisements caused Americans to lose faith in their Democracy and therefore to vote against Hillary Clinton.

The Russian Government was able to target the Facebook ads effectively, because Trump's campaign manager Paul Manafort provided secret, insider polls that informed Russian Intelligence which US states were the so-called "battlefield states" in the election. Using such sophisticated political intelligence, the Russian Government bought Facebook ads especially for Facebook users in those states.

While Manafort was doing that, Trump's foreign-policy advisor Carter Page was traveling back and forth between Trump Tower and the Kremlin and providing secret communications. As a reward for this service, the Russian Government promised to give Page 40% of Russia's petroleum industry.

Wake up, sheeple !!!!

narciso said...

meanwhile said platforms, were unwilling to block the images of the beheaded schoolteacher in paris, jihad porn,

Lurker21 said...

When people in politics lie, they believe that they are speaking the "Greater Truth," i.e. the other side is horrible so vote for us or your world will come to an end. That is why they don't think that they are lying.

Rory said...

"If they had an interest in truth they would not feel the need to edit or censor. They would allow the words to flow and allow for people to figure out what is true and what is not."

If the social media were interested in truth, all they'd have to do is change their model back so that people are using it to converse with friends again, instead of influencing the world.

Gilbert Pinfold said...

Spiro Agnew begs to be noticed from the great beyond...

Birkel said...

China bribed the Biden family.
China had an intelligence asset driving for Feinstein.
China's Houston consulate was finding BLM.
China released a virus on the world.
China is ass hole.

Are we to believe they have not bribed the State Department?
The CIA?
The FBI?

And are you telling me all $150 billion arrived in Iran without a skim for The Big Guy?

Nonapod said...

A "campaign surrogate" for Biden conceded that the contents of the harddrive are authentic on Fox News on Sunday.

So, yeah... I have no idea what the Biden team's defense will be. So far it seems like all they're doingis simply pretending like nothing is wrong and hoping that the media will dutifully ignore or supress this radioactive story. Unfortunately for them I don't think that'll work since it's basically 100% certainty that Trump will bring it up during the debate and it doesn't matter how many times the moderater mutes Trump, it will only raise questions from viewers.

Quayle said...

In a democracy, the citizens decide what is truth.

That is why we have juries. It isn't perfect, but is is the best we have.

Under this system, then, the press is only an "asserter of fact". They are not the asserter of truth. The public decides and then votes. For a company to step in an claim to be the decider is a degradation of our democracy.

For example, Michigan Governor Whitmore thinks that the same citizens that were wise enough to vote her in, are too stupid to make other wise decisions regarding how to act in the face of a pandemic.

(Or were her orders only about the people that didn't vote for her?)

Dave Begley said...

China owes the US trillions for unleashing the China virus on the US. Biden won't do a thing to collect.

Sebastian said...

"how does a platform like Twitter or Facebook evaluate truth?"

The Narrative is true. It is true that the Narrative is true. It is true that opponents of the Narrative spread falsehood. It is true that they are evil. Therefore, a platform evaluates truth based on whether a claim supports or challenges the Narrative.

JRoberts said...

"...are you telling me all $150 billion arrived in Iran without a skim for The Big Guy?"

Biden may have benefitted from the Iran deal, my long-standing opinion is that Obama, Jarrett and Kerry were the primary beneficiaries when Iran paid their commissions.

Kevin said...


Roughcoat said...

The FBI has always been corrupt. See, e.g., COINTELPRO:


Among many other transgressions ...

J. Edgar Hoover was one of the most corrupt and sinister figures in American public service.

Also one of the creepiest.

Yancey Ward said...

Todd makes the real point here that is often overlooked deliberately by the left<:

"That is a "fundamental" question [what is truth-Y.W.] for a "publisher" but is of no consequence for a "platform".

They have to choose. I am completely supportive of their right to censor their users, but they can't hide from libel suits in doing so. You are either a platform or a publisher- you can't be both.

Yancey Ward said...


Do you have a link for that admission- it would be a big story if they really did that.

Michael K said...

I don't think that'll work since it's basically 100% certainty that Trump will bring it up during the debate

I certainly hope so.

Roughcoat said...

How did advertisements posted on Facebook "cause" Americans to lose faith their Democracy and vote against Hillary Clinton?

Speaking for myself, I voted against Hillary Clinton precisely because I had faith in my Republic.

How very gnostic of you to deploy the word "sheeple" in this context. Clearly, you don't fit into that category. Clearly, you are one of the Enlightened Ones.

Clyde said...

Facebook is suppressing stories that people post about Hunter Biden. I know, because my posts have been suppressed. They appear on my timeline, but my friends don't see them on theirs. I got around it by posting this:

Friends, my posts here are being suppressed, because I posted things about a controversy in the news, which also is being censored by social media. For my family and friends who have been red-pilled, click on my picture and scroll down to see what the Powers That Be don’t want you to see. For my family and friends who took the blue pill, go back to sleep. You don’t want to know anyway, even though it is going to come out. Regardless, I find it chilling to see social media suppression in action. I’d expect to see that sort of thing in China or Russia or North Korea, except there I’d be sent to a prison camp as well for daring to post anything about the nomenklatura. But not in America, right? It can’t happen here, right? Apparently it can. 2020 = 1984.

Nonapod said...

Right here, Yancy.

Yancey Ward said...

A good visual joke from Matt Couch.

1973 Biden enters politics...
1980 Wait for it...
1991 Stay with me...
2000 Almost there...
10 Hang on we’re close...
2020 Now he’s ready to fix America.

Rick.T. said...

Yancey, I think this is Nonapod's reference:

But on Sunday, Biden surrogate Jenna Arnold essentially told Fox News host Leland Vittert that nobody knows the answer to the question of if the files which came from Hunter Biden’s hard drive, as is reported by the Post and now Fox News, indeed belonged to the younger Biden.

On “America’s News HQ” Sunday, Vittert said, “What’s interesting is I feel like you still have not answered the fundamental question, which is, ‘Can anyone say that these emails are inauthentic?’

“And so far, I haven’t heard anybody say that,” the host said.

Arnold then dropped a bombshell in her own right.

“Yeah, I think that’s fair. I don’t think anybody is saying they are inauthentic or not,” the Biden surrogate said.


Yancey Ward said...

Mike Sylvester, you landed one there.

Yancey Ward said...

Thanks, Nonapod.

Karen of Texas said...

It's bigger than Facebook and Twitter.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Yancey Ward said...
Do you have a link for that admission- it would be a big story if they really did that.


“I’m so confused. What’s interesting is I feel like you still haven’t answered the fundamental question, which is: Can anyone say that these emails are inauthentic? And so far, I haven’t heard anybody say that,” Vittert said.

Shockingly, Arnold then admitted, “I think that’s fair. I don’t think anybody is saying they are inauthentic.”

Achilles said...

Joe Biden is a Criminal and you are a criminal for not reporting it.

The Media, Facebook, and Twitter are all in.

Because they know the people out here are buying pitchforks.

You don't get to act this way. Biden is going to pay for his crimes and the media and corporations are going to pay for trying to cover them up.

Joe Smith said...

Terrorism? Violence?

From the 'New York Post' recently:

'"Twitter executives last month rebuffed a request from the Israeli government to remove tweets from Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei calling for the genocide of the Israeli people — claiming in a stunning letter obtained by The Post that the Jew-hate qualified as “comments on current affairs."'

So the guy who calls daily for all Jews to be killed and for 'death to America' has a platform, but Trump is censored and has warnings attached to his tweets.

The article is here and worth a read.

Twitter, Facebook, and Google should be broken up and scattered to the winds.

And that's just for a start.

CWJ said...

"Which suggests another, simpler, formulation--don't try to determine whether something is true enough, instead determine whether it is false. Anything "arguably true" should always fall on the truth side of the ledger."

Tim Maguire.

Where then would you put Christine Blasey Ford?

Mike Sylwester said...

Keep in mind that the Russian Government controls a cable-television channel called "RT" (Russia Today). The US Intelligence Community has studied this channel's shows and found that they include news stories that influence the opinions of viewers in the USA.

For example, RT broadcast shows that asserted that fracking is dangerous to the environment and therefore should be prohibited in the USA.

The RT television channel broadcasts such shows without any fact-checking by US truth experts. Furthermore, these shows are broadcasts during US elections and so might cause Americans to lose faith in their Democracy.

In December 2015, the RT organization hosted an anniversary celebration in Moscow. This celebration was attended by Donald Trump's advisor Michael Flynn and by the Green Party's candidate Jill Stein, both of whom sat at the same banquet table as Vladimir Putin. This event raised suspicions in the US Intelligence Community and caused some Americans to lose faith in their Democracy and therefore to vote against Hillary Clinton.

Also, Trump's foreign-policy advisor George Papadopoulos met with Joseph Mifsud, a Malta citizen who is a secret agent of Russian Intelligence. Mifsud revealed to Papadopoulos that he had heard rumors that Russian Intelligence had hacked some computer files from Hillary Clinton's computers and that the Trump campaign might be able to use those stolen files to help Trump defeat Clinton in the election.

Wake up, sheeple !!!!!

I'm Full of Soup said...

I am still waiting for Twitter's 3rd party fact-checkers to finish their review- isn't that what Andy Stone, the Twitter bigwig, promised?

mandrewa said...

Things I'm wondering about.

Both of Joe Biden's sons, Beau Biden and Hunter Biden, were doing this for him, where this means taking large sums of money from interested parties, like China, Russia, and the Ukraine, and surely also many wealthy private individuals, in return for access to Joe Biden and I suspect also for favors done.

We are talking very large sums of money, compared to Joe Biden's salary, like $32 million in the case of China, and Joe's Biden percentage of that transaction, which he negotiated with Hunter Biden, might have been 50%, or $16 million.

Did Joe Biden declare this income on his taxes?

And second, how could Jill Biden, Joe Biden's wife and the mother of Beau and Hunter Biden not have known about this?

And third, what does it feel like to be a son in this circumstance? Seemingly he was given everything on a platter. But I don't think that was actually true. Somehow I suspect the most important thing any person has -- or in any case it's way up there -- is their opinion of themselves.

Hunter Biden seems to be a spoiled child. He has been given many opportunities and yet failed at all of them. His one real job was to take bribes and funnel it to his father in secret. He has just failed at that (or he actually failed last year). Does he resent his father? Does he dislike himself? I'm guessing the answer to both of those questions would be a big yes.

Marshall Rose said...



Try this link.

stevew said...

"This gets at the fundamental question that we're facing in 2020 of what is truth, what is information and how does a platform like Twitter or Facebook evaluate truth?" Bryce Webster-Jacobsen of cyber intelligence firm GroupSense tells Axios. "Nudity and terrorism and violence — those are pretty objective measures. Truth is much more subjective."

Someone that says and believes that misunderstands the fundamental value of free and open speech to uncover and illuminate truth. Truth is not subjective. It may be unknown, it may be vague, it may be obscured, but it is not malleable and subject to opinion and point of view.

Ryan said...

So to libs, the revelation of Biden's corrupt emails showing that he was being bribed by foreign countries prompts navel-gazing about the philosophical nature of "truth"?!

LOL no it doesn't. The emails speak for themselves.

Hunter said...

Quid est veritas?

Going on 2000 years even, and it's still the "fundamental question."

MountainMan said...

Birkel said... "And are you telling me all $150 billion arrived in Iran without a skim for The Big Guy?"

I've always wondered if Obama, Biden, and company took a commission on that delivery. From what we have seen from Hunter's e-mails I'm beginning to wonder if maybe that did happen.

MountainMan said...

@Clyde, that is a nice post you created for your Facebook news feed. But you might want to be careful. Clinton crony and former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich posted a statement on Twitter that after a Biden victory the government needs to establish a "Truth Commission" to deal with Trump and all his supporters. Probably the most chilling thing I have ever seen coming out of the mouth of an American politician.

doctrev said...

Hunter Biden's laptop being Russian interference is EASILY the stupidest Russia-gate conspiracy that I have ever heard, and I lived through the Mueller report. Every reporter claiming that Rudy Giuliani has links to Russian intelligence, therefore the Russians planted emails on a laptop obviously belonging to Hunter Biden, should be laughed clear out of civilized society. Constant mendacity, put simply, has made these people stupid.

This is a openly fascist power-grab by Facebook and Twitter, which means they have no right to complain when Donald Trump nationalizes their businesses in retaliation. But they couldn't even stop this spectacle. What Donald Trump can, and probably will, do is to leak all of Hunter Biden's nudes online, and point America to the site they're on during the debate. Giuliani was disgusted by whatever he saw on that laptop, and the former mayor of New York is not known for being a shrinking violet. Working class Americans- white, black, and especially Asian- don't go in for such degenerate shenanigans. That kind of leak will be extremely well-trafficked, not rely at all on Facebook and Twitter frantically blocking DonaldJTrump.com, and result in the complete destruction of the Biden campaign.

Jon Ericson said...

Yeah, Yancey, I was gonna suggest to Roughcoat that there are many flavors of sarcasm.
If I had to put a name to the dollop just dished, I might call it: 'speaking as a media consumer'.
Do you suppose anyone else here has a differently-tuned sarcasm filter?
*Scans the ceiling*

Jaq said...

I voted for Trump because I saw Satan beat Jesus in an incredibly moving wrestling match ad on Facebook. Or was that South Park?

Left Bank of the Charles said...

It was a smart business move, assuming Google and Twitter don’t really want to be censors. What better way to get out of a job you don’t want to do than to botch it so badly that even the people who wanted you to do the job won’t want you doing it.

Banjo said...

Joe was corrupt long before he got old and corrupt. Blamed it on the public.

Jaq said...

Did Giuliani fake this?

The photo (above), first published last year at an anti-corruption website called the Kazhakhstani Initiative on Asset Recovery (KIAR), purports to show Hunter Biden and Joe Biden, together with Kazakhstan’s former prime minister, Karim Massimov, at far right.


But I am sure they never “talked business."

Jaq said...

I can’t wait to have a POTUS who is wanted as a Kleptocrat.

RobinGoodfellow said...

“Blogger Sebastian said...
‘how does a platform like Twitter or Facebook evaluate truth?’

The Narrative is true. It is true that the Narrative is true. It is true that opponents of the Narrative spread falsehood. It is true that they are evil. Therefore, a platform evaluates truth based on whether a claim supports or challenges the Narrative.”

I think Sebastian nailed it.

Jaq said...

So the Dreamy P.M. of the North has demanded that the corruption that he has been involved in not be investigated or he will force an election. What a pair Trudeau and Biden will make. What a joke. The Soviets used to have this organization “The USA-Canada Institute” that was dedicated to destroying North American resistance to communism, and it looks like the zombie has succeeded at last.

Ken B said...

Truth isn’t remotely subjective. That’s the lie shills and post modernists peddle. They are telling you not to believe them, so don’t.

TreeJoe said...

The NY Post article provided named sources and a claim of legal possession of a laptop and e-mails that were readily independently verifiable.

Within 2 hours, Twitter and Facebook had pre-emptively decided to limit dissemination, prevent direct messaging, and/or outright ban sharing of the articles on their platform. AHEAD of "fact checking", and with ever changing stories as to what policy the article supposedly interfered with...

There was no search for "truth."

Once upon a time both platforms could claim to be platforms and not publishers. That changed the day the NYPost story was published.

Now they are liable for what is on their platforms.

narciso said...

the subtext

Mark Jones said...

"You are either a platform or a publisher- you can't be both."

Except that, quite obviously, Facebook, Twitter, Google, et al CAN be both. And until and unless the Democrats lose control of both House and Senate, that's not going to change because they're not about to strip their media allies of that ability by revoking Section 230 (I think) of the CDA that gives "platforms" legal protection.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Pelosi family - just as guilty of the same type of international pay to play grifting.

AllenS said...

I would venture a guess that what Facebook, Twitter and the News Media are doing is what they would call cruel neutrality. Cruel? Yes, but hardly neutral.

daskol said...

The (not so) skinny

Tina Trent said...

Am I the only person who keeps associating Jim Carrey from Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind with Jim Carrey playing Biden on Saturday Night Live, as the audience refuses to laugh, and the New York Times even runs an article arguing that Carrey shouldn't be playing Biden because TDS?

Amadeus 48 said...

This "truth" question has an old provenance in Christianity, to wit:

John 18:37-38

"To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice."

Pilate saith unto him, "What is truth?"

daskol said...

Give me the zaftig

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Joseph Mifsud is or was a Western intelligence asset. He taught classes in Italy for Western intelligence services. He's been missing in action for several years now. Probably silenced by the Clinton/Obama crime families.

Roughcoat said...

Oh! It was sarcasm! Well f**k me.

Marcus Bressler said...

Perhaps this Mike S. fellow can have his actions changed by Russians, but most of us with half a brain know better than to believe any of that horseshit.


Less than 15 days until V-B Day! (Victory over Biden) 40 states or more. You can take that to the bank

MikeR said...

"the most effective policies for limiting the spread of misinformation in breaking news" How about stop pretending that information that everyone knows by now is accurate, is misinformation?
"Truth is much more subjective." Truth has never been the issue here.

narciso said...


MadTownGuy said...

From the quote:
"This gets at the fundamental question that we're facing in 2020 of what is truth, what is information and how does a platform like Twitter or Facebook evaluate truth?" Bryce Webster-Jacobsen of cyber intelligence firm GroupSense tells Axios. "Nudity and terrorism and violence — those are pretty objective measures. Truth is much more subjective."

Rothschild and Fischer get it backwards. Nudity is objective, as seen in the parody photo; terrorism can be defined along party lines; and violence can be redefined as silence. But truth is where you find it, even when, like on a stopped clock, once in a while a partisan stumbles upon it.

I don't for a minute buy the notion that perception is reality, which seems to be the precept behind the phrase "truth is more subjective. "

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

In the meantime, this bombshell comes to you courtesy of The Hill. Not the Onion, not the Babylon Bee, but the Hill:

"Just a few months after he took office, Trump reportedly insisted to a room of senior defense and intelligence officials, that they must try the malts at his New Jersey golf club while they discussed classified intelligence.

“Does anyone want a malt?” he asked in the meeting, according to three former CIA officials who recounted the events to Politico. “We have the best malts, you have to try them.”


Yancey Ward said...

In fact, the biggest piece of Russian propaganda, literally of all time, was the movie Dirty Dancing. It cost Biden the nomination in 1988 is the reason Michael Dukakis lost to George Bush the Elder that November.

Jaq said...


FBI tells Fox News they are real.

Update (1930ET): In yet another death blow to Adam Schiff and the '50 former senior intelligence officers' "Russia, Russia, Russia" claims, the FBI and DOJ have told a Fox News producer that they do not believe that Hunter Biden's laptop and its contents are part of a Russian disinformation campaign, confirming that the 'current' intelligence community agrees with DNI Ratcliffe's comments yesterday.

Additionally, a Federal Law Enforcement Official also confirmed to Fox News' Martha MacCallum that the emails are "authentic".

Jaq said...

They ask Biden about his milkshake, but they won’t ask Trump about his malts.

DavidUW said...

Hunter Biden likes underage girls.
Apparently with pictures.

Now we know why FBI has been sitting on it. In the grand tradition of J. Edgar, they (the higher ups) were going to use it to blackmail the "big guy" to doing their bidding, paying them more etc etc.

As for the Iran deal mentioned above, Obama absolutely got a cut. It just was laundered (calling it an "advance") by the "publisher" of his "memoirs" that still hasn't been published. Obama, having lived Chicago politics at least knows elementary money laundering.

Joe Smith said...

“Does anyone want a malt?” he asked in the meeting, according to three former CIA officials who recounted the events to Politico. “We have the best malts, you have to try them.”


If the malts are, indeed, delicious, they should say 'Thanks, boss' and move on.

If they are not delicious, then I think impeachment is fair.

Iman said...

Haven’t read all comments but FBI spokesperson stated that there is no Russian operation behind the emails or Hunter Biden’s hard drive data, photos, etc. Echoes what DNI Ratcliffe had said yesterday.

Bugeater said...


Major Garrett confirms. It's on.

wildswan said...

The truth is Hunter B took bribes or he didn't.
The truth is he is accused of taking bribes.
The truth is he is coke-addled and yet businesses keep paying him high salaries and people ask why.
The truth is that his accusers are being silenced rather than having their questions answered.
Is it the truth that everyone in America now thinks those high salaries were bribes?
Is it the truth that some say what everyone is thinking and others deny their own thoughts?
Are the non-denial denials seen as the truth or seen as malarkey by those who make them?
The questions won't be answered, for me at any rate, for a few days. Right now I can't quite see what lies behind the hard-faced assertions.

bagoh20 said...

Good morning, Mike Sylvester. It seems you've been asleep for the last two years. Is Bill Cosby the last face you saw?

Birkel said...

FBI confirms possession of laptop and authenticity of files so far revealed.

Imagine that.

Narayanan said...

Joseph Robinette "Beau" Biden III (February 3, 1969 – May 30, 2015)
Robert Hunter Biden (born February 4, 1970)
Jill and Joe Biden were married by a Catholic priest on June 17, 1977

so they have a step mom while growing up.

and a step sister - Ashley Blazer Biden (born June 8, 1981) is an American social worker, activist, philanthropist, and fashion designer. She served as the Executive Director of the Delaware Center for Justice from 2014 to 2019. Prior to her administrative role at the center, she worked in the Delaware Department of Services for Children, Youth, and Their Families. She founded the fashion company Livelihood, which partners with the online retailer Gilt Groupe to raise money for community programs focused on eliminating income inequality in the United States, launching it at New York Fashion Week in 2017. Biden is the daughter of former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, and the only child from his second marriage to former U.S. Second Lady Jill Biden.

compare Ashley career to Ivana Marie "Ivanka" Trump (/ɪˈvɑːŋkə/; born October 30, 1981 is very similar

Gk1 said...

O.k its all fine and well that the FBI has confirmed this is not some nefarious russian disinformation campaign. Great. So why the FUCK where they sitting on all this while Trump was being impeached for asking the Ukrainian govt. about Hunter's conduct in the Ukraine? They might have snuffed off this 5 month jack off session for the democrats by speaking up. Why didn't they? What bullshit excuse will they come up with this time? That it got "misplaced" and just found last week?

wendybar said...

And now, once again, we find out Adam Shifty Schiff is a LIAR...“The FBI and DOJ concur with DNI Ratcliffe’s assessment that Hunter Biden’s laptop and emails in question were not part of a Russian disinformation campaign.”

chickelit said...

Narayanan said...Robert Hunter Biden (born February 4, 1970)

So, Hunter Biden was named after the Grateful Dead lyricist? Really??

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

The very act of asking about Hunter Biden's corruption is a impeachable offence, don't you know? That's election tampering, don't you know? Doesn't matter if there's any truth to the corruption charges, don't you know? Trump is GUILTY, GUILTY, GUILTY!, don't you know. Just ask any Democrat partisan. They' sing this song to the heavens. They'll never forgive Trump and never convict Ol' Joe.

hstad said...

The problem with the CEOs and their minions is two-fold: 1) MSM, no matter their politics, love siliceous stories - they sell; and 2) therefore, the SJW platforms decisions of so-called censorship comes from a misconception of their illusory power. Essentially, these guys believe their own self-serving propoganda - truly amazing. That's why 50% of Fortune 500 companies disappear every 15 years - poor leadership.

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