October 1, 2020

At the Tenacious Tree Café...


... you can write about anything you want.


MikeD said...

Are you sure it's a tree?

Lawrence Person said...

I'm not sure how many Althouse readers are interested in Rheinmetall's new 130mm tank cannon with integrated autoloader, but here it is anyway.

daskol said...

Must be a Mormon tree. Mormons like tough shitty country. And signs.

Bay Area Guy said...

Q: Do you denounce white supremacy?

A: Sure, I do. But were they the ones rioting, looting, shooting cops and throwing Molotov Cocktails in Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, Kenosha, NYC & LA this summer?

stevew said...

A very good year. Like humans, trees and plants look alike at that stage of development.

Ann Althouse said...

“ Are you sure it's a tree?”

Only that it’s woody.

My plant identifying app didn’t get it.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

NBA player Hassan Whiteside tweets:
"F America, I'm moving to Hawaii"

...just..."fade into Bolivia", bro

Heartless Aztec said...

I'm at 1731...

Big Mike said...

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot's press conference to announce Halloween guidelines made me want to puke. Note that she introduces her Commissioner of Public Health as her "partner in crime." Yup. Anyone who works with this sorry excuse for a mayor is as much a part of an ongoing criminal conspiracy as she is.

walter said...


Big Mike said...

I see that the lawyer for Kyle Rittenhouse is suing Handsy Joe Biden for calling his client a white supremacist. This is the guy who got CNN and the Post to pay Nick Sandmann for their malicious defamation, so he may have a chance.

Kathryn51 said...

My plant identifying app

There's a plant identifying app? Geez, I am so far behind.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Drudge hasn't been shit for years.

You want to feel like you felt reading Drudge in 2004?

Go to rantingly.com right now. You won't regret it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

here we go.

roesch/voltaire said...

Hope Hicks tested positive, I wonder what this means for Trump who now has admitted he has been tested for the hoax.

stephen cooper said...

It is, at least, a plant that, when full grown, would be considered at least a bush - the woody aspect of the stem at such a young age guarantees that it is either vine, bush, or tree, and the direct (i.e., completely uncurved) aspect of the stem at this stage in its growth, as if it were an e**** ph***** or the trace line of a loving gaze, ensures that it is not a vine.

So.... not poison ivy or any other ivy, not wild grape, not Virginia creeper (just to name the most frequent suspects when a plant starts growing from some weird niche on a wall...)

And of course not poverty grass, not any kind of grass or any kind of compositae (or any of the other great families of wildflowers).

I'm gonna go with ailanthus or acer civensis. Prove me wrong.

Political Junkie said...

1. Dave Liep's Atlas of U.S. Elections is awesome, and free. If you hover over a state you see all the vote numbers, and many years you see it by county.
2. 1992 presidential election trivia: Bush won Clinton's home state of Arkansas, where Clinton received about 30.3% of the vote. Clinton won Bush's home state of Maine, and Bush came in third!, with 30.3% of the vote.
3. 1960 presidential election trivia: 6 states had winning margin under 1%, 5 states had winning margin under 2%.

GingerBeer said...

Ted Kennedy was responsible for the death of Mary Jo Kopechne, sought to collude with the Soviet Union to influence the 1984 US presidential election, and single-handedly began the Senate judicial wars. Is Steve Scully willing to condemn Ted Kennedy?


stephen cooper said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
buwaya said...

An error in the article on the new Rheinmetall gun -

The US does not use the now-standard German L/55 version.
You are still using the shorter L/44.

If the point of all this is a "game changer" then the US Army needs to kick their own backsides and finish this -


Much more KE than can be pushed out of any practical-sized cannon.

Quayle said...

“ Must be a Mormon tree. Mormons like tough shitty country.”

Mormons don’t like tough country. Mormons like forests and dark soil and really green pastures and rain. It’s not like we settled in the Great Basin of the Salt Lake because of its good soil and plentiful hydration. We continually were invited out of every other better place we lived, at the point of a gun. The great basin was the one place where everyone would leave us alone, and even that barely lasted for 10 years Before Johnson’s army showed up to put down the “Mormon rebellion.”

Spiros Pappas said...

No more debates. Trump has to quarantine.

Big Mike said...

Sometimes lefties get what they voted for, good and hard.

The money quote:

"Gun violence is up in Portland, just a few months after the city council cut funding for the police bureau’s Gun Violence Reduction Team. The progressives on the council said the GVRT was racist. But now gun violence is up 82% compared to this time last year. There’s no way to look at these numbers and not conclude that something has gone very wrong in Portland"

I suppose that some of the resident trolls like Freder or Cookie or roesch will point out that correlation is not causation. It isn't, but in the case of gun violence in Portland the connection seems substantial.

narciso said...

Scully seems to be as fair as any of the moderators (yes caveat emptor)


stephen cooper said...

the first set of leaves is opposite, the next set is whorled (that is frequent among young shoots in many genera, and it makes identification difficult when there are only two sets of leaves).

the leaves are indentated not feathery or pinnate (That rules out a lot of trees and bushes).

the stem is straight and woody.

Of course it is not a maple and not an ailanthus.

n.n said...

the lawyer for Kyle Rittenhouse is suing Handsy Joe Biden for calling his client a white suprema

There is no evidence that diversity was a motive for a measured self-defense to neo-fascists and neo-KKK, criminals burning (i.e. retributive change), looting (i.e. redistributive change), murdering, occupying private property, protesting in private and public spaces. Biden should condemn the diversitists (e.g. color supremacists) and others factions in the far-left axis.

DanTheMan said...

"Concrete is heavy; iron is hard, but the grass will prevail." - Edward Abbey

Spiros Pappas said...

Now we know why Melania refused to embrace her husband at the end of the debate.

effinayright said...

My elderly next-door neighbor is a hard-core Leftie. She still has a "Warren" sign on her front lawn, along with three other virtue-signaling messages about wearing masks, staying at home to "fight" covid, and the like.

My plan is to hail her down next time I see her outside, and say: "Alexa, Michelle Obama has urged all of us to reach out to our neighbors to ask them if they have registered to vote, to help them do so if they haven't, and to explain how they can cast their ballots."

"So..do you need any help?"

I suspect she will be mightily pissed off at being treated as a political feeb, which is entirely the point.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Wake Up and Smell the C̶o̶f̶f̶i̶n̶ Coughin' !!

...perhaps an excuse to fade out of the picture?

Video mash-up of Biden 'Coming Down With Something'

Big Mike said...

It's not a tree unless Russ Feingold says its a tree.

Ken B said...

A duet by Michael Nyman, “There you are ... and that tree.”

Ken B said...

Knee play 5, from Einstein on the Beach, by Philip Glass


effinayright said...

Political Junkie said...

Clinton won Bush's home state of Maine, and Bush came in third!, with 30.3% of the vote.


George W. Bush was born in New Haven, CT. Most of his early life was spent in Midland and Houston, Texas, where his father ran his oil bidness. He was educated at Andover Academy, Yale and Harvard B school. None of these are in Maine.

He never considered Maine his "home state". His father had a summer home in Kennebunkport, but that was it. GWB considered himself a Texan.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

FLOTUS like a butterfly

...stings like a bee.

Alleged private recording

effinayright said...

roesch/voltaire said...
Hope Hicks tested positive, I wonder what this means for Trump who now has admitted he has been tested for the hoax.


When did Trump say the virus itself was a hoax, rather than the hysteria the Dems were generating over it on Mon-Wed-Fri, when they were not pooh-poohing it on Tues-Thurs-Sat and Sunday (Dems never take a holiday from lying)?

Did you just come out of a politically-induced coma?

Joe Smith said...

I saw Tenacious Tree open for...

Ken B said...

A short piano piece by Simeon ten Holt. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i66qUcygjdk

Clayton Hennesey said...

Operation Hang Fire Electric Boogaloo:


Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

put Slo-Jo on a de-fib Stat!!

Video: This Clown Needs to Shut Up!!

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Debatus Interruptus

How SNL viewed "Biden-style" debating in 2012

Affable, Laffable Ol' Slo Jo

Nichevo said...

Decent blogswarm article, Larry. Cross-post my comment here will you? Give us some more detail on the gun. I bet ammo isn't only 8 percent heavier!


Roesch/Voltaire driveled: I wonder what this means for Trump who now has admitted he has been tested for the hoax.

I wonder if you know that President Trump has been tested before for Coronavirus, that people in the White House have caught it before, that PDT takes it very seriously. I wonder if you care whether he will take another prophylactic course of hydroxychloroquine, or if he has alternatives. I wonder whether you think the bleach mockery is as fresh as when it came out.

Get wise to yourself. I understand that on your case that would mean suicide, but really, do it for the children.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

c'mon-- you know the thing...on Ilhan Omar's head!?

...da Fuq izzat?

" I want to walk alone at night"

Didnt Garbo Already Go There??

Yancey Ward said...

Bush did not win Arkansas in 1992. An error like that makes the atlas worthless.

Martha said...

Trump and Melanie tested POSITIVE for COVID-19.

Yancey Ward said...

The only way to run these debates are one of two ways:

(1) No real moderator at all- just let the two candidates discuss what they want. It will be to both candidates' advantage to let the other respond and speak. Each get to ask directly anything they want, but are limited to just 20 questions. Or...

(2) Two moderators, chosen separately by the candidates themselves where you don't get questions from your chosen moderator.

I could enjoy either system a great deal since they are largely similar- a political opponent is asking you the questions you are expected to answer. The main problem with the debates how they are structured now is that the moderators are overwhelmingly Democrats- because of this, the Republican ends up having to debate the moderator, too, or just rolls over shows his belly like Romney did in 2012. Seriously- the moderator for the next debate used to be fucking intern for Joe Biden's Senate office, and is on record as being vehemently anti-Trump. The people who chose this Biden lackey had to know this, right?

Stay Safe said...

Donald Trump has tested positive for AIDS.

Sara D said...

Two days after Charlottsville the President made a beautiful speech from the WH, against violence

Aug.14 2017

Wallace has said he and his team spent hundreds of hours researching the questions he was going to ask at the debate. They did a lousy job, in their research they must have found that Chris Wallace in a debate in 2016, asked and got an answer on the same white supremacist question he asked twice on Tuesday. This constant asking (someone said 17 times)the President if he denounce white supremacy is beginning to look like harrasment.

Rt41Rebel said...

If Trump recovers quickly, he just won the election.

Kassaar said...

Americans are going to wake up with the news that President Trump and his wife tested positive for the coronavirus.

StephenFearby said...

Something to consider after the late-night news:

What Happens if a Presidential Candidate Dies?


cubanbob said...

It appears that Trump and his wife have COVID. Biden can now happy dance knowing Trump can't go out and campaign, give press conferences and now Grifter China Joe has an excuse to not debate Trump.

Mr. Forward said...

If Stevie Nicks is watching the late night news there is only one story tonight, the only celebrity that matters has tested positive for the only disease that matters. The word "unprecedented" is being kicked around an unprecedented number of times.

This is why Trump is going to win. Can you imagine trying to cover Biden for the next four years? Put a lid on it.

Humperdink said...

"I'm gonna go with ailanthus or acer civensis. Prove me wrong"

Made me laugh.

Enlighten-NewJerse said...

What.next? President Trump and the Frist Lady tested positive for COVID-19.

Mid-Life Lawyer said...

I awakened to the somewhat muted celebration on the announcement of POTUS and the First Lady checking positive for the virus. There is no possible way for the liberal mob to contain its joy. It will be interesting to see how that all plays out. I expect that this development will be a game changer but I have to admit that I don't have any idea how it is going to play out. My wife is going to a two night spiritual retreat for the weekend. They will go silent in the morning and remain that way for about a day. No electronics etc. If not for the return of SEC football, I might ask her to let me join.

love johnson said...

Sadly, with POTUS testing positive for COVID, I think the election is over. No more debates, no more rallies, undecideds (if there were any) will now vote for Biden.

Marcus Bressler said...

Stay Safe said...
Donald Trump has tested positive for AIDS.

Listen, you bitch....


Join with the other delusionals and repeat the Hoax lie.

P.S. The election is far from over, love johnson

Bruce Hayden said...

Interesting SpyGate information coming out. Apparently, one major strand was that the Steele Dossier was a response by the Clinton campaign to counter the dump of the DNC email server on Wikileaks (and likely murder of probable leaker to Assange) Seth Rich. They went to the Russians to help set it up. That was in June (2016). The plan was apparently approved by Crooked Hillary. One campaign collaborating with the Russians in order to make the other campaign lo9k like they were collaborating with the Russians. No surprise that the Mueller SC investigation tasked with identifying Russian collusion didn’t go there. Then, early the next month (July), CIA Dir Brennan briefed the White House on this, including both Obama and Biden. Almost two months later, before Brennan briefed FBI Dir Comey and AD DAD Strzok were briefed in early September.

Keep in mind though that this wasn’t the only aspect here going on. Meanwhile, Comey and the FBI had allowed contractors unfettered, and apparently unsupervised access through their FISA 702 interface to the NSA databases, where they had been doing what appears to have been doing opposition research and tracking of their political enemies. Tens of thousands of database searches of the NSA databases of every text message, email, and phone call records in the country, along with any other government records they could get access to (including Homeland Security, maybe even IRS?). All being heavily searched by the Democrats to be used against Republican. We may never know how high this went. But very clearly, the idea of using the facilities of the federal government against their political enemies at least came from a culture led by the putative son of an avowed Marxist, who had consorted with, and been heavily influenced by domestic terrorists and Marxists, etc. The grossly illegal database accesses were caught by NSA Dir Rogers the previous March, and after verification, shut down the next month.

Which left the Dems with a huge tranche of illegally obtained opposition research on their political opponents that they really couldn’t use, without giving away how they got it. And could go to prison if caught with it. I think that that was really what was driving the FISA warrants on Carter Page. Article I FISA warrants allow wiretapping, and a lot of other things. But probably most importantly, they allowed two hop searches back in time. Which is to say that any of the FISA 702 information that they had, on Trump and his inner circle was cleansed through the four FISA warrants on Page. It really didn’t matter who they got the FISA warrant on - they had been rejected for one a couple weeks earlier on George Papadopoulis. But of their four primary targets, Page turned out to have been optimal. He was easily two hops from Trump and his entire inner circle. Papadopoulis was not. Manafort was out too early. And Flynn was too high profile. Imagine the FBI going to the FISC to get a FISA warrant on the Republican nominee’s highest ranking foreign affairs adviser, who was also a highly decorated Lt General and former DNI Director. They were brazen, but not crazy.

Keep this in mind - Kevin Clinesmith, in charge of the Carter FISA Woods Files, who forged the email from the CIA that told the FBI that Page was a CIA asset, worked for Peter Strzok. Strzok knew, as of early September, that the CIA was reporting that the source of the Steele Dossier was the Clinton campaign working with Russian government operatives. Yet the Steele Dossier was used by this cabal as the primary justification for the four FISA warrants, first filed a month after being briefed by Brennan on the political source of that Dossier. They knew that it was the Clinton campaign colluding with the Russian government, all along, yet sent the fruits of that collusion to the FISC as evidence that their political opponents, the Republicans, were the ones colluding with the Russians.

JAORE said...

Life will find a way.

Political Junkie said...

Sorry for my mistake.
I used numbers from AK (Alaska) instead of AR (Arkansas).
Clinton did of course win Arkansas.
Dave Liep's has it all correct. My mistake.
Papa Bush loved his time in Kennebunkport, Maine. He did not vacation in Midland.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“Donald Trump has tested positive for AIDS”

What a perfect encapsulation of the next few days of Prog hysterics.

Begonia said...

I lived there!!!

Summit Co-op. 2001-2005.

There was also a flowering vine--clematis or morning glories--climbing up the wall from the sidewalk. Are they still there?

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