২৮ অক্টোবর, ২০২০

At the Real Matter Café...

IMG_0778 ... you can write like Jack Kerouac... or anyone else.

৮২টি মন্তব্য:

gilbar বলেছেন...

not to be a kill joy; but the elements are
Earth, Water, Air, Fire
or, if you prefer
Solid, Liquid, Gas, Plasma

narciso বলেছেন...



Michael K বলেছেন...

Famous author "Anonymous" turns out to be some low level DHS staffer. News at 11.

Maillard Reactionary বলেছেন...

Well, that's nice. I can't read the text, but I doubt that it would change my opinion. The one thing I would like to know, is did the maker pre-load the shelves with a variety of rocks? I suppose they would have to, but I don't do things like that, so I might be wrong.

I wonder about people who seemingly feel compelled to make little stacks of flat stones in and around creeks.

Maybe they are looking for a particular flat stone, and that is their way of making sure they don't look at any stone twice.

On the whole I have to say that this has been one of the more thought-provoking postings on this blog for at least a week or more.

Churchy LaFemme: বলেছেন...


Ingachuck'stoothlessARM বলেছেন...

Miles Taylor...

...makin' cop-eeeeez !

Clyde বলেছেন...

An interesting juxtaposition: The ephemeral leaves, here for but a summer, intermixed with the everlasting rocks.

PubliusFlavius বলেছেন...


The money honey has a new book.


JPS বলেছেন...

I can't believe Anonymous was Miles Taylor all along.

Just - wow. This is a game-changer. And he spoke up on the Wednesday before Election Day, for maximum impact. There's no recovering from this, for Trump.

Seriously, some of these people really do think they're much more important than they actually are, don't they? He's like Osbourne Cox in Burn After Reading. He thinks he's going to write a huge tell-all book. And his ex-boss' boss doesn't know who he is; on learning his secrets may be compromised, he asks his clearance level and shrugs at the answer: Okay. No biggie.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM বলেছেন...

Following the lead of Miles Taylor, the no-name nobody
who published his tell-all book under the name 'Anonymous',
...we look forward to the release of OUR fake tell-all book
under the name "Discredited"

Don’t let @nytimes off the hook. They purposefully misled the country into thinking a notable senior Trump admin official was plotting against him when in fact it was an unknown Obama donor, Miles Taylor, from DHS. They knew what they were doing and it’s not journalism. --robbystarbuck

Lawrence Person বলেছেন...

Project Veritas uncovers Texas ballot fraud.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

Great mockery of Biden


Nonapod বলেছেন...

Jack Dorsey's crazy beard makes him look like a slightly derranged version of the Cookie Crisp wizard.

steve uhr বলেছেন...

Five days before you all come to the realization that most good Americans abhor Trump. Enjoy your week.

Wince বলেছেন...

It’s more like a Jim Carey impression using a Joe Biden voice track.

narciso বলেছেন...

Heres a twist


Ingachuck'stoothlessARM বলেছেন...

"Hmmm-- I have a Senate inquiry today. What 'look' should I go with?

...the "Ted Kaczynski", or the "Cyborg" ?"

@Jack: "Unibomber!!!"
Zuckerborg: "'Droid !!"

mandrewa বলেছেন...

Now this is kind of fun. The question is what is gravity?

I've always heard it described as a force. And it is in Newtonian physics -- which is still a very useful way to look at things. But Newtonian physics has been superceded by the General Theory of Relativity, and however much it may appear to be a force, Einstein's theory says gravity is not a force.

So what is gravity?

Here's a beautiful explanation by The Science Asylum: The real source of gravity might surprise you...

And by the way I think that's a breakthrough. Not the idea, which Einstein came up with, but the explanation of the idea which kind of makes sense.

Now since we are talking about real science, and not "The SCIENCE" the media believes in, there are alternate and competing theories of what gravity is that maybe should be looked at.

For a brief introduction to those see Joe Scott: The mystery of gravity

but after seeing that go back to the first explanation, Einstein's theory, and watch it again, because, apart from a few details, that is the explanation that seems to be consistent with the evidence.

iowan2 বলেছেন...

Polls must be against Dems. The crazy is turned up past 11 on the cable propaganda shows. Insane rambling about the end of the world as we know it. Trumps a flight risk is he looses, he'll hide in a foreign country with no extradition because the crimes are sooo epic. What crimes? Never mentioned. He is literally Hitler, Mussolini, Mao, etc. If President Trump wins, concentration camps by Easter.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

Where is the rock library? I have way better rocks I could add to it.

narciso বলেছেন...

Heres a query


alan markus বলেছেন...

Earlier today Gaffedly linked to a 538 article about a poll showing Biden up by 17 in Wisconsin. Following the link, it was noted that is an outlier.

Anyway, looking at the poll itself, it appears to be a "push poll" that has a focus on WI current coronavirus uptick. Basically WI is "catching up" to other states and having it's 1st spike. As of date, WI ranks #38 in deaths per Million. https://www.langerresearch.com/wp-content/uploads/1216a52020StateBattlegrounds-MIWI.pdf

But take a look at this part:

The disconnect is deepest in Wisconsin, which has sustained a seven-day average of more than 4,000 cases per day, the most since the outbreak began last winter. With hospital beds filling, a field hospital has been opened on the state fairgrounds. These developments have occurred even as Trump, in the final debate last week, and again in Waukesha on Saturday, said the nation was “rounding the turn” in controlling the pandemic.

href="https://www.nbc26.com/news/coronavirus/an-exclusive-conversation-with-the-second-covid-19-patient-at-wisconsins-alternate-care-facility"An exclusive conversation with the second COVID-19 patient at Wisconsin's Alternate Care Facility

When Best was considering the move on Wednesday morning, the field hospital had already handled and sent home its first patient, so she would be the only patient there. "If I'm going to be the only person there, I probably will have more care than I have right now, so that was kind of what led me to the decision to say, 'alright, I'll be the only person there, let's go,'" Best said. "So I'm glad I did."

Patient #1 was admitted a week ago. So, the average daily patient census in this multi-million dollar endeavor has been 1.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

"A Michigan gun shop owner told Breitbart News that Black Lives Matter-related riots in Grand Rapids back in May brought a flood of single mothers into her store seeking to protect their children."


Joe doesn't trust you to protect your children. If you still insist, he'll put you in jail and put your kids in foster care, but the bad guys outside rioting will still have guns and will know Joe doesn't allow you to. Just call 911. They'll bring the caution tape... tomorrow.

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

So is that a repository for rioters?

Doesn't seem hygienic...take a Covid-infested rock, leave a Covid-infested rock?

Big Mike বলেছেন...

If Wisconsin is doing worse than neighboring states w.r.t. COVID-19, that is obviously the fault of its governor.

Patrick বলেছেন...

Noticed yesterday that Youtube has flagged all videos with Antonin Scalia in them. The flag says that it includes a "context" link with videos that it deems are "prone to misinformation, such as the moon landing...".

I checked and there isn't a single video of a liberal justice with a similar "context" flag.

Scalia's jurisprudence = Fake moon landing.

Joe Smith বলেছেন...


That was a good video on gravity. I had never seen it explained that way.

gilbar বলেছেন...

Maillard Reactionary said...
Well, that's nice. I can't read the text,

if y'all click on the Professor's pix, they open in another window, and they are enlargeable

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM বলেছেন...

Peddling blatantly false Resistance porn is all CNN does. Its audience doesn’t want the truth, it wants anti-Trump fan fiction and nothing else. Its viewers watch to be massaged, not informed.

per @seanmdav

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

The small crew of Project Veritas has found more evidence in 2 months of voter fraud (videos of confessions and the acts being done) than the whole Democratic party has in it's entire existence, but they were looking for it, or more accurately just asking assholes how they do it. They found both Democrats and Republicans doing it, admitting to it, bragging about it and making great money at it.

Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...

Didnt our friend Mick predict that Trump was gonna win in 2016? Where is Mick?

In 2016, I wanted DJT to win, but I thought he would lose, Nate Silver and the polls said Hillary had a big lead.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

The polls are off again this year. They don't get random samples anymore. They under sample rural voters, who tend to like DJT. Also, because of Leftwing doxxing and looting and rioting and cancel culture, there's a big chunk of undersampled shy Trump voters.

The election comes down to Wisc, Mich, Penn & Fla. DJT has already locked up Fla. The sunshine state is done.

Trump needs to win 1 of these 3; Slow Joe needs 3 of 3.

Odds favor Trump. I think (not wish) DJT wins again Tuesday.

gadfly বলেছেন...

Look under the rocks to find Dharma Whatsurname.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

From my senior position in the Trump Administration, I didn't know Miles Taylor's name, but he was the guy who brought coffee to the janitorial staff.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM বলেছেন...

What do the World Health Org,
"Wont Get Fooled Again"
and Miles Taylor
have in common?

Remember, your answer must be in the form of a question

Mike of Snoqualmie বলেছেন...

So a low-level DHS staffer wrote a "tell-all" book about Donald Trump and the White House. An "eyewitness insight" of the "White House chaos." How'd did some nobody get into the White House to give us his "insight"?

My wife bought the book and was terribly disappointed when I just let it sit on my bookcase. I glanced through it to see if there were any references or footnotes. Not any. I don't read and don't believe anything written with anonymous sources. If they can't put their name to their stories, then they either don't exist or they're lying.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

Oh, and Tucker Carlson did not kill himself.

Crazy World বলেছেন...

Trump 2020
all the rest is just panic insane bullshit desperation corruption like never seen before.

gilbar বলেছেন...

looks like TiGNV is caught between a rock, and a hard place...

WSJ says...Masks Are a Distraction From the Pandemic Reality

the highest-quality evidence so far is studies like the one published in June in Health Affairs, which found that U.S. states instituting mask mandates had a 2% reduction in growth rates of Covid-19 compared with states without these mandates.

The most reasonable conclusion from the available scientific evidence is that community mask mandates have—at most—a small effect on the course of the pandemic. But you wouldn’t know that from watching cable news or listening to Tim in Georgia Not Vermont

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Nobody left a brick.

tim maguire বলেছেন...

Blogger Ann Althouse said...
Great mockery of Biden


I’m used to seeing that done to Trump, but it’s just as funny with Biden. Is it just that Biden is more mock-worthy than most people think? Or does this suggest we’re all susceptible to being made fun of this way?

tim maguire বলেছেন...

Blogger steve uhr said...Five days before you all come to the realization that most good Americans abhor Trump. E

And five days before left-wing hacks find out that most good Americans vote for Trump anyway because they’re smart enough to realize that’s not important.

Rusty বলেছেন...

steve uhr said...
"Five days before you all come to the realization that most good Americans abhor Trump. Enjoy your week."
Your friends who are rioting, looting and beating up people. Those good Americans? Because you own that. How many times have you voted so far?

Sydney বলেছেন...

Gil are said:
the highest-quality evidence so far is studies like the one published in June in Health Affairs, which found that U.S. states instituting mask mandates had a 2% reduction in growth rates of Covid-19 compared with states without these mandates.

The most reasonable conclusion from the available scientific evidence is that community mask mandates have—at most—a small effect on the course of the pandemic.

One reason I think this is true is that people wear their masks in public but not at home. If you have family that works or goes to school outside the home, they are more likely to bring it into the home. I suspect the current surge is due to asymptomatic school children bringing it home to grandparents who are helping parents juggle these hybrid school models. I doubt very much most grandparents think to wear masks around their grandkids, or have the grandkids wear masks.

320Busdriver বলেছেন...

American icon Jack Nicklaus’ excellent endorsement of PDJT.


Whiskeybum বলেছেন...

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...
What do the World Health Org,
"Wont Get Fooled Again"
and Miles Taylor
have in common?


Do I win a prize?

BUMBLE BEE বলেছেন...

An Anthem from Van Morrison... https://youtu.be/yUOWS7arfw4

AllenS বলেছেন...

Watch Jack Dorsey's eyes when Cruz asks him questions. It's called a tell in poker. You got nothin', you are bluffing.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

“Jack Dorsey's crazy beard makes him look like a slightly derranged version of the Cookie Crisp wizard.”

And he lied through his teeth to the Senators. Ted Cruz pretty well built a perjury case for the DOJ, with his questioning.

Think about it for a minute. This corporate boss knowingly lied publicly under oath in front the Senate yesterday, less than a week before the election. If Trump and the Republicans win, his company’s loss of the §230 safe harbor may be the least of their worries. They intentionally provided massive in kind political contributions to Biden and the Dems. And, of course, their boss committed perjury. Ok, maybe I have the order reversed. The n kind political contributions could be expensive, but the loss of §230 could easily bankrupt the company - by making them liable every time someone defames someone, or posts copyrighted material, on their platform.

I can’t decide whether they are convinced that the Democrats will be able to cheat themselves to victory, or are desperate, with too much at risk with another Trump term. But a lot of masks are coming off.

Something else of interest happened. Tucker Carlson’s staff in LA sent him some original material two days ago, likely using FedEx. The box arrived empty. It had been opened up in route, and cleaned out. The company ran an internal investigation, and came up empty. Every employee having had access to the package was interrogated. Who would have the ability to both know what was in the box, where it was in transit, and be able to intercept it, without leaving tracks? Probably only the FBI. After 9/11, they got a black door into FedEx, UPS, etc, that allowed them to track and intercept packages. And they also got accesses to all text messages and most emails at the same time. Pretty brazen, if it was, indeed the FBI, after they had used the same counterintelligence and counterterrorism tools to try to defeat Trump four years ago, and their current Director likely out the door in short order after the election, regardless of outcome.

Maillard Reactionary বলেছেন...

As I pointed out elsewhere, if Jack Dorsey has a conical red hat, I have a place for him in my front yard.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

Oh, to add to the masks coming off. The ATF apparently has just announced a crackdown on very popular AR-15 pistols. These are essentially short barreled AR-15s without traditional stocks. Instead, they will typically have a wrist brace that allows them to be shot one handed (but mostly used as a stock) or a bare buffer tube. Thanks to Trump’s EO on the issuance of regulations (via the APA), they couldn’t actually legally ban them. But they could pretend, publishing their opinion that they thought that they were SBRs (short barreled rifles) that require registration and a tax stamp under the NFA. I expect that, despite everything else going on right now, POTUS knows already about this bureaucratic malfeasance, since both of his older boys love their AR-15s. The suggestion is that within days of Biden taking office, he would rescind that EO, and the ATF would publish their proposed regulation for comment shortly thereafter. No doubt other deep state bureaucrats have their own proposed regulations ready to go too - but are hiding the under the table until after the election. The ATF though, with high visibility with Trump supporters, decided, instead to poke them in the eye. I should also note that they recently published new forms for transferring ownership of firearms that centralizes the information that they would need for a (currently illegal) database of firearms transfers.

Why do it the week before an election?

Paco Wové বলেছেন...

Living in a neighborhood rife with Little Free Libraries (which are oppressive, by the way), I LOL'ed.

tcrosse বলেছেন...

Rock around the clock.

ga6 বলেছেন...

Jack Dorsey's crazy beard makes him look like Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

“ the highest-quality evidence so far is studies like the one published in June in Health Affairs, which found that U.S. states instituting mask mandates had a 2% reduction in growth rates of Covid-19 compared with states without these mandates.

“The most reasonable conclusion from the available scientific evidence is that community mask mandates have—at most—a small effect on the course of the pandemic. But you wouldn’t know that from watching cable news or listening to Tim in Georgia Not Vermont”

Not sure how they could possibly determine this, one way or another, to any real level of statistical certainty. At least in this country, there is fairly strong correlation between Dem governors imposing draconian mask mandates in their densely populated Blue states, and Republican governors of significantly less densely populated states issuing less draconian, or even non existent, masking regulations. Pairing supposedly comparable states has its own set of statistical problems. And, indeed, the statistics, across the country, state to state, haven’t been collected uniformly.

That said, Tuesday I took my partner to one of her doctors. She confessed to him, and his assistant, that I wasnt real good at wearing masks, and esp clean ones, and they noted that I have several comorbidities, including that I became a septuagenerian this month. I resisted the temptation to point out that he has a box of masks on the counter and dons a new mask for every customer (aka patient). The reality is that much of this country engages in security theatre. They don something that they can pretend is a mask, clean or probably not, to go in buildings, or eve the park in some states, Because they have to. They believe it is BS, or at least don’t believe what the politicians are telling them. Why should they? The politicians don’t believe in it either. Dem governors just appear to believe that imposing draconian mask requirements will help remove OrangeManBad from office.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

Virtually all rocks have dull, weathered surfaces. To discover the identity and beauty of your rock you must break it open.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

I've always thought trying to shoehorn gravity into the model of the other three forces, where it's a force with gravitons exchanged between objects, is wrong headed.

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

but after seeing that go back to the first explanation, Einstein's theory, and watch it again, because, apart from a few details, that is the explanation that seems to be consistent with the evidence.

Like that old Bob Dildo song, "Time passes quickly up here in the mountains".

But riddle me this: compare two broom handles above the earth's surface, one vertical and one horizontal; time dilation is greater for the vertical one, so why doesn't it fall much faster? (or does it?) Or does the dilation work at a particle level?

Original Mike বলেছেন...

"I doubt very much most grandparents think to wear masks around their grandkids, or have the grandkids wear masks."

Because of the closed schools, my wife is with the grandchildren 8 hours a day, 4 days a week. No mask is going to work that well.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

“One reason I think this is true is that people wear their masks in public but not at home. If you have family that works or goes to school outside the home, they are more likely to bring it into the home. I suspect the current surge is due to asymptomatic school children bringing it home to grandparents who are helping parents juggle these hybrid school models. I doubt very much most grandparents think to wear masks around their grandkids, or have the grandkids wear masks.”

We have two teenaged grandsons in town. One just graduated from HS, and the other one is a junior. Their mother got sick a week ago. My partner was all set and ready to go take care of her sick daughter. That’s what mothers do. Esp that one. I suggested that she wait a week. Her daughter isn’t yet 40, while said partner is in her 60s, and I just transcended that. I was told “No”. “None of my business”. Let me add that her daughter is the one person she shares food and drink with. She gets almost violent when I try to sample her food (she was middle of 5 kids), despite being together for over 20 years now. Her daughter is the exception to her phobia about others touching her food. Talk about a blind spot. Told her that I wanted no part of it, and would treat her as potentially infected for a week or so, after she got back, which means that I would set her up in the guest suite with a TV, and would deliver food, etc outside her door there. That wasn’t popular here. I gave her the option of being the one getting in the car and picking up what we needed every day, and I would quarantine in the guest suite instead. No more popular. But she slept on it, then talked it over with her daughter (which is what I had wanted in the first place). Daughter, faced with the possibility of passing what could be COVID-19 to her mother and me, did the right thing, and went into quasi quarantine, and forbade my partner from coming by to help nurse her back to health. And got tested for COVID-19. I don’t think that is what she has. We won’t know for a day or two. Still, for once in our household, discretion prevailed over valor.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

Have you seen this lady — Melissa Bass — doing Nancy Pelosi?

Big Mike বলেছেন...

@Bay Area Guy, did your analysis give Minnesota to Biden? Because some polls suggest the level of “fed up” with the rioting in Minneapolis has put the state in play for Trump. So it’s not just that Biden must win all three of Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, he must win Minnesota as well.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

The reality is that much of this country engages in security theatre. ... Because they have to. They believe it is BS

@Bruce Hayden, mostly right. They don’t just think it’s BS, they know it’s BS.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

Collected samples of a nice biotite schist (with a dash of kyanite) this summer in northern Wisconsin. I have plenty of extras for distribution.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Blogger steve uhr said...
Five days before you all come to the realization that most good Americans abhor Trump. Enjoy your week.

Not even Democrats are voting FOR Biden. It's all Trump hate and they can't even explain it.

stevew বলেছেন...

A new electronic sign has appeared encouraging us to mask. The theme: Wearing is Caring. Social shaming of a sort.

This tells me two things:

1. People are tired (fatigued) of being told what to do
2. The evidence is mounting and becoming more clear that masks, or not, matter very little

Churchy LaFemme: বলেছেন...

An Anthem from Van Morrison... https://youtu.be/yUOWS7arfw4

Wow, go Van!

He's always been prickly, but I didn't pick him to come out publically like that.

Unfortunately not one of his classic tunes..

chickelit বলেছেন...

@mandrel: Your link about gravity remained me of the Einstein quote: "Physical objects are not in space, but these objects are spatially extended. In this way the concept 'empty space' loses its meaning.”

That gives me an intuitive grasp of void and matter.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

"But riddle me this: compare two broom handles above the earth's surface, one vertical and one horizontal; time dilation is greater for the vertical one, so why doesn't it fall much faster? (or does it?) Or does the dilation work at a particle level?"

He addresses that in the comments section of the video. (Comment 2.)

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

"Have you seen this lady — Melissa Bass — doing Nancy Pelosi?"

Doesn't play for me...maybe because I don't have an account.

I don't have any accounts for social stuff.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

“Not even Democrats are voting FOR Biden. It's all Trump hate and they can't even explain it.”

Interesting talk this week with a good friend from college. A MOT, he is reflexively a Democrat. He readily admitted that Biden was monumentally corrupt, and too senile to run the country. I asked him who was going to run the country if Biden won. He didn’t know, and didn’t care. Was going to vote for him regardless. I asked him why, and his answers invariable turned out to be OrangeManBad. He is a strong supporter of Israel, so doesn’t he like that with Iran neutered and it no longer able to spend our money on terrorism, the biggest beneficiary is probably Israel. And what about the peace treaties between Israel and the Arabs he got signed? Or the other one that got his second Nobel nomination? Russia! Russia! Russia! I pointed out that the Russian collusion hoax was originated by the Clinton campaign, and that Obama and Biden were briefed to that effect in late July of 2016 by CIA Dir Brennan. Mueller! Mueller! Mueller! He admitted that Mueller even more senile than Biden, and that he knew that all of his prosecutors were registered Dems, with their lead prosecutor having attended what was supposed to have been Crooked Hillary’s private victory party. And tat the IG report effectively obliterated the little bit of supposed Russian collusion they pretended to find. We got into COVID-19. He thought that Trump should have trusted the experts. What experts?, I asked. The ones who had not asked to replenish our stocks after the H1N1 epidemic? Who had centralized testing, then was unable to test more than a tiny fraction of what was needed as a result. Etc. In the end, it came down to OrangeManBad.

mandrewa বলেছেন...

Fernandinande: "But riddle me this: compare two broom handles above the earth's surface, one vertical and one horizontal; time dilation is greater for the vertical one, so why doesn't it fall much faster? (or does it?) Or does the dilation work at a particle level?"

In order for Einstein's explanation to work there has to be a difference in time from top to bottom on each particle. Gravitational acceleration is coming from the curvature of time that is pushing on the particle. Energy is being transferred from the time dimension into the spatial dimensions.

Now the time difference from top to bottom on a particle may be approaching zero, but it is not actually zero. Now I should say we don't for sure how the fundamental particles are actually structured. We only have theory because we can't actually, or we haven't figured out how to, measure things at that small of scale. It could be that there actually is a distance other than "approaching zero." But we know the distance can't actually be zero if Einstein's explanation is correct.

If your broom is long enough it will tear apart because of the difference in time from top to bottom. This is what happens around black holes.

I know I need to think more about why it is that the vertical broom doesn't accelerate faster downwards than the horizontal broom, but until I get that straight, I think it has something to do with the astonishing coincidence that we can act as if inertial mass and gravitational mass are the same thing.

Inertial mass is the resistance that a mass has to acceleration. Gravitational mass, from the perspective of the broom, is the sum of the accelerations the brooms experience because of the difference in time from the top to the bottom of their particles. Since the brooms are the same the sum of the accelerations are the same.

Now it's true that the time difference for a particle at the top of the broom is slightly different than the time difference for a particle at the bottom of the broom, but the electromagnetic forces that hold the particles of the broom together are more than strong enough to counter that unless you are in a region where time is extremely distorted as in for instance near a black hole.

Also, because of the coincidence of inertial and gravitational mass having the same dimensions, it wouldn't matter even if the brooms had different masses, because they would still accelerate downward in the same way and to the same degree.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

It's all Trump hate and they can't even explain it.

Easy to explain. He’s taking significant components of their famous coalition away from them. He took away working people and union rank and file, but the Democrats didn’t care because they look down on the non-college educated white folks anyway, who are “a basket of deplorables” that “bitterly cling to their guns and religion.” He Is taking away a significant fraction — perhaps as much as 50% — of the Hispanic vote, but the Democrats don’t care that much because they look down on these people, and besides, once open borders are reinstituted the votes of legal Hispanic voters can be diluted by illegal Hispanic voters. But then Trump went after black voters, and that CANNOT BE TOLERATED!

narciso বলেছেন...



Francisco D বলেছেন...

Thanks for the link Churchy.

We saw Van's Las Vegas concert just a month or so before the lockdowns. It was terrific.

buwaya বলেছেন...

"It's all Trump hate and they can't even explain it.

Easy to explain."

Politically you could come up with some rational explanation with respect to interests.
But its not so easy to explain the personal antipathy. This is tough, because it is not rational. These things never are.

In the case of the personal case one could go on about acculturation and tribal identity and status signaling and group dynamics and if you tend that way, the psychosexual swamp. But none of this is easy to sort out.

buwaya বলেছেন...

" In the end, it came down to OrangeManBad."

It would take some psychiatric "talk therapy" perhaps to identify the actual reasons for this sort of non-rational belief. I don't doubt that such feelings are honestly held, as much as anything of that sort can be. It does have something to do with identity, the "I am what I am" business. In another direction it is sort of like a religious belief. One would have to do the same deep dive to fully "get" my aunt the nun.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

"But we know the distance can't actually be zero if Einstein's explanation is correct."

I'd have to watch it again to make sure, but I believe the fellow in the video refutes this.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM বলেছেন...


Gospace বলেছেন...

Bruce Hayden, I've had 2 sons diagnosed with covid, and both had the most telling system- loss of taste and smell. One right after he got home for the spring break that lasted the rest of the school year, the other about 2-3 months back. The first one had it before there were reliable widespread tests. (Well, actually- there still aren't any of those, but that's neither here nor there....) The second tested negative- twice- with tests that doctors suspected (or knew?) had high failure rates. The second negative test was given in the hospital where he spent overnight after his O2 level dropped like a rock when he stood up- another symptom. They both did their two weeks quarantine in our home- and no one wore masks. We didn't keep 6 foot away at all times. And my 65 year year old self and 2 year younger wife didn't get it!

Why not? That's a good question- for it's highly contagious, or so we've been told. And at over 60- my wife and I are more vulnerable- or so we've been told.

Possible explanation 1- for my wife- she had all the symptoms in February- before it was suspected of being in Central NY.

Possible explanation 2- for both of us- we both take, and have been taking, vitamin D supplements for decades. My D measured at 40 ng/ml back a year ago, 70 2 months back. I increased my daily dose. Haven't convinced my children to do the same.

Possible explanation 3 (and 3a)- This theory has actually been suggested by scientists and medicos- from webmd about 20% of common colds are caused by corona type viruses, and apparently more of them overseas in Asia. For 3, I've spent time in Japan, Korea, Hong Kong... and other places, and may have picked up something similar in the past and my T-cells were primed and ready to go. And for 3a- my wife and I during my time in the Navy were living around and socializing with a lot of people who were recently in other parts of the world, and may have had a corona caused cold that was similar enough to the dreaded covid that our T-cells were primed and ready to go....

Possible explanation 4: It's not really all that contagious.

and 5: We're outliers- we should have gotten it.

Take your pick.

Maillard Reactionary বলেছেন...

Original Mike @8:31 AM: I've been doing that since I was 6 years old.

When you break them open, you can smell them, too. Weird how minerals can have a smell, or that we can smell them, either way.

I learned the hard way about the weathering of granite when I climbed down and up Cadillac Mountain in Acadia (it was in that order). Of course, the whole thing is an exposed core of ancient pink granite. The pink feldspar weathers away, leaving quartz crystals sticking out that are a sharp as broken glass.

Next time, if there is one, I'll wear gloves.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

“ Interesting talk this week with a good friend from college.”

Whoops. I presumed on our half century friendship, and sent him a link to this: BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden Pictures of Himself Disrobed and Exposed With Certain Minor — Joe Biden Is Lying

I did it as a joke. He wasn’t amused. Still, one of us is going to gloat Tuesday night (or so).

I will admit that the Biden clan is looking more and more questionable. There are allegations (with supporting material) that Humper humped several underaged girls, including his sainted brother’s daughter (and also his widow?), as well as one of the Obama girls. My guess is that the latter may be a problem for him - if there is more to it than just her credit card, by the bed, I would certainly hope that Obama himself turns on his VP - not out of any sort of nobleness, but to get it off the table. Which is why I question that allegation.

But from some text messages today, it looks like both Joe Biden, and his brother Jim, have long realized Humper’s depravities, and have repeatedly tried to help him. But what Humper has over them, is that he is the money man, the bag man, in the family. Both appear to have made tens of millions of dollars, if not more, off of Humper’s influence peddling. He is the one ultimately supporting the entire family, including presumably his brother’s widow and daughter, in the luxurious style that they have grown to love. In another thread, Biden’s bespoke suits were mentioned. Thank you Humper.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...


We still don’t know if her daughter got the virus, or something else. And if she did, who she got it from. It could have been from her two teenagers, esp the younger one who has a lot of friends, and a set of car keys. Both boys work outside the house. The younger is the one whom I could see being completely asymptotic. Or, her husband’s uncle and his girlfriend/fiancé are in town. Both are old enough to have serious comorbidities. We shall see.

I do worry about my partner because she figures that she is safe at home. I am the one who goes out every day. I try to be responsible, and have been taking a lot of vitamin C and D for some time. She doesn’t. I use a lot more hand sanitizer than she does - she uses (non antibacterial) wet wipes and some soap instead. She does have an amazing immune system, that also lets her heal far faster than most. She blames it on her A- blood with negative antigens(?). I did read though that odd blood types might increase the severity of COVID-19 (my blood is O+). Still, I worry.