October 26, 2020

At the Monday Night Café...

 ... you can talk about whatever you like.


Big Mike said...

Latest Internet rumor: Joe Biden has suffered a stroke. I suspect this rumor is untrue. But OTOH, this is the year 2020.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

who knew we would be learning such exotic terminology this election

...like "MAPS", "hebephilia", "nepiophilia", and, well..."lid"

Kathryn51 said...

Justice Clarence Thomas swears in Amy Coney Barrett as Associate Justice.

Happy Birthday Hillary!! :-)

Yancey Ward said...

You are now seeing the emergence one of the reasons the Left has run all the Biden landslide polls- Nate Silver put out a tweet today suggesting that if Trump does win, it was probably because the election was stolen.

Yancey Ward said...

Oh, and I need to get this out of the way:

Tony Bobulinski didn't kill himself.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Via twitter...

"Biden is outraged Republicans moved ahead with the confirmation of Sandra Day O’Connor"

Lawrence Person said...

Enjoy this week's BidenWatch.

It's pretty huge. And includes Our Host talking about Tegridy...

Drago said...

Yancey Ward: "You are now seeing the emergence one of the reasons the Left has run all the Biden landslide polls- Nate Silver put out a tweet today suggesting that if Trump does win, it was probably because the election was stolen."


The lefties/LLR-lefies are now openly telegraphing their intent to launch nationwide protests against the coming Trump victory and will use their projection lies about Trump cheating as the basis for a potential impeachment if the democraticals keep the House and take the Senate.

The democraticals/LLR-lefties used Mueller to investigate Trump to hide democratical/LLR-lefty abuse of government and selling foreign policy to our enemies.

The democraticals/LLR-lefties impeached Trump for democratical/LLR-lefty Ukraine/ChiCom corruption.

And if they get a chance, the democraticals/LLR-lefties will impeach Trump again over democratical election cheating.

Mark said...

Don't anyone ever again try to say that Joe Manchin might turn and be a decent guy. He aspires to be a piss-poor Murkowski, but he's a tease. Always was. Nothing but just another Dem POS.

Rory said...

I've been binge watching Hill Streets Blues, which I've long thought the best dramatic show ever. Still think it's a great show, but watching a couple episodes a day the carnage is stunning. In the waning years of the show there developed a cliche that any sympathetic character seen early in an episode was a goner. They wrote it a better early on, but the show was littered with dead bodies from the start.

bagoh20 said...

If silence is violence the media is committing genocide.

n.n said...

the confirmation of Sandra Day O’Connor

Maybe. Or, Justice Barrett may be all American, and place principles before empathy.

Humperdink said...

I saw that Trump was in Lititz, PA today. Several photos of the Amish in the crowd, none with masks. In NWPA where I live, I have yet to see an Amish person with a mask on. And none that I know of have gotten the plague. Maybe it's the raw milk they drink. Or their kids milking cows in their bare feet. Herd immunity?

n.n said...

Tony Bobulinski didn't kill himself.

That's one less involuntary Planned Partisan (PP).

Freeman Hunt said...

The latest happenings have exposed the great importance of the spider's web of traditional blogging. Social media is bad news. Or no news. At least none of the kind they don't like.

iowan2 said...

A slit Senate/Executive, will never again approve a SCOTUS nominee.

Lurker21 said...

I didn't have the Internet for some time and then I got it back. I was excited about having all these gigs of data to use. Then I realized/remembered that it was just the initial offer. I would have to pay an arm and a leg to have such a high data limit every month. So if my message suddenly stops in the middle of a sentence, it's because I ran ou

(just kidding, but it could happen).

Bay Area Guy said...

Justice Amy Coney Barrett has grabbed Senate Dems by the pussy tonight.

gilbar said...

Supreme Court rules that ballots in Wisconsin must be received by Election Day

this surprised me, didn't they JUST rule on this; the other way?

gilbar said...

oh! it was for Pennsylvania; that the SCOTUS ruled the OPPOSITE way than they did today!

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Study finds People with a dark and twisted sense of humour are more intelligent and emotionally stable



Joe Smith said...

Say what you like about the turtle, he can play hardball when it's necessary...

FullMoon said...

Any reason Trump cannot stack the court after election? Fifteen seems like a good number. Six more good people should get the country back on track.

Start with Ted Cruz, make 'em cry..

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Hell's bells, Biden! You raised a Hellion!!

It Tolls For Thee, Joe

FullMoon said...

Gee whiz, this could be fun. Or, a disappointment.
Also, progressives are demanding to see Hunters sex with a minor. Perverts!

"Sean Davis
According to a source familiar with the planning, Bobulinski will play recordings of Biden family operatives begging him to stay quiet and claiming Bobulinski's revelations will "bury" the reputations of everyone involved in Hunter's overseas deals."

Patrick said...

a bit of informal polling from Florida: Drove past a Biden group on a busy street corner here in West Palm Beach. Nobody honked.

wildswan said...

If Biden doesn't have the strength to meet with his own voters, how will he have the strength to meet and negotiate with world leaders? If he can't survive the stress of covid, how will he survive the stress of a crisis?

wildswan said...

I see that Biden is promising his own voters that continual stress will end if Biden wins. Which means, I think, that deep battle fatigue and stress is setting in on that side. They after all, believe that Trump voters are Nazis, that the earth is being destroyed, that a positive covid test is death sentence and that an increase in positive tests (cases as they call them) warrants closing down the economy and the schools. This is what their side requires them to believe and their side threatens them if they don't believe it all. The result is that the Dem half of the electorate is being abused and suffers from battered voter syndrome. Like battered wives these battered voters are hiding their bruises and the signs of abuse; they are making excuses for their tormentors; they are blaming themselves for not doing exactly as they've been told and they're blaming Trump and the Republicans who try to free them for "making things worse."

narciso said...


Freeman Hunt said...

New favorite pen: Pilot Varsity. The Pilot Hi-Tec-C is still my favorite for book annotations though. That fine, fine tip can fit a lot of words in a narrow margin.

Achilles said...

Bobulinski on Tucker tomorrow, with audio, is going to be lit.

StephenFearby said...

Support Trump-Russia Whistleblower Igor [Iggy] Danchenko

GoFundMe Created 7 days ago
$4,301 raised of $250,000 goal

Igor Danchenko, the investigator who first exposed Trump-Russia threats to American national security on behalf of Christopher Steele in 2016, has been pursued by Donald Trump’s team in a campaign of relentless persecution, and needs your help.

Igor was responsible for the research and intelligence in the former MI6 officer’s “Steele Dossier”. He was the first man to expose Russian election interference and elements of Trump team/Russia collusion!

His work was deemed credible by the FBI - several campaign figures he identified have been charged/indicted, but since the 2016 election, Igor has had to lay low as officials struggled to keep his heroics a classified secret. Trump’s attack dogs would not cease until he was named and smeared with lies in public earlier this year, in an effort to undermine ongoing and completed investigations into Trump’s campaign.

Everything raised in this GoFundMe will be put into a fund dedicated to covering Igor’s huge legal costs and his lost income. He has lost his livelihood and his career as a brilliant analyst. He faces legal action by Russian oligarchs. He is forced to sue the most powerful people in the country having been publicly painted a spy by President Trump, Senator Graham, and Representative Nunes, and he fears for his and his family’s life on a daily basis...


I'm ashamed to say that both Iggy and Peter Strzok are both alumni of Georgetown's School of Foreign Service.

amandaland said...

I recall visiting UW-Madison Law School prior to enrolling in my first year back in 2001. I was amazed at how some of your students in a constitutional law class were openly reading newspapers. Your teaching style was not my cup of tea, but I was really embarrassed, not for you, but the clowns who were doing this, such disrespect, and you were on your way teaching, engaged. We disagree on several issues, but I was impressed with your approach.

Wilbur said...

Seen in the comments on Lileks blog:

Heruleg of the FwTx3x • 5 hours ago
yesterday's bee sting: https://babylonbee.com/news...


Red_Right_Returning 2 hours ago
This is neither original nor sophisticated, (unlike SNL or NYT) so Ann Althouse loathes it.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Philadelphia came unglued last night. Another domestic disturbance call, man with knife, fusillade of pistol fire from police.

City-County government there has been good at providing jobs. Easy job - just vote Democrat at election time. Compensation at the entry level is fantastic by world standards - but the lack of anything meaningful to do between elections is humiliating. There is little opportunity for advancement from entry level welfare recipient to welfare dispenser.

gadfly said...

George Conway tells us why he believes in the president, now more than ever.

Sleepy Joe Biden and that “monster” Kamala D. Harris would turn America into a “socialist hellhole,” we’d all “ speak Chinese,” [that] they “want to take out the cows” and “any form of animals.” There will be “no airplanes,” they’ll “rip down the Empire State Building,” and we’ll only have “little, tiny windows.”

I believe Sleepy Joe leads an “organized crime family,” that he and President Barack Obama committed “the greatest political crime in the history of our country,” and it will be “a very sad, sad situation” if the attorney general doesn’t indict them [before the election].

I believe Hunter Biden flew from his home in Los Angeles to Philadelphia, and then took a train to Delaware, because he needed a legally blind repairman there to fix his laptop. I believe Rudy Giuliani when he says the odds are “no better than 50/50” he worked with a Russian agent to dig up dirt on the Bidens. Giuliani may have been duped by fake Kazakh rubes but could never be conned by real Russian spies. I believe Giuliani was just tucking in his shirt.

I believe the virus “affects virtually nobody,” and that the death count would be “very low” if we didn’t count Democrat states. I believe doctors and hospitals have overcounted deaths because they “get more money” for doing so.

I believe we will develop “herd mentality,” which will make the virus “go away.” I believe a vaccine is “ready,” coming “momentarily,” “within weeks.” And I believe that all the scientists are “idiots.”

I believe that if the president somehow does lose, he might “have to leave the country.” I believe he probably should.

gadfly said...

George Conway tells us why he believes in the president, now more than ever.

Sleepy Joe Biden and that “monster” Kamala D. Harris would turn America into a “socialist hellhole,” we’d all “ speak Chinese,” [that] they “want to take out the cows” and “any form of animals.” There will be “no airplanes,” they’ll “rip down the Empire State Building,” and we’ll only have “little, tiny windows.”

I believe Sleepy Joe leads an “organized crime family,” that he and President Barack Obama committed “the greatest political crime in the history of our country,” and it will be “a very sad, sad situation” if the attorney general doesn’t indict them [before the election].

I believe Hunter Biden flew from his home in Los Angeles to Philadelphia, and then took a train to Delaware, because he needed a legally blind repairman there to fix his laptop. I believe Rudy Giuliani when he says the odds are “no better than 50/50” he worked with a Russian agent to dig up dirt on the Bidens. Giuliani may have been duped by fake Kazakh rubes but could never be conned by real Russian spies. I believe Giuliani was just tucking in his shirt.

I believe the virus “affects virtually nobody,” and that the death count would be “very low” if we didn’t count Democrat states. I believe doctors and hospitals have overcounted deaths because they “get more money” for doing so.

I believe we will develop “herd mentality,” which will make the virus “go away.” I believe a vaccine is “ready,” coming “momentarily,” “within weeks.” And I believe that all the scientists are “idiots.”

I believe that if the president somehow does lose, he might “have to leave the country.” I believe he probably should.

Guildofcannonballs said...


BUMBLE BEE said...

Nice quiver, Nancy!

alanc709 said...

gadfly: medication might help with those delusions

Jaq said...

gadfly also believes that all of those photos and videos are fake and that somebody could put together thousands of emails that are not only internally consistent, but that match up with emails other people have.

gadfly also believes that these fakesters are such good writers that they could create a whole story line complete with explicit video and IMs that show Hunter desperately in love with his 14 year old niece. That was a really nice touch, artistic even rising to Shakespearian, whoever made all of this stuff up.

Jaq said...

"Study finds People with a dark and twisted sense of humour are more intelligent and emotionally stable”

They also get punched out more than other people.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Joe Biden has suffered a stroke

In his current condition, there’s a 50/50 chance a stroke actually improves his cognitive abilities.

Jaq said...

I believe that some rando on Twitter has access to Hunter’s complete and detailed travel records.

I belive that. even if Hunter did board a sailing ship for San Fransisco, and catch a wagon train to St Louis, and from there ride on the iron horse to Washington, DC, where his business is centered, there is no way he would base his activities out of his home away from home in Delaware because it’s more than a days ride by horseback to DC.

I believe that there is no way that Hunter the known crack addict could have been at a party in Delaware and spilled a drink all over his laptop, lost access to his email, and taken it to a nearby shop, and then forgot about it while he was being sued over the paternity of some stripper’s child in Arkansas, I think it was. Probably was a guest of Bill Clinton there, IDK.

I believe that there is no way that Hunter would ignore calls from what looked like a random number in Delaware that were the attempts to get him to pick up his laptop and pay the $85 dollars because his ‘honor as a Biden’ wouldn’t allow it, anymore than Hunter would abandon a rental car in Arizona with a crack pipe in it, and his brothers AG badge and *two* DC driver’s licenses. But oh wait, we know that happend.

I believe that even though Brenen’s hand written notes that detailed Hillary Clinton’s plan to smear Trump with allegations about Russia “to take attention away from her emails” are now public record and Brenen has not denied they are his, that the Russia smear is true nonetheless and the complete lack of evidence is more proof that sophisticated Russian intelligence tradecraft is at work.

You leaned this in philosophy class “Absense of evidence is proof it’s the Russians.”

I believe that gadfly has a serious problem with confirmation bias that locks out anything that goes against his desired narrative. Orange Man Bad.

J. Farmer said...


Any reason Trump cannot stack the court after election?

Before he could pack the court, there would need to be legislation passed by Congress to increase the number of justices.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

New favorite pen: Pilot Varsity. The Pilot Hi-Tec-C is still my favorite for book annotations though. That fine, fine tip can fit a lot of words in a narrow margin.

I still love my Shaeffer fountain pens, but I find more and more paper blots nowdays. Even the last refill of my checkbook has started blotting!

Jaq said...

I believe that whoever made up the emails on this laptop had such complete knowlege of his movements that they were able to match up their fake emails with secret service logs, but made a huge blunder in placing the laptop in the hands of the shop owner at a time when Hunter could not have been in Delaware because we all know how hard it is for a multimillionaire with access to private jets to get from LA to DC and from DC to Delaware where his 14 year old love of his life lived.

The sexual fixation on an innocent and supposedly unattainable object of lust stuff was a nice touch by the writers, because it hints at emotional neglect of Hunter as a child by his dear old dad after his mom died. It all fits. The great works of art hang together in all the details.

I still get chills thinking of the balls it must have took to hand this collection of fakery over to the FBI as a first move.

gilbar said...

here's some fun, from BidenWatch
In 2006 Hunter won the contract to represent St. Joseph’s University from an old Biden family friend, Robert Skomorucha... (who) remarked in a press interview that Hunter had “a very strong last name that really paid off in terms of our lobbying efforts.”

Drago said...

The Poor Man's LLR-lefty C**** gadfly: "George Conway (Mr Kellyanne Conway) tells us.............."

George Conway!!


What is he, about 300 lbs now? Kellyanne is waiting for the post-election period to part ways with the walrus.

Drago said...

StephenFearby: "Igor Danchenko, the investigator who first exposed Trump-Russia threats to American national security on behalf of Christopher Steele in 2016, has been pursued by Donald Trump’s team in a campaign of relentless persecution, and needs your help."


Igor Danchenko was never an "investigator". He was a student and acolyte of the hack, corrupt obambi/biden Ukraine team member and impeachment liar Marie Yovanovich. Danchenko is a Brookings Institute punk who "exposed Trump-Russia threats" by taking some cash from Christopher Steele (via Glenn Simpson-FusionGPS/Perkins-Coie democrat law firm/Clinton campaign) and then......(wait for it)......(wait for it)......."verifying" the hoax dossier (compiled by Nellie Ohr at Fusion GPS direction out of the FISA 702 database) by meeting with his (Danchenko's) buddies at a Washington DC bar and simply making up as many BS "facts" as they could (including the transparently false pee-tape lie) as they got drunk.

That is literally what occurred according to the transcribed notes by the interviewing FBI agents.

StephenFearby should just stick with communicating with gadfly and readering and LLR-lefty C**** offline instead of peddling this Schiff-level idiocy at Althouse.

Drago said...

FullMoon: "Any reason Trump cannot stack the court after election? Fifteen seems like a good number. Six more good people should get the country back on track."

And break up Texas into 5 states with all the dems shoved into 1.

And while we are at it, California is ripe for slicing the coastal region (sans San Diego) from the rest of the state, creating another reliably conservative state.

And it sure looks like that DC circuit court that is screwing Flynn over could use some new members along with the FISA court.

And maybe now would be a good time to let in a large number of refugees from communist nations en masse (like the Venezuelans in Florida that are delivering big time for Trump along with the Cubans in Miami-Dade), not to mention many many more Eastern Europeans who love America and love freedom. And most of them are quite educated too.

Freedom loving and educated. Precisely the opposite of what the democraticals/marxists/LLR-lefties have in mind for immigrants.

Jaq said...

I am trying to figure out why, if the laptop is Russian disinformation, Chuck Schumer wrote a letter to the FBI claiming that any investigation into it would undermine the “rule of law.” It seems like the quicker this stuff got out, the better.

It seems like they would want the investigation opened right now. Or does Schumer have sources in the FBI warning him off of that?

Jaq said...

I thought that George Conway was dropping out of politics as a deal with Kelly Conway to deal with family issues after their daughter cried out in obvious emotional pain.

Ha! That would assume some level of honor on the party of dear old George. What a fucking asshole. And all to write that complete nonsense that only takes in the low wattage types like gadfly, whose vote for Biden and Harris is already assured.

gilbar said...

Drago said; And while we are at it, California is ripe for slicing the coastal region (sans San Diego) from the rest of the state, creating another reliably conservative state.

trouble is; the Constitution clearly states that you need the consent of the State AND the Senate. So, Texas; maybe.... California? Can't see Sacramento going for it

roesch/voltaire said...

There is something terrible wrong in the Trump nation when health officials and news reporters need round the clock protection from the many death threats they receive from his supporters.

Jaq said...

"There is something terrible wrong in the Trump nation when health officials and news reporters need round the clock protection from the many death threats they receive from his supporters.”

And yet the actual attacks seem to come from Rachael Maddow fans and Bernie Bros.

Michael K said...

Blogger Rory said...
I've been binge watching Hill Streets Blues, which I've long thought the best dramatic show ever.

The show eventually got cancelled because of all the outdoor scenes. Too expensive. The show that succeeded it was all indoor. Cheaper to produce. I've forgotten the name.

Michael K said...

R/V is having one of his attacks again. Get help, R/V.

mockturtle said...

If CA were ever to split into two states, they'd end up with Northern CA and Southern CA, both of which would be blue and yielding four Dem Senators instead of two. Heaven help us! Best bet would be for NE CA to merge with OR, central-eastern CA with NV and SE CA with AZ. Fifty states is a good round number and we should keep it that way. But we need a way to confer more political power on the non-urban areas which are not effectively represented now.

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

"There is something terrible wrong in the Trump nation when health officials and news reporters need round the clock protection from the many death threats they receive from his supporters. "

Tyranny has always needed state protection. There's nothing wrong with the nation that a few tar and feather episodes - especially on the Dem house propaganda organs of the "mainstream" media - couldn't fix. And let's remember, another term for "health official" is "kommisar".

Rick said...

roesch/voltaire said...
There is something terrible wrong in the Trump nation when health officials and news reporters need round the clock protection from the many death threats they receive from his supporters.

Intimidation and death threats due to politics is routine in America but RV only objects when the targets are allies. If these media figures said something to upset Trump supporters wouldn't that be putting the supporters' safety at risk? This is how left wingers justify their allies intimidating and threatening others.

Do you mean to tell me RV applies a different standard to his allies? Say it ain't so.

Students Threatened for Trump Support

Yancey Ward said...

Ah, R/V, I get to use my favorite link for your dumb ass.

Drago said...

gilbar: "trouble is; the Constitution clearly states that you need the consent of the State AND the Senate. So, Texas; maybe.... California? Can't see Sacramento going for it"

Well, the California "inlanders", following the lefties example of "resistance" and "revolution", would simply declare their independence from the coastal commies and seek recognition from the Federal Government.

Drago said...

r/v: "There is something terrible wrong in the Trump nation when health officials and news reporters need round the clock protection from the many death threats they receive from his supporters."

r/v is one of the many, many vocal lefty defenders of and advocates for Trump supporters being attacked directly across the nation.


gilbar said...

States and countries with the highest rates of individual mask use have not “controlled” the virus. If masks worked, states such as Illinois would be COVID free; instead, it leads the nation in new cases.

Hmmmm, i wonder WHY we have mask mandates then?

3M Benefits From Demand for Face Masks, to sell 2 billion N95 masks by the end of 2020

Etsy Bet on Face Masks. So Far It Is Paying Off

what is the saying? Follow the Money?

StephenFearby said...

Drago said"

"StephenFearby should just stick with communicating with gadfly and readering and LLR-lefty C**** offline instead of peddling this Schiff-level idiocy at Althouse."

Drago, perhaps you should read the Babylon Bee more often to appreciate satirical posts.

The clue signaling to you that it should be taken as satire was my comment: "I'm ashamed to say that both Iggy and Peter Strzok are...alumni of Georgetown's School of Foreign Service."

That is because I'm also an alumnus of the SFS.

Jaq said...

Seems like something Althouse might like to read, if not blog


Jaq said...

"States and countries with the highest rates of individual mask use have not “controlled” the virus.”

It’s human nature that where the risk is lowest, people aren’t going to wear masks, and where the risk is highest, they will. You could also say that burglaries are highest where people lock their doors the most so locks are useless. Masks aren’t bulletproof, nobody ever said they were.

Jim at said...

There is something terrible wrong in the Trump nation when health officials and news reporters need round the clock protection from the many death threats they receive from his supporters.

Trust me idiot, if we were half as violent as you accuse us of being, you'd be dead already.

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