Not going to click. Not going to make links for you. I am fed up with the stupidity... the mere thought that we should want to read such dreck. It's an insult.
October 25, 2020
A WaPo perspective on family love.
A screen shot from the home page of The Washington Post right now:
The photo of Trump is unfair - but certainly right in the WaPoo(D) wheelhouse.
The photo of Joe and his son is actually rather creepy. I doubt wapoo sees it. They are too busy adoring the corrupt duo.
DC is trash. Save the archives, the art, the historic artifacts and nuke that repulsive city.
It is an insult. And their readers eat it up.
WaPo news completely misses the news: This isn't about unconditional parental love; it's about pay-to-play politics and corruption. Shame on them for being so blinded by TDS.
Here’s the proof of why you should endorse and vote for President Trump.
What’s blinding you?
We could use your help here, prof.
I’ve been a virtual prisoner in my house for 7 months. You seem to be having trouble putting some pretty basic things together.
None of us have an obligation to stick our necks out. And, yeah, for a woman with your aesthetic tastes, I can understand why you don’t get Trump. Be grateful for the defender you’ve got. One who looks and talks like a Harvard lawyer isn’t on the horizon.
What is creepy is there are people who will vote for this corrupt, demented Biden family. And they are voting for the entire family. They see nothing wrong with Joe showering with his daughter, swimming nude in front of female SS agents, and say "poor Hunter" when they see pictures of him smoking crack and raping underage girls. They see nothing wrong with this demented behavior. But Trump is bad and they can't articulate why they think he is so bad. Their soul is hollowed out of their bodies, I don't even consider them human any more.
You are wise to avoid such dreams.
Note: "dreams" is the word my spell checker inserts when I insert the word you actually used.
Seems appropriate.
I love it when Ann breaks out the Yiddish!
'covering the story, with a pillow, until it stops moving'
“Dreck” lacks context.
This is propaganda of the highest order.
Stop being insulted and start fighting back.
Biden family lives by the old verities: "Money talks, bullshit walks".
Sleepy Joe is the Manchurian Candidate, fully supported (and owned) by the ChiComs. Dr Jill Biden playing the Angela Lansbury role.
Wake up , sheeple!
the mere thought that we should want to read such dreck. It's an insult.
So? You'll still be back tomorrow.
WaPo isn't just on the wrong side of history on this one; they're on the wrong side of the future. But the paychecks will keep rolling in for the present and I guess that's enough for them.
In the old Soviet Union days, the people could always tell what was happening in their own country by the stories in Pravda.
If there were stories about massive flooding in the West, it meant there had been a terrible flood in the USSR.
If there were stories about plane crashes in the West, that meant that a Russian plane had crashed.
The WaPo is just following that template... Running stories about how much the Bidens love each other means that something bad has happened with the Biden family.
C'mon, Man! Don't you do what you can to help your son?
And doesn't he kick back half of the proceeds to you?
It seems to be more than unconditional love on Biden's part. More like aiding and abetting. But in fairness the kids both parents have entered into the family business. Trump's have followed him into the family business of commerce. Biden's into the family business of political graft.
Unconditional love of money and corruption.
"Not going to click. Not going to make links for you. I am fed up with the stupidity... the mere thought that we should want to read such dreck. It's an insult."
Whether or not its an insult is irrelevant.
The democraticals know this messaging works on.....well, we all know who this messaging works on, don't we?
I’m just some dumb redneck and I knew this 25 years ago.
Did you know that Biden will give EVERYONE two scoops of ice cream in the White House? America will be respected again.
Yeah, if the chinese and Mayor of Moscow give Hunter Biden $10 million, its not like Joe Biden will ever get a penny of that.
Well you can usually preserve a couple of I.Q. points by refusing to read an edition of the Washington Post. This morning's big story in the Los Angeles Times was about a bunch of immigrants who became citizens (good for them) just because they wanted to vote Trump out.
Heroes to the kids at the Times---ungrateful jerks to some readers.
Hunter is a worthless piece of sh*t who needed a tyrant as a father. "My way or the highway" and "my way" does NOT include crack cocaine and sex with underage prostitutes!
Doesn’t Joe’s unconditional love of Hunter make the whole situation even more of a security risk? Isn’t a classical theme one of having to choose ones duty or nation over loved ones? Why do we want to live as chorus members in a greek tragedy? Keep it simple: vote Trump!
this kind of "unconditional love"?
Biden Daughter's Diary Details 'Not Appropriate' Showers With Joe As Child -
I guess there is a video of Hunter having sex and smoking crack. Found on that laptop he dropped off. He probably dropped it off in the fog of drug use... Never pondering the possibility his old man would be running for president in 2020.
Imagine if a sex tape of Don Jr. emerged? A tape of Don Jr. smoking crack right there in front of you. Imagine what the entire press - from NY Times, to Wapoo, to ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, Drudge and all their various affiliates - would be talking about.
Who wouldn't love a son that brings home millions in Chicom bacon?
Footjobs or no, Hunter gets it done.
Which one is the close and happy family is important to women. How else can they choose who to vote for.
You are pulling punches here, dear Althouse.
As this is the nation's capitol premier newspaper, their presentation is more than dreck, more than insult.
This is EVIL.
Well, I have been saying for many years that the entire media system is a propaganda operation. You all should take this seriously. I am not insulted, or rather I don't feel insulted, because I know what I'm seeing.
These are effectively military operations, raids, bombardments and assaults. These are fair, once you have figured out the militarily necessary deceptions. Read Sun Tzu if you must, but its obvious regardless. They are not of you, but of the other side, and this all is an attack on you. You are still suffering from surprise, as these attacks seem to be coming from within your "camp". But they are not, they come from enemies.
Once you do get to this understanding, get over your surprise and modify your previous world-view, it is much easier to deal with these things in a detached, unemotional manner. It even becomes possible to respect those people, as enemies.
If the Bidens aren’t indicted, we’re fucked as a country.
If the FBI was doing its job, it would now have all the money and bitcoin transfers from Hunter to Joe.
WaPo is now Tiger Beat.
I listened to a portion of Biden’s stump speech yesterday. No wonder he hasn’t been doing these. He’s just awful to listen to - yelling and fear-mongering galore. And he looked very frail as well - I kept thinking he was expelling too much air from the yelling and that he was going to pass out.
I’m sure he loves his son - too bad it’s not enough to spare him from the family business.
Joe should be impeached. But he won't be - because our nation is a corrupt joke.
The FBI is corrupt. We really are fucked.
It's just adorable!
Jeff Bezos still needs all the cheap crap from China to sell on Amazon.
Thus the Washington Post will tell whatever lies are necessary in order to get Biden into office. And it’s not very hard, because their staff are all essentially Democrats (or further left), except for maybe three opinion writers. Actually scratch that, one opinion writer, Marc Theisen.
Bet that resonates with women
It's not for persuasion; it's just wanking material.
Facebook censured this post of mine from the American Thinker.
And unconditional love is one thing, and that thing is not overlooking -- or even leveraging -- obvious and continuing substance abuse and partnering in theft and corruption. Any one who has experienced the pain of having an addict in the family knows that you love him until your last breath, but you still change the locks and your phone number. A comparison of what that is with the cesspool that is the Biden family is vile.
Joe's fathering and love includes taking advantage of an addicted and weak child as his placeholder in a number of financial transactions based on Joe's political position. These transactions are structured to make it certain that Joe is not named and that all the exposure and liability rests on his "only surviving son."
Joe is a total scumbag.
The Bidens may create all sorts of new definitions for love and family relationships.
Eyes wide shut.
I suppose that part of being upset by the behavior of the media is a sort of sense of betrayal, of being let down by your own side.
Changing ones world view, that of seeing them as an adversary, fixes this. Now one can, perhaps, see the whole situation as a very successful, very extended ruse de guerre. Those odd fellows with your sides cockades on their hats? That are shooting at you? They are on the other side. Now things are clear.
A Commenter here yesterday suggested conservatives should buycott Amazon to make Bezos hurt, in a small way, for me Wapo ridiculous bias. I may try to do that.
Not going to click. Not going to make links for you. I am fed up with the stupidity... the mere thought that we should want to read such dreck. It's an insult.
Democrats are just stupid people.
I think the WaPo has nothing to run that can’t counter or refute the Hunter Biden laptop damning information. So, what do they run instead? A human interest story about Biden & his son that is meant to engender good feelings amongst the few undecided voters or people who may decide to vote this year when they haven’t in the past. The equivalent of “Hey! Look! It’s a squirrel!”.
I love it when Ann breaks out the Yiddish!
Me too! I myself gets all verklempt.
His daughters diaries were supposedly released (don't know if true...looking for source) IF they are true...there is more than "family love" going on.
Is it necessarily "unconditional love?" Reflexive defensiveness is another way of looking at it. Joe swats away a lot of negative charges with flat denials, so of course, for him, Hunter is wonderful and did nothing wrong.
One thing in Joe's favor: the rumors are outpacing the evidence. The more wacky theories that get bounced about on the Internet, the more likely it is that sympathy for Biden will build. Stick with what we actually know. It's damning enough.
Vote for Uncle Joe!
I think this is news:
"We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics," Biden said in the video.
I'm wondering what goes through the head of people who write articles like this. The sheer desperation stinks up the headline, let alone the contents.
Dreck! Love it.
Professor Althouse, do you have a dreck tag?
One of the more difficult aspects of being an attorney is the obligation on occasion to make arguments that one does not necessarily believe in. It is part and parcel of the obligation to zealously represent a client. And is a small part of why people do not like or trust lawyers (except when they need one).
That is the exact opposite of the obligation of journalists, which is to zealously pursue and present the facts.
There is a reason why journalism ranks well below the legal profession in approval.
"If I can't help my sons, then they can kiss my ass!"
--Another machine politician, from Chicago.
The dems should be very worried that Biden will win. The stink will put them in purgatory for years. If they think quickly replacing him with Kamala will wash it away, they are mistaken. That will be correctly snubbed by the public as a cynical plot.
We knew this was coming. The pretext that “The Big Guy’s” actions are those of a loving father. You know, like the drug cartel leader or the Mafia godfather who starts his son in the business.
Thank you for not sharing this with us. Being a Democrat really is a sickness now isn’t it?
The Washington Post thinks you're a stupid, gullible woman promoted far beyond her level of competency, and that they can shovel literally anything they like out the door for you to consume like the mindless ruminant you are.
Maybe they're right?
Anyways, if you're done with the "legitimate" news sources that can't even cover up their insults to your intelligence, check out the megathread at
https://thedonald. win/p/11PVkKV2gr/hunter-bidens-sex-tapes-the-ccps/
Jill Biden: "Last night I went to Wilmington again."
I find it fascinating that you are insulted, Althouse. Why exactly? I am not insulted, but then I have known all along what the product is supposed to be. Is this a revelation of some kind for you?
WaPoo lives up to its credentialied billing as the paper of record in Water Closet.
They won't report the corruption because it's "unverified", but they immediately report the made up story that it's Russian disinformation without any need to verify that. What IS verified is that they are hacks.
Those odd fellows with your sides cockades on their hats? That are shooting at you? They are on the other side. Now things are clear.
Here's to progress.
"Not going to click. Not going to make links for you. I am fed up with the stupidity... the mere thought that we should want to read such dreck. It's an insult."
Are you going to punish them for this insult, and vote for Trump?
Or are you looking forward to being insulted in this way, again and again, once the Democrats take power?
The woke/socialist embrace by the democrats fractured their coalition and they seem totally unaware. Woke/socialism is seen as a threat to Hispanic families.
Vito Corleone loved his boys too.
I think this is news:
Biden gave the Chicoms CIA sources who were all promptly killed or tortured.
the entire media system is a propaganda operation.
Propaganda Broadcasting Service
National Propaganda Radio
Propaganda Radio International
The others don't selfie-identify themselves, but their prejudice is unmistakable.
Google, Youtube et al steering under the Alphabet umbrella corporation.
It was okay, even welcome, when they spread pro-American propaganda.
The reason I a quit paying for that rag. I stopped the day I counted 15 anti-Trump headlines in the online first page.
The WAPO has been this way with every Republican since Dewey. Trip is just the first one to get in the trenches and slug it out with them. And they can’t stand it.
The idea Althouse ever made links "for you," as in not her, is absurd. The entire blog is premised around the idea Althouse blogs what is important/interesting to her, ergo every link was something compelled not by her need to satiate her comment section (as if) but instead a link that satiated something eo ipso Althouse.
You won't find angry, hateful commentators even with moderation* (*aka kicking the progs who threaten murder and other crimes out) hating anything Althouse.
Hating the recognizable programming that ended up with such nihilism is just and conservative.
Respectively, I have altered my fav theme song to:
With respect.
for a woman with your aesthetic tastes, I can understand why you don’t get Trump
Trump, or rather the caricature of Trump, is an unwelcome reminder of a lewd magazine carelessly left on a coffee table. That said, we'll always have Slut Walk to celebrate a milestone in social progress.
DanTheMan said...
In the old Soviet Union days, the people could always tell what was happening in their own country by the stories in Pravda."
The astonishing thing is that the American media is willingly doing this. They're openly lying and censoring. The poor schmucks at Pravda didn't have a choice. If they told the truth, they'd end up with a bullet in their heads or on a train headed for a gulag in Siberia.
If "journalists" tell the truth here - well, they'll get blasted on Twitter. Their colleagues will stop speaking to them. No more more invitations to chic Georgetown and Upper West Side cocktail parties. Worst of all, they might get called "racist."
Horrors! Better stay in line.
You probably shouldn’t have used the phrase “family love” given the Hunter video that was released last night.
Althouse, you're scaring me. I do not take your meaning. You chose to not link predictable pedestrian bits from one of the papers to which you always link predictable bits. Now you call it dreck! (My auto-correct wants "crack" btw.) Are you trolling us?
Did Hunter learn his pedophilic ways at home? Is that a learned or inherent behavior? Anyone know?
Thing to remember: Althouse bets big.
I once subscribed to the WaPo. My favorite columnist there was Jonathan Yardley, who was mainly a book critic but also occasionally wrote opinion pieces about politics and social trends. He was a liberal, but a tough-minded one, who criticized identity politics and the growing victimization culture. And his prose style was excellent.
There are no Yardleys writing for the WaPo now, just as there are no Michael Kellys at the Atlantic.
So after Trump dominates another seemingly pre-Trump undominateable thing Trump in four years ended up dominating, four years from now what will we know has been dominated?
Hope so.
On the subject of family love, I wanted to bring this up from the earlier thread.
I guess the reason the NFL can get away with their 'Coming Out Day' celebration of LGBTQ Month is that the stands are empty and no one can boo. If they do this today during the games, it will be the last NFL game I ever watch and I'm sure the few fans they still have will feel likewise. Satan always overplays his hand.
Of all the sordid affairs the NFL has been involved with over the years, that would be your final straw? Why exactly do you find booing an appropriate response? What would booing accomplished beyond demonstrating what callous, ill-mannered people they were?
It's football, not Sunday Mass. You're watching a bunch of millionaires chase a leather bladder around a field in between beer and boner pill commercials for fuck's sake. I get that young adults struggling emotionally and socially with their sexual identity is of no consequence to you, but they do exist and their suffering is real. So, you know, maybe a 30-second ad during your tailgating party isn't the biggest fucking deal in the world.
If it's Satan you are concerned with, search for him in your own heart. Don't go pointing him out in others'. That's God's place, not yours.
p.s. Okay, I'm stepping off the soapbox now. I got triggered!
"Homosexuality isn't just a kind of sex; it's a kind of love." -C. Hitchens
Love's his son so much he enables his addictions. Thats love alright...
Biden supporter doxxes Nuns that attended Trump rally.
Biden supporters are just shitty people.
More dispatches from "Bezosland" ©2020 aa
I am starting to agree with Bruce Haydon that this stuff is coming from Taiwan. They speak the language and have probably infiltrated the CCP thoroughly. CCP is a threat to them and they know the Biden secrets/. The laptop was real but I expect we will see more from Taiwan soon.
I am starting to agree with Bruce Haydon that this stuff is coming from Taiwan. They speak the language and have probably infiltrated the CCP thoroughly. CCP is a threat to them and they know the Biden secrets/. The laptop was real but I expect we will see more from Taiwan soon.
Yancey Ward said...
I find it fascinating that you are insulted, Althouse. Why exactly? I am not insulted, but then I have known all along what the product is supposed to be. Is this a revelation of some kind for you?
Because she knows who that article is targeted to.
It is targeted at her. She resents being treated like an idiot.
This despite the fact she voted for Hillary Clinton. The reason it hits home is she has had issues with poor judgement in the past and deep down she is insecure about the things she believes.
It is also targeted at her son.
And her son is lapping it up and voting for Biden.
Her team is treating her and everyone on her team like idiots.
And everyone on her team are acting like idiots.
Now she has to look in the mirror and ask "Am I stupid for being with these people all my life."
She has believed she is smarter than all of us deplorables and morally superior to us all her life.
And reality is intruding.
"the mere thought that we should want to read such dreck. It's an insult.”
It’s kind of like the shit authoritarians who control their own press feed their people. When Obama said “Yes we can!” he was replying to “It can’t happen here."
Daniel Greenfield put u a good article listing the influence China has on Amazon, Twitter, and Facebook. Go Bezosland!!
Joe Smith said...
Who wouldn't love a son that brings home millions in Chicom bacon?
Footjobs or no, Hunter gets it done.
Dolt. Hunter is simply Joe's bagman. It's JOE who wields the influence, it's JOE who "gets things done", the things the Chinese want him to do for them.
And it is JOE the Chinese will have by the short hairs if he becomes President, reminding him daily exactly who it is who owns him.
You want your president to be in the hip pocket of our main geopolitical adversary? Not me.
Meager Buckley is still 100%.
Interesting juxtaposition between that headline and the one below from Trump's niece.
That's the same pic on every RedState headline about the Hunter laptop info.
Is it the only photo available?
But you keep giving them your money
Althouse: "I am fed up with the stupidity... the mere thought that we should want to read such dreck. It's an insult."
So those terrible media folks at WaPo are publishing shit that insults because it publishes, among other things, negative comments on The Donald in support of Mary Trump as she attempts to shut down her crazy uncle. Indeed, the daughter of Fred, Jr., is attempting to be compensated for being ripped off by Donald when he directly influenced the distribution of Fred Sr.'s fortune.
On the other hand, it is OK for Trump to direct his henchmen to oversee publication of unproven garbage about Joe and Hunter Biden on election eve, but newspapers should "never say nothing" bad about America's worst president. "Lock him Up" for sure - lock Donald Trump up.
Speaking of dreck, there seems to be no brakes applied to the presenting of Trump conspiracies and lies by the Trumpian media channels as logical facts. For example, our president is neither a medical nor an infectious disease specialist but he repeats and repeats a lie about the novel coronavirus pandemic (despite cases and hospitalizations and deaths rising steadily since mid-September): "We are rounding the turn . We are rounding the corner." When did ever I read about Trump lies here except to innocently attribute them to his sense of humor?
Shorter WaPo: "The Hunter Is a Lonely Heart". Pity him
Chuckie Schumer is trying to aid and abet the Bidens by leaning on the FBI to drop the investigation into Mac-gate.
Achilles said...
I think this is news:
Biden gave the Chicoms CIA sources who were all promptly killed or tortured.
10/25/20, 12:26 PM
BIG NEWS that the Media will hide....
Here's an article that explains what Achilles posted....
"I am fed up with the stupidity... the mere thought that we should want to read such dreck. It's an insult."
That's how they play on your feelings.
It's terrible! We have two dismal candidates! We should be better! I'm going to abstain!
Achilles: "Now she has to look in the mirror and ask "Am I stupid for being with these people all my life." She has believed she is smarter than all of us deplorables and morally superior to us all her life."
Yes, it's hard to realize that the deplorables were right all along, and you've been played for a sucker, with the abortion spiel and the appeal to nice women.
Abstaining is Althouse's way to cope with the cognitive dissonance.
Regarding the Chicom CIA sources killed by China:
Our totally competent CIA chief, John Brennan, used a piss-poor encryption method for his Chinese sources. This was the same method used in Egypt. The Egyptians couldn't penetrate it, but it was childs' play for the Chinese. Blame Obama for appointing a nincompoop as CIA chief.
Notice in the corner of the Biden "unconditional love" screenshot: "Psychiatrists know what’s wrong with my uncle. Let them tell voters" by Mary Trump. She wants psychiatrists to "unmuzzle" themselves. Judging from the comments elsewhere on the internet, there are enough unmuzzled amateur diagnosticians out there that it looks like they've got everything covered.
well they had yuk chang, who had spent a dozen years in china, before he returned to the states, and signed up as an fbi translator, in the mueller era, that story has been kept on the down low, there was nurges witt, the air force intel officer who defected to iran in 2013,
this community is an open sieve,
I'm watching the Lions work on losing another game. I'm debating on which dreck would be best to view at this point: WaPo or Detroit Lions? I need to expand my Sunday universe.
The unconditional love of Joe and Hunter Biden.
Dad, thanks for the letting me use your name and position. I'll cut you in on 10% of everything. I love you.
wendybar said...
Here's an article that explains what Achilles posted....
10/25/20, 1:51 PM
Hey, American Thinker: don't tell me what to do. A major problem with the conservative movement is not striking with information people can understand. The smart move is to prime the American people for the coming revelations that Hunter Biden makes wildly inappropriate decisions fueled by drug use- including molesting underage girls. Instead, some sites insist on pushing nebulous "treason" charges to the front, when the fact is that there are a half dozen people in the Obama Administration who could have let that information out, either by malice or incompetence.
But Hunter Biden is singlehandedly destroying Joe Biden, and by extension the entire Democratic Party. How marvellous.
decisions that involve policy, like selling american high tech companies to china, over the tawdry and myopic exploits of the dauphin, cfius was involved there too,
Here (there, and everywhere) lies Joe Biden. He loved not wisely, but too well.
I remember when the Obama administration "lost" all of the stored SF86 applications to the Chinese to a "hack."
I am starting to think he gave them my SF86 on purpose.
Joe Biden, Hunter Biden and the politics of unconditional love of money. FIFY!
Wapoo sets a new standard. I can't add anything to what Althouse said.
Joe Biden, Hunter Biden and the politics of unconditional love
for Christians such wording tantamount to anointing Biden as capable of A-ga-pe = unconditional love
let us see if they catch on and dispute
For /God/ = Biden so loved the world, that he gave his only(?) begotten /Son/ = Hunter, that /whosoever believeth/ = MSM and Democrat voters in him should not perish, but have everlasting life lived in Democrat Heaven. /— John 3:16, KJV/ = WaPo 12:20 2020
doctrev at 2:27--
Exactly right.
As I said in yesterday’s post.. that paper is garbage. I refuse to give them another dime.
Clearly you need a lesson in recognizing sarcasm...
: )
"The unconditional love of Joe and Hunter Biden."
A pimp's love is very different from that of a square.
Temujin said...
The unconditional love of Joe and Hunter Biden.
Dad, thanks for the letting me use your name and position. I'll cut you in on 10% of everything. I love you.
If you were a Ukrainian oligarch or a ChiCom bigwig, would you trust a crack-addled sex-crazed son of the VP to follow through on ANY venture?
Or would you pay that crack-addled, sex-crazed and worthless son with the knowledge that his VP father would see to it that the "deal" was delivered on.
C'mon, man!
William said...
Dreck! Love it.
Professor Althouse, do you have a dreck tag?
Q : if applied retroactively with 20/20 cognitive consonance how many posts will get tagged?
Falcon fan here Temujin...Thanks!
C'mon, man. Not even the state-owned Chinese media is as obvious as the Washington Post.
"We are rounding the turn . We are rounding the corner." When did ever I read about Trump lies here except to innocently attribute them to his sense of humor?
Usually I scan right by gadfly and his idiocies. In fact, aside from New York and New Jersey. both governed by idiots like gadfly, the rest of the country, especially red states are coming out of the pandemic. College kids are getting the virus which explains the case number. They are largely unaffected.
Here are some charts of the current status. Democrats are frantic to scare the population.
Unconditional love costs Hunter Biden 50% and his soul.
Joe used Humper's life as surety for the $$ he received
...Pluggs got the cash and made good on the bribe
I only read the Biden column. Touching.
Because, in the Orwellian world of the Left, statism = Love.
joe "fingers" biden using his son, hunter, as a proxy for his pay to play kickback operation is proof of joe's love.
Not going to click. Not going to make links for you. I am fed up with the stupidity... the mere thought that we should want to read such dreck. It's an insult.
Then repay them. Vote for President Trump and GOP all the way. Make them pay the price of their folly. Make them see. Make them see you.
It's like when he...feeds you egg salad...for the fortieth time. You cut him off.
You have to admire Joe. He figured out a way to make a truly broken and despicable son into a wealthy, successful, and valuable asset to the family. If he could just put that into a seminar or video series that other parents could use to fix their families too. The man is a role model to parents across America and the world. He gives us all hope.
I just have one question for Biden people. If the money Hunter received was not to influence or buy off the Vice President of the United States or the entire administration, what was the reason for it? What is it about Hunter Biden that would explain paying him all that money? Do you really think these wealthy powerful interests in Russia, Ukraine, and China would invest millions or billions with a man with Hunter's history and obvious flaws. Nobody else more responsible was available in the whole world?
"readering said...
I only read the Biden column. Touching”
You should check out the video of Hunter’s 14 year old niece giving him a foot job. He told his dad about it. If that isn’t the truest test of unconditional love, I don’t know what it.
It's difficult to imagine they're actually changing anyone's mind with this kind of stuff. I suppose it might get Biden voters more excited and willing to actually go vote. I have my doubts about even that, though.
It's difficult to imagine they're actually changing anyone's mind with this kind of stuff. I suppose it might get Biden voters more excited and willing to actually go vote. I have my doubts about even that, though.
Is electing a potted plant of a man whose career in "public service" has mostly enriched his relatives really worth this kind of lickspittle sucking-up?
As cynical as I get, I just can't keep up.
Yesterday, Biden twice said he was running against "George"! I wonder what Mary Trumps psychiatrists would have to say about that?
This isn't unreadable: it is necessary reading. We need to fully confront the implications of the fascism implicit.
I think that the overarching takeaway from the laptop is that Joe Biden is likely a sociopath.
The family that showers together stays together.
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