October 30, 2020

"And just so you know, because all Biden does is talks about COVID. Right? He doesn’t call it the China virus. You know why?"

"Because China has him paid off. He can’t use that term. They gave his son one and a half billion to manage. He makes millions of dollars a year, I assume. Right?... He walked in, he walked out with one and a half billion. Hey, maybe he’s not so stupid after all. Right? That’s the only thing. I thought he was so dumb. Maybe he’s not as dumb as we think.... The biggest story, no, the second biggest story, the worst was when they spied on my campaign and they got caught. That’s the biggest political corruption story in the history of our country, but this could very well be second. And we have what’s called the laptop from hell, the laptop from hell. From what I’ve understood, you only have seen a tiny portion of it, but you know what the press is now doing? They’re blaming Russia. It’s Russia did it. Russia is the one that created the laptop. And Russia brought it into that little shop to have it fixed. Russia. I think Russia’s looking at us, they’re saying, 'Those people are stone cold crazy. This is…' No, it was Russia’s fault. They said it. Loud and clear. It was Russia, Russia, Russia. Aren’t we tired of this crap? I saw a Schiff the other day, two days ago, watermelon, he looks like a watermelon head. Right?"

Just a little sample of what your President said in Tampa, Florida yesterday.

Do the people understand that kind of talk? It made me think of that sentence from a New Yorker article about French poets that I saw fit to quote for you yesterday: "Rimbaud’s 'A Season In Hell' gave the idea that poetry should be, first of all, a journey into extreme experience, evidenced not by a coherent evocation of a story but by subversive images and sensual evocations that subvert logic and language itself."

Trump's Tampa speech gave the idea that politics should be, first of all, a journey into extreme experience, evidenced not by a coherent evocation of a story but by subversive images and sensual evocations that subvert logic and language itself.

Me, I get it. It's thoroughly poetic.

"I will have gold: I will be idle and brutal. Women nurse those fierce invalids, home from hot countries. I’ll be mixed up in politics. Saved. Now I am an outcast.... Forward! The march, the burden and the desert, weariness and anger. To whom shall I hire myself out? What beast should I adore? What holy image is attacked? What hearts shall I break? What lies should I uphold? In what blood tread?" — Arthur Rimbaud, "A Season in Hell." 


rehajm said...

Do the people understand that kind of talk

The gap between Trump and Dylan is not so wide. The answer my friends is yes, yes they do.

(...at the moment it's looking like enough of them do, anyways...)

roesch/voltaire said...

Yes but Rimbaud was not a leader of a county or responsible for the mismanagement that led to thousands of deaths, and he did not constantly lie about reality but this line sums up Trump:Self interest exists, attachment based on personal gain exists, complacency exists. But not love. Love has to be reinvented, that’s certain.

Readering said...

But what he is saying is bonkers.

dustbunny said...

The left can’t get or won’t entertain the idea that Trump is the rebel, the transgressive presence they have embraced for at least a century. The progressives are so throughly the establishment now they don’t even understand the the trip they took to arrive at such a dull condition.

rcocean said...

Again, its rather unfair to Trump to take an extract from the transcript of a campaign rally where he's talking off-the-cuff for 90 minutes or 2 hours. He's not making serious policy statements. This isn't a state of the union.

But anyway, everything Trump says is true. Biden is bought and paid for by China and he and his son are up to the necks in foreign corruption. And Biden did, along with Obama, use the FBI to spy on Trump and his campaign. BTW, does anyone notice that "Good ol' Joe" CONSTANTLY lies and insults Trump? Or notice that Biden had complete contempt for Ryan and Palin? Joe Biden doesn't treat his opponents well, he has zero respect for them. But no matter how he talks and behaves, he's "Good ol' Joe", and no one cares.

Part of me is looking forwrd to a Biden-Harris presidency. Then all the Sainted "moderates" and "Independents" will see their taxes raised and their health care socialized, among other things. Maybe then they will wake up and understand this isn't about "Mean Tweets" and frivolous nonsense.

traditionalguy said...

So Trump’s fifth Nobel Prize will be for Poetry/Literature. And he just reads his without a guitar and harmonica.

Kate said...

I was in a college English class in the 80s and the professor mentioned Rimbaud. One student, confused, said, "Rambo?" The rest of us all froze, so embarrassed for her.

If she could've run with it instead of showing humiliation, just brazened through, she'd have been a hero. Like Trump.

MayBee said...

I watched this. He was having so much fun, and so were the people there. Trump even made fun of himself, saying Melania must be wondering if this is what the rallies are always like (she was there) and he said no, this one's different because he's home. It was Florida.

Have you noticed Biden's podium sign now says "Battle for the soul of America". How ridiculous!!!!

Larry J said...

The worst thing isn't that they spied on his campaign, although that was bad. What was worse was the ongoing attempted coup after he won the election, and the fact that not one thing has happened to those people who were responsible.

Nonapod said...

Trump's Tampa speech gave the idea that politics should be, first of all, a journey into extreme experience, evidenced not by a coherent evocation of a story but by subversive images and sensual evocations that subvert logic and language itself.

Trump uses imagery because he understands (or believes he understands at least a little bit) how many voters think. Humans are moved by descriptive imagery far more than a dull reciting of an event.

Trump could simply state the facts. He could say "The Democrats and many in the media are claiming this Hunter Biden laptop story is nothing more than a Russian dissinformation campaign. This is clearly not the case. In fact, the Biden campaign and even Biden himself have never dared to claim that the material on the laptop was false. Hunter Biden himself dropped off this laptop at the repair shop. So unless Russian agents somehow brainwashed hunter to drop off this laptop, this story clearly has nothing to do with Russians."

But such a bland recitation would probably be less impactful to many voters.

Drago said...

Biden is heading MN and WI and MI because he's clearly up by 17 or so in those states....


Best part?

The Poor Man's LLR-lefty C**** gadfly and readering completely believe, as in believe as an article of actual faith, that those polls are spot on.

Spot. On!

Josephbleau said...

Did the democrats sound more sane when they paid people to compose documents about the pee bed in Russia? or the impeachment based on the nuance of a leaker's take on a phone call? Trumps statements were co-equal in quality with anything from Shiff/Durban/Schumer/Polosi/ CNN/ NYT.

Dave Begley said...

There's really little doubt that Joe Biden has been bribed by China. China owns him.

China needs to pay US for the damage it has inflicted on the United States. Joe would never get the Chinese to pay.

Drago said...

roesch/voltaire: "Yes but Rimbaud was not a leader of a county or responsible for the mismanagement that led to thousands of deaths, and he did not constantly lie about reality"

r/v comes out strongly against the elderly murderers who serve as democratical Governors of New York, New Jersey, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, each of whom directed their state health agencies to PURPOSELY put infected patients into nursing/retirement homes.

Think of them as modern day "warriors" of the middle ages catapulting plague victims and clothing into enemy cities.

Actually, I need to revise my statement above since its clear that r/v strongly approves of such actions.


Gotta kill off as many elderly as possible, while protecting the ChiComs, if that's what it takes to make the lies against OrangeManBad more "effective" from a lefty/LLR-lefty point of view.

Fernandinande said...

subversive images and sensual evocations that subvert logic and language itself.

LOL wut?

Wince said...

Not sure what is meant by "evidenced" in "evidenced not by a coherent evocation of a story."

While seemingly digressive, Trump is actually empathizing with the media consumer, connecting myriad known factoids into a evocative contextual narrative, as media criticism.

He's saying, no, you're not crazy -- your eyes are not lying to you -- the establishment media are deliberately deceiving you when they selectively won't pursue these obvious connections themselves.

hawkeyedjb said...

roesch/voltaire said...
Yes but Rimbaud was not a leader of a county or responsible for the mismanagement that led to thousands of deaths...

Actually, roesch, Andrew Cuomo is leader of an entire state, not just a county. But I get your point. You are referring to the thousands of unnecessary deaths in New York, no?

wendybar said...

He's not wrong. The virus was released in China. Killer Cuomo calls it the European virus. It wasn't released in Europe. They lie to you everyday, and people would rather believe the lies than to give Trump any credit at all. Pravda lives, and the left is woke. We are fucked.

Mark O said...

Trump's words carry persuasive power in person, but not so much in transcription.

He has to go into all of these things because the dissolute corporate media suppresses anything harmful to Biden. Biden could not win in a fair and open election. If he wins under these conditions, what does that mean about media and free elections?

Worse, it seems apparent that no one can do anything to correct Twitter, Facebook, CNN, WaPo or the others when suppression instead of speech is considered free.

Shouting Thomas said...

I thought Trump spoke the literal truth.

That can be very radical in a era of relentless lying.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Readering you’re just bent because Trump can spout bonkers shit just for effect, for laughs. Poor Joe can’t ever stop being bonkers long enough to make it through a debate or “appearance” choreographed by his campaign. Sad. Sad corrupt old white racist, still lying about his college record and his grifting sisterboning crackhead kid.

lohwoman said...

I look forward to the next podcast! I listen each morning when I do my exercise drill in the driveway. This morning's (Thursday's Incoherent stories of extreme experience) was a delight. Don't let these people get you down.

Michael K said...

Two lefties early to the party.

mikee said...

Art such as poetry can be powerful when it is subversive and sensual, sure, when the times are societal morals are compellingly traditional and puritanical. When times are crazy, adding more crazy might not even be noticed.

When you are faced with an existential crisis such as the destruction of the rule of law, overthrow of constitutional governmental controls, authoritarian diktats from the Left, use of riots and violence as a means of gaining political power, then the only way to speak about it is to recognize the extremity of the experience.

My wife recalls driving out of the Detroit riots of 1968 with her family, as a small child. She did not enjoy th experience. I strongly suggest those promoting violent riots don't try it around her, she'll end you.

mikee said...

Art such as poetry can be powerful when it is subversive and sensual, sure, when the times are societal morals are compellingly traditional and puritanical. When times are crazy, adding more crazy might not even be noticed.

When you are faced with an existential crisis such as the destruction of the rule of law, overthrow of constitutional governmental controls, authoritarian diktats from the Left, use of riots and violence as a means of gaining political power, then the only way to speak about it is to recognize the extremity of the experience.

My wife recalls driving out of the Detroit riots of 1968 with her family, as a small child. She did not enjoy th experience. I strongly suggest those promoting violent riots don't try it around her, she'll end you.

Lucid-Ideas said...



He's theirs.

Joe Smith said...

What's not to understand? Trump is a rich guy who talks like an ironworker.

He's a blue collar guy in a $10,000 (even if ill-fitting) suit.

Amadeus 48 said...

Uh-oh. Trump riffs onstage. R/V and Readering are alarmed.

Joe Biden sinks into muttered gibberish--that's Presidential!

Why? Because.

That's why.

buwaya said...

What Trump is saying is the truth, poetic or otherwise. He does not discuss feelings or (too much) posture in a self-indulgent romantic LARP-mode.

I know all about that, as I am draw to the self-indulgent LARP myself.

Rimbaud = Byron btw, in terms of Romantic LARP. They ended up, both of them, believing their own BS.

Re Trump, he is perfectly right about the magnitude of the betrayals. This is mostly, now, in the open. Indeed he has just scratched the surface of this. The only thing I disagree with him on is his optimism.

But think of the content of that one short statement, seconds long, yet packing a terrific weight, a tremendous kinetic energy. It is a slap in the face with a boulder, a hard-driven icepick in the brain.

Lurker21 said...

It's an oral performance. It's riffing. People understand what he's saying, and it does actually make sense. It just doesn't look well in print. If you don't know about the laptop or Wuhan or Schiff it might not make sense, but the audience knows what he's talking about and follows what he's saying. "Watermelon head" doesn't really make sense, but neither does a lot of political rhetoric. At least nobody can disprove the idea that Adam Schiff's head looks like a watermelon, and that isn't true for a lot of what gets said on the campaign trail.

buwaya said...

" And Biden did, along with Obama, use the FBI to spy on Trump and his campaign."

Its not just Biden, or rather Biden was just a minor player in that. What's certain also is that in this business of corruption, Biden was also a minor player. Nobody in such a situation would have been so blatant and open about this if he wasn't certain that he had impunity. And why would he have assumed he had impunity?

It was not Biden, special and unique. It was Biden as a minor player among many.

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against a spiritual wickedness in high places."

Archbishop Vigano's statement today is terrifying.

bagoh20 said...

I don't know if Trump is spouting poetry, but I understand it perfectly.

Maybe Biden is doing poetry too. It's just the kind that leaves me saying "WTF?", and expecting the crowd to snap their fingers in approval.

tim maguire said...

Makes perfect sense to me. Would someone who knows nothing about politics get it? They'll get that Biden made 1.5 billion off China, and might get a chuckle out of "maybe he's not so stupid after all." Which may encourage them to both think of Biden as stupid and think of Biden as corrupt.

But those people will probably never hear this speech, mostly only Trump supporters will hear it. Unless leftwing twitter makes an issue out of some part of it, which I assume is Trump's goal for almost everything he says.

bagoh20 said...

China is a malignant force and incredibly dangerous to the United States and all free people. Are we really going to elect a President completely beholden to them, who can't utter a disparaging word about them? The damage that could be done in just four years could be disastrous for generations. They could essentially threaten him with impeachment his entire term, and pay him off without a peep from the Press.

bagoh20 said...

He covered all those major issues, got you to understand in very simple language with few words and without lecturing you. No teleprompter, no notes, up to four events a day, day after day. If you were picking players for your team, which one would you expect to help you win the game?

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

"...responsible for the mismanagement that led to thousands of deaths.."

LOL. The best part about Dem bots like r/v and Readering is they are so diligent about spouting lying leftist talking points - talking points that the general public does not agree with or believe. Only Leftist Dem bots actually repeat this talking point; those who are able to think independently know it's BS.

The nice thing about Leftist talking points is that when someone repeats them, they mark themselves as fundamentally wrong about pretty much everything and not worthy of attention or discussion. They're just drones for their America-hating overlords.

mandrewa said...

You know I follow all of that except the "watermelon head" business. That's the only part of this that I find irritating and offensive.

Now if I were to try to express the same ideas it would have taken me maybe five times more words, and possibly even more than that, and my assertions would have been full of qualifiers. And I would probably have lost at least half the audience halfway through.

I can criticize Donald Trump's way of talking, but I have no illusions that I am a better communicator.

mandrewa said...

"...responsible for the mismanagement that led to thousands of deaths..."

I greatly disagree. On the contrary I think the United States is very fortunate that Donald Trump has been in charge during this Covid-19 pandemic. If you look around the rest of the West, things could have been much worse.

If Hillary Clinton had been in charge, this situation would have been used as an excuse for a massive centralization of power. And the number of Covid-19 fatalities might have been much worse, if we assume that every state had been compelled to follow New York's strategies. But even in the best case I doubt the Covid-19 fatalities would have been lower.

And here's the thing. So many people that are focused on Covid-19 fatalities somehow manage not to see all the other deaths that are occurring because of the lockdowns and the staggering human suffering that these measures are creating.

We are truly fortunate that Donald Trump has been in charge. It is not that he's particularly knowledgeable about viruses and pandemics, but it's that he can see the larger picture, the other costs, which so many supposedly smart people, including so many politicians in Europe, can't seem to see.

Howard said...

Trump knows his ABCs. Anything But Covid

Sebastian said...

"evidenced not by a coherent evocation of a story"

Oh, fisker-in-chief, what was incoherent about it?

roesch/voltaire said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael K said...

oesch/voltaire said...
Fact check to Drago's poetry of lies:Although nursing homes felt pressure to accept COVID-positive patients, they were not actually forced to do so. State regulations require nursing homes to accept patients only if they can care for them, and they could have refused them on those grounds.

R/V defending Cuomo's 20,000 dead grandmas. Will wonders never cease? Meanwhile Trump had sent hospital ships and huge portable hospitals that sat empty.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

My wife thinks DJT is a wannabe Hitler. Says he's following the AH playbook. The China Virus was a perfect opportunity to consolidate more power in the Federal government. DJT didn't do that. Worst wannabe AH ever.

She's upset that he hasn't created a national policy on how to handle the China Virus, instead of leaving the details to the states. What a concept: letting the states create policies that meet their needs instead of having a one-size-fits-all policy from Washington.

roesch/voltaire said...

The quote was from Rimbaud, as far as I know Biden never paid taxes to China, the money from China was never delivered and the proof was lost in the mail by Tucker. Cuomo made bad decision in March but according to Politifact: Although nursing homes felt pressure to accept COVID-positive patients, they were not actually forced to do so. State regulations require nursing homes to accept patients only if they can care for them, and they could have refused them on those grounds.

DanTheMan said...

>>Fact check to Drago's poetry of lies:Although nursing homes felt pressure to accept COVID-positive patients, they were not actually forced to do so. State regulations require nursing homes to accept patients only if they can care for them, and they could have refused them on those grounds.

So the fact that NY state leads the US in total deaths by a huge margin is just a coincidence?

I'm Not Sure said...

"which so many supposedly smart people, including so many politicians in Europe, can't seem to see."

Oh, they can see them just fine. They just don't care. Eggs and omelettes, you know.

Michael K said...

State regulations require nursing homes to accept patients only if they can care for them, and they could have refused them on those grounds.

Nursing home expert R/V is on the case.

Why not explain this to me then ?

The Department of Justice demanded detailed data from hundreds of private facilities in New York state on Oct. 28, as part of an expanding investigation into whether the state is undercounting nursing home deaths from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) virus, commonly known as the novel coronavirus.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo has faced criticism for months about the state’s official tally of 6,722 nursing home deaths, which may be off by thousands because the state is one of only a handful that count only people who die at long-term care facilities. The method enables Cuomo to claim that New York has a lower percentage of nursing home deaths than other states.

Hmmmmmm ?

Jrgunn77 said...

Trump talks like any ordinary human. How many times do we find ourselves in normal conversation flitting about from subject to subject seemingly at random. But it isn’t random; each subject relates to the previous one. Many time the connection is tangential at best, but there is always a connection. This is how people communicate in real life. It’s not Aristotelian, term paper English, polished to a high sheen. It’s just ordinary talking. Which is why the Intelligent People look down upon both Trump and his supporters. Well, one of the reasons, anyway.

Bunkypotatohead said...

The Pretty Good Communicator.

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