For example, right now, the top of the page is dominated by the story that Michael Bloomberg is going to spend $100 million to benefit Joe Biden. (Rich people have a right to spend their own money to say whatever they want to say. It's not a contribution, so there is and can be no limit on the amount spent.) That story pushed down what was dominating a little earlier today, the headline "Roger Stone calls for Trump to seize total power if he loses the election."
I don't know if Stone really said that, but I also don't care what Roger Stone says. I'm satisfied to see that story sink, and it made me wonder: What about Woodward? Is he still getting talked about, what with that new book of his and something he heard Trump say last winter, something about Trump knowing Covid-19 was going to be terrible but wanting also to inspire optimism. I searched the Memeorandum front page. Woodward was gone.
Now, a nice thing about Memeorandum is that you can click to reformat it as Memeorandum River. In the River format, the stories that appear on the main page are simply in chronological order. So you see the date and time that a much-discussed article first appeared on Memeorandum. There were lots of stories about the new Woodward book. It was a big deal last week. Has it slipped out of active discussion already? With Memeorandum River, I can see the last time there was anything new. It was 12:10 p.m. on September 11th: "Senate Republicans scramble to contain fallout from Woodward bombshell" (The Hill). Well! I guess the "fallout" is contained. The Hill had collected some bland statements by Republicans. Stuff like: "I just wonder whose vote will be changed by a Bob Woodward book."
In the a.m. of September 11th, there were 3 stories:
9:25 AM Wall Street Journal: Woodward's Non-Revelation — There's no need for the tell-all books. Trump tells us every day...I won't bother to make links. You can see the story dying in those headlines.
9:07 AM Howard Kurtz / Fox News: Why Trump talked, though he feared an ‘atrocious’ book from Woodward...
7:25 AM CNN: Vulnerable Republicans avoid criticizing Trump after admission to Woodward about downplaying virus
When did the Woodward story begin?, you may wonder. The River answers that question: September 9th. Last Wednesday. Such a bombshell that day! Remember? It lasted 3 days. You can see it rise and fall over at the River.
I mean, presidents always have to manage the public, and given we knew the CDC had also lied to us about mask usage, it wasn't unexpected that if Trump believed the virus was worse than we were seeing, he'd try and hold back.
Imagine Trump trying to sell people on the million plus dead that the left created in late March/early April... after the left had just tried to call him out for using the virus as a distraction when he tried to bring it up in January/February. There is no way he was going to get the left on board with any plan of action, and since they had already actively undermined the safety of their constituents by telling them to ignore the warning signs and go downtown, the only thing Trump could really do at that point was continue preparing. No one was going to listen to him anyway, and it turned out that the millions dead meme was just as wrong as the "just the flu" meme. He accidentallied himself into the right course of action.
"President Trump tries to prevent panic.... National Media is OUTRAGED!!!!"
"It lasted 3 days."
Russia collusion hoax: 3 years. Impeachment: 3 months. Trump occupies cities and causes riots: 3 weeks. Trump did something or other on Covid: 3 days. Next Trump outrage (Trump calls Slow Joe a very bad name?): 3 hours.
There was lots of pushback on the supposed Woodward 'revelations', even from some in msm- not just mollie and sharyl. Tired, old, tired political move- like it was still 1973. The focus groups must have planned it...
Not to worry there will be another bombshell next week, every week until the election. The way the act they must think they're losing...
I quit Memeorandum when they switched to All Hate on Trump All of the Time.
How could anyone think Bloomberg's support is good news?
Michael Bloomberg is going to spend $100 million to benefit Joe Biden.
Michael was going to spend $100 million to help whoever was the nominee.
Then he wasn’t.
Now he is.
Will be actually follow through?
Only his accountants, signed to NDA’s, will know.
The Woodward bombshell is the material about General Mattis scheming with others to remove Trump from office as dangerous and unfit. That this has not developed more traction may reflect general boredom with author Woodward, general weariness about the attempted coups, or unconcern since Mattis is out of the picture. But it has some degree of traction, because I have now read it in at least two different places.
I find this different in degree from the "political pornography" aspect of Woodward's book. I think it is shocking material even given the level of sedition and subversion we have been seeing for four years. I thought Mattis had at least a reasonable grasp on reality. He was, supposedly, a Democrat, so maybe even he runs with blinkers on.
Bloomberg’s money is a sign Joe’s in trouble and the insiders know it.
That’s the real story.
The Woodward tapes don't rise or fall if you are a family member of one of the 194,657 Americans lost to the Covid pandemic--many because of the President's conscious lies. Nor if you are one of the estimated 650,000 US "long-haulers," still feeling the effects of the virus four months after contracting it. No, only in the Trump and Althouse land of non-empathy and distortions of facts does that story ever fall. It is the worst failure of any American President in my lifetime. On Friday, Canada reported no new deaths and the US 1200 plus,
I love the smell of breathless bombshells in the morning.
You are funny Ann Althouse.
I suggest as an alternative. I just discovered it through Don Surber's blog. So far I really like it.
"With Memeorandum River, I can see the last time there was anything new... You can see it rise and fall over at the River."
River of Dreams
I don't know why I go walking at night
But now I'm tired and I don't
Want to walk anymore
I hope it doesn't take the rest of my life
Until I find what it is
That I've been looking for
In the middle of the night
I go walking in my sleep
Through the jungle of doubt
To a river so deep
I know I'm searching for something
Something so undefined
That it can only be seen
By the eyes of the blind
In the middle of the night
"The Woodward tapes don't rise or fall if you are a family member of one of the 194,657 Americans lost to the Covid pandemic--many because of the President's conscious lies."
-- If, in January, Trump had called for total isolation, with armed guards keeping people in doors, or welding doors shut on people who were sick, would you have been for that?
Because, to have gotten 0 deaths, you'd need some ridiculously draconian power grabs from the federal government. Governors, like Cuomo, would have had to be deposed with puppet governors put in place to keep them from botching things so severely.
What level of draconian authoritarian fascist rule are you willing to accept from Trump to prevent deaths from COVID? Because... in February, Democrats were unwilling to accept Trump stopping foreign travel without fighting him over it. So, tell me: How much do you hate them for getting in the way? How much blame do you lay at their feet?
Or is this just waving some bloody shirts, maybe even bloody shirts of people you know, to score points on Trump? Because, I seriously doubt you would have given Trump a morsel of power to stop the deaths you pretend to care about oh so very, very much.
@JDB: The population of Canada is 1/10 that of the US. Scaling the US death count makes it 120. That's within the statistical variance of recent weeks. Two weeks ago the US death count was @370, or in Canada terms, 37.
JDB, I think you started with your TDS conclusion and then worked randomly backward. The governors are in charge of how each state handles its health problems. The two worst states were New York and New Jersey, highly Democratic places. It's revolting that you use this disease cooked up in a Communist Chinese lab to work out your political frustrations over this particular President, who acted swiftly at the start when all the people you probably prefer were spouting what we can see all too clearly now were dangerously counterproductive advice -- because they, too, suffer from the same mental illness your comment exhibits, TDS.
LULULEMON, which is worth $40 billion and sells $128 yoga pants, promotes 'resist capitalism' event...
Headline found somewhere on line.
anyway - I want to paste a giant sign on the local LULULEMON store that says:
I saw a college age girl wearing a shirt with an anti-capitalist message on it. She was at the grocery store. I wish I would has asked her what she was doing at a capitalist enterprise called the "grocery store" -- buying things. It should be a crime to be an anti-capitalist partaking in capitalism.
Jeffrey is a hater. No arguing with people like him. Best ignored.
matt Sablan said: "Or is this just waving some bloody shirts, maybe even bloody shirts of people you know, to score points on Trump? Because, I seriously doubt you would have given Trump a morsel of power to stop the deaths you pretend to care about oh so very, very much."
They wanted trump to act like a tyrant to unseat him in the lections.... that failed he refuses to act like a tyrant. Now they are all butthurt that he is not cooperating with them to destroy him.
The same people that say Trump is an evil Trump always seem to want him to act like a tyrant.. It is classic Cognitive Dissonance.
“Michael Bloomberg is going to spend $100 million to benefit Joe Biden.”
Whatever he spends here will be mostly water down the drain. That is because most of the money, at this late date, has to, by necessity, go into TV (etc) advertising, and that medium is well saturated all ready, esp in states like MT here, where the major state level candidates have been ducking it our for months. By now we, and a lot of others are just tired of campaign ads, and tune them out. Last Presidential election contest, four years ago, was lost by Crooked Hillary at least partially because this is where she blew much of her billion dollar war chest on TV advertising. What she needed, and didn’t have my was a good GOTV effort. Trump didn’t do much better there, but did do a much better job at micro targeting voters over the Internet. Biden and crew really haven’t been doing much GOTV organizing or micro targeting, while the Trump team seems much more engaged there.
The problem for the Dems is that both GOTV and micro targeting take time to put together and organize, and time has run out for the Dems here. Pretty much all that Bloomberg can do at this point is generic TV, radio and Internet. At this point all of them are expensive and not that effective, esp this late. If he had kept his campaign together, he could have unleashed them to support Biden. Instead, he fired them, and making things worse did so after having promised them that he wouldn’t.
Michael Bloomberg isn't going to give 100 million to charity or to help the wild fires, no no no - Bloomberg is going to spend 100 million on creepy old corrupt Joe Biden.
Kevin: "Bloomberg’s money is a sign Joe’s in trouble and the insiders know it.
That’s the real story."
That, combined with other stories such as Bernie Sanders people screaming to the heavens that Biden is blowing it and needs to change his campaign focus and participants (more AOC is demanded) all the while there is great consternation amongst the media that the democratical/LLR-lefty ground game for Biden is falling far behind the Trump ground game effort (which didn't really exist in 2016 for Team Trump).
Lots of indicators that behind all the fake push polls needed to pump up the lefties on a daily basis, there is real recognition of issues by the democratical insiders.
It might be interesting to see any correlation to the river info v. internal polling of the D party.
I suspect it's strong.
"The Woodward tapes don't rise or fall if you are a family member of one of the 194,657 Americans lost to the Covid pandemic--many because of the President's conscious lies."
The reality, that you refuse to accept, is that he did far better than any plausible Democratic would, or could have done. The Big Lie is that any of them would, or could have done better. That they recognized the problem earlier. They didn’t. They were attacking him for better than a month after he first acted to limit the Chinese, then Europeans, into this country. We have far more PPE, ventilators, testing, etc than they could have dreamed of. If Dems had been in charge, they almost certainly would have responded how they always do, which is to throw the problem to the bureaucrats, and let them duke it out. The problem with that, of course, is that bureaucrats invariably are more worried about their own bureaucratic territory than in actually solving problems. So the CDC would still be in charge of all testing, would be still grossly underperforming what Trump has accomplished, and told the politicians at the top that the only way to fix testing was to give them billions and billions in extra resources. Therapeutics would be lagging significantly because they haven’t yet satisfactorily completed the FDA’s double blind testing regime. After all, even one death from a bad choice of therapeutics is one too many. Nope. Because hundreds of thousands are dying anyway. But bureaucrats don’t think that way.
So, please do a bit more research next time.
Too bad there's not an Underground River, to track stories that have been actively suppressed by the MSM because they would unfavorably effect Democrat electoral chances. But for the internet, and Trump's twitter account, stories that would be buried forever in the crime pages of local papers.
"If Dems had been in charge, they almost certainly would have responded how they always do, which is to throw the problem to the bureaucrats, and let them duke it out."
-- Isn't that how we started so far behind, because the FDA or CDC or someone was fighting over exactly what tests were allowed to be used, until the feds just cut through the red tape? It's also when they realized that Obama/Biden never restocked the national stockpile of masks and things.
The Woodward book is coming out on Tuesday, September 15.
Michael Barone has a gloomy column today which may be too gloomy but is useful to keep expectations real.
The past three years and 10 months have seen little outreach by President Trump to most of those who didn’t vote for him in 2016 — particularly to the college-graduate suburbanites who tipped the House to Democrats in 2018. He seems unwilling or unable to squelch the undisciplined tweets and ad libs that repel such voters, and he seems nonplussed by the prospect of losing the national popular vote again.
The question here is how much the riots and videos of violence will influence the suburban white women, like Ann.
I always go to Memorandum first thing, but I've stopped clicking on any of their stories. Just "orange man bad" 24/7. And all the stories about "Orange Man" aren't stories, but DNC propaganda.
I always go to Memorandum first thing, but I've stopped clicking on any of their stories. Just "orange man bad" 24/7. And all the stories about "Orange Man" aren't stories, but DNC propaganda.
where the faucet of disinformation begins,
"He seems unwilling or unable to squelch the undisciplined tweets and ad libs that repel such voters, and he seems nonplussed by the prospect of losing the national popular vote again."
-- I mean, I remember in one of the boardgames we played, I learned you didn't score points for army/fleet size at the end. So in the last several turns, I just unleashed my army on all of my neighbors in a slash and burn plan to cost them victory points on scoring things. Someone asked, "But you won't have an army at the end of the game!"
I said, "Good thing that's not what we're scored on." So, I can get why Trump might not care he might lose a score that doesn't matter.
Memeorandum River has nothing to do with subject popularity. It is driven by two things, events and news stories (real and unreal) when generated.
Bias, of course, never makes its way into published news stories. It seems, for example, that FEC regulations require campaign donors to identify their employers but it also seems that donors who think that such information is outside government's need-to-know simply declare "unemployed," which is never confirmed by the receiving funds. And while my libertarian leanings allow me to agree, I am taken aback by a new Fox News story that finds only ActBlue donors are using this ploy.
Before going too far off-track, my point is that the above story isn't important at all but it is newer than the shocking Bob Woodward talking to Shallow State exposé.
Antifa - what the media leave out.
Someone has pointed out the misspelling in your post title, right?
All right, disregard.
"He seems unwilling or unable to squelch the undisciplined tweets and ad libs that repel such voters, and he seems nonplussed by the prospect of losing the national popular vote again."
I wonder why Barone believes the tweets and ad libs to be undisciplined. Unwise, perhaps. Untoward, maybe. But undisciplined? Barone really means undignified, which brings him closer to "Never Trumper" territory.
Trump's "discipline" made him president. Why would he change now?
Listen to a drum beating. Identify which tap upset you the most. Or at all.
Out of a page full of headlines, probably thirty or so, there are three from conservative sources. Otherwise it is the likes of WaPO, NYT, Politico, Mediaite over and over again. And so of course it is largely anti-Trump, climate change, and all the other left wing garp.
Nice "that you can click to reformat it as Memeorandum River." Is there anything you can click to reformat it with just a smidge of political viewpoint balance?
If not, I think I'm going to pass on Memeorandum and its wonderful mysterious automatic process.
I thought Mattis had at least a reasonable grasp on reality.
He fell for the Theranos scam hook, line and sinker. He thought Elizabeth Holmes was the bees' knees, and planned to use her tests on troops in Afghanistan.
Guy's a dope.
I met the guy who created Memeorandum, years ago--it's been around for a long time, dating to the days when blogs took off. Unsuccessfuly tried to talk him into creating a similar version for news and commentary in my large, industrial field. Would have been cool!
“ The past three years and 10 months have seen little outreach by President Trump to most of those who didn’t vote for him in 2016 — particularly to the college-graduate suburbanites who tipped the House to Democrats in 2018. He seems unwilling or unable to squelch the undisciplined tweets and ad libs that repel such voters, and he seems nonplussed by the prospect of losing the national popular vote again.”
Barone is ignoring the places where Trump has been doing outreach - in particular to the Hispanic and Black communities. I think that the Hispanic vote could be esp problematic for the Dems this time around. BLM just tried to assassinate two LA Sheriff’s Office deputies. They then blocked access to the hospital where they took the deputies. It quickly turned racial/ethnic with Hispanics turning out to support the officers. The Dems are all in for the blacks in this. Long run, that isn’t probably a good strategic decision - the Hispanic demographic is growing through a higher birth rate and immigration (much of it illegal). The black community is not, esp its high reliance on abortion as birth control.
Can we get Trump to go on record that he won't do this same shit in his second term? How about the same pledge from every Republican nominee? No help in books from crazy liberal "journalists".
If you draw attention to something like what Woodward wrote, it would also draw attention to the real story, and people would read between the lines, asking 'what was going on back then?'.
This would end up going against the 'orange man bad' narrative.
AllenS said...
I quit Memeorandum when they switched to All Hate on Trump All of the Time.
9/13/20, 8:28 AM
And never going there myself until today, I see it still is. May as well go to Drudge.
" am taken aback by a new Fox News story that finds only ActBlue donors are using this ploy.
Well, plenty of ordinary donors leave that info blank, because NOYB! But the state requires it, so I have been putting in "unemployed (you loser!)" because I'm tired of the hassle.
Damned if I'm going to track down someone who bought a $20 MAGA hat to demand to know their employer.
Campaign finance laws are just a big pain in the ass.
Too many people were reading where Trump told Woodward he’s been binging on the Kool-Aid, and vigorously agreeing. Time pretend the book had never been written. Woodward who?
Thanks, Ann, I'll be visiting there regularly now.
wendybar said...
AllenS said...
I quit Memeorandum when they switched to All Hate on Trump All of the Time.
9/13/20, 8:28 AM
And never going there myself until today, I see it still is. May as well go to Drudge.
I noticed that. But information can still be useful, even when it is pure political propaganda.
And think of the FUN you'll have there after the God-Emperor Donald I is reelected.
Often people start giving away their trade secrets when they're planning to retire.
Your responses confirmed my original point: not one atom of empathy for those who lost their lives or had them disrupted because of all of the President's lies about Covid. Very disturbing to see such heartless people and all of them with a cult-like devotion to their Great leader loving Great Leader.
---Your responses confirmed my original point: [JDB]
You bought that one at the dollar store, didn't you? Generic imitation thoughts, 3 for 99 cents.
Numerous deaths have been connected to the Trump Tulsa rally alone, KA. Basta. It’s impossible to reason with true believers.
Don't call me Basta!!
Now you're on to the Tulsa rally? But that had nothing to do with your original point, JDB. You can't keep a train of logic going because your argument is just mudslinging to try to score a political point out of the virus epidemic. That is why it is "impossible" for you to "reason." You have no reason, just anger and TDS. Go vote for that dynamo Biden and we'll see the nation's verdict then.
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