৬ অক্টোবর, ২০২০

At the Sunrise Café...


... you can talk about whatever you like.

৪৮টি মন্তব্য:

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM বলেছেন...

"On November 3rd, Vote for Her"

*"Biden"* campaign not even hiding it anymore

Maillard Reactionary বলেছেন...

What will the slogan be on Thursday? She is a nasty piece of work, from what I gather.

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

Watching a clip of Biden on TV....'We must not seek to build walls but bridges...not tear ourselves apart but bring ourselves together.'

What absolute simplistic, unoriginal, sappy, horseshit rhetoric this is.

Does anybody hear this tripe and say, 'Yeah, it's so inspiring!'

Americans are stupid, and liberal Americans are irredeemably stupid.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

Isn't it a little suspicious that just when there is an urgent need for Republicans in the Senate and the campaign to be at work everyday to approve a new SCOTUS conservative, and to reelect Trump that suddenly a whole bunch of them get Covid, but no Democrats do? That's awful convenient and partisan for a mindless virus. There are of course possible conspiracy theories to explain this, but I just think the virus, after targeting mostly Democrats for months, has switched parties. It's the kind of thing you would expect from a virus. Virus is asshole.

Kai Akker বলেছেন...

Yes, some more material has been declassified by the Trump administration, and it includes some of Brennan's handwritten notes. But the dribs and drabs by which these revelations have been released have had the effect of innoculating most Americans against the full import of the collusion-hoax election subversion and the subsequent coup attempt. I guess this means that Durham isn't taking any action between now and the election, so the administration is doing what it can to show the extent of the scandal.

I'm surprised and disappointed that AG Barr has not followed through as he said he was going to, in pursuing the political spying and the disloyalty of the intelligence agencies. The super-cynicals will say nothing was ever going to happen, but that is an easy position to take and I don't believe it. I don't believe it, except for one thing -- it is turning out to be true. It is the evening of Oct. 6, four years later, and not one charge has been made, except that one low-ranking lawyer. If Trump wins re-election, maybe there will be some prosecutions then. Maybe. But the tolerance of criminal activity is beyond anything I've ever seen in our government before and it is a discouraging sign for anyone who does not want to assume the most cynical attitude possible toward all official misbehavior.

Barr has talked a good game and I had him pegged for a man ready to take action. Wrong. Durham's picture has always looked like a man who would be happier reading his old Freud textbooks. Right.

madAsHell বলেছেন...

I masked-up, and wandered into GuitarCenter.

They no longer allow you to drool on the guitar porn, and the basket full of free guitar picks is GONE!!

BrentonTalcott বলেছেন...

I masked-up, and wandered into GuitarCenter.

They no longer allow you to drool on the guitar porn, and the basket full of free guitar picks is GONE!!

I teach at a GC in socal, and we have still NOT started back to giving in person lessons.

Only terrible video lessons.

wild chicken বলেছেন...

Fell down, sprained my ankle. I wasn't even drinking.

'nuther excuse to stay home.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM বলেছেন...

Mash-up Video of Media's Freak-out Over Trump Optimism

HT বলেছেন...

"Over the last 5 days I have been working remotely and self-isolating, testing negative every day through yesterday. Today, I tested positive for COVID-19 and am in quarantine," Miller said in a statement.

These dumbasses don't know the difference between isolation and quarantine.

wendybar বলেছেন...

DECLASSIFY AWAY!!! It's time for us to see the truth, once and for all!!

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

Maybe the optimist knows if America isn't killed now through fraud far greater than that little bitch Nixon allowed (because cuck) then America won't be destroyed soon enough to prevent the Chinese from copying our tech that will kill all humanity sci-fi-wise?

To burn ALL America as it is now may prevent Laslo's cat from being let out of that damn bag, and the best thing for humans overall.

wendybar বলেছেন...

Michelle Obama's little White Supremacy lecture sure sounded like the villains she was describing were the little Antifas and the left....and the people getting scorned, and beat up (for wearing red hats) are Trump supporters. What a laugh!! Totally spinning the truth around. She should be ashamed of herself. But then, since when, have the Obama's felt shame for dividing America??

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM বলেছেন...

as we asked before--

...do Dems want so much chaos so as to involve the U.N.?

NYT: America May Need International Intervention

Even Democrats may find it hard to imagine, but the “leader of the free world” would benefit from United Nations oversight.

madAsHell বলেছেন...

Only terrible video lessons.

The inventory had gone to hell as well. Shorter, I was sure that Rickenbacker was mine.....my precious-sssss.

wildswan বলেছেন...

..'We must not seek ... [to] tear ourselves apart but bring ourselves together" although it isn't much fun being bringed together with others wearing masks that make you think of death and also you can't understand the other person's muffled remarks. It's like a dream.

D. বলেছেন...

Donald J. Trump
I have fully authorized the total Declassification of any & all documents pertaining to the single greatest political CRIME in American History, the Russia Hoax. Likewise, the Hillary Clinton Email Scandal. No redactions!


Narr বলেছেন...

In re Russian collusion and anti-Trump coup-making, it looks like my original estimate was uncannily correct (go ahead, clap): the Deepstate sacrificed a pawn, Dunham has been dragging it out, and Barr is too compromised and/or loyal to the Deepstate to press it home.

A few months ago it looked like something might break, but it doesn't seem so now.

If not for the election, Trump probably would have fired Barr by now

Gospace বলেছেন...

October Surprise Step 1: CIA head Brennan briefed Obama that Russian Collusion came straight from the Hillary campaign with no basis in intelligence sources.

October Surprise Step 2: president Donald John Trump orders complete declassification of all documents related to the fake Russian Collusion Charges- without redactions. CIA head Gina Haspel has been reluctant to release anything. Will she obey the order?

October Surprise Step 3: Ahh, speculation. Ukrainian charges against both Hunter and his father? I recall reading that already happened- but can't find anything in search results. Full unredacted release of Clinton Foundation investigation? The one I'd really like: release of everything, including all pictures and videos, on Weiner's laptop.... I suspect that would topple the Demoncrat Party. As well as a few RINOs.

Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...

Joe Biden is a liar and a coward. He's spent 47 years in the DC swamp, grifting federal dollars for his family, and marking time. The King of Delaware. Big fucking deal. Delaware sucks.

He is a clueless figurehead for some ugly Leftwing forces in this country.

Narr বলেছেন...

Yuja Wang and Dudamel, not what I said in the Lang Lang thread long ago.

Saw my Covid-recovered and non-contagious (?) friend yesterday. Not for long, up close . . . feeling OK myself.

Mars high and bright these nights; flannel sheets since Saturday, and the short pants are being gradually displaced, especially for walking at night.

And so to bed

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

I still can't get over this Dru' thing.

I gave it up YEARS ago. And still today I see people whom ought to very well know better, claiming "oh months ago I quit going to DRu..."

This is a sign portending temultuous chaos ahead; when those whom ought know know only Satan.

Their right you know: Satan is always alone, no matter how many souls.

God is not just right though. God is God. Always before always was a concept. I wish more people read a Buckley book I won't Amazoin for now... I need to think more about doing what Buckley wished promotion-wise.

Francisco D বলেছেন...

I have been listening to Clay Travis and Jason Whitlock (Outkick the Coverage) on YouTube because I still follow sports but don't watch on TV.

They are really quite enjoyable as non-woke sports media. It is quite a contrast to the little boys running around like little girls with their hair on fire because COVID will kill us all.

Wr are at a serious infection point in our history.

They to be brave. If you cannot be brave, try to stifle the hysteria.

stephen cooper বলেছেন...

I like Trump. He reminds me of me.

D. বলেছেন...

Rig for Red!

narciso বলেছেন...

What hunters boss wrought


narciso বলেছেন...

Durham is in an enemy camp, eickenrode is the scorpion dannehy was the larval version.

n.n বলেছেন...

Postoperative wound infections and surgical face masks: a controlled study

It has never been shown that wearing surgical face masks decreases postoperative wound infections. On the contrary, a 50% decrease has been reported after omitting face masks.
These results indicated that the use of face masks might be reconsidered. Masks may be used to protect the operating team from drops of infected blood and from airborne infections, but have not been proven to protect the patient operated by a healthy operating team.

This is for bacterial infection. It seems that Denninger was right.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

The alcohol didn't come about because women's naggin' was perfect.

The Gipper Lives বলেছেন...

If this causes some Swamp Rats to go unprosecuted, so be it. They are already going unprosecuted.

Better that the People fully know how THEIR government was hijacked by these lowlife political gangsters for their Police State Coup Attempt.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Wife watches a lot of HGTV and Joe Biden has been running commercials on that channel. Most of them assert that Joe is for something that he has also said that he is against -- and recently so. He also runs commercials where he, or a surrogate, announces that "Joe Biden has a plan." What that plan is, how feasible it is, none of that is ever mentioned.


Amadeus 48 বলেছেন...

So, Trump is declassifying everything without redactions. Haspel and Wray sat on this stuff and gave Trump a reason to drop the nuke on the FBI and the CIA. The WSJ editorial page has been calling for this for three years.

A special thank you should go to Judge Emmett Sullivan who has given the DOJ reason to keep up the investigation of how that Flynn investigation was launched. They got that tidbit just two weeks ago from the case agent about how everyone down the chain of command was looking at professional liability insurance because of what their superiors were ordering. Thanks Sullivan. We could not have done it without you. You are a freakin’ Judge Sirica.

Will McCabe and Brennan get to keep their paid slots on cable news after they are indicted? Asking for a friend.

The Gipper Lives বলেছেন...

I think the Russia Hoax was used because it is Brennan’s turf. A counter-intelligence investigation also has many advantages over a criminal investigation. You automatically get to wiretap your target for example. And you get to hide behind National Security.

Hillary may have started the Russia Hoax as a distraction, but it changed. Bill Clinton met with Loretta Lynch knowing full-well it would cause a firestorm–but that’s how panicked and desperate the Clintons were over the DNC leaked emails. Thirteen days later, Seth Rich was assassinated.

That’s when the Russia Hoax became ABSOLUTLEY MANDATORY. Because if Russia didn’t leak them, Seth Rich did. And he’s bleeding out on your Pradas, lady.

Mark Nielsen বলেছেন...

From John Brennan's handwritten notes of a late July 2016 meeting (attended by Obama, Comey, and Rice among others):

"CITE alleged approval by Hillary Clinton on 26 July of a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisers to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by the Russian security services."

How does the media get away with burying that? How can anyone explain that one away?

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

From old Guild:

--Dick Nixon made sure America will always be America and China will always be China.

China figured they had a problem with our little deal.

We will annihilate any threat, except COVID 19 which can like the Devil run carefree wildly, as long as the people don't understand Dick Nixon, because of their hatred.

Well played China. You got the worst of us.

Hope you tiny cunts are ready for the best, which God guarantee's you will get.

4/1/20, 1:33 AM--

We're never ready to go to war, only determined forever to win war.

narciso বলেছেন...

Its not a tumor


MadTownGuy বলেছেন...

Any ideas on why Wisconsin (and Dane County in particular) is such a hotbed of cases now?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I know it's a Mozart homage but Wolfgang is still the coolest damn name you can give a child. Assuming your baby grows up to be a man. On a woman that's not so good.

It's way, way, way better than Motherfucker. Even the Hell's Angels aren't going to like that one.

Biker: "Did you have sex with your mother?"

Motherfucker: "No. For fuck's sake."

Biker: "I don't get why your Dad called you Motherfucker."

Motherfucker: "Because he was a fucking motherfucker, okay?"

Biker: "Well, yeah. Of course your Dad fucked your mother. That's basic biology. We all get that. I just don't get why your Dad called you Motherfucker."

Motherfucker: "He thought it was a cool middle name."

Biker: "Motherfucker?"

Motherfucker: "Yes."

Biker: "Jeremy Motherfucker?"

Motherfucker: "What?"

Biker: "Just saying it. Jeremy Motherfucker. Why did he give you the nerd name up front and the fucked up name in the back?"

Motherfucker: "How the fuck should I know?"

Biker: "Well, I'm Wolfgang. They named my shit for Mozart."

Motherfucker: "Fuck you."

Olin Drake বলেছেন...

sunset is one of my favorite view.

Box-n-Go Cheap Storage Units

iowan2 বলেছেন...

Pence needs to concentrate on the soft coup. He has enough information. He can quote public documents.
He needs to hammer on the importance of keeping Dems out of power so a full accounting of this can come to light.

If Harris Biden get control of the Intelligence Community, Justice Dept, and State Department, they will permanent install a shadow govt unaccountable to the people. Forget about the past, the future is the real danger.

Its happening now. Wray and Hasspel are refusing to release documents. Trump needs to call them out by name.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

I find the blog dynamic here interesting. With a partner having problems with the encroaching winter, literally feeling it in her bones, I am up early these days, and seem to get moving just a little before before Ann gets down to business every morning. I will browse the Internet for the next couple hours, but come compulsively back here to see what is happening. Won’t come back as much during the day, then return in the evening. I can pretty well tell when Ann is blogging (and she and Meade are moderating). But with moderation, my returning is not as compulsive as it used to be. Used to be that I would compulsively check on her blog around the clock. So maybe it is good from that point of view. Still, I think that you can identify from the timing of their commenting, whether the more frequent commenters are gainfully employed, or not. Of course, that doesn’t always work - when I was last gainfully employed, it was in a job that essentially allowed round the clock commenting (don’t worry about me - retirement has even kind to me) (I was a patent attorney which allowed for much more control over my time than even most other attorneys have).

Jersey Fled বলেছেন...

My wife and her two sisters are having lunch today indoors, in a restaurant in New Jersey.

My wife's older sister is the retired director of nursing for a large hospital near Houston. Her younger sister is a nurse practioner and instructor at a teaching hospital near Philadelphia.

They have assured her that it is perfectly safe.

Jersey Fled বলেছেন...

The release of Brennan's notes from his meeting with Obama concerning Russia's knowledge of Clinton's plans to smear Trump with a false narrative around Russian collusion would seem to be direct confirmation that the Russians had indeed hacked Clinton's private server.

Michael K বলেছেন...

These dumbasses don't know the difference between isolation and quarantine.

So, aside from 14 days instead of four weeks, what is your point ?

Michael K বলেছেন...

I look at the blog in the morning, then early afternoon and again late in the day. The moderation seems to follow a pattern.

madAsHell বলেছেন...

Did y'all know that last night the Seattle Storm won the WNBA championship?

Me neither!

n.n বলেছেন...

Did y'all know that last night the Seattle Storm won the WNBA championship?

A disparate outcome with a known cause: boys and girls prefer to watch boys play basketball. In an "=" society, they would be forced to watch the girls play, and the athletes would be equally compensated.

madAsHell বলেছেন...

There are indications that Biden is under federal investigation.

They're going to scapegoat the demented guy!!

If you're in a card game, and you don't know who the mark is.