October 12, 2020

"A group of protesters toppled statues of former presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln and shattered the entrance to the Oregon Historical Society in Portland’s South Park Blocks..."

"... late Sunday before moving into other areas of downtown, smashing storefronts and engaging in other acts of destruction. Police declared the event a riot and ordered people rampaging through the city’s streets to disperse but did not directly intervene until nearly an hour after the first statue fell. The crowd scattered when police cruisers flooded the area, and officers in tactical gear appeared to make several arrests. Protest organizers had promoted the event on social media as an 'Indigenous Peoples Day of Rage.'...  The organizers had signaled their aggressive stance for the night, calling for 'direct action' and demanding that the video live-streamers and photographers who had become staples of such events stay away.... The group, about 200 strong, marched through downtown Portland, at one point occupying all four lanes of West Burnside Street. Most dressed head-to-toe in black. Many wore body armor, carried shields or wielded night sticks and other weapons. As the crowd reached the South Park Blocks, some threw chains on ropes on the Roosevelt statue, a bronze sculpture officially titled 'Theodore Roosevelt, Rough Rider,' as others took a blowtorch to its base and splattered it with red paint. They began to pull until the statue rocked from side to side before falling down at 8:51 p.m. The crowd erupted in cheers as dance music played on a large portable speaker....  The group then turned to the nearby Abraham Lincoln statue, pulling it to the ground at 8:59 p.m.... After toppling the statues, some protesters began smashing windows at the Oregon Historical Society, unfurling a banner that read, 'Stop honoring racist colonizer murderers.' A mural on the attached Sovereign Hotel building depicting the Lewis & Clark expedition was splattered with red paint...."


Expat(ish) said...

So, mostly peaceful.


Anonymous said...

They should be charged with making an in-kind donation to the Trump Reelection Campaign.

rehajm said...

These people are the political opposites of statue-topplers in just about anywhere else in the world.

mezzrow said...

I read the polls this morning.

All hail our future overlords.

Krumhorn said...

Good times. Good times.

- Krumhorn

Charlie said...

Build a wall around PDX..........let it burn.

M Jordan said...

Scott Adams blows off statue toppling as a Nothingburger. Doesn’t affect him, doesn’t bother him, statues are just symbols, bla bla bla. He’s got the libertarian disease of thinking he sees the big picture but actually seeing only his tight little fake liberty world.

It fills me with rage when I see these statues come down. I wouldn’t care if it was a statue of Stalin, it boils my blood that a mob gets to decide what our culture’s symbols are.

Libertarians are the book smart kid that can’t cut it socially outside the gifted and talented class environment. I used to call myself one many years ago. No more. They are idea autists who never fight the good fight.

Swede said...


Because you can shoot rioters.

Mike Sylwester said...

In The Oregonian newspaper, this passage is divided into seven paragraphs.

In the Althouse blog, the passage is one long paragraph.


Mike of Snoqualmie said...

The Multanomah County DA, Mike Schmidt, is a progressive tool who loves antifa. Rioters are bailed out quickly, if they're even charged. Portland could have shutdown these riots four years ago by arresting and prosecuting the antifa goons when they first started taking over the streets. But Mayor Ted Wheeler is paralyzed about enforcing public safety. His opponent, the antifa candidate, is very likely to win this November. No one will miss Mayor Ted.

Geoff Matthews said...

I was told that this was about confederate soldiers. . .

Temujin said...

Democracy dies in Portland. And Seattle. And Chicago. Newark. Detroit. Baltimore. Los Angeles. San Francisco.

And apparently in Michigan as well. Gretchen Whitmer seems unconvinced that the Left has anything to do with violence.

Democrats have so much more they want to do for all of you.

Anonymous said...

Why do they hate Lincoln? Anybody know?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Will the people of Portland and Oregon really continue to vote for Dems? It's boggles my mind.

narciso said...

they want to erase this country at the foundational level, and columbus is at the base of it,

Paul said...

"Many wore body armor, carried shields or wielded night sticks and other weapons. "

Yes "mostly peaceful protestors"....

Try that in Texas... just try it. See what happens if you try to mess with the Alamo.

Douglas2 said...

The way the VARA extension of copyright law has caused so much aggro and millions of dollars of unanticipated expense to property-owners of places with 'Murals', I've got this thought in my head "hmm, could VARA be weaponized against people who intentionally damage art who are not the putative 'owner' of said art?

MountainMan said...

I participate in a number of Facebook groups related to US history and I am the administrator for one that is focused on historic preservation. There have been quite a few postings on these sites lately related to statue toppling, preservation of historic sites and monuments, the SCOTUS nomination, electoral college; well, all the current hot-button issues. I am a frequent commenter on these sites and am appalled every single day at the ignorance and hate which infects so many of my fellow citizens. Not all of them are younger ones who have been indoctrinated with Marxism or the 1619 Project, either. I often try to educate - not criticize, just educate - some of these people with links to historic texts and documents, such as an annotated version of the Constitution (the one on the website of Congress is very good), the Federalist Papers, the speeches of Lincoln or Frederick Douglass, and many others. It's completely useless. These people are so full of hate for their own country and their fellow citizens that it is really frightening. If the Dems do take control of everything and proceed down the road of creating their all-powerful single party state then my wife and I have concluded we may have no choice but to move to some other country to live out the rest of our lives in peace and safety. It is not going to be safe here.

Jupiter said...

Understand what is going on here. These people could not have done this a year ago, or anything like it. But together with mayor Ted Wheeler, and especially the new Soros DA Mike Schmidt, they have spent that year teaching the police not to interfere when they commit crimes, and the police have learned. They are not doing this so that they can get rid of a few statues that hurt their little white feelies. The real purpose is shown when they march through residential neighborhoods, honking horns, shouting obscenities through bullhorns, chanting, shining lights into homes, breaking windows, driving motorcycles over lawns. They are showing the residents that the police won't protect them. And that the police will arrest anyone who interferes with their criminal behavior. They have coopted the police. The police now work for the mob.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The White Left (trademark)

No matter how our corrupt press and the elites in the corrupt democrat party spin it - these modern brownshirts are actually doing these things.

MayBee said...

We've been told, over and over, that there are not fine people on the "no toppling" side of the debate.

Bay Area Guy said...

Hmm. Toppling a statue of Abe Lincoln? Does that mean you opposed his efforts to free the slaves, and want slavery to return?

Leftist Marxists and their Demorcrat political enablers need a good talking-to......

natatomic said...

I can’t wait for 200 years from now when there are riots where people destroy statues of people from today and yell, “Stop honoring racist BLM rioters and murderers.”

wendybar said...

4 years of Rage is more like it. This is the Democrat party. vote wisely.

hawkeyedjb said...

I wonder why the police even show up to work in Portland. The city's officials don't support them, the citizenry doesn't even seem to support them. I hope the antifa candidate for mayor wins. Give the people what they want.

Marco the Lab said...

It's time to do something. Museum's are selling art. The statues need to go somewhere to be protected art. The owners of the statue's don't care enough to protect them. Sell them to somebody who does care. The sad thing is 5 years ago everybody walked past all these offensive metal images and didn't even notice them. All of a sudden critics decide they are bad. How can anything of historical importance not be offensive? Statue of Liberty? If we vote for Trump we are not allowed anything USA? Scott Adams describes it as Statue Wars. Lincoln and Roosevelt just got killed again. I will pay scrap metal price for any of them, since that's where everything is headed the junkyard.

sterlingblue said...

mezzrow has it right. These people are in charge now, and probably will be for the rest of our lives.

In 5 years, conservatism will be widely regarded as hopelessly outdated. In 10 years, expressing dissenting views will be illegal.

Fernandinande said...

Sailer had a funny take on it -

"Maybe Antifa tore down Abraham Lincoln’s statue for Columbus Day due to the speech Lincoln delivered at the White House to 14 Indian chiefs about how Indians should stop hunting and raiding and settle down to farming liked we pale-faced people do."

And part of Lincoln's funny speech:

"We pale-faced people think that this world is a great, round ball, and we have people here of the pale-faced family who have come almost from the other side of it to represent their nations here and conduct their friendly intercourse with us, as you now come from your part of the round ball."

hombre said...

Portland is the precursor for Biden’s America. Antifa/BLM, the swamp, the AOC girl’s and China will own us while he dithers. After he is Amendment 25ed, Kamala the Hun will send in the Storm Troopers.

Fernandinande said...

They have coopted the police. The police now work for the mob.

Just as every cop is a criminal
And all the sinners saints
As heads is tails, just call me Lucifer
'Cause I'm in need of some restraint

Fernandinande said...

Lileks (in Minneapolis): "From my Ring doorbell app I get daily video of opportunistic miscreants looking around at 4 AM for something to steal."

Spiros said...

I thought the government was going to kick rioters off welfare, including the extra unemployment boost from the CARES Act?

Jupiter said...

But enough about the destruction of Portland. Seen any good debates lately, Althouse? Has Joe Biden or Kamala Harris said anything trenchant you would like to analyze? It's really tough, deciding who to vote for.

Darrell said...

Friends of Biden act out.

We all saw Lincoln watching the slaves arrive and doing nothing in the steamy bayous of Indiana in Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter. What do you expect Lefties to do now?

sterlingblue said...

Even Althouse has been effectively demonetized by Google for expressing "unapproved" views according to Google's AI.

Leftist-programmed AI is starting to take over, and it's going to accelerate quickly.

mockturtle said...

Twenty-six arrested in Portland last night and every one white. Where's the diversity?

TJM said...

Meanwhile, the morons at the University of Wisconsin "distinguish" themselves:

The University of Wisconsin-Madison student government recently voted to approve a resolution that supports the removal of the school’s famous Abraham Lincoln statue, arguing it serves as a remnant “of this school’s history of white supremacy.”

Ann is really hanging around a really stupid bunch

Che Dolf said...

Unknown 8:45 AM: Why do they hate Lincoln? Anybody know?

"The mob doesn’t care about the history of Lincoln or Roosevelt. The mob hates them because they’re American and they’re white."
- @ColumbiaBugle

Joe Smith said...

I want Portland burned to the ground.

Then salt the fucking ashes.

Give the people what they voted for.

TreeJoe said...

I'm saddened with the realization this year that "Police aren't there to protect the public, they are there to protect criminals from the public" is accurate.

This type of breakdown in order and acceptance of violence and destruction will end with more violence, not less.

Achilles said...

They aren't even bothering to put a glove on the iron fist.

I fully expect them to announce Biden won the election no matter what votes are tallied and to censor all opposing speech.

The polls are complete bullshit. There are not that many people who are actually voting for Biden.

There is no enthusiasm. There is only vote harvesting. If we voted in person with ID and purple thumbs democrats get 35% of the vote.

Yancey Ward said...

It was a mostly peaceful Day of Rage, though.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Unknown said...
Why do they hate Lincoln? Anybody know?

Probably because he was the first Republican President

Sam L. said...

I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO not surprised. I simply await the news that "Portland is Burning." The STUPID is STRONG in Portland. The upcoming Mayor will light the fire.

Jaq said...

This is the kind of stuff that happens when you have cells deciding tactics and strategy in isolation. It’s going to get worse.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Unknown said...

Why do they hate Lincoln? Anybody know?

Because they're pig ignorant and think history started 10 minutes after they were born.

Michael said...

SIDE NOTE: A manager at the Oregonian told me last year that certain writers were getting their nose bent out of shape over commenters who were pointing out and challenging factual inaccuracies in their stories. One senior editor grew increasingly vocal about the sloppy reporting. That editor was downsized and soon after the comment section removed.

Ann Althouse said...

"Why do they hate Lincoln? Anybody know?"

It's in the linked article. Clue: it's Indigenous Peoples Day.

Ann Althouse said...

"The group then turned to the nearby Abraham Lincoln statue, pulling it to the ground at 8:59 p.m. Spray-painted on the base of the statue was “Dakota 38,” a reference to 38 Dakota men executed after the Dakota-U.S. War of 1862 in the largest mass execution in a single day in American history. (Lincoln commuted the same sentence, handed down by a military tribunal, for 265 others.)"

Lyle said...

Lincoln was a white supremacist who killed Native Americans. The Sand Creek massacre happened on his watch. He also supported sending blacks back to Africa because he wasn't sure they would make in a white supremacist America.

Nevertheless, one of America's most wise and wonderful Presidents.

Birkel said...

Freeman Hunt?

rhhardin said...

Tear down some totem poles in retaliation.

Anonymous said...

Bay Area Guy said...
Hmm. Toppling a statue of Abe Lincoln? Does that mean you opposed his efforts to free the slaves, and want slavery to return?

He didn't free the slaves. He freed insurrectionist slaves.

"That on the first day of January in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, all persons held as slaves within any State, or designated part of a State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free"

It wasn't till the 13th amendment was ratified, after his death, that the slaves in non-insurrection states were freed.

mockturtle said...

It's in the linked article. Clue: it's Indigenous Peoples Day.

And of the photographed arrestees not one looked even remotely like an 'indigenous person'. They invent excused to tear things down and burn things up because they are crazed young people looking for a cause. The most concerning part is that our city, county and state governments are letting them get away with it. Of those arrested, how many will actually serve time? Who will pay for the damage?

Gk1 said...

I have progressives friends in Portland who are absolutely livid. They had been increasingly irritated with the continual disruption and now trashing the historical society is a bridge too far for them (for some reason). They are of a mind of jailing Black bloc and Antifa whenever they show their faces in public! WOw, they are pissed.

Anonymous said...

The Antifa Rose City game plan.

1.humiliate the Police
2. demonstrate that they own the streets, day and night.
3. suppress all opposing groups or public opinion by force. this includes the press
4. "That's a nice business you have. It would be a shame if". Demand local businesses and employers (LOL Nike) get on board publicly and pay protection/reparations.
5. convince the general population that there is no place to hide and that the government can't function or even protect itself.
6. seed/colonize other communities
7. Up the revolution!
8. Up against the wall MF! That includes you sweet pea!

Fernandinande said...

Why do they hate Lincoln?

He was white. Amerindians enslaved, tortured, cannibalized and mass-murdered each other since forever, but that doesn't count because "not white"; "whiteness" is very important to anti-white racists.

Did you know? "Anasazi" is Navajo for "ancient enemy" and "Sioux" is from Chippewa for "enemy".

Speaking of the Navajo, Mean Old Uncle White Man just gave them 700 million dollars and 3 million pounds of firewood.

Douglas B. Levene said...

As @Mike noted above, Portland mayor Wheeler is likely to lose to the pro-antifa candidate. As a Portland resident, I’m quite feet that things can and will get worse if that happens. The destruction that is now confined to several blocks downtown and around federal and municipal buildings on the east side will expand. The rioters will grow in numbers and will, confident that the new mayor and DA have their backs, bring pain to other business and residential areas. So Wheeler may be a weak pussy, but I’m getting gonna vote for him.

Jack Klompus said...

Kill Antifa down to the last useless neon-haired LARPing brat in it. Let their corpses rot in the streets of Portland. If the well-armed citizenry banded together and went on the offensive and took out this trash with extreme prejudice, there would be very few people shedding tears for having the planet cleaned up significantly. Slaughter all of them.

Narr said...

I've been involved on the losing (why don't we just accept the past and learn from it?) side of local and state history for more than 30 years, and it sucks.

As recently as 1992, the local Italian community put up a statue of Columbus in a small park. It was splashed with paint this summer but it still stands, unlike Jeff Davis, NB Forrest, and some anodyne historical markers and memorials-- some of which get stolen or vandalized every year.

It's cultural cleansing by self-appointed and self-anointed historical hygienists, and yes it's only part of the softening-up process. The real trouble won't happen until the election IMO, regardless of outcome.

Douglas Murray has an interesting discussion of the results of internalizing myths of national and ethnic guilt in The Strange Death of Europe.

Yeah, I said myths

Sebastian said...

""Why do they hate Lincoln? Anybody know?"

It's in the linked article. Clue: it's Indigenous Peoples Day."

No, Althouse. They hate America, you included. They hate everything about you, and us. And they mean to destroy what they hate.

The nice, reasonable women of America have yet to confront the central issue. Soon, it will be too late.

But we didn't know! How could they! Somebody do something!

Cap'n Rusty said...

George Savile, Marquis of Halifax: “Men are not hanged for stealing horses, but that horses may not be stolen.”

Cap'n Rusty said...

George Savile, Marquis of Halifax: “Men are not hanged for stealing horses, but that horses may not be stolen.”

James Pawlak said...

Such violence "Presents A Clear And Present Danger Of Death Or Great Bodily Harm" to others. If, and only if, the police will not prevent that endangerment by immediately arresting those criminal-terrorist, they must use lethal force to do so. If they refuse to do so (Likely on the orders of Democrat officials who have forbidden them to take ANY effective actions), it is the right-and-duty of "The General Militia" (ie All law-abiding citizens over the age of
18-years capable of bearing arms) to do so.

effinayright said...

I keep wondering how many Antifa types round out their day of looting and burning by watching laid-back episodes of "Portlandia".

hstad said...

Blogger Lyle said..."...Lincoln was a white supremacist who killed Native Americans. The Sand Creek massacre happened on his watch. He also supported sending blacks back to Africa because he wasn't sure they would make in a white supremacist America. Nevertheless, one of America's most wise and wonderful Presidents..."10/12/20, 10:49 AM

You should stop and reflect on your comments. "...white supremacist who killed Native Americans...?" Any details to offer? How many of your "Native Americans" killed "whites", how many "Native Americans" practiced slavery" they all did. Pointing to a time when the entire human race practiced slavery is a example of contextual failure on your part. BTW, we still have slavery today - crickets from you - Mauritania - and it's a black country. South Africa is today forcing the government law of taking all farmland away from whites. According to local reports, "...Economic Freedom Fighters MP Hlengiwe Mkhaliphi argued land grabs must go ahead as she declared: “Your time is up, white people”. As a result, they will become another failed state. But if you want to point to historical slavery, what about all those "whites" put into slavery? Crickets! The word 'slave' comes from 'Slavs' - last I looked they where white. More whites were slaves then all the combined blacks brought to the Western Hemisphere. But you're interested in some make believe "racism" meme. Propoganda has worked its magic on you.

Fernandinande said...

The Sand Creek massacre happened on his watch.

I can't find the reference online (it was in an old book), but one of the incidents which led to that was the Amerindians returning some people they had captured, and one of them was a 12-year-old girl who'd had her nose burned off; the Amerindians seemed to think that was just business as usual, but the US Army didn't agree.

Although I might be thinking of the "Council House Fight" and Matilda Lockhart, who "was utterly degraded, and could not hold up her head again. Her head, arms, and face were full of bruises, and sores, and her nose actually burnt off to the bone-all the fleshy end gone, and a great scab formed on the on the end of the bone. Both nostrils were wide open and denuded of flesh. She told a piteous tale of how dreadfully the Indians had beaten her, and how they would wake her from her sleep by sticking a chunk of fire to her flesh, especially to her nose...her body had many scars from the fire." She was about 12 years old at the time.

Milwaukie guy said...

I wonder how Oregon will vote next month. Like many states, the countryside is almost all red and the Metro counties, Multnomah, Clackamas and Washington, run the state. 2016 was 60-40.

I wonder how the Clackamas and Washington suburbs will react to Antifa marches through residential neighborhoods and the toppling of the Portland Elk, the TR and the Washington and Lincoln statues. Add in the strong possibility that Portland will elect an Antifa loon as mayor, I really have to wonder if the Metro urban gentry are ready to commit suicide.

Banjo said...

"I read the polls this morning.

All hail our future overlords."

I'm surprised anyone this naive reads Ann's blog.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

DisIngenuous People's Day of Rage


Milwaukie guy said...

I also meant to add that the Portland Police Bureau is nearly one-third understrength from retirements and resignations and supposedly, from one of my retired State Police buddies, another 100 POs are in queue for retirement [papers in process].

For reasons, the city cancelled this year's Police Academy. No Oregon police want to transfer into Portland. A new crop of recruits could probably be formed, because the PPB's academy is one of the few in Oregon and people that want to be POs often train there and try to get hired someplace else after they get five years experience.

A few weeks ago I was talking to Milwaukie POs, after a high-speed chase incident that had the perp blast down 24' of my 6' masonry wall. As they were leaving, I asked weren't they glad they didn't work in Portland? That started another five minute conversation, the gist was that yes, yes, one hundred times yes.

Mark Nielsen said...

I'm sure Biden will be nagged by the press to comment on this, right? Surely they'll want to get his statement on the "idea" of antifa appearing fully realized in human(?) form.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

At what point does the Insurrection Act come into play?

My guess: 4 November if Trump wins, 4th of Never otherwise.

Stan Smith said...

By the way, there were NO "indigenous people" in America. They all came across a land bridge from Asia, or traveled here from elsewhere, just like all of our ancestors. And if we take Louis Leakey at face value, we are ALL "African-Americans."

Caligula said...

"People in the crowd were repeatedly admonished not to film."

And that's how you tell the difference between "protesters" and "rioters": protesters love cameras (why bother if there's no coverage?), rioters hate them.

gerry said...

Lincoln was a white supremacist who killed Native Americans. The Sand Creek massacre happened on his watch. He also supported sending blacks back to Africa because he wasn't sure they would make in a white supremacist America.

Nevertheless, one of America's most wise and wonderful Presidents.

Vladimir Lenin signed orders to summarily execute thousands (and perhaps tens of thousands) of people. He created the Cheka, the killing machine that terrorized Russia into servitude (the Cheka became the KGB). He promulgated Leninism, a political philosophy that motivated and justified the deaths millions of people during the 20the century.

Nevertheless, Communism's devotees consider him the wisest and most wonderful leader of Communism. Lenin's legacy is blood, political slavery, and death.

Lincoln's legacy is liberty.

What the protesters did in pulling down Lincoln and Roosevelt statues is an attempt to foment division and hatred among citizens, to create doubt in the worth of our nation, all to remake the nation according to Leninism's ptinciples. The goal is to remove the United States as a barrier to international Communism and the economic-political slavery Leninism requires to be triumphant.

PM said...

Those who dismember the past are groomed to repeat it.

I'm Not Sure said...

"I have progressives friends in Portland who are absolutely livid. They had been increasingly irritated with the continual disruption and now trashing the historical society is a bridge too far for them (for some reason)."

Getting what they voted for, and they're not happy? Ingrates.

n.n said...

Lincoln was a white supremacist who killed Native Americans.

Indigenous Americans.

By 1861, tensions between new settlers and Native Americans were rising. On February 8 of that year, a Cheyenne delegation, headed by Chief Black Kettle, along with some Arapahoe leaders, accepted a new settlement with the Federal government.
The atrocities committed by the soldiers were initially praised, but then condemned as the circumstances of the massacre emerged. Chivington resigned from the military and aborted his budding political career. Black Kettle survived and continued his peace efforts. In 1865, his followers accepted a new reservation in Indian Territory.

- history.com

This may be repeated if the left's witch hunts, warlock trials, and protests are permitted to progress.

He also supported sending blacks back to Africa because he wasn't sure they would make in a white supremacist America.

He was concerned about assimilation and integration into a society where a Democrat minority exercised liberal license to indulge diversity dogma and other class-based bigotry. He was right.

Diversity may have been a motive, but Lincoln was not a color supremacist, let alone a rabid diversitist.

n.n said...

I have progressives friends in Portland who are absolutely livid. They had been increasingly irritated with the continual disruption and now trashing the historical society

The wicked solution, diversity dogma, and then: but I'm progressive (i.e. unqualified, monotonic change). And then liberals who diverge on generational, factional, and sectarian lines. #HerToo #HimToo #ThemToo #PrinciplesMatter

Rusty said...

Howard. Your friends are morons. But then. How would you know.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

There are two write-in candidates for Portland's mayor, Teressa Raiford, a left-wing write-in candidate and Joseph Whitcomb, the conservative candidate. The current mayor, Ted Wheeler, has so bollocked-up his response to antifa/blm that the antifa candidate, Sarah Iannarone, is way ahead.

wayworn wanderer said...

Father Abraham, Racist.

Love me some leftists.

mockturtle said...

DisIngenuous People's Day of Rage


Well struck, ICTA! ;-)

Maillard Reactionary said...

The words "rioters" and "vandals" don't seem to be in the vocabulary of "journalists" any more.

Perhaps they think that if they keep repeating the lie that these are "protestors" and that their activities are "protests", we won't believe the evidence of our own lying eyes.

This is their civilization too, that these anarchists are trying to destroy. Do they imagine that it will never come to where they live, or that their press credentials will serve to keep them safe?

rcocean said...

That's what People in Oregon want. 10-1 they'll vote in another Antifa supporting D Governor. You can't cure stupid. Washington is no better. Their Governor is a disgrace. But will get re-elected.

bagoh20 said...

The Dakotas had valid complaints, but they murdered 450 - 800 civilians and killed 77 soldiers. The United States killed 150 Dakota. The Dakota 38 were tried before execution, and the vast majority were spared. The Dakota tried nobody and spared none.

The whole story needs told, but today that seems to almost never happen.

Big Mike said...

Hey! Didn't these bozos tear down a statue of Black American Frederick Douglas to protest "systemic racism"? TR and Honest Abe are in good company.

Sam L. said...

The governor ought to declare martial law in Portland, but she won't. I say Trump should call the mayor and the governor and tell them there will be NO federal funds to rebuild Portland, since THEY didn't try to stop the rioting, looting, and burning. This is harsh, but the STUPID is STRONG in Portland and Oregon.

Kirk Parker said...


In all fairness, I'm not sure the Dakotas really bought into the Western concept of "civilian". The West itself barely does, you know.

Kirk Parker said...

Sam L.,

I would rather he called them and said, "Just wanted to give you a heads up: Federal Marshals are on their way to arrest you under the insurrection act, for aiding and abetting insurrection. It would be better for everyone involved if you just come along quietly."

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