October 7, 2020
"Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe on Tuesday declassified notes of former CIA Director John Brennan showing that he briefed former President Obama on Hillary Clinton’s alleged 'plan'..."
"... to tie then-candidate Donald Trump to Russia as 'a means of distracting the public from her use of a private email server.' My interest in this story is not simply the serious underlying allegation but the lack of coverage by major networks or media outlets.... [T]he responses from Clinton allies have not addressed the substance of the document before simply dismissed any inquiries.... If these notes have been fabricated or misrepresented, it would show a breathtaking effort to lie to the voters before the election. If these notes are genuine, it would indicate that the FBI was aware of an effort by the Democratic presidential candidate to tag Trump with a Russian collusion scandal. We know that Clinton’s campaign funded the Steele dossier and that Steele shopped the dossier with the media to try to generate coverage to influence the election.... It seems that journalism is suspended until the election when reporters might be allowed a modicum of curiosity into such stories."
nothing to see people! Move Along! Move Along! Pay NO Attention to the man behind the curtain!
Are the notes in Brennan’s handwriting? Case closed.
File under No Shit Sherlock.
This was the best paragraph of the article, and it is 100% true...."Yet, even with this latest disclosure in Brennan’s own writing, we hear the familiar sound of crickets. It seems that journalism is suspended until the election when reporters might be allowed a modicum of curiosity into such stories."
"My interest in this story is not simply the serious underlying allegation but the lack of coverage by major networks or media outlets"
They are Dem party propaganda and agitation outlets. Why would they report on this? It's not their job. Their job is to support the party i.e. engage in 'Pravda journalism'. They do whatever they have to do to support the party.
You know Trump is desperate when he decides to do his old hit, "But her emails!"
Biden had lunch every week with Obama. What did Biden know and when did he know it?
Brennan briefed Obama?
More likely Brennan was reporting to the treasonous Obama the results-to-date of Obama's plan.
This is frightening. We're already living in China, basically.
This is one of the biggest stories in the history of this country. A sitting administration helped the candidate of their party, along with the aide of foreign actors, our own National Security apparatus, and the national media complex, to initiate a coup to remove a duly elected President.
Trump had to fight through this and everything it entailed, for 3+ years. It lead to the impeachment process. It attacked, not only Trump, but his team- keeping everyone playing defense the entire term.
And he still got more done in 3 1/2 years than Biden or Kamala have in their entire careers. (not to mention Chauncey Obama).
Glad to see someone outside of conservative blogs actually talking about it.
And if the communists win that curiosity will never be found in our new banana republic.
Imagine what this country would be like if we had a free, independent press.
Hillary is truly an American wife. You know, the vindictive little K*ntren spreading gossip about any and everyone to deflect from her daily Bota-Box Dry Rose habit while thinking she's god's gift to planet earth for having secured a man 10,000x her superior.
"Happy birthday to this future president"
We are so fucking lucky this psycho is not president of the USA. Whatever else occurs, we dodged a humungous bullet on that one.
Who amongst us has been saying that this was the case these last four years?
I know I am counted in that number.
And our hostess voted for the corrupt candidate last time.
Let's pre-miss that criminal conspirator, Obama.
The paymasters do not allow honest reporting.
The trillions of dollars that can be skimmed off a corrupt government in a controlled demolition of the world's greatest civilization is too tempting for the parasites.
The idiot Leftist Collectivist Mark approves.
Sounds like Brennan brief Obama on the Clinton plan, and the outcome of that briefing was the Obama administration jumped on board.
That puts Obama in the decision-making role, not subordinates.
That the Hillary campaign did this strikes me as covered under the "politics ain't beanbag" rule.
That government agencies joined in, with the knowledge and possibly support of the president and vice-president (Biden, in case you didn't make that connection) is a huge scandal. That the media will ignore it if they can is unforgivable.
Good stuff, yet...
Why would journalism on this subject resume after the election? Should Biden win, this would all go straight down the memory hole, and only non-credentialed and thereby discredited media sources would have an interest in any pursuit of it. Should Trump defy the polls and win, why would the resistance relent and allow any focus to be moved away from removing the tyrant? They will discredit and/or openly ignore the DOJ at every turn.
Spoiler Alert:
There won’t be any curiosity after the election either. Our DNC state media isn’t interested in stories that reflect negatively on Democrats, especially those that involve the Obama administration.
One wonders just how much burning and purging will occur during the first weeks of a Biden Administration.
We are either a nation with laws or we’re not. Allowing America’s Intelligence and top LE agency and political leaders to get away with breaking laws and have no consequences for it damages our foundations and viability.
They will call PDT a loon next for his calling on declassification. F your sources and methods. We have already seen the method of leak to the press and then call the press a source. Remove the redactions. All of them.
Mark said...
You know Trump is desperate when he decides to do his old hit, "But her emails!"
“I think [Mark] is right, the American people are sick and tired about hearing about [the] damn emails. Enough of the emails – let’s talk about the real issues facing the American people.” Like why the MSM is incurious.
I think Turley is being optimistic at best if he thinks reporters will be curious about this after the election...whether Trump wins or loses.
How about this from a news article in the Chicago Tribune today about a report from the Department of Homeland Security:
“The administration’s treatment of white supremacy reemerged as an issue last week when Trump failed to condemn white racist violence in the presidential debate...”
That is just a flat-out lie. The news media have perverted their fundamental mission: to report the facts accurately. They deserve to fail, but instead they will creep along, singing hymns of praise to heroes that never were and and promoting policies that embrace entropy.
"They will call PDT a loon next for his calling on declassification."
I call him a Screech Owl.
This seems apt:
"Journalism is about covering important stories. With a pillow, until they stop moving." --David Burge (Iowahawk)
Professor, how about a post on Miss Michelle Obama’s scolding. We’re so naughty. And RACIST!!
Sometimes I'm exhausted with the White House Reality Show. If, after running the Executive Branch and dominating the national conversation for four years, Trump manages to lose to The Man Who Wasn't There, I tend to think that's on him.
And then I remember what the FBI and CIA seem to have done here, and I think it's crucial that he win. If he loses, it all gets buried, and almost everyone involved skates. Maybe the left would care more if they realized the same playbook could be used against a president they support.
tim maguire, 9:18: Spot-on!
"It seems that journalism is suspended until the election when reporters might be allowed a modicum of curiosity into such stories."
I look at statements like this, and I wonder "have you been asleep for the last 4 years, or are you just trying to talk to those who have been?"
Because "journalism" has been "suspended" ever since Trump was a lock for the GOP nomination in 2016.
As well as being suspended for the entire 8 years of teh Obama Admin, although then the suspension was "no one may report anything bad about Obama" rather than "the only thing you can report is bad things about Trump, regardless of their truth or lack thereof" (looking at you, The Atlantic).
Mark likes corruption in government.
Mark said...
You know Trump is desperate when he decides to do his old hit, "But her emails!"
You know Mark is desperate when he can't make a single comment on the charges and their validity.
Many of us were pretty sure this is what happened. I personally did not think there would be a paper trail to prove it conclusively. My, oh, my. A gigantic tree is falling in the Hillary/Obama/Intelligence community forest. But is anybody there to hear it?
"If these notes have been fabricated or misrepresented, it would show a breathtaking effort to lie to the voters before the election. If these notes are genuine, it would indicate that the FBI was aware of an effort by the Democratic presidential candidate to tag Trump with a Russian collusion scandal"
Why are we not hearing about Trump pulling a Dan Rather from 2004? Are the notes fabricated?
Will someone on MSNBC be quoted saying they are? What's the chance of that?
They know they are not - that's the problem the propaganda outlets are having.
Trump is the canary in the coal mine.
Leftist Collectivists like Mark are cheering that with the canary dead, they'll have enough oxygen.
I want to nuke it from orbit.
It's the only way to be sure.
Jonathan finally realizes the media is simply a conduit of the democratic party. Of course they aren't going to cover this or ask candidate Biden about his part in the scandal etc.etc. They won't even ask that proven liar Adam Schiff about this either.
The real damage is coming later when half of the country believes you are saps for following the laws and listening to anyone in authority. Why bother?
Inga, to the white courtesy phone. Inga, to the white courtesy phone please...
The note is what it is. Nothing illegal about Brennan telling those people, or folks, about Hillary’s shenanigans. The problem is what followed. Within three days, the FBI opened the Crossfire Hurricane counterintelligence investigation into collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. They became part of Hillary’s shenanigans.
The hour is late, and I doubt that people intending to vote against Donald Trump care about this. But a bigger question is whether many even know about it.
I am afraid that Hillary/Obama/Brennan/Comey/Haspel/Wray/Mueller/Coates have run out the clock. The FISA court is a joke. The FBI is a tool of the Washington establishment, which has completely lost its moral bearings. The CIA runs rogue throughout the world and practices its useless trade of toppling governments even here in the USA. You are more likely to get the truth from Glenn Greenwald or Matt Taibbi than from any major news source.
A republic, if you can keep it, said Franklin.
Craig said...
This is frightening. We're already living in China, basically.
10/7/20, 9:09 AM
Look around you. Apparently, that is what the Progressives are praying for.
"[T]he responses from Clinton allies have not addressed the substance of the document before simply dismissing any inquiries...."
As Joe would say, this is a big fucking deal.
But those of us who have been paying attention are not surprised at all.
I don't know the answer to the hard-left slant in the media these days.
Huge stories just don't get covered, which is the most effective form of information (mis)management.
I hereby move journalists to the head of the line (supplanting lawyers) as the group to be first against the wall when the revolution comes.
I saved you, AA...you owe my big-time : )
Birkel said...
Who amongst us has been saying that this was the case these last four years?
I know I am counted in that number.
And our hostess voted for the corrupt candidate last time.
Let's pre-miss that criminal conspirator, Obama.
10/7/20, 9:14 AM
We've been shouting it from the roof tops, and getting scorn, hate and violence thrown at us because of it. I have lost a few lifetime friends. I guess they really weren't friends after all, since they are fine with this. MAGA 2020!! It's the ONLY choice.
Dumb Lefty Mark: "You know Trump is desperate when he decides to do his old hit, "But her emails!"
Actually, its obama/biden/brennan/clapper/comey/rice/yates who were talking about Hillary's emails and Hillary's need to hide them so the democraticals conjured up a russian collusion lie to cover for Hillary's hiding of the emails.....and they sold that lie to......
.....the Dumb Lefty Marks of the world.
And its in their own handwriting.
So, lefties invent hoax to cover up for Hillary's emails, lefties have meetings about the hoax to cover up for Hillary's emails, lefties write down notes in their own hand documenting the hoax generated to cover for Hillary's emails, the notes get released and everyone says Hey, look at all these democratical notes about hoaxes to cover for Hillary's emails!
Dumb Lefty Mark's "hot take"? Trump is desperate for mentioning this!
320Busdriver said...
Professor, how about a post on Miss Michelle Obama’s scolding. We’re so naughty. And RACIST!!
10/7/20, 9:28 AM
Mama Race baiter was at her BEST yesterday!!! Between her, her husband and their sycophant Propaganda media, the little lefties are scouring the streets looking to kill whitey with red MAGA hats on....
Hillary still belongs in prison for setting up and using a private server to stuff her family foundation with Russian cash.
Biden used his power to enrich his family.
media are incurious, indeed.
AlbertAnonymous: "Inga, to the white courtesy phone. Inga, to the white courtesy phone please..."
Actually, these revelations is what likely provided the primary impetus for Inga to walk away from Althouse for awhile.
Even she found it impossible to Keep That Mueller/Avenatti Hope Alive.
Now we are left only with the readerings and r/v's and LLR-lefties and Poor Man's LLR-lefty gadfly and Dumb Lefty Mark to perform those duties.
Greg said: I look at statements like this, and I wonder "have you been asleep for the last 4 years, or are you just trying to talk to those who have been?"
YELLING to those who have been is more like it. I've been yelling from rooftops for the last 4 years about the corruption of the Obama administration. I'm just thrilled that somebody like Turley sees it.
"It seems that journalism is suspended until the election when reporters might be allowed a modicum of curiosity into such stories."
After January 2021 -- when Biden and Harris are sworn in -- the investigation will come to an immediate halt.
Just ignore 8 years of Obama-Hillary cozying up to Putin.
Ignore Biden's' international tax payer washed funding of his family.
Trump will need to bring this up in the next debate and challenge China Joe in his role in this or much of the public will never know about it. I know most of my remaining left friends on Facebook still think Trump is a tool of Putin. You can't convince them otherwise because they believe they are the only ones who know "truth".
"You know Trump is desperate when he decides to do his old hit, "But her emails!""
This was an actual soft-coup attempt after Trump was elected. It was an effort to win the election, but afterward, it was a successful attempt to impeach a president.
The U.S. security services were picking this up from the Russians...in other words, the Russians knew of Hillary's plan.
And how do you think they knew? The simplest explanation is that they had a direct pipeline into her homemade email server.
For as long as she was Secretary of State, the Russians saw everything. Policy, secrets, yoga routines, Clinton Initiative pay-to-play, Hillary's love notes to Huma...all of it.
And if the Russians had it, then the Chinese, Iranians, North Koreans, and Israelis had it too. And there is reason to believe that the Chinese executed a lot of people based on information on that server.
Do you not see how this might be a serious issue? Dirty tricks aside, Hillary set U.S. security back decades.
If she had been elected, she would have been the worlds' bitch, not just ours.
Until it is addressed and people are shot for treason, it is not a 'move on' situation...
Those that care to dig into the truth can go the Molly Hemingway and John Solomon, to see real time reporting of facts showing the Obama administration corruption. The corruption of the Senate Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Burr,and Warner. Senator Dan Coates as DNI knows all of this and was not merely silent, but actively worked to bury evidence.
You can go to The Conservative Treehouse. They have every public document to date, showing the depth and breadth of this Coup against and Elected President.
You may find conservative sites to be biased, but this site works only from declassified documents, not media reporting, and has created the timeline. The timeline is where the coup plotters, like Brennen play "hide the pea" intentionally confusing who did what when.
Linked at Instapundit yesterday: The Trump-Russia Collusion Hoax Archive
Let the Marks of this country tell us how happy they will be to elect the Harris/Biden ticket and also win the Senate. Then let them tell us the top 3 things they want to see get accomplished in the first two years.
But they won’t. Because they’re cowards.
The idea that the MSM is going to cover this story AFTER the election is a pipedream. Why didn't they cover Hillary's email scandal AFTER 2016? Why have they shown zero interest in any of the non-Trump scandals of the Obama administration? He's not running for office. Hillary's not running for office.
Turley has to keep up the pretense that the MSM are "falling down on their jobs" or "Being held back by their editors" from reporting on scandal. He doesn't seem to understand that everyone at the NYT's is a leftist and believes its mission is to help Leftists get elected. Anyone who disagrees gets CANCELLED.
I skimmed through brennan's memoir, no wonder he gets away with these hoaxes, he's the most uninteresting memoir writer ever, he denounces most of our enemies in the region, he pointedly doesn't mention qatar, I wonder why that is, he references yemen, but not when he burned our key asset in aqap, which is the subject of my novella,
"If these notes have been fabricated or misrepresented, it would show a breathtaking effort to lie to the voters before the election. If these notes are genuine, ...."
Why would you lead with that, a presumption that somehow Senate Intelligence had fabricated something like this for a show? Is that your natural first reaction? After 4+ years of a never-ending torrential river of bullshit, you want to award the benefit of doubt to the bull? After such a relentless sustained "breathtaking effort" of dirty-tricks perfidy to prevent effective governance by the duly-elected party? Showing your colors here!
Blogger wendybar said...
Mama Race baiter was at her BEST yesterday!!! Between her, her husband and their sycophant Propaganda media, the little lefties are scouring the streets looking to kill whitey with red MAGA hats on....
Did you see Candace Owens wonderful takedown of MO’s speech on Tucker’s show?
“ Candace Owens: Michelle Obama Just Destroyed The Obama Legacy”
On YouTube..
Nice ratio Mark!
Mark likes a two tier system of justice in the US
I, for one, honor every Russian intercept technician and intelligence analyst who had to review even one Hillary Clinton yoga workout email to separate it from their more serious spying. No miniseries will ever be made of their work. No memorial will be raised over their graves. Just imagine watching a Hillary doing yoga! Now try to stop imagining that! Try! Try!
Makes the sacrifices of the Chernobyl heroes seem a walk in the park, in comparison.
I keep seeing reporting the "Even the Senate lead by Republicans" yada, yada, yada.
Gerenell and Ratcliffe have shown the Senate is intelligence committee is corrupt. Must likely because they are the recipients of foreign aide delivered to foreign nations (Ukraine) is coming back to their personal, family, close friends, "foundations" and enriching themselves.
I'm not holding my breath for Dan Coates to sit for an interview with John Solomon. I doubt anyone at FOX would be allowed by the Murdoch boys, to pin him down on specifics.
...but, but Stormy Daniels!!
The Russian Hoaxters! Those idiots caused Hillary to lose in 2016, and will cause Slow Joe to lose in 2020.
Brennan is a Communist agent, no doubt.
"The corruption of the Senate Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Burr,and Warner."
Warner is one of the sleaziest politicians I've ever laid eyes on...
He must have had some huge blackmail material on Burr, because Burr was the head of the committee in name only.
CTH is ra-ra Trump, but the analysis is crazy good, and very complicated.
I'll just remind everybody that despite 3 years of investigation into Trump colluding with Russia and an impeachment earlier this year for mishandling Ukraine; the words "Russia" and "Ukraine" combine to appear only 3 times in the first Presidential debate transcript; because the left doesn't want to talk about these things anymore.
Since Bernstein has already used up "worse than Watergate", I guess this will have to be worse than worse than Watergate?
Worse than Watergate II?
Watergate II - Handwritten Notes Boogaloo?
Whatever it is, I'm sure Trump is working it out right now.
I would like a debate question to Biden be....if he were to win, would he allow a Mueller-like investigation into his role in this?
Like Trump did?
320Busdriver said": Did you see Candace Owens wonderful takedown of MO’s speech on Tucker’s show?
“ Candace Owens: Michelle Obama Just Destroyed The Obama Legacy”
On YouTube..
10/7/20, 10:08 AM
And she is absolutely right, although the left will agree with the Racist Obama. They will say she can't be a Racist BECAUSE she is black. Open your eyes people....this won't end pretty...and you can blame the Obamas.
Not a Trump fan and now a reluctant Trump voter here but this whole Russia business really pisses me off, particularly the lack of full, objective coverage on the part of the MSM. This is deeply concerning.
At what point to the citizens of Madison, Dane County, and those employed by the University of Wisconsin admit they were manipulated and duped by their own party, and forced our Nation to suffer through this bullshit? Dumb question. They’ll never admit it. It’s now part of their identity…like masks and lock downs.
We've become a banana republic.
How much did the Mueller inquiry cost? Should Hillary Clinton be billed for it? They knew it was completely fake.
The Special Counsel investigation was an investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections, alleged links between associates of Donald Trump and Russian officials and possible obstruction of justice by Trump, conducted by special prosecutor Robert Mueller from May 2017 to March 2019. It was also called the Russia investigation, the Mueller probe, and the Mueller investigation.[1][2] Prior to the appointment of the Special Counsel, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has been, starting in July 2016, covertly investigating activities by Russian operatives and by members of the Trump presidential campaign, under the code name "Crossfire Hurricane".[3] The investigation culminated with the Mueller Report which concluded that — though the Trump campaign welcomed Russian interference and expected to benefit from it — there was insufficient evidence to bring any conspiracy charges against Trump or his associates. The Report did not reach a conclusion about possible obstruction of justice, citing a Justice Department guideline that prohibits the federal indictment of a sitting president.[4][5][6]
"It seems that journalism is suspended"
It has been suspended since at least 2016.
I mean, what was the collusion hoax but "journalism" being weaponized to advance a Dem and deep-state narrative, through leaked "revelations" without any basis in fact and entirely unchecked by "journalists"--who got rewarded by their prog allies and even with a Pulitzer Prize?
Tucker Carlson understands sarcasm and ridicule. Mitchell Obama can just fuck right off.
On Senate intelligence com. Who is at the head.. Burr(R) disgraced on insider trading and Warner(d). tied to Steele’s lawyer and provided C Page fisa warrant to the media, through James Wolfe...see. https://www.politico.com/story/2018/12/11/senate-intelligence-committee-leaking-james-wolfe-1059162.
Wonderful patriots!
It's clear to anyone paying attention that there was collusion with Russia in the 2016 election, but it was the dems and their leftist propgandists in the media that did the colluding. Trump should get another term just because of the enormous amount of bullshit he's had to deal with for four years.
The fact that most of the corrupt media is ignoring this story is why many of us consider them to be the enemy of the people. I will never vote for anyone that the corrupt media endorses.
Michelle Obama seems pretty depressed and desperate to me.
Wasn’t the meeting the notes are from just a few days after the tarmac meeting with Bill and the AG?
Turley is wrong. Those "journalists" will never, ever exhibit even a modicum of curiosity if in implicates their side, the Democrats, in any wrongdoing of any kind. They aren't an umpire calling balls and strikes. They wear Team Dem jerseys and they do so with pride.
Cover? BLOWN. Punishment...One can hope. Booooooooooooooooooooooooy, do I HOPE.
"Whatever else occurs, we dodged a humungous bullet on that one."
-- In 2016, I basically said, whichever president we got would be terrible in different ways. The ways Trump is terrible, at least, are ephemeral and will go away when he leaves office. Clinton would have had no checks and balances, and the damage she would do would have been much longer term. Most of Trump's worst impulses are checked by the media, the Republicans, or the Democrats. What single, terrible impulse, would anyone have tried to check from Clinton?
For four fucking years now! They have not just ignored it. They hid it, called it crazy or conspiracy theory, and they attacked people who wanted the truth out. Seems like what you would do if you were an "enemy of the people". It's sure not what a real journalist would do, but they have been on the endangered species list for years.
Mark is generally active on religious posts and I am assuming that he is an honest person.
My question to Mark is, do you think it is a problem that the Obama administration knowingly cooperated with a plan to disrupt the incoming administration with a fabrication such as the one revealed in this declassification?
So after you vote for Biden, and if he wins, and then he buries all this already known corruption. Will you be proud of what you've done?
We have known this basic fact since the Carter Page FISA warrants were published- a year after the NYTimes had received a copy of it unredacted. When the Obama FBI and DoJ applied for the first FISA warrant in October of 2016, they knew the dossier was paid for by the Clinton Campaign- they even admit this in a footnote in the first application, but go to great lengths to downplay this very important fact. The only new thing is that Brennan knew this and told Obama about it. I wonder what questions Brennan was asked in his interview with Durham last month, and how did he answer them.
If you're just hearing about this, or are in the least bit surprised by this news, you have absolutely no idea what is going on in this country for the last 5 years, and you should not be voting, period.
Jake Sullivan proposed the plan to Hillary Clinton, who approved it on July 26, 2016.
I speculate about what happened afterwards:
Sullivan was assigned to put the plan into action.
Sullivan assigned the job to the Perkins Coie law firm.
Perkins Coie hired Glenn Simpson.
Simpson hired Christopher Steele.
Steele hired Igor Danchenko.
Danchenko told Russian Intelligence about Clinton's plan.
Oleg Smolenkov heard that Clinton's plan was being discussed in Russia's Presidential Adminiatration.
Smolenkov told the CIA about those discussions.
The CIA asked the FBI about its previous investigation of Danchenko.
John Brennan briefed this entire situation to President Obama.
Now Gina Haspel is trying to prevent the declassification of the CIA's records of that situation.
James Comey testifies that he does not remember any of this happening.
The only really new facts we have learned in the last couple of months is that Steele's primary source was being investigated by Obama's FBI as an alleged Russian Government operative working in the US at the Brookings think tank- we also finally learned the identity of this source and that he had personally disavowed every single thing he told Steele to that same FBI in December and January of 2016 and 2017, before Trump even took office. Only after Steele started giving his dossier to the FBI in June/July 2016, did the FBI turn on a dime and use Danchenko, the guy previously believed to be a Russian Government agent, as an actual source to investigate Carter Page etal.
This is just either collossal stupidity on the part of Obama's FBI, or willful malice to take down a political opponent. Neither reflect well on Obama and his cronies.
And remember, guys, there are two "Marks" who frequent these threads. You are dealing with Lefty Mark in this one.
tim maguire said...
That the Hillary campaign did this strikes me as covered under the "politics ain't beanbag" rule.
What is striking is that Brennan reports to Obama that a Candidate (Clinton) is using foreign intelligence agents (Steele) and interacting with both Russian Oligarchs and the FSB against her opponent (Trump), in violation of a bunch of laws.
So the next day, instead of opening up Crossfire Hurricane against Clinton, they investigate the victim Trump.
This should have a huge impact, but not enough people will hear enough of it. It might help Trump a little.
“The note is what it is. Nothing illegal about Brennan telling those people, or folks, about Hillary’s shenanigans. The problem is what followed. Within three days, the FBI opened the Crossfire Hurricane counterintelligence investigation into collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. They became part of Hillary’s shenanigans.”
Brennan isn’t out of the woods yet. He still appears to have provided much of the predicate for opening Crossfire Hurricane through the combined efforts of Mysfyp, Downer, and Halper, very likely CIA assets all, to trap low level Trump Campaign member George Papadopoulis. If their attempted sting operation were not a CIA operation, then it came out of another US spy agency, and they would have been negligent not to have known about it. We do know that it was funded by US taxpayers, though a lucrative consulting contract by the Office of Net Assessment, an obscure DOD-spy agency, with Halper (wonder why it was so Important to take out Flynn? One more reason).
Interesting to me is that Brennan apparently didn’t brief Dir Comey and CD DAD Strzok at the FBI for over a month (Sept) after he had briefed Obama, Biden Rice, etc. on the Clinton involvement. This was over a month after (Aug) Strzok (in charge of Crossfire Hurricane, which he had authorized himself to open) had traveled to London to pick up the formal pass off of the Mysfyp/Downer/Halper push/pull information on Papadopoulis, etc. It is fairly obvious from the Strzok/Page text messages that he had known of this for quite some time. His problem was that he had known about it informally, and they needed to have it through formal channels (Lurch Kerry’s State Department). Which brings up the obvious questions of why and how did Strzok know about it informally so early? One possible answer comes from the persistent rumor (Very possibly from Q) that Strzok was dual hatted: working for both the FBI and CIA at the same time. An alternative is that his father was apparently CIA, which means that he grew up in the shadow of the agency, and likely knew people there from that. Nevertheless, keep in mind that Strzok was in charge of both Crossfire Hurricane and the FISA warrants on Carter Page that utilized the Clinton funded Steele Dossier as it’s primary justification and predication, despite having been briefed the month before by Brennan about the origin of the Dossier (which miraculously failed to be included by Eric Clinesmith, who worked directly for Strzok, in the Woods files for the 4 FISA applications).
The media and the democrat party are corrupt. Simple as that.
Ah, Water Closet, Obama spied, Clinton colluded, Biden obstructed... Deep Plunger's expose was only the first step in a progressive process to clear the muck.
I think it would be wise for Trump to replace Christopher Wray before the election. Then if Biden wins he'd be forced to fire an honest FBI Director without a reason.
Remember when I said jail was too good for Obama?
I remember people on here poo pooing that statement.
Jail is too good for all of these people.
Traitors hang.
And no I will not accept the results if the democrats win.
Obama Legacy: Criminality, Desperation and Loose Change
Is anyone surprised? I mean, really?
In the past, the media never showed much love for the CIA or FBI. Here they seem reluctant to pass any rash judgments or, indeed, to do any reporting at all on the blunders of these organizations....Their efforts to discredit Trump haven't been totally unsuccessful, but, in doing so, they have been far more successful in discrediting themselves.....We all have our biases and it's easy enough cut on them, but there's a point where bias becomes bigotry and the cut becomes a self inflicted wound.....When I look at these newscasters now, I see pompous smug assholes. I used to think that they were better informed and saner than me. Ha. Not by half....Well, they make more money and they're better looking than me. That's worth something. Some of them don't even have to rape women to get laid.
Blogger LilyBart said...
We've become a banana republic.
10/7/20, 10:41 AM
We will know for sure. In short order.
"Wasn’t the meeting the notes are from just a few days after the tarmac meeting with Bill and the AG?"
Tarmac meeting was June 26. Lynch recusal July 1. Comey email decision was July 5. Wikileaks dumped DNC email on July 22. These notes are from July 28.
"We are either a nation with laws or we’re not. Allowing America’s Intelligence and top LE agency and political leaders to get away with breaking laws and have no consequences for it damages our foundations and viability."
D'uh! But this has been SOP for decades. It's not new with the most recent Democratic administration and it's not unique to either party. (I wonder what revelations will come out about the Trump administration after he's gone, I mean, beyond the corruption we're already aware of?
We have not really been a "nation of law" in some time.
Mark said...
You know Trump is desperate when he decides to do his old hit, "But her emails!"
Remember when left wingers pretended to care about coverups?
If these notes have been fabricated or misrepresented, it would show a breathtaking effort to lie to the voters before the election. If these notes are genuine, it would indicate that the FBI was aware of an effort by the Democratic presidential candidate to tag Trump with a Russian collusion scandal.
We do know which of these is true just by noting how the media reacts. Not only are these notes accurate the media leadership already knew enough to coach their minions on the appropriate reaction. If the left believed these were fake they'd move heaven and earth to get to the bottom of it.
Hand-written notes by Brennan?
Explain to me how Brennan is not Jessie Smollet stupid.
bagoh20. They're proud of what they're doing now.
Who killed Seth Rich?
And what was on his computer?
Phil 314: "Not a Trump fan and now a reluctant Trump voter here but this whole Russia business really pisses me off, particularly the lack of full, objective coverage on the part of the MSM. This is deeply concerning."
I am quite happy to see the days of "strawberry Phil" can be put well behind us. I sense you are of the same mind as an Andy McCarthy and Sol Wisenberg who simply could not fathom the lefty/LLR-lefty corruption that has thoroughly engulfed our intel and law enforcement agencies at the executive level but now accept the inescapable truth of that corruption.
One doesn't have to love Trump to want to put a stop to the New American Stasi.
Rick (in response to Dumb Lefty Mark): "Remember when left wingers pretended to care about coverups?"
Fen's Law: The left/LLR-left doesn't actually care about any of things they lecture us about.
Did you read that article on Trump's "corruption"?
The first piece of evidence was the Secret Service spending too much on golf carts.
James Comey (JC) was in the briefing with Brennan and Obama.
Brennan also noted that Susan Rice and the WH Chief if Staff (Dennis) were in attendance.
I don't know how people like Mark sleep at night. Apparently they believe themselves to be so virtuous that anything done in furtherance of their world view is acceptable.
And here comes Robert Cook to say that after the side he prefers gets caught doing something... that both sides do it.
Maybe, Robert Cook, but on one side we have definitive proof and on the other your unsupported allegations.
So fuck right off.
Fen's Law indeed.
isn't this THE DEFINITION of White Privilege ?
i mean, assuming that Hilary! is white
>>We've become a banana republic.
Next up: Banana shortages
"Did you read that article on Trump's "corruption"? The first piece of evidence was the Secret Service spending too much on golf carts."
Always lead with your biggest item!
One possible answer comes from the persistent rumor (Very possibly from Q) that Strzok was dual hatted: working for both the FBI and CIA at the same time. An alternative is that his father was apparently CIA, which means that he grew up in the shadow of the agency, and likely knew people there from that.
I read that a long time ago. His father was a CIA agent.
Christopher Wray and FBI Under Fire for Excessive Redactions and Slow-Walking Release of Declassified Docs
Look at the comparison of document redactions on the SAME email produced by the GSA and the FBI.
'WHY IS ANYBODY SURPRISED' by such a revelation? Why did it take so long do disclose this to the 'people'? Why is AG Durham not indicting anybody high up? Wow - somehow everyone in the "Liberal Bubblesphere" seems ignorant of what kind of politician former President Obama is?
Let me remind everyone, Obama was an unaccomplished politician from Chicago, IL who couldn't even afford to get his own mortgage without the help of a crooked supporter. So after 8 years in the Presidency, today, he's a multimillionaire. Politicos have interesting jobs?
My interest in this story is not simply the serious underlying allegation but the lack of coverage by major networks or media outlets.... [T]he responses from Clinton allies have not addressed the substance of the document before simply dismissed any inquiries.... If these notes have been fabricated or misrepresented, it would show a breathtaking effort to lie to the voters before the election. If these notes are genuine, it would indicate that the FBI was aware of an effort by the Democratic presidential candidate to tag Trump with a Russian collusion scandal. We know that Clinton’s campaign funded the Steele dossier and that Steele shopped the dossier with the media to try to generate coverage to influence the election.... It seems that journalism is suspended until the election when reporters might be allowed a modicum of curiosity into such stories."
Where to begin? Not reported by Fox News but already highlighted elsewhere:
1. Trump's DOJ is releasing Russian-generated propaganda as if it is true.
2. 302 docs from Strzok and McCabe mysteriously received non-original dates.
3. Changes occurred in redactions hiding needed FBI names, dates, and actions.
4. Redactions rescinded in official evidence have selectively been added back.
5. Funding of Fusion GPS was originally financed by the Washington Free Beacon.
6. The Flynn undo is Trump politics involving Billy Barr and Sydney Powell.
7. Altered documents have been submitted as new to Judge Sullivan's Court.
8. FBI investigations were proved counter-intelligence based from the start.
“It seems that journalism is suspended until the election when reporters might be allowed a modicum of curiosity into such stories."
There is no journalism. There are no journalists. In this context there is only fabulism and there are only Democrat partisans. Some declared. Some not.
There is no “allowed” or “not allowed.” We learned that with the Tom Cotton affair at the NYT. There is no curiosity about such stories. They are a source of cognitive dissonance to leftmediaswine.
And yet nothing is going to happen to these assholes.
We do know which of these is true just by noting how the media reacts. Not only are these notes accurate the media leadership already knew enough to coach their minions on the appropriate reaction. If the left believed these were fake they'd move heaven and earth to get to the bottom of it.
Today on FOX one of the "panels" brought up the Brennen hand written notes. The one leftist they always put on the panel, tried to claim none of this has been verified and is likely Russian misinformation. The host would not let the lie stand and had Ratcliff's written explanation ready to go. Called the lie out on the spot. Don't see that level of rath from FOX hosts often.
Brennen last night claimed he was taking extemporaneous notes. Forgetting the purpose of the meeting was for Him,(Brennen) to delivery this information to the President. He would not be taking notes on his presentation. Brennen is too stupid the be unattended, or he is so used to the media providing his cover.
Robert Cook said...
Is anyone surprised? I mean, really?
A lot of people just learned that Obama is the definition of a traitor and his entire administration was involved in the worst political scandal in the history of our country.
They are learning that there are hundreds if not thousands of people involved that should all hang.
I think there is surprise.
Blogger Achilles said...
Robert Cook said...10/7/20, 2:42 PM
"...Is anyone surprised? I mean, really?..."
Not really, just ignoring it cause of the "narrative". Hell even the NY Times reported this:
On 7.24.16 the NY Times reported the accusation was "emerging as a theme of Mrs. Clinton's campaign..."
Do you guys not understand that lefties do not give two shits about any of this? They think anything short of mass genocide is okay as long as it was done to stop Trump. THEY DON'T CARE IF IT WAS ILLEGAL!
You know Trump is desperate when he decides to do his old hit, "But her emails!"
Lefty Mark is too dumb to understand why we're talking about Hillary's emails.
Turley hasn't been paying atttention. Hard on the heels of the release of his notes Brennan sloped off to one of his network cronies to snivel publically that the notes just simply weren't "the whole story" and were being "taken out of context" or some such. That there was a lot of info that would clarify this "if only it too were released." So Turley's default, "always spare the left" is disingenous at best. I do credit him with actually considering the unthinkable and making it public, but the circumstances make his excuses absurd.
gadfly is in the Top Three Dumbest People on Althouse.
Step forward and collect your prizes.
The Poor Man's LLR-lefty C**** gadfly: "1. .....8. FBI investigations were proved counter-intelligence based from the start."
I'm afraid there is no way around this. gadfly clearly has some sort of learning disability and we need to be cognizant of that.
"That the Hillary campaign did this strikes me as covered under the "politics ain't beanbag" rule."
Then what IS going too far? If this ain't it, we might as well pick leaders the Saddam Hussein style and just see who survives the serial assassinations.
Gadfly's reaction to this information is an example of the reason why such illegal behavior happens. The culprits expect people to run interference, insiders create it, send it out, the media amplifies it, and the naive swallow it and regurgitate. It gives the criminals the confidence to take the risk no matter how illegal.
Can you imagine how different his reaction if the Trump administration did this to Biden? Nobody even thinks that's possible, because the deep state is a Democrat swamp.
So Crooked Hillary really was/is crooked!
Who knew! Who dares arrest her?
702 backward lookups
Two different FISA judges audited the 702 electronic data searches. Searches where you type in a name and date range, and get phone, text, email, and other electronic data. Judge One, found over 85% of those searches lack legal predicate, and the culprit in almost all of those illegal searches were FBI contractors. FBI, DoJ, and Chief Justice Roberts, Supervisor of the FISA Court, were informed.
A year later, a Second FISA judge did another audit. Results were about the same. Again FBI DoJ, CJ Roberts informed. This is when Adm Rodgers shut the whole Electronic search activity down, and informed President Trump.
Chief Justice Roberts is implicated as corrupt in this also.
Gadfly - do you really buy all that crap? Is your hatred of Trump so fierce you swallow whole lies lies and more lies?
Tommy Duncan said...
I think it would be wise for Trump to replace Christopher Wray before the election. Then if Biden wins he'd be forced to fire an honest FBI Director without a reason.
can Ric Grenell be slotted into FBI?!
As a former holder of a TS clearance (I retired and it was administratively canceled), it took deliberate actions to move the S/TS information from the classified servers to an unclassified, home-brew email server. She didn't care that she was spilling classified info to the Russians, Chinese, North Koreans, or anyone else who could penetrate her server. She couldn't be bothered to abide by the classification guidelines for safe handling of classified information.
My liberal friends know nothing of this. They still believe Trump is a Russian asset. I’ve never known a more credulous, willfully ignorant and intellectually dishonest group of otherwise mostly nice people. Mostly Jews.
And they will happily and blindly vote for Biden, whose party is openly anti Semitic, because they hate Trump, Israel’s best friend in the White House since Truman.
The DHS releases it's domestic terrorism report and doesn't mention Antifa, but is very concerned about white supremacists. I was just watching video of riots in L.A. last night. Just like with all the other violence we see, these "white supremacists" are incredibly well disguised, and seem to have all the lingo down to perfectly impersonate young Antifa and BLM crowds. The also seem to have extremely good blackface artists.
Why are the media and the Democrats defending and covering for white supremacist? They call their violence "mostly peaceful protests". That's some straight up racist shit right there.
Where do we go from here? We will have more damning and irrefutable information of our intelligence agencies spying on an opposing political party in 2016 coming out between now and January. Half of the country knows the democrats will not clean up this mess and will if anything sweep it under the rug and laugh in our face about it if Biden wins.
What then? Do you think this will all go away if Biden wins? Other than Turley i have not read one single liberal democrat of note who is very exercised over this or even cares. There are a few media outliers like Greenwald, Taibbi that have followed it but that's about it.
Does suppressing this banana republic behavior cause a bigger rupture someplace else? The outrage over Ruby Ridge and the debacle in Waco generated the Oklahoma City bombing. I fear for our country if the democrats decide to sweep it under the rug if they ever get power again. A vote for Trump is a vote for accountability.
tim maguire said...
That the Hillary campaign did this strikes me as covered under the "politics ain't beanbag" rule.
That government agencies joined in, with the knowledge and possibly support of the president and vice-president (Biden, in case you didn't make that connection) is a huge scandal. That the media will ignore it if they can is unforgivable.
You know what else ain't beanbag?
Hillary was working with the Russians, a foreign government, to destabilize and overthrow a lawfully elected government.
She hangs with the rest of them or we don't have a Republic.
Mike Sylwester @ 11:33 AM,
Lotta seditious acts encapsulated in that timeline!
If Obama had any integrity he would have shut down the entire criminal operation from the moment who learned about it. Then he should have called Hillary to A Come To Jesus and tell her your on you own on this. However he did not. So ultimately it's all on him.
When was the last time you saw an I'M WITH H->R bumper sticker??
Kudos for blogging this.
This and the ongoing Flynn persecution ought to be the most sensational political stories of the century.
It’s right out there and only a few very courageous journos are willing (or able) to even say anything.
You are just putting it out there. For comment. Still takes guts.
404 Page Not Found said...
If you're just hearing about this, or are in the least bit surprised by this news, you have absolutely no idea what is going on in this country for the last 5 years, and you should not be voting, period.
This is what is so scary! The fact that people are shocked by these disclosures and are having a hard time believing that this happened. For those of us who have been following the in=depth investigation by several journalists, are not surprised at all. We knew this document was out there, but frustrated it hadn't been released. Plus, all the so-called intelligent people were telling us this couldn't have happened. B.S. It did! You closed your eyes, your ears, and then started closing everyone else's mouth so that they wouldn't speak of it!
At next weeks debate:
Trump: DNI Radcliff released John Brennan's notes from a July 26?, 2016 meeting about a Hillary Clinton dirty trick on Russian collusion. Brennan was briefing former President Obama. To paraphrase the Watergate investigation: Joe, what did you know and when did you know it about Hillary's dirty trick?
Trump should ignore the moderator's questions and hammer Joe about the Russian/Clinton/Obama collusion conspiracy. Bring up different details during each round of questions.
A vote for Trump is a vote for accountability.
No kidding!
Or as I've seen it put somewhere: "Vote Republican -- it's the only way to get the press to do their job!"
“If Obama had any integrity he would have shut down the entire criminal operation from the moment who learned about it. Then he should have called Hillary to A Come To Jesus and tell her your on you own on this. However he did not. So ultimately it's all on him.”
You answered your own question. The rot came from the very top with the Obama Administration. No one really should be surprised though, that the most corrupt Administration of at least the last century was headed by a guy who had started his political career in the living room of a couple of domestic terrorists (who had escaped life sentences for their crimes thanks to the husband’s father’s wealth and power), had an avowedly communist father, and attended church with an American hating minister for the previous two decades.
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