September 13, 2020

"We hope they die" chanted the protesters blocking the entrance to the emergency room for 2 deputies shot in an ambush.

I'm reading "2 California deputies shot in apparent ambush in patrol car" (WaPo):
The 31-year-old female deputy and 24-year-old male deputy... were shot while sitting in their patrol car at a Metro rail station [in Compton, California] and were able to radio for help, the sheriff said.... “The gunman walked up on the deputies and opened fire without warning or provocation,” the department stated. ...

Protesters gathered outside the emergency room at the hospital where the injured deputies were being treated. “To the protesters blocking the entrance & exit of the HOSPITAL EMERGENCY ROOM yelling “We hope they die” referring to 2 LA Sheriff’s ambushed today in #Compton: DO NOT BLOCK EMERGENCY ENTRIES & EXITS TO THE HOSPITAL,” the sheriff’s department tweeted. “People’s lives are at stake when ambulances can’t get through.”

A radio reporter who was near the protest scene was taken into custody, KABC-TV reported. The sheriff’s department later tweeted that the reporter interfered with the arrest of a male protester....
The response from our President:

Is the shooter a child? He/she looks shorter than the top of the car.


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Jaq said...

"The sheriff’s department later tweeted that the [Radio] reporter interfered with the arrest of a male protester”

Let me guess, NPR?

I hope to God you didn’t misgender the shooter, because that would be bad.

Sebastian said...

“We hope they die”

So, Althouse, how's that can't-we-all-get-along-and-unite after 9/11 thing going?

David Begley said...

Here in Nebraska, flags are at half staff for a policeman murdered in the line of duty. The funeral was held at Nebraska’s basketball arena. It was nearly filled.

AllenS said...

While I'm not a big police supporter, last week I finally became so pissed off about the defund the police people, plus antifa and the BLM crowd, that I ordered a Blue Lives Matter lawn sign. Should go good with my multiple Trump law signs, and oh, I just ordered a Trump flag also.

Browndog said...


RigelDog said...

It very much looks like a child, even the way the gun is held. Maybe a woman, but you have to wonder if it's gang-related since they will use kids and have recently declared open season on police.

Wince said...

How did "protesters" know to assemble and block the entrance to the emergency room so soon after the shooting?

buwaya said...

The hospital attack is a deliberate attempt to create a reaction. To enrage someone.
Everything after what could well be a random act (the shooting), in these cases, is gamed, planned, messaging and decision trees set up, and organized.

If this, then do that, else thus other thing.

A reaction in the heat of the moment to the gross outrage is what they hope for.

Revenge is best served cold, if there is someone left after all this to take revenge of course.

mezzrow said...

Child soldiers are a thing. Not a good thing, but a thing. You leverage the unwillingness of the system to treat a child like an "animal".

Once more, in my withered mind, Wally Shawn shouts "Incontheivable!"

Who sent him? Or her? We don't know any of the answers yet.

Drago said...

Howard's Heroes in action.

Paul said...

Sooner or later cops, especially detectives, are going to turn a blind eye to those that kill protestors, Antifa, BLM, and the Mayors that shield them. Gonna happen, sooner or later. And then what will these nutjobs do? Civil war?

alan markus said...

Can't be Gary Coleman. He died 10 years ago.

Birkel said...

I continue to wish the Leftist Collectivists get exactly what they want for themselves.
They seem intent on earning it for themselves.
I want them to have what they want.

Amadeus 48 said...

The safest description is that the shooter is a short little bastard.

And for you fans of The Wire, this is a tribute to the assassination of Omar.

Ken B said...

I read that the fish eye lens might distort height.

Temujin said...

Looks like a child put up to do the job. The police would not have suspected a kid coming at them. They will going forward. Reading about the blocking of the emergency drive, the chanting "let them die", and a child walking up to do the killing, I'm reminded of Graham Nash's song, "Teach Your Children".

Crosby & Nash's generation- my generation- did a miserable job of it.

Gahrie said...

The shooter is walking uphill on a ramp, the police car is higher than he is.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Nancy Pelosi has blood on her hands. She asked for this.

"I don't know why everyone isn't rioting in the streets"

Big Mike said...

Is the shooter a child?

To my eyes the shooter moves like a child. Could be a female. Question for you, Althouse. Does it make the crime less heinous if the shooter is not an adult male? Or more so?

And I agree with Sebastian — I cannot sink so far below my basic humanity to unify with people who ambush cops or any other people, much less unify with the sort of people who would block entrances to hospital emergency rooms.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Angry Nazi leftwing assholes inspired by Democrat leaders and Pedolanders.

Lyle said...

Yes, looks like a young teenager.

Michael K said...

Compton has been a black suburb for decades but has recently seen a lot of Hispanic in-migration.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Challenge: Find the earliest tweet that (seriously) questioned if BLM and/or Antifa are creations of Roger Stone. Not in a joke/political way. Go.

Kai Akker said...

I hope the "protestors" die, and soon. They should volunteer for a climate-change measurement project in Antarctica. They can feel morally superior until they stop feeling anything.

Rusty said...

The usual suspects should be happy. This is what they wanted. This is what they have all been working toward.
I hope to god the officers recover.

Achilles said...

We must hold the people who are responsible for this accountable.

There are about a thousand or so of them and they are all billionaires.

They think they are safe in their mansions and island fortresses and they are.

But we cannot just focus on the stupid people they are paying and organizing. This means the owner of the Wapo and Comcast and Disney.

Ken B said...

I don’t know the word for that figure of speech, but AA's “our President” suggests she thinks his response a bad one.

mockturtle said...

Looks like a woman and runs like one.

Mark said...

Is the shooter a child?

Experience shows that terrorists do tend to radicalize children.

And this is now terrorism.

Megthered said...

Your democrat supporters in action.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Dear White LEFT Antifa pussies - get out of your leftwing comfort BS city of Portland and go to Compton.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Not contemptible enough to flip California from Biden, but might eo ipso be sufficient to turn one or more other states. Assholes.

JAORE said...

The old "biggest lies" are outdated. Here are some of the new ones thanks to media.

Antifa is a "myth" - Nads
BLM is a civil rights movement.
The protests are"mostly" peaceful (depending on time of day one supposes).
Cops have declared an open season on black men.
The Republicans are the divisive party....

wendybar said...

Thanks Obama. Thanks for hating on the Police and starting the BLM movement. Thanks for dividing America, and making us all more racist than we have ever been before. This will not end well, no matter who wins. The left has gone crazy, and there is no way to stop them until we send in the military. It's time.

Darrell said...

Lefty nuts start early.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Speaking of Trump flags, around here most Trump flags were MAGA or KAGA flags.

This year most of the Trump flags say "no more bullshit."

Robert Cook said...

The actions and words of some of these protestors is so counterproductive to their own purposes, so tone deaf, so heedless of the probable antagonizing effect on the support of the public at large, support one would presume they are trying to win, one must wonder if some of the culprits can be agents provocateurs. If they’re not undercover cops, one can only conclude these nitwits are overgrown infants, who believe their extreme temper tantrums and stamp-the-floor certainty of their own righteousness justifies any behavior, no matter how obnoxious.

I am inclined to think there are self-righteous assholes AND undercover cops in play.

Mary Beth said...

They were reporting that the video was shot through a fisheye lens, so the perspective is skewed.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Could be a fat little Mexican woman too.

gilbar said...

David Begley said...
Here in Nebraska, flags are at half staff for a policeman murdered in the line of duty

David, i was just driving through nebraska yesterday (was in colorado with my chicago relatives)
and was wondering why the flags were at half staff; thanx for update
May the policeman's soul rest in peace. GOD Bless

Greg Hlatky said...

I'm told this is the moral equivalent of the Normandy invasion.

gilbar said...

people are murdering police... a LOT of police
Igna? Howard? ARM? Crack Emcee? any comments?

Gerrard787 said...

Police has come out and said that the surveillance camera uses a fish eye lens which could be giving a distorted compressed look to the video.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"The press will ignore this, of course. It’s not like it was a white high school boy allegedly smirking."

-Glenn Reynolds

If the MSM does mention, they will spin it and lie.

Tragic Christian said...

Jim in Vermont said:

Let me guess, NPR?

Yep. It was.

Narayanan said...

some adult? gave him the gun?

Matt Sablan said...

"Sooner or later cops, especially detectives, are going to turn a blind eye to those that kill protestors, Antifa, BLM, and the Mayors that shield them."

-- I think it will be interesting if a protester on the right gets arrested and sues based on view point discrimination. I doubt it would fly, since, you know, they WERE breaking the law. But it would be interesting if they could far enough along to force discovery on why charges were brought against them but guys like the Portland shooter were let off free to murder again.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

This is terrorism, straight up.

DanTheMan said...

If the shooter is 13 or younger, I don't believe they can be tried as an adult in California.

Ken B said...

1 refuses to condemn the shootings except as losing tactics
2 suggests the shooter is a cop

Worse than Chuck tbh.

Narayanan said...

what is the source of the footage we are seeing? there is no mention of it!

Is the technology I see on Person of Interest not real? I am so disappointed.

Michael K said...

Cook demonstrates the "Useful Idiot" nicely.

stlcdr said...

Blogger Ken B said...
I don’t know the word for that figure of speech, but AA's “our President” suggests she thinks his response a bad one.

9/13/20, 9:37 AM

Which, I suppose, begs the question: how, if at all, should the President respond?

The president responded the may most normal people would respond. Again, I wonder, how can any cop wake up each day and decide to go to work?

rcocean said...

WHO are the protesters? WHO are the killers? Race? Politics?

If the news media are silent on the details, we all know they're black and BLM/antifa.

Drago said...

DanTheMan: "If the shooter is 13 or younger, I don't believe they can be tried as an adult in California."

In Chicago we have reports that antifa/BLM/Howard's Heroes are now openly aligning with the street gangs (similar to all leftist movements across the globe) and those street gangs have made it known that if any police officer goes for their weapon the street gangs will execute those police officers.

This is what the democraticals/LLR-lefties are supporting and cheering.

And one particular gang tactic has long been to use very young children for executions and other crimes precisely because they cannot be tried as adults and once the child criminals come of age their records are closed and they get to basically start over in a legal sense.

It comes as no surprise at all that we are now seeing the tactical deployment of established street gang tactics in support of what the democraticals/LLR-lefties are trying to achieve with their marxist programs.

Matt Sablan said...

"The actions and words of some of these protestors is so counterproductive to their own purposes, so tone deaf, so heedless of the probable antagonizing effect on the support of the public at large, support one would presume they are trying to win, one must wonder if some of the culprits can be agents provocateurs."

-- Yeah. You know those agent provocateurs and undercover cops. Always trying to stir up people to... kill other cops...

Wait. There might be a flaw in this logical reasoning. Let me see if I can work it out.

Big Mike said...

The president responded the may most normal people would respond.

Yup. Corollary, anyone who doesn't respond the way Trump did is subnormal, or at any rate less than human.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...


Why are you acting so naive? I thought you were down with the revolution.

What did the old Russian revolutionaries say? "the worse, the better." These "protesters" are not advocates for reform the want "nothing short of revolution."

I would guess they are secretly hoping for a Trump win to keep things at a boil and to bring the revolution closer. I think their actions support that thought.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

AA's “our President” suggests she thinks his response a bad one.

After all the screeching of "Not My President" the last few years, "our President" sounds like possessive approval.

Rick said...

“We hope they die”

We need some leftsplaining to understand what they really mean.

Jeff said...

@Robert Cook,
Have you even a sliver of evidence to support your charge that undercover cops may be responsible for the assassination of other cops? Of course you don't, and in almost any other circumstance you'd see how heinous it is to say something like that without evidence. Is this really the kind of thing you want to be remembered for?

buwaya said...

They are provocateurs. They are like the Westboro Church vermin.
The Westboro group would try to sue those they provoked.
This lot though is doing it for political reasons.

The point is to get someone to attack them, or perhaps to get someone on the right, elsewhere, to commit some act of retaliatory violence, or maybe just to "enhance the contradictions".

The MSM can then use the violent reaction to wave its favored bloody shirt, while ignoring the other sides bloody shirts. Consider the immense hue and cry about Charlottesville while much greater things are ignored.

mesquito said...

It’s been obvious from the beginning that this has never been about “justice” - a frightening word when used by fanatics and morons - and is all about an urban power struggle.

Drago said...

Cookie: "The actions and words of some of these protestors is so counterproductive to their own purposes, so tone deaf, so heedless of the probable antagonizing effect on the support of the public at large, support one would presume they are trying to win, one must wonder if some of the culprits can be agents provocateurs."

We do know in 2016 democratical operatives would show up to Trump rallies with nazi gear.

We also know all about the long history of COINTELPRO.

But only a moron would-be stalinist would think the use of children from the hood to commit heinous crimes hasn't been a decades long tactic of street gangs which have, as in Chicago, openly aligned with antifa/BLM to go after cops and that somehow, the cops got that kid to shoot these police officers.

But then, lying about something like that is precisely what a would be stalinist would do.

Duranty smiles at Cookies posts......

mockturtle said...

Bill, RoT speculates: I would guess they are secretly hoping for a Trump win to keep things at a boil and to bring the revolution closer.

I was thinking that very thing this morning. Should Biden win there would be nothing to rail at. And the media presumably feel the same way. Perhaps it explains why the Dems selected the lamest conceivable candidate.

Jack Klompus said...

Florida Man Cookie (who lives in NYC in case you didn't know) has to show off his boujie white radical-chic bona fides as always. What a capital P Poseur that twit is.

mockturtle said...

And Cookie thinks they are undercover cops in play.

Yes, it's so like undercover cops to really play the role by shooting fellow LEOs in their squad car. Cookie, you can't be serious. Can you? What this really is is a kind of mass hysteria on the part of antifa-types. While they may have patrons, their violent behavior has taken on a life of its own.

Jeff said...

The left should remember that Duterte and Fujimori were both elected by voters who were less provoked than many Americans are right now. Don't think it can't happen here.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

A tweet by Deputy Juanita:

LOok at him running away.

LOok how he runs.

Everyone in his neighborhood knows who this shooter is just by his GAIT, SWAG, PIGEON TOE STEP.

Nobody has to know you did the right thing. Just turn him in anonymously at 1-800-222-TIPS

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

CNN's Zucker admitted that Trump is great for business.

Maddow and that fraud Scarburough agree.

Cheryl said...

This is the kind of thing that makes me think we are done. Animals defending animals--the moment you actively wish someone else dies you have given up your soul, I think.

I mean, even after 9/11, I didn't WANT those people to die, but some people just need killing. And a lot of them took care of themselves, anyway.

Rick said...

Robert Cook said...
one must wonder if some of the culprits can be agents provocateurs. If they’re not undercover cops,

Remember, left wingers pretend other people are deranged conspiracy theorists.

mesquito said...

Hey! Whatever happened to Civility Bullshit?

Unknown said...

Please look at this. This is much more serious than you think.36% of college graduates <40 years of age agree violence is acceptable " to achieve my idea of a better society."

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Should Biden win there would be nothing to rail at. And the media presumably feel the same way.

I don't agree with that part of your statement. They will always have something to rail against. When Obama was president we had Occupy Wall Street and the birth of BLM. But it is much better to protest and cause problems with a Republican president because the Dems will join in with massive numbers.

L Day said...

I'm a fairly knowledgeable photographer, I know something about the images produced through super wide angle lenses. The apparent short height of the shooter is not the effect of an extreme wide angle lens. The shooter is EXTREMELY short, a child, a small teen or a extremely short young adult.

natatomic said...

I don’t know....if Biden wins, the riots might die down for a while since the “correct” candidate won (according to BLM and the left).
But what happens when another black criminal is shot/killed by cops during the Biden administration? And it will happen, of course, just as a white man will be shot and killed by cops again. With 350,000,000 in the country, someone armed and dangerous is bound to resist arrest again; that’s not gonna stop just because Biden wins.
So anyway, if Biden wins, next time a black man is killed by cops, the riots will continue. None of this will stop just because there is a ‘D’ in the White House. The Ferguson riots happened during Obama’s term, after all.

I guess that begs the question - when will this REALLY end? And what will it take? Whatever it is, I don’t think it’ll be pretty.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Let's not forget. There was anti-police demonstrations during Obama and remember what happened? police started getting shot at and killed. It's happening again.


NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

mockturtle said...

Looks like a woman and runs like one.

The shooter runs away in an odd manner because his/her pants are falling down. If you look closer at the video you can see them start to slip down when the shooter fires. Also a closer inspection shows that they are already sagging when the shooter walks towards the Sheriff's vehicle. That suggest to me that the shooter is male, you don't generally see too many women with the saggy pants look.

DanTheMan said...

If Cookie's theory is correct, it should be easy to round up all the midget undercover cops.
How many can there be?

Thank goodness Inspector Cookie is on the job with his brilliant insights.

Next up: MH370 was hijacked by a Quantas pilot to increase their market share.

James Pawlak said...

"Child" OR Woman?

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“I am inclined to think there are self-righteous assholes AND undercover cops in play.”

I’m more in the Stalinists using useful idiots to discredit Trotskyites camp. There is a civil war in the Democrat Party right now. Everyday it becomes clearer that defeating Trump is very much a secondary concern. Not defeating Trump and successfully blaming the anti-capitalists is the goal. Then that clean, well-spoken, “moderate” Hispanic congresswoman (or what have you) can put Pence away without breaking a sweat.

gadfly said...

No way that the shooter description can be "generic." The officers were shot by a dwarf.

Randy Newman's hit song "Short People" reached #2 on Billboard in 1978. It was recorded on his album, "Little Criminals."

Steve said...

Trump should have tweeted:

Biden and Harris campaign staff are bailing these folks out to commit additional crimes. Time for that to stop and Biden to disavow.

Biden must DISAVOW!

traditionalguy said...

Insurrection Act anyone?

Sydney said...

This is why I am so provoked by those yard signs that say "Love Matters Most." I assume that they are there in support of BLM. (Am I wrong to assume that?) But the BLM movement is the most hate filled movement I have seen in my lifetime, which is nearing sixty years now.

Sydney said...

Also, flags are at half-mast in Ohio, too, for a policeman shot while sitting in his car. He was undercover, though, so not clear if they thought he was a rival or knew he was a policeman.

JaimeRoberto said...

I eagerly await an explanation from CNN about how Trump's tweet is racist.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“Blogger Ken B said...
I don’t know the word for that figure of speech, but AA's “our President” suggests she thinks his response a bad one.”

Jesus H. How hard is this? They can’t talk about the tweet without talking about what it refers to. It’s the simplest kind of manipulation.

Anita said...

Trump compares the shooter to an animal, so Pelosi will have to step in and remind us that this criminal has a spark of divinity.

Teach us, St. Nancy!

buwaya said...

" I would guess they are secretly hoping for a Trump win "

I doubt it. They are too obviously coordinating with the Democrats, especially financially. This is of course about the election.

They are trying to get another bloody shirt, the more the better.

For these purposes you dont want to kill your enemies, you want to get your own to become martyrs, or better yet to exploit the blood of innocents.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Watch words: If it bleeds it leads.

William said...

It could be the work of a lunatic. Robert Reich has an airtight alibi. What's premeditated and cold is showing up at the hospital to shout "oink, oink" and "I hope he dies" at the police there. That's ugly and hateful. Why is such speech covered by the 1st Amendment and the showing of GWTW problematic?....I flipped over to Reddit to see what the youth of America have to say. There's some outrage over the arrest of the reporter, but, on the front page anyway, there were no reports of the attempted murder of the cops.....I'm sure Kamala and Biden will condemn this. I wonder how they feel about shouting "oink, oink" at cops. Is that that hate speech or does it fall under the 1st Amendment?

Bob Boyd said...

Maybe the shooter is just short and angry.

Original Mike said...

Cookie thought 9/11 was a false flag operation too, so consider the source.

stephen cooper said...

I remember the day after UBL was shot to death, back during Obama's first term, and I remember the comments from Democratic partisans, discussing that even from a politics point of view, comments to the effect that the next election was over.

I am getting the same vibe, for different reasons, from news stories like this.

Bill said...

California is lost. Coming soon to your state, city and town.

Kirk Parker said...


Civil war isn't what they're going to do, it's what they're already doing.

walter said...

A mere piker.
Dallas sniper profile

The NFL blocked decals honoring murdered officers. Now they’re allowing the names of ‘people killed by police’

cronus titan said...

Deomcrats have been goosing these riots and acts since May. Where did they think it was all going? THey gave tepid condemnations of violence, usually attacking straw man right wing protestors that no one can locate, once the riots became a political liability. This will get a lot worse before it gets better. Democrats thought they would benefit from rioting and have lost control.

Jaq said...

"Crowds of protesters blocked the entrance to St. Francis Medical Center in Lynwood, where the wounded officers were in a critical condition, police said. Some protesters chanted “we hope they die,” the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Office said on Twitter. A witness told ABC7 that some had tried to break into the hospital’s emergency room.”

No COVID shaming here though. Not for these guys, even though they are trying to violate an emergency room, where anti COVID precautions are intense for good reason. COVID shaming is only used in the narrative if the perps can be linked to Trump.

Jaq said...

"one must wonder if some of the culprits can be agents provocateurs."

No, the side you have chosen is that stupid.

DavidD said...

“Villanueva, whose department has come under fire during recent protests over racial unrest, expressed frustration over anti-police sentiment as he urged people to pray for the deputies.”

“...whose department has come under fire....”

Said without any apparent irony at all.

Sad. Disgusting. Sad and disgusting.

DavidD said...


“ apparent ambush that drew an angry response from the president and sparked an anti-police protest outside the hospital where the deputies were being treated.”

How does an ambush of the police spark an anti-police protest?

These people are sick.

Jaq said...

"one must wonder if some of the culprits can be agents provocateurs."

Umbrella man appears again! Let’s say it’s true, what does it say that your people are so easily led into this kind of mayhem?

Jaq said...

Isn’t this the second violation of conventions against war crimes?

- First was use of blinding weapons, which is outlawed by international treaty.

- Now we have attacks on the wounded and attempts to deny them medical care.

It’s almost as if the left is not against war crimes, they are just on the other side.

Jaq said...

I would put my money on it’s a child or a woman, and not one of these ‘women’ either

Anonymous said...

These protesters should be charged with making unofficial in-kind donations to the Re-elect Trump Campaign.

Marshall Rose said...

The actions and words of some of these protestors is so counterproductive to their own purposes, so tone deaf, so heedless of the probable antagonizing effect on the support of the public at large, support one would presume they are trying to win, one must wonder if some of the culprits can be agents provocateurs.

Naive to assume that they want the same things as you do.

Isn't it more likely that you don't understand their motives or objectives?
Why don't you step back from your goals and try to figure out what exactly they DO want based upon their actual actions.

MD Greene said...

I'm not sure I understand what the protesters want. The police never have been of any help to me when I truly could have used it, but as a theoretical construct I believe we need some countervailing force besides an armed citizenry to maintain calm on the streets.

In Portland, where I grew up, I doubt the Antifa idealists spend their mornings ringing doorbells to encourage votes for Biden. It looks like straight-up anarchy pursued by a bunch of people, mostly men aged 18-50, who have suffered long-term failures to launch. Their behavior won't inspire recruits to fight in a new civil war, but the point, for them, may be to adopt a higher, nobler sense of purpose, especially if it comes with the opportunity to bully others who won't fight back.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Compton has been a black suburb for decades but has recently seen a lot of Hispanic in-migration.”

Apparently the ethnic friction is getting fairly bad there. Hispanics apparently came out to support the deputies, while blacks were hoping for them to die. Read somewhere that there is a rumor going around there that Hispanic deputies were getting a special tattoo whenever they took out a Black.

The Dems (esp BLM) seem determined to start a race war, if it will help beat Trump. But they don’t seem to have understood that such a race war wasn’t going to be Black/White, but rather Black/Hispanic. And that could be catastrophic for them politically, if they continue to support the Blacks, while Trump and the Republicans do Hispanic outreach, esp in supporting law and order. Sure, Hispanics have their own gangs, which vie with Black gangs. But they are still dominated by intact extended families.

Original Mike said...

None of this reported at Memeorandum River.

Marshall Rose said...

As to the height of the shooter. The police car is an SUV so it is not that small of a vehicle. The shooter is not as tall as the SUV, but that is not anything remarkable.

Jason said...

Get Shorty.

Robert Cook said...

1 refuses to condemn the shootings except as losing tactics
2 suggests the shooter is a cop”

I’m not referring to shooters, as they are obviously just criminals, on both sides. I’m referring to rioting, vandalism, and shouting inflammatory things such as “We hope they die!”

gilbar said...

Why don't you step back from your goals and try to figure out what exactly they DO want based upon their actual actions.

No Borders!
No Wall!
No USA, At ALL!!!

Yancey Ward said...

Blame Climate Change.

Yancey Ward said...

And Trump's tweet is deliberately worded the way it is to provoke pushback from his political enemies. As someone above noted, it is the way a normal person would talk and write- Trump realizes his enemies are abnormal in pretty much every way possible, and he works to highlight that fact.

Robert Cook said...

@Robert Cook,
Have you even a sliver of evidence to support your charge that undercover cops may be responsible for the assassination of other cops?”

I didn’t make that insinuation. You inferred incorrectly.

Anonymous said...

Michael K said...
Compton has been a black suburb for decades but has recently seen a lot of Hispanic in-migration.

The racial implication of what may be a Black 12 y/o gang banger executing one or more Hispanic cops in Compton can't be ignored.

Nothing said yet about the ethnicity of the 2 police officers, but LASD is heavily Hispanic.

Jaq said...

“Compton has been a black suburb for decades but has recently seen a lot of Hispanic in-migration.”

Blacks are the real victims of illegal immigration. Immigration which benefits the wealthy, the owning class.

Robert Cook said...

”Remember, left wingers pretend other people are deranged conspiracy theorists.”

I don’t think it’s leftists who think global warming or COVID-19 are fabricated to reap grant riches or destroy capitalism (or make Trump look bad, which he does quite successfully himself).

Jim at said...

You built this, leftists.
Own it.

ALP said...

Boston Dynamics is watching, very closely, and taking notes...

gilbar said...

Dr K said...
Cook demonstrates the "Useful Idiot" nicely.

i'm So Old,
i can remember way back when Robert Cook was just a lying shit; instead of a moronic idiot

Seriously Cook; work on your game! Try reading what you post
[here's fresh Cook..]
I’m not referring to shooters, as they are obviously just criminals, on both sides

So, There You Have IT! According to Robert Cook..
Police "are obviously just criminals"
whereas, one must wonder if some of the culprits doing the
rioting, vandalism, and shouting inflammatory things such as “We hope they die!”
are agents provocateurs

Did i misquote you robert?

Anonymous said...

These abominations (assassination and ER protests) don't change the election dynamic in CA, it's too tilted to the Dems, but it will have an impact in NV and AZ if one of those Sheriffs is Hispanic.

Orly said...

NPR reporter and she didn’t have her credentials with her.

Michael said...

Low IQ cretins, likely illiterate, clearly unable to control emotions. Imagine what it is like to live as they do, imagine what goes on in those arid and smallish brains.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Looks like LA Co. Sheriff uses Ford Police Interceptor suv's. The height on those is 69.4 in. Shooter appears to be almost as tall as the vehicle, so I'd guesstimate anywhere from about 5'6" to 5'8". Might be a woman, might be an older teen, but it's not a kid.

I Callahan said...

Democrats thought they would benefit from rioting and have lost control.

Assuming this is true, the question is why? On what planet with a yellow sun is it logical that riots where Democrats run everything would translate to Republicans being blamed for it? Are Democrat operatives that cocooned that they have no understanding of how people would think about that?

The ironic thing is this: if that were the case, there would be no reason for the media to bend backwards and not show the rioting.

The Crack Emcee said...

My neighborhood is the home of the slaves:

it'll never change.

Y'all's whistlin' past the graveyard.

effinayright said...

Robert Cook said...
”Remember, left wingers pretend other people are deranged conspiracy theorists.”

I don’t think it’s leftists who think global warming or COVID-19 are fabricated to reap grant riches or destroy capitalism (or make Trump look bad, which he does quite successfully himself).

snort. Leftists say exactly that:

"Ending climate change requires the end of capitalism. Have we got the stomach for it?"

5M - Eckstine said...

People on one one of two sides.

1. vote for Trump.

2. Support the killing of police.

Amadeus 48 said...

"I don’t think it’s leftists who think global warming or COVID-19 are fabricated to reap grant riches or destroy capitalism (or make Trump look bad, which he does quite successfully himself)."

Straw man alert!

I don't think rightists think these things, either. Many of us have questions, opinions, and concerns about the attempts to panic and stampede the public, whether it is global warming or Covid 19. The response in the West to Covid 19 is a disgrace to rational thought and historic experience. The global warming/climate change issue also resembles a global panic. This isn't the way to deal with complicated issues.


5M - Eckstine said...

does joe biden have dementia

First type it in Google.

Then type it in any other search engine.

See what the suggested searches look like as you type each letter.

I Callahan said...

I don’t think it’s leftists who think global warming or COVID-19 are fabricated to reap grant riches or destroy capitalism (or make Trump look bad, which he does quite successfully himself).

This is a lame ass response by even your own standards. Basically it’s just “whataboutism”. You say something insane and justify it by saying Trump supporters believe and say insane things.

Do better.

James K said...

If the shooter is 13 or younger, I don't believe they can be tried as an adult in California.

If the shooter is 13 or younger, some adult (or at least someone over 13) is behind this.

bgates said...

This is what it's like watching academics try to cure racism.

PhilD said...

"It’s almost as if the left is not against war crimes, they are just on the other side."

Almost? That has been the Left's modus vivendi since the French Revolution.

Amadeus 48 said...

"The shooter is EXTREMELY short, a child, a small teen or a extremely short young adult."

As I said above, the shooter is a short little bastard.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Convicted "protesters" should be put to work cleaning up the destroyed businesses and houses. Carrying 50-lb chunks of concrete everyday for a year would give them a new attitude about looting and arson. Might also build some muscles on those soyboy and soygirl arms.

I Callahan said...

My neighborhood is the home of the slaves: it'll never change. Y'all's whistlin' past the graveyard.

What exactly does this bullshit even mean? By the way: you, nor anyone alive has ever been a slave.

hstad said...

"...If the shooter is 13 or younger...?" Gang member in training for MS - 13.

Marshall Rose said...

does joe biden have dementia

First type it in Google.

Then type it in any other search engine.

This is exactly why I use duckduckgo as my first search engine.

Repeat the search with Trump and dementia and google supresses autocomplete options the same way.

It may be surpressing both, but it is still supression.

hstad said...

Blogger The Crack Emcee said..."...My neighborhood is the home of the slaves..."9/13/20, 1:55 PM

Interesting observation, Crack, yet you keep voting in your 'Slave Masters' the Democrats. You might try another avenue, since being stubborn isn't working for your "...neighborhood..."

Robert Cook said...

”You say something insane....”

No, I didn’t.

bagoh20 said...

Many of us passionately want Trump reelected, and this stuff is helping more than anything else that could be done to that end, but we also hate this violence, and desperately want it to stop. That's a difference between Trump supporters and Biden's, who when they thought it helped their goals, were just fine with it. They only seem upset that it hurts Biden. How else can you explain their attempts to cover it up, to hide it from the public who might demand it be stopped?

Jupiter said...

"Yup. Corollary, anyone who doesn't respond the way Trump did is subnormal, or at any rate less than human."

Not subnormal. Not less than human. Just Enemy.

PJ57 said...

People are going to start thinking it is time for a race war. And that one side has numbers, guns, money, and brains.

Indigo Red said...

NPR KPCC reporter Josie Huang ran through the police line, ignored repeated commands to stay back. She did not ID herself and carried no credentials.

Drago said...

Crack: "Y'all's whistlin' past the graveyard."

Whistlin' past the graveyard!

Wrote a song 'bout it. Like to hear it? Here it go.......

ALP said...

"Ending climate change requires the end of capitalism. Have we got the stomach for it?"

I am biased about this issue owing to the fact I grew up, and have worked around, engineers and other science types. If they were ONLY motivated by money - the question above might be a good one. But they are motivated by *Solving Problems*. And the engineer/scientist that Solves the Problem may not get rich, but they sure as hell would get a lot of *respect* and accolades for doign so. IMHO that is motivation enough.

Paco Wové said...

"Ending climate change requires the end of capitalism. Have we got the stomach for it?"

So now The Guardian is all about ending climate change, eh? Well good luck with that.

(You could replace "climate change" with any other Guardianista bogeyman and the headline would be just as likely)

Drago said...

Cookie: "I don’t think it’s leftists who think global warming or COVID-19 are fabricated to reap grant riches or destroy capitalism..."

Cookie milling about...and "hiding the decline".

Tell us more about the hockey stick.

Tell us more about East Anglia University-CRU and how all those "scientists" lost their data. Like, all of it. But only after a couple years of lawsuits where the "scientists" fought like mad to NOT share their raw data and their data manipulation right up until that moment when the case was lost, then WHAMMO!!

No data available!

I know what you're thinking.

Did any of these guys end up working on the Mueller Hoax Team? The answer is no, but leftists do what leftists do regardless of circumstance.

William said...

So here's a question. How long will the media keep going with their attempt to skew the narrative and ignore the truth about what's going on with these "peaceful" protests?

Don't you think at some point one of these guys is going to say to his(her) colleagues, "Hey, we've jumped the shark on this one. Things are really getting out of control out there, and I'm not sure we can bring things back."

Living in their own little isolated, idealistic, and idyllic worlds, these guys have no idea that these are truly bad people who won't hesitate to do bad things whenever and wherever the opportunity arises. Their agenda is totally different than the media's agenda.

It looks like the cork is already out of the bottle (sorry for overplaying my metaphors here), and this mob rule thing could easily turn into major civil unrest, the likes of which none of us have ever seen (or imagined).

The media cannot—and will not—be able to hide from its role as a major enabler. That can't end well for the MSM as an institution per se or for the First Amendment.

If it keeps going like it has been going (November 3rd or not), it's not going to end well.

Marc in Eugene said...

The NYT article about this incident doesn't mention any dancing outside the hospital.

hawkeyedjb said...

The Crack Emcee said...
My neighborhood is the home of the slaves

You live in Sudan? Internet connection pretty good there?

stevew said...

That is just disgusting behavior by the shooter and the "protesters" at the hospital. People that value human life don't behave that way. Those that do behave like this should be arrested and punished. They are forfeiting their freedom.

robother said...

Whatever the motive of the shooter (e.g.,revenge for the LASD's killing of a guy Thursday who opened fire on them), the BLM protestors' own footage of their attempted "visit" of the sheriff deputies and their taunts of officers in this highly charged situation should make BLM pariahs forever. The likely reality, that no one in the Democrat Party, the NBA or the NFL will condemn BLM or this "protest" (provocation) tells you all you really need to know.

Kevin said...

Is the shooter a child?

If so that accounts for the rabid need by the crowd to prevent the officers from surviving.

When Dems aren't taking orders from "experts", they're taking them from children.

Quaestor said...

My neighborhood is the home of the slaves:

We don't get much useful work out of those slaves. Maybe if we sold 'em to China...

BTW, Crack should learn the difference between the colon and the semicolon. Is he able?

exhelodrvr1 said...

Pick your side

MayBee said...

bgates said...
This is what it's like watching academics try to cure racism.


walter said...

Crack takes a break from the cotton fields of Oakland.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

lemme guess:

the left are more outraged over Trump's tweet than the cold blooded attempted murder of 2 police officers.


Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

ARM is a natural-born slave, and will be a slave all his life. There’s only one way to freedom.

Jon Ericson said...

She's so smart. She must be afraid. Rightfully so.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"On what planet with a yellow sun is it logical that riots where Democrats run everything would translate to Republicans being blamed for it? Are Democrat operatives that cocooned that they have no understanding of how people would think about that?"

I've seen on twitter the argument: duh stupid anti-science wingers, Dems have been in control for decades without these riots, Trump is the only thing different, ergo he is at fault.

And if you don't think Maxine Waters and the gangbangers who control her don't think this is high-level Real Politik, then you don't know progs.

cubanbob said...

I remember travelling in Brazil in the early eighties when the cops were killing violent criminals extrajudicially. At some point, this may happen here if this continues. I also doubt most people will care if these violent communists are found dead. Indeed, as long as the killing is confined to the violent commies and there supporters most people will either cheer or not care. In the movie Magnum Force the rogue cops were stopped by Dirty Harry. In real life, Inspector Callahan would probably turn a blind eye.

n.n said...

Some, Select [Black] Lives Matter. So endearing. So Pro-Choice. Lose your quasi-religion ("ethics").

Todd Roberson said...

Cook - whom I used to disagree with but respected - is now the equivalent of Ritmo.

Pro tip: If you say idiotic shit that you know is such, best to just be silent later.

h said...

Night's comment at 2:06. If you haven't done this, and if you are skeptical about whether or not google is an unbaised search engine, try it. Duckduckgo: start with "does" and the very first suggested autofill is "does joe biden have dementia". But go to and type "does" and then "does joe biden" and then "does joe biden have demen" and you still do not get a suggested autofill. I'll admit, I don't truly understand "algorithms" and how search engines work. But it does seem to me like duckduckgo is actually trying to lead me to articles about BIden's mental status, and google is actually trying to avoid leading me to such articles. (Once I have typed the full phrase into google, I do get to articles that discuss Joe BIden's mental status.)

Rick said...

Robert Cook said...
[”Remember, left wingers pretend other people are deranged conspiracy theorists.”]

I don’t think it’s leftists who think global warming or COVID-19 are fabricated to reap grant riches or destroy capitalism (or make Trump look bad, which he does quite successfully himself).

It's revealing left wingers believe money corrupts people only in free economies. Apparently once people work for noble institutions fighting global warming monetary rewards cease to be corrupting. You can see the complete failure of their entire worldview in this tiny microcosm.

HMuns said...

When do sane Liberals start apologizing for their tribe?

minnesota farm guy said...

@tim in Vermont I think you are absolutely correct that illegal immigration harms blacks first and foremost. Note the advancement of black employment and wages as Trump tried to choke off illegals. I also think it has a negative effect on legal immigrants and that they are very aware of it. If nothing else it impacts wage scales because there is always an excess supply of labor. I am convinced legal immigrants figured that out long ago.

I also think you are absolutely correct in blaming the "owning classes". Look at the America defeating behavior of the Wall Streeters who happily funded the offshoring of American industry. Same thing.

Jon Ericson said...

It must break one's heart -- to have come this far and have it all fall apart.

Jon Ericson said...

Endgame. Double or nothing.

Paco Wové said...

The phrases "kamala harris" "anchor baby" (with quotes) show interesting differences between Google-based search engines and Bing-based search engines, also (credit to Steve Sailer for noticing).

mockturtle said...

Here's a suggestion for dealing with the malcontents and chronically offended in our midst: Trade them to Mexico for all the illegals we have taken in. At least many, if not most, of the Mexican immigrants work and seem to be glad to be here.

stevew said...

bagoh20 @3:08PM; yep.

buwaya said...

I suspect that NPR reporter was deliberately trying to get martyr cred.
Perhaps she was in on the coordinated attempt to provoke an incident that could be exploited. NPR is certainly in the loop as a partisan asset.

Suspect everything and everyone. This US situation is crawling with active 4G warfare operators. No doubt foreign operators as well.

Ken B said...

Blocking a hospital and wishing death on young mothers used to be unpopular.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Does Crack realize blacks make up about 13 percent of the US population?

The only reason you think you're in a position to make demands is because white liberals are permitting you to do so. Does you think Hispanics give one shit about your racial grievances?

mikesixes said...

Does Patton Oswalt have an alibi?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

northOfTheOneOhOne said...
mockturtle said...

That suggest to me that the shooter is male, you don't generally see too many women with the saggy pants look.

9/13/20, 11:20 AM

The saggy pants look became passe quite a few years ago. Probably because while it helped thugs hide their weapons, the pants of said thugs had a way of falling down while they were running from the cops. So - not really a practical fashion for the criminally minded and those who admire the criminals.

bobby said...

These people are desperate to provoke some sort of anti-black backlash - because of the progress Trump has made in convincing large numbers of blacks that the Democrats should not be their natural choice. They seek to goad a reaction so that they can trumpet what the "white racists" are really like.

Hopefully, what they end up goading into life is an anti-Marxist backlash.

bobby said...

To those of you speaking about how illegal immigration has hurt blacks while using the changing demographics of Compton as your proof:

I grew up in Compton. Left there about 55 years ago. It was an all-Mexican town then. The blacks took it over. Drove the Mexicans out violently.

So don't make it sound like the Mexicans stole Compton from the blacks.

I'm Not Sure said...

"Does you think Hispanics give one shit about your racial grievances?"

Mentioned this before, but it bears repeating- the Hispanics (read: US citizens whose parents came from Mexico) I know don't give the least little shit about the slavery grievances blacks can't seem to let go of. You want to see what real racism is? Ask them about it (the Hispanics, not the blacks)- they won't be afraid to tell you what they think.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Use duckduckgo and type in:

Is Biden senile

No auto complete.

Not sure what that means. Does auto completes to dies joe biden have dementia.

Not sure what all that means.

mockturtle said...

"The department later announced a $100,000 reward for any information leading to the gunman's arrest. He was described as Black man between 28-30 years old. Authorities say he was wearing dark clothing and was last seen going northbound on Willowbrook Avenue in a black four-door sedan." From ABC 7 in L.A.

Jason said...

I yield to no one in my antipathy toward lefttardism. But I must come to Cookie’s defense in this instance.

It seems clear to me that Cookie’s reference to agents provocateurs/false flag operations was regarding the protesters outside the hospital shouting “we hope they die,” and not to the actual shooting.

DeepRunner said...

Probably some kid (the gait doesn't look like an adult) who heard NWA and said, yeah, that's it.

Straight Outta Compton. Wonder how Dr. Dre and Ice Cube feel now.

Unknown said...

Ceremony for the new religion

Nobody still gives a shit about blacks

They are just useful idiots to the Socialists

used like climax change

RichardJohnson said...

Robert Cook
@ 9:49 must wonder if some of the culprits can be agents provocateurs...I am inclined to think there are self-righteous assholes AND undercover cops in play.

@ 1:02 p.m.
I’m not referring to shooters, as they are obviously just criminals, on both sides. I’m referring to rioting, vandalism, and shouting inflammatory things such as “We hope they die!”

Let's consider just inflammatory statements. Unfortunately for your claim, BLM has a rather extensive track record of saying inflammatory things about police. Consider one example:
2015:Black Lives Matter organizer stands by group's chant to cook police officers like 'pigs in a blanket' and 'fry 'em like bacon.'

Consider many examples: DuckDuckGo search: BLM chants kill police.

JAORE said...

My neighborhood is the home of the slaves

No, no. The Lyric is "Home of the brave".

I blame Cracks version of auto-correct.

Tina Trent said...

If Glenn Reynolds wants to denounce this, he can get his ass off the reflexively anti-cop libertarian bullshit he pukes out regularly. Then make serious amends. Then and only then pile on.

What an ambitious asshole.

PM said...

Bad reporting. A few people. One asshat yelling.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

vote for democrats = a vote for nancy and this shit.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

I'm Not Sure,

About the worst episode of racism I've seen personally (that really should be "episodes," as this happened every time I was there) was the treatment of the Hispanic staff of a Burger King by their Black customers. It was the reflexive cruelty of someone who feels weak kicking someone else yet weaker than himself. It was vile and incessant, and the staff (all of whom deserved hazard pay) meticulously ignored it.

This, btw, was in SF's Mission District, styled a "food desert" by activists despite the pho house, the Indian buffet, and the little Chinese place I walked past on the way to work every day -- not to mention the fantastically large Asian market on one side of 16th St., the whopping Latino grocery and carneceria on the other side -- oh, and the ginormous Safeway, all of which the Black kids had to walk past too, on their way to chew up some burgers and chew out some Hispanics. It was literally, among all these choices, the only place in that neighborhood I ever saw Black kids eat.

Jason said...

Michelle: I witnessed the same thing... prolonged, vile racist abuse from a black customer toward a Latina cashier at McDonalds.

Punchline: it was pretty near you, in Tigard, a suburb of Portland.

Portlandia progtards are constantly projecting their own crazed, vile racism and bigotry on normal people.

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